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Wikipedia:WikiProject Animal anatomy/Lists of pages/Articles

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  • 1156+1156 15:42, 15 July 2015 (UTC)



Abdomen Abducens nerve Abomasum Acarinarium Accessory bone Acetabulum (morphology) Acicula Acidopore Acrodont Acromion Acrosome Adipose eyelid Adrenal gland Aedeagus Air sacs Alae (nematode anatomy) Albinism in biology Alisphenoid strut Alula Alveolar gland Ambulacral Amnion Amniotic sac Amphid Ampullae of Lorenzini Ampullary cupula Amygdala Anal gland Anal scale Anatomical terms of bone Anatomical terms of location Anatomy Anchor cell Anguilliformity Angular bone Animal tooth development Antenna (biology) Antennal lobe Antler Antorbital fenestra Anus Aperture (mollusc) Apex (mollusc) Apocrine sweat gland Appendage Appendicular skeleton Aptery Aptychus Aquatic respiration Arciferal Arcopallium Arctometatarsal Arista (insect anatomy) Armour (anatomy) Arthropod cuticle Arthropod exoskeleton Arthropod eye Arthropod head problem Arthropod leg Arthropod mouthparts Articular bone Auditory cortex Auditory system Avian pallium Axial skeleton Axon Back (horse) Bacteriocyte Bacteriome Baculum Baleen Barbel (anatomy) Basilar papilla Beak Beak (bivalve) Bidder's organ Bifid penis Bilateria Biological neural network Biological screw joint Biological system Bird anatomy Bird feet and legs Bird vision Bivalve shell Blastula Blowhole (anatomy) Blue whale penis Body plan Body whorl Bone Bone marrow Bone tissue Book lung Brain Branchial arch Branchial heart Branchiostegal lung Brille Brindle Bristle Brood patch Brood pouch (Peracarida) Buccal pumping Bulbourethral gland Bulbus arteriosus Bulbus glandis Bursa of Fabricius Byssus Calamistrum Calcar Callosity Callus (mollusc) Calypter Calyx (anatomy) Camera (cephalopod) Campaniform sensilla Cancellous bone Canine penis Canine terminology Canine tooth Canthal scales Canthus (herpetology) Capsular process Cardiac muscle Carnassial Carpometacarpus Carpus and tarsus of land vertebrates Cartilage Caruncle Caruncle (bird anatomy) Caryophyllidia Cat anatomy Cat senses Category:A-Class Animal anatomy articles Category:Anatomy articles about animal anatomy Category:Animal anatomy articles by importance Category:Animal anatomy articles by quality Category:Animal anatomy articles needing expert attention Category:Animal anatomy stubs Category:B-Class Animal anatomy articles Category:C-Class Animal anatomy articles Category:Disambig-Class Animal anatomy articles Category:Draft-Class Animal anatomy articles Category:Extinct tetrapods Category:FA-Class Animal anatomy articles Category:FL-Class Animal anatomy articles Category:File-Class Animal anatomy articles Category:GA-Class Animal anatomy articles Category:High-importance Animal anatomy articles Category:Insect anatomy stubs Category:List-Class Animal anatomy articles Category:Low-importance Animal anatomy articles Category:Mid-importance Animal anatomy articles Category:NA-Class Animal anatomy articles Category:NA-importance Animal anatomy articles Category:Portal-Class Animal anatomy articles Category:Project-Class Animal anatomy articles Category:Rodent anatomy Category:Start-Class Animal anatomy articles Category:Stub-Class Animal anatomy articles Category:Template-Class Animal anatomy articles Category:Top-importance Animal anatomy articles Category:Unassessed Animal anatomy articles Category:Unknown-importance Animal anatomy articles Category:WikiProject Animal anatomy Category:WikiProject Animal anatomy articles Category:WikiProject Animal anatomy members Caudal mucous pit Caudal ramus Caudofemoralis Cenchrus (insect anatomy) Cephalon (arthropod head) Cephalopod beak Cephalopod dermal structures Cephalopod eye Cephalopod fin Cephalopod limb Cephalothorax Cerata Cercus Cerebellum Cervix (insect anatomy) Chaeta Chaetotaxy Chameleon vision Chela (organ) Chelicerae Chemoreceptor Chestnut (horse anatomy) Chevron (anatomy) Chin shields Chloride cell Chordotonal organ Chorion (egg) Chromatophore Cilia (entomology) Circulatory system Circulatory system of gastropods Circulatory system of the horse Cirrate shell Clamp (zoology) Clasper Clausilium Clavicle Claw Cleavage (embryo) Cleithrum Clitellum Clitoris Cloaca Cloven hoof Club (anatomy) Clypeus Cnemial crest Cnidocyte Cnidosac Coat (dog) Coelom Coenenchyme Coenosarc Coenosteum Coffin bone Colloblast Collophore Columella (auditory system) Columella (gastropod) Comb (anatomy) Commissure Comparative anatomy Comparative foot morphology Conchology Condition index Condyle (anatomy) Connective tissue Conus papillaris Convoluted tubule Coracoid Coracoid tubercle Coral Coral island Corallite Corium (entomology) Corneous Cornicle Corpus allatum Cortex (anatomy) Cortical bone Cosmine Costa (coral) Covert feather Coxal gland Cranial kinesis Crest (feathers) Cribellum Crista acustica Crocodilian armor Crop (anatomy) Crown (anatomy) Crurotarsal Cryptonephridium Ctenidium (mollusc) Cubital index Cuneiform bones Cutaneous respiration Cuticle Cutis (anatomy) Cuttlebone Cuvierian tubules Cyamella (bone) Dactylus Dactyly Decapod anatomy Deep homology Deer penis Dentition Dermal bone Dermis Deutocerebrum Dewclaw Dewlap Digestion Digestive system of gastropods Digit (anatomy) Digital Fish Library Dinosaur coloration Dinosaur senses Dinosaur vision Diploblasty Diverticulum (mollusc) Dog anatomy Dorsal fin Dorsal nerve cord Dorsal scales Dorsum (anatomy) Down feather Duct (anatomy) Dufour's gland Dulla (organ) Duvernoy's gland Dyar's law Eagle eye Ear Ear tuft Eardrum Ecomorphology Ectoderm Ectotympanic Egg Egg cell Egg tooth Eggshell Eimer's organ Elastic cartilage Elastic mechanisms in animals Electric organ Elytron Embryo Embryological origins of the mouth and anus Endochondral ossification Endocranium Endocrine system Endoderm Endoskeleton Endostyle Entepicondylar foramen Enteric nervous system Entorhinal cortex Epiathroid Epicondyle Epidermis Epidermis (zoology) Epigyne Epimorphosis Epiphragm Epipophyses Epipubic bone Epithelium Epoccipital Equine anatomy Equine conformation Equine reproductive system Equine vision Ergot (horse anatomy) Esophagus Estimating the age of fish Euthyneury Excretory system Excretory system of gastropods Exocrine gland Exoskeleton Exostosis External morphology of Lepidoptera Extraocular muscles Exuvia Eye Eye color Facial disc Facial suture (trilobite anatomy) Feather Feather hole Feathering (horse) Fecal shield Femoral pore Fetlock Fibrocartilage Fifth metacarpal bone Fin Firmisternal First metacarpal bone Fish anatomy Fish bone Fish development Fish fin Fish gill Fish jaw Fish measurement Fish reproduction Fish scale Flame cell Flank gland Flat bone Flight feather Flipper (anatomy) Follicle (anatomy) Foramen of Panizza Forehand (horse) Forelimb Forelock Forked tongue Fourth metacarpal bone Fourth trochanter Frenulum Frizzle (chicken plumage) Frog (horse) Frontal eye fields Frontal scale Frontal shield Funnel–mantle locking apparatus Fur Furcula Furcula (springtail) Gallbladder Gamete Ganglion Ganoine Gaster (insect anatomy) Gastralium Gastric shield Gastropod shell Gastrovascular cavity Gastrulation General somatic afferent fibers Genital papilla Germ layer Gill Gill raker Gill slit Girdle (chiton) Gizzard Gladius (cephalopod) Gland Glochidium Glossary of mammalian dental topography Glossohyal Glycogen body Gnathosoma Gonad Gonophore Gonopod Gonopore Gracility Great appendage Grüneberg ganglion Gubernaculum (nematode anatomy) Gular fold Gular scale Gular skin Gustatory system Gut (anatomy) Guttural pouch HVC (avian brain region) Hackles Haemal arch Hair cell Haller's organ Halteres Hancock's organ Haptor Harderian gland Harvestman anatomy Hatschek's pit Head Heart Heater cell Hectocotylus Hen feathering in cocks Hepatic caecum Hepatopancreas Hinge line Hinge teeth Hip bone Hippocampus Hock (anatomy) Holdfast Holochroal eye Holoptic Homology (biology) Hoof Horn (anatomy) Horse hoof Horse teeth Humeral spine Hunter-Schreger band Hyaline cartilage Hyaline shield Hydrostatic skeleton Hyena butter Hyoid apparatus Hyoid bone Hyomandibula Hypoathroid Hypobranchial gland Hyposphene-hypantrum articulation Hypostome Hypostome (tick) Hypothalamus Ilium (bone) Imaginal disc Immune system Immune systems Incisor procumbency Infrared sensing in snakes Infrared sensing in vampire bats Infratemporal fenestra Infundibulum (tooth) Ink sac Inner ear Insect morphology Insect mouthparts Insect reproductive system Insect wing Integument Integumentary system Interclavicle Interdental plate Interdigital webbing Interfemoral membrane Intermaxillary segment Internasal scales Interorbital scales Interparietal bone Intervertebral disc Intramembranous ossification Intromittent organ Irregular bone Jaw Johnston's organ Joint Juxta Keel (bird anatomy) Keeled scales Kenyon cell Kidney Kinocilium Labellum (insect anatomy) Labial scale Labrum (arthropod mouthpart) Lacunal scales Lacunolabial scale Lamella (anatomy) Lamina (neuropil) Lamina monopolar cell Large intestine Laryngeal saccules Larynx Lateral line Laurer's canal Lavender (chicken plumage) Leg Lepidoptera genitalia Leydig's organ Ligament Limb (anatomy) Limb development Limbic system Limbs of the horse Lip (gastropod) Lira (mollusc) List of animals by number of neurons List of animals featuring external asymmetry List of poultry feathers List of terms used in bird topography Liver Loin Long bone Lophophore Lore (anatomy) Loreal pit Love dart Lucky stone Lumbar Lung Lungs Lunule (bivalve) Lymphatic system Madreporite Male accessory gland Malpighian tubule system Mammal female reproductive system Mammal male reproductive system Mammal reproductive system Mammal tooth Mammalian eye Mammalian reproduction Mammary gland Mammary gland development Mandible Mandible (arthropod mouthpart) Mandible (insect mouthpart) Mane (horse) Mantle (mollusc) Manus (anatomy) Mauthner cell Maxilla Maxilla (arthropod mouthpart) Mechanoreceptor Meckel's cartilage Medial rectus muscle Mehlis gland Melanistic mask Melanocyte Melon (cetacean) Mental groove Mental scale Mentum Meristics Merle (dog coat) Mesentery (zoology) Mesoangioblast Mesoderm Mesoglea Mesosoma Mesothorax Metacarpus Metamerism (biology) Metapleural gland Metasoma Metathorax Microvillus Mineralization (biology) Mineralized tissues Mollusc eye Mollusc shell Morphology (biology) Morphology of Diptera Morphome Morphometrics Morula Motor neuron Mouth Mouthparts Mucous gland Mucous membrane of nose Mucus Muggeseggele Muroid molar Muscle Muscle protractor pterygoidei et quadrati Muscle tissue Muscular hydrostat Muscular system Muscular system of the horse Mushroom bodies Mycangium Myocyte Myofibroblast Nacre Nail (anatomy) Nasal bone Nasal cavity Nasal concha Nasal glands Nasal scale Nasorostral scale Natalid organ Natatory fringes Navicular bone Neanderthal anatomy Neck frill Needham's sac Nephridiopore Nephridium Nephrostome Nerve Nerve net Nervous system Nervous system of gastropods Nervous tissue Neural crest Neural development Neuroanatomy Neuron Nictitating membrane Nidamental gland Nidopallium Nipple Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria Nose Nostril Notochord Notopleuron Notum Nuchal organ Nuptial pad Nygma Obturator process Occipital bone Occipital bun Occipital scales Ocular scales Odontophore Oesophageal pouch Olfaction Olfactory bulb Olfactory receptor Olfactory receptor neuron Olfactory system Olfactory tubercle Omasum Ommatidium Oostegite Operculum (animal) Operculum (fish) Operculum (gastropod) Operculum papillare Opiliones penis Opisthosoma Oral arm Organ (anatomy) Organ of Bojanus Organ of Tömösváry Organelle Orthocone Osmeterium Osphradium Ossicle (echinoderm) Ossicles Ossicone Osteoblast Osteoclastus Osteocyte Osteocytus Osteoderm Otic notch Otolith Ovariole Ovary Oviduct Ovipore Ovipositor Ovotestis Ozopore Paddywhack Palatoquadrate Pallial line Pallial sinus Pallium (neuroanatomy) Palpebral (bone) Pancreas Papilla (fish anatomy) Papula Parafacial Paralarva Paralimbic cortex Paramere Parapodium Paraventral scales Parenchyma Parietal eye Parietal scales Parotoid gland Pastern Patagium Paw Paxilla (ossicle) Pectinidae Pectoral girdle Pedicel (spider) Pedicellaria Pedicellate teeth Pedicle (zoology) Pedipalp Peltidium Pelvic spur Pelvis Penile sheath Penile spines Penis Pennaceous feather Perennibranchiate Periostracum Periproct Peristome Peristomium Pes (anatomy) Pessulus Petiole (insect anatomy) Phalanx bone Pharyngeal arch Pharyngeal jaw Pharyngeal pouch (embryology) Pharyngeal slit Pharyngeal teeth Pharyngula Pharynx Phasmid (nematode anatomy) Philtrum Photophore Photoreceptor cell Phragmocone Physoclisti Physogastrism Physostome Piebald Pig bladder Pigment spot ocellus Pilifer Pinacoderm Pincer (biology) Pineal gland Pituitary gland Placenta Plait (gastropod) Pleuron (insect anatomy) Plumage Pneumostome Polarity in embryogenesis Poll (livestock) Polycerate Polydactyly in early tetrapods Polyphyodont Postcrania Posterior nasal apertures Posterolateral palatal pits Postorbital Bar Postorbital bar Pouch (marsupial) Predentary Prefrontal bone Prefrontal scales Prehensile feet Prehensile tail Premaxilla Preorbital gland Preventral scales Proboscis Process (anatomy) Prodissoconch Proleg Propodeum Prostate Prostigma Prostomium Prothoracic gland Prothorax Protocerebrum Protoconch Proventriculus Proximodorsal process Pseudo-penis Pseudobranch Pseudoculus Pseudofeces Pseudopupil Pterostigma Ptilinum Pulmocutaneous circulation Pulmonary alveolus Pulvilli Pygidium Pygostyle Quadratojugal bone Radiole Radula Raptorial Rectum Reniculate kidney Reproductive system Reproductive system of gastropods Reproductive system of planarians Reptile scale Resilifer Resilium Respiratory system Respiratory system of gastropods Respiratory system of the horse Rete mirabile Reticular formation Reticulorumen Reticulum (anatomy) Rhinarium Rhinophore Rhombencephalon Rhopalium Rib cage Robustness (morphology) Rodent inner ear dissection Rosette (zoology) Rostellum (helminth) Rostral bone Rostral organ Rostral scale Rostrum (anatomy) Rumen Rump (animal) Sail (anatomy) Salivary gland Salt gland Scale (Lepidopteran anatomy) Scale (anatomy) Scallop Scapulocoracoid Scent gland Sclerite Sclerocyte Sclerotic ring Sclerotin Scolopidia Scopulae Sculpture (mollusc) Scute Scutellum (insect anatomy) Sebaceous gland Secarecytosis Second metacarpal bone Second pharyngeal arch Segmentation (biology) Selenizone Semper's organ Sensory organs of gastropods Sensory receptor Sensory system Sensory systems in fish Septum (cephalopod) Septum (coral) Serial homology Sesamoid bone Seta Sex organ Sexual dimorphism Sexual dimorphism in dinosaurs Sexual dimorphism in non-human primates Sexual dimorphism measures Sexual reproduction Sexually dimorphic nucleus Shark anatomy Shark tooth Short bone Sickle tail Simple eye in invertebrates Siphon (insect anatomy) Siphon (mollusc) Siphonal canal Siphonoglyph Siphuncle Skeletal pneumaticity Skeletal striated muscle Skeletal system of the horse Skeleton Skin Skull Skull roof Slit sensilla Small intestine Smooth muscle tissue Snake scales Snake skeleton Snood (anatomy) Snout Solid black (chicken plumage) Solid white (chicken plumage) Somatosensory system Somite Spadix (zoology) Special senses Speculum feathers Spermaceti organ Spermatheca Sphenopalatine vacuities Spicule Spicule (nematode) Spider anatomy Spider silk Spider web Spinal cord Spine (zoology) Spinneret (spider) Spiracle Spiral ganglion Spiral valve Spire (mollusc) Spleen Splenial Sponge spicule Squamae Squamosal bone Squid giant axon Squid giant synapse Statocyst Stem cell Stereom Sterigma Sternum Sternum (arthropod anatomy) Stifle joint Stomach Stomach bed Stomatogastric ganglion Stomatogastric nervous system Stomotheca Streptoneury Stroma (animal tissue) Stromboid notch Style (zoology) Stylet (anatomy) Stylophthalmine trait Subcaudal scales Subcutaneous tissue Sublabial scale Suboesophageal ganglion Subradular organ Subsquamosal fenestra Sucker (zoology) Suckermouth Suctorial Supercilium Superior mouth Supraesophageal ganglion Supralabial scale Suprangular Supraocular scales Supraorbital gland Suprapedal gland Supratrochlear foramen Surface anatomy Suture (anatomy) Sweat gland Swim bladder Symmetry in biology Synsacrum Syrinx (bird anatomy) Tactile Tactile corpuscles of Grandry Taenidia Tagma (biology) Tail Tail (horse) Tail vein Tapetum lucidum Tarsal formula Tarsometatarsus Tarsus (skeleton) Tegmen Tegula (insect anatomy) Tegument (helminth) Telomere (insect morphology) Telson Template:Animal-anatomy-stub Template:Bivalve anatomy Template:Cephalopod anatomy Template:Insect-anatomy-stub Template:Member Animal anatomy project Template:Recent changes in Animal anatomy Template:WikiProject Animal anatomy Temple (anatomy) Temporal scales Tendon Tentacle Tentorium Tergum Test (biology) Testicle Testicondy Tetrapod Thagomizer Third metacarpal bone Thoracic diaphragm Thorax Thorax (insect anatomy) Throat Thymus Thyroid Tibiotarsus Tiger penis Tiger tail Tissue (biology) Tomium Tongue Tooth Torsion (gastropod) Torso Touch Trabecula Trabecular cartilage Trachea Tracheal rings Tracheole Transcendental anatomy Trichobothria Triploblasty Triradiate pelvic girdle Tritocerebrum Trophic egg Tube feet Tubercle Tuberous receptor Tubular gland Tusk Tymbal Tympanal organ Tympanum (anatomy) Uberon Udder Umbilicus (mollusc) Umbo (bivalve) Ungual Ungual tuft Upper limb Urethra Urethral gland Urinary bladder Uropod Uropygial gland Urticating hair Uterus Valve (mollusc) Varix (mollusc) Vas deferens Ventral nerve cord Ventral scales Vertebra Vertebral column Vertebral scales Vertical occipital fasciculus Vestibular system Violet gland Vision in fishes Vision in toads Visual system Vitelline membrane Vitrodentine Vitteline envelope Vocal sac Vocal tract Vomeronasal organ Water vascular system Wattle (anatomy) Web decoration Weberian apparatus Whiskers Whisking in animals Whorl (mollusc) Wikipedia:WikiProject Animal anatomy Wikipedia:WikiProject Animal anatomy/Article alerts Wikipedia:WikiProject Animal anatomy/Article alerts/Archive Wikipedia:WikiProject Animal 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Zygomasseteric system Zygomatic bone Zygomatic plate Zygosphene-zygantrum articulation Zygote



Category talk:A-Class Animal anatomy articles Category talk:Anatomy articles about animal anatomy Category talk:Animal anatomy articles by importance Category talk:Animal anatomy articles by quality Category talk:Animal anatomy articles needing expert attention Category talk:Animal anatomy stubs Category talk:B-Class Animal anatomy articles Category talk:C-Class Animal anatomy articles Category talk:Disambig-Class Animal anatomy articles Category talk:Draft-Class Animal anatomy articles Category talk:Extinct tetrapods Category talk:FA-Class Animal anatomy articles Category talk:FL-Class Animal anatomy articles Category talk:File-Class Animal anatomy articles Category talk:GA-Class Animal anatomy articles Category talk:High-importance Animal anatomy articles Category talk:Insect anatomy stubs Category talk:List-Class Animal anatomy articles Category talk:Low-importance Animal anatomy articles Category talk:Mid-importance Animal anatomy articles Category talk:NA-Class Animal anatomy articles Category talk:NA-importance Animal anatomy articles Category talk:Portal-Class Animal anatomy articles Category talk:Project-Class Animal anatomy articles Category talk:Rodent anatomy Category talk:Start-Class Animal anatomy articles Category talk:Stub-Class Animal anatomy articles Category talk:Template-Class Animal anatomy articles Category talk:Top-importance Animal anatomy articles Category talk:Unassessed Animal anatomy articles Category talk:Unknown-importance Animal anatomy articles Category talk:WikiProject Animal anatomy Category talk:WikiProject Animal anatomy articles Category talk:WikiProject Animal anatomy members Talk:Abdomen Talk:Abducens nerve Talk:Abomasum Talk:Acarinarium Talk:Accessory bone Talk:Acetabulum (morphology) Talk:Acicula Talk:Acidopore Talk:Acrodont Talk:Acromion Talk:Acrosome Talk:Adipose eyelid Talk:Adrenal gland Talk:Aedeagus Talk:Air sacs Talk:Alae (nematode anatomy) Talk:Albinism in biology Talk:Alisphenoid strut Talk:Alula Talk:Alveolar gland Talk:Ambulacral Talk:Amnion Talk:Amniotic sac Talk:Amphid Talk:Ampullae of Lorenzini Talk:Ampullary cupula Talk:Amygdala Talk:Anal gland Talk:Anal scale Talk:Anatomical terms of bone Talk:Anatomical terms of location Talk:Anatomy Talk:Anchor cell Talk:Anguilliformity Talk:Angular bone Talk:Animal tooth development Talk:Antenna (biology) Talk:Antennal lobe Talk:Antler Talk:Antorbital fenestra Talk:Anus Talk:Aperture (mollusc) Talk:Apex (mollusc) Talk:Apocrine sweat gland Talk:Appendage Talk:Appendicular skeleton Talk:Aptery Talk:Aptychus Talk:Aquatic respiration Talk:Arciferal Talk:Arcopallium Talk:Arctometatarsal Talk:Arista (insect anatomy) Talk:Armour (anatomy) Talk:Arthropod cuticle Talk:Arthropod exoskeleton Talk:Arthropod eye Talk:Arthropod head problem Talk:Arthropod leg Talk:Arthropod mouthparts Talk:Articular bone Talk:Auditory cortex Talk:Auditory system Talk:Avian pallium Talk:Axial skeleton Talk:Axon Talk:Back (horse) Talk:Bacteriocyte Talk:Bacteriome Talk:Baculum Talk:Baleen Talk:Barbel (anatomy) Talk:Basilar papilla Talk:Beak Talk:Beak (bivalve) Talk:Bidder's organ Talk:Bifid penis Talk:Bilateria Talk:Biological neural network Talk:Biological screw joint Talk:Biological system Talk:Bird anatomy Talk:Bird feet and legs Talk:Bird vision Talk:Bivalve shell Talk:Blastula Talk:Blowhole (anatomy) Talk:Blue whale penis Talk:Body plan Talk:Body whorl Talk:Bone Talk:Bone marrow Talk:Bone tissue Talk:Book lung Talk:Brain Talk:Branchial arch Talk:Branchial heart Talk:Branchiostegal lung Talk:Brille Talk:Brindle Talk:Bristle Talk:Brood patch Talk:Brood pouch (Peracarida) Talk:Buccal pumping Talk:Bulbourethral gland Talk:Bulbus arteriosus Talk:Bulbus glandis Talk:Bursa of Fabricius Talk:Byssus Talk:Calamistrum Talk:Calcar Talk:Callosity Talk:Callus (mollusc) Talk:Calypter Talk:Calyx (anatomy) Talk:Camera (cephalopod) Talk:Campaniform sensilla Talk:Cancellous bone Talk:Canine penis Talk:Canine terminology Talk:Canine tooth Talk:Canthal scales Talk:Canthus (herpetology) Talk:Capsular process Talk:Cardiac muscle Talk:Carnassial Talk:Carpometacarpus Talk:Carpus and tarsus of land vertebrates Talk:Cartilage Talk:Caruncle Talk:Caruncle (bird anatomy) Talk:Caryophyllidia Talk:Cat anatomy Talk:Cat senses Talk:Caudal mucous pit Talk:Caudal ramus Talk:Caudofemoralis Talk:Cenchrus (insect anatomy) Talk:Cephalon (arthropod head) Talk:Cephalopod beak Talk:Cephalopod dermal structures Talk:Cephalopod eye Talk:Cephalopod fin Talk:Cephalopod limb Talk:Cephalothorax Talk:Cerata Talk:Cercus Talk:Cerebellum Talk:Cervix (insect anatomy) Talk:Chaeta Talk:Chaetotaxy Talk:Chameleon vision Talk:Chela (organ) Talk:Chelicerae Talk:Chemoreceptor Talk:Chestnut (horse anatomy) Talk:Chevron (anatomy) Talk:Chin shields Talk:Chloride cell Talk:Chordotonal organ Talk:Chorion (egg) Talk:Chromatophore Talk:Cilia (entomology) Talk:Circulatory system Talk:Circulatory system of gastropods Talk:Circulatory system of the horse Talk:Cirrate shell Talk:Clamp (zoology) Talk:Clasper Talk:Clausilium Talk:Clavicle Talk:Claw Talk:Cleavage (embryo) Talk:Cleithrum Talk:Clitellum Talk:Clitoris Talk:Cloaca Talk:Cloven hoof Talk:Club (anatomy) Talk:Clypeus Talk:Cnemial crest Talk:Cnidocyte Talk:Cnidosac Talk:Coat (dog) Talk:Coelom Talk:Coenenchyme Talk:Coenosarc Talk:Coenosteum Talk:Coffin bone Talk:Colloblast Talk:Collophore Talk:Columella (auditory system) Talk:Columella (gastropod) Talk:Comb (anatomy) Talk:Commissure Talk:Comparative anatomy Talk:Comparative foot morphology Talk:Conchology Talk:Condition index Talk:Condyle (anatomy) Talk:Connective tissue Talk:Conus papillaris Talk:Convoluted tubule Talk:Coracoid Talk:Coracoid tubercle Talk:Coral Talk:Coral island Talk:Corallite Talk:Corium (entomology) Talk:Corneous Talk:Cornicle Talk:Corpus allatum Talk:Cortex (anatomy) Talk:Cortical bone Talk:Cosmine Talk:Costa (coral) Talk:Covert feather Talk:Coxal gland Talk:Cranial kinesis Talk:Crest (feathers) Talk:Cribellum Talk:Crista acustica Talk:Crocodilian armor Talk:Crop (anatomy) Talk:Crown (anatomy) Talk:Crurotarsal Talk:Cryptonephridium Talk:Ctenidium (mollusc) Talk:Cubital index Talk:Cuneiform bones Talk:Cutaneous respiration Talk:Cuticle Talk:Cutis (anatomy) Talk:Cuttlebone Talk:Cuvierian tubules Talk:Cyamella (bone) Talk:Dactylus Talk:Dactyly Talk:Decapod anatomy Talk:Deep homology Talk:Deer penis Talk:Dentition Talk:Dermal bone Talk:Dermis Talk:Deutocerebrum Talk:Dewclaw Talk:Dewlap Talk:Digestion Talk:Digestive system of gastropods Talk:Digit (anatomy) Talk:Digital Fish Library Talk:Dinosaur coloration Talk:Dinosaur senses Talk:Dinosaur vision Talk:Diploblasty Talk:Diverticulum (mollusc) Talk:Dog anatomy Talk:Dorsal fin Talk:Dorsal nerve cord Talk:Dorsal scales Talk:Dorsum (anatomy) Talk:Down feather Talk:Duct (anatomy) Talk:Dufour's gland Talk:Dulla (organ) Talk:Duvernoy's gland Talk:Dyar's law Talk:Eagle eye Talk:Ear Talk:Ear tuft Talk:Eardrum Talk:Ecomorphology Talk:Ectoderm Talk:Ectotympanic Talk:Egg Talk:Egg cell Talk:Egg tooth Talk:Eggshell Talk:Eimer's organ Talk:Elastic cartilage Talk:Elastic mechanisms in animals Talk:Electric organ Talk:Elytron Talk:Embryo Talk:Embryological origins of the mouth and anus Talk:Endochondral ossification Talk:Endocranium Talk:Endocrine system Talk:Endoderm Talk:Endoskeleton Talk:Endostyle Talk:Entepicondylar foramen Talk:Enteric nervous system Talk:Entorhinal cortex Talk:Epiathroid Talk:Epicondyle Talk:Epidermis Talk:Epidermis (zoology) Talk:Epigyne Talk:Epimorphosis Talk:Epiphragm Talk:Epipophyses Talk:Epipubic bone Talk:Epithelium Talk:Epoccipital Talk:Equine anatomy Talk:Equine conformation Talk:Equine reproductive system Talk:Equine vision Talk:Ergot (horse anatomy) Talk:Esophagus Talk:Estimating the age of fish Talk:Euthyneury Talk:Excretory system Talk:Excretory system of gastropods Talk:Exocrine gland Talk:Exoskeleton Talk:Exostosis Talk:External morphology of Lepidoptera Talk:Extraocular muscles Talk:Exuvia Talk:Eye Talk:Eye color Talk:Facial disc Talk:Facial suture (trilobite anatomy) Talk:Feather Talk:Feather hole Talk:Feathering (horse) Talk:Fecal shield Talk:Femoral pore Talk:Fetlock Talk:Fibrocartilage Talk:Fifth metacarpal bone Talk:Fin Talk:Firmisternal Talk:First metacarpal bone Talk:Fish anatomy Talk:Fish bone Talk:Fish development Talk:Fish fin Talk:Fish gill Talk:Fish jaw Talk:Fish measurement Talk:Fish reproduction Talk:Fish scale Talk:Flame cell Talk:Flank gland Talk:Flat bone Talk:Flight feather Talk:Flipper (anatomy) Talk:Follicle (anatomy) Talk:Foramen of Panizza Talk:Forehand (horse) Talk:Forelimb Talk:Forelock Talk:Forked tongue Talk:Fourth metacarpal bone Talk:Fourth trochanter Talk:Frenulum Talk:Frizzle (chicken plumage) Talk:Frog (horse) Talk:Frontal eye fields Talk:Frontal scale Talk:Frontal shield Talk:Funnel–mantle locking apparatus Talk:Fur Talk:Furcula Talk:Furcula (springtail) Talk:Gallbladder Talk:Gamete Talk:Ganglion Talk:Ganoine Talk:Gaster (insect anatomy) Talk:Gastralium Talk:Gastric shield Talk:Gastropod shell Talk:Gastrovascular cavity Talk:Gastrulation Talk:General somatic afferent fibers Talk:Genital papilla Talk:Germ layer Talk:Gill Talk:Gill raker Talk:Gill slit Talk:Girdle (chiton) Talk:Gizzard Talk:Gladius (cephalopod) Talk:Gland Talk:Glochidium Talk:Glossary of mammalian dental topography Talk:Glossohyal Talk:Glycogen body Talk:Gnathosoma Talk:Gonad Talk:Gonophore Talk:Gonopod Talk:Gonopore Talk:Gracility Talk:Great appendage Talk:Grüneberg ganglion Talk:Gubernaculum (nematode anatomy) Talk:Gular fold Talk:Gular scale Talk:Gular skin Talk:Gustatory system Talk:Gut (anatomy) Talk:Guttural pouch Talk:HVC (avian brain region) Talk:Hackles Talk:Haemal arch Talk:Hair cell Talk:Haller's organ Talk:Halteres Talk:Hancock's organ Talk:Haptor Talk:Harderian gland Talk:Harvestman anatomy Talk:Hatschek's pit Talk:Head Talk:Heart Talk:Heater cell Talk:Hectocotylus Talk:Hen feathering in cocks Talk:Hepatic caecum Talk:Hepatopancreas Talk:Hinge line Talk:Hinge teeth Talk:Hip bone Talk:Hippocampus Talk:Hock (anatomy) Talk:Holdfast Talk:Holochroal eye Talk:Holoptic Talk:Homology (biology) Talk:Hoof Talk:Horn (anatomy) Talk:Horse hoof Talk:Horse teeth Talk:Humeral spine Talk:Hunter-Schreger band Talk:Hyaline cartilage Talk:Hyaline shield Talk:Hydrostatic skeleton Talk:Hyena butter Talk:Hyoid apparatus Talk:Hyoid bone Talk:Hyomandibula Talk:Hypoathroid Talk:Hypobranchial gland Talk:Hyposphene-hypantrum articulation Talk:Hypostome Talk:Hypostome (tick) Talk:Hypothalamus Talk:Ilium (bone) Talk:Imaginal disc Talk:Immune system Talk:Immune systems Talk:Incisor procumbency Talk:Infrared sensing in snakes Talk:Infrared sensing in vampire bats Talk:Infratemporal fenestra Talk:Infundibulum (tooth) Talk:Ink sac Talk:Inner ear Talk:Insect morphology Talk:Insect mouthparts Talk:Insect reproductive system Talk:Insect wing Talk:Integument Talk:Integumentary system Talk:Interclavicle Talk:Interdental plate Talk:Interdigital webbing Talk:Interfemoral membrane Talk:Intermaxillary segment Talk:Internasal scales Talk:Interorbital scales Talk:Interparietal bone Talk:Intervertebral disc Talk:Intramembranous ossification Talk:Intromittent organ Talk:Irregular bone Talk:Jaw Talk:Johnston's organ Talk:Joint Talk:Juxta Talk:Keel (bird anatomy) Talk:Keeled scales Talk:Kenyon cell Talk:Kidney Talk:Kinocilium Talk:Labellum (insect anatomy) Talk:Labial scale Talk:Labrum (arthropod mouthpart) Talk:Lacunal scales Talk:Lacunolabial scale Talk:Lamella (anatomy) Talk:Lamina (neuropil) Talk:Lamina monopolar cell Talk:Large intestine Talk:Laryngeal saccules Talk:Larynx Talk:Lateral line Talk:Laurer's canal Talk:Lavender (chicken plumage) Talk:Leg Talk:Lepidoptera genitalia Talk:Leydig's organ Talk:Ligament Talk:Limb (anatomy) Talk:Limb development Talk:Limbic system Talk:Limbs of the horse Talk:Lip (gastropod) Talk:Lira (mollusc) Talk:List of animals by number of neurons Talk:List of animals featuring external asymmetry Talk:List of poultry feathers Talk:List of terms used in bird topography Talk:Liver Talk:Loin Talk:Long bone Talk:Lophophore Talk:Lore (anatomy) Talk:Loreal pit Talk:Love dart Talk:Lucky stone Talk:Lumbar Talk:Lung Talk:Lungs Talk:Lunule (bivalve) Talk:Lymphatic system Talk:Madreporite Talk:Male accessory gland Talk:Malpighian tubule system Talk:Mammal female reproductive system Talk:Mammal male reproductive system Talk:Mammal reproductive system Talk:Mammal tooth Talk:Mammalian eye Talk:Mammalian reproduction Talk:Mammary gland Talk:Mammary gland development Talk:Mandible Talk:Mandible (arthropod mouthpart) Talk:Mandible (insect mouthpart) Talk:Mane (horse) Talk:Mantle (mollusc) Talk:Manus (anatomy) Talk:Mauthner cell Talk:Maxilla Talk:Maxilla (arthropod mouthpart) Talk:Mechanoreceptor Talk:Meckel's cartilage Talk:Medial rectus muscle Talk:Mehlis gland Talk:Melanistic mask Talk:Melanocyte Talk:Melon (cetacean) Talk:Mental groove Talk:Mental scale Talk:Mentum Talk:Meristics Talk:Merle (dog coat) Talk:Mesentery (zoology) Talk:Mesoangioblast Talk:Mesoderm Talk:Mesoglea Talk:Mesosoma Talk:Mesothorax Talk:Metacarpus Talk:Metamerism (biology) Talk:Metapleural gland Talk:Metasoma Talk:Metathorax Talk:Microvillus Talk:Mineralization (biology) Talk:Mineralized tissues Talk:Mollusc eye Talk:Mollusc shell Talk:Morphology (biology) Talk:Morphology of Diptera Talk:Morphome Talk:Morphometrics Talk:Morula Talk:Motor neuron Talk:Mouth Talk:Mouthparts Talk:Mucous gland Talk:Mucous membrane of nose Talk:Mucus Talk:Muggeseggele Talk:Muroid molar Talk:Muscle Talk:Muscle protractor pterygoidei et quadrati Talk:Muscle tissue Talk:Muscular hydrostat Talk:Muscular system Talk:Muscular system of the horse Talk:Mushroom bodies Talk:Mycangium Talk:Myocyte Talk:Myofibroblast Talk:Nacre Talk:Nail (anatomy) Talk:Nasal bone Talk:Nasal cavity Talk:Nasal concha Talk:Nasal glands Talk:Nasal scale Talk:Nasorostral scale Talk:Natalid organ Talk:Natatory fringes Talk:Navicular bone Talk:Neanderthal anatomy Talk:Neck frill Talk:Needham's sac Talk:Nephridiopore Talk:Nephridium Talk:Nephrostome Talk:Nerve Talk:Nerve net Talk:Nervous system Talk:Nervous system of gastropods Talk:Nervous tissue Talk:Neural crest Talk:Neural development Talk:Neuroanatomy Talk:Neuron Talk:Nictitating membrane Talk:Nidamental gland Talk:Nidopallium Talk:Nipple Talk:Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria Talk:Nose Talk:Nostril Talk:Notochord Talk:Notopleuron Talk:Notum Talk:Nuchal organ Talk:Nuptial pad Talk:Nygma Talk:Obturator process Talk:Occipital bone Talk:Occipital bun Talk:Occipital scales Talk:Ocular scales Talk:Odontophore Talk:Oesophageal pouch Talk:Olfaction Talk:Olfactory bulb Talk:Olfactory receptor Talk:Olfactory receptor neuron Talk:Olfactory system Talk:Olfactory tubercle Talk:Omasum Talk:Ommatidium Talk:Oostegite Talk:Operculum (animal) Talk:Operculum (fish) Talk:Operculum (gastropod) Talk:Operculum papillare Talk:Opiliones penis Talk:Opisthosoma Talk:Oral arm Talk:Organ (anatomy) Talk:Organ of Bojanus Talk:Organ of Tömösváry Talk:Organelle Talk:Orthocone Talk:Osmeterium Talk:Osphradium Talk:Ossicle (echinoderm) Talk:Ossicles Talk:Ossicone Talk:Osteoblast Talk:Osteoclastus Talk:Osteocyte Talk:Osteocytus Talk:Osteoderm Talk:Otic notch Talk:Otolith Talk:Ovariole Talk:Ovary Talk:Oviduct Talk:Ovipore Talk:Ovipositor Talk:Ovotestis Talk:Ozopore Talk:Paddywhack Talk:Palatoquadrate Talk:Pallial line Talk:Pallial sinus Talk:Pallium (neuroanatomy) Talk:Palpebral (bone) Talk:Pancreas Talk:Papilla (fish anatomy) Talk:Papula Talk:Parafacial Talk:Paralarva Talk:Paralimbic cortex Talk:Paramere Talk:Parapodium Talk:Paraventral scales Talk:Parenchyma Talk:Parietal eye Talk:Parietal scales Talk:Parotoid gland Talk:Pastern Talk:Patagium Talk:Paw Talk:Paxilla (ossicle) Talk:Pectinidae Talk:Pectoral girdle Talk:Pedicel (spider) Talk:Pedicellaria Talk:Pedicellate teeth Talk:Pedicle (zoology) Talk:Pedipalp Talk:Peltidium Talk:Pelvic spur Talk:Pelvis Talk:Penile sheath Talk:Penile spines Talk:Penis Talk:Pennaceous feather Talk:Perennibranchiate Talk:Periostracum Talk:Periproct Talk:Peristome Talk:Peristomium Talk:Pes (anatomy) Talk:Pessulus Talk:Petiole (insect anatomy) Talk:Phalanx bone Talk:Pharyngeal arch Talk:Pharyngeal jaw Talk:Pharyngeal pouch (embryology) Talk:Pharyngeal slit Talk:Pharyngeal teeth Talk:Pharyngula Talk:Pharynx Talk:Phasmid (nematode anatomy) Talk:Philtrum Talk:Photophore Talk:Photoreceptor cell Talk:Phragmocone Talk:Physoclisti Talk:Physogastrism Talk:Physostome Talk:Piebald Talk:Pig bladder Talk:Pigment spot ocellus Talk:Pilifer Talk:Pinacoderm Talk:Pincer (biology) Talk:Pineal gland Talk:Pituitary gland Talk:Placenta Talk:Plait (gastropod) Talk:Pleuron (insect anatomy) Talk:Plumage Talk:Pneumostome Talk:Polarity in embryogenesis Talk:Poll (livestock) Talk:Polycerate Talk:Polydactyly in early tetrapods Talk:Polyphyodont Talk:Postcrania Talk:Posterior nasal apertures Talk:Posterolateral palatal pits Talk:Postorbital Bar Talk:Postorbital bar Talk:Pouch (marsupial) Talk:Predentary Talk:Prefrontal bone Talk:Prefrontal scales Talk:Prehensile feet Talk:Prehensile tail Talk:Premaxilla Talk:Preorbital gland Talk:Preventral scales Talk:Proboscis Talk:Process (anatomy) Talk:Prodissoconch Talk:Proleg Talk:Propodeum Talk:Prostate Talk:Prostigma Talk:Prostomium Talk:Prothoracic gland Talk:Prothorax Talk:Protocerebrum Talk:Protoconch Talk:Proventriculus Talk:Proximodorsal process Talk:Pseudo-penis Talk:Pseudobranch Talk:Pseudoculus Talk:Pseudofeces Talk:Pseudopupil Talk:Pterostigma Talk:Ptilinum Talk:Pulmocutaneous circulation Talk:Pulmonary alveolus Talk:Pulvilli Talk:Pygidium Talk:Pygostyle Talk:Quadratojugal bone Talk:Radiole Talk:Radula Talk:Raptorial Talk:Rectum Talk:Reniculate kidney Talk:Reproductive system Talk:Reproductive system of gastropods Talk:Reproductive system of planarians Talk:Reptile scale Talk:Resilifer Talk:Resilium Talk:Respiratory system Talk:Respiratory system of gastropods Talk:Respiratory system of the horse Talk:Rete mirabile Talk:Reticular formation Talk:Reticulorumen Talk:Reticulum (anatomy) Talk:Rhinarium Talk:Rhinophore Talk:Rhombencephalon Talk:Rhopalium Talk:Rib cage Talk:Robustness (morphology) Talk:Rodent inner ear dissection Talk:Rosette (zoology) Talk:Rostellum (helminth) Talk:Rostral bone Talk:Rostral organ Talk:Rostral scale Talk:Rostrum (anatomy) Talk:Rumen Talk:Rump (animal) Talk:Sail (anatomy) Talk:Salivary gland Talk:Salt gland Talk:Scale (Lepidopteran anatomy) Talk:Scale (anatomy) Talk:Scallop Talk:Scapulocoracoid Talk:Scent gland Talk:Sclerite Talk:Sclerocyte Talk:Sclerotic ring Talk:Sclerotin Talk:Scolopidia Talk:Scopulae Talk:Sculpture (mollusc) Talk:Scute Talk:Scutellum (insect anatomy) Talk:Sebaceous gland Talk:Secarecytosis Talk:Second metacarpal bone Talk:Second pharyngeal arch Talk:Segmentation (biology) Talk:Selenizone Talk:Semper's organ Talk:Sensory organs of gastropods Talk:Sensory receptor Talk:Sensory system Talk:Sensory systems in fish Talk:Septum (cephalopod) Talk:Septum (coral) Talk:Serial homology Talk:Sesamoid bone Talk:Seta Talk:Sex organ Talk:Sexual dimorphism Talk:Sexual dimorphism in dinosaurs Talk:Sexual dimorphism in non-human primates Talk:Sexual dimorphism measures Talk:Sexual reproduction Talk:Sexually dimorphic nucleus Talk:Shark anatomy Talk:Shark tooth Talk:Short bone Talk:Sickle tail Talk:Simple eye in invertebrates Talk:Siphon (insect anatomy) Talk:Siphon (mollusc) Talk:Siphonal canal Talk:Siphonoglyph Talk:Siphuncle Talk:Skeletal pneumaticity Talk:Skeletal striated muscle Talk:Skeletal system of the horse Talk:Skeleton Talk:Skin Talk:Skull Talk:Skull roof Talk:Slit sensilla Talk:Small intestine Talk:Smooth muscle tissue Talk:Snake scales Talk:Snake skeleton Talk:Snood (anatomy) Talk:Snout Talk:Solid black (chicken plumage) Talk:Solid white (chicken plumage) Talk:Somatosensory system Talk:Somite Talk:Spadix (zoology) Talk:Special senses Talk:Speculum feathers Talk:Spermaceti organ Talk:Spermatheca Talk:Sphenopalatine vacuities Talk:Spicule Talk:Spicule (nematode) Talk:Spider anatomy Talk:Spider silk Talk:Spider web Talk:Spinal cord Talk:Spine (zoology) Talk:Spinneret (spider) Talk:Spiracle Talk:Spiral ganglion Talk:Spiral valve Talk:Spire (mollusc) Talk:Spleen Talk:Splenial Talk:Sponge spicule Talk:Squamae Talk:Squamosal bone Talk:Squid giant axon Talk:Squid giant synapse Talk:Statocyst Talk:Stem cell Talk:Stereom Talk:Sterigma Talk:Sternum Talk:Sternum (arthropod anatomy) Talk:Stifle joint Talk:Stomach Talk:Stomach bed Talk:Stomatogastric ganglion Talk:Stomatogastric nervous system Talk:Stomotheca Talk:Streptoneury Talk:Stroma (animal tissue) Talk:Stromboid notch Talk:Style (zoology) Talk:Stylet (anatomy) Talk:Stylophthalmine trait Talk:Subcaudal scales Talk:Subcutaneous tissue Talk:Sublabial scale Talk:Suboesophageal ganglion Talk:Subradular organ Talk:Subsquamosal fenestra Talk:Sucker (zoology) Talk:Suckermouth Talk:Suctorial Talk:Supercilium Talk:Superior mouth Talk:Supraesophageal ganglion Talk:Supralabial scale Talk:Suprangular Talk:Supraocular scales Talk:Supraorbital gland Talk:Suprapedal gland Talk:Supratrochlear foramen Talk:Surface anatomy Talk:Suture (anatomy) Talk:Sweat gland Talk:Swim bladder Talk:Symmetry in biology Talk:Synsacrum Talk:Syrinx (bird anatomy) Talk:Tactile Talk:Tactile corpuscles of Grandry Talk:Taenidia Talk:Tagma (biology) Talk:Tail Talk:Tail (horse) Talk:Tail vein Talk:Tapetum lucidum Talk:Tarsal formula Talk:Tarsometatarsus Talk:Tarsus (skeleton) Talk:Tegmen Talk:Tegula (insect anatomy) Talk:Tegument (helminth) Talk:Telomere (insect morphology) Talk:Telson Talk:Temple (anatomy) Talk:Temporal scales Talk:Tendon Talk:Tentacle Talk:Tentorium Talk:Tergum Talk:Test (biology) Talk:Testicle Talk:Testicondy Talk:Tetrapod Talk:Thagomizer Talk:Third metacarpal bone Talk:Thoracic diaphragm Talk:Thorax Talk:Thorax (insect anatomy) Talk:Throat Talk:Thymus Talk:Thyroid Talk:Tibiotarsus Talk:Tiger penis Talk:Tiger tail Talk:Tissue (biology) Talk:Tomium Talk:Tongue Talk:Tooth Talk:Torsion (gastropod) Talk:Torso Talk:Touch Talk:Trabecula Talk:Trabecular cartilage Talk:Trachea Talk:Tracheal rings Talk:Tracheole Talk:Transcendental anatomy Talk:Trichobothria Talk:Triploblasty Talk:Triradiate pelvic girdle Talk:Tritocerebrum Talk:Trophic egg Talk:Tube feet Talk:Tubercle Talk:Tuberous receptor Talk:Tubular gland Talk:Tusk Talk:Tymbal Talk:Tympanal organ Talk:Tympanum (anatomy) Talk:Uberon Talk:Udder Talk:Umbilicus (mollusc) Talk:Umbo (bivalve) Talk:Ungual Talk:Ungual tuft Talk:Upper limb Talk:Urethra Talk:Urethral gland Talk:Urinary bladder Talk:Uropod Talk:Uropygial gland Talk:Urticating hair Talk:Uterus Talk:Valve (mollusc) Talk:Varix (mollusc) Talk:Vas deferens Talk:Ventral nerve cord Talk:Ventral scales Talk:Vertebra Talk:Vertebral column Talk:Vertebral scales Talk:Vertical occipital fasciculus Talk:Vestibular system Talk:Violet gland Talk:Vision in fishes Talk:Vision in toads Talk:Visual system Talk:Vitelline membrane Talk:Vitrodentine Talk:Vitteline envelope Talk:Vocal sac Talk:Vocal tract Talk:Vomeronasal organ Talk:Water vascular system Talk:Wattle (anatomy) Talk:Web decoration Talk:Weberian apparatus Talk:Whiskers Talk:Whisking in animals Talk:Whorl (mollusc) Talk:Wing Talk:Wing chord (biology) Talk:Wing coupling (Lepidoptera anatomy) Talk:Withers Talk:Wolf tooth Talk:Yolk Talk:Yolk sac Talk:Zona pellucida Talk:Zooid Talk:Zygomasseteric system Talk:Zygomatic bone Talk:Zygomatic plate Talk:Zygosphene-zygantrum articulation Talk:Zygote Template talk:Animal-anatomy-stub Template talk:Bivalve anatomy Template talk:Cephalopod anatomy Template talk:Insect-anatomy-stub Template talk:Member Animal anatomy project Template talk:Recent changes in Animal anatomy Template talk:WikiProject Animal anatomy Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Animal anatomy Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Animal anatomy/Article alerts Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Animal anatomy/Article alerts/Archive Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Animal anatomy/Assessment Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Animal 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