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Detections for error #38
[edit]- ... (poetry collection): <i>Tethered to Stars: Poems</i>
- 128 Lit: <i>128 LIT</i>
- 1ES 0229+200: <i>FERMI</i>
- 1ES 1741+196: <i>AstroSat</i>, <i>R</i>
- 2021 in reptile paleontology: <i>Luskhan itilensis</i>
- 2025 in American television: <i>Baylen Out Loud:</i>
- 3-Indolepropionic acid: <i>Arabidopsis</i>
- 3C 196.1: <i>CHANDRA</i>, <i>z</i>, <i>Hubble Space Telescope</i>
- 3C 356: <i>z</i>
- 5-MeO-isoDMT: <i>N</i>, <i>N</i>
- 6-MeO-DMT: <i>N</i>, <i>N</i>
- 6-MeO-isoDMT: <i>N</i>, <i>N</i>
[edit]- A Cruelty Special to Our Species: <i>Against Healing: Nine Korean Poets (Translating Feminisms)</i>, <i>Ordinary Misfortunes</i>
- A Man (novel): <i>ドーン (Dawn)</i>, <i>A Man</i>
- A Man of Two Faces: A Memoir, A History, A Memorial: <i>[[The Committed]]</i>
- A Perfect Crime (film): <i>[[The Saturday Evening Post]]</i>
- A Thousand Times You Lose Your Treasure: <i>Violet Energy Ingots</i>
- A Treatise on Stars: <i>Hello, the Roses</i>
- A Wine of Wizardry: <i>Overland Monthly</i>
- Aaliyah Bilal: <i>Temple Folk</i>
- Abandonware: <i>''Supreme Commander'' fans released ''Forged Alliance Forever'' and gave the game the online client it could otherwise only dream of. I haven't played it much, but I still got a tear in my eye when I read about the extents these coders had gone to. There's nothing quite so wonderful to witness as love, and this is surely love of the very purest order. [...] ''SupCom'' guys resurrect a series whose publisher had just gone under.</i>
- Abelia × grandiflora: <I>grandis</I>, <I>flor-, flos</I>
- Abhijit Chowdhury: <i>Strange Life of Dhrubo</i>, <i>Manbhanjan</i>, <i>[[Astey Ladies]]</i>, <i>Johny Bonny</i>, <i>Dwitiyo Ripu</i>, <i>Eken Babu O Dhaka Rahasya</i>, <i>The Strange Life of Dhrubo (Dhrubor Aschorjo Jibon)</i>, <i>National Competition on Bengali Panorama</i>, <i>Dhrubor Aschorjo Jibon </i>, <i> NABC 2024 Independent Film Festival 2024.</i>, <i>DC South Asian Film Festival 2024</i>
- Administrative divisions of Poland: <i style="color:#48A3B5">Kaliningrad<br />(Russia)</i>, <i style="color:#48A3B5">Lithuania</i>, <i style="color:#48A3B5">Belarus</i>, <i style="color:#48A3B5">Ukraine</i>, <i style="color:#48A3B5;">Slovakia</i>, <i style="color:#48A3B5;">Czech Republic</i>, <i style="color:#48A3B5;">Germany</i>, <i style="color:#48A3B5">Baltic Sea</i>
- African reggae: <i>Rastas Never Dies</i>, <i>Victims</i>
- Akoko (restaurant): <i>[[MasterChef: The Professionals]]</i>
- Albania in the Eurovision Song Contest 2019: <i lang="sq">Festivali i Këngës</i>
- Alcatel Submarine Networks: <i>[[Agence des participations de l'État]]</i>
- Amblyderus pallens: <i>Brachygluta abdominalis</i>
- Aminopeptidase: <i>anp-1</i>, <i>Caenorhabditis elegans</i>, <i>Bacillus subtilis</i>
- Amjad Khan Niazi: <i>
- Andrej Šustr: <i>[[The Hockey News]]</i>, <i>[[The Hockey News]]</i>, <i>[[The Hockey News]]</i>
- Angular roughshark: <i>Oxynotus centrina</i>
- Antarctaspidae: <i>Yujiangolepis liujingensis</i>
- Armadillidiidae: <i lang="nl">Pissebed</i>, <i lang="fr">, <i lang="sp">Chanchito</i>
- Artful Dodger (duo): </i>
- Asparagus (genus): <i>Asparagus</i>
- Attempted assassination of Rómulo Betancourt: <i>Intento de asesinato de Rómulo Betancourt</i>
- August Burns Red: <i>Learn Religions</i>, <i>Anchorage Press</i>
[edit]- BBQ Brawl: <i>{{small|(E)}}</i>, <i>{{small|(A)}}</i>, <i>{{small|(A)}}</i>, <i>{{small|(J)}}</i>, <i>{{small|(J)}}</i>, <i>{{small|(J)}}</i>, <i><s>{{small|(A)}}</s></i>, <i>{{small|(J)}}</i>, <i>{{small|(B)}}</i>, <i>{{small|(S)}}</i>, <i>{{small|(B)}}</i>, <i>{{small|(S)}}</i>, <i>{{small|(B)}}</i>, <i>{{small|(S)}}</i>, <i>{{small|(S)}}</i>, <i>{{small|(B)}}</i>, <i><s>{{small|(B)}}</s></i>, <i>{{small|(S)}}</i>, <i>{{small|(B)}}</i>, <i>{{small|(B)}}</i>, <i>{{small|(S)}}</i>, <i>{{small|(S)}}</i>, <i>{{small|(S)}}</i>, <i>{{small|(S)}}</i>, <i>{{small|(B)}}</i>
- Balladz: <i>Arias</i>
- Banashankari metro station: <i>Final Stages before Operations</i>
- Barbie Chang: <i>The Boss</i>, <i>[[Obit (book) | OBIT]]</i>
- Basanti (2000 film): <i>Basanti</i>, <i>Basanti</i>
- Before the Green Ball: <i>The New World, 1939/1946: Volume 1 of a History of the United States Atomic Energy Commission</i>
- Behind My Eyes: <i>[[The Undressing]]</i>, <i>Book of My Nights</i>
- Belarus in the Eurovision Song Contest 2019: <i lang="ru-latn">Natsionalny Otbor</i>
- Belonocnema fossoria: <i>Belonocnema</i>
- Belonocnema treatae: <i>Belonocnema</i>, <i>Belonocnema</i>
- Besano Formation: <i>Saurichthys</i>
- Beta-tungsten: <i>β</i>
- Bethel Union: <i>The Hobart Town Courier</i>, <i>The Tasmanian</i>
- Betsileo sportive lemur: <i>Lepilemur</i>
- Bhumi (goddess): <i>[[murti]]</i>
- Biblical cosmology: <i>On The Hexaemeron</i>
- Bicycle Ride Across Georgia: <i>postponed to 2021 due to Covid-19 concerns</i>
- Billings Outlaws (AF1): <i>sic</i>
- Bingo (American version): <i>The</i>, <i>Paradox</i>
- Bit array: <i>bits</i>
- Black Front (Netherlands): <i>Zwart Front <br />De Weg <br />Nederlandsch Dagblad</i>
- Black-headed penduline tit: <i>Remiz macronyx</i>, <i>Remiz macronyx</i>
- Blackout challenge: <i>alleged</i>
- Blacktip grouper: <i>Epinephelus fasciatus</i>
- Bliss Montage: <i>[[Severance (novel)|Severance]]</i>
- Blue ling: <i>Molva</i>
- Bluebonnet (bird): <I>N. haematogaster</I>
- Blunthead puffer: <i>Sphoeroides pachygaster</i>
- Boarstall: <i>Cultural Transition in the Chilterns and Essex Region, 350 AD to 650 AD</i>
- Bob Mankoff: <i>The Science of Creativity</i>
- Borders of Iran: <i style="color: #48A3B5">Turkmenistan</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Afghanistan</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Pakistan</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Azerbaijan</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Armenia</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">T<br />u<br />r<br />k<br />e<br />y</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Iraq</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Kuwait</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Saudi Arabia</i>
- Borgo Sant'Antonio Abate: <i>[[Circoscrizione]]</i>
- Born to Be Abramo: <i>Blade Runner</i>
- Boronia koniambiensis: <i>et al.</i>
- Borrisoleigh: <i>Freeman's Journal & Daily Commercial Advertiser</i>
- Botanical Garden of Medellín: <i>Jardín Botánico de Medellín Joaquín Antonio Uribe</i>
- Bothrops sazimai: <i>Bothrops</i>
- Brachionidium: <i>Icones Pleurothallidinarum–XII. Systematics of Brachionidium. Addenda to Dresslerella, Platystele, and Porroglossum (Orchidaceae). A re-evaluation of the Pleurothallid subgenera Satyria and Silenia (Orchidaceae)</i>, <i>Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden</i>
- Brain-Washing (book): <i>Brain-Washing</i>
- Brauner family: <i>[[Freiherr]]</i>
- Brendan Penny: <i>
- Brennley Brown: <i> [[DreamWorks Dragons: Rescue Riders]],</I>, <I> [[How to Train Your Dragon]] </i>
- Brenton Butler case: <i>Murder on a Sunday Morning</i>
- Brian Harvey (lecturer): <i>!</i>
- Brian Thomas (church artist): <i>London Churches in Photographs</i>, <i>London Churches in Photographs</i>
- Brillia: <i>Brillia</i>, <i>B. pudorosa</i>
- British Rail Class 800: <i>IET/Azuma</i>
- Brodie abscess: <i>Staphylococcus aureus</i>
- Brown accentor: <i>Prunella fulvescens</i>
- Brown smooth-hound: <i>Mustelus henlei</i>, <i>Mustelus henlei</i>, <i>Mustelus henlei</i>, <i>Raja velezi</i>, <i>Mustelus henlei</i>
- Broyden's method: <i>ab initio</i>
- Buenaventura Carlos Aribau: <i>Bonaventura Carles Aribau</i>
- Buff-breasted buttonquail: <i>Turnix olivii</i>
- Bustanil Arifin: <i>office created</i>
- Bæddel and bædling: <i lang="ang">Bæddel</i>, <i lang="ang">bædling</i>
[edit]- C standard library: <i>stdio</i>
- C-C-B: <i>Best Ten</i>
- CPUID: <i>n</i>, <i>n</i>
- CSIRO: <i>We imagine. We collaborate. We innovate.</i>, <i>Australian Science, Australia’s Future</i>
- Calosoma scrutator: <i>North American Caterpillar Hunters of the Genera Calosoma and Callisthenes (Coleoptera, Carabidae)</i>
- Campos Eliseos Palace: <i>Palácio dos Campos Elíseos</i>, <i>Museu das Favelas</i>
- Candidiasis: <i>Candida</i>, <i>*þrusc</i>
- Canticle of the Sun: <i>Altissimu, omnipotente bon Signore,↵Tue so le laude, la gloria e l'honore et onne benedictione.↵↵Ad Te solo, Altissimo, se konfano,↵et nullu homo ène dignu te mentouare.↵↵Laudato sie, mi Signore cum tucte le Tue creature,↵spetialmente messor lo frate Sole,↵lo qual è iorno, et allumini noi per lui.↵Et ellu è bellu e radiante cum grande splendore:↵de Te, Altissimo, porta significatione.↵↵Laudato si, mi Signore, per sora Luna e le stelle:↵in celu l'ài formate clarite et pretiose et belle.↵↵Laudato si, mi Signore, per frate Uento↵et per aere et nubilo et sereno et onne tempo,↵per lo quale, a le Tue creature dài sustentamento.↵↵Laudato si, mi Signore, per sor'Acqua,↵la quale è multo utile et humile et pretiosa et casta.↵↵Laudato si, mi Signore, per frate Focu,↵per lo quale ennallumini la nocte:↵ed ello è bello et iucundo et robustoso et forte.↵↵Laudato si, mi Signore, per sora nostra matre Terra,↵la quale ne sustenta et gouerna,↵et produce diuersi fructi con coloriti fior et herba.↵↵Laudato si, mi Signore, per quelli ke perdonano per lo Tuo amore↵et sostengono infirmitate et tribulatione.↵↵Beati quelli ke 'l sosterranno in pace,↵ka da Te, Altissimo, sirano incoronati.↵↵Laudato si mi Signore, per sora nostra Morte corporale,↵da la quale nullu homo uiuente pò skappare:↵guai a quelli ke morrano ne le peccata mortali;↵beati quelli ke trouarà ne le Tue sanctissime uoluntati,↵ka la morte secunda no 'l farrà male.↵↵Laudate et benedicete mi Signore et rengratiate↵e seruiteli cum grande humilitate.↵</i>
- Canyon del Oro High School: <i>American Fiction</i>
- Captain James: <i>Our Girl</i>, <i>Our Girl</i>
- Carbon, Indiana: <i>Brazil Daily News</i>, <i>Brazil Weekly Democrat</i>
- Carcinogenic bacteria: <i>Helicobacter pylori</i>, <i>Helicobacter pylori</i>, <i>Helicobacter pylori</i>
- Carduus nutans: <i>Carduus nutans</i>, <i>Carduus nutans</i>
- Carl Klingberg: <i>[[The Hockey News]]</i>, <i>[[The Hockey News]]</i>
- Catalytic resonance theory: <i>j</i>, <i>f</i>, <i>j</i>, <i>j</i>, <i>ratchet directionality metric</i>, <i>j</i>, <i>f</i>, <i>f<sub>c</sub></i>, <i>k<sub>II</sub></i>, <i>D<sub>II</sub></i>, <i>j</i>, <i>f</i>, <i>f<sub>c</sub></i>
- Cathepsin A: <i>K</i>
- Cavineña language: <i>-chinepe</i>, <i>-sisa</i>, <i>-wekaka</i>, <i>-apuna</i>, <i>-wisha</i>
- Cefiderocol: <i>Acinetobacter baumannii</i>
- Central Investigation Bureau of Police: <i>
- Cerion (gastropod): <i>Land Mollusca of North America (North of Mexico)</i>
- Certificate of deposit: <i>not</i>
- Chakpaktas Formation: <i>Isectolophus</i>, <i>Pristichampsus</i>, <i>Pan-Trionychidae</i>
- Character class (Dungeons & Dragons): <i>Creature Crucible</i>
- Charles A. Ellwood: <i>by Charles A. Ellwood</i>
- Cheer Up, Femme Fatale: <i>별 모양의 얼룩 (A Stain in the Shape of a Star)</i>, <i>말할 수 없는 애인 (Unspeakable Lover)</i>, <i>Be cheerful femme fatale</i>
- Chersina: <i>Chersina</i>
- Chlamydia trachomatis: <i>Chlamydia trachomatis</i>
- Christchurch Symphony Orchestra: <i>'Classical Sparks'</i>, <i>'Sparks!'</i>
- Clark Ashton Smith: <i>Overland Monthly</i>
- Comarcal council: <i style="color: #0b9300">Northern Catalonia/<br>Pyrénées-Orientales (France)</i>, <i style="color: #0b9300">France</i>, <i style="color: #0b9300">Andorra</i>, <i style="color: #0b9300">Aragon</i>, <i style="color: #0b9300">Valencia</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Mediterranean Sea</i>
- Comarques of Catalonia: <i style="color: #0b9300">Northern Catalonia/<br />Pyrénées-Orientales (France)</i>, <i style="color: #0b9300">France</i>, <i style="color: #0b9300">Andorra</i>, <i style="color: #0b9300">Aragon</i>, <i style="color: #0b9300">Valencia</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Mediterranean Sea</i>
- Comarques of the Valencian Community: <i style="color: #CD7F32">Catalonia</i>, <i style="color: #CD7F32">Aragon</i>, <i style="color: #CD7F32">Castile-<br/>La Mancha</i>, <i style="color: #CD7F32">Murcia</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Mar Mediterrània</i>
- Conoblemmus: <i>COPHAPHONUS</i>
- Constanze Mozart: <i>don't go out walking at all</i>, <i>I'll be sleeping with my dear little wife</i>, <i>word erased by some unknown hand</i>, <i>word erased by some unknown hand</i>
- Conte (literature): <i>conte</i>, <i>conte</i>, <i>conte</i>
- Corbicula: <i>Corbicula fluminea</i>
- Cornell University pumpkin prank: </i>, <i>
- Corporative Chamber: <i>Câmara Corporativa</i>
- Cortinariaceae: <i>Cortinarius orellanosus</i>
- Coryogalops ocheticus: <i>Coryogalops ocheticus</i>
- Cosmology in the ancient Near East: <i>On The Hexaemeron</i>
- County of Saintonge: <i>Saintongeais, Saintongeais, Saintongeaise, Saintongeaises</i>
- Cratoxylum sumatranum: <i>Cratoxylum sumatranum</i>
- Cresmatoneta: </i>
- Croatia in the Eurovision Song Contest 2022: <i lang=hr>Dora</i>
- Croatia in the Eurovision Song Contest 2024: <i lang="hr">Dora</i>
- Cromarty Firth: </i>
- Crystal Empire: <i>[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic]]</i>
- Cuisine of Jerusalem: <i>Maaruk</i>, <i>[[Halva]]</i>, <i>[[Knafeh]]</i>, <i>[[Rugelach]]</i>, <i>[[Sufganiyot]]</i>
- Cuneiform (Unicode block): <i>qaštu</i>
- Cyanocitta: <i>Cyanocitta stelleri</i>
- Cyrtandra argentii: <i>Cyrtandra</i>
- Cystic fibrosis: <i>Staphylococcus aureus</i>, <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i>, <i>P. aeruginosa</i>
[edit]- DBX2: <i>via</i>
- DM-506: <i>b</i>
- DNA-PKcs: <i>a</i>, <i>H</i>, <i>H</i>
- DYNC1H1: <i>DYNC1H1</i>, <i>DYNC1H1</i>
- Dakshinamurti: <i>Om Vṛṣabhadhvajaya Vidmahe<br>Dhyānahastaya Dhīmahi<br>Tanno Dakṣiṇāmūrti Pracodayat</i>, <i>oṃ maunavyākhyā prakaṭita parabrahmatatvaṃ yuvānaṃ<br>varśiṣṭhānte vasad ṛṣigaṇair āvṛtaṃ brahmaniṣṭhaiḥ<br>ācāryendraṃ karakalita cinmudram ānandamūrtiṃ<br>svātmarāmaṃ muditavadanaṃ dakṣiṇāmūrtimīḍe</i>
- Damocles: <i>Canterbury Tales</i>
- Daniel Croner: <i>D. Croner 'Tabulaturae' [1681, 1682]</i>
- Dannagal Young: <i>Irony and Outrage: The Polarized Landscape of Rage, Fear, and Laughter in the United States </i>, <i> Wrong: How Media, Politics, and Identity Drive our Appetite for Misinformation</i>, <i> Wrong</i>
- Danse Macabre: <i>Danse Macabre</i>
- Daphnia studeri: <i>DAPHNIA</i>
- Dating: <i>Bumble</i>
- David J. Jackson: <i>Entertainment and Politics: The Influence of Pop Culture on Young Adult Political Socialization</i>, <i>Entertainment and Politics: The Influence of Pop Culture on Young Adult Political Socialization</i>
- Day count convention: <i>D</i>, <i>D</i>, <i>D</i>, <i>D</i>, <i>D</i>, <i>D</i>, <i>D</i>, <i>D</i>, <i>D</i>, <i>D</i>, <i>D</i>, <i>D</i>, <i>D</i>, <i>D</i>, <i>M</i>, <i>D</i>
- Dayton Allen: <i>Bad Bill Bunion</i>, <i>The Exterminator</i>, <i>The Tortoise Wins Again</i>, <i>The Uninvited Pests</i>, <i>[[Howdy Doody]]</i>, <i>Felix the Fox</i>, <i>Magpie Madness</i>, <i>Goony Golfers</i>, <i>The Racket Buster</i>, <i>Mrs. Jones' Rest Farm</i>, <i>The Helpful Geni</i>, <i>[[The Cat's Tale (1941 cartoon)|The Cat's Tale]]</i>, <i>[[The Steve Allen Show]]</i>, <i>Grateful Gus</i>, <i>[[Courageous Cat and Minute Mouse]]</i>, <i>[[Top Cat]]</i>, <i>Galaxia</i>, <i>Tree Spree</i>, <i>Funderful Suburbia</i>, <i>Send Your Elephant to Camp</i>, <i>[[The Merv Griffin Show]]</i>, <i>The Old Man and the Flower</i>, <i>Sidney's White Elephant</i>, <i>Obnoxious Obie</i>, <i>Split-Level Treehouse</i>, <i>Oscar's Moving Day</i>, <i>Short Term Sheriff</i>, <i>Oil Thru the Day</i>, <i>Search for Misery</i>, <i>The Red Tractor</i>, <i>[[The Astronut Show]]</i>, <i>Hokey Home Movies</i>, <i>[[The Munsters]]</i>, <i>No Space Like Home</i>, <i>The Invisibeam</i>, <i>Twinkle Twinkle Little Telestar</i>, <i>The Monster Master</i>, <i>Gems from Gemini</i>, <i>The Phantom Skyscraper</i>, <i>Dr. Ha-Ha</i>, <i>A Voodoo Spell</i>, <i>The Heat's Off</i>, <i>Mr. Winlucky</i>, <i>Give Me Liberty</i>, <i>Bugged by a Bug</i>, <i>Which Is Witch?</i>, <i>Dr. Rhinestone's Theory</i>, <i>Marvin Digs</i>, <i>Frozen Sparklers</i>, <i>Baron Von Go-Go</i>, <i>Space Pet</i>, <i>Oscar's Thinking Cap</i>, <i>[[The Cotton Club (film)|The Cotton Club]]</i>
- De opificio mundi: <i>De opificio mundi</i>
- Death growl: <i>The Zen of Screaming</i>
- Deaths in August 1988: <i>Brian Brake:</i>
- Demographics of Rwanda: <i>The Indigenous World 1997-98</i>
- Dendrobium sect. Formosae: <i>Dendrobium</i>, <i>Formosae</i>
- Denis Nash: <i>Announcement: </i>
- Denmark in the Eurovision Song Contest 2019: <i lang="da">Dansk Melodi Grand Prix</i>
- Denmark in the Eurovision Song Contest 2022: <i lang="da">Dansk Melodi Grand Prix</i>
- Denmark in the Eurovision Song Contest 2024: <i lang="da">Dansk Melodi Grand Prix</i>
- Deoni: <i>by Wolseley Haig</i>
- Depressor labii inferioris muscle: <i>sic</i>
- Desmethylselegiline: <i>R</i>
- Di mo: <i>di</i>
- Diamondback puffer: <i>
- Diamonds Are Forever (soundtrack): <i>[[Variety (magazine)|Variety]]</i>
- Die Architekten: <i>The Architects</i>
- Diphyus: <i> Diphyus quadripunctorius</i>
- Disinfectant: <i>E. coli</i>
- Distal promoter: <i>Lck</i>
- Dog sense of smell: <i>[[The Lancet]]</i>
- Doki Doki Literature Club!: <i>be</i>, <i>files</i>
- Dolarkheda: <I>, <I>
- Donegal Intermediate Football Championship: <i>Donegal News</i>
- Dositheos (Samaritan): <i>Continuatio</i>
- Doña Prudencia D. Fule Ancestral House: <i>
- Driving in Madagascar: <i lang="fr-MG" title="French-language text">Taxi brousses</i>
- Dryophylax almae: <i>Snakes of the World: A Catalogue of Living and Extinct Species</i>
- Dryophylax ceibae: <i>Snakes of the World: A Catalogue of Living and Extinct Species</i>
- Dryophylax chaquensis: <i>Snakes of the World: A Catalogue of Living and Extinct Species</i>
- Dryophylax corocoroensis: <i>Snakes of the World: A Catalogue of Living and Extinct Species</i>
- Dryophylax dixoni: <i>Snakes of the World: A Catalogue of Living and Extinct Species</i>
- Dryophylax duida: <i>Snakes of the World: A Catalogue of Living and Extinct Species</i>
- Dryophylax marahuaquensis: <i>Snakes of the World: A Catalogue of Living and Extinct Species</i>
- Dryophylax paraguanae: <i>Snakes of the World: A Catalogue of Living and Extinct Species</i>
- Dusky spinefoot: <i>Siganus luridus</i>
- Dysentery: <i>Escherichia coli</i>
- Dyspyralis nigellus: <i>Dyspyralis nigellus</i>
- Dzhankoi: <i>de jure</i>, <i>de jure</i>, <i>de facto</i>, <i>de facto</i>
[edit]- ERAP1: <i>ERAP1</i>
- ESO 148-2: <i>z</i>
- Eastern Ranges: <i>italics</i>
- Eastern small-footed myotis: <i>Myotis leibii</i>
- Echinostoma: <i>Echinostoma</i>
- Eddie Buczynski: <i>book of shadows</i>
- Eddie Condon: <i>In addition to these full length albums, Condon made 78 RPM recordings from the 1920s to the 1950s; labels included Brunswick and Commodore</i>
- Edward Howland Robinson Green: <I> The Inverted Jenny: Mystery, Money, Mania</i>
- Edward Masterman: <i>Royal Observer Corps</i>
- Edward Van Sloan: <i>sic</i>
- El Barco (song): <i>[[KG0516]]</i>
- Elaeagnus angustifolia: <i>Elaeagnus angustifolia</i>
- Elaine Carroll: <i>YouTube</i>
- Electrostatic solitary wave: <i>On waves</i>
- Element Magazine: <i>Element Magazine</i>
- Elizabeth Nell Dubus: <i>Baton Rouge Enterprise</i>
- Elvis sightings: <i>The Observer</i>
- Emei Shan liocichla: <i>Liocichla omeiensis</i>, <i>Pantana phyllostachysae</i>
- Emerald Sun: <i>(vocals)</i>, <i>(guitar)</i>, <i>(bass)</i>, <i>(guitar)</i>, <i>(drums)</i>
- Empress Sun: <i>MyDramaList</i>, <i>MyDramaList</i>
- Enterococcus: <i>Oreochromis niloticus</i>
- Enterococcus faecalis: <i>Oreochromis niloticus</i>
- Epiphragma solatrix: <i>Epiphragma</i>, <i>s.l</i>
- Equi Terme: <i>[[Frazione]]</i>, <i>[[Comune]]</i>
- Eriborus terebrans: <i>Paranthrene tabaniformis</i>, <i>Eriborus terebrans</i>
- Eric Paul Shaffer: <i>Free Speech</i>, <i>Road Sign Suite: Across America and Again</i>, <i>Restoring <s>Lady</s> Liberty</i>
- Erle Cox: <i>The Somerset Gazette</i>
- Erysimum cheiranthoides: <i>Erysimum cheiranthoides</i>
- Erythropotamos: <i>Corbicula fluminea</i>
- Eslami ya Misr: <i>لك يا مصر السلامة↵وسلاما يا بلادى↵إن رمى الدهر سهامه↵أتقيها بفؤادى↵واسلمى فى كل حين</i>, <i>Laki ya Misro-ssalaama↵Wa salaaman ya belaadi↵En rama-ddahro sehaamah↵Altaqeeha be-fo'aadi↵Wa-slami fee kolle heen</i>, <i>Safety for you, O Egypt↵And peace, O my homeland↵If eternity threw its arrows [at you]↵I would shield thee with my heart↵And be safe in all times</i>
- Essential medicines: <i>Essential medicines are those that satisfy the priority health care needs of the population.</i>
- Estonia in the Eurovision Song Contest 2019: <i lang="et">Eesti Laul</i>
- Estonia in the Eurovision Song Contest 2022: <i lang="et">Eesti Laul</i>
- Estonia in the Eurovision Song Contest 2024: <i lang="et">Eesti Laul</i>
- Estonia in the Eurovision Song Contest 2025: <i lang="et">Eesti Laul</i>
- Eta Octantis: <i>λ</i>
- Ethanoligenens harbinense: <i>Ethanoligenens harbinense</i>
- Ethiopic Alexander Romance: <i>Alexander romance</i>
- Etonitazepipne: <i>In vitro</i>, <i>in vivo</i>
- Eugen d'Albert: <i>our</i>
- Eugenia kaalensis: <i>et al.</i>
- Eugenia noumeensis: <i>et al.</i>
- Euler's constant: <i>γ</i>
- Eumorphobotys: <i>Eumorphobotys</i>
- European Route of Historic Theatres: <i>Teatro Principal</i>, <i>Teatro Garcia de Resende</i>, <i>Teatro Real Coliseo de Carlos III</i>
- Euroschinus aoupiniensis: <i>et al.</i>
- Euroschinus jaffrei: <i>et al.</i>
- Euura proxima: <i>Tribolium castaneum</i>
- Evening Oracle: <i>Portuguese</i>, <i>The Desert</i>
- Evolution of the brain: <i>NOVA1</i>, <i>NOVA1</i>, <i>NOVA1</i>, <i>ARHGAP11B</i>, <i>Homo</i>
- Evolutionary physiology: <i>Drosophila melanogaster</i>, <i>Drosophila melanogaster</i>, <i>Fundulus heteroclitus</i>, <i>Physiological and Biochemical Zoology</i>
- Ex vivo lung perfusion: <i>In vivo</i>, <i>Ex vivo</i>, <i>Ex Vivo</i>, <i>ex vivo</i>, <i>ex vivo</i>
- Exhibit (novel): <i>Kink: Stories</i>
- Exidy: <i>Bandido</i>
- Existential Closedness conjecture: <i>generic</i>
- Experimental evolution: <I>V̇</I>
- Eye Level (poetry collection): <i>[[The Rupture Tense]]</i>
- Eğlenhoca: <i lang="tr">[[:tr:Bağdadi (mimari)|bağdadi]]</i>, <i lang="tr">[[:tr:Alafranga ve alaturka|alaturka]]</i>, <i lang="tr">gayret [[:tr:Kuşak (giysi)|kuşağı]]</i>
[edit]- FT-104: <i>N</i>, <i>N</i>
- Faces (band): <i>[[Unplugged...and Seated]]</i>, <i>[[Unplugged...and Seated]]</i>
- Factor X: <i>Acinetobacter baumannii</i>
- Falubaz Zielona Góra: <i>Myszy</i>
- Fanny Hausmann: <i>Franziska Maria Elisabeth Haussmann</i>
- Fantasmas (TV series): <i>Fantasmas</i>
- Farley railway station: <i>Wollombi Road</i>, <i>The Braidwood Dispatch</i>
- Favaro Veneto: <i>[[Località]]</i>, <i>[[Comune]]</i>
- Federico De Roberto: <i lang=it>I Viceré</i>
- Felice Trojani: <i>[[Italia]]</i>
- Felipe Pirela: <i>El Bolerista de América</i>
- Feodosia: <i>de jure</i>, <i>de jure</i>, <i>de facto</i>, <i>de facto</i>
- Fermentation: <i>Henneguya</i>
- Ficus blepharophylla: <i>et al.</i>
- Ficus pakkensis: <i>et al.</i>
- Ficus ursina: <i>et al.</i>
- Finland in the Eurovision Song Contest 2019: <i lang="fi">Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu</i>
- Finland in the Eurovision Song Contest 2022: <i lang=fi>Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu</i>
- Finland in the Eurovision Song Contest 2024: <i lang="fi">Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu</i>
- Finland in the Eurovision Song Contest 2025: <i lang="fi">Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu</i>
- Finnlakeviridae: <i>Finnlakeviridae</i>
- Flavon: <i>[[Frazione]]</i>, <i>[[Comune]]</i>, <i>i flaóni</i>
- Fleurette's sportive lemur: <i>Lepilemur</i>
- Florian Schneider (professor): <i>Visual Political Communication in Popular Chinese Television Series</i>, <i>Staging China: The Politics of Mass Spectacle</i>
- Flos Carmeli: <i>Flos Carmeli,↵vitis florigera,↵splendor cæli,↵virgo puerpera↵singularis. ↵↵Mater mitis↵[[Perpetual virginity of Mary|sed viri nescia]]↵Carmelitis↵da privilegia↵[[Our Lady, Star of the Sea|Stella Maris]]. ↵↵[[O Antiphons#O Radix Jesse|Radix Jesse]]↵germinans [[Jesus|flosculum]]↵nos ad esse↵tecum in sæculum↵patiaris. ↵↵Inter spinas↵quæ crescis lilium↵serva puras↵mentes fragilium↵tutelaris. ↵↵Armatura↵fortis pugnantium↵furunt bella↵tende [[Sub tuum praesidium|præsidium]]↵[[Brown scapular|scapularis]]. ↵↵Per incerta↵prudens consilium↵per adversa↵iuge solatium↵largiaris. ↵↵Mater dulcis↵Carmeli domina,↵plebem tuam↵reple lætitia↵qua bearis. ↵↵Paradisi↵clavis et ianua,↵fac nos duci↵quo, Mater, gloria↵[[Coronation of the Virgin|coronaris]]. ↵Amen. ([[Alleluia]].)</i>
- Fluorothiazinone: <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i>
- Fly Me to the Moon: <i>Kya Tum Mere Ho</i>
- Food museum: <i>Interpreting Difficult History at Museums and Historic Sites</i>, <i>Interpreting American Jewish History at Museums and Historic Sites</i>, <i>Interpreting Food at Museums and Historic Sites</i>, <i>Interpreting Maritime History at Museums and Historic Sites</i>
- For What It's Worth (Liam Gallagher song): <i>[[Variety (magazine)|Variety]]</i>, <i>As You Were</i>, <i>[[Stereogum]]</i>, <i>[[Vulture (website)|Vulture]]</i>, <i>[[Rolling Stone]]</i>, <i>[[NME]]</i>, <i>[[PopMatters]]</i>, <i>[[BrooklynVegan]]</i>, <i>[[American Songwriter]]</i>
- Forb: <i>↵[[Acanthaceae]],↵[[Aizoaceae]],↵[[Amaranthaceae]],↵[[Apiaceae]],↵[[Apocynaceae]],↵[[Asclepiadaceae]],↵[[Asteraceae]],↵[[Balsaminaceae]],↵[[Begoniaceae]],↵[[Boraginaceae]],↵[[Brassicaceae]],↵[[Buxaceae]],↵[[Campanulaceae]],↵[[Cannabaceae]],↵[[Caryophyllaceae]],↵[[Chenopodiaceae]],↵[[Clusiaceae]],↵[[Convolvulaceae]],↵[[Crassulaceae]],↵[[Cucurbitaceae]],↵[[Cuscutaceae]],↵[[Dipsacaceae]],↵[[Ericaceae]],↵[[Euphorbiaceae]],↵[[Fabaceae]],↵[[Gentianaceae]],↵[[Geraniaceae]],↵[[Gunneraceae]],↵[[Haloragaceae]],↵[[Hydrophyllaceae]],↵[[Lamiaceae]],↵[[Lentibulariaceae]],↵[[Limnanthaceae]],↵[[Linaceae]],↵[[Lythraceae]],↵[[Malvaceae]],↵[[Moraceae]],↵[[Nyctaginaceae]],↵[[Onagraceae]],↵[[Orobanchaceae]],↵[[Oxalidaceae]],↵[[Papaveraceae]],↵[[Phytolaccaceae]],↵[[Plantaginaceae]],↵[[Plumbaginaceae]],↵[[Polemoniaceae]],↵[[Polygonaceae]],↵[[Portulacaceae]],↵[[Primulaceae]],↵[[Ranunculaceae]],↵[[Resedaceae]],↵[[Rosaceae]],↵[[Rubiaceae]],↵[[Scrophulariaceae]],↵[[Solanaceae]],↵[[Thymelaeaceae]],↵[[Urticaceae]],↵[[Valerianaceae]],↵[[Verbenaceae]],↵[[Violaceae]],↵[[Zygophyllaceae]]↵</i>
- Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act: <i>in substance</i>, <i>in substance</i>, <i>in substance</i>, <i>in substance</i>, <i>in substance</i>, <i>in substance</i>, <i>in substance</i>
- Foreign Bodies (poetry collection): <i>The Ghost Forest: New and Selected Poems</i>, <i>Brain Fever</i>
- Foreign aid to Venezuela: <i>by Romulo Betancourt</i>
- Forest thrush: <i>Turdus lherminieri</i>
- Forficula auricularia: <i>Mermis nigrescens</i>
- Format (Common Lisp): <i>functionName/</i>
- Fort Kearny: <i>
- Fosmanogepix: <i>Fusarium solani</i>
- Foxdale railway station: <i>Forsdal</i>
- France in the Eurovision Song Contest 2022: <i lang=fr>Eurovision France, c'est vous qui décidez !</i>
- Francis Warre-Cornish: <i>St Paul from the Trenches</i>
- French Barbarians: <i>Baa-Baas</i>
- French language: <i lang="fr">indicatif</i>
- Friulians: <i>, <i>
- From From: <i>Blackacre</i>
- Frédéric Plessis: <i>Études critiques sur Properce et ses élégies</i>
- Fuoco B. Fann: <i>gangster proof</i>
- Fuorigrotta: <i>[[Circoscrizione]]</i>
- Futa Helu: <i>[[New Zealand Herald]]</i>, <i>Overland</i>
[edit]- Galectin-8: <i>O</i>
- Garuda Dandaka: <i>garuḍamakhilavēdanīḍādhirūḍhaṁ dviṣatpīḍanōtkaṇṭhitākuṇṭha↵vaikuṇṭhapīṭhīkṛta skandhamīḍē<br>svanīḍā gatiprītarudrā sukīrtistanābhōga gāḍhōpagūḍhaṁ sphuratkaṇṭaka vrāta vēdhavyathā<br>vēpamāna dvijihvādhipā kalpaviṣphāryamāṇa sphaṭāvāṭikā ratnarōciśchaṭā rājinīrājitaṁ kāntikallōlinī rājitam</i>
- Gayatri Mantra: <i>oṃ nārāyaṇāya vidmahe<br>vāsudēvāya dhīmahī<br>tannō viṣṇuḥ pracōdayāt</i>, <i>oṃ devakīnandanaya vidmahe<br>vāsudevāya dhīmahī<br>tannō kṛṣṇa pracōdayāt</i>, <i>om tatpuruṣāya vidmahe<br>mahādevāya dhīmahi<br>tannō rudraḥ pracōdayāt</i>, <i>oṃ ekadantāya vidmahe<br>vakratuṇḍāya dhīmahi<br>tannō dantī pracōdayāt</i>, <i>oṃ kātyāyanyaya vidmahe<br>kānyākumāryaya dhīmahi<br>tannō durgā pracōdayāt</i>, <i>oṃ vāgdevyaya ca vidmahe<br>kāmarājāya dhīmahi<br>tannō devī pracōdayāt</i>, <i>oṃ mahādevyāya ca vidmahe<br>viṣṇupatnyāya ca dhīmahi<br> tannō lakṣmīḥ pracōdayāt</i>
- Geisha (disambiguation): <i>Geisha</i>, <i>Hemiptera</i>
- Genghis Chan on Drums: <i>[[Tell It Slant]]</i>, <i>Bijoux in the Dark</i>
- Genos: <i>Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte</i>
- George Calnan: <i>Akron</i>
- George French Flowers: <I>The Organs of All Souls Church, Langham Place, London & St Peter's Church, Vere Street, London</I>
- George Kerr (musician): <i>Billboard</i>
- George Masa: <I>[ George Masa: A Life Reimagined]</I>
- George Tiller: <I> [[Roe v. Wade]]</i>
- George Washington and slavery: <i>George Washington and Slavery↵A Documentary Portrayal</i>
- Georgia in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2021: <i lang="ka-Latn">Ranina</i>
- Geosmin: <i>Beta vulgaris</i>, <i>vulgaris</i>
- Gerald McCarthy (poet): <i>Hitchhiking Home from Danang - A Memoir of Vietnam, PTSD, and Reclamation</i>, <i>Hitchhiking Home from Danang</i>, <i>The VVA Veteran</i>, <i>The Things They Carried</i>
- Germany in the Eurovision Song Contest 2019: <i lang="de">Unser Lied für Israel</i>
- Germany in the Eurovision Song Contest 2024: <i lang="de">Das deutsche Finale</i>, <i lang="de">Ich will zum ESC!</i>
- Germany in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2020: <i lang="de">Dein Song für Warschau</i>
- Gifted (novella): <i>グレイスレス (Graceless)</i>, <i>Gifted</i>
- Gilbert Stuart Birthplace: <i>Jane Stuart: Heir to Genius</i>, <i> Edward Mitchell Bannister: "My Greatest Successes Have Come Through Her", the artistic partnership of Edward and Christiana Bannister</i>, <i>Mabel May Woodward: Chasing the Summer's Day</i>, <i>Soul of the Sitter: Contemporary Portraiture in Rhode Island</i>
- Gilteritinib: <i>FLT3</i>
- Gimme Shelter: <i>[[Let It Bleed]]</i>
- Girls Will Be Girls (2024 film): <i>Girls Will Be Girls</i>
- Gironima Spana: <i>The Book of Secrets</i>
- Gladbeck: <i>Gladbeki</i>
- Glyptotendipes: <i>Glyptotendipes</i>
- Gmelina lignum-vitreum: <i>et al.</i>
- Gnathotrichus materiarius: <i>Gnathotrichus materiarius</i>
- Gnomonia nerviseda: <i>Gnomonia nerviseda</i>
- Goal setting: <i>Goals gone wild.pdf</i>
- Gojirasaurus: <i>Segisaurus halli</i>
- Gold Coast Suns: <i>italics</i>
- Golden, Colorado: <I>Bruce v. House</I>
- Goldfinger (Shirley Bassey song): <i>[[Variety (magazine)|Variety]]</i>, <i>[[Rolling Stone]]</i>
- Gomoku: <i>Vintage Story</i>
- Good One (film): <i>Good One</i>
- Goodbye, Vitamin: <i>[[Real Americans]]</i>
- Graham Stevens: <i>The New Inflatable Moment</i>, <i>Desert Cloud</i>
- Great ape language: <I>Apes and Monkeys: Their Life and Language</i>, <I>mama</I>, <I>papa</I>, <I>cup</I>, <I>up</I>
- Greater Kuala Lumpur: <i style="color: black">Selangor</i>, <i style="color:grey">Kepong</i>, <i style="color:grey">Batu</i>, <i style="color:grey">Wangsa Maju</i>, <i style="color:grey">Setiawangsa</i>, <i style="color:grey">Sentul</i>, <i style="color:grey">Setapak</i>, <i style="color:grey">Semarak</i>, <i style="color:grey">Kg. Baru</i>, <i style="color:grey">Datuk Keramat</i>, <i style="color:grey">Pandan</i>, <i style="color:grey">Pudu</i>, <i style="color:grey">Bdr. Tun Razak</i>, <i style="color:grey">Cheras</i>, <i style="color:grey">Connaught</i>, <i style="color:grey">Alam Damai</i>, <i style="color:grey">Sungai Besi</i>, <i style="color:grey">Bukit Jalil</i>, <i style="color:grey">Sri Petaling</i>, <i style="color:grey">Salak</i>, <i style="color:grey">Seputeh</i>, <i style="color:grey">Taman Desa</i>, <i style="color:grey">Brickfields</i>, <i style="color:grey">Lembah Pantai</i>, <i style="color:grey">Bangsar</i>, <i style="color:grey">Bkt. Damansara</i>, <i style="color:grey">Duta</i>, <i style="color:grey">Manjalara</i>, <i style="color:grey">Mont Kiara</i>, <i style="color:grey">Ibu Kota</i>, <i style="color:grey">TTDI</i>, <i style="color:grey">Segambut</i>, <i style="color:grey">Kuchai</i>, </i>
- Greatest Hits (Monster Magnet album): <i>[[Monster Magnet (EP)|Monster Magnet]]</i>, <i>[[Powertrip]]</i>, <i>[[Spine of God]]</i>, <i>[[God Says No]]</i>, <i>[[Dopes to Infinity]]</i>, <i>[[God Says No]]</i>, <i>[[Powertrip]]</i>, <i>Powertrip</i>, <i>Powertrip</i>, <i>God Says No</i>, <i>Powertrip</i>, <i>Dopes to Infinity</i>, <i>Dopes to Infinity</i>, <i>God Says No</i>, <i>[[Superjudge]]</i>, <i>Powertrip</i>, <i>God Says No</i>, <i>[[Powertrip]]</i>, <i>[[Nativity_in_Black:_A_Tribute_to_Black_Sabbath#Nativity_in_Black_II|Nativity in Black II: A Tribute to Black Sabbath]]</i>, <i>[[God Says No]]</i>
- Green Frog (short story collection): <i>Sea Change</i>
- Greene Formation: <i>Diploceraspis</i>
- Grigori Perelman: <i>Perelman's proofs are concise and, at times, sketchy. The purpose of these notes is to provide the details that are missing in [Perelman's first two preprints]... Regarding the proofs, [Perelman's papers] contain some incorrect statements and incomplete arguments, which we have attempted to point out to the reader. (Some of the mistakes in [Perelman's first paper] were corrected in [Perelman's second paper].) We did not find any serious problems, meaning problems that cannot be corrected using the methods introduced by Perelman.</i>, <i>In this paper, we shall present the Hamilton-Perelman theory of Ricci flow. Based on it, we shall give the first written account of a complete proof of the Poincaré conjecture and the geometrization conjecture of Thurston. While the complete work is an accumulated efforts of many geometric analysts, the major contributors are unquestionably Hamilton and Perelman. [...] In this paper, we shall give complete and detailed proofs [...] especially of Perelman's work in his second paper in which many key ideas of the proofs are sketched or outlined but complete details of the proofs are often missing. As we pointed out before, we have to substitute several key arguments of Perelman by new approaches based on our study, because we were unable to comprehend these original arguments of Perelman which are essential to the completion of the geometrization program.</i>, <i>He proposed to me three alternatives: accept and come; accept and don't come, and we will send you the medal later; third, I don't accept the prize. From the very beginning, I told him I have chosen the third one ... [the prize] was completely irrelevant for me. Everybody understood that if the proof is correct, then no other recognition is needed.</i>, <i>I'm not interested in money or fame, I don't want to be on display like an animal in a zoo. I'm not a hero of mathematics. I'm not even that successful; that is why I don't want to have everybody looking at me.</i>
- Guildfordia aculeata: <i>Evolution and Escalation.</i>, <i>Biology of the Turbellaria</i>
- Gum anima: <i>Trachylobium hornemannianum</i>
- Gumarontinib: <i>MET</i>
- Gunaikurnai people: <i>mulla-mullung</i>
- Gunnr: <i>Poetry from Treatises on Poetics</i>, <i>Poetry in "Fornaldarsögur"</i>, <i>Poetry from the Kings' Sagas 2: From c. 1035 to c. 1300</i>
- Guttation: <i>gutta</i>
[edit]- HD 161056: <i>Gaia</i>
- HD 177765: <i>Gaia</i>
- HD 190655: <i>KEPLER</i>
- HD 196737: <i>TESS</i>
- HD 197911: <i>Gaia</i>
- HD 201298: <i>Gaia</i>
- HD 24733: <i>Gaia</i>
- HD 28454: <i>TESS</i>
- HD 28736: <i>BV</i>, <i>RI</i>
- HD 31529: <i>Gaia</i>, <i>G</i>
- HD 39901: <i>Gaia</i>, <i>G</i>
- HD 54879: <i>XMM-Newton</i>
- HD 861: <i>Gaia</i>
- HIP 81208: <i>M</i>
- HIP 94292: <i>Kepler</i>
- HMG-CoA reductase: <i>Unveiling the Mechanisms for Statin-Associated Sleep Problems and Myopathy : Statin Medication, Sleep Problems and Myopathy Mechanisms</i>
- HTML: <i>italic text</i>, <i>
- Halcones (paramilitary group): <i>[[El Halconazo]]</i>
- Halimah Marcus: <i>[[Electric Literature]]</i>
- Hambantota: <i>vacant</i>
- Hampton, London: <i>"Don't fire at the goddamned thing – let it go over and hit some other poor sons of bitches – get in the ditch and take those boys with you."</i>
- Hannah Lillith Assadi: <i>Sonora</i>
- Hans von Ohain: <i>An Interference Light Relay for White Light</I>
- Happy Cube: <i>I.e.</i>
- Harcourt Butler Technical University: <i>↵<p>"The institute will have two sides, instruction and research. They must operate and energise together. [...] A start will be made with vegetable oils, leather, and tinctorial chemistry. [...] The work of the institute will take time. The professors must be given a reasonably free hand. But they must not lose touch with the world of business and the practical conditions of industry.</p>↵<p>We must not stand still. Let our motto be 'on and ever on'. The outlook is favourable. The site of the new institution is within easy reach of the great industrial centre of Cawnpore, rich with capacity and experience. [...] I will set no limits in my imagination to the future progress of Cawnpore or the United Provinces. I will not admit one argument against their destiny."</p>↵</i>
- Hard Damage: <i>Good Girl</i>
- Haripad Sree Subrahmanya Swamy Temple: <i>"God of Haripad"</i>
- Harold Darke: <i>The Sackbut</I>
- Harry Gardiner: <i>Duluth Herald</i>, <i>Duluth Herald</i>
- Head covering for Jewish women: <i>izar</i>, <i>khiliyye</i>
- Hear my prayer: <i>The National Pipe Organ Register</i>
- Hedana: <i>
- Heliocentrism: <i>You [King Gelon] are aware that "universe" is the name given by most astronomers to the sphere, the centre of which is the centre of the earth, while its radius is equal to the straight line between the centre of the sun and the centre of the earth. This is the common account (τά γραφόμενα), as you have heard from astronomers. But Aristarchus brought out ''a book consisting of certain hypotheses'', wherein it appears, as a consequence of the assumptions made, that the universe is many times greater than the "universe" just mentioned. His hypotheses are that ''the fixed stars and the sun remain unmoved, that the earth revolves about the sun on the circumference of a circle, the sun lying in the middle of the orbit'', and that the sphere of the fixed stars, situated about the same centre as the sun, is so great that the circle in which he supposes the earth to revolve bears such a proportion to the distance of the fixed stars as the centre of the sphere bears to its surface.</i>, <i>Only do not, my good fellow, enter an action against me for impiety in the style of [[Cleanthes]], who thought it was the duty of Greeks to indict Aristarchus of Samos on the charge of impiety for putting in motion the Hearth of the Universe, this being the effect of his attempt to save the phenomena by supposing the heaven to remain at rest and the earth to revolve in an oblique circle, while it rotates, at the same time, about its own axis.</i>, <i>Did Plato put the earth in motion, as he did the sun, the moon, and the five planets, which he called the instruments of time on account of their turnings, and was it necessary to conceive that the earth "which is globed about the axis stretched from pole to pole through the whole universe" was not represented as being held together and at rest, but as turning and revolving (στρεφομένην καὶ ἀνειλουμένην), as Aristarchus and [[Seleucus of Seleucia|Seleucus]] afterwards maintained that it did, the former stating this as only a hypothesis (ὑποτιθέμενος μόνον), the latter as a definite opinion (καὶ ἀποφαινόμενος)?</i>, <i>There is talk of a new astrologer who wants to prove that the earth moves and goes around instead of the sky, the sun, the moon, just as if somebody were moving in a carriage or ship might hold that he was sitting still and at rest while the earth and the trees walked and moved. But that is how things are nowadays: when a man wishes to be clever he must … invent something special, and the way he does it must needs be the best! The fool wants to turn the whole art of astronomy upside-down. However, as Holy Scripture tells us, so did Joshua bid the sun to stand still and not the earth.</i>, <i> abstain completely from teaching or defending this doctrine and opinion or from discussing it... to abandon completely... the opinion that the sun stands still at the center of the world and the earth moves, and henceforth not to hold, teach, or defend it in any way whatever, either orally or in writing.</i>
- Helix (gastropod): <i>Helix pomatia</i>, <i>Helix lucorum</i>, <i>Helix pomatia</i>, <i>Helix pomatia</i>, <i>Helix texta</i>, <i>Helix pomatia</i>, <i>Helix pomatia</i>, <i>Helix pomatia</i>, <i>Helix pomatia</i>
- Helix albescens: <i>Helix</i>, <i>Helix godetiana</i>, <i>Maltzanella</i>, <i>Helix albescens</i>, <i>Helix albescens</i>
- Helix ceratina: <i>Helix ceratina</i>, <i>Helix tristis</i>, <i>Tyrrhenaria ceratina</i>
- Hellwigia: <i>Skiapus</i>, <i>Hellwigia</i>, <i>Nonnus</i>, <i>Chriodes</i>, <i>Klutiana</i>, <i>Skiapus</i>, <i>Hellwigia</i>
- Hemisphaerota cyanea: <i>Hemisphaerota cyanea</i>
- Henry Duffy: <i>Flying the Line, Volume II</i>
- Henry Irving: <i>For he once was a Star of the highest degree--<br>↵He has acted with Irving, he's acted with [[Herbert Beerbohm Tree|Tree]].</i>
- Henry Roughton Hogg: <i>Mygalomorphæ</i>, <i>Mygalomorphæ</i>, <i>Sparassinæ</i>, <i>Ctenizidæ</i>, <i>Lycosidæ</i>, <i>Arachnidæ</i>, <i>Nephilæ</i>, <i>Salticidæ</i>
- Hermes: <i>Alchemical Studies,</i>
- Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine: <i title="German-language text" lang="de">Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine</i>
- Hexaemeron: <i>On The Hexaemeron</i>
- Hexaemeron (Basil of Caesarea): <i>On The Hexaemeron</i>
- Hikayat Iskandar Zulkarnain: <i>Alexander Romance</i>
- Hilary Lapsley: <i>Margaret Mead and Ruth Benedict: The Kinship of Women</i>
- Hippopus hippopus: <i>Tridacna</i>, <i>Tridacna</i>
- Hiroshi Yoshida: <i>shin-hanga</i>
- Histamine N-methyltransferase: <i>S</i>
- History of Monopoly: <i>The Science of Creativity</i>
- History of Omaha, Nebraska: <i>A Picture History of Omaha's Saratoga Neighborhood</i>
- Hlöd: <i>The Dream of the Rood</i>
- Holy Trinity, Hoxton: <i>The Churchman’s Magazine and Wickliffe Preachers’ Messenger</I>, <I>Missale Anglicanum : English Missal</I>, <I>The Anglican Eucharist 1900-1967: an historical survey of the theological and liturgical developments during this period with particular reference to the catholic and evangelical wings of the Church of England</i>, <i>Watchman</I>, <i>Musical Standard</I>, <i>Musical opinion and music trade review</I>, <i>A Guide to the churches of London and its suburbs</I>, <i>Natstand</i>, <i>Folk Music Journal</i>, <i>RequiemSurvey</i>
- Homalium juxtapositum: <i>et al.</i>
- Homeland: </i>, <i>
- Honeymind: <i>Ben Platt: Live at the Palace</i>
- Honeypot ant: <i>Camponotus inflatus</i>
- Hope Anita Smith: <i>Keeping the Night Watch</i>
- Horden: <I>[[Boots and Saddles (TV series)|Boots and Saddles]]</I>
- Hospitaller Malta: <i>de jure</i>
- Hotel Touraine: <i>The Life and Work of Sir William Van Horne</i>
- Hottentotta rugiscutis: <i>Descriptions of some new species of scorpions</i>
- House of Acquaviva: <i>and others</i>
- Hunga mackeeana: <i>et al.</i>
- Hurricane, Utah: <i>[[Five Nights at Freddy's]]</i>, <i>The Silver Eyes</i>
- Hyaluromycin: <i>Streptomyces hyaluromycini</i>
- Hyblaea flavipicta: <i>Hyblaea flavipicta</i>
- Hydra Medusa: <i>[[The Grave on the Wall]]</i>, <i>The Afterlife Is Letting Go</i>
- Hyzetimibe: <i>NPC1L1</i>
[edit]- I Can See Your Voice (American game show): <i>The Masked Singer</i>
- I Can See Your Voice (American game show) season 2: <i>I Can See Your Voice</i>
- I Love L.A.: <i>[[Bean (film)|Bean]]</i>, <i>[[Volcano (1997 film)|Volcano]]</i>, <i>[[Gotcha!_(film)|Gotcha!]]</i>
- I Touch Myself: <i>Deadloch</i>
- ICHD classification and diagnosis of migraine: <i>NB</i>
- IDN homograph attack: <i title='latin vowel a, as it should be'>a</i>
- IET Mountbatten Medal: <i>No recipient</i>
- III Zw 2: <i>HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE</i>, <i>H</i>
- IRAS 01003-2238: <i>HST</i>
- IRAS 05189-2524: <i>SUZAKU</i>
- IRAS 19254-7245: <i>L</i>, <i>z</i>
- ISKCON Temple, Chennai: <i>sic</i>
- Iceland in the Eurovision Song Contest 2010: <i lang="is">Söngvakeppni Sjónvarpsins 2010</i>
- Iceland in the Eurovision Song Contest 2019: <i lang="is">Söngvakeppnin</i>
- Iceland in the Eurovision Song Contest 2020: <i lang="is">Söngvakeppnin</i>, <i lang="is">Söngvakeppnin</i>, <i lang="is">Söngvakeppnin</i>
- Iceland in the Eurovision Song Contest 2022: <i lang="is">Söngvakeppnin</i>
- Iceland in the Eurovision Song Contest 2024: <i lang="is">Söngvakeppnin</i>
- Ida Ørskov: <i>(left)</i>, <i>(right)</i>
- Iino Hachimangū: <i>[[East Asian hip-and-gable roof|Iromoya]]</i>
- Ilya G. Usoskin: <i>GERACLE</i>, <i>ReSoLVE</i>
- In corpore sano: <i lang=sr-Latn> Pesma za Evroviziju</i>
- Inavolisib: <i>β</i>
- Independent politician: <i>Mayor Michael Bloomberg: The limits of power</i>, <i>Mayor Michael Bloomberg: The limits of power</i>
- Indian National Congress: <i>s</i>
- India–United States relations: <i>(Designate)</i>
- Indo-Semitic languages: <i>Wort und Stunde</i>, <i>Beiträge zum Verständnis Luthers</i>
- Indoplanorbis: <i>Indoplanorbis exustus</i>
- Inertial frame of reference: <i>Special principle of relativity: If a system of coordinates K is chosen so that, in relation to it, physical laws hold good in their simplest form, the same laws hold good in relation to any other system of coordinates K' moving in uniform translation relatively to K.</i>, <i>The laws of Newtonian mechanics do not always hold in their simplest form...If, for instance, an observer is placed on a disc rotating relative to the earth, he/she will sense a 'force' pushing him/her toward the periphery of the disc, which is not caused by any interaction with other bodies. Here, the acceleration is not the consequence of the usual force, but of the so-called inertial force. Newton's laws hold in their simplest form only in a family of reference frames, called inertial frames. This fact represents the essence of the Galilean principle of relativity:<br />   The laws of mechanics have the same form in all inertial frames.</i>, <i>A reference frame in which a mass point thrown from the same point in three different (non co-planar) directions follows rectilinear paths each time it is thrown, is called an inertial frame.</i>, <i>↵*The existence of absolute space contradicts the internal logic of classical mechanics since, according to the Galilean principle of relativity, none of the inertial frames can be singled out.↵*Absolute space does not explain inertial forces since they are related to acceleration with respect to any one of the inertial frames.↵*Absolute space acts on physical objects by inducing their resistance to acceleration but it cannot be acted upon.↵</i>, <i>The original question, "relative to what frame of reference do the laws of motion hold?" is revealed to be wrongly posed. The laws of motion essentially determine a class of reference frames, and (in principle) a procedure for constructing them.</i>, <i>An inertial frame of reference is one in which the motion of a particle not subject to forces is in a straight line at constant speed.</i>, <i>The weakness of the principle of inertia lies in this, that it involves an argument in a circle: a mass moves without acceleration if it is sufficiently far from other bodies; we know that it is sufficiently far from other bodies only by the fact that it moves without acceleration.</i>, <i>The motions of bodies included in a given space are the same among themselves, whether that space is at rest or moves uniformly forward in a straight line.</i>, <i>There is no experiment observers can perform to distinguish whether an acceleration arises because of a gravitational force or because their reference frame is accelerating.</i>, <i>The effect of this being in the noninertial frame is to require the observer to introduce a fictitious force into his calculations…</i>, <i>The equations of motion in a non-inertial system differ from the equations in an inertial system by additional terms called inertial forces. This allows us to detect experimentally the non-inertial nature of a system.</i>, <i>If bodies, any how moved among themselves, are urged in the direction of parallel lines by equal accelerative forces, they will continue to move among themselves, after the same manner as if they had been urged by no such forces.</i>
- Insert Boy: <i>Don't Call Us Dead</i>
- Inside Out (franchise): <i>Inside Out 2</i>
- Invective: <i>sic</i>
- Iota Mensae: <i>Gaia</i>, <i>G</i>
- Iqbal Khan (general): <i>
- Iran–Sudan relations: <i>de facto</i>, <i>de facto</i>
- Ireland in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2021: <i lang="ga">Junior Eurovision Éire</i>
- Irene Ghobrial: <i>Blood Adv.</i>
- Ise no Taifu: <i>Chiritsumoru↵Konoha ga shita no↵Wasuremizu↵Sumu tomo miezu↵Taema nomi shite↵</i>, <i>Inishie no↵Nara no miyako no↵Yaezakura↵Kyō kokonoe ni↵Nioinuru kana↵</i>, <i>Oki akashi↵Mitsutsu nagamuru↵Hagi no ue no↵Tsuyu fuki midaru↵Aki no yo no kaze↵</i>
- Isidore of Kiev: <i zoompage-fontsize="12">George Gemistos Plethon, the Last of the Hellenes</i>
- Iskandar Malaysia: <i style="color:black">Johor Bahru</i>, <i style="color:black">Iskandar Puteri</i>, <i style="color:black">Pasir Gudang</i>, <i style="color:black">Kulai</i>, <i style="color:black">Pontian</i>
- IsoDMT: <i>N</i>, <i>N</i>
- Israel in the Eurovision Song Contest 2024: <i lang="he-Latn">HaKokhav HaBa</i>
- It's All About to Change: <i> Albums are rated on a scale of one star (poor) to five (a classic). : </i>
- It's Showtime (Philippine TV program): <i>bata</i>, <i>bato bato pick</i>
- Itinerarium Regis Ricardi: <i>Itinerarium Peregrinorum et Gesta Regis Ricardi</i>
- Iwam language: <i>-yok</i>, <i>-harok</i>, <i>-tep</i>, <i>-wae</i>
- Izak Rankine: <i>Kuwarna</i>
[edit]- J. Neely Johnson: <i>Sacramento Daily Union</i>
- Jacob ben Reuben (rabbi): <i>reconquista</i>
- Jaguar XJR-7: <i>[[Hewland]]</i>
- Jahandad Khan (general): <i>
- James Frey (priest): <i>History of the Waldensian People</i>
- James Heisig: <i>Japanese Philosophy Abroad</i>
- James Scott Pringle: <i>A Noble and Independent Course, the Life of the Reverend Edward Mitchel, the first person of African descent to graduate from Dartmouth College and the [[Ivy League]]</i>
- James Wilford Garner: <i>by James Wilford Garner</i>
- James' sportive lemur: <i>Lepilemur</i>
- Jamshed Bharucha: <i>Emeritus</i>
- Jan Zawidzki: <i>Jan Wiktor Tomasz Zawidzki</i>
- Jane P. Chang: <I>e.g.</i>
- Japanese garden: <i>tsurazue</i>, <i>hōdzue shichū</i>
- Jayanagar metro station: <i>Final Stages before Operations</i>
- Jaydia queketti: <i>Jaydia queketti</i>
- Jean Conan Doyle: <i>Windlesham</i>
- Jelly blubber: <i>Catostylus mosaicus conservativus</i>, <i>Catostylus mosaicus</i>, <i>Catostylus mosaicus</i>, <i>Phyllorhiza punctata</i>, <i>Catostylus mosaicus</i>, <i>Phyllorhiza punctata</i>
- Jeremy Beck: <I>Requiem</I>, <I>Gramophone</I>, <I>Invitation to Love</I>, <I>Elegy</I>, <I>November Dances</I>, <I>Invitation to Love</I>
- Jerry Paris: <i>Los Angeles Times</i>
- Jerry Woodall: <i>x</i>, <i>x</i>
- Jessie Kesson: </i>
- Jim Byrnes (actor): <i>
- Jiro Kuwata: <i>[[Shōnen manga|Shōnen]]</i>
- Johann Koehnken: <i>Cincinnati Historical Society Bulletin</i>
- John Boit: <i>Union</i>
- John Bullough (businessman): <i>Captain</i>
- John Fitzallen: <i>The Age</i>, <i>The Age</i>
- John Vandercook: </i>
- John of Valamo: </i>, </i>, </i>, </i>
- Joseph Emanuel Barbo von Waxenstein: <i>Jožef Emanuel Barbo Waxenstein</i>
- Joseph Kimhi: <i>reconquista</i>
- Joseph Strayer: <i>Inventing the Middle Ages</i>, <i>Speculum</i>, <i>Luminaries: Princeton Faculty Remembered</i>, <i>New York Times</i>, <i>Feudalism</i>, <i>Inventing the Middle Ages</i>, <i>Fragmente↵Der Umgang mit lückenhaften Quellenüberlieferungen in der Mittelalterforschung</i>, <i>Luminaries: Princeton Faculty Remembered</i>
- Joseph and Potiphar's Wife (Properzia de' Rossi): <i>vita</i>, <i>Lives</i>
- Joshua Sasse: <i>
- José Teófilo de Jesus: <i>Artistas Bahianos,</i>, <i>Artistas Bahianos,</i>
- José de Yanguas, 11th Viscount of Santa Clara de Avedillo: <i>position established</i>, <i>position abolished</i>
- Jubaeopsis: <i>et al.</i>
- Judge Arthur B. Braley House: <i><poem>↵ Laugh, and the world laughs with you;↵ Weep, and you weep alone.<ref name=nrhp/>↵</poem></i>
- Judith Sargent Murray: <i>Gentlemen and Ladies Town and Country</i>
- Just what is it that makes today's homes so different, so appealing?: <i>Barbie</i>
- József Klekl (writer): <i>Jožef Klekl</i>
[edit]- KIC 9970396: <i>KEPLER</i>
- Kabwe: <I>[[Ficus sycomorus]]</I>
- Kalam cosmological argument: <i>Kalām</i>
- Kalanchoe pinnata: <i>Kalanchoe pinnata</i>
- Kalidas Samman: <i>sic</i>
- Kalokalike: Face 4: <i>Akin Ka Na Lang</i>, <i>'''Monday'''<br>{{small|(November 18, 2024)}}</i>, <i>'''Tuesday'''<br>{{small|(November 19, 2024)}}</i>, <i>'''Wednesday'''<br>{{small|(November 20, 2024)}}</i>, <i>'''Thursday'''<br>{{small|(November 21, 2024)}}</i>, <i>'''Friday'''<br>{{small|(November 22, 2024)}}</i>
- Kalos Limen: <i>Periplus of the Euxine Sea</i>
- Kampalili moss mouse: <i>Tarsomys</i>
- Kanjūrō Arashi: <i>[[Profound Desires of the Gods]]</i>
- Kapsēde: <i>Lielciems</i>
- Karamat Rahman Niazi: <i>
- Karen Frances McCarthy: <i>The Conan Doyle Casebook.</i>
- Kaspars Daugaviņš: <i>[[The Hockey News]]</i>
- Kate Dollenmayer: <i>[[Funny Ha Ha]]</i>
- Kate Loder: <i>Musicians of Bath and Beyond: Edward Loder (1809-1865) and His Family</i>, <i>Handbook to the Public Picture Galleries of Europe</I>, <i>Oxford Dictionary of National Biography</i>, <i>Requiem</i>
- Keith Bosley: <i>impair</i>, <i>Kalevala</i>
- Kelantan: <i style="color: #808080;">'''THAILAND'''</i>, <i style="color: #666;">'''PAHANG'''</i>, <i style="color: #666;">'''PERAK'''</i>, <i style="color: #666;">'''TERENGGANU'''</i>, <i style="color: #666;">'''KEDAH'''</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5;">'''South<br />China<br />Sea'''</i>
- Kendall rank correlation coefficient: <i>varlist</i>
- Kepler-39b: <i>Gaia</i>, <i>TESS</i>
- Kerch: <i>de jure</i>, <i>de jure</i>, <i>de facto</i>, <i>de facto</i>
- Kere (famine): <i lang="mg">Kere</i>, <i lang="mg">Raketa</i>
- Kermadec Islands: <i>Homalanthus polyandrus</i>
- Khmelnytskyi: <i>Elephant</i>
- Kimberly Drew: <i>[[Black Futures]]</i>
- King Street, Danbury, Connecticut: <i>in</i>
- Kiwa hirsuta: <i>Kiwa hirsuta</i>
- Krasnohvardiiske: <i>de jure</i>, <i>de facto</i>, <i>de jure</i>, <i>de facto</i>
- Krasnoperekopsk: <i>de jure</i>, <i>de jure</i>, <i>de facto</i>, <i>de facto</i>
- Krishnarao Pant Pratinidhi: <i>unknown</i>, <i>unknown</i>
- Kryptopterus vitreolus: <I>Kryptopterus vitreolus</I>
- Kryptos: <i>Kryptos</i>
- Kuala Lumpur: <i style="color:gray">Kepong<br>Baru</i>, <i style="color:black">'''Batu'''</i>, <i style="color:black">'''Wangsa Maju'''</i>, <i style="color:black">'''{{nowrap|Setiawangsa}}'''</i>, <i style="color:grey">Sentul</i>, <i style="color:grey">Setapak</i>, <i style="color:grey">Semarak</i>, <i style="color:grey">Kg. Baru</i>, <i style="color:grey">Datuk Keramat</i>, <i style="color:grey">Pandan</i>, <i style="color:grey">Pudu</i>, <i style="color:black">'''Bdr. Tun Razak'''</i>, <i style="color:black">'''Cheras'''</i>, <i style="color:grey">Connaught</i>, <i style="color:grey">Alam<br>Damai</i>, <i style="color:grey">Sungai Besi</i>, <i style="color:grey">Bukit Jalil</i>, <i style="color:grey">Sri Petaling</i>, <i style="color:grey">Salak</i>, <i style="color:black">'''Seputeh'''</i>, <i style="color:grey">Taman<br>Desa</i>, <i style="color:grey">Brickfields</i>, <i style="color:black">'''Lembah Pantai'''</i>, <i style="color:grey">Bangsar</i>, <i style="color:grey">Bkt. Damansara</i>, <i style="color:grey">Duta</i>, <i style="color:grey">Manjalara</i>, <i style="color:grey">Mont Kiara</i>, <i style="color:grey">KLCC</i>, <i style="color:grey">TTDI</i>, <i style="color:black">'''Segambut'''</i>, <i style="color:grey">Kuchai</i>, <i style="color:black">Batu<br>Caves</i>, <i style="color:grey">Chow<br>Kit</i>, <i style="color:black">'''Bukit Bintang'''</i>, <i style="color:grey">Ampang Hilir</i>, <i style="color:grey">Maluri</i>, <i style="color:grey">Sungai Penchala</i>, <i style="color:grey">Taman<br>OUG</i>, <i style="color:grey">Jinjang</i>, <i style="color:black">'''Kepong'''</i>, <i style="color:gray">Batu<br>Muda</i>, <i style="color:gray">Kentonmen</i>, <i style="color:grey">Taman Melati</i>, <i style="color:black">'''Titiwangsa'''</i>, <i style="color:grey">Taman Wahyu</i>, <i style="color:gray">Sri<br>Rampai</i>, <i style="color:gray">Danau<br>Kota</i>, <i style="color:gray">Ayer<br>Panas</i>, <i style="color:gray">Sri Permaisuri</i>, <i style="color:grey">Shamelin</i>, <i style="color:grey">Taman Midah</i>, <i style="color:grey">Bukit<br>Tunku</i>, <i style="color:grey">Bandar<br>Malaysia</i>, <i style="color:green">Bukit Dinding</i>, <i style="color:green">Bukit<br>Kiara</i>, <i style="color:green">Bukit<br>Sri Bintang</i>, <i style="color:green">Bukit Lanjan</i>, <i style="color:green">Bukit TM</i>, <i style="color:green">Bukit Besi</i>, <i style="color:green">Bukit Gasing</i>, <i style="color:green">Bukit Kerinchi</i>, <i style="color:green">Bukit Robson</i>, <i style="color:green">Bukit Ketumbar</i>, <i style="color:green">Bukit Pudu Ulu</i>, <i style="color:black">Bukit Tabur West</i>, <i style="color:black">Bukit Tabur East</i>, <i style="color:green">Perdana Botanical Gardens</i>, <i style="color:green">Taman Tugu</i>, <i style="color:#48A3B5">Klang Gates Dam</i>, <i style="color:black">Petaling District</i>, <i style="color:black">Hulu Langat District</i>, <i style="color:black">Gombak District</i>
- Kuki Ryūichi: <i>[[Genrōin]]</i>
- Kwaza language: <i>sile-</i>, <i>kore-</i>
- Kʼinich Janaabʼ Pakal: </i>
[edit]- LYN: <i>Klebsiella pneumoniae</i>
- La Di Da Di: <i>It's all because of you, I'm feelin' sad and blue<br>↵You went away, now my life is [filled with] rainy day[s]<br>↵[And] I love you so, how much you'll never know<br>↵'Cause you took your love away from me</i>
- La Paz, Baja California Sur: <i>Perla de la Paz</i>
- Lacistemataceae: <i>Lacistema</i>, <i>Lozania</i>
- Ladies' Home Journal: <i>Ladies' Home Journal</i>
- Lady Ise: <i>Aoyagi no↵Eda ni kakareru↵Harusame wa↵Ito motenukeru↵Tama ka to zo miru↵</i>, <i>Naniwa-gata↵Mijikaki ashi no↵Fushi no ma mo↵Awade kono yo o↵Sugushite yo to ya↵</i>
- Lady's Pictorial: <i>The Lady's Pictorial</i>, <i>Lady's Pictorial</i>
- Lake Ruda Woda: <i>The opposite shore [of lake Ruda Woda] presents a peculiar appearance. In front of the forest crown covered with tall, old trees, there is a much lower, differently colored strip of young growth, which obviously emerged only after the partial draining of the lake basin. Curiously, it consists almost exclusively of alders, whereas in the high forest behind it, the alder is only sporadically present.</i>
- Lapidary: <i>Lyngurium</i>, <i>Lapidary of Sydrac:</i>, <i>Lapidaire chrétien</i>
- Larry V. Hedges: <i>g</i>, <i>g</i>, <i>d</i>, <i>g</i>
- Las Piñas City National Science High School: <i>
- Lasiochlamys hurlimannii: <i>et al.</i>
- Lasiochlamys mandjeliana: <i>et al.</i>
- Lasiochlamys trichostemona: <i>et al.</i>
- Lasiodiplodia iraniensis: <I>Lasiodiplodia</I>
- Last Days (poetry collection): <i>Poetry as Spellcasting</i>, <i>Dovetail</i>
- Latvia in the Eurovision Song Contest 2022: <i lang="lv">Supernova</i>
- Latvia in the Eurovision Song Contest 2023: <i lang="lv">Supernova</i>
- Latvia in the Eurovision Song Contest 2024: <i lang="lv">Supernova</i>
- Latvia in the Eurovision Song Contest 2025: <i lang="lv">Supernova</i>
- Law of definite proportions: <i>Journal de Physique, de Chimie, d'Histoire Naturelle et des Arts.</i>
- Le Corsaire: <i style=font-size:106%>Le Corsaire</i>, <i style=font-size:106%>Le Corsaire</i>, <i style=font-size:106%>Le Corsaire</i>, <i style=font-size:106%>Le Corsaire pas de deux</i>
- Lebesgue space: <i>L</i>, <i>p</i>
- Legionella pneumophila: <i>Legionella pneumophila</i>, <i>L. pneumophila</i>, <i>Legionella pneumophila</i>, <i>Legionella pneumophila</i>, <i>Legionella pneumophila</i>, <i>Legionella pneumophila</i>, <i>Legionella pneumophila</i>
- Lehmann's poison frog: <i><scp>O</scp>ophaga histrionica</i>
- Leland Corporation: <i>Pig Out</i>, <i>Ataxx</i>, <i>Brute Force</i>
- Lennart Grebelius: <i>for valuable contributions within Swedish industry</i>
- Leptolebias marmoratus: <i>Austrofundulus limnaeus</i>
- Lesser ground robin: <i>Amalocichla</i>, <i>Pachycare</i>
- Leucoraja naevus: <i>Leucoraja naevus</i>
- Lexus TX: <i>[[Toyota Dynamic Force engine#T24A-FTS|T24A-FTS]]</i>, <i>T24A-FTS</i>, <i>[[Toyota GR engine#2GR-FXS|2GR-FXS]]</i>
- Life Ceremony: <i>{{nihongo|Earthlings|地球星人|Chikyūseijin}}</i>, <i>{{nihongo|Changeability|変半身|Henhanshin}}</i>, <i>生命式 (Seimeishiki)</i>, <i>'''Life Ceremony'''</i>, <i>{{lit|Life Ceremony|lk=yes}}|</i>
- Life on Earth (poetry collection): <i>Only As the Day Is Long</i>
- Life-process model of addiction: <i>impedes</i>
- Liles C. Burke: <i>National Small Business United v. Janet Yellen,</i>
- Lindsay Lohan on screen and stage: <i>post-production</i>
- Linum cratericola: <i>et al.</i>
- Lisa Stewart: <i>Solitary Heart</i>, <i>This Week in Country Music</i>
- List of 2024 American television debuts: <i>Twilight</i>
- List of Brooklyn College alumni: <i>Nature</i>, <i>In West Mills</i>
- List of Bureau of Land Management Back Country Byways: <i>Loops through [[Washoe County, Nevada|Washoe County]] and returns to Cedarville</i>, <i>Former Type II byway; date of de-designation unknown.</i>, <i>Loops through [[Lemhi Pass]] and returns to Tendoy</i>, <i>Loops through [[Nye County, Nevada|Nye County]] and returns to US 6</i>, <i> Loops around Silver Mountains and returns to Wendover</i>
- List of Fortians: <i>Sir</i>
- List of Lepidoptera of Iceland: <i>Vanessa</i>
- List of Michelin-starred restaurants in Toronto: <i>[[Toronto Star]]</i>, <i>Star</i>
- List of People's Republic of Bangladesh governments: <i>acting</i>, <i>Post abolished</i>, <i><small>military backed</small></i>, <i>Post abolished</i>, <i>Post abolished</i>, <i>vacant</i>
- List of The Jetsons episodes: <i>D</i>, <i>F</i>
- List of acts of the National Assembly for Wales from 2013: <i lang=cy>Deddf Llywodraeth Leol (Democratiaeth) (Cymru) 2013</i>
- List of deep fields: <i>z</i>
- List of established military terms: <i>first, an intellect that, even in the darkest hour, retains some glimmerings of the inner light which leads to truth; and second, the courage to follow this faint light wherever it may lead</i>
- List of highest-grossing Tamil films: <i>Baahubali</i>, <i>Thuppakki</i>
- List of largest stars: <i>J</i>, <i>α</i>
- List of moths of Russia (Micropterigoidea-Yponomeutoidea): <i>Micropterix calthella</i>
- List of municipal flags of Central Germany: <i style="color: #48A3B5">Luxembourg</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Poland</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">France</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Denmark</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5;">Netherlands</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5;">Belgium</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5;">Austria</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5;">Czech Republic</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Switzerland</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">North<br>Sea</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Baltic Sea</i>
- List of municipal flags of Eastern Germany: <i style="color: #48A3B5">Luxembourg</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Poland</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">France</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Denmark</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5;">Netherlands</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5;">Belgium</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5;">Austria</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5;">Czech Republic</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Switzerland</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">North<br>Sea</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Baltic Sea</i>
- List of municipal flags of Northern Germany: <i style="color: #48A3B5">Luxembourg</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Poland</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">France</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Denmark</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5;">Netherlands</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5;">Belgium</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5;">Austria</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5;">Czech Republic</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Switzerland</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">North<br>Sea</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Baltic Sea</i>
- List of municipal flags of Schleswig-Holstein: <i style="color: #48A3B5">Luxembourg</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Poland</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">France</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Denmark</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5;">Netherlands</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5;">Belgium</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5;">Austria</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5;">Czech Republic</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Switzerland</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">North<br>Sea</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Baltic Sea</i>
- List of municipal flags of Southern Germany: <i style="color: #48A3B5">Luxembourg</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Poland</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">France</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Denmark</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5;">Netherlands</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5;">Belgium</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5;">Austria</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5;">Czech Republic</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Switzerland</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">North<br>Sea</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Baltic Sea</i>
- List of municipal flags of Western Germany: <i style="color: #48A3B5">Luxembourg</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Poland</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">France</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Denmark</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5;">Netherlands</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5;">Belgium</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5;">Austria</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5;">Czech Republic</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Switzerland</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">North<br>Sea</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Baltic Sea</i>
- List of nonlinear ordinary differential equations: <i>On the</i>, <i>discriminant of a Differential Equation of the First Order, and on Certain Points in the General Theory of Envelopes connected therewith</i>
- List of political parties in Bangladesh: <i>Registration cancelled</i>, <i>Registration cancelled</i>, <i>Registration cancelled</i>, <i>Registration cancelled</i>, <i>Registration cancelled</i>
- List of punk rock festivals: <i>"First European Punk Rock Festival"</i>, <i>—a typically [[jazz]]-oriented venue in [[Oxford Street, London]], England-</i>
- List of saints canonized in the 21st century: <i>Psalm-Cantata</i>, <i>Writings of Junípero Serra. Volume IV</i>
- List of sequenced plant genomes: <i>Prosopis cineraria</i>, <i>Vicia villosa</i>, <i>Eucalyptus</i>, <i>Averrhoa carambola</i>
- List of songs about Oklahoma: <i>Earthlings</I>, <i>Hummingbird</i>, <I>The Oklahoma Eagle</i>
- List of songs recorded by Shreya Ghoshal: <i>Traditional</i>, <i>Traditional</i>
- List of wild animals of Egypt: <i>Allactaga</i>, <i>Jaculus</i>
- Lists of German municipal flags: <i style="color: #48A3B5">Luxembourg</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Poland</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">France</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Denmark</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5;">Netherlands</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5;">Belgium</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5;">Austria</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5;">Czech Republic</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Switzerland</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">North<br>Sea</i>, <i style="color: #48A3B5">Baltic Sea</i>
- Lithuania in the Eurovision Song Contest 2019: <i lang="lt">"Eurovizijos" dainų konkurso nacionalinė atranka</i>
- Lithuania in the Eurovision Song Contest 2022: <i lang=lt>Pabandom iš naujo!</i>
- Lithuania in the Eurovision Song Contest 2023: <i lang=lt>Pabandom iš naujo!</i>
- Lithuania in the Eurovision Song Contest 2024: <i lang="lt">Eurovizija.LT</i>
- Lithuania in the Eurovision Song Contest 2025: <i lang="lt">Eurovizija.LT</i>
- Litsea imbricata: <i>et al.</i>
- Living Proof: The Farewell Tour: <i>'''Living Proof: The Farewell Tour'''</i>
- Loie Fuller: <i>Serpentine Dance</i>
- Lord Longyang: <i>Tongxinglian</i>, <i>People's Daily</i>, <i>Adaptation</i>, <i>Huaben</i>
- Lorne Maclaine: <i>heir:</i>
- Los Shakers: <i>Non-album single</i>, <i>Non-album single</i>, <i>Non-album single</i>, <i>Non-album single</i>
- Louis Virtel: <i>HitFix</i>, <i>[[Uproxx]]</i>, <i>Jeopardy!</i>
- Louise Bransten Berman: <i>Enormoz</i>
- Luheria constricta: <I>Luheria constricta</I>
- Lunar node: <i>ra’s</i>, <i>dhanab</i>
- LuneOS: <i>sic</i>, <i>sic</i>
- Lutfozzaman Babar: <i>Business of Babar unknown</i>
- Lycaenops: <i>Lycaenops</i>
- Lyme disease: <i>Ixodes scapularis</i>
- Lythraceae: <i>Ammannia</i>, <i>Lythrum</i>, <i>Rotala</i>
- Löschian number: <i>x<sup>2</sup> + xy + y<sup>2</sup></i>, <i>x, y</i>
[edit]- M-MTDATA: <i>pin</i>, <i>N</i>, <i>N</i>, <i>N</i>, <i>N</i>
- M.s. RedCherries: <i>[[Mother (poetry collection)|mother]]</i>
- MCG +08-11-011: <i>Chandra</i>
- MCG -03-04-014: <i>Spitzer</i>
- MDMB-4en-PINACA: <i>in Vitro</i>
- Machismo: <i>The Labyrinth of Solitude</i>
- Madhavrao II: <i>''[[Peshwa|Shrimant Peshwa]]''<br>''Maharajadhiraj ''<br>''Vakil-ul-Mutlaq''' '''(Regent of the Empire)'' ↵</i>
- Madhyamaka: <i href="#CITEREFBhattacharya1943">[[Tathāgatagarbha sūtras]]</i>
- Madras Regiment: <i>“O Brave Madrassi, Hit And Kill, Hit And Kill, Hit And Kill !”</i>
- Magpasikat: <i>KinsEYYY</i>
- Makwerekwere: <i>Makwerekwere</i>
- Malacca: </i>, <i style="color: #666;">'''Negeri Sembilan'''</i>, <i style="color: #666;">'''Johor'''</i>, <i style="color:gray;">Alor Gajah</i>, <i style="color:gray;">Jasin</i>, <i style="color:gray;">Melaka Tengah</i>, </i>
- Maladera formosae: <i>Maladera castanea</i>
- Malaria: <i>Plasmodium falciparum</i>, <i>Plasmodium falciparum</i>, <i>Delftia tsuruhatensis</i>
- Malesherbia fasciculata: <i>M. fasciculata</i>
- Malesherbia lirana: <i> M. lirana</i>, <i> lirana </i>
- Malmö City Theatre: <i>Malmö Stadsteater</i>
- Malta Mathematical Society: <i>Dimitar Petrov (Executive Member)</i>
- Mammillaria geminispina: <i>M. geminispina</i>, <i>M. geminispina</I>
- Manganese nitrides: <i>x</i>
- Manidens: <i>Manidens condorensis</i>
- Marburg Colloquy: <i id="repulsive_to_zwingli">Such thoughts were repulsive to Zwingli. They smacked of cannibalism on the one hand and of the pagan mystery religions on the other.</i>
- Marcella Arguello: <i>Bitch, Grow Up!</i>, <i>The Woke Bully</i>, <i>Motivational Monday Meditations with Marcella Marguello</i>, <i>Mercury in Reggaeton</i>
- Marcello Musto: </i>
- Marcia J. Bates: <i>h</i>
- Marie Wagner: <i>Harpo Speaks!</i>
- Marin Alsop: <i>My Philosphy</i>
- Marine Aviation Training Support Group 22: <i>Major Everton (CO) [2]<br />↵Captain Frank C. Drury [1]<br />↵Lieutenant Joe V. Schellack [2.5]<br />↵Lieutenant Emmet O. Anglin [1]<br />↵Lieutenant Bernard A. Nelson [0.5]<br />↵Master Sergeant Peter Tunno [1].</i>
- Marine prokaryotes: <i>Trichodesmium</i>, <i>Astrangia poculata</i>
- Mariprofundus ferrooxydans: <i>Mariprofundus ferrooxydans</i>, <i>Thalassospira</i>
- Maritime Telegraph and Telephone Company: <I>Maritime Telegraph and Telephone Company Limited </I>
- Markarian 1018: <i>z</i>
- Marketing management: <i>recognizing, generating and disseminating market insight to ensure better market-related decisions for providing superior value to key stakeholders</i>
- Marlins Man: <i>player for a day</i>
- Marta Kubišová: <i>Dívka na Koštěti</i>
- Martin Roach: <i>[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic]]</i>, <i>[[My Little Pony: Pony Life]]</i>
- Mary Margaret Speer: <i>A Source Book in Mathematics</i>
- Master's degree (France): <i>[[Grande école|Grandes Écoles]]</i>
- Maud Morgan (harpist): <i>"A Harpist's Love,"</i>
- Mavra: <i>Mavra</i>
- Maysan Road: <i>Paso de Blas Road</i>, <i>Bagbaguin Road</i>, <i>Bagbaguin Road</i>, <i>General Luis Street</i>
- Meanings of minor planet names: 316001–317000: <i>La vérité est mon métier</i>
- Meanings of minor planet names: 346001–347000: <i>Atlas of Galaxies</i>
- Medieval debate poetry: <i>Middle English Debate Poetry and the Aesthetics of Irresolution.</i>
- Megahippus: <i>Hyracotherium</i>, <i>Equus</i>
- Mellinus arvensis: <i>Mellinus arvensis</i>
- Memory Piece: <i>The Leavers</i>
- Meredith Monk: <i>The Meredith Monk & Vocal Ensemble</i>
- Meredith Russo: <i>If I Was Your Girl</i>
- Merrimack Formation: <i>Fenestrirostra</i>
- Meryta sonchifolia: <i>et al.</i>
- Metalasius: <i>Lasius</i>
- Metapodocarpoxylon: <i>Metapodocarpoxylon libanoticum</i>, <i>Protophyllocladoxylon</i>, <i>Coniferophyta</i>, <i>Coniferales</i>
- Methanimicrococcus: <i>Methanosarcinales</i>, <i>Methanolapillus</i>, <i>Methanimicrococcus</i>
- Methanosarcina barkeri: <i>Methanosarcina</i>, <i>Methanosarcina barkeri</i>, <i>Methanosarcina acetivorans</i>, <i>Methanosarcina mazei</i>, <i>Methanosarcinales</i>, <i>Methanolapillus</i>, <i>Methanimicrococcus</i>, <i>Methanosarcina barkeri</i>, <i>Methanosarcina</i>, <i>ileS</i>, <i>Methanosarcina barkeri</i>
- Methocinnamox: <i>µ</i>, <i>μ</i>
- Methylorubrum extorquens: <i>Methylobacterium extorquens</i>, <i>Methylobacterium extorquens</i>
- Metro Manila (film): <i>Banaue Province</i>
- Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer cartoon studio: <i>map of Los Angeles, circa 1969</i>
- Mexican tetra: <i>Astyanax</i>
- Meyers–Serrin theorem: <i>k</i>
- Með hækkandi sól: <i lang=is>Söngvakeppnin</i>
- Mi Shebeirach: <i lang="he-Latn" title="Hebrew-language romanization">olim</i>
- Michael A. Rogers: <i>Like a Rolling Stone: A Memoir.</i>, <i>High Score! Expanded: The Illustrated History of Electronic Games</i>
- Michael Apple: <i>Education Review</i>
- Michael J. Kolb: <i>Making Sense of Monuments</i>, <i>Making Sense of Monuments</i>, <i>Journal of Urban History</i>, <i>Hawaiian Archaeology</i>, <i>Journal of Field Archaeology</i>, <i>Antiquity</i>
- Microbial hyaluronic acid production: <i>Kluyveromyces lactis</i>, <i>Streptococcus zooepidemicus</i>, <i>Bacillus subtilis</i>, <i>Streptococcus zooepidemicus</i>
- Micronesian starling: <i>Aplonis opaca</i>
- Midgar: </i>, <i>
- Mihály Fazekas: <i>[[Mattie the Goose-boy (poem)|Lúdas Matyi]]</i>
- Mike Nesbitt: <i>(as Chair of the Committee for the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister)</i>, <i>(as Chair of the Committee for The Executive Office)</i>, <i>(Bertha McDougall as sole interim Commisioner)</i>
- Mild Vertigo: <i>恋愛太平記 (Love Taiheiki)</i>, <i>柔らかい土をふんで (Stepping on Soft Soil)</i>, <i>lit. Light dizziness</i>
- Miller General Hospital: <i>BJR</i>
- Mindfields: <i>sic</i>
- Mircea Geoană: <i>Romania Renaissance</i>
- Mixcoatl: <i>younger son</i>
- Mixtecatl: <i>younger son</i>
- Mobi (bike share): <i>"Mobi by Rogers"</i>
- Moldova in the Eurovision Song Contest 2019: <i lang="ro">O melodie pentru Europa</i>
- Moldova in the Eurovision Song Contest 2024: <i lang="ro">Etapa națională</i>
- Mole map (dermatology): <i>a priori</i>
- Momentum (Live in Manila): <i>Momentum (Live in Manila)</i>
- Monaeses (nobleman): <i>From Republic to Principate</i>
- Monastery of Santa María de Sandoval: <i>Monasterio de Santa María de Sandoval</i>
- Montrouziera cauliflora: <i>et al.</i>
- Monument (Molchat Doma album): <i>Utonut'</i>, <i>Lyubit' i vypolnyat'</i>
- Moonraker (soundtrack): <i>[[Rolling Stone]]</i>
- Mozart Week: <i>Anno verdiano</i>
- Mr. Keynes and the "Classics": <i>x</i>, <i>y</i>, <i>I<sub>x</sub></i>, <i>I<sub>y</sub></i>, <i>N<sub>x</sub></i>, <i>N<sub>y</sub></i>, <i>f<sub>x</sub></i>, <i>N<sub>x</sub></i>, <i>f<sub>y</sub></i>, <i>N<sub>y</sub></i>, <i>Y'</i>, <i>P<sub>x</sub></i>, <i>N<sub>x</sub></i>, <i>N<sub>x</sub></i>, <i>N<sub>y</sub></i>, <i>I</i>, <i>I</i>, <i>I<sub>x</sub></i>, <i>I<sub>x</sub></i>, <i>I</i>, <i>I</i>, <i>I</i>, <i>I</i>, <i>I</i>, <i>IS</i>, <i>Y</i>, <i>r</i>, <i>I</i>, <i>r</i>, <i>S</i>, <i>Y</i>, <i>LM</i>, <i>L</i>, <i>Y</i>, <i>r</i>, <i>M</i>, <i>Ŷ</i>, <i>r̂</i>, <i>LM</i>, <i>LM</i>, <i>IS</i>, <i>I</i>, <i>I</i>, <i>I</i>, <i>LM</i>, <i>LM</i>, <i>LM</i>, <i>LM</i>, <i>LM</i>, <i>IS</i>, <i>r̂</i>, <i>S</i>, <i>Y</i>, <i>r</i>, <i>I</i>, <i>I</i>
- Muchas Gracias: The Best of Kyuss: <i>Live at the Marquee Club</i>, <i>Live at the Marquee Club</i>, <i>Live at the Marquee Club</i>, <i>Live at the Marquee Club</i>
- Mughal weapons: <i>Mughal Warfare: Indian Frontiers and Highroads to Empire 1500-1700</i>, <i>Mughal Warfare: Indian Frontiers and Highroads to Empire 1500-1700</i>
- Muhammad Hayyat ibn Ibrahim al-Sindhi: <i>s</i>
- Mukachevo: <i>Zirka</i>
- Mumbai FC: <i>"We feel that football in Mumbai has tremendous potential and it’s imperative that we have a team in the I-League. Just when fans started coming to the stadium in large numbers for the I-League games, Mumbai FC got relegated and the city didn't have a team in the league anymore"</i>
- Murder of Elizabeth Olten: <i>first</i>, <i>second</i>
- Murder of Jennifer Poole: <i>"We call on Government to sit with interested bodies and strengthen the current legislation and enact new legislation to keep women safe....we hear about new legislation on the way.↵Let's just hope that this legislation protects the women of Ireland so no new families have to suffer like the 244 families who will always be suffering the loss of their family member. Parents and guardians need to sit down with their children and tell them that it is not okay to use violence."</i>
- Murska Sobota Cathedral: <i>Stolna cerkev sv. Nikolaja</i>
- Music box: <i>[[Orchestrion (album)|Orchestrion]]</i>
- Musl: <i>only</i>
- Mutation rate: <i>Daphnia pulex</i>, <i>Chlamydomonas reinhardtii</i>, <i>Escherichia coli</i>
- Mycobacterium kansasii: <i>Mycobacterium kansasii</i>
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis: <i>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</i>
- Mymonaviridae: <i>Mymonaviridae</i>
- Myodocarpus angustialatus: <i>et al.</i>
- Myxococcus xanthus: <i>Myxococcus eversor</i>, <i>Myxococcus llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogochensis</i>, <i>Myxococcus vastator</i>, <i>Pyxidicoccus caerfyrddinensis</i>, <i>Pyxidicoccus trucidator</i>
[edit]- N,N-Dimethyltryptamine: <i>In vivo</i>
- NFPA 70B: <i>Recommended Practice for Electrical Equipment Maintenance</i>, <i>Standard for Electrical Equipment Maintenance</i>
- NGC 1042: <i>z</i>
- NGC 3509: <i>Hubble Space Telescope</i>
- NGC 4325: <i>Chandra</i>
- NGC 4328: <i>SPITZER</i>
- NGC 4869: <i>Fermi Large Area Telescope</i>
- NGC 5098: <i>Chandra</i>, <i>XMM-Newton</i>
- NKX3-2: <i>Bapx1</i>
- Nachiyar Tirumoli: <i>Nachiyar Tirumoli</i>
- Nadezhda Khvoshchinskaya: <i>Russkaia literatura</i>
- NasDem Party: <i>Mars Partai Nasdem</i>
- Natalia Astrain: <i>fútbol</i>
- Nathan Phillip Dodge Jr.: <i>Omaha: The Gate City and Douglas County Nebraska A Record of Settlement, Organization, Progress and Achievement</i>
- National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (Undergraduate): <i>This is NEET 2024 Official Portal, NEET 2025 will be updated when officially launched by exam authority</i>
- National Medical Commission: <i>Council Body under MoHFW, Govt. of India</i>
- Natsuki Hanae: <i>
- Neighborhoods of Omaha, Nebraska: <i>A Picture History of Omaha's Saratoga Neighborhood</i>
- Neisseria gonorrhoeae: <i>Neisseria gonorrhoeae</i>, <i>Neisseria gonorrhoeae</i>, <i>Neisseria gonorrhoeae</i>
- Neocicindela dunedensis: <i>Zecicindela</i>
- Neohipparion: <i>Neohipparion</i>, <i>Neohipparion</i>
- Netherlands in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2021: <i lang="nl">Junior Songfestival 2021</i>
- Netherlands in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2022: <i lang="nl">Junior Songfestival 2022</i>
- Netherlands in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2023: <i lang="nl">Junior Songfestival 2023</i>
- Nez Perce language: <i>simulative</i>, <i>-tay</i>, <i>-né·wi</i>
- Nga Lee (Sally) Ng: <i>m</i>
- Nichols (TV series): <i>Teleplay by:</i>, <i>Story by: </i>, <i>Teleplay by:</i>, <i>Story by: </i>, <i>Teleplay by:</i>, <i>Story by: </i>, <i>Teleplay by:</i>, <i>Story by:</i>
- Nick Bonino: <i>[[The Hockey News]]</i>
- Nicola Mitchell: <i>EastEnders</i>, <i>EastEnders</i>, <i>[[EastEnders]]</i>, <i>EastEnders</i>, <i>EastEnders</i>, <i>Doctors</i>, <i>EastEnders</i>, <i>EastEnders</i>, <i>EastEnders</i>, <i>EastEnders</i>, <i>EastEnders</i>, <i>EastEnders</i>, <i>EastEnders</i>, <i>EastEnders</i>, <i>EastEnders</i>, <i>EastEnders</i>, <i>EastEnders</i>, <i>EastEnders</i>, <i>EastEnders</i>
- Nigar Johar: <i>
- Nikolai Baikov: <i>Big Game Hunting in Manchuria</i>
- Nina Kuo: <i>"What Is Feminist Art? Revisted</i>, <i>[[Art in America]]</i>, <i>[[Hyperallergic]]</i>, <i>[[The Art Newspaper]]</i>
- Nitrate: <i>Lycium barbarum</i>
- Nominalism: <i>as such</i>
- Nonadecane: <i>Rosa damascena</i>
- North Island brown kiwi: <i>Apteryx mantelli</i>
- North Macedonia in the Eurovision Song Contest 2022: <i lang=mk-latn>Za Evrosong</i>
- Northern Songs: <i>The Beatles 1962-1966</i>
- Norway in the Eurovision Song Contest 2019: <i lang="no">Melodi Grand Prix</i>, <i lang="no">Melodi Grand Prix</i>
- Norway in the Eurovision Song Contest 2022: <i lang="no">Melodi Grand Prix</i>, <i lang="no">Melodi Grand Prix</i>, <i lang="no">Melodi Grand Prix</i>
- Norway in the Eurovision Song Contest 2023: <i lang="no">Melodi Grand Prix</i>, <i lang="no">Melodi Grand Prix</i>
- Norway in the Eurovision Song Contest 2024: <i lang="no">Melodi Grand Prix</i>, <i lang="no">Melodi Grand Prix</i>
- Norwegian Women's Handball Cup: <i>not held</i>, <i>only held outdoors</i>
- Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula: <i>(acting) </i>
- Not Here: <i>This Way to the Sugar</i>
- Nubian pyramids: <i>The Royal Cemeteries of Kush, Volume IV: Royal Tombs at Meroë and Barkal</i>
- Nuclear receptor 4A2: <i>NURR1</i>
- Nusselt number: <i>"holds when the↵horizontal layer is sufficiently wide so that the effect of the short vertical sides↵is minimal."</i>, <i>"Tests were made in cylindrical containers having copper tops and bottoms and insulating walls."</i>
- Nuxia glomerulata: <i>et al.</i>
[edit]- O Bon: <i>The Girl Without Arms</i>, <i>Portuguese</i>
- OAS1: <i>OAS1</i>
- Ochrosia grandiflora: <i>et al.</i>
- Octachlorotetraphosphazene: <i>D</i>
- Oculus (poetry collection): <i>Mad Honey Symposium</i>, <i>[[The Kingdom of Surfaces]]</i>
- Okaburaya Shrine: <i>[[Modern_system_of_ranked_Shinto_shrines#District_shrine|Gō-sha]]</i>
- Oliveria Prescott: <I>Music Theory Online: a journal of the Society for Music Theory</I>, <i>Grove Music Online. 2001</I>, <i>Grove Music Online. 2001</I>, <i>Musical Standard</I>
- Olla v-nigrum: <i>Olla v-nigrum</i>, <i>Anagasta kuehniella</i>
- Ombrocharis: <I>Ombrocharis</I>
- Omega Octantis: <i>TESS</i>
- Onegin stanza: <i>Eugene Nadelman</i>
- Oral candidiasis: <i>*þrusc</i>
- Orange Julius: <i>Do you remember Orange Julius? Here’s the recipe!</i>
- Organismal performance: <i>Stellio</i>, <i>Agama</i>, <i>stellio</i>, <i>Crotaphytus collaris</i>
- Organoid: <i>Ex Vivo</i>
- Orh: <i>South Asia Security</i>
- Oscar Möller: <i>[[The Hockey News]]</i>
- Osvaldo Fattoruso: <i>[[Candombe|candombe]]</i>
- Otomitl: <i>younger son</i>
- Oxalobacter vibrioformis: <i>Oxalobacter vibrioformis</i>
- Oxynoemacheilus frenatus: <i>Zoogeography of Fresh Waters. Volume 2. Distribution and Dispersal of Freshwater Animals in North America and Eurasia</i>, <i>Oxynoemacheilus cemali</i>
[edit]- P4-metric: <i>Symmetric F</i>
- PKS 0458-020: <i>NuSTAR</i>, <i>γ</i>
- PKS 0637-752: <i>Chandra X-Ray Observatory</i>, <i>Spitzer</i>
- PON1: <i>PON1</i>
- PRR23A: <i>Drosophila</i>
- Pacinian corpuscle: <i>Elephas maximus</i>
- Palaiargia ernstmayri: <i>International Journal of Odonatology</i>, <i>Notulae Odonatologicae</i>, <i>Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift</i>, <i>Brachytron</i>
- Pandaridae: <i>Pandarus rhincodonicus</i>
- Panevėžys: <i>Tulpiniai</i>, <i>[[Chicago]] on the [[Nevėžis|Nevėžis river]]</i>
- Papyrus 49: <i>Novum Testamentum</i>
- Papyrus 65: <i>Novum Testamentum</i>
- Paracrias: <i>Paracrias huberi</i>
- Paragordius varius: <i>Paragordius varius</i>, <i>Gordius robustus</i>, <i>Paragordius varius</i>
- Paratrophis sclerophylla: <i>et al.</i>
- Patricia Wright (primatologist): <I>Lepilemur wrighti</I>
- Patterson railway station: <i>(1941-2014)</i>
- Paul Nguyen: <i>What Jennifer Did</i>, <i>Why Am I Still Alive?</i>
- Paul de Rousiers: <i>by Paul de Rousiers, Henri de Tourville, F. L. D. Herbertson</i>, <i>by Paul de Rousiers, Henri de Tourville</i>, <i>by Paul de Rousiers, MM. de Carbonnel</i>
- Pearl crescent: <i>PHYCIODES THAROS</i>, <i>P. CAMPESTRIS MONTANA</i>, <i>Phyciodes</i>
- Pedro Aranda-Díaz Muñoz: <i>himself</i>
- Pennsylvania College Cases: <i> unanimous </i>
- People!: <I>129</I>
- People's Party (Malta): <i>Did not participate</i>
- Peptostreptococcus: <i>Peptostreptococcus</i>, <i>Peptococcus magnus</i>, <i>Peptostreptococcus micros</i>, <i>Prevotella intermedia </i>
- Pere Alberch Vila: <i>Pere Alberch i Vila</i>
- Perilla frutescens: <i>Perilla frutescens</i>
- Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha: <i>S</i>
- Petroc Trelawny: <I>Trelawny's Cornwall</I>
- Petroscirtes ancylodon: <i>Petroscirtes ancylodon</i>
- Pfeffernüsse: <i lang="nl">pepernoten</i>, <i lang="de">pfeffernüsse</i>, <i lang="nl">kruidnoten</i>
- Photoemission orbital tomography: <i>et al.</i>
- Photosymbiosis: <i>Symsagittifera roscoffensis</i>, <i>Amphidinium klebsii</i>, <i>Amphiscolops langerhansi</i>, <i>Waminoa brickneri</i>, <i>Waminoa litus</i>, <i>Chlorella</i>, <i>Dalyellia viridis</i>, <i>Typhloplana viridata</i>, <i>ANODONTA</i>, <i>ANODONTA</i>, <i>Costasiella</i>, <i>C. ocellifera</i>, <i>Hynobius nigrescens</i>
- Phramongkutklao College of Medicine: <i>(THAITONE call "sī khāp")</i>, <i>(Lagerstroemia Flower)</i>
- Phylosymbiosis: <i>Drosophila melanogaster</i>
- Pietro Stancovich: <i>[[Stato da Màr]]</i>
- Pilipino Star Ngayon: <i>Diyaryong Disente ng Masang Intelihente</i>
- Pink cusk-eel: <i>(Genypterus blacodes)</i>
- Pinoy Big Brother: <i>PBB Vietnam: Mga Kwento ng Celebrity Housemates</i>, <i>PBB: Mga Kwento ng Teen Housemates</i>, <i>PBB: Mga Kwento ng mga Housemates ni Kuya</i>
- Pinoy Big Brother: Gen 11: <i>Pinoy</i>, <i>LigTask</i>, <i>Payanig</i>, <i>Payanig</i>, <i>(Passing for Eleven)</i>, <i>Pinoy</i>, <i>{{small|Team Dingdong}}</i>, <i>{{small|Team Rain}}</i>, <i>{{small|All housemates}}</i>, <i>(Relay the Ship)</i>, <i>(Relay the Ship)</i>, <i>BisTag ang Pinoy</i>, <i>BisTag</i>, <i>(Oh Hey! It's Nonchalant)</i>, <i>(Continuous Bridge)</i>, <i>(Ally, Companion, Friend)</i>, <i>(Ramp Car)</i>, <i>(Tippy Table)</i>, <i>boktir</i>, <i>masiramon, boy</i>, <i>ganda mo</i>, <i>May gusto akong ibalita.</i>, <i>Anhaon tika diha love mama.</i>, <i>(Ca-Who's That?)</i>, <i>Ca-Sino Yun</i>, <i>(Spelling Hero)</i>, <i>Bida sa</i>, <i>Payanig</i>, <i>Tapatan</i>, <i>pinaka-matalino</i>, <i>pinaka-madiskarte</i>, <i>pinaka-maalaga</i>, <i>pinaka-maaasahan</i>, <i>kamote</i>, <i>Kakampi, Kasama, Kaibigan</i>, <i>ligtas</i>, <i>(Stick-Move)</i>, <i>Payanig</i>, <i>Payanig</i>
- Pinta Island tortoise: <i>C. abingdonii</i>
- Pituitary adenoma: <i>AIP</i>
- Plain laughingthrush: <i>Pterorhinus davidi</i>
- Plasmid: <i>Vibrio cholerae</i>
- Pledge of Allegiance: <i>[sic]</i>
- Pneumococcal infection: <i>Streptococcus pneumoniae</i>, <i>Streptococcus pneumoniae</i>
- Po dolinam i po vzgoriam: <i>Mi smo djeca vjerna rodu↵i ko jedan spremni svi↵da u borbi za slobodu↵umiremo svjesno mi!</i>, <i>Zgazit ćemo izdajice,↵i prihvatit' ljuti boj,↵spasit' kuće, oranice,↵oslobodit' narod svoj.</i>, <i>Ми смо дјеца вјерна роду↵и ко један спремни сви↵да у борби за слободу↵умиремо свјесно ми!</i>, <i>Згазит ћемо издајице↵и прихватит' љути бој,↵спасит' куће, оранице,↵ослободит' народ свој.</i>, <i>We are children loyal to our family↵and all of us are as one ready,↵that in the fight for freedom↵we die consciously!</i>, <i>We will trample down the traitors↵and accept the furious battle,↵save houses, arable land,↵liberate our people.</i>
- Poland in the Eurovision Song Contest 2022: <i lang=pl>Tu bije serce Europy! Wybieramy hit na Eurowizję!</i>
- Poland in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2021: <i lang="pl">Szansa na Sukces. Eurowizja Junior 2021</i>
- Polyphenol oxidase: <i>ortho</i>, <i>ortho</i>, <i>ortho</i>, <i>ortho</i>, <i>ortho</i>, <i>para</i>
- Porphyromonas gingivalis: <i>Porphyromonas gingivalis</i>
- Port St Mary railway station: <i>Stashoon Raad-Yiarn Purt Le Moirrey</i>
- Port of Penang: </i>, </i>, </i>, </i>
- Portugal in the Eurovision Song Contest 2019: <i lang="pt">Festival da Canção</i>
- Portuguese Communist Youth: <i>Juventude Comunista Portuguesa</i>
- Pranahuti (Pre-meal ritual): <i>śraddhāyāṁ prāṇe niviṣṭo'mṛtaṁ juhomi<br>śraddhāyāmapāne niviṣṭo'mṛtaṁ juhomi<br>śraddhāyāṁ vyāne niviṣṭo'mṛtaṁ juhomi<br>↵śraddhāyāmudāne niviṣṭo'mṛtaṁ juhomi<br>śraddhāyāɱ samāne niviṣṭo'mṛtaṁ juhomi<br>brahmaṇi ma ātmāmṛtatvāya</i>
- Prayer of Saint Francis: <i>Seigneur, faites de moi un instrument de votre paix.↵Là où il y a de la haine, que je mette l'amour.↵Là où il y a l'offense, que je mette le pardon.↵Là où il y a la discorde, que je mette l'union.↵Là où il y a l'erreur, que je mette la vérité.↵Là où il y a le doute, que je mette la foi.↵Là où il y a le désespoir, que je mette l'espérance.↵Là où il y a les ténèbres, que je mette votre lumière.↵Là où il y a la tristesse, que je mette la joie.↵Ô Seigneur, que je ne cherche pas tant↵à être consolé qu'à consoler,↵à être compris qu'à comprendre,↵à être aimé qu'à aimer,↵car c'est en donnant qu'on reçoit,↵c'est en s'oubliant qu'on trouve,↵c'est en pardonnant qu'on est pardonné,↵c'est en mourant qu'on ressuscite à l'éternelle vie.</i>
- Pre-Electric Wizard 1989–1994: <i>Lucifer's Children</i>, <i>On Blackened Wings</i>, <i>Lord of Putrefaction / Mortal Remains</i>
- Precompiled header: <i>filename</i>, <i>filename</i>, <i>filename</i>, <i>filename</i>
- Pressure-retarded osmosis: <i>Science</i>, <i>Science</i>
- Prime Minister of Cameroon: <i>alt.</i>, <i>alt.</i>
- Private Citizens (novel): <i>[[Rejection (short story collection)]]</i>
- Promises of Gold: <i>The Breakbeat Poets Vol. 4: LatiNext</i>
- Prop design: <i>Shakespeare’s Prop Room: An Inventory</i>
- Proportional representation: <i>May I, in conclusion, point out that the method advocated in my pamphlet↵(where each elector names one candidate only, and the candidates themselves can, after the numbers are announced, club their votes, so as to bring in others besides those already announced as returned) would be at once perfectly simple and perfectly equitable in its result?</i>
- Proportionality (law): <i>Der Grundsatz der Verhältnismäßigkeit</i>, <i>The Principle of Proportionality</i>, <i>Polizei- und Ordnungsrecht</i>
- Protoplast: <i>Lepidium campestre</i>, <i>GTR</i>, <i>Brassica napus</i>
- Prymnesiales: <i>[[Chrysochromulina]]</i>, <i>Chrysoculter rhomboideus</i>
- Psammophylax rhombeatus: <i>s</i>
- Pseudomonadota: <i>Deltaproteobacteria</i>, <i>Oligoflexia</i>, <i>Thermodesulfobacteria</i>, <i>Epsilonproteobacteria</i>
- Pseudomonas gessardii: <i>Iris pseudacorus</i>, <i>.</i>, <i>Hordeum vulgare</i>
- Psilocybin: <i>Psilocybe</i>
- Psychological horror: <i>s.</i>
- Psydrax paradoxa: <i>et al.</i>
- Psyttala: <i>Psyttala horrida</i>
- Puerto Colombia: <i>La Ventana de Sueños</i>
- Puerto Colombia Light: <i>La ↵Ventana de Sueños</i>
- Puka Llacta: <i>«Servir al pueblo»</i>
- Punk Rock Bowling Music Festival: <i> Bowling tournament at the Castaways Bowling Center, 2800 Fremont St↵Las Vegas, Nevada </i>, <i> Bowling tournament at the Castaways Bowling Center, 2800 Fremont St↵Las Vegas, Nevada </i>
- Punks (poetry collection): <i>Playland</i>
- Purinergic receptor: <i>International Journal of Molecular Sciences</i>, <i>IJMS</i>
- Purpura fulminans: <i>Capnocytophaga canimorsus</i>, <i>Capnocytophaga canimorsus</i>, <i>Neisseria meningitidis</i>
- Pär Lindholm: <i>[[The Hockey News]]</i>
[edit]- Qissat al-Iskandar: <i>Alexander Romance</i>
- Quantum Cascade Detector: <i>μ</i>
- Quantum Mechanics (book): <i>Quantum</i>, <i>Mechanics</i>
- QuikClot: <i>In the Blood: How Two Outsiders Solved a Centuries-Old Medical Mystery and took on the U.S. Army</i>
- Quinagolide: <i>via</i>
[edit]- RBCG30: <i>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</i>
- RET inhibitor: <i>RET</i>, <i>RET+</i>, <i>RET</i>, <i>RET</i>, <i>RET</i>
- Rachel Khong: <i>[[Real Americans]]</i>
- Rafael Correa: <i>Buen Viver</i>
- Raghuvira Gadyam: <i>
- Rain beetle: <i>Pleocoma</i>
- Rainbow Rumble: <i>[[It's Showtime (Philippine TV program)|Showtime Online Ü]]</i>, <i>[[Ang TV]]</i>
- Ram languages: <i>-imya</i>, <i>imya</i>
- Ramna Thana: <i>Encyclopedia of Dhaka (2012)</i>
- Randy Fuller (musician): <i>Bobby Fuller and the Fanatics.</i>
- Ratfucking: <i>sic</i>, <i>sic</i>
- Ration card (India): <i>↵Before the NFSA was enacted, there were three types of ration cards:↵</i>
- Ravil Bikbaev: <i lang="ba">Рауил Төхфәт улы Бикбаев</i>, <i lang="ru">Рави́ль Тухва́тович Бикба́ев</I>
- Razão de Viver (1996): <i>{{ill|Antônio Alves, Taxista|pt|Antônio Alves, Taxista}}</i>, <i>Razão de Viver</i>, <i>Razão de Viver</i>
- Real Americans: <i>Goodbye, Vitamin</i>
- Rebracketing: <i lang="gd">an inghnean</i>, <i lang="cel">*(s)indā inigenā</i>, <i lang="gd">an ighean</i>, <i lang="gd">an nighean</i>, <i lang="gd">neanntag, eanntag, deanntag,</i>, <i lang="gd">feanntag</i>, <i lang="gd">feanntag</i>
- Red Fort: <i>Rang Mahal</i>, <i>Rang Mahal</i>
- Red Harvest: <i>criminal</i>
- Red-tailed phascogale: <i>Phascogale calura</i>
- Reich der Träume: <i>[[Camera Obscura]]</i>, <i>[[Camera Obscura]]</i>
- Rejection (short story collection): <i>Private Citizens</i>
- Republic of Morac-Songhrati-Meads: <i>Modeste</i>
- Res gestae Alexandri Macedonis: <i>Alexander Romance</i>, <i>Alexander Romance</i>
- Rhenium pentachloride: <i><sup>z</sup></i>, <i><sup>z</sup></i>
- Rhoptria: <i>Rhoptria asperaria</i>
- Rhynchoconger trewavasae: <i>Rhynchoconger trewavasae</i>
- Ribociclib: <i>versus</i>
- Rick Mofina: <i>If Angels Fall</i>, <i>“The long journey to my first novel”</i>
- Rimicaris exoculata: <i>Rimicaris exoculata</i>
- Ripton (fictitious town): <i>Stillwater</i>
- River (Krystian Ochman song): <i lang=pl>Tu bije serce Europy! Wybieramy hit na Eurowizję</i>
- Robert C. Green: <i>APOE</i>
- Robert Harper (computer scientist): <i>TIL: a type-directed optimizing compiler for ML.</i>, <i>A Framework for defining logics</i>
- Robert L. Constable: <i>Faculty of Computing and Information Science</i>
- Robert Michels: <i>by Robert Michels</i>
- Robyn Malcolm: <i>The Hopes and Dreams of Gazza Snell</i>
- Romania in the Eurovision Song Contest 2019: <i lang="ro">Selecția Națională</i>
- Romania in the Eurovision Song Contest 2022: <i lang=ro>Selecția Națională</i>
- Ronalds Ķēniņš: <i>[[The Hockey News]]</i>, <i>[[The Hockey News]]</i>
- Root Fractures (poetry collection): <i>Ghost Of</i>
- Ropucha-class landing ship: <i>Bol'shoy Desantnyy Korabl'</i>
- Rorippa: <i>Rorippa aquatica</i>, <i>Rorippa sylvestris:</i>, <i>Rorippa</i>, <i>Rorippa elata</i>, <i>Rorippa austriaca</i>, <i>Rorippa</i>
- Rory Dall O'Cahan: <i>
- Rose tree: <i><q>A rose tree [...] is either a↵leaf containing a value, or a node that can have an arbitrary list of subtrees</q></i>
- Royal Observer Corps: <i>[[Gotha G.V]]</i>, <i>’wriggly tin’</i>, <i>regimental</i>, <i>unit flash</i>, <i>”[[Brodie helmet|Tommy Helmets]]”</i>, <i>[[Gilding|gilt]]</i>, <i>beacon lighter</i>, <i>Beacon Lighter</i>, <i>Observer Corps</i>, <i>regimental</i>, <i>Air Commodore in Chief</i>
- Royal Observer Corps Medal: <I>unit flash</I>
- Rudolf von Laban: <i>Of the Warm Wind and New Joy</i>
- Ruffo di Calabria: <i>Omnia bene</i>
- Ruggero Leoncavallo: <i>Edipo</i>
- Rurutia: <i>Presenter</i>
- Russet nightingale-thrush: <i>Life Histories of Central American Birds. II. Families Vireonidae, Sylviidae, Turdidae, Troglodytidae, Paridae, Corvidae, Hirundinidae and Tyrannidae. Pacific Coast Avifauna, No. 34.</i>
- Russia in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2020: <i lang="ru-Latn">Akademiya Eurovision 2020</i>
- Russia in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2021: <i lang="ru-Latn">Akademiya Eurovision 2021</i>
- Ryan Merkley (ice hockey): <i>[[The Hockey News]]</i>
[edit]- S5 2007+777: <i>B</i>, <i>I</i>
- SDSS J135646.10+102609.0: <i>CHANDRA</i>, <i>HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE</i>
- SEC31A: <i>SEC31A</i>
- SLC16A11: <i>SLC16A11</i>
- SPATCCM: <i>SLC1A4</i>
- Sacred Cod: <i>↵<br />{{pad|1em}}From [[Winthrop Beach]] to [[Battle of Bunker Hill|Bunker Hill]],{{nbsp}}/{{nbsp}}From [[Cambridge, Massachusetts|Cambridge]] to [[Revere, Massachusetts|Revere]],↵<br />{{pad|1em}}The voice of happiness was still,{{nbsp}}/{{nbsp}}One heard no note of cheer.↵<br />{{pad|1em}}A pallor whitened every face.{{nbsp}}/{{nbsp}}All eyes were red and swollen;↵<br />{{pad|1em}}A dreadful crime had taken place{{nbsp}}{{ndash}}{{nbsp}}/{{nbsp}}The Codfish had been stolen.↵{{paragraph break}}↵{{pad|1em}}The Fish that symbolized a trade{{nbsp}}/{{nbsp}}Which, in the days of old,↵<br />{{pad|1em}}The shores of old New England made{{nbsp}}/{{nbsp}}A strand of shining gold,↵<br />{{pad|1em}}The Fish that millions came to view{{nbsp}}/{{nbsp}}With ardent admiration,↵<br />{{pad|1em}}The Fish whose fame has echoed to{{nbsp}}/{{nbsp}}The corners of the nation.↵{{paragraph break}}↵{{pad|1em}}When first I set my roving feet{{nbsp}}/{{nbsp}}Upon Bostonian sod,↵<br />{{pad|1em}}I hastened blithely up the street{{nbsp}}/{{nbsp}}To view the Sacred Cod,↵<br />{{pad|1em}}And in its dull and glassy eyes,{{nbsp}}/{{nbsp}}The instant of our meeting,↵<br />{{pad|1em}}I fancied that I saw arise{{nbsp}}/{{nbsp}}A glance of cordial greeting.↵{{paragraph break}}↵{{pad|1em}}Today there is an end of grief;{{nbsp}}/{{nbsp}}No more the skies loom black;↵<br />{{pad|1em}}A chastened and repentant thief{{nbsp}}/{{nbsp}}Has brought the Codfish back.↵<br />{{pad|1em}}No Stygian gloom now broods around,{{nbsp}}/{{nbsp}}No heart with woe is freighted;↵<br />{{pad|1em}}Bostonian pulses leap and bound{{nbsp}}{{ndash}}{{nbsp}}/{{nbsp}}The Cod is reinstated.</i>
- Saigyō: <i>Negawaku wa↵Hana no moto nite↵Haru shinan↵Sono kisaragi no↵Mochizuki no koro↵</i>, <i>Kokoro naki↵Mi ni mo aware wa↵Shirarekeri↵Shigi tatsu sawa no↵Aki no yūgure↵</i>, <i>Yoshino-yama↵Kozo no shiori no↵Michi kaete↵Mada minu kata no↵Hana wo tazunen↵</i>
- Sakurai Shrine (Sakai): <i>[[Modern_system_of_ranked_Shinto_shrines#Metropolitan_and_Prefectural_Shrines|Ken-sha]]</i>
- Saky: <i>de jure</i>, <i>de jure</i>, <i>de facto</i>, <i>de facto</i>
- Salim, Nablus: <i>Continuatio</i>
- Salix arbutifolia: <i>Chosenia arbutifolia</i>
- Salvatore Di Giacomo: <i>Per la storia del brigantaggio nel Napoletano</i>
- Same Bed Different Dreams (novel): <i>Personal Days</i>, <i>Los Angeles Times</i>
- Samora Machel: <i>
- Samuel Matthews (captain): <i>Southhampton</i>
- San Lorenzo (Rome): <i>[[History (novel)|History]]</i>
- San Marino in the Eurovision Song Contest 2022: <i lang="it">Una voce per San Marino</i>, <i lang="it">Una voce per San Marino</i>
- San Marino in the Eurovision Song Contest 2024: <i lang="it">Una voce per San Marino</i >
- Sandhill dunnart: <i>Sminthopsis psammophila</i>
- Sanremo Music Festival 2022: <i lang=it>Sanremo Giovani</i>, <i lang=it>Area Sanremo</i>
- Sanremo Music Festival 2023: <i lang=it>Area Sanremo</i>
- Sanremo Music Festival 2024: <i lang="it">Sanremo Giovani</i>, <i lang="it">Area Sanremo</i>
- Sanremo Music Festival 2025: <i lang="it">Sanremo Giovani</i>, <i lang="it">Area Sanremo</i>
- Saratoga, Nebraska Territory: <i>A Picture History of Omaha's Saratoga Neighborhood</i>
- Sarfaroshi Ki Tamanna: <i>{{nowrap|Sarfaroshi ki tamanna ab hamaare dil mein hai}}↵{{nowrap|Dekhna hai zor kitna baazu-e-qaatil mein hai}}↵↵{{nowrap|Karta nahin kyun doosra kuch baat-cheet}}↵{{nowrap|Dekhta hun main jise woh chup teri mehfil mein hai}}↵{{nowrap|Aye shaheed-e-mulk-o-millat main tere oopar nisaar}}↵{{nowrap|Ab teri himmat ka charcha ghair ki mehfil mein hai}}↵{{nowrap|Sarfaroshi ki tamanna ab hamaare dil mein hai}}↵↵{{nowrap|Waqt aanay dey bata denge tujhe aye aasman}}↵{{nowrap|Hum abhi se kya batayen kya hamare dil mein hai}}↵{{nowrap|Khainch kar layee hai sab ko qatl hone ki ummeed}}↵{{nowrap|Aashiqon ka aaj jumghat koocha-e-qaatil mein hai}}↵{{nowrap|Sarfaroshi ki tamanna ab hamaare dil mein hai}}↵↵{{nowrap|Hai liye hathiyaar dushman taak mein baitha udhar}}↵{{nowrap|Aur hum taiyyaar hain seena liye apna idhar}}↵{{nowrap|Khoon se khelenge holi gar vatan muskhil mein hai}}↵{{nowrap|Sarfaroshi ki tamanna ab hamaare dil mein hai}}↵↵{{nowrap|Haath jin mein ho junoon katt te nahi talvaar se}}↵{{nowrap|Sar jo uth jaate hain voh jhukte nahi lalkaar se}}↵{{nowrap|Aur bhadkega jo shola-sa humaare dil mein hai}}↵{{nowrap|Sarfaroshi ki tamanna ab hamaare dil mein hai}}↵↵{{nowrap|Hum to ghar se nikle hi the baandhkar sar pe kafan}}↵{{nowrap|Jaan hatheli par liye lo barh chale hain ye qadam}}↵{{nowrap|Zindagi to apni mehmaan maut ki mehfil mein hai}}↵{{nowrap|Sarfaroshi ki tamanna ab hamaare dil mein hai}}↵↵{{nowrap|Yuun khadaa maqtal mein qaatil kah rahaa hai baar baar}}↵{{nowrap|Kya tamannaa-e-shahaadat bhi kisee ke dil mein hai}}↵{{nowrap|Dil mein tuufaanon ki toli aur nason mein inqilaab}}↵{{nowrap|Hosh dushman ke udaa denge humein roko na aaj}}↵{{nowrap|Duur reh paaye jo humse dam kahaan manzil mein hai}}↵{{nowrap|Sarfaroshi ki tamanna ab hamaare dil mein hai}}↵↵{{nowrap|Wo jism bhi kya jism hai jismein na ho khoon-e-junoon}}↵{{nowrap|Kya lade toofaanon se jo kashti-e-saahil mein hai}}↵↵{{nowrap|Sarfaroshi ki tamanna ab hamaare dil mein hai.}}↵{{nowrap|Dekhna hai zor kitna baazu-e-qaatil mein hai.}}</i>
- Sarumaru Dayū: <i>Okuyama ni↵Momiji fumiwake↵Naku shika no↵Koe kiku toki zo↵Aki wa kanashiki↵</i>
- Saturn B-1: <i>Handbook of Astronautical Engineering</i>
- Saul Holiff: <i>Volatile Attractions: Saul Holiff, Johnny Cash, and Managing a Music Legend</i>
- Saved by the Bell: <i>Bayside Madness</i>, <i>Computer Confusion</i>, <i>Kelly's Hero</i>
- Sayaka Murata: <i>[[Life Ceremony]]</i>
- Schizachyrium scoparium: <i>Schizachyrium scoparium</i>
- Science-Fiction: The Early Years: </i>, </i>
- Science-Fiction: The Gernsback Years: </i>
- Scott Anderson (writer): <i>
- Scritti Politti: <I>Her boyfriend plays in Scritti Politti...</I>
- Scymnus nubilus: <i>Scymnus nubilus</i>
- Sea Change (Chung novel): <i>[[Green Frog|Green Frog: Stories]]</i>
- Sea Lion Rocks railway station: <i>, <i>
- Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology: <i>In its original incarnation S.M.A.R.T. provided failure prediction by monitoring certain online hard drive activities. A subsequent version of the standard improved failure prediction by adding an automatic off-line read scan to monitor additional operations. Online attributes are always updated while the offline attributes get updated when the HDD is not under working condition. If there is an immediate need to update the offline attributes, the HDD slows down and the offline attributes get updated. The latest "S.M.A.R.T." technology not only monitors hard drive activities but adds failure prevention by attempting to detect and repair sector errors. </i>
- Semaj Morgan: <i>Detroit Free Press.</i>, <i>Detroit Free Press: Dream Team</i>
- Semantic equivalence (linguistics): <i>Tradition: A Journal of Orthodox Jewish Thought</i>
- Semecarpus riparius: <i>et al.</i>
- Senterada: <i>Senterada is a village with a healthy climate located within the valley where the rivers of Vall de Capdella and Sarroca meet, forming the Flamisell. It is sheltered from the north winds by a mountain. Madoz says there were 12 houses in the village. The terrain is rough, broken, loose and of poor quality. There could be 150 working days. The harvest consisted of wheat, rye, barley, little fruit and a gypsum mine. There is trout and barbel fishing, three looms and a bathrobe. The population was 6 neighbors (heads of household) and 51 souls (inhabitants).</i>
- Serafín Estébanez Calderón: <i>([[Senator for life]])</i>
- Serbia in the Eurovision Song Contest 2019: <i lang="sr-latn">Beovizija</i>
- Serbia in the Eurovision Song Contest 2022: <i lang=sr-Latn>Pesma za Evroviziju</i>
- Serbia in the Eurovision Song Contest 2024: <i lang="sr-latn">Pesma za Evroviziju '24</i>
- Sergei Treil: <i>A<sub>2</sub> </i>
- Serianthes petitiana: <i>et al.</i>
- Seriola carpenteri: <i>Seriola carpenteri</i>
- Sex and the City season 1: <I>Notes:</I>
- Sex and the City season 2: <I>Notes:</I>
- Sex reversal: <i>Rana clamitans</i>
- Sfinții Voievozi Monastery: <i>Mănăstirea Sfinții Voievozi</i>
- Shachtmanism: <i>Standing Fast</i>, <i>[[Inside Llewyn Davis]]</i>
- Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors (song): <i lang="uk-Latn">Vidbir 2022</i>
- Shahdeen Malik: <I>Public Interest Litigation in South Asia - Rights in Search of Remedies</I>
- Shane's World: <i>Dateline</i>
- Shcholkine: <i>de jure</i>, <i>de jure</i>, <i>de facto</i>, <i>de facto</i>
- Shebang (Unix): <i>some/path/to/foo</i>, <i>some/path/to/foo</i>
- Shesha: <i>om śeṣanāgāya vidmahe<br>anantāya ca dhīmahi<br>tanno nāgaḥ pracodayāt</i>
- Shi Yousan: <i>[[Chi (unit)|chi]]</i>, <i>[[Cun (unit)|cun]]</i>
- Shigesato Itoi: <i>EarthBound</i>, <i>Mother 3</i>
- Shiv R. Jhawar: <i>mene kuch nahi kiya; kisiko shakti ne pakda</i>
- Shiva Chalisa: <i>jaya girijāpati dīnadayālā<br>sadā karata santana pratipālā<br>bhāla candramā sohata nīke<br>kānana kuṇḍala nāga phanī ke</i>
- Showell Styles: <i>The Angry Corrie</i>
- Shrimp scad: <i>Caranx calla</i>, <i>Alepes djedaba</i>
- Shuizhai High School: <i>Chun Sun</i>
- Sich Battalion: <i>sic</i>
- Siege of Hulst (1640): <i>[[Camisado|encamisadas]]</i>
- Silver (poetry collection): <i>Living Weapon: Poems</i>
- Sino-Japanese vocabulary: <i̯>
- Sir Henry Thompson, 1st Baronet: <i>Oxford Dictionary of National Biography</i>
- Sir Thomas More and Family: <i>The Family of Sir Thomas More</i>
- Skirgaila: <i>Schirgalo</i>, <i>Скіргайла Альгердавіч</i>, <i>Skirgiełło</i>
- Skolem's paradox: <i>Introduction to set theory</i>, <i>An axiomatization of set theory</i>
- Slavophilia: <i>Sovremennaia Letopis'</i>
- Slovenia in the Eurovision Song Contest 2022: <i lang="sl">EMA Freš</i>
- Slovenia in the Eurovision Song Contest 2025: <i lang="sl">EMA 2025</i>
- Small Things like These (film): <i>Small Things Like These</i>
- Snow Tha Product: <i>La Vida</i>
- Snow algae: <i>Chlainomonas</i>, <i>Chlamydomonas nivalis</i>
- Snowflake Inc.: <i>alias</i>
- Social psychology: <i>Homo sapiens</i>
- Sohrab Kashani: <i>The Other Apartment</i>, <i>Super Sohrab</i>
- Soil ecology: <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i>
- Solanum sturtianum: <i>Solanum sturtianum</i>, <i>Leptostemonum</i>
- Soldiers and Kings: <i>The Land of Open Graves</i>
- Somatic cell nuclear transfer: <i>Xenopus laevis</i>
- Some Still Live: <i>Some Still Live</i>
- Something About Living: <i>Kaan and Her Sisters</i>
- Songs on Endless Repeat: <i>[[Afterparties]]</i>
- Sonia Wachstein: <i>Changing Attitudes in Relatives' Responsibilities (Observations made in the Welfare Office of a↵Japanese Relocation Center)</i>
- Sophie Grace Chappell: <i>Epiphanies: An Ethics of Experience</i>, <i>Songs For Winter Rain</i>, <i>The Agamemnon of Aeschylus</i>
- South London derby: <i>[[Sutton United F.C.|Sutton United]]</i>, <i>Sutton United: W5 D1 L3</i>
- Southern Italy: <i lang="it">Mezzogiorno</i>
- Southern Pacific Nautical Brotherhood: <i>The Times of London</i>
- Southern white-breasted hedgehog: <i>Erinaceus europaeus</i>, <i>Erinaceus roumanicus</i>
- Spain in the Eurovision Song Contest 2019: <i lang="es">Operación Triunfo</i>
- Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences: <i>Observación y cálculo</i>
- Spatial transcriptomics: <i>in situ</i>
- Spearman's rank correlation coefficient: <i>varlist</i>
- Spectral Evidence (poetry collection): <i>Air Traffic: A Memoir of Ambition and Manhood in America</i>
- Sphaerosporella brunnea: <i>Sphaerosporella</i>, <i>Sphaerosporella brunnea</i>
- Spike (Buffy the Vampire Slayer): <I>"[[Becoming (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)|Becoming, Part Two]]"</I>, <I>"[[Lovers Walk]]"</i>
- Spiny butterfly ray: <i>Gymnura altavela</i>
- Spiramycin: <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i>
- Spiroplasma kunkelii: <i>Spiroplasma</i>
- Splendor in the Grass (album): <i> Piano Concerto No. 1 in B Flat Minor.</i>
- Splitfin flashlightfish: <i>Photoblepharon</i>, <i>Anomalops</i>
- Spread of infant schools outside Britain and Ireland: <i>salles d’asile</i>
- St Ann's Church, Tottenham: <i>The National Pipe Organ Register</i>
- St James's Church, Paddington: <i>St James Sussex Gardens</i>, <i>St James Sussex Gardens</i>
- St Peter, Vere Street: <I>The Organs of All Souls Church, Langham Place, London & St Peter's Church, Vere Street, London</I>, <i>Musical opinion and music trade review</I>, <I>The Musical Times</I>, <i>[ Proceedings of the Musical Association. 8th Sess., 1881–1882]</I>, <i>The Musical Times and Singing Class Circular</I>, <i>The Musical Times and Singing Class Circular</I>, <i>The Musical Examiner</I>, <i>Dr. Charles Burney and the Organ</i>, <I>The Musical Times</I>, <i>Daily Post</I>
- Stan Bunger: <i> [ Mornings With Madden: My Radio Life with an American Legend]</i>
- Staphylococcus carnosus: <i>Staphylococcus carnosus</i>
- Staphylococcus epidermidis: <i>Staphylococcus epidermidis</i>, <i>Staphylococcus epidermidis</i>, <i>Manihot esculenta</i>, <i>Staphylococcus epidermidis</i>, <i>Propionibacterium acnes</i>, <i>Staphylococcus epidermidis</i>, <i>Staphylococcus epidermidis</i>
- Staryi Krym: <i>de jure</i>, <i>de jure</i>, <i>de facto</i>, <i>de facto</i>
- Statistics of the COVID-19 pandemic in Serbia: <i style="margin-top:0px;"><sub>(*) – include only Serbian communities in [[Kosovo]]</sub></i>
- Stenocarpus dumbeensis: <i>et al.</i>
- Sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1: <i>De Novo</i>
- Steven J. Cooke: <i>Fisheries</I>
- Stictocephala lutea: <i>Ceresa lutea</i>
- Still Breathing (Green Day song): <i>[[Rolling Stone]]</i>, <i>[[MTV]]</i>, <i>[[NME]]</i>, <i>[[Entertainment Weekly]]</i>, <i>[[Pitchfork (website)|Pitchfork]]</i>, <i>[[Far Out (website)|Far Out]]</i>, <i>[[Alternative Press (magazine)|Alternative Press]]</i>
- Still Life (poetry collection): <i>The Abridged History of Rainfall</i>
- Stowe Breviary: <i>Manuscripts in the Making. Art & Science.</i>
- Strange Weather in Tokyo: <i>センセイの鞄 (Sensei's bag)</i>, <i>溺れる (Remember)</i>, <i>パレード (Parade)</i>, <i>Sensei's bag</i>
- Streptomyces hyaluromycini: <i>Streptomyces hyaluromycini</i>
- Stress Positions (film): <i>Stress Positions</i>
- Struthiolaria papulosa: <i>Cenozoic Mollusca of New Zealand</i>
- Stuart Christie: <i>Granny Made Me an Anarchist</i>, <i>A Life for Anarchy: A Stuart Christie Reader</i>
- Subir Sachdev: <I>without</I>
- Sudak: <i>de jure</i>, <i>de jure</i>, <i>de facto</i>, <i>de facto</i>
- Suddenly We: <i>Semiautomatic</i>
- Sufism: <i>([[Rifa'i]] Sufi Order)</i>, <i>([[Badawiyyah]] Sufi Order)</i>, <i>([[Burhaniyya]] Sufi Order)</i>, <i>([[Shattariyya]] Sufi Order)</i>, <i>([[Khwajagan]] Sufi Order)</i>, <i>([[Zahediyya]] Sufi Order)</i>, <i>([[Ahmad Yasawi |Yasawiya]] Sufi Order)</i>, <i>([[Naqshbandi]] Sufi Order)</i>, <i>([[Khalwati]] Sufi Order)</i>, <i>([[Safaviyya]] Sufi Order)</i>, <i>([[Bektashi]] Sufi Order)</i>, <i></i>, <i></i>, <i>([[Madyani]] Sufi Order)</i>, <i>([[Ahrari]] Sufi Order)</i>, <i>([[Bayrami]] Sufi Order)</i>, <i>([[Qadiri]] Sufi Order)</i>, <i>([[Chishti]] Sufi Order)</i>, <i>([[Naqshbandi |Naqshbandi-Mujaddidi]] Sufi Order)</i>, <i>([[Naqshbandi|Naqshbandi-Abul Ulai]] Sufi Order)</i>, <i></i>, <i>([[Khalidiyya|Naqshbandi-Khalidiyya]] Sufi Order)</i>, <i>([[Makhdoom Shah Muhammad Munim Pak|Munemi]] Sufi Order)</i>, <i>([[Tijani]] Sufi Order)</i>, <i>([[Shadhili]] Sufi Order)</i>, <i>([[Suhrawardiyya]] Sufi Order)</i>, <i>([[Kubrawiya]] Sufi Order)</i>, <i>([[Chishti|Chishti-Nizami]] Sufi Order)</i>, <i>([[Chishti|Chishti-Sabiri]] Sufi Order)</i>, <i>([[Chishti|Chishti-Khizri]] Sufi Order)</i>, <i>([[Barkaatiyah]] Sufi Order)</i>, <i>([[Wafai]] Sufi Order)</i>, <i>([[Mevlevi]] Sufi Order)</i>, <i>([[Firdausiya]] Sufi Order)</i>, <i>([[Ashraf Jahangir Semnani|Ashrafi]] Sufi Order)</i>, <i>([[Ahmad Raza Khan|Razviyah]] Sufi Order)</i>, <i>([[Naqshbandi Haqqani Sufi Order]] Sufi Order)</i>, <i>([[Zarruqi]] Sufi Order)</i>, <i>([[Darqawiyya]] Sufi Order)</i>
- Sukunabikona: <i>Kojiki</i>, <i>Nihon Shoki</i>
- Sunda zebra finch: <i>Taeniopygia guttata</i>
- Sunghoon: <I-LAND>
- Superkavitierender Unterwasserlaufkörper: <i>lit. Supercavitating Underwater Running Body</i>
- Supply creates its own demand: <i>Say's Law and the Keynesian Revolution: How Macroeconomic Theory Lost its Way.</i>
- Suresh Prabhu: <i>, <i>
- Surufatinib: <i>via</i>
- Svelte: <i>runes</i>, <i>derived</i>
- Sweden in the Eurovision Song Contest 2019: <i lang="sv">Melodifestivalen</i>
[edit]- TBX3: <i>TBX3</i>
- TCF7L2: <i>TCF7L2</i>
- TON S180: <i>Chandra</i>
- Takamimusubi: <i>Nihon Shoki</i>
- Tapeinosperma campanula: <i>et al.</i>
- Taqi ad-Din Muhammad ibn Ma'ruf: <i >al</i>, <i >dawriyya</i>
- Tariq Kamal Khan: <i>
- Tayyab Ali Dogar: <i>
- Te Tihi-o-Kahukura / Castle Rock: <i>'The summit of [[Kahukura (mythology)|Kahukura]]'</i>
- Teddy Mitchell: <i>[[EastEnders]]</i>, <i>EastEnders</i>
- Tejpal Singh Rawat: <i> State created </i>, <i> State created </i>, <i> State created </i>, <i> State created </i>
- Tell It Slant: <i>Genghis Chan on Drums</i>
- Temnospondyli: <i>A</i>, <i>ustralerpeton cosgriffi</i>, <i>Eryops megacephalus</i>, <i>Tapinocephalus</i>, <i>Eodicynodon</i>, <i>Metoposaurus</i>
- Temperance Flowerdew: </i>, </i>
- Tenoch: <i>younger son</i>
- Tensioned stone: <i>"This technique of post tensioning an existing building is a world first and has raised international interest."</i>
- Tentacled flathead: <i>Papilloculiceps longiceps</i>
- Terapon jarbua: <i>Terapon jarbua↵</i>
- Terminalia novocaledonica: <i>et al.</i>
- Territory of Light: <i>氷原 (Ice Field)</i>, <i>最後の狩猟 (Last Hunt)</i>
- Tetraodon schoutedeni: <i>Tetraodon schoutedeni</i>
- Thambi (2006 film): <I>Thambi</I>
- The Alphabet of Grace: <i>The Alphabet of Grace</i>
- The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language: <i>slang</i>, <i>substandard</i>, <i>nonstandard</i>
- The Assayer: <i>The Assayer</i>
- The Beautiful City: <i>TV Guide</i>, <i>Tehran Times</i>
- The Best of Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds: <i>[[Tender Prey]]</i>, <i>[[Let Love In (Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds album)|Let Love In]]</i>, <i>[[Henry's Dream]]</i>, <i>[[The Firstborn Is Dead]]</i>, <i>[[Let Love In (Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds album)|Let Love In]]</i>, <i>[[Your Funeral... My Trial]]</i>, <i>[[The Boatman's Call]]</i>, <i>The Boatman's Call</i>, <i>Your Funeral... My Trial</i>, <i>[[Let Love In (Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds album)|Let Love In]]</i>, <i>Tender Prey</i>, <i>[[Murder Ballads]]</i>, <i>[[The Good Son (album)|The Good Son]]</i>, <i>The Good Son</i>, <i>Murder Ballads</i>, <i>[[From Her to Eternity]]</i>, <i>Live at the Royal Albert Hall</i>
- The Citadel (novel): <i>née</i>
- The Comedy Store Players: <I>Funny Farm</I>
- The Crime of Bordadores Street: <i>Signa</I>
- The Death of Ivan Ilyich: </i>
- The Diaspora Sonnets: <i>The Boy in the Labyrinth</i>
- The Dosadi Experiment: <i>allied</i>
- The Earth in the Attic: <i>Alight</i>
- The Eclipse: A Memoir of Suicide: <i>Cover of the second edition (2013)</i>
- The Fifth Book of Peace: <i>To Be the Poet</i>, <i>Veterans of War, Veterans of Peace</i>
- The Grave on the Wall: <i>The Desert</i>, <i>Hydra Medusa</i>
- The Icicle Works: <i>"The reason </i>, <i> was an Icicle Works album was because [[Muff Winwood]], who signed me to Epic, wanted a brand name that he knew was dependable, and wasn’t very keen on me just becoming Ian McNabb. But it was effectively a solo album."</i>
- The Invention of the Darling: <i>[[The Undressing]]</i>
- The Jerky Boys: <i>[[Billboard (magazine)|Billboard]]</i>
- The Kingdom of Surfaces: <i>Oculus</i>
- The Leadership Challenge: <i>The leadership challenge: How to make extraordinary things happen in organizations. 7th ed.</i>
- The Living Daylights (song): <i>[[Stay on These Roads]]</i>
- The Magnificent Defeat: <i>The Magnificent Defeat</i>
- The Making of Asian America: A History: <i>Angel Island: Immigrant Gateway to America</i>, <i>America for Americans: A History of Xenophobia in the United States</i>
- The New Journalism: <i>"On the Steps of the Pentagon"</i>
- The Only Good Indians: <i>The Only Good Indians</i>, <i>The Only Good Indians</i>
- The Reason (Hoobastank song): <i>We Are Lady Parts</i>
- The Remaining Signs of Past Centuries: <i>Persian painting: from the Mongols to the Qajars: studies in honour of Basil W. Robinson</i>
- The Rip Chords: <i>Rock'n'Roll Again</i>
- The Road to Oxiana: <i>The Road to Oxiana and The Station,</i>
- The Rupture Tense: <i>Eye Level</i>, <i>Holding Pattern</i>
- The Sacred Journey: <i>The Sacred Journey</i>
- The Seekers After Smooth Things: <i>ḥalaqot</i>, <i>[[halakha|halakhot]]</i>
- The Ship that Never Returned: <i>CHORUS</i>, <i>(CHORUS)</i>, <i>(CHORUS)</i>
- The Striker (2024 novel): <i>King of Sloth</i>
- The Sunflower Cast a Spell to Save Us from the Void: <i>Carceral Capitalism</i>, <i>Alien Daughters Walk Into the Sun: An Almanac of Extreme Girlhood</i>
- The Swimmers (novel): <i>[[The Buddha in the Attic]]</i>
- The Tourist (TV series): <i>The Tourist</i>
- The Undressing: <i>[[The Invention of the Darling]]</i>, <i>[[Behind My Eyes]]</i>
- The War That Came Early: <i>and</i>
- The Winged Seed: <i>The City In Which I Love You</i>, <i>Book of My Nights</i>
- The Year of Blue Water: <i>Dream of the Divided Field</i>
- The8: <i>Stardust</i>
- Thelocactus lausseri: <i>Thelocactus</i>
- Theodor Ernst Mommsen (historian): <i>Deutsche Familien. Historische Portraits von Bismarck bis Weizsäcker</i>, <i>Deutsches Archiv</i>, <i>A European Past: Memoirs 1905-1945</i>, <i>Engagement with the Past↵The Lives and Works of the World War II Generation of Historians</i>, <i>European Past</i>, <i>European Past</i>, <i>An Interrupted Past: German-Speaking Refugee Historians in the United States,</i>, <i>Imperial Lives and Letters of the Eleventh Century</i>, <i>European Past</i>, <i>Ernst Kantorowicz: A Life</i>, <i>European Past</i>, <i>Inventing the Middle Ages. The Lives, Works, and Ideas of the Great Medievalists of the Twentieth Century</i>, <i>Inventing the Middle Ages</i>, <i>Italienische Analekten zur Reichsgeschichte des 14. Jahrhunderts (1310-1378)</i>, <i>Medieval and Renaissance Studies</i>
- Thin film: <i>In-situ</i>
- Things Can Only Get Better (Howard Jones song): <i>Tarot</i>
- This Happy Breed (film): <i>This fortress built by Nature for herself<br />↵Against infection and the hand of war,<br />↵This happy breed of men, this little world,<br />↵This precious stone set in the silver sea,<br />↵Which serves it in the office of a wall<br />↵Or as a moat defensive to a house,<br />↵Against the envy of less happier lands,<br />↵This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England.</i>
- Thoko Didiza: <i>(acting)</i>
- Thomas Waleys: <i>First the Bow is Bent in Study</i>
- Thoracoacromial artery: <i>Clinically Oriented Anatomy</i>
- Those Were the Days (song): <i>Mere Lafzo Ki Mehkar Tu</i>, <i>Aao Na Pyar Kare</i>
- Tigecycline: <i>In Vitro</i>
- Tim Hurson: <i>Think Better</i>
- Time (Childish Gambino song): <i>Atavista</I>
- Timeline of the United Kingdom home front during World War II: <i>Bismarck</i>
- Tino Buazzelli: <i lang="fr">Ça ira -</i>, <i lang="it">Il fiume della rivolta</i>
- Tom Carrington (illustrator): <i>Melbourne Punch</i>
- Tom Rachman: <i>The Imperfectionists</i>
- Tomb Sweeping (short story collection): <i>Days of Distraction</i>
- Tomicus piniperda: <i>Tomicus destruens</i>, <i>Tomicus piniperda</i>
- Tonari no Yōkai-san: <i>[[hakama]]</i>, <i>[[suijin]]</i>, <i>[[bunrei]]</i>, <i>[[oshibana]]</i>, <i>oshibana</i>, <i>[[Musa basjoo|basho]]</i>, <i>basho</i>, <i>hakama</i>, <i>Kotodama</i>, <i>kotodama</i>, <i>kotodama</i>, <i>kotodama</i>, <i>suijin</i>
- Toxic Flora: <i>[[Brain Fever (poetry collection)|Brain Fever: Poems]]</i>, <i>The Narrow Road to the Interior: Poems</i>
- Toyama Gokoku Shrine: <i>[[Nagare-zukuri]]</i>
- Trace (linear algebra): <i>traceless</i>
- Trachysphaera fructigena: <i>Trachysphaera fructigena</i>, <i>Colletotrichum musae</i>
- Train of Pantanal: <i>Trem o Pantanal</i>
- Transition (literary journal): <i>Transition</i>
- Trauma-informed approaches in education: <i>Techne</i>
- Trichilia catigua: <i>Trichilia catigua</i>
- Tripas (poetry collection): <i>The Tribute Horse</i>
- Troff: <i>file</i>
- Trogulus: <i>Trogulus</i>, <i>Trogulus torosus</i>
- Trogulus torosus: <i>Trogulus</i>, <i>Trogulus torosus</i>
- Trompe-l'œil: <i title="French-language text" lang="fr">Trompe-l'œil</i>
- Tsunehisa Kimura: <i>Toshi Wa Sawayakana Asa Wo Mukaeru</i>
- Turbulence: <i>The Starry Night</i>
- Turkey in the Eurovision Song Contest 1997: <i>n/a</i>, <i>n/a</i>
- Turība Station: <i>Biznesa augstskola "BA" Turības</i>
- Type 2 diabetes: <i>Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes-2021</i>
[edit]- U.S. state and local government responses to the COVID-19 pandemic: <i>needs update</i>
- Ukraine in the Eurovision Song Contest 2016: <i lang="uk">Vidbir</i>, <i lang="uk">Vidbir</i>
- Ukraine in the Eurovision Song Contest 2017: <i lang="uk">Vidbir</i>
- Ukraine in the Eurovision Song Contest 2018: <i lang="uk">Vidbir</i>
- Ukraine in the Eurovision Song Contest 2019: <i lang="uk">Vidbir</i>, <i lang="uk">Vidbir</i>
- Ukraine in the Eurovision Song Contest 2024: <i lang="uk-Latn">Vidbir</i>, <i language="uk-Latn">Vidbir</i>, <i language="uk-Latn">Vidbir</i>
- Ulmecatl: <i>younger son</i>
- Ululation: <i>Tabot</i>
- Uniforms of the Royal Air Force: <i>Sergeant Piper</i>
- Unity Party (Liberia): <i>sic</i>, <i>sic</i>
- Unshrinking: <i>Entitled</i>
- Ure2p: <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i>
- Utah Field House of Natural History State Park Museum: <I>Allosaurus</i>
- Utaite: <i>utaite</i>, <i>utaite</i>
- Utupua: <i>Tevau</i>
[edit]- VHb (hemoglobin): <i>Vitreoscilla</i>
- Valle Soprana: <i>[[Frazione]]</i>, <i>[[Comune]]</i>
- Van Powell: <i>Flying Adventurers,↵Juvenile Aviation Series Books in America, 1909-1964.</i>
- Vattappalai Kannaki Amman Kovil: <i>Aṉiccai</i>
- Vebreltinib: <i>MET</i>
- Vedaa: <i>Vedaa </i>, <i>Vedaa</i>
- Veracruz shrew: <i>Cryptotis nelsoni</i>
- Vespa luctuosa: <i>Vespa luctuosa</i>
- Vexations (poetry collection): <i>Pool</i>
- Vexator Canadiensis tokens: <i>
- Vic Edelbrock Jr.: <I was there with him>
- Vicente Pérez Rosales: <i>Intendant</i>
- Vincent Baker: <I>↵The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy and Improvisation in the Arts</i>
- Virtual University of the State of São Paulo: <i>Universidade Virtual do Estado de São Paulo</i>
- Vodafone Italy: <i>(in the process of being [[Business acquisition|acquired]] by [[Swisscom]]; closing expected in the first quarter of 2025)</i>
- Vorasidenib: <i>IDH2</i>
[edit]- WASP-50: <i>TESS</i>
- Wage unit: <i>i</i>, <i>I</i>
- Wah Mee massacre: <i>Liú Biāo</i>
- Wailing cisticola: <i>Lanius collurio</i>, <i>Cuculus canorus</i>
- Wallmapuwen: <i>[[Indigenismo]]</i>, <i>[[Sumak kawsay]]</i>
- Wang Bo Jiang: <i>SHENG</i>, <i>HUNGOU</i>
- Warner Bros.: <i title="English pronunciation respelling">-BROHZ</i>
- Warren Randolph Burgess: <i>by Leonard Randolph Burgess</i>
- Warrington Transporter Bridge: <i>Liverpool Echo</i>, <i>Runcorn Examiner</i>
- Watch What Happens!: <i>not to be confused with [[Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen]]</i>
- Waterfall railway station (Isle of Man): <i>Yn Eas</i>
- We Come Elemental: <i>Dovetail</i>, <i>Bough Breaks</i>
- Weasel sportive lemur: <i>Lepilemur</i>
- Weasels in the Attic: <i>[[The Hole (novel) | The Hole]]</i>
- Wednesday's Child (short story collection): <i>[[The Book of Goose]]</i>
- Wenham Lake Ice Company: <i>Biscuit, Ice & Compote Book; Or, The Essence of Modern Confectionery</i>
- Wesleyan Memorial Chapel: <i>A Forgotten Architect of the Gilded Age: Josiah Cleaveland Cady's Legacy</i>
- West (poetry collection): <i>Appropriate: A Provocation</i>
- West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education: <i>(Life eternal through learning)</i>
- When I Grow Up I Want to Be a List of Further Possibilities: <i>Your Emergency Contact Has Experienced an Emergency</i>, <i>Kissing the Sphinx</i>
- White-faced storm petrel: <i> Pelagodroma marina</i>
- Whittingham railway station: <i>Falkner's Platform</i>
- Will Butcher: <i>[[The Hockey News]]</i>, <i>[[The Hockey News]]</i>, <i>[[The Hockey News]]</i>
- William Edward Lunt: <i>What Really Happened at Paris: The Story of the Peace Conference, 1918-1919</i>, <i>Speculum</i>, <i>The Valuation of Norwich</i>, <i>History of England</i>, <i>Papal Revenues in the Middle Ages</i>, <i>The Financial Relations of the Papacy with England to 1327</i>, <i>The American Historical Review</i>, <i>The English Historical Review</i>, <i>The English Historical Review</i>, <i>The Valuation of Norwich</i>, <i> History of England</i>, <i>Papal Revenues in the Middle Ages</i>, <i> The Financial Records of the Papacy with England</i>, <i>Accounts rendered by papal collectors in England, 1317-1378</i>
- William F. Willoughby: <i>by William F. Willoughby, Clare de Graffenried</i>
- William Procter (industrialist): <i>V.</i>
- William Sidney, 1st Viscount De L'Isle: <i>Sidney</i>, <i>Shelley</i>
- Willie Watson (musician): <i>The Guardian</i>
- Willow Hand: <i>Santiago</i>
- Wintersmith (Steeleye Span album): <i>Instrumental</i>
- With My Back to the World (poetry collection): <i>The Trees Witness Everything</i>
- Wolfram syndrome: <i>De novo</i>, <i>WFS1</i>
- Women of Wrestling: <i>unknown</i>, <i>unknown</i>, <i>unknown</i>, <i>unknown</i>, <i>unknown</i>, <i>unknown</i>
- Womyn-born womyn: <i>Mammy</i>, <i>Crazy Black Bitch</i>
- Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal: <i>Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal</i>
- Workers Party (United States): <i>Standing Fast</i>
- Wrong Norma: <i>Float</i>
- Wētā Workshop: <i>sic</i>, <i>sic</i>
[edit]- X-gender: <i>X-Jendā</i>
- Xanthostemon glaucus: <i>et al.</i>
- Xanthostemon sebertii: <i>et al.</i>
- Xelhua: <i>younger son</i>
- Xicalancatl: <i>younger son</i>
- Xiphocentronidae: <i>Cnodocentron</i>, <i>Caenocentron</i>
- Xiphosura: <i>Limulus</i>
- Xylosma serpentina: <i>et al.</i>
- Xylotrechus integer: <i>New↵Records and Notes on Previously Reported Species of Cerambycidae and For Ontario↵and Canada,</i>
[edit]- Yale Series of Younger Poets: <i>[[The Year of Blue Water]]</i>
- Yellowtail barracuda: <i>Sphyraena flavicauda</i>
- Yevpatoria: <i>de jure</i>, <i>de jure</i>, <i>de facto</i>, <i>de facto</i>
- Yi Sang: Selected Works: <i>Big Other</i>
- Yngvi: <i>{{lang|ang|Ing ƿæs ærest mid Eástdenum<br/>↵geseƿen secgum, oð he síððan e[á]st<br/>↵ofer ƿæg geƿát. ƿæn æfter ran.<br/>↵þus Heardingas þone hæle nemdon.}}</i>
- Yoda conditions: <i>without</i>
- Yoichi distillery: <i>sic</i>
- Yolk (novel): <i>[[Permanent Record (novel)|Permanent Record]]</i>
- Young Dirty Bastard: <i>[[Wu-Tang: An American Saga]]</i>
- Your Monster: <i>Your Monster</i>
- Youth Union of Turkey: <i>Wasp</i>
- Yuju (singer): <i>Scool</i>
[edit]- Z583: <i>d</i>
- Zafar Mahmood Abbasi: <i>
- Zhang Fuming: <i>The Straits Times</i>
- Zionist Organization Mizrachi: <i>Cionistu organizācija "Mizrahi"</i>
- Zobellella denitrificans: <i>Zobellella denitrificans</i>
- Zoe Leonard: <i>Analogue</i>, <i>Strange Fruit</i>
- Zoroastrian cosmology: <i>Ilme kṣnum</i>
- Zoé Samudzi: <i>[ Parapraxis]</i>
- Zuiikin' English: <i>英会話体操 Zuiikin' English</i>
- Zygogynum oligostigma: <i>et al.</i>
[edit]- Útrásarvíkingur: <i>[ Iceland and the International Financial Crisis: Boom, Bust and Recovery]</i>
- Α-Bungarotoxin: <i>Bungarus caeruleus</i>, <i>Bungarus caeruleus</i>, <i>Bungarus caeruleus</i>, <i>Bungarus caeruleus</i>
- Α-Galactosidase: <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i>, <i>Aspergillus niger</i>