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Me :3 (real picture)

What I've been up to

Project Article Created
Socialism An Introduction to the Three Volumes of Karl Marx's Capital[DYK 1] 2023-02-16
Korea Basic Medicine[DYK 2] 2023-03-20
Internet Culture HeadOn[DYK 3] Was , created by SchnellerDamon
Internet Culture Sanctioned Suicide[DYK 4] 2023-02-10
Korea Seongsu Bridge disaster[DYK 5] 2023-02-18
Disability William Bronston[DYK 6] 2023-11-13
Korea Incheon Station[DYK 7] Was , created by Jpbarrass
Philosophy Women Philosophers in the Long Nineteenth Century[DYK 8] 2023-08-01
Korea Gangnam[DYK 9] 2023-02-25
Disability Judge Rotenberg Center Was , created by Cyde
Korea Korean Wave Was , created by Visviva
Sociology Racecraft[DYK 10] 2023-06-13
Socialism Settlers: The Mythology of the White Proletariat Was , created by Bohemian Baltimore
Korea "Dokdo Is Our Land"[DYK 11] 2023-03-01
Korea List of Korean dramas associated with the Korean Wave 2023-03-23

Some of my best uploads


Some essays I liked


Random quote


The modern state, the rule of the bourgeoisie, is based on freedom of labour...Freedom of Labour is free competition of the workers among themselves...Labor is free in all civilized countries; it is not a matter of freeing labor but of abolishing it.

All these institutions that [...] appear so humanitarian, so medical, and so scientific — the prophylactic centers, youth centers, and schools — are overseen and directed by people who look like social workers, educators, and doctors, but who are, in the end, police [...] All of these professions have as their common function surveillance, the maintenance under lock and key of marginal existences that are neither really criminal nor really pathological.

— Michel Foucault, Interview with Niklaus Meienberg, first published as "Die grosse Einsperrung" (1972)

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Did you know...

  1. ^ ... that An Introduction to the Three Volumes of Karl Marx's Capital was considered unusual for introducing the three volumes of Karl Marx's Capital?
  2. ^ ... that Basic Medicine features North Korean propaganda?
  3. ^ ... that a commercial for HeadOn drew comparisons to Maoist posters, North Korean propaganda, and Hillary Clinton?
  4. ^ ... that the decision to report the name of an internet forum dedicated to suicide was described by journalist Megan Twohey as one of the "biggest ethical issues that we had ever dealt with"?
  5. ^ ... that after the Seongsu Bridge collapsed in Seoul, radiographic testing found that 110 of the 111 connections in the bridge were filled with defects?
  6. ^ ... that the great nephew of Leon Trotsky was a physician for the Black Panther Party and helped deinstitutionalize Willowbrook State School?
  7. ^ ... that the rights to build Incheon Station in the Korean Empire were temporarily given to an American company in an attempt to protect it from the Empire of Japan?
  8. ^ ... that one reviewer for the book Women Philosophers in the Long Nineteenth Century was let down by the book's lack of poetry?
  9. ^ ... that the rapid development of Gangnam in Seoul was spurred by the 1968 North Korean assassination attempt on military dictator Park Chung-hee?
  10. ^ ... that the book Racecraft argues that the concept of human races were developed to justify racism?
  11. ^ ... that the melody of "Dokdo Is Our Land" is commonly used by South Korean students as a study tool?



SubpagesNewPagesFeed • This user may sometimes share an IP address with (my lovely boyfriend) Conditaneus • I release all of my contributions on Wikipedia into the public domain