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Shielding: Original Concept?


It seems as though the similarity to Garou: Mark of the Wolves' "Just Defend" and maybe Guilty Gear's "Instant Blocking" should be noted. Shielding seems to work similarly to the former. I'm not too knowledgable about the game, though, so I'll not edit it until I get further word on it. -- Digital Watches 08:53, 9 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I guess it is somewhat similar, the root for all of them is the same, cancel an attack the moment before it hits, but what I think makes Shielding in melty blood different is the fact that Shielding is done pressing an specific button, and you can perform other moves with that shield button, for instance with qcb+D(shield button)the character shields while performing an attack that sends the enemy unto the air at the same time, you can also counterattack with any move, even Ex attacks, and lastly activate the last arcs just by shielding. however I do see the point you're bringing here, for instance in garou you also recover health by doing a just cancel, I think it should be modified to:

Melty blood makes use of widely used concepts in fighting games such as cancels (canceling an attack before its animation ends, then beginning another, allowing for more complex and damaging combos) chain combos (normal moves that can be link without the use of cancels) and the use of power bars (called Magic circuits in-game). Magic circuits serve more purposes than just allowing the execution of special moves. Chain combos are much easier to perform in comparison to other games, In addition it also brings several interesting features to the concept of Shielding(technique featured in different fighting videogames like street fighter, where it is known as "parrying",Garou mark of the wolves, denominated as "just defend" and Guilty Gear where it is called "instant blocking")into gameplay,like simultaneous impacts and dash shielding among others.

Shielding in Melty Blood is an advanced form of guarding. By tapping the shield button right before the moment of impact, the player cancels the opponent's attack, leaving the opponent wide open to attack. There are also Shield-only EX moves called "Last arcs." Last arcs are powerful attacks that cannot be blocked; they are activated automatically if the character shields while in "Blood heat" mode. RinGyaku 17:34, 9 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Sounds good to me. Just look for a few spelling/punctuation errors, such as commas without spaces after them. -- Digital Watches 20:14, 9 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I've made a revision to the description of Shielding, as it was heavily modified after the release of Act Cadenza. Its risk-reward concept currently makes it much more similar to SF3:3rd Strike's Parry, and Guilty Gear XX: Accent Core's Slash Back system. These techniques carry much more risk than Impact Guarding and Just Defending, which offer no penalty for performing them too early (you just end up blocking), whereas missing a Parry/Shield/Slash Back means that you'll eat the attack for free. -- Arlieth Tralare 12:24, 8 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Order of names


Should name's actually be re-arranged?Japanese names are written in the fashion they were displayed before someone just completely changed changes recently done to them but i think this should be discussed.

Naming conflict.


Let's settle this on the talk page instead of continuing to revert.

I think that since the in-game names are the most important, and Act Cadenza/Final Tuned are the most recent revision, not to mention, due to wider availibility on the part of the arcade/PS2 version (More frequent tournaments in Japan, more accessible to a wider market, etc.), therefore the names used in those games should be put into the character section, along with, if not replacing the other names. Since this is obviously going to become a revert war, I'll wait a little bit for a consensus before editing it back. If no agreement can be reached, it may be prudent to split the article into separate pages for the different revisions of the game, using the character names in the revision they appear as appropriate. -- Digital Watches 23:54, 16 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

see below. RinGyaku 01:12, 18 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Page splitting,Major clean up


All right let us settle this. We need to decided a few things about this article here, First things first, I suggest we either Split Act Cadenza and MBR, or in each of the sections specify what game are we actually talking about (I.E the gameplay section,you edited most of what i added originally,however all of those changes only appear on Cadenza). The reasons for which i think a split would be a good idea:

  • Melty blood Re-ACT(MBR from this point) And Act Cadenza are not developed by the same creators, Re-Act is developed by typeMoon/french bread while Cadenza is developed by typemoon/ ecole
  • Re-ACT final tuned is an expansion to the original MB and MBR,so that it would play more like cadenza.

There's a huge amount of differences in gameplay mechanics for both games:

  • MBR(Melty Blood Re-Act final tuned) lacks the usage of timers.
  • There is no MAX mode in MBR.
  • Heat and Blood Heat work differently as-well.
  • There are no Ex-Shields
  • You can't hold down the shield button in MBR,and if you do nothing happens.
  • Character movements and gameplay has been changed in Cadenza.

Other differences i've spotted so far:

  • New Artwork for character portraits in Cadenza
  • New background scenarios in Cadenza
  • New Special effects in Cadenza
  • New animations.

And of course,the ones we all know about:

  • 3 new characters
  • Name changes

Ok. now if you all don't want to create a new page,then on this page Cadenza and MBR should have their own subsections.

Second : Its come to my attention that the gameplay section now looks more like a F.A.Q than an article, chances are that any casual reader is here to find out what makes melty blood so popular, the features it presents and the like, he's probably not interested in learning in how to perform. and if he is,there are much more detailed real F.A.Qs out there.

and finally third: The page needs a major clean up and edit,needs a plot section,links to other internal wikipages and perhaps a little background on the characters.this will have to wait however,until a decision about the 1st point is reached.

Hmm ok.due to the lack of responce or protest i'm gonna go ahead with the clean up of this article. i'll be splitting cadena and mbr.RinGyaku 00:46, 22 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ok i added the media section and changed some lists content,added a few images and added some more detailed information on various sections ,however i'll wait for more people to discuss before an Articles split is done.RinGyaku 00:46, 22 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

             is done
Since no one answered my question, I'm going to change the names to the Act Cadenza versions, as well as update the character list, since this is the version that will most widely be played. I will make sure to make it very clear which characters were not playable in earlier versions, as well as when the name changed.

What do you guys think of including these links [[1]], [[2]]to Ecole software corporation.Maybe it'll help people purchase this game legally, unforutunately it seems to be a pirate phenomenon as of now. ~Anonymous 15:48, 17 September 2006 (UTC)

Wrong infobox?


I don't think the correct infobox for this game is animanga. It is most certainly a game, not an anime. A spinoff manga should be handled just as it would for any other game with such spinoffs, unless the manga mentioned is the Shingetsutan Tsukihime manga, in which case it doesn't even belong in this article. -- Digital Watches 00:09, 25 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The manga actually covers all of the storyline in melty blood explaining various plot details, As you can guess it is currently being published in japan.I agree on removing the animanga footer. Melty Blood has no anime adaptations,but still it should be noted that a manga adaptation exists.RinGyaku 04:47, 25 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Satsuki Yumizuka


Wikipedia uses a system of the revised Hepburn romanization (see WP:MOS-JA for more information) and also prioritizes the romanizations of characters/people used in the common usage (for example, the romanizations used by licensees). As such, the character Satsuki Yumizuka, whose name 弓塚 さつき is romanized as Yumizuka Satsuki in the aforementioned format and has been used as Satsuki Yumizuka in this article and each English-language adaptation of those series in which the character has appeared so far (like in Tsukihime), must be used accordingly in the article (due to it being the preferred format of romanization and common usage, per WP:MOS-JA). "Official spellings" are not immediately prioritized (for example, this game itself is officially spelled by Type-Moon as "MELTY BLOOD", however this "spelling" itself cannot be used in this article as such due to the guidelines mentioned in the manual of style). Please also see the Tsukihime talk page for a related discussion on the same matter. Ganryuu (talk) 01:57, 12 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Using "MELTY BLOOD" as an example is straw man -- the manual of style makes reference to exactly this case: Japanese capitalization methods of English words in titles should not be followed. Specifically, words should not be written in all caps. There seems to be no reason whatsoever not to use the clearly official Yumiduka spelling (in any of the TYPE-MOON products, but especially in the case of Melty Blood, where it is displayed repeatedly in-game). I don't feel any discussion is necessary here, at least until the currently ongoing one in the Tsukihime talk page is over (otherwise, the same arguments will simply be posted on two different pages with slight rewordings) Tropsy 02:42, 12 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
"Yumiduka" is merely nothing more than another method/system of romanization, it is not an "official spelling" - anyone with enough knowledge regarding the different systems of romanization present will understand the subtle differences between them. As WP:MOS-JA states quite clearly: People who care about other romanization systems are knowledgeable enough to look after themselves. As I mentioned earlier, the character Satsuki Yumizuka has appeared in the only English-licensed adaptations/versions of the series and so even if were to note on the basis of common usage, it's fairly obvious to what name is better used. Please read WP:MOS-JA. Ganryuu (talk) 16:23, 12 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
If that's the case, then you should change the name "Nrvnsqr Chaos" to the name he was given in the anime, "Nero Chaos". Likewise, you should change "Len" to "Ren" (the romanization given pretty much everywhere BUT Melty Blood, although I haven't played Kagetsu Tohya myself). Since the "Len" name is based solely on Melty Blood, I see no reason not to do the same for Satsuki. I wasn't aware that the English-licensed adaptation of Shingetsutan Tsukihime had any relevance to the name of a character in Melty Blood, as they were produced by different companies adapting the characters and universe of Tsukihime in different ways, neither one was produced by Type-MOON, and the translated version of the anime is even less "official" as the English translation is done by localization teams not directly affiliated with the original producers of the anime, who themselves are a seperate group from Type-MOON. The Melty Blood romanization is just as official as the anime's romanization - if not moreso, since we know Type-MOON worked closely with the developers of Melty Blood but have no evidence that they had any part at all in the anime (in fact, usually animes that are adapted from games or manga give the original creator little to no control over the anime). And if that isn't a satisfying enough reason for this hilariously pointless debate to be dropped, may I point out that the Satsuki in Melty Blood is NOT the same character as the Satsuki in Melty Blood? It's quite possible that the Tsukihime character is named "Satsuki Yumizuka" while the Melty Blood character is deliberately named "Satsuki Yumiduka" instead - in any case, the appropriate romanization for the character in the game Melty Blood is clearly "Satsuki Yumiduka". 20:54, 12 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Melty Blood is a shaky basis for the spelling of a characters name. Nrvnsqr Chaos is correct due to the rational for the first part, which is it adds up to 666. Ren is the name used everywhere BUT in Melty Blood. Yumizuka is the name used everywhere BUT Melty Blood as well. Heck, MB has a very obvious romanization mistake in Warakia, since he's named after the region in Transylvania...which is Wallachia. In other words, using the games spellings isn't necessarily the best way to handle things, especially given the amount of material which contradicts what is, at its core, a FAN-MADE game. It was only after its success that Type-Moon integrated it into canon. Nezu Chiza 12:47, 14 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Watanabe/French-Bread and Type-Moon have always worked together for Melty Blood. For one, Nasu wrote the story himself, so unless story mode was added after version 1.000... But backing up what you said earlier, if you listen to the voice files, you can clearly hear multiple characters pronounce Satsuki's last name as "Yumizuka". Last I checked, there's quite a bit of difference between the way a 'z' sounds and the way a 'd' sounds. Eternalslumber 13:44, 31 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]
There's no difference in the pronunciation of Japanese ず(zu) and づ (du), which is where the whole romanisation debate stems from. 15:02, 17 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Also, this isn't relevant to the conversation, but you two misspelled Nrvnqsr. :V Eternalslumber 13:46, 31 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

idea on references and sources


Here's an idea, why not make this article more solid (as in cite more references/sources) by getting those from the Japanese version of this article? Or at least gather more info from the links provided by the Japanese version to make this article even better..

This option would require someone who is fluent in both languages though.. Jerieljan 08:48, 2 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Happy Birthday Len!


There's a "Happy Birthday Len" picture on the background of the title screen for Melty Blood Act Cadenza PC version today, September 19th. --Raijinili 02:48, 18 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Unverified "Six New Characters in Actress Again"


I know I'm not the only one, but I've seen the same person put in "six new characters" in this Wiki entry for Actress Again. Yet there are no sources cited for this. For all we know, the four other characters aside from Roa and Riezbyfe are Neko Arc Chaos, Neko Arc, Hisui solo and Kohaku solo, all of whom are not on the currently visible character select screen for Actress Again. (talk) 18:29, 23 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Merging would be wise


Considering that a large number of video game articles are having their individual character profiles merged (for example, the Kirby page), it seems a bit odd that almost every Melty Blood character has his/her own Wikipedia entry. I'm neutral toward the whole "merging" thing, but I think that the character pages can afford to get merged into a "List of Characters in Melty Blood" page or something. (talk) 06:31, 6 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Fair use rationale for Image:Melty-blood.jpg


Image:Melty-blood.jpg is being used on this article. I notice the image page specifies that the image is being used under fair use but there is no explanation or rationale as to why its use in this Wikipedia article constitutes fair use. In addition to the boilerplate fair use template, you must also write out on the image description page a specific explanation or rationale for why using this image in each article is consistent with fair use.

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BetacommandBot (talk) 16:22, 8 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

PC version of Actress Again


Can someone add the info on PC version? I found the following basic info, but I won't edit the page as I haven't played the last version and likely won't anytime soon:

>> Never mind, it is a PS2 iso bundled with preconfigured pcsx2 emulator (which those download pages never mention). (talk) 17:23, 6 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]


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Gameplay section problems


The gameplay section is flagrantly going against WP:MOSVG and WP:GAMEGUIDE. To quote:

"Write for a general audience. Assume that the reader has heard of a video game but has never played one. Introduce the game in terms of the player's actions and goals."

"Rephrase jargon. Clarify technical concepts such as "HP", "level", "boss", "combo", "spawn", and "game over" with context clues and wikilinks. Refer to the glossary of video games."

"Wikipedia is an encyclopedic reference, not an instruction manual, guidebook, or textbook. Wikipedia articles should not read like: Game guides. An article about a game should briefly summarize the story and the main actions the player performs in the game. Avoid lists of gameplay concepts and items unless these are notable as discussed in secondary sources in their own right in gaming context"

I am thus removing the list of gameplay terminology. It is highly inappropriate. 2404:2D00:5000:841:8CD7:6427:A34C:5D4B (talk) 10:59, 22 September 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Release section


I'd like to bring up the issue of how the release section as it is now could use some cleaning up: I would like to propose further dividing the releases into the different versions, i.e. separate sub-sub-sections for Act Cadenza, Act Cadenza Ver. B, Act Cadenza Ver. B2, etc. Does anyone have any objections to this? 2404:2D00:5000:841:8CD7:6427:A34C:5D4B (talk) 11:30, 22 September 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Also, a separate issue - I'm not sure about the current wording "Original Tsukihime Timeline" / "Tsukihime Remake Timeline", seems kind of WP:UNIVERSE. I can't think of an appropriate alternative, however. I would like to propose removing them as sections entirely (bumping the games up a section level in the process which would make the previous proposal of sections for versions also work better); Type Lumina adhering to the remake's story can be mentioned in its description. 2404:2D00:5000:841:8CD7:6427:A34C:5D4B (talk) 11:33, 22 September 2021 (UTC)[reply]