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  • 100% FA-Class
  • 100% FA-Class
  • 30% Start-Class
  • 30% C-Class
  • 40% GA-Class

Albums to add to articles

  • Music of the SaGa series - Romancing SaGa Battle Arrange -Re:Birth II, One Night Re:Birth SaGa/Mana concert, Imperial SaGa, The Orchestral SaGa -Legend of Music-, there's probably others...
  • Music of Final Fantasy 1-13 - mention of newer remix albums
  • Music of FF5/6 - FF5/6OST Remastered
  • Music of Mana/Legend of Mana- Seiken Densetsu -Legend of Mana- Arrangement Album: Promise
  • Music of Mana- Seiken Densetsu 25th Anniversary Orchestra Concert CD

Early video games



1947 - 1974
  • 2.5% Stub-Class
  • 15% Start-Class
  • 7.5% C-Class
  • 67.5% GA-Class
  • 7.5% FA-Class
1947 - 1976
  • 24.7% Stub-Class
  • 32.6% Start-Class
  • 6.7% C-Class
  • 32.6% GA-Class
  • 4.5% FA-Class
  • 36.3% Stub-Class
  • 40.2% Start-Class
  • 4.4% C-Class
  • 1.2% B-Class
  • 15.9% GA-Class
  • 2.4% FA-Class

big 'ol table
47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
General VG History
Early history of video games
Early mainframe games First generation of video game consoles
2nd gen consoles
Odyssey Ping-O-Tronic Odyssey series Odyssey 2 Intellivision
VideoSport MK2 (Super Pong) APF TV Fun Atari 2600 APF-MP1000 Bandai Super Vision 8000
TV Tennis Electrotennis Bally Astrocade RCA Studio II 1292 APVS Microvision
PC-50x Family
Interton Video 2000 Interton Video 2400 Telstar
Channel F Color TV-Game
Tele-Pong Interton Video 2501 VC 4000
TV Scoreboard TVG-10
Wonder Wizard
Computer/Mainframe games
CRTAD Turochamp Bertie Nimrod OXO Tennis for Two Spacewar! Sumerian Game Hamurabi Space Travel Star Trek Empire Empire Spasim dnd Colossal Cave Adventure Empire 3-D Docking Mission Airmail Pilot
Marienbad Lunar Lander Oregon Trail Lemonade Stand Star Trader Dungeon Dukedom DND Adventureland Akalabeth: World of Doom
(Lunar Lander) (Super Star Trek) Moria Microchess Target Air Raid Atlantic Balloon Crossing
Maze Wander Panther Tanktics Zork Air Traffic Controller Avatar
Mugwump Wumpus pedit5 Alto Trek The Count
Trek73 Android Nim The Datestones of Ryn
Beneath Apple Manor Dog Star Adventure
The Cottage Dungeon of Death
Decwar Flying Saucers
Depth Charge Galactic Empires
Dungeon Campaign Global War
Mystery Mansion Heiankyo Alien
Personk Invasion Orion
Phasor Zap Lost Dutchman's Gold
Santa Paravia en Fiumaccio Microsoft Adventure
Sargon (chess) Mystery Fun House
Space Battle Pigskin
Starfleet Orion Pirate Adventure
Time Trek Pork Barrel
Pyramid 2000
Pyramid of Doom
Round the Horn
Sargon II
Simutek Package One
Star Trek III.4
Starbase Hyperion
Strange Odyssey
Super Invader
Temple of Apshai
Three Mile Island
Voodoo Castle
Westward 1847
Zero Zap
Console games
Air-Sea Battle Air-Sea War – Battle ABPA Backgammon
Baseball Basketball Armor Battle
Basic Math Space Attack Backgammon
Blackjack Brain Games Bally Pin
Combat A Game of Concentration Bowling
Indy 500 Casino Dynasty!
Star Ship Codebreaker Human Cannonball
Street Racer Cosmic Conflict Miniature Golf
Surround Flag Capture NFL Football
Video Olympics Hangman Slot Machine
Home Run Star Trek: Phaser Strike
Outlaw Superman
Race – Spin-out – Cryptogram Video Chess
Slot Racers
Space War
Star Fire
Arcade games
Computer Space Pong Gotcha Gran Trak 10 Anti-Aircraft The Amazing Maze Game Boot Hill Astro Battle 2009 Asteroids
Galaxy Game Space Race Qwak! Crash 'N Score Barricade Canyon Bomber Football Astro Fighter
Rebound Destruction Derby Blockade Circus Avalanche Basketball
Tank Doctor Pong Breakout Depthcharge Blasto Barrier
Gun Fight Datsun 280 ZZZAP Destroyer Clowns Bomb Bee
Hi-way Death Race Dominos Fire Truck Cosmic Guerilla
Indy 800 F-1 Space Wars Frogs Cutie Q
Jet Fighter Fonz Starship 1 Gee Bee Deep Scan
Pursuit Heavyweight Champ Super Bug Sky Diver Galaxian
Shark Jaws Indy 4 Triple Hunt Space Invaders Galaxy Wars
Steeplechase LeMans Super Breakout Head On
Nürburgring 1 Night Driver Tournament Table Lunar Lander
Outlaw Lunar Rescue
Quiz Show Monaco GP
Sea Wolf Monkey Magic
Sprint 2 Ozma Wars
Stunt Cycle Radar Scope
Space Fever
Space Invaders Part II
Speed Freak
Star Fire
Tail Gunner

Other project ideas




Fallout 2


While the 1.0 bot is down


Query db directly: [1]

Animal lists

  • 11.1% List-Class
  • 88.9% FA-Class
Mammal families (157)
In a list

Mammal species (~5972)
In a list

Afrosoricida (List of afrosoricids ) (3 families, ~50 species)
  • Chrysochloridae (too small )
  • Potamogalidae (too small )
  • Tenrecidae (too small )
Artiodactyla (List of artiodactyls ) (24 families, ~350 species)
Carnivora (List of carnivorans ) (16 families, ~300 species)
Chiroptera (List of chiropterans ) (21 families, ~1300 species)
  • Superfamily Pteropodoidea (199 species)
  • Superfamily Rhinolophoidea (~200 species)
    • Craseonycteridae (too small ) (1 species)
    • Rhinopomatidae (too small ) (6 species)
    • Megadermatidae (too small ) (6 species)
    • Rhinonycteridae (too small ) (9 species)
    • Rhinolophidae (List of rhinolophids ) (92 species)
    • Hipposideridae (List of hipposiderids ) (86 species)
  • Superfamily Vespertilionoidea (~620 species)
  • Superfamily Emballonuroidea (~70 species)
  • Superfamily Noctilionoidea (~220 species)
    • Thyropteridae (too small ) (5 species)
    • Furipteridae (too small ) (2 species)
    • Noctilionidae (too small ) (2 species)
    • Mormoopidae (11 species) (List of mormoopids )
    • Phyllostomidae (203 species) (List of phyllostomids )
    • Myzopodidae (too small ) (2 species)
    • Mystacinidae (too small ) (2 species)
Cingulata (List of cingulates ) (2 families, ~20 species)
  • Chlamyphoridae (too small )
  • Dasypodidae (too small )
Dasyuromorphia (List of dasyuromorphs ) (2 families, ~70 species)
  • Dasyuridae (too small )
  • Myrmecobiidae (too small )
Dermoptera (too small ) (1 family, 2 species)
  • Cynocephalidae
Didelphimorphia (List of didelphimorphs ) (1 family, ~120 species)
  • Didelphidae (mono-family order)
Diprotodontia (List of diprotodonts ) (11 families, ~150 species)
  • Suborder Vombatiformes (too small )
    • Vombatidae
    • Phascolarctidae
  • Suborder Phalangeriformes (List of phalangeriformes )
    • Phalangeridae
    • Burramyidae
    • Tarsipedidae
    • Petauridae
    • Pseudocheiridae
    • Acrobatidae
  • Suborder Macropodiformes (List of macropodiformes )
    • Macropodidae
    • Potoroidae
    • Hypsiprymnodontidae
Eulipotyphla (List of eulipotyphlans ) (4 families, ~500 species)
Hyracoidea (too small ) (1 family, 5 species)
  • Procaviidae
Lagomorpha (List of lagomorphs , Lagomorphs ) (2 families, ~100 species)
Macroscelidea (List of macroscelids ) (1 family, 20 species)
  • Macroscelididae
Microbiotheria (too small ) (1 family, 1 species)
  • Microbiotheriidae
Monotremata (too small ) (2 families, 5 species)
  • Ornithorhynchidae (too small )
  • Tachyglossidae (too small )
Notoryctemorphia (too small ) (1 family, 2 species)
  • Notoryctidae
Paucituberculata (too small ) (1 family, 7 species)
  • Caenolestidae
Peramelemorphia (List of peramelemorphs ) (3 families, 22 species)
  • Peramelidae
  • Thylacomyidae
Perissodactyla (List of perissodactyls ) (3 families, 17 species)
  • Equidae (too small )
  • Rhinocerotidae (too small )
  • Tapiridae (too small )
Pholidota (List of pholidotans ) (1 family, 8 species)
  • Manidae
Pilosa (List of pilosans ) (4 families, 12 species)
  • Cyclopedidae
  • Myrmecophagidae
  • Bradypodidae
  • Megalonychidae
Primates (List of primates , Primates ) (16 families, ~500 species)
  • Suborder Haplorhini (370 species)
    • Superfamily Cercopithecoidea (List of cercopithecids ) (1 family, 159 species)
      • Cercopithecidae
    • Superfamily Hominoidea (List of hominoids ) (2 families, 28 species)
      • Hominidae (8 species)
      • Hylobatidae (20 species)
    • Parvorder Platyrrhini (Superfamily Ceboidea) (List of platyrrhines ) (5 families, 160 species)
      • Aotidae (11 species)
      • Atelidae (26 species)
      • Callitrichidae (51 species)
      • Cebidae (29 species)
      • Pitheciidae (54 species)
    • Infraorder Tarsiiformes (List of tarsiiformes )
      • Tarsiidae (1 family, 14 species)
  • Suborder Strepsirrhini (165 species)
    • Superfamily Lemuroidea (List of lemuroids ) (5 families, 107 species)
      • Cheirogaleidae (40 species)
      • Lemuridae (21 species)
      • Lepilemuridae (26 species)
      • Indriidae (19 species)
      • Daubentoniidae (1 species)
    • Superfamily Lorisoidea (List of lorisoids ) (2 families, 35 species)
      • Galagidae (19 species)
      • Lorisidae (16 species)
Proboscidea (too small ) (1 family, 3 species)
  • Elephantidae
Rodentia (List of rodents) (33 families, ~2300 species)
  • Suborder Anomaluromorpha (too small ) (9 species)
    • Anomaluridae (too small ) (7 species)
    • Pedetidae (too small ) (2 species)
  • Suborder Castorimorpha (117 species)
  • Suborder Hystricomorpha (341 species)
    • Ctenodactylidae (too small ) (5 species)
    • Diatomyidae (too small ) (1 species)
    • Caviidae (20 species) (List of caviids)
    • Cuniculidae (too small ) (3 species)
    • Dasyproctidae (13 species) (List of dasyproctids)
    • Abrocomidae (too small ) (10 species)
    • Chinchillidae (too small ) (7 species)
    • Dinomyidae (too small ) (1 species)
    • Erethizontidae (20 species) (List of erethizontids)
    • Ctenomyidae (70 species) (List of ctenomyids)
    • Echimyidae (136 species) (List of echimyids)
    • Octodontidae (16 species) (List of octodontids)
    • Bathyergidae (24 species) (List of bathyergids)
    • Heterocephalidae (too small ) (1 species)
    • Hystricidae (too small ) (10 species) (but maybe, it's porcupines)
    • Petromuridae (too small ) (1 species)
    • Thryonomyidae (too small ) (2 species)
  • Suborder Myomorpha (1955 species)
  • Suborder Sciuromorpha (329 species)
Scandentia (List of scandentians ) (2 families, 23 species)
  • Ptilocercidae (too small )
  • Tupaiidae (too small )
Sirenia (too small ) (2 families, 4 species)
  • Dugongidae (too small )
  • Trichechidae (too small )
Tubulidentata (too small ) (1 family, 1 species)
  • Orycteropodidae (too small )

List of mammals (List of mammal genera) - should be list of families

FLC reviews


Accessibility review (MOS:DTAB)

  • Tables need captions, which allow screen reader software to jump straight to named tables without having to read out all of the text before it each time. Visual captions can be added by putting |+ caption_text as the first line of the table code; if that caption would duplicate a nearby section header, you can make it screen-reader-only by putting |+ {{sronly|caption_text}} instead.
  • Tables need column scopes for all column header cells, which in combination with row scopes lets screen reader software accurately determine and read out the headers for each cell of a data table. Column scopes can be added by adding !scope=col to each header cell, e.g. | Party becomes !scope=col | Party. If the cell spans multiple columns with a colspan, then use !scope=colgroup instead.
  • Tables need row scopes on the "primary" column for each row, which in combination with column scopes lets screen reader software accurately determine and read out the headers for each cell of a data table. Row scopes can be added by adding !scope=row to each primary cell, e.g. | 1 becomes !scope=row | 1. If the cell spans multiple rows with a rowspan, then use !scope=rowgroup instead.
  • Please see MOS:DTAB for example table code if this isn't clear. I don't return to these reviews until the nomination is ready to close, so ping me if you have any questions. This is not a full review, and does not result in a support vote. --

This nomination has been open well past the time it would normally be closed, so in order to move it past the finish line, pinging everyone involved who has not formally closed their review: XXXXX. Please support/oppose/recuse as appropriate. --PresN 14:12, 22 October 2024 (UTC)