User:Piotrus/Educational project results
This is a mostly complete list of articles committed created by my students as part of courses I have been teaching (as part of the WP:SUP initiative).
(If you are a student looking for a topic to work on, see here for suggestions).
Hanyang (Korea)
[edit]Fall 2024
[edit]{{Educational assignment|date=2024-12-30|link=wmfdashboard:courses/Hanyang_University/Media Trends and Globalization (2024)}}
{{Educational assignment|date=2024-12-30|link=wmfdashboard:courses/Hanyang_University/Understanding Small and Big Data with Wikis (2024)}}
Spring 2024
[edit]{{Educational assignment|date=2024-06-30|link=wmfdashboard:courses/Hanyang_University/Collective_Intelligence_and_Wikipedia_(2023)}}
{{Educational assignment|date=2023-06-30|link=wmfdashboard:courses/Hanyang_University/Sociology_of_Everyday_Life_(2024)}}
- zh:朝鲜的医疗卫生 (Health in North Korea)
- zh:中國古典詩詞 (Classical Chinese poetry)
- Chinese Academy of Cultural Heritage (start-class)
- zh:集约化畜牧业 (Intensive animal farming)
- Happy Baby (animation) (start-class)
Fall 2023
[edit]- Media Trends and Globalization
- zh:大麻在中国 (translation of Cannabis in China)
- Qilu culture (translation of corresponding Chinese Wikipedia article)
- ko:지속농업 (translation of Sustainable agriculture)
- zh:中国堕胎法 (translation of Abortion in China)
- China threat theory (translation of corresponding Chinese Wikipedia article)
- zh:亚洲的人权 (translation of Human rights in Asia)
- zh:韩国的禁毒政策 (translation of Drug policy of South Korea)
- zh:加速变革 (translation of accelerating change)
- China News Service (expanded from Chinese)
- ko:인터넷 밈 (major expansion from Internet meme)
- ko:가짜뉴스 (major expansion from Fake news)
- zh:中国男女比例失调 (expanded from Sex-ratio imbalance in China)
- ko:사회 연결망 분석 (expanded from Social network analysis)
- ko:훈련용 검증용 테스트 데이터 세 (translation of Training, validation, and test data sets)
- ko:보육 (expanded from Child care)
- ko:행정 (expanded from Public administration)
- ko:세는나이 (expanded from East Asian age reckoning)
- ko:한국의 미신 (translated from Superstition in Korea)
- ko:패션 디자인 (expanded from Fashion design)
- ko:대한민국의 축제 목록 (expanded from List of South Korean festivals)
- ko:북한의 불법행위 (translated from Illicit activities of North Korea)
- ko:미국의 반중 감정 (translated from Anti-Chinese sentiment in the United States)
- ko:아시안 프라이드 (translated from Asian pride)
- ko:재판의 오심 (translated from Miscarriage of justice)
- ko:중국 사회 신용 제도 (translated from Social Credit System)
- ko:국가 건설 (translated from State building)
- zh:白银贸易 (translated from global silver trade)
- zh:对全球化的批评 (translated from Criticisms of globalization)
- zh:媒体所有权集中 (translated from Concentration of media ownership)
- zh:亞洲世紀 (translated from Asian Century)
- zh:韩国移民 (translated from Immigration to South Korea)
- zh:中国反美情绪 (translated from Anti-American sentiment in mainaland China)
- ko:북한의 개인숭배 (translated from North Korean cult of personality)
- ko:마르크스주의 비판 (translated from Criticism of Marxism)
- zh:安東尼·紀登斯 (expanded from Anthony Giddens)
- zh:中国的全球化进程 (translated from Globalization in China)
- Culture of Shenzhen (translation of corresponding Chinese Wikipedia article)
- de:Japanese popular culture (translation of Japanese popular culture)
- de:Asiatisches Jahrhundert (translation of Asian Century)
- zh:电影制片人 (translated from Film producer)
- id:Globalisasi di Korea Selatan (translated from Globalization in South Korea)
- Indonesia–South Korea relations (expanded)
- ko:조화로운 사회 (translation of Harmonious Society)
- fr:Histoire du terrorisme (translation of history of terrorism)
- fr:Infanticide féminin en Chine (translation of Female infanticide in China)
- zh:近现代中国的婚姻 (translation of Marriage in modern China)
- zh:中国民间艺术 (translation of Chinese folk art)
- zh:韩国的啤酒 (translation of Beer in South Korea)
- zh:中国的自然环境 (translation of Environment of China)
- zh:中国的少数民族 (translation of Ethnic minorities in China)
- Luo Yusheng (translation of corr. zh article)
- Opera in South Korea
- Drug policy of China
- ko:중국의 대마초 (tr. of Cannabis in China)
- ko:전자제품 수리 권리 (tr. of Electronics right to repair)
- ko:사회주의 비판 (tr. Criticism of socialism)
- ko:중국의 낙태 (tr. Abortion in China)
- ko:일본의 반중 정서 (tr. Anti-Chinese sentiment in Japan)
- ko:북한의 낙태 (tr. Abortion in North Korea)
- zh:韩国的家庭暴力 (tr. Domestic violence in South Korea)
- Anti-bourgeois liberalization (tr. of 反对资产阶级自由化)
- zh:中国的气候变化 (tr. of Climate change in China)
- Dashatou railway station (translation of corr. zh article)
- Alcohol in France
- CUHK student porn incident (translation of corr. zh article)
- Li Zikuan (translation of corr. zh article)
- Draft:Jiang Zuobin (translation of corr. zh article)
- Inosuke Inoue (translation of corr. zh or ja article)
- Lin Tainan (translation of corr. zh or ja article)
- ko:아메리칸 항공 331편 (tr. of American Airlines Flight 331)
- ko:Home (더크스 벤틀리의 노래) (tr. of Home (Dierks Bentley song))
- ko:1991년 그랜드 내셔널 (tr. of 1991 Grand National)
- ko:MTV 클래식 (오스트레일리아) (tr. of MTV Classic (Australian TV channel)
- ko:멜로디 블랙버드 (tr. of Melodious blackbird)
- ko:난관수종 (tr. of Hydrosalpinx)
- ko:플라잉 핀 (tr. of Flying Finn)
- ko:레그니에 드 그라프 (tr. of Regnier de Graaf)
- ko:북대서양 구역 (tr. of North Atlantic Division)
- ko:생리적 미숙 (tr. of Physiological prematurity)
- ko:거래 스탬프 (tr. of Trading stamp)
- zh:交易赠券 (tr. of Trading stamp)
- ko:세인트 에드워드 주립공원 (tr. of Saint Edward State Park)
- ko:체스터 D. 허바드 (tr. of Chester D. Hubbard)
- ko:한국의 패션 (tr. of Fashion in South Korea)
- ko:일본의 반한감정 (tr. of Anti-Korean sentiment in Japan)
- ko:중국의 반한 정서 (tr. of Anti-Korean sentiment in China)
- Good Neighbors (organization) (tr. of corr. kr article)
- Ewha Haktang (tr. of corr. kr article)
- ko:잔디 경기 (tr. of Lawn game)
- ko:국제백신이니셔티브 (tr. of International AIDS Vaccine Initiative)
- ko:더 호르덜 (tr. of De Gordel)
- ko:벅 벅 (tr. of Buck buck)
- ko:파야 타니 (tr. of Phaya Tani)
- ko:밀레네 도밍구스(축구선수) (tr. of Milene Domingues)
- ko:마칸 맵 (tr. of Makan Map)
- Borders of China (expanded)
- ko:대중 매체의 영향 (tr. of Influence of mass media)
- Lin Bingliang (translation of corr. zh article)
- Li Renji (translation of corr. zh article)
- ko:프레이밍 효과 (심리학) (tr. of Framing effect (psychology))
- ko:의제설정 이론 (major expansion from Agenda-setting theory)
- ko:이용과 충족 이론 (major expansion from Uses and gratifications theory)
- No haste, be patient (translation of corr. zh article)
- Sun Mengya (expanded)
- zh:我与沃尔特家男孩的生活 (tr. of My Life with the Walter Boys)
- zh:社会界面 (tr. of Social interface)
- zh:互动式营销 (tr. of Interactive marketing)
- zh:思想领袖 (tr. of Thought leader)
- zh:互動式傳播 (tr. of Interactive communication) - probably will be deleted from English
- zh:安山大学 (tr. of Ansan University)
- zh:西原大学 (tr. of Seowon University)
- zh:全州大學 (tr. of Jeonju University)
- zh:汤丸 (tr. of Korean article, no English exists)
- zh:朴软景 (tr. of Korean article, no English exists)
- zh:约翰·安尼奥 (tr. of John Anyogu)
- zh:布基纳法索的天主教堂 (tr. of Catholic Church in Burkina Faso)
- zh:萨曼莎·斯普勒 (tr. of Samantha Sleeper) (might be deleted from en)
- zh:板球时尚 (tr. of Cricket Fashion)
- zh:朱利安·麦克唐纳 (tr. of Julien Macdonald)
- zh:在伊拉克分娩 (tr. of Childbirth in Iraq)
- zh:黛博拉·米尔纳 (tr. of Deborah Milner)
- ko:부인주의 (expansion from Denialism )
- ko:프레이밍 (expansion from Framing (social sciences))
- ko:기준선 이동 (tr. of Shifting baseline)
- ko:대한민국의 농업 (expanded from Agriculture in South Korea)
- ko:탈진실 정치 (tr. of Post-truth politics)
- Ken Rhee (tr. of corr. Korean article)
- ko:미디어 구성 이론 (tr. of Media theory of composition)
- ko:프라이밍 (미디어) (tr. of Priming (media))
- zh:库卡列娃·伦敦 (tr. of Kukhareva London)
- zh:玛丽·平 (tr. of Mary Ping)
- zh:吉恩·摩尔(橱窗设计师) (tr. of Gene Moore (window dresser))
- zh:卡罗琳·汤森 (tr. of Caroline Townsend)
- zh:M·吉恩·麦克莱恩 (tr. of )
- zh:M·吉恩·麦克莱恩 (tr. of M. Jean McLane)
- zh:诺亚·里昂 (tr. of Noah Lyon)
- zh:帕蒂·布莱叶 (tr. of Patti Boulaye)
- Zhao Shuai (expanded from corr. zh article)
- Wu Jingyu (expanded from corr. zh article)
- zh:马特·阿赖萨 (tr. of Matt Araiza)
- zh:道格·弗鲁蒂 (tr. of Doug Flutie)
- zh:阿郎 (tr. of Arang (film))
- zh:在低峰相见 (tr. of Come Unto Down )
- zh:正义军司令部 (tr. of Righteous Army Command)
- zh:科丽娜化妆品博物馆 (tr. of Coreana Cosmetic Museum)
- zh:朱利安·麦克唐纳 (tr. of Julian Macdonald)
- ko:친애하는 로지 (tr. of Dear Rosie)
- ko:도로시 패디먼 (tr. of Dorothy Fadiman)
- ko:스테이트라인 스피드웨이 (tr. of Stateline Speedway)
- ko:염소를 잡아라 (tr. of Get the Goat)
- ko:K.C. 보카디아 (tr. of K. C. Bokadia)
- ko:퀘일섬 (노던 준주) (tr. of Quail Island (Northern Territory)
- ko:린다 (직업) (tr. of Rynda)
- ko:페르낭 소바쥬 (tr. of Fernand Sauvage)
- ko:콜럼버스 지역 공항 당국 (tr. of Columbus Regional Airport Authority)
- ko:페스투카 커민시 (tr. of Festuca cumminsii)
- ko:아틀라스 발전소 (tr. of Atlas power station)
- ko:레다 벤하지 질랄리 (tr. of Reda Benhadj Djillali)
- ko:신세계 (1995년 영화) (tr. of New World (1995 film))
- ko:새로운 노동 정체성 (tr. of New Labour Identity)
- ko:해리 가네스 (tr. of Harry Gannes)
- ko:재닛 켈소 (tr. of Janet Kelso)
- ko:공군대학교 (tr. of Air University Press)
- ko:코라타 (tr. of Korata)
- ko:2'-히드록시비페닐-2-술피네이트 탈술피나제 (tr. of 2'-hydroxybiphenyl-2-sulfinate desulfinase)
- ko:Thermistis croceocincta (tr. of Thermistis croceocincta)
- ko:프랑수아즈 르파주 (tr. ofFrançoise Lepage )
- ko:2024년 플로리다 마리화나 합법화 계획 (tr. of 2024 Florida marijuana legalization initiative[edit | edit source])
- ko:사회인지이론 (tr. of Social cognitive theory)
- ko:커뮤니케이션 이론 (tr. of Communication theory)
- ko:대중 매체 속 폭력의 영향 (tr. of Effects of violence in mass media)
- ko:미디어 심리학 (tr. of Media psychology)
- ko:주류 미디어 (tr. of Mainstream media)
- ko:광고 속 가족 (tr. of Family in advertising)
- ko:친밀화 (tr. of Intimization)
- ko:미디어크라시 (tr. of Mediacracy )
- ko:전술적 미디어 (tr. of Tactical media)
- ko:의사소통의 수학적 이론 (tr. of A Mathematical Theory of Communication)
- ko:정보 이론 및 측정 이론 (tr. of Information theory and measure theory)
- Zheng Shuyin (expanded from the corr. zh article)
- ko:세일 인도네시아 (tr. of Sail Indonesia)
- ko:패션 위크 (expanded from Fashion week)
- ko:도쿄 패션 위크 (tr. of Tokyo Fashion Week)
- ko:상하이 패션 위크 (tr. of Shanghai Fashion Week)
- ko:한국의 학생 및 대학 문화 (tr. of Student and university culture in South Korea)
- Lotte World Tower (expanded)
- ko:중국의 기후 변화 (tr. of Climate change in China)
- ko:세 번의 전쟁 (tr. of Three warfares)
- ko:중국의 여아 살해 (tr. of Female infanticide in China)
- ko:국제사회학회 (tr. of International Sociological Association[edit | edit source])
- [[:zh:麦克斯堪萨斯城[编辑]] (tr. of Max's Kansas City)
- zh:安昌浩纪念馆 (tr. of Dosan Ahn Chang-ho Memorial Hall)
- zh:巴厘岛会议 (tr. of Bali Democracy Forum)
- zh:消失女人之谜 (expanded from Missing women)
- zh:忠北道立大学 (tr. of Chungbuk Provincial College)
- zh:中源大学 (tr. of 중원대학교)
- zh:大元大学 (tr. of Daewon University College)
- zh: (tr. of )
- Song Jie (expanded from the corr. zh article)
- Tourism in Tibet
- ko:전자제품 수리 권리 (tr. of Electronics right to repair)
- ko:생물다양성 감소 (tr. of Biodiversity loss)
- ko: (tr. of )
- ko: (tr. of )
- Draft:Yang Xiangbin (tr from corr. zh article)
- Understanding Small and Big Data with Wikis
- voy:Dezhou
- voy:Haenam
- voy:Nami Island
- voy:Luanchuan
- voy:Xinxiang
- voy:Korean palaces
- voy:Yangyang
- voy:Goseong_(South_Gyeongsang)
- voy:Hezhou
- voy:Ma'anshan
- voy:Tai'an
- voy:Yuhuan
- voy:Baengnyeoung Island
- voy:Zhuzhou
- voy:Heide
- voy:Heze
- voy:Yichang
- voy:Huzhou
- voy:Boseong_County
- voy:Pengzhou
- voy:Jianchuan
- voy:Enshi
- voy:La_Toussuire
- voy:Rueil-Malmaison
- voy:Rizhao
- voy:Ya'an
- voy:Huaihua
- voy:Laibin
- voy:Zhenyuan
- voy:Taijiang
Spring 2023
[edit]{{Educational assignment|date=2023-06-30|link=wmfdashboard:courses/Hanyang_University/Collective_Intelligence_and_Wikipedia_(2023)}}
- ko:미국 범죄 뉴스의 인종적 편견 (new article, translated)
- ko:정부의 인공 지능 (new article, translated)
- zh:韩国的咖啡 (new article, translated)
- ko:미디어 소유 구조의 집중화 (new article, translated)
- ko:대한민국의 반중국 정서 (new article, translated)
- ko:한국의 다문화 가족 (new article, translated)
- ko:김숙_(소설가) (new article)
- ko:건강과 질병의 사회학 (new article)
- ko:ChatGPT (expanded)
- ko:Reserve Officers' Training Corps (South Korea) (expanded)
- ko:릭 린디 (new article, translated)
- ko:일본의 대중문화 (new article, translated)
- Lee Bingheogak (expanded)
- zh:韩国礼仪 (new article, translated)
- Jiaxing railway station (expanded)
- zh:韩国时尚 (new article, translated)
- Jianbing guozi (expanded)
- Chinese Cultural Renaissance (new article, translated)
- zh:韩国综艺节目 (new article, translated)
- zh:性别平等的衡量标准 (new article, translated)
- ko:인권의 역사 (new article, translated)
- ko:커뮤니케이션의 역사 (new article, translated)
- Compulsory education in the People's Republic of China (new article, translated)
- zh:韩国反日情绪 (new article, translated)
- Package illustration (new article, translated)
- ko:테러의 역사 (new article, translated)
- ko:자본주의의 역사 (new article, translated)
- ko:저널리즘의 역사 (new article, translated)
- zh:韩国的动物福利和权利 (new article, translated)
- Eighteen Stairs (new article, translated)
- zh:中國古典詩詞 (expansion)
- Former Jinan Railway Station (new article, translated)
- ko:구조와 기관 (new article, translated)
- ko:아시아 중심주의 (new article, translated)
- literacy in China (new article, translated)
- zh:妮可·华莱士 (演员)
- Kang's Family (new article, translated)
- In-Laws, Out-Laws (new article, translated)
- zh:濫權 (expanded)
- zh:猫头鹰和猫咪 (new article, translated)
- Huangdao District City Balcony (new article?)
- Poli_town (new article, translated?)
- Xuejiadao_Subdistrict (new article, translated)
- Zangma town (new article, translated)
- ko:중국의 맥주 (new article, translated)
- ko:슬로바키아의 맥주 (new article, translated)
- ko:러시아 웹 여단 (new article, translated)
- ko:중국의_반일_정서 (new article, translated)
- zh:阿德里安·米切尔 (new article, translated)
- zh:表演诗歌 (new article, translated)
- Black Painting incident (new article, translated)
- zh:伊丽莎白·麦克林 (new article, translated)
- zh:安娜·拉比诺维茨 (new article, translated)
- zh:韩国堕胎 (new article, translated)
- zh:IQ的分类 (new article, translated)
- ko:벨베르 성 (new article, translated)
- 산호성 (new article, translated)
- 펨브리타 베타위 (new article, translated)
- 애니멀 월 (new article, translated)
- zh:阿利坎特当代艺术博物馆 (new article, translated)
- zh:巴亚蒙艺术博物馆 (new article, translated)
- ko:할아버지의 여행 (new article, translated)
- zh:丹尼斯·普埃赫博物馆 (new article, translated)
- zh:国际瑜伽日 (new article, translated)
- zh:巴特尔玩家的类型分类法 (new article, translated)
- Wikimedia blockade in mainland China (new article, translated)
- Mixue Ice Cream & Tea (new article, translated)
- Zong Qixiang (new article, translated)
- zh:李珉炯 (new article, translated)
- Night Corridor (new article, translated)
- Best Get Going (new article, translated)
- ko:자발적 무자녀 (new article, translated)
- zh:自愿性无子女 (new article, translated)
- zh:2001年美国职业足球大联盟杯 (new article, translated)
- ko한국의 범죄 (new article, translated)
- ko:조선민주주의인민공화국의 (new article, translated)
- ko:대한민국의 탱크 (new article, translated)
- ko:인도-북한 관계 (new article, translated)
- zh:佩塔罗士官学院 (new article, translated)
- zh:伯恩赛德市的历史 (new article, translated)
- ko:2023년 아시아 폭염 (new article, translated)
- ko:러시아의 가짜 뉴스 관련 법률 (new article, translated)
- ko:북한의 지리 (new article, translated)
- ko:윌리스 아일랜드 (new article, translated)
- ko:재프랑스 일본인 (new article, translated)
- ko:북한 언론 보도 (new article, translated)
- ko:대한민국-유럽 연합 관계 (new article, translated)
- ko:서울 개발 컨센서스 (new article, translated)
- ko:북한의 스포츠 (new article, translated)
- ko:일본식 시계 (new article, translated)
- ko:북한의 소수민족 (new article, translated)
- Liangshanpo nomenclature dispute (new article, translated)
- China Agricultural Museum (new article, translated)
- ko:러시아의 가짜 뉴스 관련 법률 (new article, translated)
- ko:머윌럼바 (new article, translated)
- ko:서울의 기후 (new article, translated)
- ko:CCGS 험프리 길버트 경 (new article, translated)
- ko:프랑스의 맥주 (new article, translated)
- Destined (Chinese TV series) (new article, translated)
- ko:미국의 인종차별 (new article, translated)
- ko:대한민국의 입양 (new article, translated)
- ko:직권남용(미국) (new article, translated)
- ko:한국의 반일감정 (new article, translated)
- ko:아메리칸 센추리 (new article, translated)
- ko:한국의 반미감정 (new article, translated)
- ko:북한의 기후변화 (new article, translated)
- ko:시민저널리즘 (new article, translated)
- ko:종말의 세라프 캐릭터 목록 (new article, translated)
- ko:황매희 (new article, translated)
- ko:혼합 이동성 (new article, translated)
- ko:자일리톨 (expaded)
- ko:안유진 (expanded)
- ko:호시 (expanded)
- ko:크리스토퍼 풀리에제 (new article, translated)
- ko:예극 (new article, translated)
- zh:詹姆斯·迪索 (new article, translated)
- zh:詹大卫·库什纳 (new article, translated)
- zh:詹伊甸园拘留中心 (new article, translated)
- ko:달력 (expaded)
- ko:유대교의 미신 (new article, translated)
{{Educational assignment|date=2023-06-30|link=wmfdashboard:courses/Hanyang_University/Sociology_of_Everyday_Life_(2023)}}
- es:Desigualdad económica en Corea del Sur (expanded)
- Economic inequality in South Korea (expanded)
- nl:Abortus in Zuid-Korea (new article, translated)
- nl:Cosmetische chirurgie in Zuid-Korea (new article, translated)
- Chaoshan (expanded)
- zh:我们本性中更好的天使 (new article, translated)
- ko:대한민국의 대마초 (new article, translated)
- ko:소련과 한국 전쟁: 편집 역사 (new article, translated)
- Historiography of Korea (expanded)
- ko:사회 계층 (expanded)
- ko:한국의 대중매체 (expanded)
- South Korea–Ukraine relations (expanded)
- ko:유엔 안전보장이사회 개혁 (new article, translated)
- zh:东西方二分法 (new article, translated)
- Shanxi mature vinegar (new article)
- Sichuan opera (expanded)
- Welfare in South Korea (new article)
- ko:아시아의 인권 (new article, translated)
- zh:韩国人口老龄化 (new article, translated)
- Leifeng Pagoda (expanded)
- IPartment5 (new article, translated)
- My Daughters (new article, translated)
- zh:亚洲人权 (new article, translated)
- The Starry Love (new article, translated)
- New Life Begins (new article, translated)
- zh:韩国的单亲家庭 (new article, translated)
- ko:탈진실: (expanded)
- Blue House (expanded)
- ko:언론의 객관성 (new article, translated)
- ko:고대의 세계화 (new article, translated)
- Wenchuan County (expanded)
- Liberation Monument in Chongqing (new article, translated)
- ko:멜리아 와트라스 (new article, translated)
- zh:吴可佳 (new article, translated)
- zh:AlphaGo战胜柯洁 (new article, translated)
- zh:亚洲出版商 (new article, translated)
- zh:金光熙(英雄联盟职业选手) (new article, translated)
- zh:宙斯(职业玩家) (new article, translated)
- ko:엔지니어드 스톤 (new article, translated)
- ko:남아프리카의 프래킹 (new article, translated)
- ko:유대교의 미신 (new article, translated)
- ko:Nymegen 협약 (new article, translated)
- ko:기업 농업 (new article, translated)
- User:Wyyz02/The United States Helps and Beware of Taiwan
- [[:zh:User:주영영/인지심리학]
Fall 2022
[edit]Wikidata and wikivoyage edits
- Media Trends and Globalization
- to populate
Spring 2021
[edit]{{Educational assignment|date=2020-12-30|link=wmfdashboard:courses/Hanyang_University/Collective_Intelligence_and_Wikipedia_(2021)}}
- Korean proverbs (new article, C-class)
- ko:사용자:Iamyujinkim/연습장7
- ko:사용자:Iamyujinkim/연습장8
- ko:감정노동 (major expansion)
- ko:스태그플레이션 (major expansion)
- ko:나르시시즘 (major expansion)
- Pansori (major expansion)
- ko:다민족 (major expansion)
- ko:사용자:HARI KIM/연습장1
- ko:LGBT의 역사
- ko:공유지의 비극 (major expansion)
- ko:한국토지주택공사 직원 부동산 투기 의혹
- LH land speculation scandal in South Korea
- ko:트위치 (major expansion)
- ko:인스타그램 (major expansion)
- ko:깃허브 (major expansion)
- ko:줌 비디오 커뮤니케이션 (major expansion)
- Beauty store (major expansion)
- zh:团队效率
- zh:非暴力交流
- ko:보그 (잡지)
- ko:용기내 캠페인
- Zhao Lixin
- zh:商品化 (major expansion)
- zh:奥运会中的聋人
- Sociology in China (expansion)
- zh:同担拒否
- Refusal to share
- ko:언내추럴
- Welcome to Video case
- ko:아시아적 가치 (major expansion)
- ko:가족사회학 (major expansion)
- ko:과소비 (사치)
- ko:위키백과:정보격차
- Pollution in South Korea
- ko:리미널리티
- ko:반과학
- ko:빈곤의 여성화
- ko:대한민국의 성 불평등
- ko:배드 파더스
- ko:신장 분쟁 (major expansion)
- zh:2019冠状病毒病疫情对教育的影响
- zh:新闻学史
- ko:그로스 해킹 (major expansion)
- ko:최소 기능 제품 (major expansion)
- ko:공산주의의 역사 (major expansion)
- ko:민족중심주의 (major expansion)
- ko:문화 다양성 (major expansion)
- Kim Hyun-jung
- ko:트랜스젠더 (major expansion)
- ko:사회학적 상상력 (major expansion)
- ko:카리스마적 권위 (major expansion)
- ko:개발 이론 (major expansion)
- ko:뉴 노멀 (경제) (major expansion)
- ko:대체 불가능 토큰 (major expansion)
- ko:에피데믹 (major expansion)
- ko:펨테크
- ko:탈 중앙화 금융
- ko:미국화
- ko:국제 올림픽 위원회 (major expansion)
- ko:에마뉘엘 마크롱 (major expansion)
- ko:일본의 대중문화
- ko:여성사
- ko:타겟 광고
- ko:빈곤 (major expansion)
- ko:이념 (major expansion)
- ko:참여 관찰
- ko:초안:동서양 이분법
- ko:초안:공정성으로서의 정의
- ko:계급 사회
- ko:포위 심리
- ko:사회적 살인
- ko:중합학
- ko:중심 극단주의
- ko:초안:진주현 (인도양)
- ko:초안:소셜 네트워킹 서비스에 대한 개인정보 보호 문제
- ko:집단 동원
- ko:과두제의 철칙 (major expansion)
- ko:대한민국의 저출산 (major expansion)
- ko:중국의 시대
- ko:중국의 대중감시
- ko:중국의 선전
- ko:문화자본
- ko:다니엘 벨 (major expansion)
- ko:사용자:EggSushi/연습장
- Kim Min-hyung (Korean announcer)
- ko:환경 사회 과학
- ko:문맥 붕괴
- ko:초안:포르투갈의 법
- ko:초안:캐나다의 문장학
- ko:초안:버뮤다의 정치
- ko:블루칼라 학자
- ko:폴 마리 블랑거
- ko:대한민국 실업
- ko:한국의 마약 정책
- ko:탤컷 파슨스 (major expansion)
- Draft:Peripera
- ko:고정관념 위협
- ko:디지털 미디어 사용과 정신건강
- ko:필리핀의 문화
- ko:사회학 이론
- ko:프랑스의 정치
- ko:사회 경제적 지위
- ko:젠더 사회학
- ko:마르크스주의와 종교
- ko:애착 측정
- ko:인지적 유연성
- ko:성인 애착장애
- ko:지위 이론
- ko:모성 결핍
- 리믹스 문화
- 대한민국의 성선택적 낙태
- Four Generations Under One Roof
- ko:세계 정부 major expansion
- ko:세계 평화
- Pet culture in South Korea
- ko:한국의 결혼
- ko:초안:자발적 무자녀
- ko:자원 유통
- ko:초안:우리 본성의 선한 천사
- ko:경제적 불평등 (major expansion)
- ko:아시아 세기
- ko:IQ 분류
- ko:한국의 의료
- ko:샤덴프로이데 (expansion)
- ko:상업화
- ko:한국으로의 이민
- ko:초안:이중부담
- ko:반양성주의
- ko:초안:호주의 정치
- ko:인도 문화
- ko:초안:친환경 제품
- ko:초안:대한민국 노인 자살
- ko:사용자:MINJI JEONG/Politics of France
- ko:인지 편향 (major expansion)
- ko:사회 정체성 이론
- ko:경제 사회학
- ko:디지털 노동
- ko:진화 윤리
- ko:클릭베이트
- ko:RAID (정신 건강)
- ko:무임승차 문제 (major expansion)
- ko:중국의 검열f
- ko:기술의 사회 구성
- ko:사용자:Youngsil/사르트르의 사상
- ko:사용자:Youngsil/여성인권의 변천사
- ko:의료 사회학
- ko:권위의 3가지 분류
- ko:유엔의 개혁
- ko:사용자:Woo-Giyeon/연습장
- ko:메이커 문화
- ko:인터넷 접속권
- ko:대한민국의 연금제도
- ko:대한민국의 여성
- ko:양성평등 척도
- ko:일반인 기반 공동 생산방식
- ko:경제적, 사회적, 문화적 권리
- ko:DIY 생물학
- ko:한국의 타투
- ko:감시 자본주의
- ko:리미널리티
- ko:메타인지 (major expansion)
- ko:동종애 (stub)
- ko:상징적 상호작용 (stub)
- ko:검색엔진 조작 효과
- ko:환경, 사회, 기업 지배구조 (major expansion)
- ko:대한민국의 성
- ko:초안:대한민국의 마약정책
- ko:초안:조선민주주의인민공화국의 환경
- ko:초안:조선민주주의인민공화국의 소수 민족
- ko:초안:북일 관계
- ko:초안:6·25전쟁 소비에트 연방
- ko:초안:대한민국의 사회문제
- ko:초안:대한민국의 쌀 생산
- ko:초안:빙허각
- ko:세계화의 역사
- ko:공동 강화
- ko:공동 강화
Fall 2020
[edit]Articles created and expanded:
- ko:한국에서의 흡연 (new article)
- ko:일본의 검열 (new article)
- ko:사용자:성평등지수 (new article - draft needs publishing)
- ko:제3자 효과 (major expansion: before)
- ko:야생동물밀수 (new article)
- ko:의사소통 행위 이론 (new article)
- ko:학습 스타일 (new article)
- ko:웨트 마켓 (new article)
- ko:디지털 권리 (new article)
- ko:인권철학 (new article)
- ko:스트라이샌드 효과 (new article)
- ko:대한민국의 정신질환 (new article)
- ko:상대적 박탈감 (new article)
- ko:구별짓기 (major expansion: before)
- ko:고맥락 / 저맥락 문화 (new article)
- ko:퓨쳐 쇼크 (new article)
- ko:프로듀시지 (major expansion: before)
- ko:프로슈머 (major expansion: before)
- ko:다운 싸이클링 (new article)
- ko:자재 회수 시설 (new article)
- ko:민주주의의 역사 (new article)
- ko:공산주의의 역사 (new article)
- ko:사생활권 (new article)
- ko:인권운동 (new article)
- ko:인플루언서 마케팅 (new article)
- ko:직접 마케팅 (needs merging)
- ko:합리화 (사회학) (new article)
- ko:재생산노동 (new article)
- ko:집단 동원 (new article)
- ko:The Social Construction of Reality (new article)
- ko:수면 위생 (new article)
- ko:인종과 민족관계의 사회학 (new article)
- ko:카풀 (major expansion: before)
- ko:장시간 음반 (major expansion: before)
Articles created and expanded:
- ko:COVID-19_전염병이_환경에_미치는_영 (new article)
- ko:경제학 발전 (new article)
- ko:COVID-19 전염병이 환경에 미치는 영향 (new article)
- ko:워렌 버핏 (major expansion: before)
- ko:빌 게이츠 (major expansion: before)
- South Korea's college entrance system (new article, renamed to College admissions in South Korea)
- ko:무급노동 (new article)
- ko:벡델 테스트 (major expansion: before)
- ko:니트족 (major expansion: before)
- ko:청년 실업 (major expansion: before)
- ko:미국-중국 무역 전쟁 (major expansion: before)
- Lee Guk-jong (new article)
- ko:조선민주주의인민공화국의 선전 (new article)
- ko:대한민국의 선전 (new article)
- ko:할랄 (major expansion: before)
- ko:카슈루트 (major expansion: before)
- K-Quarantine (new article)
- ko:카멀라 해리스 (major expansion: before)
- ko:마이크 펜스 (major expansion: before)
- Cho Doo-soon case (medium expansion)
- Nth room case (medium expansion)
- ko:타오바오 (major expansion: before)
- ko:틱톡 (minor expansion: before)
- ko:Black Lives Matter (major expansion: before)
- ko:대한민국 내 인종차별 (new article)
- ko:점화 (심리학) (major expansion: before)
- ko:정보 격차 (medium expansion: before)
- ko:서구화 (major expansion: before)
- ko:소프트 파워 (major expansion: before)
- ko:스마트 파워 (new article)
- ko:요마와리: 떠도는 밤 (new article)
- ko:리틀 나이트메어 (new article)
- ko:환원: 디보션 (비디오 게임) (new article)
- ko:사회 연결망 (major expansion: before)
- ko:사회 자본 (major expansion: before)
- ko:여가의 사회학 (new article)
- ko:도덕적 진보 (new article)
- ko:제로 웨이스트 (new article)
- ko:고기 없는 월요일 (major expansion: before)
- zh:人权史 (new article)
- zh:双重负担 (new article)
- zh:重生娃娃 (new article)
- zh:2019冠状病毒病疫情对社交媒体的影响 (new article)
- ko:펑크 (major expansion: before)
- ko:재즈 (major expansion: before)
- Web novels in Korea (new article, renamed to Web novels in South Korea)
- YouTuber back advertisement controversy in Korea in 2020 (new article)
- ko:거짓말쟁이 공주와 눈 먼 왕자 (new article)
- ko:유튜브 뮤직 (new article)
- ko:슈퍼리미널(비디오 게임) (new article)
- ko:스투시 (major expansion: before)
- ko:수프림 (브랜드) (major expansion: before)
- ko:A BATHING APE (major expansion: before)
- ko:Stone Island (medium expansion: before)
- ko:일본의 길거리 패션 (new article)
- Single parents in South Korea
- ko:정치적 기회 구조론 (new article)
- ko:기술 변화 (new article)
- ko:녹색 성장 (major expansion: before)
- ko:우주 추적 및 감시 시스템 (new article)
- ko:새뮤얼 P. 헌팅턴 (medum expansion: before)
- ko:사모펀드 (major expansion: before)
- ko:마하 와치랄롱꼰 (medium expansion: before)
- ko:카셰어링 (major expansion: before)
Spring 2020
[edit]Articles created and expanded:
- Personal media (new, start-class)
- Get together! Get angry! Resign Park Geun-hye candlelight vigil (new, C-class)
- History of candlelight rallies in South Korea (new, C-class)
- Gangcheori (new, stub-class)
- ko:집단 행위 (new)
- ko:칩 토크 (new)
- History of Korean television drama (new, C-class)
- Law enforcement in South Korea (expanded)
- ko:오픈 콘텐츠
- Draft:Baridegi (unfinished, abandned draft deleted)
- Draft:Si-guk-seon-eon (unfinished, abandned draft deleted)
- Fandom culture in South Korea (expansion)
- Jeon Tae-il (expansion)
- Hazing in the Republic of Korea Armed Forces (new, start)
- History of newspapers in Korea (new, C-class)
- Cho Jeong-sik (new, start)
- Theater in Korea (new, start/C)
- User:CAI XIAOHUA/Yunnan Opera
- ko:초안:대한민국의 애니메이션 산업
- ko:초안:한국의 국가 보안법
- Left-Right Coalition Movement in Korean peninsula (new, start)
- Sung Jusik (new, stub)
- Jung Nosik (new, start)
- Lee Yung (new, start, renamed to Ri Yong)
- Won Sehun (new, start)
- Gyeonggyojang (new, start)
- 2014 South Korea shooting spree (new, start)
- ko:패깅
- ko:래깅
- ko:황금방울새
- ko:디지털 트레이딩 카드 게임
- ko:바하무트 - 배틀 오브 레전드
- Guard posts in South Korea (new, start)
- Lee Jae-myung (expanmded)
- Gosiwon (new, start)
- Korea Lime situation (new, start, needs mergin)
- Kim Yongun (new, start, renamed to Kim Yong-un)
- Moon Ho Joon (new, start)
- ko:기드온야고
Articles created and expanded:
- Part-time jobs in South Korea (new, start-class)
- Drug policy of South Korea (new, start-class)
- Economic inequality in South Korea
- ko:디지털 레드라이닝
- ko:디지털 사회학
- Korean folklore (expanded)
- ko:동물원
- ko:식물원
- Dissident movement in the People's Republic of Poland
- ko:튜링 테스트
- ko:유년기의 끝
- ko:대한민국의 대기 오염
- ko:지식 격차
- ko:종교적 정체성
- ko:사회적 불안
- ko:조선민주주의인민공화국의 선전
- ko:대한민국의 선전
- ko:초안:한국의 영화관
- ko:초안:한국의 시네마
- ko:오버톤브릿지 (new article)
- ko:계속 한밤중이면 좋을텐데 (new article)
- ko:암이라는 이름을 가진 드래곤 (new article)
- ko:한국의 기후변화 (new article)
- ko:게임 잼 (new article)
- ko:레이지 인 피스 (new article)
- General strike in September (new, start, renamed to Korean general strike of September 1946)
- ko:이스케이프 프롬 타르코프
- ko:전장터
- The Institue for the Future of State (deleted shortly afterward, failing GNG)
- Draft:Kim Kwang-Doo
- ko:Black Lives Matter
- Public transportation in Korea (new, start, renamed to Public transportation in South Korea)
- ko:튜링 (마이크로아키텍처)
- Bogyeom
- 9.19 Military Agreement (moved to Draft:9.19 Military Agreement as undersourced, deleted as abandoned after few more months)
- Baekseok (sadly a duplicate of Baek Seok, merged and redirected there)
- Korean Me Too Movement, new, start (renamed to Me Too movement (South Korea))
- ko:텍사스의 교통
- ko:시카고의 교통
- ko:자유-노동 (뉴질랜드)
- ko:픽토우랜딩
- ko:싱가포르 얼라이언스
- ko:뉴포트 뉴스 / 윌리엄스버그 국제공항
- ko:워싱턴 D.C 의 교통
Fall 2019
[edit]Articles created and expanded:
- Korea Passing (new, C-class)
- Petconomy (new, start-class, renamed to Pet industry)
- Cup-bap (new, start-class)
- Chinese City Creativity Index (new, start-class) also in zh:中国城市创意指数
- zh:快乐星球指数
- Social service agent (new, start-class)
- ko:유럽화 (new)
- Anti-appeasement steles (new, C)
- ko:심리 검사 (expanded)
- Joseon Susinsa (new, start)
- Gig worker (new, C-class)
- History of Korean idols (new, C-class)
- Hello Jadoo (new, C-class)
- Belt and Road Construction Leadership Group (new, start)
- ko:포모 (new)
- ko:글램핑 (expanded)
- ko:일본의 아이돌 (expanded)
Articles created and expanded:
- Aging of South Korea (new, C-class)
- The Fixed Future (start-class)
- Intelligent information society (new, start-class)
- Trekonomics (new, start class)
- Yield the seat culture in Taiwan (new, start-class, merged to Priority seat#Taiwan due to insufficent stand-alone notability)
- Unmanned store (new, start-class)
Articles created and expanded:
- wikivoyage:Suwon
- wikivoyage:Incheon
- wikivoyage:Cheonan
- wikivoyage:Pangyo
- ko:시리아의 역사 (new)
- wikivoyage:Gunsan
- wikivoyage:Seoul/South
- wikivoyage:Gwangmyeong
- wikivoyage:Changwon
- wikivoyage:Seoul/Songpa
- wikivoyage:Songdo
- wikivoyage:Seoul/West
Spring 2019
[edit]- Movie theaters in South Korea (created, C-class)
- Seocho-dong public toilet murder case (expanded from stub to C-class)
- Childbirth in South Korea (created, C-class)
- Korean National Youth Association (created, C-class)
- Dure (expanded from stub to C-class)
- Air pollution in South Korea (created, C-class)
- High school standardization policy in South Korea (created, C-class)
- School district houses in China (created, C-class)
- N-po generation (created, start/C-class)
- [1] created a South Korea section in Overwork article
- User:정영혁/sandbox failed attempt at a new article
- Talk:Women_in_South_Korea#student_project failed attempt at expansion
- expand school bus on Korea, China, Mexico. User:Qinrong0115/sandbox
- China's 1.5 child policy (User:Zzd960121/sandbox), not finished
- Lei Jiayin (start/C class, extra credit)
- Residence of the General (start, extra credit)
- National Petition of South Korea (new, C/B class, renamed to Petitions to Blue House)
- Kang Woo-kyu (created, C-class)
- 6.3 Resistance movement (created, C-class, renamed to June 3 Resistance movement)
- ko:화이트 칼라 범죄 (white-collar crime; created)
- Kkondae (new, C-class)
- Imsil Pilbong nongak (new, start-class)
- Kim Sang Ok (new, start)
- Elva Macias (new, start)
- Baek Jeong-gi (new, stub)
- Ahn Ji-young (new, stub)
- Ahn Sook-sun (new, stub)
- Zhao Weihou (new, stub)
- Jincheon National Training Center (new, stub)
- Backlash (sociology) (expanded, start class)
- Work–life balance in South Korea (new, start class)
- ko:침묵의 나선 (spiral of silence, major expansion)
- ko:사회운동론 (social movement theory, new)
- ko:수저계급론 (spoon class theory, expanded)
- Sangmo (new, C/start-class) Also diagram File:Sangmo structure.jpg
- ko:상모 (sangmo, major expansion)
- ko:어빙 고프먼 (Erving Goffman, major expansion)
- User:Sungancho951025/sandbox / ko:사용자:Sungancho951025/연습장
- es:Relaciones China-México (expanded)
- zh:中墨关系 (CM relations, expanded)
- Draft:No kids zone interesting, but needs major c/e
- User:정영혁/sandbox (Buzo, unfinished)
- User:KwooJang/sandbox (house poor, unfinished)
Fall 2018
[edit]Articles created and expanded:
- Jangjorim (expanded from stub to C-class), also ko:장조림 and wikibooks:Cookbook:Jangjorim
- ko:비디오 블로그 expanded
- Mukbang / ko:먹방 expanded from start to C-class
- idol goods (student project deleted, see Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Idol goods, WP:TNT, I recreated it as a stub as it is almost certainly a notable topic) / ko:아이돌 굿즈 created, C-class
- Korean variety show / ko:한국의 버라이어티쇼 created, C-class
- Gochang, Hwasun and Ganghwa Dolmen Sites / ko:고창 화순 강화 고인돌 유적 expanded, start to C-class
- Nelu Bulanin / id:Nelu Bulanin new, start-class
- Environmental standard / de:Benutzer:Stefan Schwabl/Spielwiese / expanded ko:환경 기준 created
- Lunar New Year Film (created, C-class, renamed to Chinese New Year film) / zh:贺岁片 (expanded)
- Mathematical modelling competition created, stub
- CNKI Journal Translation Project, created, start
- Fragile States Index, expanded
- Male grooming created, C-class
- ko:일과 생활의 균형 created
- en:Penglipuran / id:Penglipuran created, C-class
- Ottogi (expanded)
- ko:트위치 (expanded)
- ko:아시아 태평양 경제협력체 (expanded)
- ko:세계화 (expanded)
- ko:축구 이적시장의 세계화 (created)
- ko:비정부 기구 (expanded)
- ko:국제 비정부 기구 (expanded)
- ko:국제 기구 (expanded)
- ko:정부간 국제 기구 (created)
- ko:인간중심주의 (created)
- ko:이해관계자 (expanded)
- ko:에어비앤비 (expanded)
- ko:한국의 소주 (expanded)
- ko:막걸리 (expanded)
- Chimaek (expanded)
Spring 2018
[edit]Articles created and expanded:
- Retailing in South Korea (new, C-class)
- expanded Later Three Kingdoms (expanded from Start to C-class)
- Student soldiers in the Korean War (new, start-class)
- ko:반달돌칼 (new, start)
- Surisan (expanded from stub to C)
- Jwibulnori (expanded from stub to C)
- Political scandals in South Korea / fr:Scandales politiques en Corée du Sud
- Inmyeonjo (new, C)
- ko:이화 벽화마을 (expanded)
- Tomb of Munmu of Silla (new, C-class)
- Birth control in France (new, C) / fr:KakaoTalk (expanded)
- Jige (new, C-class)
- Baekjeong (expanded/rewriten)
- ko:사그라다 파밀리아 (expanded)
- Gold-collecting campaign (new, C)
- ko:금모으기 운동 (expanded)
- Korean protest songs (new, C)
- Screen sports (new, C)
- ko:스크린 스포츠 (new)
- ko:위반실험 (new)
- ko:선물경제 (new)
- ko:화개장 (new)
- ko:스포츠 사회학 (new)
- ko:부채 (expanded)
- Park ji-sung Road (new, start)
- Yushin High School (new, stub)
Articles created and expanded:
- The Four Ceremonial Occasions (new, C-class)
- Bomunsan (new, stub)
- Dokdo Volunteer Garrison (new, C-class)
- Dadeumi (new, C-class)
- ko:다듬이 (expanded)
- Hangover drinks in South Korea (new, stub)
- Gamasot (expanded, from stub to C-class)
- Denmark–South Korea relations (expanded, User:Dongil0324/sandbox to be moved)
- Homigot (expanded, stub to C-class)
- Hazing in the Korean military (new, start-class, renamed to Hazing in the Republic of Korea Armed Forces)
- Dabang (expanded from stub to start-class)
- Minimum wage in South Korea (new, C-clas)
- Lookism in South Korea (User:Holiakim/sandbox, to be moved)
- Republic of Korea Auxiliary Police (new, C-class)
- ko:전투경찰순경 (expanded)
- Passion pay (new, C-class)
- Mireuksaji Stone Pagoda (new, C-class)
- Night self-learning (new, C-class)
extra credit
- ko:광화문연가 뮤지컬 (new)
- ko:농업협동조합자산관리회사 (new)
- ko:단원병원 (new)
- Gwa-jam (new, C-class)
Fall 2017
[edit]Articles created and expanded:
- The Next Wave (book) (new, start class)
- Digital divide in South Korea (new, start class, merged and redirected)
- ko:정보의 자유 (new)
- ko:인구배당효과 (new)
- ko:대한민국의 인터넷 (expanded)
- ko:문화 세계화 (expanded)
- ko:Internet in South Korea (expanded)
- ko:래피드마이너 (new)
- ko:아동사망률 (new)
- ko:중앙집권 (expanded)
- ko:개발제한구역 (expanded)
- ko:여행 (expanded)
- ko:미래의 인종 (new)
- ko:크리스마스 마켓 (expanded)
- ko:대중사회 (new)
- ko:3차원 인쇄 (expanded)
- ko:제왕적 대통령 (expanded)
- Yun Seok-yang (new, start)
- ko:소셜 다이닝 (new)
- ko:활동적 노후 (new)
- ko:김석중 (new)
- ko:도시 재개발 (expanded)
- ko:호루라기재단 (new)
- ko:김영수 (1968년) (new)
- Yi Je-ma (new, stub)
- Future of food (new, start, deleted - see Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Future of food)
- Urban regeneration in South Korea (new, start)
Articles created and expanded:
- Baseball cheering culture in South Korea (new, C, DYK)
- ko:한국의 야구 응원 문화 (new)
- Jeju Oreum (new, C)
- Food trucks in South Korea (new, C)
- ko:팬덤 (expanded)
- Honjok (new, C)
- ko:혼족 (new)
- Gapjil (new, C)
- ko:갑질 (new)
- ko:자아 연출의 사회학 (new)
- ko:공포 영화 (new)
- ko:문화적 지능 (expanded)
- Hell Joseon (expanded, C)
- Korean animation (expanded, C, renamed to History of Korean animation)
- ko:대한민국의 애니메이션 (expanded)
- Snack culture (new, start)
- ko:프라임 사업 (new)
- Homi (new, C)
- ko:스트리머 (인터넷 방송) (expanded)
- Gwanghwamun Love Song (new, start)
- Lee Young-hoon (composer) (new, start)
- ko:크래프트 맥주 (new)
- ko:Hanbit Unit (new, C-class)
- ko:도스마스 (new)
- Korean embroidery (expanded)
- ko:제3문화 아이들 (expanded)
- ko:국토방위군 (폴란드)
- ko:국제 경찰 (new)
- ko:문화적 겸손 (new)
- ko:인형뽑기 (new)
- ko:크리스마스 마켓 (expanded)
- Craft beer in South Korea (start, new)
- ko:대중사회 (new)
- Foreign worker system in South Korea (new, start, renamed to Foreign worker legislation in South Korea)
- ko:한국의 외국인 노동자 제도 (new)
- ko:문화적 유물론 (new, stub)
- ko:글로벌 정책 (new, stub)
- ko:사회 운동 조직 (new, stub)
- ko:문화 모자이크 (new, stub)
- ko:경제적 세계화 (new, start)
- ko:제1세계의 특권 (new, stub)
- ko:국제 정의 운동 (new, stub)
- ko:글로벌 이슈 (new, stub)
- ko:에라스뮈스 프로그램 (expanded)
- ko:무역과 생산량의 관계 (new, stub)
- ko:인터넷 거버넌스 글로벌 위원회 (new, stub)
- ko:세계무역감사 (new, stub)
Spring 2017
[edit]- Articles created:
- Street food in South Korea (new, C-class)
- Superstition in Turkey (new, start-class)
- Fandom culture in South Korea (new, start-class)
- Student and university culture in South Korea (new, start-class)
Fall 2016
[edit]- New and expanded articles:
- Beer in South Korea (expanded start->C)
- History of Korean animation (new, start)
- ko:마천루의 저주 (expanded, stub->C)
- ko:세계는 평평하다
- ko:한국 전통문양
- Traditional patterns of Korea (new, start class)
- ko:세계시민의식
- Multicultural family in South Korea (new, C class)
- The World Is Curved (new, start class)
- ko:세계는 평평하지 않다
- ko:세계 공민
- Cosmetics in Korea (new, start class)
- ko:유엔 평화유지군
- Dongmyeong Unit (new, C class)
- ko:여성주의
- ko:정치적 세계화
- Tourism in South Korea (expanded, start-> C class)
- Spoon class theory (new, start class)
- Tattooing in South Korea (new, start class)
- International advertising (new, start class)
- fr:La publicité mondiale
Wikivoyage contributions:
- improved numerous articles related to Korean Winter Olympics 2018. In particular:
- and China
List of individual articles by students coming soon, for now it is available at course pages linked above.
Spring 2016
- Education Program:Hanyang University/Collective Intelligence in Practice: Understanding Wikipedia (Spring 2016)
- Education Program:Hanyang University/Sociology of Everyday Life (Spring 2016)
Articles expanded:
- South Korean identity card before stub -> after start
- Seoul Forest before stub -> after start
- Jogyesa before stub -> after C
- Jeju uprising expansion
- Kim Won-bong before stub -> after start
- Kim Hong-jip before stub -> after C
- Ryu Gwansun before start -> after C
- Eo Jae-yeon before stub -> after start
- ko:남대문 전투 before -> after
- ko:경기도미술관 before -> after
- ko:다원주의 before -> after
- ko:과로사 before -> after
- ko:인스타그램 before -> after
- ko:그랜드 부다페스트 호텔 before -> after
- ko:BB크림 before -> after
- ko:걸음걸이 before -> after
- ko:교권 실추 before -> after
Articles created:
- List of waterfalls of South Korea list
- List of valleys of Korea list
- Wildlife of South Korea successful DYK C
- Gwail Soju C
- Student movements in Korea C successful DYK
- Korean Patriotic Organization C successful DYK
- Chunchugwan start
- Membership Training in Korea start
- Jade Garden start
- Superstition in Korea start
- Jungmun Saekdal Beach start
- Valle de los Cirios start
- Ricardo Garibay start
- Public bicycle rental service in South Korea start final student version
- Rodolfo Gaona start
- La verdad sospechosa stub
- Pachuquilla stub
- Recreational Park El Cedral stub
- Charales (fish) stub
- Tepexi el Viejo stub
- Villa De Pozos stub
- Abundio Martínez stub
- Pungdo stub
- Gyeonggi Museum of Art stub
- Cerro de las Campanas stub
- Soesokkak stub
- ko:쏘카 final student version
- User:Jeje1991/sandbox (unfinished)
Fall 2015
- Education Program:Hanyang University/Information Sociology Project: Exploring Korea through Wikivoyage (Fall 2015)
- Education Program:Hanyang University/Special Seminar in Sociology. Collective Intelligence in Practice: Understanding Wikipedia (Fall 2015)
- Education Program:Hanyang University/Sociology of Globalization (2015) (Fall)
Wikivoyage articles:
- wikivoyage:Daebudo (created)
- wikivoyage:Ansan (expanded)
- wikivoyage:Incheon (expanded)
- wikivoyage:Goyang (expanded)
- wikivoyage:Incheon (expanded)
Articles expanded:
- Incheon Chinatown before stub -> after start
- Seoul International Fireworks Festival before stub -> after start
- Seochon before stub -> after start
- Mudeungsan before stub -> after start
Articles created:
- Gold Miss start as of the students last edit
- History of coffee in Korea start (created)
- Shiniuzhai National Geological Park start as of the students last edit
- Tai Ke start as of the students last edit
- Syrian refugees in South Korea start as of the students last edit split between Refugees in South Korea and merge to Refugees of the Syrian Civil War
- Gold Miss start as of the students last edit
- Gomsin start as of the students last edit
- Seoul Lantern Festival start as of the students last edit
- Seoul Lantern Festival start as of the students last edit DYK
- Seoul Independent Film Festival start as of the students last edit
- Jeonju Hanok Village start as of the students last edit
- Bu-Ma Democratic Protests start as of the students last edit
- GIVU effect start as of the students last edit
- Community Chest of Korea start as of the students last edit
- Busan Museum start as of the students last edit
- Ara Canal start as of the students last edit
- Heyri Art Valley start as of the students last edit
- Gangchon Recreation Area start as of the students last edit
- Choga (architecture) start
- KakaoTaxi stub as of the students last edit
- Petite France, Gapyeong stub copyvio problems prevent linking
- Yasik stub as of the students last edit
- ko:프랑스의 문화
- Rim Ji-hoon
- ko:시리아 내전의 난민 (Refugees of the Syrian Civil War)
Spring 2015
[edit]- Education Program:Hanyang University/Sociology of Everyday Life (Spring 2015)
- Goyang International Flower Festival new start article
- Overwork new start article
- Etiquette in South Korea from start to C class
- Oido from stub to start class
Fall 2014
[edit]- Education Program:Hanyang University/Special Seminar in Sociology. Collective Intelligence in Practice: Understanding Wikipedia (Fall)
- Jeong Seon from stub to C [2]
- Pyeongchon Central Park new start class
- May 18th National Cemetery new C class
- Choi Soon-dal new stub class class
- Education Program:Hanyang University/Sociology of Globalization (Fall)
- Ichon-dong from stub to start class
- Chimaek new start class article
- translated to korean as ko:치맥
- Itaewon Global Village Festival new stub class article
- Webtoon new start class article
- Lim Hyung-joo new C-class article
- Seorae Village expand from stub to C-class article
- Pumasi new start article
Spring 2014
[edit]- Education Program:Hanyang University/Collective Intelligence in Practice (2014)
- Streisand effect (edit | talk | history | protect | delete | links | watch | logs | views)->ko:리그베다위키 (expanded by 2k words [3])
- Rigveda Wiki
- Larva (TV series)
- Sundae Town
- Cine 21
Fall 2013
[edit]- Education Program:Hanyang University/Sociology of Globalization (Fall 2013)
- Anti-globalization movement->ko:반세계화운동
- Proto-globalization->ko:프로토글로벌라이제이션
- ko:K-pop->major expansion
- TPP->ko:환태평양 경제 동반자 협정 (expanded)
- Globalization and disease->ko:세계화와 질병
- McDonaldization->ko:맥도날디제이션 (major expansion)
- Education Program:Hanyang University/ English Readings in Information Sociology: Understanding Wikipedia (Fall 2013)
- Iksan Jewelry Museum
- Mireuksaji Mesuem
- Ansan (major expansion)
- 29 Second Film Festival
- Sampo generation
- Hanok (major expansion)
Spring 2013
[edit]Pitt (USA)
[edit]- Fall 2011
- Summer 2011
- Summer 2010
- Spring 2010 (Wikibooks)
- Fall 2009
- Summer 2009
- Summer 2008
- Spring 2008
- Fall 2007
- Summer 2006
- [[]]
Articles expanded:
- [ before] [ after]
Articles created: