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Korea passing


Korea Passing(코리아 패싱) is a neologism to the phenomenon of the Republic of Korea being alienated from the international community in the course of discussions on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in 2017.

The origin and using of Korea Passing


In 2017 discussion for presidential candidate, Yoo Seung-min, the Bareun Party candidate, mentioned the 'Korea passing'. Yoo argued Korea is isolated at diplomatic relation between global society. The term derives from Bill Clinton visited to only China without visited to Japan in 1998, which the Japanese media called the 'Japan passing', "Japan's alienation from the global society." In early 2017, 'Korea passing' emerged as a diplomatic keyword in relation to the situation facing the South Korea.



Originally, 'passing' is Japlish and the correct English expression is a 'cold-shoulder'. Also, some point out that it is more of a 'Konglish' that each country's government will not use. However, major U.S. media outlets, including the Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and Fox News, mentioned Korea passing as a new term related to the situation in South Korea.



Controversy over the U.S.'s Overture of the People's Republic of Korea


South Korea-U.S. Friction on North Korea and THAAD


Park Geun-hye was impeachment in March 2017 and there was a high probability that Moon Jae-in, who is more friendly for North Korea, would be win the election. The Trump administration was concerned that the incoming South Korean government would be passive in imposing strong sanctions on North Korea.

Tensions on the Korean Peninsula escalated when North Korea conducted its sixth nuclear test on Sept 2017 after fired several ballistic missiles on April 2017. In response, the Trump administration has stepped up sanctions and pressure on North Korea. Moon Jae-in administration, who took office at the same time, ensured the safety of the North Korean regime.

Also, the administration fomulated policy that resume Kaesong Industrial Complex and Mount Kumgang tour for consolidate economic cooperation with North Korea. Therefore, conflicts between Korea and the United States have emerged in earnest in this regard.

Donald Trump got in touch to Shinzo Abe right after North Korea fired ballastic missile, but there was nothing contact to Moon Jae-in. In this point, controversy was flared up more about Korea passing.

On the one hand, Moon Jae-in posed a question about transparancy in deployment the THAAD that deploy in Korean territory. And the conflict over the THAAD deployment deepened as the U.S. Department of Defense refuted the question.

U.S. side reaction


The New York Times stirred up the controversy by claiming that South Korea will be 'odd man out' due to differences in North Korea policy at the Korea-U.S. and Japan summit on September 21, 2017. Then Donald Trump visited Korea on November 7 and had press conference with Moon Jae-in. Donald Trump made a comment "Korea is very important countries,", " there will be no exclude." and denied the 'Korea passing'. However, conservative opposition partys insisted Trump's comment is a usual diplomacy rethoric and the controversy about 'Korea passing' will be continued because there was no the agreement.

Right after the US-South Korea summit, Donald Trump appreciated Moon Jae-in's cooperation to resolute North Korea problem and spoke there were several progress. But, the Wall Street Journal pointed out Moon jae-in's policy of Kaesong Industrial Complex, THAAD problem with China and they said, Moon Jae-in is 'unreliable friend' It was suggesting that US society was still negatively they rated the Moon Jae-in administration.

Controversy between South Korea and the U.S. during the North Korea-U.S. summit.


May 19. 2018, Donald Trump called to Moon Jae-in when right before Moon Jae-in visited US and asked why there is difference Moon Jae-in's pledge and North Korea's stance about denuclearization. And, Donald Trump has expressed discomfort.

Trump also kept a stiff look on his face during the May 22 summit between South Korea and the U.S. In addition, Trump unilaterally had most press conference peremptorily and scaled back existing an exclusive interview. Trump was questioned a total of 28 questions, Moon Jae-in had only two opportunity to reply.

Trump refused the interpreter to Moon Jae-in's last reply unilaterally, he said " I'm sure that's what I've heard before, so I don't have to listen to an interpreter.".

On May 24, Trump announced the cancellation of the 2018 North Korea-U.S. Summit, which was scheduled for June, without notice to the Republic of Korea. Blue House belatedly received the news of the cancellation through Twitter.

In a related, controversy over 'Korea passing' has resurfaced. Hong Jun-pyo, who was delegatee of Liberty Korea Party, made mention of 'Korea passing', and contended Moon Jae-in administration is excluded from North Korea-U.S. summit negotiation. Then, he added the success of negotiation is up to U.S. and China.