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Draft:Polski Obserwator

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Polski Obserwator is an editorial network delivering news and guides in Polish to the community of Polish expatriates across Europe. It covers a wide range of topics including legal matters, social issues, and local news from both the host countries and Poland.



Polskiobserwator.de was launched in Germany in June 2016 with the aim of facilitating the integration of newly arrived Poles in Germany. As of March 2023 polskiobserwator.de, ranked 10th in Poland in the Information and Journalism - General category with 6,063,498 real users and a reach of 20.44% (MediaPanel[1]). The platform's success was highlighted in Newspapers.org.[2]

Polski Obserwator finds its roots in other two publications launched and directed by publisher Federica Gaida[3][4][5]: the Italian-Polish biweekly Nasz Świat [pl] and the UK weekly The Polish Observer [pl].

Nasz Świat, the biweekly newspaper for Polish citizens in Italy, was launched in 2004 and edited by Danuta Wojtaszczyk and Anna Malczewska. Published by Stranieri in Italia,[6] Nasz Świat became a key resource for the Polish community[7] in Italy and a point of reference for the Polish government's outreach to the diaspora.[8] Nasz Świat ended its print edition in 2019, after 15 years of publication.

The UK weekly newspaper The Polish Observer was first published in 2007 as a supplement to the Italian-Polish newspaper Nasz Świat. It catered to the needs of the growing Polish community in Britain by providing news, guides, and practical information on various aspects of life, such as immigration, jobs, and social services. By the end of 2009, The Polish Observer became an independent weekly, published by My Own Media under the direction of Federica Gaida, initially edited by Anna Malczewska, co-editor of Nasz Świat, with Janusz Młynarski later taking over as editor-in-chief. It closed its printed edition in 2012.



The Polski Obserwator editorial network is made up by country-specific sites forPolish expatriates across Europe. These include:

  • polskiobserwator.uk - news for Poles living in the UK
  • polskiobserwator.nl - news for the Polish community in the Netherlands
  • polishobserver.com - an international portal with content in both Polish and English

Editorial Management


Polski Obserwator is co-edited by Anna Malczewska and Danuta Wojtaszczyk.[9][10] Both were editors of the Nasz Świat printed newspaper (published twice a week) in Italy, as well as The Polish Observer, a weekly printed newspaper in the UK.



Since 2021, Polski Obserwator started a collaboration with the Faculty of Humanities, School of Journalism, at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn.[11] This partnership has provided journalism students with a unique opportunity to experience the realities of working in a digital newsroom.



Polski Obserwator, which is officially registered as an EU trademark,[12] is published by New European Media, a London-based media group founded by Federica Gaida, who also serves as director. Since 2010, the company has been publishing printed newspapers in the UK, focusing on Polish, Romanian, and African communities. In 2017, New European Media expanded into international digital media.


  1. ^ "Zestawienia tematyczne i funkcjonalne - marzec 2023". media-panel.pl (in Polish). Retrieved 2024-11-05.
  2. ^ Marfeel, Staff | (2023-08-09). "Polski Obserwator partners with Marfeel to increase Google Discover traffic by 12x". America's Newspapers. Retrieved 2024-11-05.
  3. ^ "You are being redirected..." wan-ifra.org. Retrieved 2024-11-05.
  4. ^ Safdar, Anealla. "Refugees in Germany launch paper for fellow newcomers". Al Jazeera. Retrieved 2024-11-05.
  5. ^ "Novità. Un telegiornale dedicato agli immigrati- Film.it". www.film.it. Retrieved 2024-11-05.
  6. ^ "Stranieri in Italia". Stranieri in Italia (in Italian). 2024-11-04. Retrieved 2024-11-05.
  7. ^ "Włochy: protest przeciwko "polskiej kolacji" w Dniu Pamięci o Ofiarach Holokaustu". dzieje.pl (in Polish). Retrieved 2024-11-05.
  8. ^ Senate of the Republic of Poland. "The Speaker of the Senate and senators celebrated the Polish Diaspora Day with their compatriots in Italy".
  9. ^ "Bilinguismo. Una nuova, pratica guida per genitori e insegnanti scaricabile online". Stranieri in Italia (in Italian). 2020-01-07. Retrieved 2024-11-05.
  10. ^ "Interventi di Danuta Wojtaszczyk". Radio Radicale (in Italian). Retrieved 2024-11-05.
  11. ^ "University of Warmia and Mazury". University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. Retrieved 2024-11-05.
  12. ^ EUIPO European Union Intellectual Property Office. "Authentic extract from the Register of EU trademarks pursuant to Article 111(7) EUTMR". euipo.europa.eu. Retrieved 2024-11-05.