Category:Album covers
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Wikimedia Commons has media related to Covers of music albums.
Images in this category are audio recording covers which are used in articles under the fair use clause of United States copyright law.
Please remember that according to Wikipedia policy for non-free content every non-free image must contribute significantly to the article (e.g. identify the subject of an article, or specifically illustrate relevant points or sections within the text) and must not serve a purely decorative purpose. Images that have purely decorative purpose may be deleted.
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# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A Aa Ab Ac Ad Ae Af Ag Ah Ai Aj Ak Al Am An Ao Ap Aq Ar As At Au Av Aw Ax Ay Az
B Ba Bb Bc Bd Be Bf Bg Bh Bi Bj Bk Bl Bm Bn Bo Bp Bq Br Bs Bt Bu Bv Bw Bx By Bz
C Ca Cb Cc Cd Ce Cf Cg Ch Ci Cj Ck Cl Cm Cn Co Cp Cq Cr Cs Ct Cu Cv Cw Cx Cy Cz
D Da Db Dc Dd De Df Dg Dh Di Dj Dk Dl Dm Dn Do Dp Dq Dr Ds Dt Du Dv Dw Dx Dy Dz
E Ea Eb Ec Ed Ee Ef Eg Eh Ei Ej Ek El Em En Eo Ep Eq Er Es Et Eu Ev Ew Ex Ey Ez
F Fa Fb Fc Fd Fe Ff Fg Fh Fi Fj Fk Fl Fm Fn Fo Fp Fq Fr Fs Ft Fu Fv Fw Fx Fy Fz
G Ga Gb Gc Gd Ge Gf Gg Gh Gi Gj Gk Gl Gm Gn Go Gp Gq Gr Gs Gt Gu Gv Gw Gx Gy Gz
H Ha Hb Hc Hd He Hf Hg Hh Hi Hj Hk Hl Hm Hn Ho Hp Hq Hr Hs Ht Hu Hv Hw Hx Hy Hz
I Ia Ib Ic Id Ie If Ig Ih Ii Ij Ik Il Im In Io Ip Iq Ir Is It Iu Iv Iw Ix Iy Iz
J Ja Jb Jc Jd Je Jf Jg Jh Ji Jj Jk Jl Jm Jn Jo Jp Jq Jr Js Jt Ju Jv Jw Jx Jy Jz
K Ka Kb Kc Kd Ke Kf Kg Kh Ki Kj Kk Kl Km Kn Ko Kp Kq Kr Ks Kt Ku Kv Kw Kx Ky Kz
L La Lb Lc Ld Le Lf Lg Lh Li Lj Lk Ll Lm Ln Lo Lp Lq Lr Ls Lt Lu Lv Lw Lx Ly Lz
M Ma Mb Mc Md Me Mf Mg Mh Mi Mj Mk Ml Mm Mn Mo Mp Mq Mr Ms Mt Mu Mv Mw Mx My Mz
N Na Nb Nc Nd Ne Nf Ng Nh Ni Nj Nk Nl Nm Nn No Np Nq Nr Ns Nt Nu Nv Nw Nx Ny Nz
O Oa Ob Oc Od Oe Of Og Oh Oi Oj Ok Ol Om On Oo Op Oq Or Os Ot Ou Ov Ow Ox Oy Oz
P Pa Pb Pc Pd Pe Pf Pg Ph Pi Pj Pk Pl Pm Pn Po Pp Pq Pr Ps Pt Pu Pv Pw Px Py Pz
Q Qa Qb Qc Qd Qe Qf Qg Qh Qi Qj Qk Ql Qm Qn Qo Qp Qq Qr Qs Qt Qu Qv Qw Qx Qy Qz
R Ra Rb Rc Rd Re Rf Rg Rh Ri Rj Rk Rl Rm Rn Ro Rp Rq Rr Rs Rt Ru Rv Rw Rx Ry Rz
S Sa Sb Sc Sd Se Sf Sg Sh Si Sj Sk Sl Sm Sn So Sp Sq Sr Ss St Su Sv Sw Sx Sy Sz
T Ta Tb Tc Td Te Tf Tg Th Ti Tj Tk Tl Tm Tn To Tp Tq Tr Ts Tt Tu Tv Tw Tx Ty Tz
U Ua Ub Uc Ud Ue Uf Ug Uh Ui Uj Uk Ul Um Un Uo Up Uq Ur Us Ut Uu Uv Uw Ux Uy Uz
V Va Vb Vc Vd Ve Vf Vg Vh Vi Vj Vk Vl Vm Vn Vo Vp Vq Vr Vs Vt Vu Vv Vw Vx Vy Vz
W Wa Wb Wc Wd We Wf Wg Wh Wi Wj Wk Wl Wm Wn Wo Wp Wq Wr Ws Wt Wu Wv Ww Wx Wy Wz
X Xa Xb Xc Xd Xe Xf Xg Xh Xi Xj Xk Xl Xm Xn Xo Xp Xq Xr Xs Xt Xu Xv Xw Xx Xy Xz
Y Ya Yb Yc Yd Ye Yf Yg Yh Yi Yj Yk Yl Ym Yn Yo Yp Yq Yr Ys Yt Yu Yv Yw Yx Yy Yz
Z Za Zb Zc Zd Ze Zf Zg Zh Zi Zj Zk Zl Zm Zn Zo Zp Zq Zr Zs Zt Zu Zv Zw Zx Zy Zz
A Aa Ab Ac Ad Ae Af Ag Ah Ai Aj Ak Al Am An Ao Ap Aq Ar As At Au Av Aw Ax Ay Az
B Ba Bb Bc Bd Be Bf Bg Bh Bi Bj Bk Bl Bm Bn Bo Bp Bq Br Bs Bt Bu Bv Bw Bx By Bz
C Ca Cb Cc Cd Ce Cf Cg Ch Ci Cj Ck Cl Cm Cn Co Cp Cq Cr Cs Ct Cu Cv Cw Cx Cy Cz
D Da Db Dc Dd De Df Dg Dh Di Dj Dk Dl Dm Dn Do Dp Dq Dr Ds Dt Du Dv Dw Dx Dy Dz
E Ea Eb Ec Ed Ee Ef Eg Eh Ei Ej Ek El Em En Eo Ep Eq Er Es Et Eu Ev Ew Ex Ey Ez
F Fa Fb Fc Fd Fe Ff Fg Fh Fi Fj Fk Fl Fm Fn Fo Fp Fq Fr Fs Ft Fu Fv Fw Fx Fy Fz
G Ga Gb Gc Gd Ge Gf Gg Gh Gi Gj Gk Gl Gm Gn Go Gp Gq Gr Gs Gt Gu Gv Gw Gx Gy Gz
H Ha Hb Hc Hd He Hf Hg Hh Hi Hj Hk Hl Hm Hn Ho Hp Hq Hr Hs Ht Hu Hv Hw Hx Hy Hz
I Ia Ib Ic Id Ie If Ig Ih Ii Ij Ik Il Im In Io Ip Iq Ir Is It Iu Iv Iw Ix Iy Iz
J Ja Jb Jc Jd Je Jf Jg Jh Ji Jj Jk Jl Jm Jn Jo Jp Jq Jr Js Jt Ju Jv Jw Jx Jy Jz
K Ka Kb Kc Kd Ke Kf Kg Kh Ki Kj Kk Kl Km Kn Ko Kp Kq Kr Ks Kt Ku Kv Kw Kx Ky Kz
L La Lb Lc Ld Le Lf Lg Lh Li Lj Lk Ll Lm Ln Lo Lp Lq Lr Ls Lt Lu Lv Lw Lx Ly Lz
M Ma Mb Mc Md Me Mf Mg Mh Mi Mj Mk Ml Mm Mn Mo Mp Mq Mr Ms Mt Mu Mv Mw Mx My Mz
N Na Nb Nc Nd Ne Nf Ng Nh Ni Nj Nk Nl Nm Nn No Np Nq Nr Ns Nt Nu Nv Nw Nx Ny Nz
O Oa Ob Oc Od Oe Of Og Oh Oi Oj Ok Ol Om On Oo Op Oq Or Os Ot Ou Ov Ow Ox Oy Oz
P Pa Pb Pc Pd Pe Pf Pg Ph Pi Pj Pk Pl Pm Pn Po Pp Pq Pr Ps Pt Pu Pv Pw Px Py Pz
Q Qa Qb Qc Qd Qe Qf Qg Qh Qi Qj Qk Ql Qm Qn Qo Qp Qq Qr Qs Qt Qu Qv Qw Qx Qy Qz
R Ra Rb Rc Rd Re Rf Rg Rh Ri Rj Rk Rl Rm Rn Ro Rp Rq Rr Rs Rt Ru Rv Rw Rx Ry Rz
S Sa Sb Sc Sd Se Sf Sg Sh Si Sj Sk Sl Sm Sn So Sp Sq Sr Ss St Su Sv Sw Sx Sy Sz
T Ta Tb Tc Td Te Tf Tg Th Ti Tj Tk Tl Tm Tn To Tp Tq Tr Ts Tt Tu Tv Tw Tx Ty Tz
U Ua Ub Uc Ud Ue Uf Ug Uh Ui Uj Uk Ul Um Un Uo Up Uq Ur Us Ut Uu Uv Uw Ux Uy Uz
V Va Vb Vc Vd Ve Vf Vg Vh Vi Vj Vk Vl Vm Vn Vo Vp Vq Vr Vs Vt Vu Vv Vw Vx Vy Vz
W Wa Wb Wc Wd We Wf Wg Wh Wi Wj Wk Wl Wm Wn Wo Wp Wq Wr Ws Wt Wu Wv Ww Wx Wy Wz
X Xa Xb Xc Xd Xe Xf Xg Xh Xi Xj Xk Xl Xm Xn Xo Xp Xq Xr Xs Xt Xu Xv Xw Xx Xy Xz
Y Ya Yb Yc Yd Ye Yf Yg Yh Yi Yj Yk Yl Ym Yn Yo Yp Yq Yr Ys Yt Yu Yv Yw Yx Yy Yz
Z Za Zb Zc Zd Ze Zf Zg Zh Zi Zj Zk Zl Zm Zn Zo Zp Zq Zr Zs Zt Zu Zv Zw Zx Zy Zz
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Media in category "Album covers"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 215,414 total.
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- File:R and G (Rhythm and Gangsta) The Masterpiece (Snoop Dog album) coverart.jpg
- File:R Borlax Album Cover.jpg
- File:R El Tren de los Momentos - Edición Especial (Alejandro Sanz album - cover art).jpg
- File:R Hide in Plain Site.jpg
- File:R Kelly - Snake.jpeg
- File:R Kelly Fiesta Remix US CD single.jpg
- File:R kelly happy people.jpg
- File:R kelly in the kitchen.jpg
- File:R Kelly Public Announcement Honey Love.jpeg
- File:R kelly public announcement she's got that vibe.jpeg
- File:R kelly u saved me.jpg
- File:R Kelly-R. (album cover).jpg
- File:R Rurutia.jpg
- File:R U OK Tate McRae Single Art.jpg
- File:R u still downcov.jpg
- File:R U Xperienced.jpg
- File:R-3Perdere l'amore.jpg
- File:R-24.000 baci.jpg
- File:R-1275699-1338871436-9069-jpeg.jpg
- File:R-2644775-Storie di tutti i giorni resize.jpg
- File:R-6744679-Gocce di memoria.jpg
- File:R-atwarsocietyjpeg.jpeg
- File:R-Bella d'estate.jpg
- File:R-Come sinfonia.jpg
- File:R-Donna con te.jpg
- File:R-Il conforto.jpg
- File:R-Il primo giorno di primavera.jpg
- File:R-kelly-born-into.jpg
- File:R-Kive.jpg
- File:R-Lei verrà.jpg
- File:R-Lettera a Pinocchio.jpg
- File:R-non si può morire dentro resize.jpg
- File:R-O-C-K 45 Bill Haley.jpg
- File:R-Piccola e fragile resize.jpg
- File:R-Sarà perché ti amo.jpg
- File:R-Se m'innamoro.jpg
- File:R-Terra promessa.jpg
- File:R-Vattene amore.jpg
- File:R. City - What Dreams Are Made Of album cover.jpg
- File:R. Dean Taylor - I Think, Therefore I Am.jpg
- File:R. Kelly - Chocolate Factory.png
- File:R. Kelly - Religious.jpg
- File:R. kelly - sign of a victory.jpg
- File:R. Kelly - Step In The Name Of Love.jpg
- File:R. Kelly - The World's Greatest.jpg
- File:R. Kelly - Thoia Thoing.jpg
- File:R. kelly i believe.jpg
- File:R. kelly supaman high.jpg
- File:R. Kelly Switch Up.jpg
- File:R. Kelly-Thank God It's Friday.jpg
- File:R. Kelly's New Album.JPG
- File:R. L. Burnside - A Bothered Mind (album artwork).jpg
- File:R. M. Blues.png
- File:R.A.C.L.A. - Rap-sodia Efectului Defectului Amma Record Reissue.jpg
- File:R.A.C.L.A. - Rap-sodia Efectului Defectului.jpg
- File:R.A.P. Ferreira Purple Moonlight Pages Cover.png
- File:R.E.M. - (Don't Go Back to) Rockville Europe.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - (Don't Go Back to) Rockville.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Accelerate.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Aftermath.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Ages of You.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - All the Way to Reno (You're Gonna Be a Star).jpg
- File:R.E.M. - And I Feel Fine... The Best of the I.R.S. Years 1982–1987.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Animal.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Around the Sun.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - At My Most Beautiful.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - At the BBC.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Automatic for the People.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Bad Day.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Bang and Blame.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Bittersweet Me.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Cant Get There from Here.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Chronic Town.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Collapse into Now.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Complete Rarities.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Crush with Eyeliner.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Daysleeper.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Dead Letter Office.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Document.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Drive.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Driver 8.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - E-Bow the Letter.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Electrolite.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Electron Blue.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Eponymous.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Everybody Hurts.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Fables of the Reconstruction.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Fall on Me.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Find the River.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Finest Worksong.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Get Up.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Green promo.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Green.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Hollow Man.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - How the West Was Won and Where It Got Us.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - I'll Take the Rain.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Imitation of Life.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - In the Attic.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - In Time.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - It's the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine) (United States).jpg
- File:R.E.M. - iTunes Originals.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Leaving New York.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Lifes Rich Pageant.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Live at the Borderline 1991.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Live At The Olympia.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Live from London.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Losing My Religion.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Lotus.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Man on the Moon Soundtrack.gif
- File:R.E.M. - Man on the Moon.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Man-Sized Wreath.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Monster.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Murmur.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Near Wild Heaven.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - New Adventures in Hi-Fi Special Edition.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - New Adventures in Hi-Fi.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Nightswimming.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Number 9 Dream.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Oh My Heart.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Orange Crush.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Out of Time Spain.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Out of Time.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Part Lies, Part Heart, Part Truth, Part Garbage 1982-2011.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Pop Song 89.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - R.E.M. Live.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Radio Free Europe (Hib-Tone).jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Radio Free Europe (I.R.S.) American.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Radio Free Europe (I.R.S.).jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Radio Song.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Reckoning.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Reveal.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Shiny Happy People.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Singles Collected.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - So. Central Rain (I'm Sorry).jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Stand.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Strange Currencies.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Superman.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Supernatural Superserious.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Suspicion.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Talk About the Passion.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - The Automatic Box.jpeg
- File:R.E.M. - The Best of R.E.M..jpg
- File:R.E.M. - The Great Beyond.gif
- File:R.E.M. - The One I Love.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Tongue.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Uberlin.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Unplugged - The Complete 1991 and 2001 Sessions.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Until the Day Is Done.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Up.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Wanderlust.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - We All Go Back to Where We Belong.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - Wendell Gee.jpg
- File:R.E.M. - What's the Frequency Kenneth.jpg
- File:R.E.M. 7IN—83–88 Box Set.jpg
- File:R.E.M. Live from Austin, TX.jpg
- File:R.E.O..jpg
- File:R.F.D. (Marty Robbins album).png
- File:R.I.O.-Megamix.jpg
- File:R.I.O.-Ready-or-Not.jpg
- File:R.I.P. (Millie) by Noiseworks (EU).jpg
- File:R.I.P. (Millie) by Noiseworks.jpg
- File:R.I.P. (Murder City Devils album).jpg
- File:R.I.P. (Recording In Progress) cover.jpg
- File:R.I.P. (Richard Hell album).jpg
- File:R.I.P. 2 My Youth Single Cover.jpg
- File:R.I.P. cover.jpg
- File:R.I.P. The Zombies.jpg
- File:R.I.P.RitaOra.jpg
- File:R.K.M & Ken-Y - Lloraras.jpg
- File:R.K.M & Ken-Y - Te Regalo Amores (Single).jpg
- File:R.K.M. & Ken-Y-Masterpiece.jpg
- File:R.O.C.K. in the U.S.A. Single.jpg
- File:R.O.C.K..jpg
- File:R.O.S.E. (Jessie J album) cover.jpg
- File:R.P.MCover.jpg
- File:R&B Divas (Faith Evans single) coverart.jpg
- File:R&B from the Marquee (album) 1962.jpg
- File:R&B Money.jpg
- File:R&B Skeletons in the Closet (George Clinton album - cover art).jpg
- File:R+R=Now - Collagically Speaking.png
- File:R1ll.jpg
- File:R1ll2.jpg
- File:R3hab & Jolin Tsai - Stars Align.jpg
- File:R3hab & Mike Williams - Lullaby.webp
- File:R3hab x A Touch of Class - All Around the World (La La La).png
- File:R3hab Zayn Flames.png
- File:R3habGetUp.jpg
- File:R3MIX.jpg
- File:R5 - Dark Side.jpg
- File:R5 - Loud EP.jpg
- File:R5 - Loud single.png
- File:R5 - New Addictions.jpg
- File:R5 - Pass Me By.jpg
- File:R5 - Sometime Last Night.png
- File:R5 live in london.jpg
- File:R5-All-Night-2015-1200x1200-300x300.png
- File:R5-I-Know-You-Got-Away.png
- File:R5-lets-not-be-alone-tonight-lyric-video-1.png
- File:R5-one-last-dance.jpg