Category:Album covers
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Wikimedia Commons has media related to Covers of music albums.
Images in this category are audio recording covers which are used in articles under the fair use clause of United States copyright law.
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# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A Aa Ab Ac Ad Ae Af Ag Ah Ai Aj Ak Al Am An Ao Ap Aq Ar As At Au Av Aw Ax Ay Az
B Ba Bb Bc Bd Be Bf Bg Bh Bi Bj Bk Bl Bm Bn Bo Bp Bq Br Bs Bt Bu Bv Bw Bx By Bz
C Ca Cb Cc Cd Ce Cf Cg Ch Ci Cj Ck Cl Cm Cn Co Cp Cq Cr Cs Ct Cu Cv Cw Cx Cy Cz
D Da Db Dc Dd De Df Dg Dh Di Dj Dk Dl Dm Dn Do Dp Dq Dr Ds Dt Du Dv Dw Dx Dy Dz
E Ea Eb Ec Ed Ee Ef Eg Eh Ei Ej Ek El Em En Eo Ep Eq Er Es Et Eu Ev Ew Ex Ey Ez
F Fa Fb Fc Fd Fe Ff Fg Fh Fi Fj Fk Fl Fm Fn Fo Fp Fq Fr Fs Ft Fu Fv Fw Fx Fy Fz
G Ga Gb Gc Gd Ge Gf Gg Gh Gi Gj Gk Gl Gm Gn Go Gp Gq Gr Gs Gt Gu Gv Gw Gx Gy Gz
H Ha Hb Hc Hd He Hf Hg Hh Hi Hj Hk Hl Hm Hn Ho Hp Hq Hr Hs Ht Hu Hv Hw Hx Hy Hz
I Ia Ib Ic Id Ie If Ig Ih Ii Ij Ik Il Im In Io Ip Iq Ir Is It Iu Iv Iw Ix Iy Iz
J Ja Jb Jc Jd Je Jf Jg Jh Ji Jj Jk Jl Jm Jn Jo Jp Jq Jr Js Jt Ju Jv Jw Jx Jy Jz
K Ka Kb Kc Kd Ke Kf Kg Kh Ki Kj Kk Kl Km Kn Ko Kp Kq Kr Ks Kt Ku Kv Kw Kx Ky Kz
L La Lb Lc Ld Le Lf Lg Lh Li Lj Lk Ll Lm Ln Lo Lp Lq Lr Ls Lt Lu Lv Lw Lx Ly Lz
M Ma Mb Mc Md Me Mf Mg Mh Mi Mj Mk Ml Mm Mn Mo Mp Mq Mr Ms Mt Mu Mv Mw Mx My Mz
N Na Nb Nc Nd Ne Nf Ng Nh Ni Nj Nk Nl Nm Nn No Np Nq Nr Ns Nt Nu Nv Nw Nx Ny Nz
O Oa Ob Oc Od Oe Of Og Oh Oi Oj Ok Ol Om On Oo Op Oq Or Os Ot Ou Ov Ow Ox Oy Oz
P Pa Pb Pc Pd Pe Pf Pg Ph Pi Pj Pk Pl Pm Pn Po Pp Pq Pr Ps Pt Pu Pv Pw Px Py Pz
Q Qa Qb Qc Qd Qe Qf Qg Qh Qi Qj Qk Ql Qm Qn Qo Qp Qq Qr Qs Qt Qu Qv Qw Qx Qy Qz
R Ra Rb Rc Rd Re Rf Rg Rh Ri Rj Rk Rl Rm Rn Ro Rp Rq Rr Rs Rt Ru Rv Rw Rx Ry Rz
S Sa Sb Sc Sd Se Sf Sg Sh Si Sj Sk Sl Sm Sn So Sp Sq Sr Ss St Su Sv Sw Sx Sy Sz
T Ta Tb Tc Td Te Tf Tg Th Ti Tj Tk Tl Tm Tn To Tp Tq Tr Ts Tt Tu Tv Tw Tx Ty Tz
U Ua Ub Uc Ud Ue Uf Ug Uh Ui Uj Uk Ul Um Un Uo Up Uq Ur Us Ut Uu Uv Uw Ux Uy Uz
V Va Vb Vc Vd Ve Vf Vg Vh Vi Vj Vk Vl Vm Vn Vo Vp Vq Vr Vs Vt Vu Vv Vw Vx Vy Vz
W Wa Wb Wc Wd We Wf Wg Wh Wi Wj Wk Wl Wm Wn Wo Wp Wq Wr Ws Wt Wu Wv Ww Wx Wy Wz
X Xa Xb Xc Xd Xe Xf Xg Xh Xi Xj Xk Xl Xm Xn Xo Xp Xq Xr Xs Xt Xu Xv Xw Xx Xy Xz
Y Ya Yb Yc Yd Ye Yf Yg Yh Yi Yj Yk Yl Ym Yn Yo Yp Yq Yr Ys Yt Yu Yv Yw Yx Yy Yz
Z Za Zb Zc Zd Ze Zf Zg Zh Zi Zj Zk Zl Zm Zn Zo Zp Zq Zr Zs Zt Zu Zv Zw Zx Zy Zz
A Aa Ab Ac Ad Ae Af Ag Ah Ai Aj Ak Al Am An Ao Ap Aq Ar As At Au Av Aw Ax Ay Az
B Ba Bb Bc Bd Be Bf Bg Bh Bi Bj Bk Bl Bm Bn Bo Bp Bq Br Bs Bt Bu Bv Bw Bx By Bz
C Ca Cb Cc Cd Ce Cf Cg Ch Ci Cj Ck Cl Cm Cn Co Cp Cq Cr Cs Ct Cu Cv Cw Cx Cy Cz
D Da Db Dc Dd De Df Dg Dh Di Dj Dk Dl Dm Dn Do Dp Dq Dr Ds Dt Du Dv Dw Dx Dy Dz
E Ea Eb Ec Ed Ee Ef Eg Eh Ei Ej Ek El Em En Eo Ep Eq Er Es Et Eu Ev Ew Ex Ey Ez
F Fa Fb Fc Fd Fe Ff Fg Fh Fi Fj Fk Fl Fm Fn Fo Fp Fq Fr Fs Ft Fu Fv Fw Fx Fy Fz
G Ga Gb Gc Gd Ge Gf Gg Gh Gi Gj Gk Gl Gm Gn Go Gp Gq Gr Gs Gt Gu Gv Gw Gx Gy Gz
H Ha Hb Hc Hd He Hf Hg Hh Hi Hj Hk Hl Hm Hn Ho Hp Hq Hr Hs Ht Hu Hv Hw Hx Hy Hz
I Ia Ib Ic Id Ie If Ig Ih Ii Ij Ik Il Im In Io Ip Iq Ir Is It Iu Iv Iw Ix Iy Iz
J Ja Jb Jc Jd Je Jf Jg Jh Ji Jj Jk Jl Jm Jn Jo Jp Jq Jr Js Jt Ju Jv Jw Jx Jy Jz
K Ka Kb Kc Kd Ke Kf Kg Kh Ki Kj Kk Kl Km Kn Ko Kp Kq Kr Ks Kt Ku Kv Kw Kx Ky Kz
L La Lb Lc Ld Le Lf Lg Lh Li Lj Lk Ll Lm Ln Lo Lp Lq Lr Ls Lt Lu Lv Lw Lx Ly Lz
M Ma Mb Mc Md Me Mf Mg Mh Mi Mj Mk Ml Mm Mn Mo Mp Mq Mr Ms Mt Mu Mv Mw Mx My Mz
N Na Nb Nc Nd Ne Nf Ng Nh Ni Nj Nk Nl Nm Nn No Np Nq Nr Ns Nt Nu Nv Nw Nx Ny Nz
O Oa Ob Oc Od Oe Of Og Oh Oi Oj Ok Ol Om On Oo Op Oq Or Os Ot Ou Ov Ow Ox Oy Oz
P Pa Pb Pc Pd Pe Pf Pg Ph Pi Pj Pk Pl Pm Pn Po Pp Pq Pr Ps Pt Pu Pv Pw Px Py Pz
Q Qa Qb Qc Qd Qe Qf Qg Qh Qi Qj Qk Ql Qm Qn Qo Qp Qq Qr Qs Qt Qu Qv Qw Qx Qy Qz
R Ra Rb Rc Rd Re Rf Rg Rh Ri Rj Rk Rl Rm Rn Ro Rp Rq Rr Rs Rt Ru Rv Rw Rx Ry Rz
S Sa Sb Sc Sd Se Sf Sg Sh Si Sj Sk Sl Sm Sn So Sp Sq Sr Ss St Su Sv Sw Sx Sy Sz
T Ta Tb Tc Td Te Tf Tg Th Ti Tj Tk Tl Tm Tn To Tp Tq Tr Ts Tt Tu Tv Tw Tx Ty Tz
U Ua Ub Uc Ud Ue Uf Ug Uh Ui Uj Uk Ul Um Un Uo Up Uq Ur Us Ut Uu Uv Uw Ux Uy Uz
V Va Vb Vc Vd Ve Vf Vg Vh Vi Vj Vk Vl Vm Vn Vo Vp Vq Vr Vs Vt Vu Vv Vw Vx Vy Vz
W Wa Wb Wc Wd We Wf Wg Wh Wi Wj Wk Wl Wm Wn Wo Wp Wq Wr Ws Wt Wu Wv Ww Wx Wy Wz
X Xa Xb Xc Xd Xe Xf Xg Xh Xi Xj Xk Xl Xm Xn Xo Xp Xq Xr Xs Xt Xu Xv Xw Xx Xy Xz
Y Ya Yb Yc Yd Ye Yf Yg Yh Yi Yj Yk Yl Ym Yn Yo Yp Yq Yr Ys Yt Yu Yv Yw Yx Yy Yz
Z Za Zb Zc Zd Ze Zf Zg Zh Zi Zj Zk Zl Zm Zn Zo Zp Zq Zr Zs Zt Zu Zv Zw Zx Zy Zz
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Pages in category "Album covers"
The following page is in this category, out of 5 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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The following 200 files are in this category, out of 215,414 total.
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- File:FHamilton SongsLife.jpg
- File:Fharmacist.jpg
- File:Fhskip-300.jpg
- File:Fhtagn nagh Yog-Sothoth.jpg
- File:FHTE Picture Disc.jpg
- File:FHTreatMeBad.jpg
- File:Fi-Fi Goes to Heaven.jpg
- File:FIBScivilization.jpg
- File:Ficca.reedition.jpg
- File:FiccaVirgin.jpg
- File:Fiction (Mukala album).jpg
- File:Fiction (Yuki Kajiura album).jpg
- File:Fiction EP suuns album cover.png
- File:Fiction Factory Not the Only One 1985 Single Cover.jpg
- File:Fiction Family Reunion.jpg
- File:Fiction II.album.jpg
- File:FICTION PLANE - Paradiso web.jpg
- File:Fiction Tales cover.jpg
- File:Fictionfactory-anotherstory.jpg
- File:Fictionfactoryghostoflovesingle.jpg
- File:Fictionfactorythrowthe.jpg
- File:FictionFamilyHolidayEP.png
- File:Fictionist (EP).jpeg
- File:Fictionman.jpg
- File:Fictionplane-ep.jpg
- File:Fictionplane1.jpg
- File:Fictionplane2.jpg
- File:Fictitious-sports.jpg
- File:Fidatevi.album.jpg
- File:FiddleCollection.jpg
- File:FiddleFire.jpg
- File:Fiddlehead - Death Is Nothing to Us.jpg
- File:FiddlemanPapaJohn.jpg
- File:Fiddlers of God.jpg
- File:Fidelity (song) cover.jpg
- File:Fidelity Is the Enemy.jpg
- File:FIDLARtoo.jpg
- File:Fiebre cover.png
- File:Fiebredeamor.jpg
- File:Fiebredeluna.jpeg
- File:Fiel (remix) cover.png
- File:Field Commander Cohen.jpg
- File:Field Day (album).jpg
- File:Field Day Rituals.album.jpg
- File:Field Mob - Sick of Being Lonely single cover.jpg
- File:Field Music - Making a New World.png
- File:Field Music - Write Your Own History - CD Front Cover.jpg
- File:Field Music (album).jpg
- File:Field Music Commontime album cover.jpg
- File:Field Music Play... compilation album cover.jpg
- File:Field Music Plumb cover.jpg
- File:Field Music third album cover art.jpg
- File:Field of Glass.jpg
- File:Field of Love.album.jpg
- File:Field of Reeds.jpg
- File:Field of View Best Fifteen Colours.jpg
- File:Field of View I.jpg
- File:Field of View II.jpg
- File:Field of View III ~Now Here No Where~.jpg
- File:Field Songs (William Elliott Whitmore album).jpg
- File:Field Studies (EP) coverart.jpg
- File:Field Studies (Quasi album).jpg
- File:FieldDayAlbum.jpg
- File:FieldMob-613.jpg
- File:FieldMusicOpenHere.jpg
- File:Fieldrexxx.jpg
- File:Fields and Streams.album.jpg
- File:Fields junip.jpg
- File:Fields of Blood (album).jpg
- File:Fields of Grace.jpg
- File:Fields of Joy LK.jpg
- File:Fields-of-gold-sting.jpg
- File:FieldsOfFire .jpg
- File:Fieldsongs.jpg
- File:Fiend Club Lounge cover.jpg
- File:Fiendin 4 tha Funk.jpg
- File:Fiendish regression.jpg
- File:Fiends of Dope Island.jpg
- File:Fierce Heart cover.jpg
- File:Fierce Hearts by Katie Noonan.jpg
- File:Fierce silence cover.jpeg
- File:FieryFurnacesEP.jpg
- File:Fiesta (Denise Rosenthal album).jpg
- File:Fiesta (Elena Paparizou song).png
- File:Fiesta (Miranda album).jpg
- File:Fiesta (Raffaella Carrà album).png
- File:Fiesta Brasiliana.png
- File:Fiesta De Los Tamborilero.jpg
- File:Fiesta of the Damned audio drama cover.jpeg
- File:Fiesta-Buena-album-by-DJ-Mams.jpeg
- File:Fiesta! Magsasaya ang Lahat.jpg
- File:FiestaDeLocos.JPG
- File:Fiestar vista single cover 2012.jpg
- File:Fiestar we dont stop cover 2012.jpg
- File:Fiestasongs.jpg
- File:FIF-Quantity Is Job 1.jpg
- File:Fifa Official cover.jpg
- File:FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 Official Soundtrack.jpg
- File:FIFCheeses.jpg
- File:FiFo Records single.jpg
- File:Fifteen - Swain's First Bike Ride cover.jpg
- File:Fifteen Feet of Pure White Snow.jpg
- File:Fifteen Minutes - A Tribute to the Velvet Underground.jpg
- File:Fifteen Will Get You Twenty.jpg
- File:Fifteen Years (Album Artwork).jpg
- File:FifteenGRO.jpg
- File:Fifth Angel Time Will Tell.png
- File:Fifth Angel.png
- File:Fifth Column - 36-C.jpg
- File:Fifth Element (Pathfinder album).jpg
- File:Fifth Harmony - Better Together.png
- File:Fifth Harmony - Down.png
- File:Fifth Harmony - Fifth Harmony (Official Album Cover).png
- File:Fifth Harmony - He Like That.png
- File:Fifth Harmony - Reflection (Official Album Cover).png
- File:Fifth Harmony - Sledgehammer (Official Single Cover).png
- File:Fifth Harmony Boss (Official Single Cover).png
- File:Fifthdogletslooselarge.jpg
- File:FifthFettyAIMH.jpg
- File:Fifths of Seven - Spry From Bitter Anise Folds.jpg
- File:Fifty Eggs.jpg
- File:Fifty Fifty - Barbie Dreams.jpg
- File:Fifty Fifty - The Beginning Cupid.png
- File:Fifty Fifty Starry Night Cover.jpg
- File:Fifty Shades Darker- Original Motion Picture Soundtrack.png
- File:Fifty Shades Freed.Original Motion Picture Soundtrack.jpg
- File:Fifty Shades of Grey - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack.png
- File:FiftyFlavoursOfGlue.jpg
- File:Fig.5.album.jpg
- File:FigaroBrotherhood of Man.jpg
- File:Figgas 4 Life.jpg
- File:Figgatta de Blanc.png
- File:Fighstar-apologise.jpg
- File:Fight - K5.jpg
- File:Fight - Mutations.jpg
- File:Fight - War of Words.jpg
- File:Fight (Flipper album).jpg
- File:Fight (Mayumi Iizuka album).jpg
- File:Fight Against Babylon.jpg
- File:Fight Fire With Fire cover.jpg
- File:Fight for Anarchy.jpg
- File:Fight for My Soul.jpg
- File:Fight for the Rock.jpg
- File:Fight Like a Girl Album Cover Emilie Autumn.jpg
- File:Fight Like Apes (album).jpg
- File:Fight Like Apes and the Mystery of the Golden Medallion album cover.jpg
- File:Fight Like Apes Whigfield Sextape.png
- File:Fight Like Hell cover.jpg
- File:Kirk franklin-fight of life.jpg
- File:Fight Song by Rachel Platten.png
- File:Fight the Frequency Hi Fi.jpg
- File:Fight the Power - The Isley Brothers.jpg
- File:Fight Through the Night.jpg
- File:Fight to survive cover.jpg
- File:Fight to Win (album).jpg
- File:Fight with tools.jpg
- File:Fightback Soundtrack by We Are Leo.jpg
- File:Fightback.jpg
- File:Fightcd.jpg
- File:Fighter Album Art.jpg
- File:Fighter alternative cover.png
- File:Fighter by Manafest.jpg
- File:FighterDavidNail.jpg
- File:FightersBrownlee.jpg
- File:Fighting Back (Battlezone album).jpg
- File:Fighting for Love by Dami Im.jpg
- File:Fighting for the Earth.jpg
- File:Fighting Instinct(Fighting Instinct album).jpg
- File:Fighting TJ.jpeg
- File:Fightingback.jpg
- File:FightingFire.jpg
- File:Fightingfirewithfire.jpg
- File:Fightingmanstones.jpg
- File:Fightingtemptation.jpg
- File:FightLikeaGirl.jpg
- File:FightMutationsRemastered.png
- File:Fightnightmigos.jpg
- File:Fightstar alternate endings.jpg
- File:Fightstar gupart1.jpg
- File:Fightstar TLYBWYWD.JPG
- File:Fightstar-Flood-428841.jpg
- File:Fightstar-neverchangepackshot.jpg
- File:Fightstarbehuman.jpg
- File:Fightstartheenglishway.jpg
- File:Fightthepowersingle.jpg
- File:FighttheSilence.jpg
- File:FightTheTide.jpg
- File:FightWarofWordsRemixed.png
- File:Figli delle stelle (song) resize.jpg
- File:Figur 5.album.jpg
- File:Figure & Spirit.jpg
- File:Figure It Out (Serj Tankian).jpg
- File:Figure Number Five.jpg
- File:Figure of eight uk7.jpg
- File:FigureheadsCompilationEllegarden.jpg
- File:Figures (song) cover.jpg
- File:Figurine - The Heartfelt.jpg
- File:FigurinesSkeletons.jpg
- File:Fihp.JPG