Category:Album covers
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Wikimedia Commons has media related to Covers of music albums.
Images in this category are audio recording covers which are used in articles under the fair use clause of United States copyright law.
Please remember that according to Wikipedia policy for non-free content every non-free image must contribute significantly to the article (e.g. identify the subject of an article, or specifically illustrate relevant points or sections within the text) and must not serve a purely decorative purpose. Images that have purely decorative purpose may be deleted.
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# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A Aa Ab Ac Ad Ae Af Ag Ah Ai Aj Ak Al Am An Ao Ap Aq Ar As At Au Av Aw Ax Ay Az
B Ba Bb Bc Bd Be Bf Bg Bh Bi Bj Bk Bl Bm Bn Bo Bp Bq Br Bs Bt Bu Bv Bw Bx By Bz
C Ca Cb Cc Cd Ce Cf Cg Ch Ci Cj Ck Cl Cm Cn Co Cp Cq Cr Cs Ct Cu Cv Cw Cx Cy Cz
D Da Db Dc Dd De Df Dg Dh Di Dj Dk Dl Dm Dn Do Dp Dq Dr Ds Dt Du Dv Dw Dx Dy Dz
E Ea Eb Ec Ed Ee Ef Eg Eh Ei Ej Ek El Em En Eo Ep Eq Er Es Et Eu Ev Ew Ex Ey Ez
F Fa Fb Fc Fd Fe Ff Fg Fh Fi Fj Fk Fl Fm Fn Fo Fp Fq Fr Fs Ft Fu Fv Fw Fx Fy Fz
G Ga Gb Gc Gd Ge Gf Gg Gh Gi Gj Gk Gl Gm Gn Go Gp Gq Gr Gs Gt Gu Gv Gw Gx Gy Gz
H Ha Hb Hc Hd He Hf Hg Hh Hi Hj Hk Hl Hm Hn Ho Hp Hq Hr Hs Ht Hu Hv Hw Hx Hy Hz
I Ia Ib Ic Id Ie If Ig Ih Ii Ij Ik Il Im In Io Ip Iq Ir Is It Iu Iv Iw Ix Iy Iz
J Ja Jb Jc Jd Je Jf Jg Jh Ji Jj Jk Jl Jm Jn Jo Jp Jq Jr Js Jt Ju Jv Jw Jx Jy Jz
K Ka Kb Kc Kd Ke Kf Kg Kh Ki Kj Kk Kl Km Kn Ko Kp Kq Kr Ks Kt Ku Kv Kw Kx Ky Kz
L La Lb Lc Ld Le Lf Lg Lh Li Lj Lk Ll Lm Ln Lo Lp Lq Lr Ls Lt Lu Lv Lw Lx Ly Lz
M Ma Mb Mc Md Me Mf Mg Mh Mi Mj Mk Ml Mm Mn Mo Mp Mq Mr Ms Mt Mu Mv Mw Mx My Mz
N Na Nb Nc Nd Ne Nf Ng Nh Ni Nj Nk Nl Nm Nn No Np Nq Nr Ns Nt Nu Nv Nw Nx Ny Nz
O Oa Ob Oc Od Oe Of Og Oh Oi Oj Ok Ol Om On Oo Op Oq Or Os Ot Ou Ov Ow Ox Oy Oz
P Pa Pb Pc Pd Pe Pf Pg Ph Pi Pj Pk Pl Pm Pn Po Pp Pq Pr Ps Pt Pu Pv Pw Px Py Pz
Q Qa Qb Qc Qd Qe Qf Qg Qh Qi Qj Qk Ql Qm Qn Qo Qp Qq Qr Qs Qt Qu Qv Qw Qx Qy Qz
R Ra Rb Rc Rd Re Rf Rg Rh Ri Rj Rk Rl Rm Rn Ro Rp Rq Rr Rs Rt Ru Rv Rw Rx Ry Rz
S Sa Sb Sc Sd Se Sf Sg Sh Si Sj Sk Sl Sm Sn So Sp Sq Sr Ss St Su Sv Sw Sx Sy Sz
T Ta Tb Tc Td Te Tf Tg Th Ti Tj Tk Tl Tm Tn To Tp Tq Tr Ts Tt Tu Tv Tw Tx Ty Tz
U Ua Ub Uc Ud Ue Uf Ug Uh Ui Uj Uk Ul Um Un Uo Up Uq Ur Us Ut Uu Uv Uw Ux Uy Uz
V Va Vb Vc Vd Ve Vf Vg Vh Vi Vj Vk Vl Vm Vn Vo Vp Vq Vr Vs Vt Vu Vv Vw Vx Vy Vz
W Wa Wb Wc Wd We Wf Wg Wh Wi Wj Wk Wl Wm Wn Wo Wp Wq Wr Ws Wt Wu Wv Ww Wx Wy Wz
X Xa Xb Xc Xd Xe Xf Xg Xh Xi Xj Xk Xl Xm Xn Xo Xp Xq Xr Xs Xt Xu Xv Xw Xx Xy Xz
Y Ya Yb Yc Yd Ye Yf Yg Yh Yi Yj Yk Yl Ym Yn Yo Yp Yq Yr Ys Yt Yu Yv Yw Yx Yy Yz
Z Za Zb Zc Zd Ze Zf Zg Zh Zi Zj Zk Zl Zm Zn Zo Zp Zq Zr Zs Zt Zu Zv Zw Zx Zy Zz
A Aa Ab Ac Ad Ae Af Ag Ah Ai Aj Ak Al Am An Ao Ap Aq Ar As At Au Av Aw Ax Ay Az
B Ba Bb Bc Bd Be Bf Bg Bh Bi Bj Bk Bl Bm Bn Bo Bp Bq Br Bs Bt Bu Bv Bw Bx By Bz
C Ca Cb Cc Cd Ce Cf Cg Ch Ci Cj Ck Cl Cm Cn Co Cp Cq Cr Cs Ct Cu Cv Cw Cx Cy Cz
D Da Db Dc Dd De Df Dg Dh Di Dj Dk Dl Dm Dn Do Dp Dq Dr Ds Dt Du Dv Dw Dx Dy Dz
E Ea Eb Ec Ed Ee Ef Eg Eh Ei Ej Ek El Em En Eo Ep Eq Er Es Et Eu Ev Ew Ex Ey Ez
F Fa Fb Fc Fd Fe Ff Fg Fh Fi Fj Fk Fl Fm Fn Fo Fp Fq Fr Fs Ft Fu Fv Fw Fx Fy Fz
G Ga Gb Gc Gd Ge Gf Gg Gh Gi Gj Gk Gl Gm Gn Go Gp Gq Gr Gs Gt Gu Gv Gw Gx Gy Gz
H Ha Hb Hc Hd He Hf Hg Hh Hi Hj Hk Hl Hm Hn Ho Hp Hq Hr Hs Ht Hu Hv Hw Hx Hy Hz
I Ia Ib Ic Id Ie If Ig Ih Ii Ij Ik Il Im In Io Ip Iq Ir Is It Iu Iv Iw Ix Iy Iz
J Ja Jb Jc Jd Je Jf Jg Jh Ji Jj Jk Jl Jm Jn Jo Jp Jq Jr Js Jt Ju Jv Jw Jx Jy Jz
K Ka Kb Kc Kd Ke Kf Kg Kh Ki Kj Kk Kl Km Kn Ko Kp Kq Kr Ks Kt Ku Kv Kw Kx Ky Kz
L La Lb Lc Ld Le Lf Lg Lh Li Lj Lk Ll Lm Ln Lo Lp Lq Lr Ls Lt Lu Lv Lw Lx Ly Lz
M Ma Mb Mc Md Me Mf Mg Mh Mi Mj Mk Ml Mm Mn Mo Mp Mq Mr Ms Mt Mu Mv Mw Mx My Mz
N Na Nb Nc Nd Ne Nf Ng Nh Ni Nj Nk Nl Nm Nn No Np Nq Nr Ns Nt Nu Nv Nw Nx Ny Nz
O Oa Ob Oc Od Oe Of Og Oh Oi Oj Ok Ol Om On Oo Op Oq Or Os Ot Ou Ov Ow Ox Oy Oz
P Pa Pb Pc Pd Pe Pf Pg Ph Pi Pj Pk Pl Pm Pn Po Pp Pq Pr Ps Pt Pu Pv Pw Px Py Pz
Q Qa Qb Qc Qd Qe Qf Qg Qh Qi Qj Qk Ql Qm Qn Qo Qp Qq Qr Qs Qt Qu Qv Qw Qx Qy Qz
R Ra Rb Rc Rd Re Rf Rg Rh Ri Rj Rk Rl Rm Rn Ro Rp Rq Rr Rs Rt Ru Rv Rw Rx Ry Rz
S Sa Sb Sc Sd Se Sf Sg Sh Si Sj Sk Sl Sm Sn So Sp Sq Sr Ss St Su Sv Sw Sx Sy Sz
T Ta Tb Tc Td Te Tf Tg Th Ti Tj Tk Tl Tm Tn To Tp Tq Tr Ts Tt Tu Tv Tw Tx Ty Tz
U Ua Ub Uc Ud Ue Uf Ug Uh Ui Uj Uk Ul Um Un Uo Up Uq Ur Us Ut Uu Uv Uw Ux Uy Uz
V Va Vb Vc Vd Ve Vf Vg Vh Vi Vj Vk Vl Vm Vn Vo Vp Vq Vr Vs Vt Vu Vv Vw Vx Vy Vz
W Wa Wb Wc Wd We Wf Wg Wh Wi Wj Wk Wl Wm Wn Wo Wp Wq Wr Ws Wt Wu Wv Ww Wx Wy Wz
X Xa Xb Xc Xd Xe Xf Xg Xh Xi Xj Xk Xl Xm Xn Xo Xp Xq Xr Xs Xt Xu Xv Xw Xx Xy Xz
Y Ya Yb Yc Yd Ye Yf Yg Yh Yi Yj Yk Yl Ym Yn Yo Yp Yq Yr Ys Yt Yu Yv Yw Yx Yy Yz
Z Za Zb Zc Zd Ze Zf Zg Zh Zi Zj Zk Zl Zm Zn Zo Zp Zq Zr Zs Zt Zu Zv Zw Zx Zy Zz
This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 10 total.
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- Pixar album covers (27 F)
Pages in category "Album covers"
The following page is in this category, out of 5 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
(previous page) (next page)(previous page) (next page)Media in category "Album covers"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 215,414 total.
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- File:HP Lovecraft album.jpg
- File:HP Lovecraft II.jpg
- File:HPAnotherDay.jpg
- File:Hplovecraftlivemay111968.jpg
- File:HR It's about Luv.jpg
- File:Hrabro.jpg
- File:Hrana za golubove.jpg
- File:HRCloverocks.jpg
- File:Hridayam album cover.jpg
- File:Hridayi Vasant Phulatana.jpg
- File:Hridayi Vasant Phultana.jpg
- File:Hrs and Hrs August Alsina remix cover.jpg
- File:Hrs and Hrs Usher remix cover.jpg
- File:Hrsmnproject cover.jpg
- File:Hrsta GWKCOE.jpg
- File:Hrvy - Personal.png
- File:Hrvy and Malu Trevejo - Hasta Luego.png
- File:Hryspa hryspa.JPG
- File:Hryspa100.jpg
- File:Hryspachancetolove.jpg
- File:Hryspatora.jpg
- File:HsHoliday.jpg
- File:HSilver Newport58 cover001.jpg
- File:HSM El Desafio CD.JPG
- File:HSMHRemixed.jpg
- File:HSS-EP Cover.jpg
- File:HSS-F&S EP Cover..jpg
- File:Hstance fozzy.jpg
- File:Hta-dtua.jpg
- File:HTDA - An Omen EP cover.jpeg
- File:HTDA - Welcome Oblivion album vinyl cover.jpg
- File:HTDA single.jpg
- File:HTDAphysical.jpg
- File:Htftddisc.jpg
- File:HTL coasttocoast.jpg
- File:HTM Tiartrop Fles.png
- File:HTP - Live In Tokyo.jpg
- File:HTP (Hughes Turner Project album - cover art).jpg
- File:HTP2 (Hughes Turner Project album - cover art).jpg
- File:Htwoowigb.jpg
- File:Htyta1.jpg
- File:HU DOTDCover.jpg
- File:Hu Hu Hu by Natalia Lafourcade.jpg
- File:HU New Empire, Vol. 2.jpg
- File:Huang Chung CD.jpg
- File:Huang Chung UK album cover.JPG
- File:Huasita Regalona.png
- File:Hub Cap (album).jpg
- File:Hub-Tones.jpg
- File:Hubbard album.jpg
- File:Hubbard strong.jpg
- File:Hubcapmusic.jpg
- File:Hubert Kah Engel 07 1984 single cover.jpg
- File:Hubert Kah Hubert Kah 1996 album cover.jpg
- File:Hubert Kah Limousine 1986 single cover.jpg
- File:Hubert Kah Military Drums 1987 single cover.jpg
- File:Hubert Laws Flute By-Laws.jpg
- File:Hubert Wu - I Was Here.jpg
- File:Hubert-Kah-Ten-Songs-Album.jpg
- File:Hubertkahsoundofmyheartalbum.jpeg
- File:Hubris (album).jpg
- File:Hubris I & II.jpg
- File:HUCD 3133.jpg
- File:HuckABucksLive album.png
- File:Hucklebuck.jpeg
- File:Hudson album cover.jpg
- File:Hudson Mohawke - Chimes EP cover.jpg
- File:Hudson Mohawke - Chimes RMX single cover.jpeg
- File:Hudson River Wind Meditations.jpg
- File:HudsonMohawkeLatern.jpg
- File:Hue and Cry (album).jpg
- File:Hue and Cry Labours of Love – The Best of Hue and Cry album cover.jpg
- File:Hueandcryremote.jpg
- File:Hueandcryseducedandabandoned.jpg
- File:Huele a peligro.jpg
- File:Huella campesina.png
- File:Huellas (Myriam Hernández album).jpg
- File:Huellas yuri.jpg
- File:Hues (album).jpg
- File:Huevos (album).jpg
- File:Huey Dunbar - Yo Si Me Enamoré.png
- File:Huey Lewis & the News - Four Chords & Several Years Ago.jpg
- File:Huey Lewis & the News - Hard at Play.jpg
- File:Huey Lewis & the News - Huey Lewis & the News.jpg
- File:Huey Lewis & the News - Picture This.jpg
- File:Huey Lewis & the News - Plan B.jpg
- File:Huey Lewis and the News - Greatest Hits (digital).png
- File:Huey Lewis and the News - Small World.jpg
- File:Huey Lewis and the News - Sports.png
- File:Huey Lewis and the News Weather.jpg
- File:Huey lewis Hits Videos.jpg
- File:Huey-lewis-and-the-news-the-power-of-love-chysalis-US-German-cover.jpg
- File:Huey-Redemption-LP-Cover-Art.jpg
- File:HueyDunbar-MusicForMyPeoples.jpg
- File:Hueylewis liveat25.jpg
- File:Hueylhtbs5510406786331740.jpg
- File:HueyNotebookPaper.JPG
- File:HueyPL&D.JPG
- File:HuffamooseHadAgain.jpg
- File:HuffamooseKneeslappers.jpg
- File:HuffamoosePants.jpg
- File:HuffamooseSelfTitled.jpg
- File:Huffy (album).jpg
- File:Hug Air A Bhonaid Mhoir.png
- File:Hug of Thunder cover.jpg
- File:Caroline's Spine Huge.jpg
- File:Huge Hits 99.jpg
- File:Huge Hits 1998.jpg
- File:Hugel, Topic and Arash - I Adore You.png
- File:HuggyBear Troubled2.jpg
- File:HuggyBear Weaponry.jpg
- File:Hugh Blumenfeld - Mozart's Money.albumcover.jpg
- File:Hugh Blumenfeld - The Strong in Spirit.albumcover.jpg
- File:Hugh Cornwell - Moments of Madness.png
- File:Hugh Cornwell And Robert Williams - Nosferatu album cover.jpg
- File:Hugh Hopper and Kramer - A Remark Hugh Made.jpeg
- File:Hugh Hopper and Kramer - Huge.jpg
- File:Hugh Masekela - Home Is Where the Music Is.jpg
- File:Hugh masekela - revival.jpg
- File:Hugh Masekela - The Chisa Years.jpg
- File:Hugh Masekela - The Promise of a Future.jpg
- File:Hugh Masekela – The Americanization Of Ooga Booga.jpg
- File:Hugh Masekela & The Union of South Africa.jpg
- File:Hugh Masekela Is Alive and Well at the Whisky - album cover.jpg
- File:Hugh Masekela's Latest - album cover.jpg
- File:Hugh Ragin An Afternoon in Harlem.jpg
- File:Hugh Ragin Back to Saturn.jpg
- File:Hugh Ragin Fanfare & Fiesta.jpg
- File:Hugh Ragin Feel the Sunshine.jpg
- File:Hugh Ragin Marc Sabatella Gallery.jpg
- File:Hugh Ragin Revelation.jpg
- File:Hugh Ragin Sound Pictures.jpg
- File:Hugh-Masekela-Jabulani-Cover.jpg
- File:Hugh-masekela-s-next-album-hugh-masekela.jpg
- File:HughCornwellMayday.jpg
- File:HughCornwellMonster.jpg
- File:Hughes Downes - Work Tapes.jpg
- File:Hughes Thrall Cover.jpg
- File:Hugo (Original Score).jpg
- File:Hugo Blanco - Moliendo Cafe.jpg
- File:Hugo Ferreira - Carol of the Bells artwork.png
- File:HUHotelKalifornia.jpg
- File:Hui - Whu Is Me - Complex.png
- File:Hula Hoop.jpg
- File:Hulk (soundtrack).png
- File:Hullabaloo - Beat Until Stiff.jpg
- File:Hullabaloo - Dead Serious Album.jpg
- File:Hullabaloo - It's Not Enough to be Loud.jpg
- File:Hullabaloo - Lubritorium.jpg
- File:Hullabaloo - The Farm.jpg
- File:Hullabaloo (band) -- Regurgitator.jpg
- File:Hullabaloo by Absent Friends.png
- File:Hullabaloodvd.jpg
- File:Hulogkanglangit.jpg
- File:HulogNgLangit-DonnaCruz.png
- File:Huludreissue cover.jpg
- File:Hum - Downward Is Heavenward.JPG
- File:Hum - Electra 2000.png
- File:Hum - You'd Prefer an Astronaut.png
- File:Hum Aapke Hain Koun.. (soundtrack).jpg
- File:Hum And Strum Along.jpg
- File:Hum Tum Cover.jpg
- File:Humaine.jpg
- File:Human - Oscar Zia.jpg
- File:Human - Rag'n'Bone Man Single.png
- File:Human (album).jpg
- File:Human (Lenny Kravitz song 1).jpg
- File:Human (Leo Ku album) cover.jpg
- File:Human Album.jpg
- File:Human Arts Ensemble Whisper of Dharma 1.jpg
- File:Human Arts Ensemble Whisper of Dharma 2.jpg
- File:Human Behaviour (Single Artwork).png
- File:Human Beings (single).jpg
- File:Human by Tom Thum.jpg
- File:Human Clay.jpg
- File:Human Darren Criss.jpg
- File:Human Design by Birds of Tokyo.png
- File:Human Distortion 16-17 EP Artwork.jpg
- File:Human Emergency.album.jpg
- File:Human Error- Ways to Selfdestruction.jpg
- File:Human error.jpg
- File:Human Garbage.album.jpg
- File:Human hearts.jpg
- File:Human highway - moddy motorcycle.jpg
- File:Human League Crash.jpg
- File:Human League Greatest Hits 1988.jpg
- File:Human League Greatest Hits 1996.jpg
- File:Human League Human.jpg
- File:Human League Octopus.jpg
- File:Human League Romantic.jpg
- File:Human League Secrets.jpg
- File:Human Like a House.jpg
- File:Human Love by Coloured Stone.png
- File:Human Museum.jpg
- File:Human Music.jpg
- File:Human Nature - The Christmas Album cover art.jpg
- File:Human Nature A Symphony Of Hits.JPG
- File:Human nature cover art.jpg
- File:Human Nature Get Ready Album Cover.jpg
- File:Human Nature Gimme Some Lovin'.jpg