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Wikipedia:Unusual articles/Science

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The sound of ancient pottery.
Not dead, just resting.
Archaeoacoustics Can ancient pottery be used to play back recorded voices from the distant past?
Airborne radioactivity increase in Europe in autumn 2017 It's bizarre, but it did happen.
Ota Benga The tragic story of a Pygmy man from the Belgian Congo who was briefly exhibited in the Bronx Zoo.
Beringer's Lying Stones Fossils planted by God? No, just a prank created to discredit a professor whom the hoaxers didn't like.
Buttered cat paradox If a cat always lands on its feet and toast always lands buttered-side-down, what if...?
Buttered toast phenomenon But only if you're eating at a table.
Campanology For the good of society, we must study how to properly ring bells.
Claude Émile Jean-Baptiste Litre SI rules says you can't use a capital letter for a unit unless it's named after a person, but everyone uses L for the litre... so they made up a namesake.
Cneoridium dumosum (Nuttall) Hooker F. Collected March 26, 1960, at an Elevation of about 1450 Meters on Cerro Quemazón, 15 Miles South of Bahía de Los Angeles, Baja California, México, Apparently for a Southeastward Range Extension of Some 140 Miles This scientific paper has the longest article name on Wikipedia (250 characters out of a possible 255). The paper itself only has five words, though.
Vladimir Demikhov Eminent Soviet biologist and father of the canine head transplant.
Drake's Plate of Brass A forgery-related practical joke that went horribly awry.
Elvis taxon A taxon (species, genus, family, etc.) that is extinct but is later imitated by others.
Further research is needed Some journals have banned this infuriating and redundant cliché. Some researchers are researching its effects, but FRIN...
Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Laboratory You may have had a chemistry set when you were a child. I bet it didn't come with radioactive substances in the box.
Greeble Stimuli used in studies of object and face recognition with hilarious names.
Lazarus taxon Leaping Lazarus! Somewhat like Monty Python's Dead Parrot, it's not really dead; it's just resting.
List of Ig Nobel Prize winners Nobel Prize meets Weird Science. Result: Award-winning papers like "Injuries Due to Falling Coconuts" and "Chickens Prefer Beautiful Humans".
Nylon-eating bacteria and creationism The intersection of science and religion in a simple bacterium.
'Pataphysics A parody of science that purports to study what lies beyond the realm of metaphysics.
Archaeological interest of Pedra da Gávea Did ancient Phoenicians visit Brazil centuries before the Portuguese? Actually, no, they did not.
Pathological science A pejorative term for scientific ideas that will simply not "go away", long after they are given up on as wrong by the majority of scientists in the field.
Project Steve In response to creationists' attempts to create a list of evolution-denying scientists, this even longer list consists of scientists who believe in evolution and are called Steve (or some variation).
Raven paradox First, you'll grant that all ravens are black, yes...?
Sokal affair Physicist Alan Sokal demonstrates that at least some postmodernists can't see an emperor with no clothes.
Timeline of the far future The ultimate list of spoilers. Also gives you an existential crisis.
Halomonas titanicae A unique bacteria found at the Wreck of the Titanic.
John G. Trump A physicist and inventor with a quite underrated career. Among other things, he was the co-inventor of one of the first million-volt X-ray generators and the man that analyzed Nikola Tesla's hotel room after his death. Also the paternal uncle of Donald Trump.
Women-are-wonderful effect A subconscious bias that makes people consider positive attributes to be connected to women more than men, regardless of the gender you ask.


This blue-looking noise is actually pink.
"It's Professor Pauli! Quick, pack that stuff away!"
Anatoli Bugorski What happens when you stick your head in a particle accelerator?
Colors of noise Including white, pink, purple, blue...
David Hahn A 17-year-old, known as the Radioactive Boy Scout, who irradiated his back yard attempting to build a nuclear breeder reactor from spare parts.
Demon core A two-time radioactive killer.
Deutsche Physik Or "German physics" during the Third Reich.
F. D. C. Willard A published author in the field of cryogenics, and a cat.
Fictional elements, materials, isotopes and subatomic particles Not actual periodic elements. Many end in '-ite'. Some of the elements may indeed be minerals.
Fourth, fifth, and sixth derivatives of position Named after a famous cereal phenomenon.
Flying ice cube They happen to live inside the computers of scientists trying to simulate molecules.
Frog battery A curious experiment to determine the existence of animal electricity.
Impossible color Try to see it!
Kundt's tube A serious piece of scientific apparatus whose name has induced sniggering among English-speaking schoolchildren for over 150 years.
List of unusual units of measurement Fortnights and nibbles, super feet and Sagans.
Mpemba effect Hot water freezes faster than cool water, and no one is sure why. Also probably the only scientific term named after a Tanzanian schoolboy.
Oh-My-God particle Proof that physicists have a dramatic flair.
Pauli effect Something in the lab not working? Technical difficulties? Blame this guy.
Quantum suicide and immortality An infinite number of parallel universes means that any one person will always live forever.
Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube What happens when you blow in a hole in a tube? Hot air comes out one end and cold air comes out the other. No consensus reached on why it happens yet.
Rheology of peanut butter A serious analysis of the tastiest viscoelastic colloid.
Shower-curtain effect Nobody knows why when you turn on the hot water in the shower, the curtain blows in.
Smoot A strange unit of distance used to measure the Harvard Bridge.
Sound of fingernails scraping chalkboard Urrrgggh!
The Hum A phenomenon involving a persistent and invasive low-frequency noise of a humming character and unknown origin, not audible to all people, reported in various geographical locations.

Earth sciences

"It's flat and that's all there is to it."
"No, this definitely isn't flat, but it's the other way!"
Aachenosaurus A fossil plant that was mistakenly identified as a dinosaur.
Andrée's Arctic balloon expedition An ill-fated attempt to reach the North Pole in 1897.
Ararat anomaly A strange geological element that, for years, has confused practicing Christians and geologists.
Bloop Does a mystery sound from the bottom of the sea indicate that Cthulhu may awake...?
Catatumbo lightning At one lake in Venezuela, constant thunderstorms are just a regular occurrence.
Floyd Collins A cave explorer from the early 20th century that got stuck in a cave in Kentucky. Despite a massive rescue effort, he ended up dying there, but that wasn't the end of his story.
Continental drip A playful theory devised to explain why the continents are tapered toward the south.
Expanding Earth A theory that the Earth is growing.
Gore effect Whereby it gets colder when climate change campaigners come to town.
Hector (cloud) A cumulonimbus thundercloud cluster that forms regularly nearly every afternoon on the Tiwi Islands in the Northern Territory of Australia, from approximately September to March each year. Also known as "Hector the Convector."
Kentucky meat shower It's raining meat. Hallelujah it's raining meat.
List of unexplained sounds Must've been the wind.
Mumbai "sweet" seawater incident Salty creek becomes sweet for one tide cycle.
Rain of animals When it's literally raining cats and dogs.
Red rain in Kerala Did blood rain from the sky?
Snow in Florida Yes, snow is not unknown in the "Sunshine State".
South-up map orientation The crew of Apollo 17 snapped Earth with Antarctica on top. NASA followed Ptolemy and rotated it "back".
Roy Sullivan An unlucky park ranger who was hit by lightning on seven separate occasions. He survived them all, but came to his own tragic end.
Tinnunculite A recently discovered mineral that forms from bird feces.
Waffle House Index The U.S. government's alternative measure of disaster impact.
Weather rock The only 100% active and 100% accurate meteorologist.

Chemistry and material science

Warning: It's LETHAL.
At last – the look of BO. Sounds fishy?
9,10-Dithioanthracene The molecule that walks.
Botulinum toxin One of the most deadly substances known is nonetheless extremely common in the cosmetic industry.
26th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union The largest gem diamond ever found in Russia.
Dihydrogen monoxide A commonly used chemical that can be deadly to all forms of plant and animal life, contributing to global warming, erosion, acid rain, torture and countless other maladies. Or... that's what they want you to think.
Elephant's Foot One of the world's most toxic objects, created as a product of the Chernobyl disaster.
Fogbank A nuclear warhead-related material so classified that its creators – the U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration – forgot how to make it.
Goiânia accident The world's worst nuclear incident that didn't begin in a radioactive power plant.
List of chemical compounds with unusual names Some a consequence of their constituents or origins, others simply the work of whimsical chemists.
Thomas Midgley Jr. Inventor of two of the world's most severe pollutants – and a machine that killed him.
NanoPutian A series of organic molecules having a structure that looks human.
New car smell Ahh, that new car smell. What do you mean, it might be toxic?
Nitrogen triiodide What's purple and explodes if a feather brushes it?
Orotidine 5'-phosphate decarboxylase Known for its extreme catalysis, this enzyme can reduce the time required for a reaction from 78 million years to 18 milliseconds.
Pitch drop experiment The world's most viscous liquid, dripping out of a funnel at the University of Queensland since 1927. There's been 9 drops so far.
James Price An alchemist who went to the most extreme lengths possible to avoid having to prove his findings.
Pykrete A bullet-resistant frozen-water compound once used in an attempt to create an aircraft carrier.
Smell of freshly cut grass A nostalgic odor that plays a role in plant communication as a chemical cry of agony.
Thiotimoline A fictional chemical which dissolves before it comes into contact with water.
Trimethylaminuria Do you smell something fishy? It may be you!
Unobtainium A term used to describe any material with properties that are unlikely or impossible for any real material to possess.

Space and astronomy

Elon Musk did it again.
All watched over by machines of loving grace.
That's no moon... Oh wait.
"Of course, it never reached the Moon..."
1561 celestial phenomenon over Nuremberg Perhaps one of the first "alien" sightings in recorded history.
Apollo 15 postal covers incident Three astronauts never flew to space again after being paid to take postal covers with them on Apollo 15. But that's not much of a punishment though, considering they got to go to the freakin' Moon.
Blue Origin v. United States & Space Exploration Technologies Corp. Two companies got into a brat fight and sued NASA in the process.
Judith Love Cohen One of the most important female scientists involved with the Apollo program, and Jack Black's mother. Some might say this is not the best article on Wikipedia.... this is just a tribute to her.
Cosmic latte The average colour of the Universe: a slightly beige white.
Cydonia (Mars) You've heard of the man on the Moon, now get ready for the "Face on Mars", well, sort of...
Edward Makuka Nkoloso The leader of a non-government Zambian space program planned to send "Afronauts" to Mars with the goal of establishing a Christian ministry to civilise Martians.
Elon Musk's Tesla Roadster Driving in space becomes reality.
Embryo space colonization A proposal for colonizing space using embryos raised by robots.
Extraterrestrial real estate Want to buy a housing plot on the Moon?
Fallen Astronaut A small statuette which is the only sculpture on the Moon.
Fe, Fi, Fo, Fum, and Phooey Five mice who circled the Moon 75 times on Apollo 17, among the last eight Earthlings to travel to the Moon. Upon returning to Earth, the four remaining living mice were soon murdered and dissected in the name of science. ("That's one small squeak...")
Finger of God Globule A molecular cloud known for resembling the middle finger, a hand pointing at other stars, and worst of all, ...a penis?
Gauss's Pythagorean right triangle proposal Proposal of Pythagorean theorem "drawing" to be constructed in the Siberian tundra as a signal for extraterrestrials.
Harlan J. Smith Telescope Have you heard about the telescope that got shot? Contrary to initial reports, the harm from the bullets was extraordinary small.
Hot, dust-obscured galaxy Hot DOGs, anyone?
International Space Station cannabis experiment hoax Need we say more?
Jovian–Plutonian gravitational effect Sadly, the alignment of two planets wouldn't allow the British public to float. Maybe the fact that the news came out on April 1 should have clued them in.
List of hypothetical Solar System objects The planets that could have been. You think Pluto had it rough? At least it got its fifteen minutes of astronomical fame.
Lunarcrete Perfect for building your own cut-price Moon base.
Mars Climate Orbiter Failed Mars mission that disintegrated in the Martian atmosphere due to a unit conversion error.
Matrioshka brain Star-sized computer.
Milkdromeda The birth of a future galaxy, and the death of our own.
Mimas (moon) A moon that looks like the Death Star.
The Moon is made of green cheese Scientific consensus says it isn't, but are there people (or wolves) who think so?
Moon landing conspiracy theories Fake photos, slow-motion cameras and secret studios. All directed by Stanley Kubrick.
Moon Museum Only two people have ever seen its exhibits in person.
Nazi UFOs Did the Luftwaffe, in fact, explore the final frontier and make contact with alien races? Whether the secret Nazi base is on the Moon or in Antarctica, the truth is apparently out there.
Nuclear pasta Gnocchi, spaghetti, lasagna, bucatini and Swiss cheese may sound tasty at first, until you realized that one teaspoon of this pasta outweighs Mount Everest...
Peryton (astronomy) Don't use microwaves next to radio telescopes!
Seatbelt basalt A lunar sample spotted by David Scott while driving the Lunar Roving Vehicle on the moon. He assumed that mission control wouldn't allow him to stop and get it, so he pretended he was fastening his seatbelt.
Sex in space And when you've exhausted the list, here's something new to try!
Solway Firth Spaceman "Wasn't there when I took the pic – honest!"
Space advertising Plans to launch giant billboards into space.
Space elevator competitions How high can you go?
Spaghettification What happens when you fall into a black hole.
Space Poop Challenge A challenge in 2016 to design a new toilet system for use in space.
Space selfie Doing it for the 'gram.
Stolen and missing Moon rocks The rocks were out of this world! Unfortunately, they fell into the wrong hands.
Supermoon It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Supermoon! (Actually, this is a phenomenon where the moon appears slightly larger than normal. Still impressive, though.)
Sylacauga (meteorite) The first fallen meteorite in recorded history to have verifiably injured a human.
Tabby's Star A star that has been suggested to have an alien megastructure surrounding it.
Timekeeping on Mars How Martians know when they are.
Vatican Observatory One of the few official scientific institutions linked with the Catholic Church.
Voyager Golden Record A compilation of sounds and images of humanity on a phonograph record made of gold-plated copper. It was sent to space in 1977 and is currently the farthest man-made object from Earth.
274301 Wikipedia An asteroid named after Wikipedia. We truly came to the stars.
Wow! signal Alien radio transmission, or, at least, the strongest candidate for that role.
Writing in space How do you write in space?
iPTF14hls A star that seems to have exploded 6 times in the past 70 years.

Medicine and health

Suckling on a tasty goat.
Well, stone me...
Quick – grab a tissue!
Got one of those headaches that just won't go away?
The pharmacy called; your maggot prescription is ready for pick-up
Man, just brush your teeth!
Put them where the sun doesn't shine.
Accessory breast Some people have more than two.
Alien hand syndrome An unusual neurological disorder, also known as "Dr. Strangelove syndrome", whereby one of the sufferer's hands seems to take on a life of its own.
Anal wink Here's looking at you!
Auto-brewery syndrome Like a microbrewery in your digestive system.
Banana equivalent dose A banana for scale.
Black hairy tongue Really?
Bristol stool scale Taking a close look at a toilet bowl for the sake of science. The scale was inspired by eye charts.
ChIA-PET Chromatin Interaction Analysis by Paired-End Tag sequencing, that is.
Chronic Lyme disease A conspiracy theory about long-lasting effects of Lyme disease, not to be confused with actual latent symptoms of lyme disease
Coffee enema A bizarre type of alternative medicine.
Danger triangle of the face A very specific area of your face where bursting a boil could mean certain death.
Dimples of Venus For fans of those dimples you don't find on a face.
DNA origami
RNA origami
Two different types of nanoscale origami.
Dr. Young's Ideal Rectal Dilators Forcibly withdrawn after officials clamped down on them.
Eigengrau The color seen by the eye in perfect darkness.
Fart lighting The act of igniting gases produced by human flatulence.
Fiddler's neck Maybe this is proof that God hates violinists.
Five-second rule The notion that food dropped on the floor is safe to eat only as long as it's picked up within five seconds.
Geographical tongue When a map appears on your tongue.
Gynecomastia Also known as "man boobs" or "moobs".
Hair-grooming syncope Who knew that brushing your hair could be deadly?
Human–animal breastfeeding If you have breast milk to spare, a puppy, piglet or monkey would like to hear from you.
Hypertrichosis Also known as "human werewolf syndrome".
Hypoalgesic effect of swearing Got hurt? Swear the pain away!
Jenkem Huffing the gas from fermented human feces for a hallucinating effect.
Jogger's nipple That uncomfortable friction some people get while running has a name.
Louse-feeder In search of a cure for typhus, humans let lice feed on them.
Lucky iron fish Treat anemia by putting an iron fish in your soup.
Maggot therapy Those hungry, wriggling little larvae will clean up festering wounds because they are hungry.
Male lactation Given the right conditions, just about any male can do it.
Maple syrup urine disease For once, a sweet smell you don't want your infants exuding.
Medical students' disease A condition frequently reported in medical students who perceive themselves to be experiencing the symptoms of the diseases they are studying.
Mellified man A legendary medicinal substance from Arabia involving honey.
Michelin tire baby syndrome Babies that look like the Michelin man.
Moebius syndrome A disease, most envied by poker players, that makes facial expressions impossible.
Mucophagy The consumption of mucus.
Nacirema An obscure New World tribe with some interesting practices.
Navel lint A study proves that most belly button fluff is blue and that women are less likely to have it.
Nasal sebum Yes, that stuff on the surface of your nose.
Old person smell Apparently developed to allow humans to avoid partnering with people who are too old for them. Not to be confused with death smell (though they're not incompatible in some places).
Osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis A tooth in the eye (is worth two in the foot?).
Paleofeces Our ancestors' poop. Worth a close look, apparently.
Peanut butter test A diagnostic test for Alzheimer's disease which measures subjects' ability to smell peanut butter through each nostril.
Photic sneeze reflex People who sneeze when suddenly exposed to bright light.
Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis That's a mouthful! Good thing it has a much shorter name: silicosis.
Powder of sympathy Healing a wound of war by applying a powder... to the weapon that caused it.
Rapunzel syndrome Chewing on your hair is one thing, but actually eating it can have some untoward results.
Resting bitch face Some people may look angry or contemptuous when they're actually perfectly relaxed.
Retained surgical instruments An unfortunate possible side-effect of surgery.
Schmidt sting pain index An entomologist is stung by just about everything known to sting and, en route, describes the pain involved in terms of a four-point comparative scale.
Supernumerary nipple A condition in which one has an additional nipple. Apparently 1 in 18 people have this condition.
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy Yes, you can die from a broken heart.
Thumb twiddling Maybe this is unusual to you.
Traditional Chinese medicines derived from the human body Just because you're not a rhino, or a tiger, or a pangolin, doesn't mean you're safe.
Trepanation A form of surgery where a hole is drilled or scraped into the skull. It was thought that such a procedure could cure problems like epilepsy or allow a person to enter into a higher state of consciousness.
Uncombable hair syndrome Not just a bad hair day.
White-nose syndrome Bats with white noses: sounds cute, is horrifying.

Human sexuality and reproduction

"Fresh-baked dildos for sale!"
Biscuits, before being made soggy.
Autocunnilingus Like autofellatio (see below), but much more difficult.
Autofellatio Acts of oral self-stimulation.
Armin Meiwes German guy who met another German guy on a Yahoo Gay-Kannibalengruppe (they exist) in 2001. The rest, as they say, is history...
Bathroom sex Ever wanted to defecate and have sex at the same time? Well now you can!
Bread dildo A supposed sex toy originating from Ancient Greece, made of bread.
Cello scrotum A hoax illness allegedly affecting male cello players.
Coregasm An orgasm caused by exercising of the core abdominal muscles.
Death during consensual sex Talk about going out with a bang...
Donkey punch Allegedly a sex move involving punching one's partner in the back of the head during intercourse.
Female hysteria A once-common diagnosis of a range of symptoms in women, cured through masturbation.
Footsies Did you know? It's possible for a couple to flirt by touching each other's legs.
Gerbilling An urban legend about a sexual practice purportedly conducted. It was made popular by South Park.
Global Orgasm for Peace Oh yeah, the end of human conflict just turns me on...
Hamster zona-free ovum test A test – sometimes called a "hamster test" – involving human semen, hamster eggs and a petri dish.
Human penis size Scientific data on average size, racial variations, surgical enlargement and urban legends.
Koro A condition where one (mistakenly) believes that his or her genitals are slowly disappearing.
Lithopedion The rare condition of an unborn fetus calcifying.
Male pregnancy For now, it's just a seahorse thing, but...
Napoleon's penis (Allegedly) cut off after his death and, among other things, displayed at a museum in Manhattan.
National Masturbation Day Not related to the week, and certainly not related to the month.
Parasitic twin A medical condition where one of two conjoined twins lacks essential organs and must rely on the other for survival, often leeching its blood. An especially rare variant of this, fetus in fetu, involves one partially formed fetus developing within the body of the other.
Persistent genital arousal disorder Not as funny as it may sound.
Post-coital tristesse "But after the enjoyment of sensual pleasure is passed, the greatest sadness follows." Baruch Spinoza
Puppy pregnancy syndrome A condition found in remote regions of India in which people believe they have conceived a puppy shortly after being bitten by a dog.
Rumpology Theory that a person's buttocks reveal a person's past and future.
Scrotal inflation For real now, boys: DO NOT try this at home. You can put your life at risk while doing it.
Self-inflicted caesarean section A harrowing practice, verified to have occurred at least five times.
Sexual headache Not the one that wives pretend to have to dissuade their husbands; this type happens during the act.
Sleep sex A form of parasomnia (similar to sleepwalking) that causes people to engage in sexual acts while they are asleep.
Smoking fetishism Apparently, this is a thing.
Soggy biscuit Don't finish last, whatever you do.
Zombie pornography Modern reincarnation of necrophilia.

Individual patients and staff

This skull's owner didn't even get a headache – but he was a changed man.
Elisabeth Anderson Sierra Diagnosed with hyperlactation syndrome, her generous donations of excess breast milk have earned her the title of "Milk Goddess".
Jaxon Buell A child born with only 20% of a brain. He lived for 5 years despite doctors' expectations that he would only live for 1 year.
Jeanne Calment A Frenchwoman with the longest verified human lifespan in recorded history. She was 122 at the time of her death.
Legrand G. Capers The only person ever to witness a woman being impregnated by a bullet.
Stubbins Ffirth An American trainee doctor who went to unusual lengths in his quest to prove that yellow fever is not contagious.
Phineas Gage A 19th-century construction worker who survived a three-foot-long (0.91 m) tamping iron going through his skull. His resultant behavioral changes have made him an important figure in the development of neuroscience.
Genie A feral child who was neglected by her father and was locked in a room for the first 13 years of her life.
James Harrison An Australian man whose 1,173 blood donations have saved over 2.5 million babies.
Abby and Brittany Hensel Conjoined twins with separate heads but joined bodies.
Paul Karason An American man known for having blue skin.
"Benjaman Kyle" Found naked and unconscious outside a Burger King dumpster (where he derived his new alias from), he doesn't remember 20 years of his life, or how he ended up in Georgia from Colorado.
Eugene Landy A psychologist who developed a form of 24-hour therapy and later became business partners with one of his many celebrity patients, Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys.
Hans Langseth A guy who had the longest beard recorded in history.
Robert Liston A 19th-century Scottish surgeon who, among other things, performed what has been described as "the only operation in history with a 300 percent mortality rate".
Barry Marshall A doctor who, against the consensus of mainstream medicine, drank a vial of bacterial culture to prove that stomach ulcers were caused by bacteria rather than stress, spicy foods, and too much acid as was believed at the time. He won the Nobel Prize for it, too.
Alexis St. Martin A 19th-century French-Canadian fur trader who survived a gunshot wound and was left with a hole in his stomach, which allowed revolutionary experiments on digestion to be conducted.
Lina Medina A Peruvian girl who gave birth to a son when she was five years old, becoming the youngest human mother on record.
Billy Milligan A man with 24 personalities, popularized by the 1981 book The Minds of Billy Milligan.
Wenceslao Moguel Accused of participating in the Mexican Revolution, he was sentenced to death, survived his execution, and lived for another 6 decades.
Blanche Monnier A French woman who was locked in an attic for 26 years because her parents disapproved of her choice of suitor.
Mariam Nabatanzi A Ugandan woman who had given birth to 44 children by the age of 36.
Chandre Oram A man in India with a 13-inch (33 cm) tail.
Adam Rainer The only person known to be both a dwarf and a giant.
Tarrare A Frenchman with an insatiable appetite, who made a show out of his ability to eat just about anything. Including, allegedly, a toddler.
Mary Toft An English woman who hoaxed doctors into believing that she had given birth to rabbits.
Robert Wadlow An American man who, at 8 ft 11.1 in (2.72 m), was the tallest verified person in human history.

Nervous system and behaviour

Can you get high on this?
Ever woken up thinking this has just happened?
It's... beautiful... Just... beautiful!
Alice in Wonderland syndrome Distortions of perception that may include one's surroundings appearing too large or too small, faint noises sounding loud, or time slowing to a trickle.
Anton syndrome People who are blind but convinced they can see.
Bananadine Exactly how psychedelic are those dried banana peels?
Bicameral mentality Neuroscientific hypothesis that the human mind before the Bronze Age was split into two discrete components, a speaking mind and obeying mind.
Capgras delusion When you're sure a friend or loved one is an impostor.
Cortical homunculus A distorted representation of the human body based on areas of the brain dedicated to processing motor functions for different body parts.
Cotard delusion Suffered by people, very much alive, who believe they're dead.
Conversion disorder Blindness and similar disabilities caused by anxiety.
Cute aggression The reason why people want to squeeze cute things without harm.
Dancing mania Unknown forces cause large groups of people to dance hysterically until dropping from exhaustion in multiple incidents in Europe from the 13th to 17th centuries.
Electromagnetic hypersensitivity For those allergic to Wi-Fi.
Encopresis Voluntary or involuntary defecation in persons who are toilet trained (older than 4 years of age.)
Exploding head syndrome Ever woken up after an hour or two of sleep thinking you've just heard a massive explosion?
Expressive aphasia You know when you have a word on tip of your tongue but you just can't remember it? It's that, but with every word.
False memory Forming of false memories; sometimes leads to thousands of people having the same false memory.
Fugue state You black out and when you wake up years have passed, you're in a different city, you have a new name and have lived a different life while you were unconscious. Also known as dissociative fugue or psychogenic fugue.
Foreign accent syndrome A rare medical condition whereby sufferers speak their native language with a foreign accent.
Fregoli delusion The belief that different people are actually one person in disguise.
Geophagia Eat dirt, pal.
Homicidal sleepwalking A real parasomnia that has been successfully used as a defence in court.
Impossible color Supposed colors that do not appear in ordinary visual functioning.
Jumping Frenchmen of Maine Like Tourette syndrome, but more Gallic.
Klüver–Bucy syndrome One specific kind of brain damage causes hypersexuality and a desire to put random things in your mouth. Named after two doctors who gave psychotropic drugs to lobotomized monkeys.
Mariko Aoki phenomenon A Japanese expression referring to an urge to defecate that is suddenly felt after entering bookstores.
Paris syndrome Being clinically disappointed by Paris. Particularly common among Japanese tourists. Not to be confused with Jerusalem syndrome or Stockholm syndrome.
Rosenhan experiment An experiment involving certifiably sane mental patients.
Somatoparaphrenia A type of delusion in which a sufferer denies ownership of a limb or an entire side of the body.
Stendhal syndrome A psychosomatic illness that causes rapid heartbeat, dizziness, fainting, confusion and even hallucinations when an individual is exposed to art or natural beauty.
Tanganyika laughter epidemic What happens when contagious laughter becomes an actual epidemic.
Target fixation To become so fixated on an object you are trying to avoid that you collide with it.
Tip of the tongue What was this article about again... Wait, I think I am just about to remember...
The Truman Show delusion Those afflicted feel they are being watched all the time by a television audience, like Jim Carrey's character in the 1998 movie The Truman Show.
Urophagia The consumption of urine. Not always for survival reasons.
Visual release hallucinations Millions of perfectly sane people are having freakish hallucinations – and just not admitting it.
Zero stroke An alleged mental disorder that caused patients to write endless rows of zeroes.
Cherophobia Fear of happiness
Chromophobia Fear of colors
Coprophobia Fear of feces or even defecation, and possibly enjoying constipation
Dentophobia Fear of dentists
Emetophobia Fear of vomiting
Globophobia Fear of balloons or balloons popping
Genuphobia Fear of knees or the act of kneeling
Koumpounophobia Fear of buttons
Mageiricophobia Fear of cooking
Numerophobia Fear of numbers
Osmophobia Fear of odors and smells
Phallophobia Fear of the erect penis
Philophobia Fear of love
Phobophobia Fear of having a phobia
Pogonophobia Fear of beards
Submechanophobia Fear of submerged man-made objects
Technophobia Fear of computers and internet
Telephobia Fear of making or answering telephone calls


To boldly go where no monkey has gone before. Well, where a few monkeys have gone before.
Jenny Haniver.
A major in Antelopology
Can only wear mittens, not gloves
The Far Side of a stegosaurus.
Adactylidium A mite with a very unusual life cycle.
Animals in space An annotated list of the various animals used in space programs.
Animal attack Not kidding: death by beavers, bunnies, squirrels, crocodiles, and other creatures you should not have as pets.
Anting (bird activity) Not recommended for humans.
Apophallation Are you a slug and can't extract your penis? Amputate and change your gender.
Bee removal Removal of bees.
Blast fishing Catch a lot of fish at once by blowing up a lake.
Candiru Barbed fish allegedly attracted to, lodged in, and extracted from human penises.
Carcinisation Crustaceans may evolve how they wish, but eventually, it all comes back to crab shape.
Common Surinam toad The mother's back is where the eggs are embedded and where they develop.
Conservation-induced extinction The extinction of highly endangered parasites at the hands of conservationists.
Depopulation of cockroaches in post-Soviet states A great ecological problem indeed complete with fourteen references in Russian.
Cat–dog relationship For centuries the two most popular house pets have been fighting like, well, cats and dogs.
Cymothoa exigua A parasitic crustacean that, when female (they are hermaphroditic), attaches to and then destroys a fish's tongue, hooks itself to the remaining stub and becomes the fish's new tongue.
Epomis A deceptive beetle larva that entices its own predators by feigning prey-like movements in order to eat its predator.
Eunice aphroditois "Armed with sharp teeth, it is known to attack with such speeds that its prey is sometimes sliced in half." As if being a three-metre (9 ft 10 in) worm were not impressive enough.
Fat-tailed sheep BBL... BTL?
Goblin shark Indeed, a monster from the deepest oceans.
Goldfish swallowing A fad that started in American colleges in the 1930s.
Hallucinogenic fish No, the fish are not trippin'; they will cause hallucinations if ingested. It is not known if hallucinations will occur if one fish consumes another.
Hebrew character Actually a species of moth.
Hotwheels sisyphus A pretty rad name for a ground spider... until you know what inspired such name.
Hurricane Shark The meteorological equivalent of Bigfoot. (Except it's real. Kind of. Probably. At least once.)
Israel-related animal conspiracy theories Has an animal looked suspicious? It was probably Israel.
Jenny Haniver A grotesque-looking sea monster made from the corpse of a ray.
Lioconcha hieroglyphica A type of clam with a shell covered in hieroglyph-like markings.
List of animals displaying homosexual behavior Everything from salmon to seagulls to dragonflies.
List of animal sounds Snail do "Munch, crunch", Squirrel do "squeak".
List of animals awarded human credentials Mostly due to pranks pulled on diploma mills.
London Underground mosquito A species of mosquito that lives in underground railways.
Love dart Hermaphroditic snails play Cupid.
Lyall's wren Made extinct by feral cats, possibly the offspring of one pregnant female.
Metoecus paradoxus A beetle with - as prophet of our age Megan Thee Stallion put it - eyelashes "on fleek".
Nightingale excrement as facial Droppings of a nightingale variety used in facials. Some claim that it helps with acne. Project Medicine states that the references are not MEDRS. (MEDical Reliable Source)
Orbiting Frog Otolith A NASA frog experiment, sending two bullfrogs into space to test their sense of balance.
Paracerceis sculpta A species of isopod that has some males that mimic females and others that mimic juveniles, allowing them to mate without the alpha males realising what is going on behind their backs.
Pasilalinic-sympathetic compass Telepathic communication is not possible in snails no matter how far apart they may be. Nothing else has been ruled out.
Penis fencing A literal figurative variety of cockfighting between some species of flatworm.
Polar bear jail For polar bear criminals.
Prostitution among animals Did you know that prostitution exists among animals?
Rotating locomotion in living systems Why don't animals have wheels?
Shortarse feelerfish Bathymicrops brevianalis is a fish so named for its short anal fins – brevianalis meaning "short anus".
Supernumerary body part Having an extra body part, be it as simple as an eleventh finger or as extreme as a second head!
Tasselled wobbegong "With several records of apparently unprovoked attacks on people, the tasselled wobbegong has a reputation beyond other wobbegongs for aggressive behavior."
Thagomizer A feature of Stegosaurus anatomy named after a Far Side comic strip.
Traumatic insemination A form of mating in invertebrates in which the male stabs the female in the abdomen with his penis, and injects his sperm through the wound.
Trout tickling Coochy coo!
Uraba lugens It's called the mad hatterpillar for a reason...
Worm charming No spade? No worries! There's a better way to get hold of earthworms.


Flash photograph of an odd-eyed cat.
Bonsai Kitten The practice of growing small jar-shaped kittens caused controversy years after it was revealed to be a hoax.
Cat burning A form of entertainment in the Middle Ages, sometimes participated in by royalty.
Cats That Look Like Hitler Kitlers exist, live with it.
Demon Cat A cat that supposedly haunts government buildings in Washington, D.C.
Odd-eyed cat One of the national treasures of Turkey.
Pittsburgh refrigerator cat A "breed" of cat that lived in refrigerators that people actually believed existed.
Popular cat names Cat names, ranked by popularity.
Polydactyl cat Cats with extraordinary numbers of toes.
Ray cat A proposed genetically engineered breed that glows in presence of nuclear radiation.


Cow tipping This actually takes up to 14 people to make it happen.
Craven Heifer The largest cow ever shown in England.
Hardware disease A condition in bovines caused by ingesting stray bits of metal.


Can you tell the boys and girls apart?
Cannibalism in poultry See: tastes like chicken.
Chicken eyeglasses Tiny spectacles for chicks, to stop them from seeing red.
Chicken Dance, Chicken (dance) There is a huge difference.
Chicken gun Valuable for the mitigation of damage from bird strikes. The chicken carcass must be thawed first, though.
Chicken hypnotism Have you ever wanted to hypnotize a chicken? If not, why not?
Chicken or the egg Which came first?
Chicken sexer A person whose job is to determine the sex of chicken hatchlings.
Chicken powered nuclear bomb A British project to lay nuclear mines in West Germany during the Cold War that were planned to be kept warm by live chickens.
Empathy in chickens Have some empathy when eating crunchy chicken nuggets.
Tastes like chicken But baked, grilled, or fried?


I think I have a nibble...
Arctic ground squirrel The squirrel that freezes itself solid.
Electrical disruptions caused by squirrels Two squirrels on a wire...
Squirrel fishing A sport of skill and patience.
Squirrels on college campuses Squirrels are noted to be prominent fauna there.


Dried deer penis.
This goat has fainted.
It has ceased to stand
Ambergris Do you really want to know what your fancy perfume was made from?
Berserk llama syndrome The result of being too friendly with llamas.
Danish Protest Pig A pig bred to look like the flag of Denmark, to circumvent prohibition of the flag.
Deer penis It is said to enhance sexual potency in men and was banned by the Chinese government from the 2008 Olympics.
Diving horse A short-lived attraction during the 1880s.
The dog ate my homework Instead of a pathetic excuse for an article, an article about a pathetic excuse.
Domesticated silver fox Soviet Russia subsidizes the breeding of silver foxes.
Exploding whale The next time a whale washes on shore in one Oregon county, the authorities will leave the dynamite at home.
Fainting goat A breed of goat whose muscles freeze for about 10 seconds when it is startled.
Flying primate hypothesis Hypothesis that megabats are primates like us.
Globster Blobs of organic matter found washed up on beaches, which are frequently as mysterious as they are disgusting.
Guided rat Implanted electrodes let researchers "steer the animal over an obstacle course, making it twist, turn and even jump on demand".
House hippo The world's biggest domestic pest. If you can believe that.
Human An article that reads as if non-humans wrote it.
New Guinea singing dog Not only that, but it climbs trees too!
Overtoun Bridge A bridge from which dogs keep leaping to their death.
Panda pornography Pornographic movies created to achieve sexual arousal for Giant pandas, which have been proven to be unaffected by the popular drug Viagra.
Quokka An Australian animal which has developed a habit of posing for selfies with humans.
Revival of the woolly mammoth Plans to clone the woolly mammoth and re-introduce them to Siberia.
Rhinogradentia A fictitious order of mammal invented by a German zoologist with a sense of humour.
Skunks as pets For pet owners who like a challenge.
Street dogs in Moscow Some of them have figured out how to commute using the subway system.
Weasel war dance The behavior of extremely excited ferrets who are enjoying themselves too much.
What Is It Like to Be a Bat? Life’s most important questions.
Whale fall The ecological consequences associated with a dead whale sinking to the seafloor.

Individual animals

Her face told you exactly where you stood with her.
52-hertz whale Dubbed the "world's loneliest whale", it vocalizes at a frequency used by no known whale species.
Adwaita Possibly the oldest creature of modern times, this 255 year-old tortoise was the former pet of Robert Clive of the British East India Company.
Ken Allen Orangutan nicknamed the "Hairy Houdini" for his many escapes.
Andy A footless goose who wore sneakers as prosthesis and was tragically murdered.
Benson A fish. A big fish. Called Benson.
Bubbles A chimpanzee who used human toilet facilities, moonwalked, and (allegedly) attempted suicide.
Casper A cat famed for traveling on a bus around Plymouth, England.
Clever Hans A horse that allegedly knew arithmetic and could read in German.
Cocaine Bear A bear found dead in the Tennessee wilderness, having gone through a drug smuggler's dropped bag of cocaine. Inspired a 2023 film (though in that one, the bear didn't just drop dead, as there'd be no plot that way).
Conan the Barbarian Argentinian president's dog that was cloned after its death and who advised the guy on politics. The man also said that he and the dog "first met in a previous life more than 2,000 years ago as a gladiator and a lion in the Roman Colosseum"...
Domino Day 2005 sparrow Unlucky sparrow who dropped some 23,000 dominos and got killed for that.
Dusty the Klepto Kitty Redefining the term "cat burglar".
Enumclaw horse sex case An unfortunate case of a horse riding a man, as opposed to a man riding a horse.
Fungie Ireland's favourite dolphin.
Gef A mongoose that talked (allegedly).
George A lobster weighing 20 pounds (9.1 kg), estimated to be 140 years old.
Grape-kun A Humboldt penguin who gained worldwide fame after apparently falling in love with a cutout of an anime character.
Grumpy Cat Unfortunately, this cat couldn't turn that frown upside down.
Hachikō A well-known story of a Japanese dog that will make you cry by the end of it.
Harambe A gorilla killed to prevent it killing a child it was saving. Became a meme.
Henry the Hexapus An octopus missing two arms due to an unfortunate birth defect.
Hoover the talking seal Hoover. A seal. Which talked.
Jack A Baboon who took over for his disabled owner as an employee of the Cape government railway.
Jackie A dalmatian dog who was taught by his owner to do the Nazi salute, long before Count Dankula did.
Jeremy A left-coiled snail who became famous after a campaign to find another left-coiled snail so he could mate.
Joe the Pigeon Was put on death row for being American, but later acquitted and released. Named after the then President-elect.
Jonathan Oldest known living terrestrial animal in the world (if it weren't Adwaita). He made the reverse of the 5p of Saint Helena. What have you done?
Khanzir Possibly the world's loneliest pig. Even more lonely during the swine flu outbreak.
Lily Flagg A Jersey cow that produced record amounts of butter and got a sizable neighborhood named for her.
Lion of Gripsholm Castle What happens when you tell a taxidermist who doesn't know what a lion is to stuff and mount a lion.
Lonesome George The last known individual of the species Pinta Island tortoise. He was known as the rarest creature in the world.
Long Boi A "exceptionally tall" duck living on the University of York campus.
Mayor Max II The world's cutest mayor-for-life creature: a Golden Retriever.
Mike the Headless Chicken A rooster that lived for 18 months with his head cut off.
Ming A ~500-year-old clam that was killed when scientists opened its shell to see how old it was.
Moo Deng The internet's favorite baby hippo, who reached such a level of popularity that her zoo had to limit the amount of time visitors could see her enclosure.
Nim Chimpsky A chimpanzee, subject of long-running studies into animal language acquisition, named punningly for linguist Noam Chomsky.
Major General Sir Nils Olav, Baron of the Bouvet Islands A high-ranking military officer of Norway who happens to live in the penguin exhibit at Edinburgh Zoo.
Oscar the Cat A hospice cat who was featured in the New England Journal of Medicine for his purported ability to predict the impending death of terminally ill patients.
Owen and Mzee Hippo and tortoise that befriended each other after the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami.
Paul A now-deceased psychic octopus who could predict the winner of football games, notably during the 2010 FIFA World Cup.
Pep A dog jokingly sentenced to a life sentence in prison to help improve prisoners' morale- though many publications took the sentence literally.
Potoooooooo Actually, it's pronounced "potatoes".
Penelope (platypus) A platypus who faked a pregnancy and escaped from the Bronx Zoo.
Raccoon of Kherson A zoo animal becomes a prisoner of war after the liberation of Kherson.
Ravens of the Tower of London Ravens used as soldiers in the Tower of London.
River Thames whale In 2006, a Northern Bottlenose swam into London and on to the front pages of the British newspapers.
Sergeant Reckless A horse that held an official rank in the US military, fought in the Korean War and participated in an amphibious landing.
Stubbs A cat who was the mayor of an Alaskan town for nearly 20 years.
Tamworth Two Two pigs who, in 1998, escaped an abattoir in England and attracted media attraction. Thanks to a newspaper, they were never made into bacon, ham or sausages.
Tillamook Cheddar The world's most successful and widely shown animal artist.
Timothy A tortoise that was present during the bombardment of Sevastopol during the Crimean War in 1854 and survived until 2004.
Tombili A cat famously pictured looking chill on the streets of Istanbul, who is now immortalised by a statue on the site.
Turra Coo An insurance protest gone too far.
Ubre Blanca Fidel Castro's favourite cow that produced 113 liters in one day, and was used as a symbol of superior agriculture under communism. When she died, a marble statue was erected in her memory.
Unsinkable Sam A cat that has survived the sinking of three ships.
Vacanti mouse A mouse with a human ear on its back.
Whitney Chewston A dog that gained fame due to having the manner of a homophobic white woman.
William Windsor A cashmere goat who served as a lance corporal in the 1st Battalion, the Royal Welsh, an infantry battalion of the British Army.
Wojtek A soldier of the 22nd Artillery Supply Company of the Polish II Corps who also happened to be a Syrian Brown Bear. He enjoyed beer and cigarettes.
Individual elephants
The movie event of 1903... we'll zap this elephant!
Abul-Abbas An Asian elephant given to Carolingian emperor Charlemagne by the Abbasid caliph Harun al-Rashid.
Hanno An Indian elephant that was a gift from the Portuguese king Manuel I to the pope in the 16th century.
Jumbo An elephant with gigantism and legendary circus attraction, who gave his name to large things everywhere.
Lin Wang A Taiwanese elephant made famous for his participation in the Second Sino-Japanese War.
Mary Makes the phrase "hung like an elephant" take on a whole new meaning.
Osama bin Laden An elusive elephant who terrorized the jungle of Assam. He was eventually shot, but there are those who question the official story of his death. Much like his famous namesake.
Topsy An elephant that was electrocuted, as the event was filmed by the Edison Manufacturing Company.

Names in biology

'SMAD, mad, mad, mad, mad name?
Neopalpa donald­trumpi: They say it's really small.
Aha ha Alan Partridge's favorite wasp?
Anophthalmus hitleri Rare blind beetle named after Adolf Hitler, poached by collectors of Hitler memorabilia.
Aptostichus barackobamai A trapdoor spider named after former U.S. President Barack Obama.
Aptostichus stephencolberti Another trapdoor spider, this time named after Stephen Colbert. Naturally, because he asked for it.
Bill Gates' flower fly A flower fly, Eristalis gatesi, named after Bill Gates.
Colon Someone pulled this beetle name out of their butt. Including the glorious species Colon rectum.
Gamergate (ant) "Actually, it's about ethics in ant breeding..."
GoldenPalace.com Monkey A new species of monkey that was officially named after the GoldenPalace.com online casino.
Harryplax A genus of crab named in part after the titular character of the Harry Potter franchise. The sole species of this genus is named after the coldly hostile, yet emotion-concealing character from the same franchise.
Kimjongilia A flower named after North Korean leader Kim Jong-il by a Japanese botanist.
Kinda baboon Is it a baboon? Well, kinda.
Mini A genus of tiny Madagascar frogs containing 3 species: Mini ature, Mini mum, and Mini scule.
Mothers against decapentaplegic Actually, it's a protein.
Mountain Chicken Is it a frog or a chicken?
Neopalpa donaldtrumpi A moth remarkable for its orange head and small genitalia.
Pachygnatha zappa A spider whose abdominal markings resemble a very famous mustache
Pikachurin An extracellular matrix-like retinal protein named after Pikachu.
Setaceous Hebrew character A European moth with wing markings bearing a chance resemblance to a letter in the Hebrew alphabet.
You may snicker now, but if you had any of these, I guarantee you wouldn't be laughing much.
Sonic hedgehog A protein in the vertebrate hedgehog family that was officially named after Sega's video game character Sonic the Hedgehog.
Spongiforma squarepantsii A type of mushroom named after SpongeBob SquarePants.
Strigiphilus garylarsoni A biting louse named for cartoonist Gary Larson of Far Side fame.
Synalpheus pinkfloydi A species of snapping shrimp named after the famous English rock band.
Thaumatodryinus tuukkaraski A wasp named after NHL goaltender Tuukka Rask as both are acrobatic, and have a killer glove hand.
Zombie taxon Paleontology of the undead.
Zoosphaerium darthvaderi Named after Darth Vader, this one has an anal shield with a "pronounced bell shape"!
Zyzyxia lundellii and Zyzzyzus warreni The last plant name and animal name in the dictionary, respectively.
Spiralix heisenbergi A freshwater snail named after Walter White's alter-ego, Heisenberg. It is thought to be in danger, but it IS the danger.
See also


The Queens Giant – the oldest living thing in the New York metropolitan area.
Bialbero di Casorzo A cherry tree that grows upon a mulberry tree in Italy.
Chandelier Tree A 300-foot-tall (91 m) redwood with a giant hole cut through the middle for cars to drive through.
Echinopsis lageniformis A cactus the Germans call Frauenglück, or "Women's Joy", because, well...just look at it.
Eisenhower Tree A tree on a golf course that became famous after the President of the United States tried and failed to have it taken down.
Golfballia ambusta Can a burnt golf ball technically be considered a fungus?
Olympic oaks Gifts from the Führer. Some are still alive.
Moon tree Trees planted from seeds that were taken into space by Apollo 14.
Nepenthes lowii A plant that lures animals to release their droppings into a pitcher.
Mimosa pudica A plant that rapidly closes or folds its leaves after they are touched.
Old Man of the Lake A 30-foot (9 m) tree stump that has been floating around Oregon's Crater Lake since at least 1896.
Pando An 80,000 year old quaking aspen colony that is believed to be one of the oldest and heaviest organisms on the planet.
Plant arithmetic Plants can do math!
Plant rights If other living beings like humans and animals can have rights, then why not plants?
Pomato It's both potato and tomato!
Radiotrophic fungus A type of fungus that thrives in radioactive environments. Some species have even been discovered in Chernobyl!
Tendril perversion A geometric phenomenon sometimes observed in helical structures like plant tendrils and telephone handset cords.
Tree of Knowledge (Australia) Killed by ignorance.
Tree of Ténéré A solitary acacia that was once the most isolated tree on Earth before being run over by a drunken Libyan truck driver.
Tree That Owns Itself Its owner loved it so much that he granted it ownership of itself.
See also