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Wikipedia:Teahouse/Wishlist/Build plan

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The wishlist was a partially-built feature that we setup during the pilot phase of the project to engage volunteer developers and other makers in continuing to build out Teahouse. Teahouse is all grown up now, but there are still many new innovations that can be added to improve the project. To better facilitate this, the wishlist page and process should be more fully fleshed out. This plan will chart a course for building a better wishlist, called the Wishing Well.



The purpose of the wishlist is to:

  • capture ideas for improvements (new features, bug fixes, workflow enhancements, etc) to the Teahouse
  • encourage participants to turn these ideas into action
  • share updates with others as work is completed
  • result in more great new features and processes that fit with the Teahouse spirit and values

This sprint will flesh out the wishlist workflow and pages more fully, to better enable these activities.



Tasks/Features/Bugs can sound difficult, daunting, or dull. In keeping with the fun and engaging spirit of Teahouse, we offer the following definitions:

Wishes - tasks (features, bugs, improvements...any item that belongs on the wishlist)
Wishing Well - the wishlist
Wisher - the person creating a new wish
Genie - anyone working on making the wish happen



Wishing Well


This is the main wishlist page.

  • table transcluding templates from individual wish pages, can sort by status and number of supporters
  • call to action to create a new wish
  • call to action to sign up to work on a task
  • call to action to acknowledge contributions (badges)

Wish Page


Each wish has its own page. The wish page contains the full spec for the wish, with all associated info. Wish-centered discussion can happen on the talk page for that particular wish.

  • Wish name
  • Wish description
  • Participant names, aka Genies (who is working on it)
  • Participant roles
  • Wish status
  • Creation date
  • Last updated date
  • Endorsements (simple +1s)
  • Background (research, rationale, etc)
  • Experiment plan (how to measure it)
  • Outcome/Results

Most items in the above list will be surfaced on the wishing well table (transcluded and aggregated). Italicized items will no be included in the table view.



Things people do in the Wishing Well include:


  • Create a Wish
    • Required: name and description
    • Optional: Identify roles, background research, measurement, etc.

All participants

  • Add more info to a wish
  • Discuss a wish
  • View all Wishes
  • Update Wish Status
    • Open
    • In Progress
    • Requesting Feedback
    • Ready to Deploy
    • Done/Deployed/Wish Granted
    • Experiment in Progress
    • Dream On/Hang In There/Closed (ie this wish is not being done)
  • Endorse Task (i.e. +1, agree it is a good idea, this gives Genies a sense of what might be most important to work on)
  • Acknowledge Contribution
  • Give Feedback


  • Sign up to work on a task
    • Name
    • Role/Skill - How will you contribute? (note eventually we can have icons/badges for roles)
  • Post Updates
  • Design
  • Research
  • Link to code
  • Measure Outcomes

Genie roles


Participation comes in many forms. Depending on the type of wish, roles may include:

  • Builder
  • Designer
  • Researcher
  • Project manager
  • etc

(note: later on we may want to make special icons/badges for these roles...we can transfer some of this work over from IdeaLab if we like)

To dos


Things to build


Pages or things we need to make in order to create the Wishing well include:

  • Teahouse designing principles/guidelines page
  • process/workflow writeup - this roadmap may become obsolete over time as the interface walks you through the process directly
  • template for wish creation
    • transclusion into table
  • templates for status
  • simple endorsement mechanism

Next steps

  • finish this planning page
  • figure out how to make the magical templates
  • design Wishing Well page
  • form for creating wish
  • migrate old wishes (cleanup)

Badge improvements


At some point, we might do more with badges for the wishlist, including:

  • badge for people who grant old wishes
  • rename the easter egg to wisher/wishing well badge?
  • update genie badge icon to be more genie-like?
  • role badges (steal from IdeaLab once we build them there?)

Some pages we're watching for background and inspiration:

Work in Progress


New pages

Wish Workflow

