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Table with original row template

Wish Active Genies Genies Needed Status Created On Last updated
A wish Valeriej, Seeeko, the_wub This wish needs a designer. This wish needs a builder. This wish needs a researcher. This wish needs a designer. This wish needs a genius. This wish needs a robot. Dream On date date1
Another wish Valeriej This wish needs a designer. This wish needs a builder. This wish needs a robot. Open date date2

Table with alternative row template

Wish Active Genies Genies Needed Status Created On Last updated
Some wish Valeriej This wish needs a designer. Open date date2
New wish Valeriej, Seeeko, the_wub This wish needs a designer. This wish needs a builder. This wish needs a robot. Open date date2

The original row template requires the users call the role module and participants module. The alternative row template is a wrapper for the row module. The row module calls the _participants and _roles methods. Users can pass multiple genies (participants) or geniesNeeded (roles) by grouping them with a single bracket and separating items with commas, which creates a list-like string. The string is parsed within the _roles and _participants method.