Wikipedia:List of bots by number of edits/Unflagged bots
This is a list of bots or former bots that do not have a bot flag. Listing these accounts allows for automated removal from the full list.
- .anacondabot
- ^demonBot2
- 28bot
- 718 Bot
- 7SeriesBOT
- A4bot
- ABot
- Abotzi
- AccReqBot
- AdambroBot
- Adlerbot
- AdminStatsBot
- Admrbot
- AEBot
- AFD Bot
- AfDBot
- AfDStatBot
- AHbot
- AilurophobiaBot
- AkhtaBot
- Aksibot
- Alaibot
- AlanBOT
- Albambot
- AlekseyBot
- Alexbot
- AlexNewArtBot
- Alirezabot
- AlleborgoBot
- Almabot
- AlnoktaBOT
- AloysiusLiliusBot
- Alph Bot
- Alphachimpbot
- AlptaBot
- A-lú-mih-bot
- AMABot
- Amalthea (bot)
- AMbot
- AmeliorationBot
- Amirobot
- Amolbot
- AmphBot
- Analphabot
- Anchor Link Bot
- AndersBot
- Andrea105Bot
- Android Mouse Bot 2
- Android Mouse Bot 3
- Android Mouse Bot 4
- Android Mouse Bot
- Anibot
- AntiAbuseBot
- Antischmitzbot
- AntiSpamBot
- AntiVandalBot
- Anybot
- ArbComBot
- ArkyBot
- ARSBot
- ArthurBot
- ArticleAlertbot
- AsgardBot
- AstaBOTh15
- AstRoBot
- AswnBot
- AutocracyBot
- AvicBot2
- AvocatoBot
- AWeenieBot
- AwOcBot
- AzaBot
- AZatBot~enwiki
- BAGBot
- BaldBot
- Beastie_Bot
- BendelacBOT
- BenjBot
- BenoniBot~enwiki
- BenzolBot
- BepBot
- BernsteinBot
- Bersibot
- BetacommandBot
- BetBot~enwiki
- BG19bot
- Bgbot
- BHGbot
- Bikabot
- BJBot
- Blood_Oath_Bot
- Bluebot
- BodhisattvaBot
- BorgardeBot
- BoricuaBot
- Bot24
- Bot523
- Bota47
- BotanyBot
- BotCompuGeek
- BotdeSki
- BOTepho
- BotKung
- Botpankonin
- BotPuppet
- Botryoidal
- Bot-Schafter
- BOT-Superzerocool
- Botx
- Botz~enwiki
- BoxCrawler
- BracketBot
- Broadbot
- BrokenAnchorBot
- BryanBot
- BücherBot
- Byrialbot
- CactusBot
- CapitalBot
- CarsracBot
- CAT:TEMP_deletion_bot
- CataBotTsirel
- Caypartisbot
- CensusBot
- CeraBot
- Cerabot~enwiki
- ChandlerMapBot
- ChenzwBot
- Cherybot
- ChessBOT
- Chlewbot
- Chris G Bot 3
- Chris_G_Bot_2
- Chrisbot
- ChrisSalij_Bot
- ChuispastonBot
- ChzzBot II
- ChzzBot IV
- ChzzBot_III
- ChzzBot
- CleanupListingBot
- ClickBot
- CloudNineBot
- ClueBot Commons
- ClueBot IV
- ClueBot NG
- ClueBot VI
- ClueBot
- CmdrObot
- COBot
- CobraBot
- CocuBot
- CohesionBot
- Collabsearch
- Comics-awb
- Commander Keane bot
- Commons fair use upload bot (usurped)
- CommonsNotification
- CommonsNotificationBot
- CopyToWiktionaryBot
- CorenSearchBot
- CounterVandalismBot
- CricketBot
- CrimsonBot
- Crypticbot
- CSBot
- CSDWarnBot
- Curpsbot-unicodify
- CwraschkeDataBot
- Cydebot
- CyeZBot~enwiki
- D6
- DanielBot
- Danumber1bot
- DarafshBot
- DarioBot~enwiki
- Dark_Shikari_Bot
- Darkicebot
- DarknessBot
- DavidWSBot
- DcoetzeeBot~enwiki
- DeadBot
- DeadLinkBOT
- DEagleBot
- DefaultsortBot
- DefconBot
- DeliveryBot
- Denbot
- DeskanaTest
- Detroiterbot
- Dexbot
- DFBot
- DHN-bot~enwiki
- Diego_Grez_Bot
- Diligent Terrier Bot
- Dinamik-bot
- DinoBot
- DinoBot2
- DinoSizedBot
- DirlBot
- DisambigBot
- DixonDBot
- DodoBot
- D'ohBot
- DOI bot
- DomBot
- DorganBot
- DottyQuoteBot
- Dpkbot
- DpmukBOT
- DragonBot
- Dreamy Jazz Bot
- DrFO.Tn.Bot
- DrilBot
- Drinibot
- DRN clerk bot
- DrTrigonBot
- DSisyphBot
- DumZiBoT
- Dušan Kreheľ (bot)
- DusterBot
- DustyBot
- DvyBot
- DyceBot
- DYKadminBot
- DYKBot
- DYKReviewBot
- EagleAstroidBot
- EarwigBot I
- EarwigBot III
- EarwigBot_II
- EarwigBot_V
- EBot IV
- EBot_II
- EBot_III
- EBot
- Ebrambot
- EchoBot
- EdBot
- EddieBot
- EdoBot
- EdwardsBot
- Egmontbot
- EgressBot
- Eivindbot
- EjsBot
- El bot de la dieta
- EleferenBot
- Elissonbot
- ElMeBot
- EmxBot
- ENewsBot
- EnzaiBot
- Erik9bot
- Erwin85Bot
- Escarbot
- Eskimbot
- EsquivalienceBot
- EssjayBot_III
- EssjayBot_IV
- EssjayBot
- Estirabot
- Eubot
- ExpertIdeasBot
- Eybot~enwiki
- EyeEightDestroyerBot
- FA_Template_Protection_Bot
- FacebookBot
- Fajrbot
- FaleBot
- Fbot
- FeedBot
- Femto Bot
- Fetofsbot
- Fetofsbot2
- Fettgesicht
- Ficbot
- FileBot
- FiriBot
- FlaBot
- FlagBot
- FlBot
- Flow talk page manager
- FoxBot
- FPBot
- FRadical Bot
- Fritzbot
- FritzpollBot
- Full-date unlinking bot
- Fz29bot
- GA bot
- GargoyleBot
- Gdrbot
- Geimas5Bot~enwiki
- GeorgeMoneyBot
- GeorgeMoneyBot-status
- Gerakibot
- GhalyBot
- Giggabot
- Ginosbot
- GnawnBot
- Gnome (Bot)
- GracenotesBot
- Grafikbot
- Grammarbot
- GrashoofdBot
- GrinBot~enwiki
- GrooveBot
- GrouchoBot
- Guanabot
- GurchBot_2
- GurchBot
- GZ-Bot
- H2Bot
- H92Bot
- HagermanBot
- Halibott
- HarrivBOT
- HasharBot~enwiki
- HasteurBot
- HBC AIV helperbot 8
- HBC AIV helperbot
- HBC AIV helperbot2
- HBC AIV helperbot3
- HBC AIV helperbot4
- HBC AIV helperbot5
- HBC AIV helperbot7
- HBC Archive Indexerbot
- HBC NameWatcherBot
- HBC_archive_builderbot
- HBC_RenameClerkBot
- Heikobot
- Helpful Pixie Bot
- HerculeBot
- HersfoldArbClerkBot
- HiW-Bot
- HMBot~enwiki
- Homobot
- HooptyBot
- HotArticlesBot
- HRoestBot
- HujiBot
- Hxhbot
- IcalaniseBot
- IdeoBot
- Idioma-bot
- IluvatarBot
- Image Screening Bot
- Image-req-proj-bot
- ImageBacklogBot
- ImageTagBot
- Innocent_iwbot
- Invadibot
- IPLRecordsUpdateBot
- IPTaggerBot
- IsraBot
- IW-Bot-as~enwiki
- JabbaTheBot
- JackieBot
- JaGaBot
- Janna_Isabot
- JarBot
- JatBot
- Jayden54Bot
- JBradley Bot
- JdforresterBot
- JerryBot
- JhsBot
- Jitse's bot
- JJBot
- Jmax-bot
- JMuniBot
- JoeBot
- Jogersbot
- John Bot III
- John Bot
- John_Bot_II
- Jotterbot
- Jumbuck
- Justincheng12345-bot
- JYBot
- KadaneBot
- KaiserbBot
- Kakashi Bot
- Kal-El-Bot
- KamikazeBot
- KarlsenBot
- Kasirbot
- KasparBot
- Kaspobot
- Kbdankbot
- KevinalewisBot
- KevinBot
- Kgsbot
- KharBot
- KiloBot
- Kingbotk
- Kisbesbot
- KittyBot
- Kl4m-AWB
- KLBot2
- KnightRider~enwiki
- KocjoBot~enwiki
- KolBot
- KonstableBot
- Kotbot
- KrimpBot
- KslotteBot
- KuduBot
- Kumar_Appaiah_Bot
- Kumi-Taskbot
- Kurando-san
- Kwjbot
- Kyle the bot
- KyluBot
- LaaknorBot
- LatitudeBot
- LaraBot
- LawBot
- LDBot
- Le_Pied-bot~enwiki
- Legobot II
- Legobot III
- LemmeyBOT
- Lightbot
- Ligulembot
- LinkBot
- LinkFA-Bot
- ListasBot
- ListGenBot
- Lockalbot
- Locobot
- Lonjers french region rename bot
- LordAnubisBOT
- LostBot
- Louperibot
- Lowercase sigmabot
- LSG1-Bot
- Lt-wiki-bot
- Lucia Bot
- LucienBOT
- Luckas-bot
- Luke081515Bot
- LyricsBot
- M7bot
- Madhubot
- MadmanBot
- Maelgwnbot
- MagnusA.Bot
- MahdiBot
- Mairibot
- Makecat-bot
- Maksim-bot
- MalafayaBot
- MalarzBOT
- MalnadachBot
- Manubot
- Margosbot~enwiki
- MarshBot
- MartinBot
- MartinBotII
- MartinBotIII
- MartinBotIV
- Martin's bot
- MastersBot
- MastiBot
- MauchoBot
- MauritsBot
- M-Bot
- MBot~enwiki
- MCBot
- MedcabBot
- MediationBot
- MediationBot1
- MelonBot
- MelsaranAWB
- MenasimBot
- Mentibot
- MercuryBot
- MerlIwBot
- MerlLinkBot
- MessageDeliveryBot
- MessengerBot~enwiki
- MetaplasticityBot
- MetsBot
- MGA73bot
- Mgmbot
- MichaelBillingtonBot
- MichaelkourlasBot
- Mihas-bot
- Milk's Favorite Bot II
- Milk's_Favorite_Bot
- Minsbot
- MiszaBot I
- MiszaBot II
- MiszaBot III
- MiszaBot
- Mjbmrbot
- MMABot
- Mobius_Bot
- MondalorBot
- MonoBot
- MoriBot~enwiki
- MotinBot
- Movses-bot
- MPUploadBot
- Mr.Z-bot
- MrVanBot
- MTSbot~enwiki
- Mulder416sBot
- Muro Bot
- MystBot
- Nallimbot
- Naudefjbot~enwiki
- N-Bot
- NedBot
- NekoBot
- NekoDaemon
- NeraBot
- NetBot
- NeuRobot
- Newsletterbot
- NihlusBOT
- NilfaBot
- Nixbot
- NjardarBot
- NobelBot
- Nobot~enwiki
- NodBot
- NohatBot
- NolBot
- Nomenclaturebrowser
- Non-Free_Content_Compliance_Bot
- Nono le petit robot~enwiki
- NoomBot
- NotificationBot
- NotifyBot
- NrhpBot
- NTBot~enwiki
- Numbo3-bot
- NVS(bot)
- NW557Bot
- O_bot
- Obersachsebot
- Ocobot
- OKBot
- OldMedcabBot
- OmniBot
- One bot
- OpenlibraryBot
- Ops Monitor (WMF)
- OrBot
- OrophinBot
- OrphanBot
- Orphaned image deletion bot
- Orphaned_talkpage_deletion_bot
- OverlordQBot
- Pageview bot
- PaievBot
- PALZ9000
- PascalBot
- Pathosbot
- Pattonbot
- PbBot
- PC78-bot
- PCbot
- PDBbot
- PDFbot
- Pearle
- Peelbot
- PeerReviewBot
- Pegasusbot
- People-n-photo-bot
- People-photo-bot
- Peti610botH
- Pfft_Bot~enwiki
- Phe-bot
- PipepBot
- PixelBot
- PlangeBot
- PlankBot
- Planktonbot
- Plasticbot
- PNG crusade bot
- PoccilScript
- PockBot
- Pokbot
- PolarBot
- Polbot
- Portal_namespace_initialisation_script
- PorthosBot
- PowerBOT
- Project Messenger Bot
- ProtectionTaggingBot
- ProteinBoxBot
- PseudoBot
- PsychAWB
- Ptbotgourou
- Purbo_T
- PxBot
- QEDKbot
- QualiaBot
- R._Hillgentleman
- R_Delivery_Bot
- Rabbot
- Ralbot
- Rambot
- Rameshngbot
- RaptureBot
- Razibot
- RBot~enwiki
- RBSpamAnalyzerBot
- RebelRobot
- RedBot
- Redirect fixer
- RedirectCleanupBot
- Redrocketbot
- RefDeskBot
- ReferenceBot
- Rei-bot
- ReigneBOT
- Rezabot
- Rfambot
- RFC bot
- RFC posting script
- RFRBot
- RibotBOT
- Riccardobot
- Ripchip Bot
- RM bot
- Rob110178bot
- Robbot
- Robert SkyBot
- RoboDick~enwiki
- RoboMaxCyberSem
- RoboServien
- RobotE
- RobotG
- Robotic_Garden
- RobotJcb
- Roboto de Ajvol
- Roccerbot
- RonaldBot
- RonBot
- RoryBot
- RotlinkBot
- Rschen7754bot
- RSElectionBot
- Rtz-bot
- Rubinbot
- Ryan Vesey Bot
- Sagabot
- Sahimrobot
- SamatBot
- Sambot
- SamuraiBot
- Sandbot
- SandgemBot
- SantoshBot
- SashatoBot
- SassoBot
- Scepbot
- SebrevBOT
- Seedbot
- SelectionBot
- SelketBot
- Selmobot
- Sethbot
- SeveroBot
- SEWilcoBot
- Sgeo-BOT
- Shadowbot3
- SharafBot
- SharedIPArchiveBot
- SheepBot
- ShepBot
- SieBot
- Signpost Book Bot
- SilvonenBot
- Simplebot
- SkiersBot
- Skumarlabot
- SlakrBot
- Slobot
- SmackBot
- Smallbot
- SMS_Bot
- Snaevar-bot
- SnakeBot
- Snobot
- Snotbot
- SoxBot II
- SoxBot III
- SoxBot IV
- SoxBot V
- SoxBot VI
- SoxBot VII
- SoxBot_VIII
- SoxBot_X
- SoxBot
- SpBot
- SPCUClerkbot
- SpebiBot
- SpeedyBot
- SpellCheckerBot
- SpellingBot
- SpillingBot
- SprinterBot
- SQLBot
- SQLBot-Hello
- Staeckerbot
- StatisticianBot
- StatsBot
- StatusBot
- STBot
- STBotD
- STBotI
- SteenthIWbot
- StefanBot
- StigBot
- StormBot
- STTWbot
- StubListBot
- Sumibot
- SunCreatorBot
- SundarBot
- SusBot~enwiki
- Svenbot
- SVGBot
- SVnaGBot1
- SwiftBot
- Swimmingbot-awb
- SXT-404Bot
- Synthebot
- Syrcatbot
- T13bot
- TaBOT-zerem
- TaeBot
- Tangobot
- Tanhabot
- TAP Bot
- Tawbot~enwiki
- Tawkerbot
- Tawkerbot2
- Tawkerbot4
- Taxobot (usurped)
- Taxobot 1
- Taxobot 2
- Taxobot 3
- Taxobot 6
- Taxobot 7
- Taxobot
- TechBot
- TestEditBot
- The Anonybot
- The_Anomebot
- The_Auto-categorizing_Robot
- Thehelpfulbot
- TheJoshBot
- TheMagikBOT
- Theo's Little Bot
- ThePhantomBot
- Thijs!bot
- Tigraan-testbot
- TinucherianBot_II
- TinucherianBot
- TjBot
- TobeBot
- TohaomgBot
- Topjabot~enwiki
- TorNodeBot
- TottyBot
- Town-bot
- TPO-bot
- TuHan-Bot
- Tuonela
- TuvicBot
- TXiKiBoT
- TypoBot
- Ugur Basak Bot~enwiki
- UltraBot
- UnCatBot
- UncatTemplateBot
- Uncle G's 'bot
- Uncle G's major work 'bot
- Vagobot
- VandalCountBot
- VedeBOT
- VeinorBot
- Ver-bot
- VFD_Bot
- Vina-iwbot~enwiki
- Vini_17bot5
- ViskonBot
- VixDaemonBot
- VoABot II
- VolkovBot
- VoxelBot
- VP-bot
- VsBot
- VVVBot
- WalkingSoulBot
- WarddrBOT
- WASDbot
- WatchlistBot
- WeggeBot
- WelcomerBot
- Werdnabot
- Werdnabot_(irc)
- Wherebot
- Whobot
- Wiki Feed Bot
- WikiBotas
- WikiDreamer Bot
- Wikinews Importer Bot
- Wikipedia Signpost
- WikiStatsBOT
- WikitanvirBot
- WilhelmBot
- WillieBot
- WinBot
- WODUPbot
- WolfBot
- WolterBot
- WPArkansas Bot
- Wpp research bot
- WuBot
- Wybot
- XeBot
- Xenobot Mk V
- Xenobot
- XLerateBot
- XLinkBot
- Xqbot
- XyBot
- XZeroBot
- YekratsBot~enwiki
- Yet_Another_Redirect_Cleanup_Bot
- YFdyh-bot
- YonaBot
- Yonidebot
- YpnBot
- YurikBot
- Zbot370
- ZedlikBot
- ZéroBot
- ZhBot
- Zorglbot
- Zorrobot
- ZscoutBot
- ZsinjBot
- Zwobot
- Zxabot
- Δbot
- タチコマ robot