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Wikipedia:Good articles in other languages/Spanish

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Wikipedia:Good articles in other languages/header

Article list[edit]

Article list of "Wikipedia:good articles" in Spanish
# Articles in Spanish instance of Articles in English Count of languages
1 Italia country, sovereign state Italy 391
2 Alemania country, sovereign state Germany 385
3 India country, republic, federal republic India 382
4 Wikipedia online encyclopedia, specialty, open content Wikipedia 382
5 República Popular China country, dictatorship of the proletariat, people's republic China 379
6 Canadá country, sovereign state Canada 376
7 Argentina country, nation, federal republic Argentina 355
8 Países Bajos country, country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Netherlands 353
9 Bulgaria country, unitary state, sovereign state Bulgaria 347
10 Indonesia country, presidential system, island country Indonesia 345
11 Bielorrusia country, republic, landlocked country Belarus 343
12 Londres city, megacity, metropolis London 341
13 Croacia country, unitary state, sovereign state Croatia 335
14 Serbia sovereign state Serbia 331
15 Moscú megacity, federal city of Russia, big city Moscow 330
16 Barack Obama human Barack Obama 329
17 Nueva Zelanda country, island country, Commonwealth realm New Zealand 327
18 Bangladés country, people's republic, sovereign state Bangladesh 326
19 Islam religion, lifestyle, major religion Islam 319
20 Agua type of chemical entity Water 313
21 Irlanda country, island country, sovereign state Republic of Ireland 305
22 Bolivia country, republic, landlocked country Bolivia 300
23 Unión Europea confederation, supranational union, regional organization European Union 300
24 Leonardo da Vinci human Leonardo da Vinci 297
25 Física exact science, branch of science, academic discipline Physics 296
26 Chad country, landlocked country, sovereign state Chad 295
27 Latín language, dead language, ancient language Latin 294
28 Mali country, landlocked country, sovereign state Mali 293
29 Bután country, landlocked country, kingdom Bhutan 289
30 Esperanto constructed language, a posteriori language, international auxiliary language Esperanto 280
31 Idioma portugués language, modern language Portuguese language 280
32 Varsovia city, administrative territorial entity, metropolis Warsaw 276
33 Budismo religion, lifestyle, world view Buddhism 267
34 Buenos Aires city of Argentina Buenos Aires 266
35 Charles Darwin human Charles Darwin 264
36 Tonga island country, sovereign state Tonga 248
37 Urano outer planet, superior planet, ice giant Uranus 248
38 Charles Chaplin human Charlie Chaplin 246
39 Friedrich Nietzsche human Friedrich Nietzsche 240
40 Neptuno outer planet, superior planet, ice giant Neptune 239
41 Fiódor Dostoyevski human Fyodor Dostoevsky 236
42 Nilo river Nile 226
43 Marie Curie human Marie Curie 224
44 Belgrado city, district of Serbia, statistical region of Serbia Belgrade 220
45 Canis lupus taxon, apex predator Wolf 219
46 Utah U.S. state Utah 216
47 Juegos Olímpicos recurring sporting event Olympic Games 214
48 Oscar Wilde human Oscar Wilde 214
49 Luz Light 211
50 Kentucky U.S. state Kentucky 210
51 Insecta taxon Insect 208
52 Carolina del Norte U.S. state North Carolina 207
53 Kuala Lumpur city, global city, human settlement Kuala Lumpur 201
54 Sófocles human Sophocles 200
55 Margaret Thatcher human Margaret Thatcher 199
56 Solanum lycopersicum taxon, food crop Tomato 196
57 Fruto botanical term Fruit (plant structure) 193
58 Yuri Gagarin human Yuri Gagarin 192
59 Atlanta county seat, city in the United States, big city Atlanta 191
60 Liubliana city, big city, largest city Ljubljana 191
61 País administrative territorial entity type, territorial entity type Country 190
62 Calcuta megacity, metropolis, state capital Kolkata 187
63 Agatha Christie human Agatha Christie 185
64 Virus taxon Virus 185
65 Dwight D. Eisenhower human Dwight D. Eisenhower 183
66 Jorge Luis Borges human Jorge Luis Borges 183
67 Ubuntu Unix-like operating system, Linux distribution, trademark Ubuntu 180
68 John Lennon human John Lennon 177
69 Antiguo Egipto historical region, historical country, cultural region Ancient Egypt 176
70 Novela literary form Novel 172
71 Freddie Mercury human Freddie Mercury 171
72 Río Misisipi main stream Mississippi River 168
73 Amphibia taxon Amphibian 167
74 Mama organ type, class of anatomical entity Breast 165
75 Marco Aurelio human Marcus Aurelius 163
76 Valencia municipality of Spain, municipality of the Valencian Community Valencia 163
77 Edad de Piedra human history, archaeological age, temporal entity Stone Age 162
78 Timbu city, administrative territorial entity, big city Thimphu 162
79 Boxeo type of sport, spectator sport Boxing 161
80 Helen Keller human Helen Keller 157
81 Antonio Vivaldi human Antonio Vivaldi 155
82 Mozilla Firefox web browser Firefox 155
83 Vanadio chemical element, lithophile Vanadium 153
84 Cardiff city, big city, largest city Cardiff 152
85 Alexander Graham Bell human Alexander Graham Bell 149
86 Johannes Brahms human Johannes Brahms 149
87 Joseph Haydn human Joseph Haydn 148
88 Wolframio chemical element, lithophile, electron medium Tungsten 148
89 Georg Friedrich Händel human George Frideric Handel 146
90 Molibdeno chemical element, combustible powder Molybdenum 143
91 Paladio chemical element Palladium 143
92 Paramore rock band Paramore 143
93 Número primo type of integer Prime number 143
94 Estatua de la Libertad statue, tourist attraction, observation tower Statue of Liberty 143
95 Lordi musical group Lordi 142
96 Actinio chemical element, radioactive element Actinium 140
97 Motörhead rock band Motörhead 140
98 Renio chemical element Rhenium 140
99 Ciclón tropical type of cyclone Tropical cyclone 138
100 Festival de la Canción de Eurovisión political event, television franchise, annual music competition Eurovision Song Contest 137
101 Florence Nightingale human Florence Nightingale 136
102 Arthropoda taxon Arthropod 135
103 Francisco de Asís human Francis of Assisi 135
104 The Rolling Stones musical group, rock band The Rolling Stones 135
105 Energía nuclear form of energy Nuclear power 133
106 Trompeta type of musical instrument Trumpet 133
107 Mar de Aral former lake Aral Sea 132
108 Bronce material Bronze 132
109 Forrest Gump film Forrest Gump 132
110 Richard Dawkins human Richard Dawkins 132
111 Enfermedad de Alzheimer rare disease, class of disease Alzheimer's disease 131
112 Brújula Compass 131
113 Francisco Franco human Francisco Franco 131
114 Edmonton city, big city, provincial or territorial capital city in Canada Edmonton 130
115 Clint Eastwood human Clint Eastwood 129
116 Juventus de Turín association football club, public company, business Juventus FC 129
117 Malcolm X human Malcolm X 129
118 Cultura maya civilization, culture, pre-Columbian era Maya civilization 129
119 Coleoptera taxon Beetle 128
120 Libre albedrío religious concept, philosophical concept Free will 128
121 Agnosticismo religious identity, doxastic attitude, point of view Agnosticism 126
122 Jeremy Renner human Jeremy Renner 126
123 Port Vila city Port Vila 126
124 Chris Pratt human Chris Pratt 125
125 Infarto agudo de miocardio cause of death, class of disease, symptom or sign Myocardial infarction 125
126 Toledo municipality of Spain Toledo, Spain 125
127 Panthera onca taxon Jaguar 124
128 Archaea taxon Archaea 123
129 Hardware electronics Computer hardware 123
130 Lieja city, municipality of Belgium, episcopal see Liège 123
131 Winnipeg big city Winnipeg 123
132 Chelsea Football Club association football club Chelsea F.C. 122
133 Lenguas arameas genetic unit Aramaic 121
134 Francesco Totti human Francesco Totti 121
135 Johan Cruyff human Johan Cruyff 121
136 LGBT minority group, acronym, community LGBT 121
137 South Park animated television series South Park 121
138 Poema de Gilgamesh literary work Epic of Gilgamesh 120
139 Katharine Hepburn human Katharine Hepburn 120
140 Pokémon media franchise Pokémon 120
141 Cromosoma Chromosome 119
142 Paleontología academic discipline Paleontology 119
143 Troya archaeological site Troy 119
144 Tulipa taxon Tulip 119
145 Puma concolor taxon Cougar 118
146 Carga eléctrica Electric charge 118
147 Sistema inmunitario neural system type Immune system 118
148 Declaración de Independencia de los Estados Unidos declaration of independence United States Declaration of Independence 118
149 Felix Mendelssohn human Felix Mendelssohn 117
150 Teneso chemical element, synthetic element Tennessine 117
151 Zlatan Ibrahimović human Zlatan Ibrahimović 117
152 Cuento de hadas literary genre Fairy tale 116
153 Oviedo council of Asturies Oviedo 116
154 Parto Childbirth 115
155 Electromagnetismo branch of physics Electromagnetism 115
156 Oliver Cromwell human Oliver Cromwell 115
157 Palma de Mallorca city, municipality of Spain, Counties of the Balearic Islands and the Pitiüses Palma de Mallorca 115
158 Jorge VI del Reino Unido human George VI 114
159 Enrique VIII de Inglaterra human Henry VIII 114
160 Cher human Cher 113
161 Linkin Park rock band Linkin Park 113
162 Cádiz municipality of Spain Cádiz 112
163 Kobe Bryant human Kobe Bryant 111
164 Américo Vespucio human Amerigo Vespucci 110
165 Balaenoptera musculus taxon Blue whale 109
166 Historia de China history of a country or state History of China 109
167 Adriano human Hadrian 108
168 Neurona cell type Neuron 107
169 Telegram free software, website, application Telegram (software) 107
170 Ácido acetilsalicílico type of chemical entity Aspirin 106
171 Eduardo VIII del Reino Unido human Edward VIII 106
172 Harrison Ford human Harrison Ford 106
173 Hipatia human Hypatia 106
174 Guillermo I de Inglaterra human William the Conqueror 106
175 Cúpula roof shape Dome 105
176 Gianluigi Buffon human Gianluigi Buffon 105
177 Superman comics character, literary character, Kryptonian Superman 105
178 Yucatán state of Mexico Yucatán 105
179 Planeta extrasolar astronomical object type Exoplanet 104
180 Idi Amin human Idi Amin 104
181 Asteraceae taxon Asteraceae 103
182 Accipiter nisus taxon Eurasian sparrowhawk 103
183 Karim Benzema human Karim Benzema 103
184 Selección de fútbol de Francia national association football team France national football team 102
185 Glaciación Ice age 102
186 Himno nacional de Rusia national anthem National anthem of Russia 102
187 Cuark type of quantum particle Quark 102
188 El viaje de Chihiro anime film, original anime Spirited Away 102
189 Núcleo celular cellular component Cell nucleus 101
190 Coldplay musical group, pop group, rock band Coldplay 101
191 Edgar von Wahl human Edgar de Wahl 101
192 Náhuatl language Nahuatl 101
193 Nancy Reagan human Nancy Reagan 101
194 Falco peregrinus taxon Peregrine falcon 101
195 Thor thunder deity, Norse deity Thor 101
196 Tito human Titus 101
197 Dioniso nature deity, Greek deity Dionysus 100
198 Passer montanus taxon Eurasian tree sparrow 100
199 LeBron James human LeBron James 100
200 Mike Tyson human Mike Tyson 100
201 Liquen Lichen 99
202 Tennessee Williams human Tennessee Williams 99
203 Juegos Olímpicos de Atenas 1896 Summer Olympic Games 1896 Summer Olympics 98
204 Ciudad Prohibida palace, museum, tourist attraction Forbidden City 98
205 Estado de Hidalgo state of Mexico Hidalgo (state) 98
206 Miguel Ángel Asturias human Miguel Ángel Asturias 98
207 Ópera de Sídney opera house, tourist attraction, architectural landmark Sydney Opera House 97
208 Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno recurring sporting event Winter Olympic Games 97
209 Wayne Rooney human Wayne Rooney 96
210 Ávila municipality of Spain Ávila 96
211 Buteo buteo taxon Common buzzard 95
212 Estados Confederados de América historical unrecognized state Confederate States of America 95
213 Anas crecca taxon Eurasian teal 95
214 José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero human José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero 95
215 Borobudur tourist attraction, archaeological site, candi Borobudur 94
216 Harry Potter y la cámara secreta literary work Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 94
217 La Plata planned community, big city, city of Argentina La Plata 94
218 La lista de Schindler film Schindler's List 94
219 Solanaceae taxon Solanaceae 94
220 Rhincodon typus taxon Whale shark 94
221 (2) Palas asteroid 2 Pallas 93
222 (4) Vesta asteroid 4 Vesta 93
223 Diomedeidae taxon Albatross 93
224 Chris Evans human Chris Evans (actor) 93
225 Etruscos civilization, culture, historical ethnic group Etruscan civilization 93
226 Homofobia prejudice, ethical theory Homophobia 93
227 Isis Ancient Egyptian deity Isis 93
228 Jerez de la Frontera municipality of Spain Jerez de la Frontera 93
229 Varanus komodoensis taxon Komodo dragon 93
230 Física de partículas branch of physics Particle physics 93
231 Provincia de Buenos Aires province of Argentina, electoral unit Buenos Aires Province 92
232 Copa Mundial de Fútbol de 1930 sports season 1930 FIFA World Cup 91
233 Ernest Lawrence human Ernest Lawrence 91
234 Bandera de Alemania national flag Flag of Germany 91
235 Imperio de Mali historical country Mali Empire 91
236 Caronte moon of Pluto Charon (moon) 90
237 Chris Hemsworth human Chris Hemsworth 90
238 Helena legendary progenitor, mythological Greek character Helen of Troy 90
239 Leonés dialect Leonese language 90
240 Migraña class of disease Migraine 90
241 Selección de fútbol de los Países Bajos national association football team Netherlands national football team 90
242 Physeter macrocephalus taxon Sperm whale 90
243 Thomas Müller human Thomas Müller 90
244 Archaeopteryx fossil taxon Archaeopteryx 89
245 Arjen Robben human Arjen Robben 89
246 Dorset ceremonial county of England Dorset 89
247 Eva Braun human Eva Braun 89
248 Kimigayo national anthem, national Symbols of Japan Kimigayo 89
249 Marbella municipality of Spain Marbella 89
250 Septimio Severo human Septimius Severus 89
251 Star Wars: Episodio I - La amenaza fantasma feature film Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace 89
252 Cáceres municipality of Spain Cáceres, Spain 88
253 Elche city, municipality of Spain, municipality of the Valencian Community Elche 88
254 Pholidota taxon Pangolin 88
255 Kun Agüero human Sergio Agüero 88
256 Vlad el Empalador human Vlad the Impaler 88
257 Caracalla human Caracalla 87
258 Citoplasma cellular component Cytoplasm 87
259 Hylobatidae taxon Gibbon 87
260 Monodon monoceros taxon Narwhal 87
261 Pérmico period, system Permian 87
262 Tallo plant structure Plant stem 87
263 Caballo de Troya episode in Greek mythology Trojan Horse 87
264 Gladiolus taxon Gladiolus 86
265 Harry Potter y la Orden del Fénix film, 3D film Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (film) 86
266 Montehermoso municipality of Spain Montehermoso 86
267 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl film Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 86
268 Sirenia taxon Sirenia 86
269 Albacete municipality of Spain Albacete 85
270 Anticuerpo family of protein complexes Antibody 85
271 Jorge II de Gran Bretaña human George II of Great Britain 85
272 Caballeros templarios religious military order Knights Templar 85
273 México-Tenochtitlan big city, altepetl Tenochtitlan 85
274 Bon Jovi musical group Bon Jovi 84
275 Cómodo human Commodus 84
276 Liliaceae taxon Liliaceae 84
277 Xabi Alonso human Xabi Alonso 84
278 Central Park urban park, tourist attraction Central Park 83
279 Provincia de Entre Ríos province of Argentina Entre Ríos Province 83
280 Gerty Cori human Gerty Cori 83
281 Gota class of disease, symptom or sign Gout 83
282 Kiss rock band Kiss (band) 83
283 Ecuaciones de Maxwell Mathematical descriptions of the electromagnetic field, physical theory Maxwell's equations 83
284 Saving Private Ryan film Saving Private Ryan 83
285 Xena: la princesa guerrera television series Xena: Warrior Princess 83
286 (3) Juno asteroid 3 Juno 82
287 Baalbek city, archaeological site, ancient city Baalbek 82
288 British Airways airline, public company British Airways 82
289 Rancagua big city, city in Chile Rancagua 82
290 Ur archaeological site, ancient city Ur 82
291 Xbox 360 model series, video game console model Xbox 360 82
292 Shingeki no Kyojin manga series Attack on Titan 81
293 Citizen Kane film Citizen Kane 81
294 Los Angeles Lakers basketball team Los Angeles Lakers 81
295 Nerva human Nerva 81
296 Pikachu mascot character, starter Pokémon, electric-type Pokémon Pikachu 81
297 Orden de Malta Catholic order, religious military order, subject of international law Sovereign Military Order of Malta 81
298 Star Wars: Episodio II - El ataque de los clones film Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones 81
299 Alessandro Del Piero human Alessandro Del Piero 80
300 Crater constellation Crater (constellation) 80
301 Spinus spinus taxon Eurasian siskin 80
302 Insuficiencia cardíaca complication, symptom or sign Heart failure 80
303 Jennifer Connelly human Jennifer Connelly 80
304 Lidia realm, historical region, historical country Lydia 80
305 Nebulosa de Orión H II region, reflection nebula, astronomical radio source Orion Nebula 80
306 Rómulo Augústulo human Romulus Augustulus 80
307 Strix aluco taxon Tawny owl 80
308 Jorge I de Gran Bretaña human George I of Great Britain 79
309 Jake Gyllenhaal human Jake Gyllenhaal 79
310 Michael Ballack human Michael Ballack 79
311 Neógeno period, system Neogene 79
312 Oskar Schindler human Oskar Schindler 79
313 Phishing computer security technique Phishing 79
314 Clara Schumann human Clara Schumann 78
315 Bandera de Canadá national flag, triband Flag of Canada 78
316 Bandera de Chile national flag Flag of Chile 78
317 Coccothraustes coccothraustes taxon Hawfinch 78
318 Arthur Schnitzler human Arthur Schnitzler 77
319 Ben Nevis mountain, tourist attraction Ben Nevis 77
320 Dicotyledoneae taxon Dicotyledon 77
321 Magic Johnson human Magic Johnson 77
322 María II de Inglaterra human Mary II 77
323 Masaccio human Masaccio 77
324 Pirro de Epiro human Pyrrhus of Epirus 77
325 Plaza technical term Town square 77
326 Wesley Sneijder human Wesley Sneijder 77
327 Delichon urbicum taxon Western house martin 77
328 Chicago Bulls basketball team Chicago Bulls 76
329 Aptenodytes forsteri taxon Emperor penguin 76
330 Interacciones fundamentales type of interaction Fundamental interaction 76
331 Guy Fawkes human Guy Fawkes 76
332 Copa Intercontinental international association football clubs cup, defunct association football competition, club world championship Intercontinental Cup (football) 76
333 Loki shapeshifter, Norse deity Loki 76
334 Pachuca de Soto locality of Mexico Pachuca 76
335 Psoriasis class of disease, symptom or sign Psoriasis 76
336 Toyotomi Hideyoshi human Toyotomi Hideyoshi 76
337 Vulcano god, Roman deity Vulcan (mythology) 76
338 Metis shepherd moon, regular moon, moon of Jupiter Metis (moon) 75
339 Guerra del Peloponeso war Peloponnesian War 75
340 Ben-Hur film Ben-Hur (1959 film) 74
341 Cueva de Altamira monument, cave with prehistoric art Cave of Altamira 74
342 Sterna hirundo taxon Common tern 74
343 Diplodocus fossil taxon Diplodocus 74
344 Sylvia atricapilla taxon Eurasian blackcap 74
345 Bandera de Europa flag, symbols of Europe, logo Flag of Europe 74
346 Josefina de Beauharnais human Joséphine de Beauharnais 74
347 Juan Manuel Fangio human Juan Manuel Fangio 74
348 Las noventa y cinco tesis document, text, historical event Ninety-five Theses 74
349 Ratko Mladić human Ratko Mladić 74
350 Sviatoslav I de Kiev human Sviatoslav I 74
351 Valquiria war deity Valkyrie 74
352 Adrastea shepherd moon, regular moon, moon of Jupiter Adrastea (moon) 73
353 Amaltea regular moon, moon of Jupiter Amalthea (moon) 73
354 Bombycilla garrulus taxon Bohemian waxwing 73
355 Edith Stein human Edith Stein 73
356 Ernest Shackleton human Ernest Shackleton 73
357 Fedora Linux distribution, free operating system Fedora Linux 73
358 Gonzalo Higuaín human Gonzalo Higuaín 73
359 Josef Mengele human Josef Mengele 73
360 Pancho Villa human Pancho Villa 73
361 Enhydra lutris taxon Sea otter 73
362 Crepúsculo film Twilight (2008 film) 73
363 Amaryllidaceae taxon Amaryllidaceae 72
364 Anfield association football venue Anfield 72
365 Limosa lapponica taxon Bar-tailed godwit 72
366 Batalla de Austerlitz battle Battle of Austerlitz 72
367 Phylloscopus collybita taxon Common chiffchaff 72
368 Constantino XI Paleólogo human Constantine XI Palaiologos 72
369 Dennis Bergkamp human Dennis Bergkamp 72
370 Duelo Duel 72
371 Lorde human Lorde 72
372 Estado miembro de las Naciones Unidas collective Member states of the United Nations 72
373 Steve Buscemi human Steve Buscemi 72
374 Toronto Raptors basketball team Toronto Raptors 72
375 Valhalla fictional universe, Norse mythical location Valhalla 72
376 Juegos Olímpicos de Oslo 1952 Winter Olympic Games 1952 Winter Olympics 71
377 Atrápame si puedes film Catch Me If You Can 71
378 Escuela Politécnica Federal de Zúrich polytechnic, public university, video game publisher ETH Zurich 71
379 Bandera de México national flag, ensign Flag of Mexico 71
380 Heinz Guderian human Heinz Guderian 71
381 Reino de las Dos Sicilias historical country Kingdom of the Two Sicilies 71
382 Matt Groening human Matt Groening 71
383 Patti Smith human Patti Smith 71
384 San Antonio Spurs basketball team San Antonio Spurs 71
385 Tarifa municipality of Spain Tarifa 71
386 Guerra anglo-zanzibariana war, conflict Anglo-Zanzibar War 70
387 Sterna paradisaea taxon Arctic tern 70
388 Atahualpa human Atahualpa 70
389 Drosera taxon Drosera 70
390 Bandera de Colombia national flag Flag of Colombia 70
391 Bandera de Nueva Zelanda national flag Flag of New Zealand 70
392 Bandera de Filipinas national flag Flag of the Philippines 70
393 Federico III de Alemania human Frederick III, German Emperor 70
394 James Blunt human James Blunt 70
395 Neon Genesis Evangelion anime television series, original anime Neon Genesis Evangelion 70
396 New York Knicks basketball team New York Knicks 70
397 Coordenadas polares Polar coordinate system 70
398 Teoría cuántica de campos branch of physics Quantum field theory 70
399 Ruud van Nistelrooy human Ruud van Nistelrooy 70
400 Andréi Arshavin human Andrey Arshavin 69
401 Ernesto Sabato human Ernesto Sabato 69
402 Bandera de Bután national flag Flag of Bhutan 69
403 Joe Pesci human Joe Pesci 69
404 Circus pygargus taxon Montagu's harrier 69
405 Lemur catta taxon Ring-tailed lemur 69
406 Robert Schuman human Robert Schuman 69
407 Segunda guerra de los Balcanes war Second Balkan War 69
408 Herpes zóster infectious disease, class of disease, symptom or sign Shingles 69
409 Tabaré Vázquez human Tabaré Vázquez 69
410 Aversa commune of Italy Aversa 68
411 Bart Simpson fictional human, animated character, film character Bart Simpson 68
412 David Schwimmer human David Schwimmer 68
413 Erich von Manstein human Erich von Manstein 68
414 Jeanne Calment human Jeanne Calment 68
415 Klaas-Jan Huntelaar human Klaas-Jan Huntelaar 68
416 Teorema del coseno theorem Law of cosines 68
417 Phoenix Suns basketball team Phoenix Suns 68
418 Sandro Pertini human Sandro Pertini 68
419 Islas Spratly island group, disputed territory Spratly Islands 68
420 Asparagales taxon Asparagales 67
421 David Trezeguet human David Trezeguet 67
422 Jean Harlow human Jean Harlow 67
423 Morus bassanus taxon Northern gannet 67
424 Poales taxon Poales 67
425 Wallis Simpson human Wallis Simpson 67
426 Alexandra Daddario human Alexandra Daddario 66
427 Balder Norse deity Baldr 66
428 Dallas Mavericks basketball team Dallas Mavericks 66
429 Anastasia Nikoláyevna de Rusia human Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia 66
430 Estado miembro de la Unión Europea Member state of the European Union 66
431 Confederación de Fútbol de Oceanía nonprofit organization, international sport governing body Oceania Football Confederation 66
432 Park Ji-sung human Park Ji-sung 66
433 Perth city, large burgh Perth, Scotland 66
434 Philadelphia 76ers basketball team Philadelphia 76ers 66
435 Felipe III de Francia human Philip III of France 66
436 Portland Trail Blazers basketball team Portland Trail Blazers 66
437 Counter-Strike video game, total conversion mod, esports discipline Counter-Strike (video game) 65
438 Dave Bautista human Dave Bautista 65
439 Gazpacho Gazpacho 65
440 Jorge I de Grecia human George I of Greece 65
441 Phoca vitulina taxon Harbor seal 65
442 Katherine Johnson human Katherine Johnson 65
443 Látex mixture, material Latex 65
444 MDMA group of stereoisomers MDMA 65
445 Maximiano human Maximian 65
446 McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle aircraft family McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle 65
447 Conquista normanda de Inglaterra conquest Norman Conquest 65
448 Sam Smith human Sam Smith 65
449 Techno music genre Techno 65
450 Batalla de Midway battle, naval battle Battle of Midway 64
451 Acorazado ship type Battleship 64
452 Benalmádena municipality of Spain Benalmádena 64
453 Barbanegra human Blackbeard 64
454 Estadio Ciudad de Mánchester association football venue, rugby union venue, rugby league venue City of Manchester Stadium 64
455 Eugenio Oneguin literary work Eugene Onegin 64
456 Geta human Geta (emperor) 64
457 Sanlúcar de Barrameda municipality of Spain Sanlúcar de Barrameda 64
458 Vercingétorix human Vercingetorix 64
459 Washington Wizards basketball team Washington Wizards 64
460 Baracaldo city, municipality of Spain, elizate Barakaldo 63
461 Batalla de Salamina naval battle Battle of Salamis 63
462 Bohemian Rhapsody musical work/composition Bohemian Rhapsody 63
463 Hayley Williams human Hayley Williams 63
464 Hobbits Middle-earth race, fictional ethnic group Hobbit 63
465 Quintilo human Quintillus 63
466 Raúl Alfonsín human Raúl Alfonsín 63
467 Stephen Jay Gould human Stephen Jay Gould 63
468 El nombre de la rosa literary work The Name of the Rose 63
469 Torremolinos municipality of Spain Torremolinos 63
470 AZ Alkmaar association football club AZ Alkmaar 62
471 Among Us video game Among Us 62
472 Antequera city, municipality of Spain Antequera 62
473 Batalla del bosque de Teutoburgo battle Battle of the Teutoburg Forest 62
474 Hermanos Coen sibling duo Coen brothers 62
475 Cerumen biogenic substance type, class of anatomical entity Earwax 62
476 Primera guerra púnica war First Punic War 62
477 Fuengirola municipality of Spain Fuengirola 62
478 Herbario Herbarium 62
479 New Orleans Pelicans basketball team New Orleans Pelicans 62
480 Pavel Nedvěd human Pavel Nedvěd 62
481 Catedral de Santiago de Compostela architectural heritage monument, Catholic pilgrimage church, Catholic cathedral Santiago de Compostela Cathedral 62
482 Tom Waits human Tom Waits 62
483 Berberidaceae taxon Berberidaceae 61
484 Bill Russell human Bill Russell 61
485 Charles Barkley human Charles Barkley 61
486 Germánico human Germanicus 61
487 Harvey Milk human Harvey Milk 61
488 James Hutton human James Hutton 61
489 Lynyrd Skynyrd musical group Lynyrd Skynyrd 61
490 McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet aircraft family McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet 61
491 Nikkō city of Japan, holy city, monzenmachi Nikkō 61
492 Mola mola taxon Ocean sunfish 61
493 Oleg de Nóvgorod human Oleg the Wise 61
494 Plasencia city, municipality of Spain Plasencia 61
495 Poliestireno polymer, Vinyl polymer Polystyrene 61
496 Calor específico Specific heat capacity 61
497 Yao Ming human Yao Ming 61
498 Aristolochiaceae taxon Aristolochiaceae 60
499 Ciclo celular biological process Cell cycle 60
500 Damon Hill human Damon Hill 60
501 Dirk Nowitzki human Dirk Nowitzki 60
502 Primera guerra judeo-romana rebellion First Jewish–Roman War 60
503 Full Metal Jacket film Full Metal Jacket 60
504 Ojo humano class of anatomical entity Human eye 60
505 Reino de Serbia historical country Kingdom of Serbia 60
506 Ranunculales taxon Ranunculales 60
507 Saab 39 Gripen aircraft family Saab JAS 39 Gripen 60
508 Tate Modern art museum, non-departmental public body, national museum Tate Modern 60
509 Thomas Cranmer human Thomas Cranmer 60
510 Doce monos film 12 Monkeys 59
511 Astor Piazzolla human Astor Piazzolla 59
512 Carro de guerra vehicle, weapon functional class Chariot 59
513 Cometa Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 59
514 Eretmochelys imbricata taxon Hawksbill sea turtle 59
515 Hipocampo brain region type Hippocampus 59
516 Cristalino class of anatomical entity Lens (vertebrate anatomy) 59
517 Mary Anning human Mary Anning 59
518 Miguel Primo de Rivera human Miguel Primo de Rivera 59
519 Mijas municipality of Spain Mijas 59
520 Mohammad Najibulá human Mohammad Najibullah 59
521 Elementos del periodo 1 period Period 1 element 59
522 Literatura persa sub-set of literature Persian literature 59
523 Real Sporting de Gijón association football club Sporting de Gijón 59
524 The Undertaker human The Undertaker 59
525 Vélez-Málaga municipality of Spain Vélez-Málaga 59
526 Aaron Eckhart human Aaron Eckhart 58
527 Alejandra de Dinamarca human Alexandra of Denmark 58
528 Alismatales taxon Alismatales 58
529 Cifrado César Caesar cipher 58
530 Caro human Carus 58
531 Dwyane Wade human Dwyane Wade 58
532 Himno Nacional Mexicano national anthem Himno Nacional Mexicano 58
533 Liliales taxon Liliales 58
534 Lindsay Davenport human Lindsay Davenport 58
535 Liudmila Pavlichenko human Lyudmila Pavlichenko 58
536 Nanda Devi mountain Nanda Devi 58
537 Pulpo Paul individual animal Paul the Octopus 58
538 Phalaropus lobatus taxon Red-necked phalarope 58
539 Hotel Ryugyong skyscraper, hotel, mixed-use development Ryugyong Hotel 58
540 Simeón I de Bulgaria human Simeon I of Bulgaria 58
541 La ronda de noche painting The Night Watch 58
542 Tool musical group Tool (band) 58
543 Aleksandr Vasilevski human Aleksandr Vasilevsky 57
544 Inia geoffrensis taxon Amazon river dolphin 57
545 Libro de los muertos religious text, ancient Egyptian funerary texts, text witness Book of the Dead 57
546 Cráter de Chicxulub impact crater Chicxulub crater 57
547 Ian Thorpe human Ian Thorpe 57
548 Jim Thorpe human Jim Thorpe 57
549 Patroclo mythological Greek character Patroclus 57
550 Problema de los puentes de Königsberg mathematical problem Seven Bridges of Königsberg 57
551 Tamara de Georgia human Tamar of Georgia 57
552 Smultronstället film Wild Strawberries (film) 57
553 Allen Iverson human Allen Iverson 56
554 Batalla de Okinawa battle Battle of Okinawa 56
555 La Bella y la Bestia fairy tale, tale type Beauty and the Beast 56
556 Proceso de Bolonia higher education reform Bologna Process 56
557 Guerra de las Galias war Gallic Wars 56
558 Landon Donovan human Landon Donovan 56
559 María de Teck human Mary of Teck 56
560 Pan Am airline, business Pan Am 56
561 Santa Ana city, big city, municipality of El Salvador Santa Ana, El Salvador 56
562 El nacimiento de Venus painting The Birth of Venus 56
563 Paradoja de los gemelos thought experiment, paradox Twin paradox 56
564 Diagrama de Venn Venn diagram 56
565 Batalla de Zama battle Battle of Zama 55
566 Daniel Agger human Daniel Agger 55
567 Pteronura brasiliensis taxon Giant otter 55
568 Ian Gillan human Ian Gillan 55
569 Antiinflamatorio no esteroideo ChEBI Ontology term Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug 55
570 Presión osmótica Osmotic pressure 55
571 Pau Gasol human Pau Gasol 55
572 Ritchie Blackmore human Ritchie Blackmore 55
573 Toxoplasmosis infectious disease, class of disease Toxoplasmosis 55
574 Utrera municipality of Spain Utrera 55
575 Anthrax musical group Anthrax (American band) 54
576 Basilisco human Basiliscus 54
577 Coragyps atratus taxon Black vulture 54
578 Pequeño teorema de Fermat theorem Fermat's little theorem 54
579 Estado Independiente de Croacia puppet state, historical country Independent State of Croatia 54
580 King Kong film King Kong (1933 film) 54
581 Lisa Simpson fictional human, animated character, television character Lisa Simpson 54
582 Anexo:Códigos de la FIFA Wikimedia list article List of FIFA country codes 54
583 Anexo:Ganadores del Premio Nobel de Literatura Wikimedia list article List of Nobel laureates in Literature 54
584 Himno nacional de Colombia national anthem National Anthem of Colombia 54
585 Randy Orton human Randy Orton 54
586 Jerez wine-producing region Sherry 54
587 Esfalerita mineral species Sphalerite 54
588 The Fame Monster album The Fame Monster 54
589 Cruzada albigense military campaign, religious war Albigensian Crusade 53
590 Anarcocapitalismo political ideology Anarcho-capitalism 53
591 Born This Way album Born This Way (album) 53
592 Rhinella marina taxon Cane toad 53
593 Parque nacional del Valle de la Muerte national park, National Park of the United States Death Valley National Park 53
594 Edward Smith human Edward Smith (sea captain) 53
595 Guerra franco-india war French and Indian War 53
596 Región H II astronomical object type H II region 53
597 Entrevista con el vampiro film Interview with the Vampire (film) 53
598 Iván Bagramián human Ivan Bagramyan 53
599 Juan VI de Portugal human John VI of Portugal 53
600 Juno film Juno (film) 53
601 Mathieu Valbuena human Mathieu Valbuena 53
602 Microtúbulo cellular component Microtubule 53
603 Pablo Zabaleta human Pablo Zabaleta 53
604 San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca city, municipality, big city San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca 53
605 Faringitis estreptocócica infectious disease Streptococcal pharyngitis 53
606 Árpád human Árpád 53
607 Benzodiacepina pharmacological class of chemical compounds Benzodiazepine 52
608 Carnotaurus sastrei fossil taxon Carnotaurus 52
609 Asmoneos dynasty, royal house Hasmonean dynasty 52
610 Kevin Garnett human Kevin Garnett 52
611 Nevado del Ruiz volcano Nevado del Ruiz 52
612 Placodermi fossil taxon Placoderm 52
613 Marcha atlética sports discipline Racewalking 52
614 Rubber Soul album Rubber Soul 52
615 Salmonelosis infectious disease, class of disease Salmonellosis 52
616 Amtrak railway company, independent agency of the United States government, public transport network Amtrak 51
617 Amália Rodrigues human Amália Rodrigues 51
618 Big Fish film Big Fish 51
619 Carmelo Anthony human Carmelo Anthony 51
620 Casa Batlló multifamily residential Casa Batlló 51
621 Casa Milà multifamily residential Casa Milà 51
622 Lago del Cráter lake, volcanic crater lake Crater Lake 51
623 Color de ojos color in nature Eye color 51
624 Ioannis Metaxás human Ioannis Metaxas 51
625 Jerry West human Jerry West 51
626 Anexo:Ganadores del Premio Nobel de la Paz Wikimedia list article List of Nobel Peace Prize laureates 51
627 Muggle fictional humanoid species, fictional group of characters Muggle 51
628 Incidente de Mukden conflict, incident Mukden incident 51
629 Nevermind album Nevermind 51
630 Neumotórax rare disease, clinical sign, class of disease Pneumothorax 51
631 Proteaceae taxon Proteaceae 51
632 Pucallpa city, big city Pucallpa 51
633 Roberto Bolaño human Roberto Bolaño 51
634 Imperio sueco historical country Swedish Empire 51
635 Van Morrison human Van Morrison 51
636 Vinnie Jones human Vinnie Jones 51
637 Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes film Aguirre, the Wrath of God 50
638 Pico Aneto mountain Aneto 50
639 Batalla de Alesia battle, siege Battle of Alesia 50
640 Batalla de Platea battle Battle of Plataea 50
641 Castro-Urdiales city, municipality of Cantabria Castro Urdiales 50
642 Cream rock band Cream (band) 50
643 Parque nacional y natural de Doñana biosphere reserve, European Diploma of Protected Areas, protected area Doñana National Park 50
644 Gerardo Martino human Gerardo Martino 50
645 Marilyn Manson rock band Marilyn Manson (band) 50
646 Metalcore music genre Metalcore 50
647 Mjölnir Norse mythical object, fictional hammer Mjölnir 50
648 Teorías de la conspiración de los alunizajes del Programa Apolo Moon landing conspiracy theories 50
649 Nur Muhammad Taraki human Nur Muhammad Taraki 50
650 Pela polis, archaeological site, ancient city Pella 50
651 Plesiosauria taxon, fossil taxon Plesiosaur 50
652 Santiago Bernabéu human Santiago Bernabéu (footballer) 50
653 Sasuke Uchiha fictional human, anime character, manga character Sasuke Uchiha 50
654 Selección sexual Sexual selection 50
655 Shamrock Rovers Football Club association football club Shamrock Rovers F.C. 50
656 The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild video game The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 50
657 Tratado de Londres treaty Treaty of London (1915) 50
658 (253) Mathilde asteroid 253 Mathilde 49
659 Albertosaurus sarcophagus fossil taxon Albertosaurus 49
660 Bell UH-1 Iroquois aircraft family Bell UH-1 Iroquois 49
661 Bela IV de Hungría human Béla IV of Hungary 49
662 Conan el Bárbaro literary character, fictional human, animated character Conan the Barbarian 49
663 Mortífago organisation in Harry Potter series, group of fictional characters, fictional terrorist organization Death Eater 49
664 Franz Halder human Franz Halder 49
665 Oscilador armónico Harmonic oscillator 49
666 Hybrid Theory album Hybrid Theory 49
667 Jeff Hardy human Jeff Hardy 49
668 Juan III Ducas Vatatzés human John III Doukas Vatatzes 49
669 Keiko Fujimori human Keiko Fujimori 49
670 Kirkcaldy town, large burgh Kirkcaldy 49
671 Mary Higgins Clark human Mary Higgins Clark 49
672 Mauricio Isla human Mauricio Isla 49
673 Metformina type of chemical entity Metformin 49
674 Cardinalis cardinalis taxon Northern cardinal 49
675 Revolución rumana de 1989 revolution Romanian revolution 49
676 Sakurajima stratovolcano Sakurajima 49
677 Estatina drug class, group or class of chemical entities Statin 49
678 Sugar Ray Robinson human Sugar Ray Robinson 49
679 Las aventuras de Sherlock Holmes literary work The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 49
680 Un perro andaluz short film Un Chien Andalou 49
681 Victoria del Reino Unido human Victoria, Princess Royal 49
682 Cráter de Vredefort hill, impact crater Vredefort impact structure 49
683 Age of Empires video game series Age of Empires 48
684 Alejandro I de Grecia human Alexander of Greece 48
685 Amenorrea women's health, class of disease Amenorrhea 48
686 Call of Duty: World at War video game Call of Duty: World at War 48
687 Colchicaceae taxon Colchicaceae 48
688 Florencia big city, municipality of Colombia, city in Colombia Florencia, Caquetá 48
689 Hannibal film Hannibal (2001 film) 48
690 Juan Manuel de Rosas human Juan Manuel de Rosas 48
691 Anexo:Ganadores del Premio Nobel de Química Wikimedia list article List of Nobel laureates in Chemistry 48
692 Manuel Belgrano human Manuel Belgrano 48
693 Incidente del Puente de Marco Polo battle, conflict Marco Polo Bridge incident 48
694 Nauvoo human settlement, city in the United States Nauvoo, Illinois 48
695 Nicotinamida adenina dinucleótido group of chemical entities Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide 48
696 Ouray county seat, city in the United States Ouray, Colorado 48
697 Farmacocinética specialty Pharmacokinetics 48
698 Alicia de Battenberg human Princess Alice of Battenberg 48
699 Queens of the Stone Age musical group Queens of the Stone Age 48
700 Partido Social-Revolucionario political party Socialist Revolutionary Party 48
701 Thích Quảng Đức human Thích Quảng Đức 48
702 Animals album Animals (Pink Floyd album) 47
703 Iglesia de San Vital de Rávena church building, minor basilica, tourist destination Basilica of San Vitale 47
704 Batalla de Queronea battle Battle of Chaeronea (338 BC) 47
705 Escudo de Colombia national coat of arms Coat of arms of Colombia 47
706 Commelinales taxon Commelinales 47
707 David Yates human David Yates 47
708 Célula dendrítica cell type Dendritic cell 47
709 Ácido γ-hidroxibutírico type of chemical entity Gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid 47
710 Testudo hermanni taxon Hermann's tortoise 47
711 Héroe de la Federación de Rusia , courage award Hero of the Russian Federation 47
712 Catalina de Bora human Katharina von Bora 47
713 Krum human Krum 47
714 Liberación de París battle, liberation Liberation of Paris 47
715 Esteban Dušan human Stefan Dušan 47
716 Final de la Copa Mundial de Fútbol de 2014 final of the FIFA World Cup, international association football match 2014 FIFA World Cup final 46
717 Buxaceae taxon Buxaceae 46
718 Castillo de Chenonceau château Château de Chenonceau 46
719 Coney Island beach, neighborhood, seaside resort Coney Island 46
720 Constitución del 3 de mayo de 1791 constitution Constitution of 3 May 1791 46
721 John Osborne human John Osborne 46
722 Independencia de México war of national liberation Mexican War of Independence 46
723 Miranda Otto human Miranda Otto 46
724 Post-rock music genre Post-rock 46
725 Azul de Prusia type of chemical entity Prussian blue 46
726 Rincón de la Victoria municipality of Spain Rincón de la Victoria 46
727 Shawn Michaels human Shawn Michaels 46
728 Super Mario World video game Super Mario World 46
729 Tandil big city, seat of government, locality Tandil 46
730 Weymouth town, civil parish Weymouth, Dorset 46
731 William Caxton human William Caxton 46
732 Yodaí-e Nader az Simín film A Separation 45
733 Batalla de Varsovia battle Battle of Warsaw (1920) 45
734 Bleach album Bleach (Nirvana album) 45
735 Hemerocallis taxon Daylily 45
736 Defense of the Ancients custom map / level, esports discipline Defense of the Ancients 45
737 Dioscoreales taxon Dioscoreales 45
738 Evander Holyfield human Evander Holyfield 45
739 Fanny Mendelssohn human Fanny Mendelssohn 45
740 Autómata finito Finite-state machine 45
741 Iðunn Norse deity Iðunn 45
742 John Cazale human John Cazale 45
743 John Tenniel human John Tenniel 45
744 Led Zeppelin II album Led Zeppelin II 45
745 Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events film Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events 45
746 Millvina Dean human Millvina Dean 45
747 Oscar Robertson human Oscar Robertson 45
748 Eyaculación precoz class of disease Premature ejaculation 45
749 Presidente de Bielorrusia position President of Belarus 45
750 Cúbit unit of information Qubit 45
751 Red Dead Redemption video game Red Dead Redemption 45
752 Palacio Real de Madrid palace, museum, official residence Royal Palace of Madrid 45
753 Santoña town, municipality of Cantabria Santoña 45
754 The Allman Brothers Band musical group The Allman Brothers Band 45
755 Thomas P. Stafford human Thomas P. Stafford 45
756 Tulipomanía economic bubble Tulip mania 45
757 …And Justice for All album ...And Justice for All (album) 44
758 Algemesí municipality of Spain, municipality of the Valencian Community Algemesí 44
759 Vuelo 11 de American Airlines suicide attack, aircraft hijacking, terrorist attack American Airlines Flight 11 44
760 Archidona municipality of Spain Archidona 44
761 Arenas de San Pedro municipality of Spain Arenas de San Pedro 44
762 Metro de Barcelona rapid transit Barcelona Metro 44
763 Anexo:Discografía de Basshunter Wikimedia artist discography Basshunter discography 44
764 Ben Johnson human Ben Johnson (Canadian sprinter) 44
765 Deconstructivismo architectural style Deconstructivism 44
766 Diego Ribas human Diego (footballer, born 1985) 44
767 Cáncer de endometrio class of disease Endometrial cancer 44
768 Historia de la Argentina history of a country or state History of Argentina 44
769 Hook feature film Hook (film) 44
770 Hunter × Hunter animation Hunter × Hunter 44
771 Johnny Bravo animated television series Johnny Bravo 44
772 Laocoonte y sus hijos sculpture Laocoön and His Sons 44
773 Campana de la Libertad bell, tourist attraction Liberty Bell 44
774 Luisa de Mecklemburgo-Strelitz human Louise of Mecklenburg-Strelitz 44
775 Metamorfismo Metamorphism 44
776 Síndrome nefrótico rare disease, class of disease Nephrotic syndrome 44
777 Pokémon rojo y Pokémon azul Pokémon paired versions Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow 44
778 Sahagún municipality of Spain Sahagún 44
779 Sakura Haruno fictional human, anime character, manga character Sakura Haruno 44
780 Samuel de Bulgaria human Samuel of Bulgaria 44
781 Saruman Istari, fantasy film character Saruman 44
782 Shaun of the Dead film Shaun of the Dead 44
783 Tecophilaeaceae taxon Tecophilaeaceae 44
784 The Division Bell album The Division Bell 44
785 The Legend of Zelda video game The Legend of Zelda (video game) 44
786 Umbrete municipality of Spain Umbrete 44
787 Vito Corleone literary character, fictional human Vito Corleone 44
788 Colomán de Hungría human Coloman, King of Hungary 43
789 Darkthrone musical group Darkthrone 43
790 Amor contra viento y marea film Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge 43
791 Ejército de Dumbledore organisation in Harry Potter series, fictional resistance movement, fictional secret society Dumbledore's Army 43
792 Adam Copeland human Edge (wrestler) 43
793 Enola Gay Boeing B-29 Superfortress Enola Gay 43
794 Fay Wray human Fay Wray 43
795 Francisco Varallo human Francisco Varallo 43
796 Hamamelidaceae taxon Hamamelidaceae 43
797 Enrique V dramatic work Henry V (play) 43
798 Herrera del Duque municipality of Spain Herrera del Duque 43
799 Horst Wessel human Horst Wessel 43
800 Immortal musical group Immortal (band) 43
801 Juan Hunyadi human John Hunyadi 43
802 Kawaii aesthetic concept Kawaii 43
803 Lennox Lewis human Lennox Lewis 43
804 Meddle album Meddle 43
805 Monte Hood mountain, stratovolcano Mount Hood 43
806 Paparazzi musical work/composition Paparazzi (Lady Gaga song) 43
807 Pet Sounds album Pet Sounds 43
808 Pokémon anime television series Pokémon (TV series) 43
809 Puente Alejandro III deck arch bridge Pont Alexandre III 43
810 Monasterio de San Miguel de las Cúpulas Doradas Eastern Orthodox church building, Eastern Orthodox monastery St. Michael's Golden-Domed Monastery 43
811 Telephone single Telephone (song) 43
812 Viking metal music genre Viking metal 43
813 Andrew Fisher human Andrew Fisher 42
814 Balduino I de Constantinopla human Baldwin I, Latin Emperor 42
815 Campaña del Cáucaso military campaign Caucasus campaign 42
816 El gato Félix comics character, animated character, anthropomorphic cat Felix the Cat 42
817 Cayo César human Gaius Caesar 42
818 Guisando municipality of Spain Guisando, Ávila 42
819 Johann Heinrich Füssli human Henry Fuseli 42
820 Kakashi Hatake fictional human, anime character, manga character Kakashi Hatake 42
821 Regresión lineal type of statistical method Linear regression 42
822 Ejército de Resistencia del Señor militia, religious organization, terrorist organization Lord's Resistance Army 42
823 Paula Modersohn-Becker human Paula Modersohn-Becker 42
824 Príncipe de Asturias nobility of Spain, substantive title Prince of Asturias 42
825 Röyksopp electronica duo Röyksopp 42
826 21st Century Breakdown album 21st Century Breakdown 41
827 A Goofy Movie animated feature film A Goofy Movie 41
828 Inhibidor de la enzima convertidora de angiotensina drug class ACE inhibitor 41
829 Alstroemeriaceae taxon Alstroemeriaceae 41
830 Antoni Tàpies human Antoni Tàpies 41
831 Californication album Californication (album) 41
832 Primera República española historical country First Spanish Republic 41
833 Godsmack rock band Godsmack 41
834 Hellsing manga series Hellsing 41
835 Herodiano human Herodian 41
836 Hippeastrum taxon Hippeastrum 41
837 Jorge Batlle human Jorge Batlle 41
838 Just Dance song, single Just Dance (song) 41
839 Kaloján human Kaloyan of Bulgaria 41
840 Martiniano human Martinian (emperor) 41
841 Nicodemo human biblical figure Nicodemus 41
842 Psittacosaurus fossil taxon Psittacosaurus 41
843 RMS Carpathia shipwreck, passenger vessel, steamship RMS Carpathia 41
844 Accidente ferroviario de Santiago de Compostela train wreck, derailment Santiago de Compostela derailment 41
845 The Texas Chain Saw Massacre film The Texas Chain Saw Massacre 41
846 Tradescantia taxon Tradescantia 41
847 Anexo:Medallero de los Juegos Olímpicos de Vancouver 2010 Olympic medal table, Wikimedia list article 2010 Winter Olympics medal table 40
848 Atalo I human Attalus I 40
849 Candeleda municipality of Spain Candeleda 40
850 Colindres municipality of Cantabria Colindres 40
851 Confessions on a Dance Floor album Confessions on a Dance Floor 40
852 Guerra de Corinto war Corinthian War 40
853 Eluveitie rock band Eluveitie 40
854 47 rōnin legend, katakiuchi Forty-seven rōnin 40
855 Monumento a la Libertad monument Freedom Monument 40
856 Gregory House fictional human, television character Gregory House 40
857 Historia de Singapur history of a city History of Singapore 40
858 Historia de la aviación academic discipline, aspect of history History of aviation 40
859 Jack Nicklaus human Jack Nicklaus 40
860 Jonah Lomu human Jonah Lomu 40
861 Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae taxon Kererū 40
862 Martín Bucero human Martin Bucer 40
863 Nueva ola del heavy metal británico music genre, musical movement, musical scene New wave of British heavy metal 40
864 Pandanales taxon Pandanales 40
865 Victoria de Hesse-Darmstadt human Princess Victoria of Hesse and by Rhine 40
866 Russula virescens taxon Russula virescens 40
867 Santa Cruz de la Zarza municipality of Spain Santa Cruz de la Zarza 40
868 The Number of the Beast album The Number of the Beast (album) 40
869 Theodor Eicke human Theodor Eicke 40
870 Cocker americano dog breed American Cocker Spaniel 39
871 Euphausia superba taxon Antarctic krill 39
872 Litoria caerulea taxon Australian green tree frog 39
873 Bill Walton human Bill Walton 39
874 Calycanthaceae taxon Calycanthaceae 39
875 Condrita Chondrite 39
876 Cow and Chicken traditional animation, animated television series Cow and Chicken 39
877 Dookie album Dookie 39
878 Oscurecimiento global atmospheric phenomenon Global dimming 39
879 Gran peste de Londres plague epidemic, disease outbreak Great Plague of London 39
880 Historia de los videojuegos aspect of history History of video games 39
881 Hot Fuzz film Hot Fuzz 39
882 Lardizabalaceae taxon Lardizabalaceae 39
883 Anexo:Objetos Messier Wikimedia list article List of Messier objects 39
884 Gran Idea great homeland, political ideology Megali Idea 39
885 Juramento de los Horacios painting Oath of the Horatii 39
886 Sejano human Sejanus 39
887 Snakes on a Plane film Snakes on a Plane 39
888 Teba municipality of Spain Teba 39
889 The Man Who Wasn't There film The Man Who Wasn't There (2001 film) 39
890 X&Y album X&Y 39
891 Crisis constitucional rusa de 1993 coup d'état, constitutional crisis, aspect of history 1993 Russian constitutional crisis 38
892 Bartholomew Roberts human Bartholomew Roberts 38
893 Batalla de Chancellorsville battle Battle of Chancellorsville 38
894 Batalla de Mícala battle Battle of Mycale 38
895 Benetúser municipality of Spain, municipality of the Valencian Community Benetússer 38
896 Potencial químico Chemical potential 38
897 Sociología de la desviación concept, branch of sociology Deviance (sociology) 38
898 Ed, Edd y Eddy animated television series Ed, Edd n Eddy 38
899 República Popular Húngara historical unrecognized state First Hungarian Republic 38
900 Gaara fictional human, anime character, manga character Gaara 38
901 Gorgoroth musical group Gorgoroth 38
902 Iron Maiden album Iron Maiden (album) 38
903 Jeff Hanneman human Jeff Hanneman 38
904 Kal Ho Naa Ho film Kal Ho Naa Ho 38
905 Anexo:Monedas circulantes Wikimedia list article List of circulating currencies 38
906 Manco Cápac human, human whose existence is disputed Manco Cápac 38
907 Mark Henry human Mark Henry 38
908 Elena del Reino Unido human Princess Helena of the United Kingdom 38
909 Rise Against rock band Rise Against 38
910 Furnarius rufus taxon Rufous hornero 38
911 Ryan Nelsen human Ryan Nelsen 38
912 San Román de la Cuba municipality of Spain San Román de la Cuba 38
913 Telmo Zarra human Telmo Zarra 38
914 Watch Dogs video game Watch Dogs (video game) 38
915 A Perfect Circle musical group A Perfect Circle 37
916 Acondrita Achondrite 37
917 Holocausto caníbal film Cannibal Holocaust 37
918 Celtíberos historical ethnic group Celtiberians 37
919 Aeropuerto Internacional de Detroit international airport, airport, commercial traffic aerodrome Detroit Metropolitan Airport 37
920 Dunkleosteus fossil taxon Dunkleosteus 37
921 Halloween II film Halloween II (1981 film) 37
922 Héroe de Ucrania award Hero of Ukraine 37
923 Herodes Ático human Herodes Atticus 37
924 Heteralocha acutirostris fossil taxon Huia 37
925 Fuerzas Armadas de Italia armed forces Italian Armed Forces 37
926 Iván Asen II human Ivan Asen II 37
927 Killer Queen single Killer Queen 37
928 Las Vegas Strip street, tourist attraction, entertainment district Las Vegas Strip 37
929 Maximilian von Spee human Maximilian von Spee 37
930 Numeración maya numeric writing system, positional numeral system Maya numerals 37
931 Mormyridae taxon Mormyridae 37
932 Pokémon diamante y Pokémon perla Pokémon paired versions Pokémon Diamond and Pearl 37
933 Elasticidad precio de la demanda Price elasticity of demand 37
934 Agelaius phoeniceus taxon Red-winged blackbird 37
935 Reinhard Scheer human Reinhard Scheer 37
936 Dinastía XVI de Egipto Egyptian dynasty Sixteenth Dynasty of Egypt 37
937 Strawberry Fields Forever musical work/composition Strawberry Fields Forever 37
938 Anexo:50 mejores jugadores en la historia de la NBA Wikimedia list article 50 Greatest Players in NBA History 36
939 55 Cancri e exoplanet 55 Cancri e 36
940 Sistema de clasificación APG III plant taxonomy APG III system 36
941 Aleksandr Popov human Aleksandr Popov (swimmer) 36
942 Ansoáin municipality of Spain Ansoáin – Antsoain 36
943 Cabombaceae taxon Cabombaceae 36
944 Ciudadela de Carcasona fortress, citadel, fortified town Cité de Carcassonne 36
945 Club Universitario de Deportes association football club Club Universitario de Deportes 36
946 Fustat human settlement, archaeological site, quarter Fustat 36
947 Futuro de la Tierra future Future of Earth 36
948 George Mikan human George Mikan 36
949 Scharnhorst battlecruiser, shipwreck German battleship Scharnhorst 36
950 Higurashi no Naku Koro ni media franchise Higurashi When They Cry 36
951 Hypoxidaceae taxon Hypoxidaceae 36
952 Itachi Uchiha fictional human, anime character, manga character Itachi Uchiha 36
953 Anexo:Ganadores del Festival de la Canción de Eurovisión Wikimedia music-related list List of Eurovision Song Contest winners 36
954 Anexo:Países sin fuerzas armadas Wikimedia list article List of sovereign states without armed forces 36
955 Lundy island, micronation, unparished area Lundy 36
956 MDNA album MDNA (album) 36
957 Muro de Aguas municipality of La Rioja Muro de Aguas 36
958 Busto de Nefertiti sculpture, archaeological find Nefertiti Bust 36
959 Olduvayense archaeological culture Oldowan 36
960 Operación Ópera airstrike Operation Opera 36
961 Parachutes album Parachutes (Coldplay album) 36
962 Riello municipality of Spain Riello 36
963 Satyricon musical group Satyricon (band) 36
964 St. Anger album St. Anger 36
965 Struthiomimus altus fossil taxon Struthiomimus 36
966 Teresa Cristina de Borbón-Dos Sicilias human Teresa Cristina of the Two Sicilies 36
967 Guerra armenia-turca war Turkish–Armenian War 36
968 Velilla del Río Carrión municipality of Spain Velilla del Río Carrión 36
969 Ventosa de la Cuesta municipality of Spain Ventosa de la Cuesta 36
970 Werner Mölders human Werner Mölders 36
971 Windows Server 2012 operating system Windows Server 2012 36
972 A Rush of Blood to the Head album A Rush of Blood to the Head 35
973 By the Way album By the Way 35
974 Chloranthaceae taxon Chloranthaceae 35
975 Dancing Queen musical work/composition Dancing Queen 35
976 Economía de Argentina national economy Economy of Argentina 35
977 Templo de Kukulcán pyramid El Castillo, Chichen Itza 35
978 Faramir Middle-earth man, fantasy film character Faramir 35
979 Primer arbitraje de Viena treaty First Vienna Award 35
980 Frances Oldham Kelsey human Frances Oldham Kelsey 35
981 George Ezra human George Ezra 35
982 Gunnerales taxon Gunnerales 35
983 Musashi battleship, shipwreck, super battleship Japanese battleship Musashi 35
984 Juan Gelman human Juan Gelman 35
985 Reino de Italia historical country, state in the Holy Roman Empire Kingdom of Italy (Holy Roman Empire) 35
986 London Calling album London Calling 35
987 Río Manzanares river Manzanares (river) 35
988 Maria Shriver human Maria Shriver 35
989 Ryan White human Ryan White 35
990 Shelton Benjamin human Shelton Benjamin 35
991 Hundimiento del RMS Titanic shipwrecking, Wikinews article Sinking of the Titanic 35
992 The Owl House animated television series The Owl House 35
993 Viriato human Viriathus 35
994 Wellington Phoenix Football Club association football club Wellington Phoenix FC 35
995 Protestas de Poznań de 1956 demonstration, protest, communist crimes 1956 Poznań protests 34
996 Gran Premio de los Estados Unidos de 2005 United States Grand Prix 2005 United States Grand Prix 34
997 Gran Premio de Canadá de 2008 Canadian Grand Prix 2008 Canadian Grand Prix 34
998 Gran Premio de Francia de 2008 French Grand Prix 2008 French Grand Prix 34
999 Gran Premio de Abu Dabi de 2021 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, Formula One Grand Prix 2021 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix 34
1000 Adam Jerzy Czartoryski human Adam Jerzy Czartoryski 34
1001 Alejandría de Oxiana archaeological site, locality Ai-Khanoum 34
1002 Amon Göth human Amon Göth 34
1003 Apomixis Apomixis 34
1004 Australia 31 - 0 Samoa Americana international association football match Australia 31–0 American Samoa 34
1005 Batalla de los Acantilados Rojos battle Battle of Red Cliffs 34
1006 Bonifacio de Montferrato human Boniface I, Marquis of Montferrat 34
1007 Bound film Bound (1996 film) 34
1008 Canellaceae taxon Canellaceae 34
1009 Cleopatra Selene I human Cleopatra Selene of Syria 34
1010 Sitta whiteheadi taxon Corsican nuthatch 34
1011 Emirato de Creta Emirate, historical country Emirate of Crete 34
1012 Gneisenau battleship, battlecruiser German battleship Gneisenau 34
1013 Pacto de no agresión germano-polaco peace treaty German–Polish declaration of non-aggression 34
1014 Hiendelaencina municipality of Spain Hiendelaencina 34
1015 Isla de Pórtland tied island Isle of Portland 34
1016 Jimmy Eat World musical group Jimmy Eat World 34
1017 Joe Davis human Joe Davis 34
1018 Lapageria rosea taxon Lapageria 34
1019 Leptictidium fossil taxon Leptictidium 34
1020 Cathartes burrovianus taxon Lesser yellow-headed vulture 34
1021 Mercyful Fate heavy metal band Mercyful Fate 34
1022 Asesinato de John Lennon murder, certain aspects of a person's life Murder of John Lennon 34
1023 No Line on the Horizon album No Line on the Horizon 34
1024 Orden de Santiago order, religious military order, order of chivalry Order of Santiago 34
1025 Palacios de la Valduerna municipality of Spain Palacios de la Valduerna 34
1026 Estructura de las proteínas Protein structure 34
1027 ROT13 ROT13 34
1028 Ray of Light album Ray of Light 34
1029 Red Auerbach human Red Auerbach 34
1030 Reign in Blood album Reign in Blood 34
1031 Robbie Robertson human Robbie Robertson 34
1032 Samoa Joe human Samoa Joe 34
1033 Metro de Santiago rapid transit Santiago Metro 34
1034 The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword video game The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword 34
1035 Thriller musical work/composition Thriller (song) 34
1036 Tiridates I de Armenia human Tiridates I of Armenia 34
1037 Victoria Ocampo human Victoria Ocampo 34
1038 William Walker human William Walker (filibuster) 34
1039 Tour de Francia 1903 Tour de France 1903 Tour de France 33
1040 Gran Premio de San Marino de 1994 San Marino Grand Prix 1994 San Marino Grand Prix 33
1041 Alison Bechdel human Alison Bechdel 33
1042 Museo Nacional del Bardo museum Bardo National Museum (Tunis) 33
1043 Metro de Bilbao rapid transit Bilbao metro 33
1044 Brabham Racing Organisation Formula One team Brabham 33
1045 Buxales taxon Buxales 33
1046 CLANNAD video game Clannad (video game) 33
1047 Dave Lombardo human Dave Lombardo 33
1048 Primera guerra macedónica war First Macedonian War 33
1049 Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends animated television series Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends 33
1050 Hans-Joachim Marseille human Hans-Joachim Marseille 33
1051 Highway 61 Revisited album Highway 61 Revisited 33
1052 Kurt Daluege human Kurt Daluege 33
1053 Dama del Lago mythical character Lady of the Lake 33
1054 Louvre Abu Dabi art museum, tourist attraction Louvre Abu Dhabi 33
1055 Repúblicas marítimas historical region Maritime republics 33
1056 Tomi Putaansuu human Mr Lordi 33
1057 One Hot Minute album One Hot Minute 33
1058 Palacio Güell palace Palau Güell 33
1059 Platanaceae taxon Platanaceae 33
1060 Ptyonoprogne fuligula taxon Rock martin 33
1061 Potemkin battleship Russian battleship Potemkin 33
1062 Sabiaceae taxon Sabiaceae 33
1063 Something musical work/composition Something (Beatles song) 33
1064 Steins;Gate video game Steins;Gate 33
1065 Tvrtko I de Bosnia human Tvrtko I of Bosnia 33
1066 Hetmanato historical country Ukrainian State 33
1067 Vanguard 1 technology demonstration spacecraft, derelict satellite Vanguard 1 33
1068 Estrella argéada motif Vergina Sun 33
1069 Sitta carolinensis taxon White-breasted nuthatch 33
1070 Malurus leucopterus taxon White-winged fairywren 33
1071 Aang comics character, fictional human, animated character Aang 32
1072 Allioideae taxon Allioideae 32
1073 American Life album American Life 32
1074 Annabel Lee poem Annabel Lee 32
1075 Batalla de Legnano battle Battle of Legnano 32
1076 Bayonetta video game Bayonetta (video game) 32
1077 Beatriz de Portugal human Beatrice of Portugal 32
1078 Liberación de Belgrado battle, liberation Belgrade offensive 32
1079 Confuciusornis fossil taxon Confuciusornis 32
1080 Deep Purple in Rock album Deep Purple in Rock 32
1081 Duan Qirui human Duan Qirui 32
1082 Exile on Main St. album Exile on Main St. 32
1083 Proteína G group or class of proteins G protein 32
1084 George Reeves human George Reeves 32
1085 Admiral Hipper heavy cruiser German cruiser Admiral Hipper 32
1086 Deutschland heavy cruiser, ironclad warship German cruiser Deutschland 32
1087 Prinz Eugen shipwreck, heavy cruiser German cruiser Prinz Eugen 32
1088 Ahorcado, arrastrado y descuartizado execution method Hanged, drawn and quartered 32
1089 Huracán Mitch Category 5 hurricane Hurricane Mitch 32
1090 Meteorito metálico Iron meteorite 32
1091 Hueso de Ishango bone tool, archaeological find Ishango bone 32
1092 Iván Alejandro human Ivan Alexander of Bulgaria 32
1093 Lego Mindstorms software framework, brand, Lego theme Lego Mindstorms 32
1094 Triakis semifasciata taxon Leopard shark 32
1095 Anexo:Condados de Vermont Wikimedia list article List of counties in Vermont 32
1096 Lizzie McGuire television series Lizzie McGuire 32
1097 Mafia III video game Mafia III 32
1098 Unida en la diversidad motto, symbols of the European Union Motto of the European Union 32
1099 Music album Music (Madonna album) 32
1100 Märket islet Märket 32
1101 Ned Flanders video game character, fictional human, animated character Ned Flanders 32
1102 Quilpué city in Chile Quilpué 32
1103 R-Truth human R-Truth 32
1104 Ramaria botrytis taxon Ramaria botrytis 32
1105 Rap metal music genre Rap metal 32
1106 Conquista romana de Britania occurrence Roman conquest of Britain 32
1107 Real Fuerza Aérea Canadiense air force Royal Canadian Air Force 32
1108 Rugby en los Juegos Olímpicos recurring sporting event Rugby union at the Summer Olympics 32
1109 SS Normandie ocean liner SS Normandie 32
1110 Salvador de Madariaga human Salvador de Madariaga 32
1111 Serial Experiments Lain anime television series, original anime Serial Experiments Lain 32
1112 Shades of Deep Purple album Shades of Deep Purple 32
1113 Super Mario Galaxy 2 video game Super Mario Galaxy 2 32
1114 Super Smash Bros. video game, esports discipline Super Smash Bros. (video game) 32
1115 Super Smash Bros. Melee video game, esports discipline Super Smash Bros. Melee 32
1116 Sweet Smell of Success film Sweet Smell of Success 32
1117 Ten album Ten (Pearl Jam album) 32
1118 The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan album The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan 32
1119 The Quarry Men musical group The Quarrymen 32
1120 Victorino human Victorinus 32
1121 3 song, single 3 (Britney Spears song) 31
1122 Anna Laetitia Barbauld human Anna Laetitia Barbauld 31
1123 Bart Bok human Bart Bok 31
1124 Batalla de Ayacucho battle Battle of Ayacucho 31
1125 El capitán Blood film Captain Blood (1935 film) 31
1126 Baja Cerdaña comarca of Catalonia Cerdanya (comarca) 31
1127 Dirty Diana musical work/composition Dirty Diana 31
1128 Expedición de los Mil invasion Expedition of the Thousand 31
1129 George Mason human George Mason 31
1130 Admiral Scheer heavy cruiser German cruiser Admiral Scheer 31
1131 Casa con Quimeras house, architectural heritage monument House with Chimaeras 31
1132 Huancavelica city Huancavelica 31
1133 Expedición Imperial Transantártica research expedition, polar expedition Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition 31
1134 Ivan Vicelich human Ivan Vicelich 31
1135 Jiří Trnka human Jiří Trnka 31
1136 Let It Bleed album Let It Bleed 31
1137 Anexo:Condados de Arizona Wikimedia list article List of counties in Arizona 31
1138 Anexo:Condados de Nevada Wikimedia list article List of counties in Nevada 31
1139 Machine Head album Machine Head (album) 31
1140 MVP human Montel Vontavious Porter 31
1141 Ratatösk tree squirrel, Norse mythical animal Ratatoskr 31
1142 Escarificación Scarification 31
1143 Slippery When Wet album Slippery When Wet 31
1144 Stargate: Continuum film Stargate: Continuum 31
1145 The Million Dollar Homepage website The Million Dollar Homepage 31
1146 Thomas Nast human Thomas Nast 31
1147 Tommy album Tommy (The Who album) 31
1148 Marcha sobre Versalles occurrence, food riot Women's March on Versailles 31
1149 Atherospermataceae taxon Atherospermataceae 30
1150 Autor de nombre científico Author citation (botany) 30
1151 Baby Boy single Baby Boy (Beyoncé song) 30
1152 Bardenas Reales natural park Bardenas Reales 30
1153 Batalla de Dirraquio battle Battle of Dyrrhachium (1081) 30
1154 Bibracte museum, oppidum, archaeological site Bibracte 30
1155 Circus musical work/composition Circus (Britney Spears song) 30
1156 Coprinellus micaceus taxon Coprinellus micaceus 30
1157 Dawson Creek city in British Columbia Dawson Creek 30
1158 Dennis Johnson human Dennis Johnson 30
1159 Dynasty album Dynasty (Kiss album) 30
1160 Ernst Lindemann human Ernst Lindemann 30
1161 Gran Montaña de Cobre de Falun mining community Falun Mine 30
1162 George Moore human George Moore (novelist) 30
1163 Gimme More musical work/composition Gimme More 30
1164 Hung Up song, single Hung Up 30
1165 Hymenocallis taxon Hymenocallis 30
1166 Iván Shishman human Ivan Shishman of Bulgaria 30
1167 Iván Esratsimir human Ivan Sratsimir of Bulgaria 30
1168 Ofensiva de Kérenski battle Kerensky offensive 30
1169 Hungría durante el periodo del Compromiso austrohúngaro administrative territorial entity, historical region Lands of the Crown of Saint Stephen 30
1170 Microlito stone tool Microlith 30
1171 MissingNo. software bug, Glitch Pokémon MissingNo. 30
1172 Isla de Noirmoutier island, tidal island Noirmoutier 30
1173 Artículo 175 paragraph Paragraph 175 30
1174 Piece of Me musical work/composition Piece of Me 30
1175 Prism album Prism (Katy Perry album) 30
1176 Rust in Peace album Rust in Peace 30
1177 Ryokan Ryokan 30
1178 SMS Schleswig-Holstein shipwreck, pre-dreadnought battleship SMS Schleswig-Holstein 30
1179 Sarcoscypha coccinea taxon Sarcoscypha coccinea 30
1180 Rebelión de Satsuma shizoku rebellion Satsuma Rebellion 30
1181 Schizanthus taxon Schizanthus 30
1182 Propithecus candidus taxon Silky sifaka 30
1183 Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire: The Simpson's Christmas Special animated series episode Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire 30
1184 Batalla de Smolensk battle Smolensk operation 30
1185 Stig Inge Bjørnebye human Stig Inge Bjørnebye 30
1186 Lolo Fernández human Teodoro Fernández 30
1187 The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap video game The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap 30
1188 Anexo:Primera temporada de Los Simpson animated television season The Simpsons season 1 30
1189 Three cheers for sweet revenge album Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge 30
1190 V838 Monocerotis nova, double star, long-period variable star V838 Monocerotis 30
1191 Óscar Freire human Óscar Freire 30
1192 22/11/63 literary work 11/22/63 29
1193 Jalil human Al-Ashraf Khalil 29
1194 Clase Bismarck ship class Bismarck-class battleship 29
1195 Circaeasteraceae taxon Circaeasteraceae 29
1196 Dorudon fossil taxon Dorudon 29
1197 Expedición 1 expedition to the International Space Station Expedition 1 29
1198 Eärendil half-elven Eärendil and Elwing 29
1199 Franz von Hipper human Franz von Hipper 29
1200 Georgette Heyer human Georgette Heyer 29
1201 Blücher shipwreck, heavy cruiser German cruiser Blücher 29
1202 Gran Mezquita de Gaza mosque Great Mosque of Gaza 29
1203 Litoria aurea taxon Green and golden bell frog 29
1204 Heterodontosauridae fossil taxon Heterodontosauridae 29
1205 Huracán Dean Category 5 hurricane Hurricane Dean 29
1206 Historia LGBT aspect of history LGBT history 29
1207 Anexo:Condados de Misuri Wikimedia list article List of counties in Missouri 29
1208 Anexo:Discografía de Miley Cyrus Wikimedia artist discography Miley Cyrus discography 29
1209 Hueso oracular Oracle bone 29
1210 Pável Axelrod human Pavel Axelrod 29
1211 Marko Mrnjavčević human Prince Marko 29
1212 Malurus elegans taxon Red-winged fairywren 29
1213 Robert Devereux, II conde de Essex human Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex 29
1214 Save the Last Dance film Save the Last Dance 29
1215 Silent Hill 3 video game Silent Hill 3 29
1216 Bóveda de la Capilla Sixtina cycle of frescoes, painted ceiling Sistine Chapel ceiling 29
1217 Telecinco television station Telecinco 29
1218 Ullevaal Stadion association football venue Ullevaal Stadion 29
1219 Unmasked album Unmasked (Kiss album) 29
1220 Virgin Killer album Virgin Killer 29
1221 Vojtech Tuka human Vojtech Tuka 29
1222 We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together single We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 29
1223 What the Hell single What the Hell 29
1224 Wu Peifu human Wu Peifu 29
1225 (You Drive Me) Crazy single (You Drive Me) Crazy 28
1226 All Hope Is Gone album All Hope Is Gone 28
1227 Isla Amchitka island Amchitka 28
1228 Revolución de los Crisantemos revolution Aster Revolution 28
1229 Bronces de Benín group of sculptures Benin Bronzes 28
1230 Blizzard of Ozz album Blizzard of Ozz 28
1231 Oficina Internacional de Exposiciones international organization Bureau International des Expositions 28
1232 Guerras carlistas series of wars Carlist Wars 28
1233 Critias Platonic dialogue, written work Critias (dialogue) 28
1234 David statue, bronze sculpture David (Donatello) 28
1235 Grafiosis plant disease Dutch elm disease 28
1236 Francesca Neri human Francesca Neri 28
1237 Freak Out! album Freak Out! 28
1238 Julio Civilis human Gaius Julius Civilis 28
1239 Gliese 876 d exoplanet Gliese 876 d 28
1240 Gliese 876 star, near-IR source Gliese 876 28
1241 Haemanthus taxon Haemanthus 28
1242 If U Seek Amy musical work/composition If U Seek Amy 28
1243 Ine de Wessex human Ine of Wessex 28
1244 Iván Vladislav human Ivan Vladislav of Bulgaria 28
1245 Kongō battlecruiser Japanese battleship Kongō 28
1246 Leptospira taxon Leptospira 28
1247 Levon Helm human Levon Helm 28
1248 Like a Virgin musical work/composition Like a Virgin (song) 28
1249 Lycoris taxon Lycoris (plant) 28
1250 Metroid video game Metroid (video game) 28
1251 Metroid Prime video game Metroid Prime 28
1252 Operación Huerto military operation Operation Outside the Box 28
1253 Catalina de Grecia human Princess Katherine of Greece and Denmark 28
1254 Movimientos sociales de 1968 protest Protests of 1968 28
1255 Departamentos del Perú Regions of Peru 28
1256 Parque nacional Rondane national park Rondane National Park 28
1257 Relaciones Imperio romano-China bilateral relation Sino-Roman relations 28
1258 Esclavitud en la Antigua Grecia aspect in a historical period Slavery in ancient Greece 28
1259 Television musical group Television (band) 28
1260 Anarquía inglesa civil war, war of succession The Anarchy 28
1261 Teodoro Comneno Ducas human Theodore Komnenos Doukas 28
1262 Tik Tok song, single Tik Tok (song) 28
1263 Vol. 3: album Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses) 28
1264 Aelle de Sussex human Ælle of Sussex 28
1265 Final de la Copa de Europa de Naciones de 1960 international association football match, UEFA Euro Final 1960 European Nations' Cup final 27
1266 Copa Mundial de Fútbol Sub-20 de 2011 sports season 2011 FIFA U-20 World Cup 27
1267 Albert Bridge suspension bridge, beam bridge, road bridge Albert Bridge, London 27
1268 All We Know Is Falling album All We Know Is Falling 27
1269 Antonio Maura human Antonio Maura 27
1270 Tetronarce nobiliana taxon Atlantic torpedo 27
1271 Barney Gumble fictional human, animated character, television character Barney Gumble 27
1272 Bahía de Algeciras bay Bay of Gibraltar 27
1273 Pinturas negras painting series Black Paintings 27
1274 Cristina Peri Rossi human Cristina Peri Rossi 27
1275 Dance in the Dark song, single Dance in the Dark 27
1276 Deep Purple album Deep Purple (album) 27
1277 Dirt album Dirt (Alice in Chains album) 27
1278 República Soviética de Donetsk-Krivói Rog historical country Donetsk–Krivoy Rog Soviet Republic 27
1279 Interacción farmacológica type of interaction Drug interaction 27
1280 Everton de Viña del Mar association football club Everton de Viña del Mar 27
1281 Grenade single Grenade (song) 27
1282 Edad heroica de la exploración de la Antártida heroic age Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration 27
1283 Hochseeflotte fleet High Seas Fleet 27
1284 Jorge Ubico Castañeda human Jorge Ubico 27
1285 Krusty el payaso fictional human, animated character Krusty the Clown 27
1286 K'inich Janaab' Pakal human Kʼinich Janaabʼ Pakal 27
1287 Larry Brown human Larry Brown (basketball) 27
1288 Pirámide estratificada Egyptian pyramids, archaeological site, step pyramid Layer Pyramid 27
1289 Anexo:Reparto de películas de Harry Potter Wikimedia list of persons List of Harry Potter cast members 27
1290 Anexo:Tipos de rocas Wikimedia list article List of rock types 27
1291 Losing My Religion song, single Losing My Religion 27
1292 Luigi's Mansion video game Luigi's Mansion 27
1293 Lupin III media franchise Lupin the Third 27
1294 Made in Japan album Made in Japan (Deep Purple album) 27
1295 Mario Kart: Super Circuit video game Mario Kart: Super Circuit 27
1296 Material Girl musical work/composition Material Girl 27
1297 Music from "The Elder" album Music from "The Elder" 27
1298 Receptor nuclear protein family Nuclear receptor 27
1299 Oscar Schmidt human Oscar Schmidt 27
1300 Papercut single Papercut (Linkin Park song) 27
1301 Clementina de Orleans human Princess Clémentine of Orléans 27
1302 María Amelia de Braganza human Princess Maria Amélia of Brazil 27
1303 Antígeno prostático específico protein Prostate-specific antigen 27
1304 PCR en tiempo real nucleic acid test, molecular biology technique Real-time polymerase chain reaction 27
1305 Malurus melanocephalus taxon Red-backed fairywren 27
1306 Robert Franklin Stroud human Robert Stroud 27
1307 Roberto Clemente human Roberto Clemente 27
1308 Roberto Heras human Roberto Heras 27
1309 Staphylococcus epidermidis taxon Staphylococcus epidermidis 27
1310 Anexo:Discografía de The Beatles Wikimedia artist discography The Beatles discography 27
1311 The Black Parade album The Black Parade 27
1312 The Book of Taliesyn album The Book of Taliesyn 27
1313 Anexo:Cronología del descubrimiento de los planetas del sistema solar y sus satélites naturales Wikimedia timeline Timeline of discovery of Solar System planets and their moons 27
1314 Bárbol Ent, fantasy film character Treebeard 27
1315 Uintatherium fossil taxon Uintatherium 27
1316 Concierto para violín musical work/composition Violin Concerto (Mendelssohn) 27
1317 What Makes You Beautiful single What Makes You Beautiful 27
1318 Yellow single Yellow (Coldplay song) 27
1319 Tour de Francia 1904 Tour de France 1904 Tour de France 26
1320 Final de la Copa de Campeones de Europa 1966-67 UEFA Champions League final 1967 European Cup final 26
1321 Final de la Copa de Campeones de Europa 1976-77 UEFA Champions League final 1977 European Cup final 26
1322 Erupción del monte Santa Helena de 1980 Plinian eruption 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens 26
1323 Supercopa de la UEFA 2001 sports season 2001 UEFA Super Cup 26
1324 55 Cancri f exoplanet 55 Cancri f 26
1325 A Year Without Rain album A Year Without Rain 26
1326 Organización Akatsuki fictional organization Akatsuki (Naruto) 26
1327 Alejo III de Trebisonda human Alexios III of Trebizond 26
1328 Amanita regalis taxon Amanita regalis 26
1329 Angry Video Game Nerd web series, video game news website Angry Video Game Nerd 26
1330 Attila Csihar human Attila Csihar 26
1331 Guerras de los Castores battle Beaver Wars 26
1332 Beggars Banquet album Beggars Banquet 26
1333 Berenice literary work Berenice (short story) 26
1334 Bohemundo VI de Antioquía human Bohemond VI of Antioch 26
1335 Borjomi commercial organization Borjomi (water) 26
1336 Born Again album Born Again (Black Sabbath album) 26
1337 Born to Make You Happy song, single Born to Make You Happy 26
1338 Hermanos de Jesús sibling group Brothers of Jesus 26
1339 La familia de Carlos IV painting Charles IV of Spain and His Family 26
1340 Corynebacterium taxon Corynebacterium 26
1341 Ptyonoprogne taxon Crag martin 26
1342 De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas album De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas 26
1343 Decapitated musical group Decapitated (band) 26
1344 Anexo:Discografía de Demi Lovato Wikimedia artist discography Demi Lovato discography 26
1345 Economía de Cuba national economy Economy of Cuba 26
1346 England expects that every man will do his duty signal England expects that every man will do his duty 26
1347 Efecto del falso consenso cognitive bias False consensus effect 26
1348 Javier Gómez Noya human Francisco Javier Gómez Noya 26
1349 Glorfindel Middle-earth elf Glorfindel 26
1350 Castillo de Haapsalu castle, destroyed building or structure Haapsalu Castle 26
1351 Heinrich Friedrich Karl vom Stein human Heinrich Friedrich Karl vom und zum Stein 26
1352 Hugo III de Chipre human Hugh III of Cyprus 26
1353 I'm Breathless album I'm Breathless 26
1354 Iowa album Iowa (album) 26
1355 Jump single Jump (Madonna song) 26
1356 Anexo:Discografía de Katy Perry Wikimedia artist discography Katy Perry discography 26
1357 Kepler-442b exoplanet Kepler-442b 26
1358 La 1 television station La 1 (Spanish TV channel) 26
1359 La isla bonita song, single La Isla Bonita 26
1360 Extinción masiva del Devónico extinction event Late Devonian extinction 26
1361 Anexo:Participación en el Festival de la Canción de Eurovisión Wikimedia music-related list List of countries in the Eurovision Song Contest 26
1362 Louis Slotin human Louis Slotin 26
1363 Love. Angel. Music. Baby. album Love. Angel. Music. Baby. 26
1364 Lucky song, single Lucky (Britney Spears song) 26
1365 Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga video game Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga 26
1366 Maude Adams human Maude Adams 26
1367 Anexo:Discografía de Metallica Wikimedia artist discography Metallica discography 26
1368 Miles Away song, single Miles Away (Madonna song) 26
1369 Operación Cólera de Dios covert operation, revenge Mossad assassinations following the Munich massacre 26
1370 Basílica de Notre-Dame de la Garde church building, minor basilica Notre-Dame de la Garde 26
1371 Ptyonoprogne obsoleta taxon Pale crag martin 26
1372 Metro de Palma de Mallorca rapid transit Palma Metro 26
1373 Pirámide de Neferirkara Egyptian pyramids, step pyramid Pyramid of Neferirkare 26
1374 Radivoj Korać human Radivoj Korać 26
1375 Armenia rusa historical period, human-geographic territorial entity Russian Armenia 26
1376 Sad Wings of Destiny album Sad Wings of Destiny 26
1377 Stronger song, single Stronger (Britney Spears song) 26
1378 Isla de Tabarca island, human settlement Tabarca 26
1379 Los desastres de la guerra series of prints The Disasters of War 26
1380 Anexo:Segunda temporada de Los Simpson animated television season The Simpsons season 2 26
1381 Tercera guerra anglo-maratha war Third Anglo-Maratha War 26
1382 Thomas Gage human Thomas Gage 26
1383 Agelaius tricolor taxon Tricolored blackbird 26
1384 Guerra entre los Æsir y los Vanir mythical war, Norse mythical event Æsir–Vanir War 26
1385 Final de la Copa de Campeones de Europa 1977-78 UEFA Champions League final 1978 European Cup final 25
1386 Elecciones generales de Sudáfrica de 1994 South African general election 1994 South African general election 25
1387 47 Ursae Majoris star, near-IR source, UV-emission source 47 Ursae Majoris 25
1388 Animalize album Animalize 25
1389 Audax Italiano association football club Audax Italiano 25
1390 Batalla de Ásculo battle Battle of Asculum 25
1391 Batalla de Worcester battle Battle of Worcester 25
1392 Blonde on Blonde album Blonde on Blonde 25
1393 Break the Ice musical work/composition Break the Ice (song) 25
1394 Brian Kendrick human Brian Kendrick 25
1395 Clocks song, single Clocks (song) 25
1396 Irlanda confederada historical country Confederate Ireland 25
1397 Don't Let Me Be the Last to Know song, single Don't Let Me Be the Last to Know 25
1398 Ptyonoprogne concolor taxon Dusky crag martin 25
1399 Vuelo 1862 de El Al aviation accident El Al Flight 1862 25
1400 Everybody musical work/composition Everybody (Madonna song) 25
1401 Express Yourself song, single Express Yourself (Madonna song) 25
1402 Free as a Bird musical work/composition Free as a Bird 25
1403 Gatorade trademark, business, drink brand Gatorade 25
1404 Geastrum triplex taxon Geastrum triplex 25
1405 God Hates Us All album God Hates Us All 25
1406 Línea Gótica German defensive lines in Italy Gothic Line 25
1407 Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock video game, esports discipline Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock 25
1408 Hakuhō Shō human Hakuhō Shō 25
1409 Hell Awaits album Hell Awaits 25
1410 Jigoku Shōjo anime television series Hell Girl 25
1411 In da Club single In da Club 25
1412 Shinichi Kudo fictional detective, fictional human, Detective Conan character Jimmy Kudo 25
1413 Diversidad sexual en India LGBT rights by country or territory LGBT rights in India 25
1414 Lick It Up album Lick It Up 25
1415 Anexo:Discografía de Linkin Park Wikimedia artist discography Linkin Park discography 25
1416 Lonesome Crow album Lonesome Crow 25
1417 Lucky Star musical work/composition Lucky Star (Madonna song) 25
1418 Luis Molowny human Luis Molowny 25
1419 Lulu album Lulu (Lou Reed and Metallica album) 25
1420 Metal Church musical group Metal Church 25
1421 Mirtha Legrand human Mirtha Legrand 25
1422 Neu! musical group Neu! 25
1423 New Jersey album New Jersey (album) 25
1424 Anexo:Discografía de Nirvana Wikimedia artist discography Nirvana discography 25
1425 Operación Chispa battle, military operation Operation Iskra 25
1426 Papa Don't Preach single Papa Don't Preach 25
1427 Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door video game Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door 25
1428 Pre-dreadnought ship type Pre-dreadnought battleship 25
1429 Sofía del Reino Unido human Princess Sophia of the United Kingdom 25
1430 Sideshow Bob fictional human, animated character Sideshow Bob 25
1431 Someday song, single Someday (I Will Understand) 25
1432 South of Heaven album South of Heaven 25
1433 Splatoon 2 video game, esports discipline Splatoon 2 25
1434 Take on Me musical work/composition Take On Me 25
1435 Anexo:Discografía de Taylor Swift Wikimedia artist discography Taylor Swift discography (d:Q276736) 25
1436 The Last Waltz film The Last Waltz 25
1437 Pit and the Pendulum film The Pit and the Pendulum (1961 film) 25
1438 Los planetas musical work/composition The Planets 25
1439 Anexo:Cuarta temporada de Los Simpson animated television season The Simpsons season 4 25
1440 Anexo:Quinta temporada de Los Simpson animated television season The Simpsons season 5 25
1441 This Love single This Love (Maroon 5 song) 25
1442 Thomas Cochrane human Thomas Cochrane, 10th Earl of Dundonald 25
1443 Ticket to Ride musical work/composition Ticket to Ride (song) 25
1444 Trentino Volley volleyball team Trentino Volley 25
1445 Yagan human Yagan 25
1446 Óscar Figueroa human Óscar Figueroa (weightlifter) 25
1447 All Things Must Pass album All Things Must Pass 24
1448 Argentina en los Juegos Olímpicos de Pekín 2008 Olympic delegation Argentina at the 2008 Summer Olympics 24
1449 Formación de hierro bandeado Banded iron formation 24
1450 Batalla de Drépano naval battle Battle of Drepana 24
1451 Batalla del fuerte Eben-Emael battle Battle of Fort Ében-Émael 24
1452 Black Francis human Black Francis 24
1453 Escándalo Blomberg-Fritsch political scandal Blomberg–Fritsch affair 24
1454 Burn It Down single Burn It Down (Linkin Park song) 24
1455 Batalla del Neretva battle, military operation Case White 24
1456 Christ Illusion album Christ Illusion 24
1457 Concilio de Hieria synod Council of Hieria 24
1458 Batalla de Watling Street battle Defeat of Boudica 24
1459 Protésico dental profession Dental technician 24
1460 Gomortega keule taxon Gomortega 24
1461 Gregory Helms human Gregory Helms 24
1462 Guy Burgess human Guy Burgess 24
1463 Palacio Heian royal palace Heian Palace 24
1464 Heimwehr military association Heimwehr 24
1465 I Knew You Were Trouble song, single I Knew You Were Trouble 24
1466 Igor Antón human Igor Antón 24
1467 Comercio de la Antigua Roma con India Indo-Roman trade relations 24
1468 Jimmy Chamberlin human Jimmy Chamberlin 24
1469 Joey Santiago human Joey Santiago 24
1470 Marco Antonio el Orador human Marcus Antonius (orator) 24
1471 Nerine taxon Nerine 24
1472 Open Your Heart song, single Open Your Heart (Madonna song) 24
1473 Rebelión de Pontiac war Pontiac's War 24
1474 Problema de Apolonio mathematical problem Problem of Apollonius 24
1475 Pruitt-Igoe public housing Pruitt–Igoe 24
1476 Seguridad ciudadana specialty, type of security Public security 24
1477 Remixed & Revisited album Remixed & Revisited 24
1478 Anexo:Premio del Sindicato de Actores a la mejor actriz de reparto Screen Actors Guild Award, class of award, award for best supporting actress Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role 24
1479 Secret song, single Secret (Madonna song) 24
1480 Aphanius iberus taxon Spanish toothcarp 24
1481 Espiramicina group of stereoisomers Spiramycin 24
1482 Stupid Love single Stupid Love (Lady Gaga song) 24
1483 The Scientist single The Scientist (song) 24
1484 Trans Europa Express album Trans-Europe Express (album) 24
1485 Tratado de Alcazobas treaty, peace treaty Treaty of Alcáçovas 24
1486 Troy McClure fictional human, animated character Troy McClure 24
1487 Síndrome de Usher rare disease, designated intractable/rare disease, class of disease Usher syndrome 24
1488 Murallas de Dubrovnik defensive wall Walls of Dubrovnik 24
1489 Waylon Smithers fictional human, animated character, television character Waylon Smithers 24
1490 We Own the Night film We Own the Night (film) 24
1491 World Painted Blood album World Painted Blood 24
1492 Golpe de Estado en Yugoslavia de 1941 coup d'état Yugoslav coup d'état 24
1493 ( ) album ( ) (album) 23
1494 Supercopa de Europa 1994 sports season 1994 European Super Cup 23
1495 QDOS operating system, proprietary software 86-DOS 23
1496 Ainulindalë literary work Ainulindalë 23
1497 Alicia Moreau de Justo human Alicia Moreau de Justo 23
1498 Among the Living album Among the Living 23
1499 Angel of Death song, single, musical work/composition Angel of Death (Slayer song) 23
1500 Asylum album Asylum (Kiss album) 23
1501 Bat Out of Hell album Bat Out of Hell 23
1502 Batalla de Arginusas naval battle Battle of Arginusae 23
1503 Batalla de Muret battle Battle of Muret 23
1504 Beatnik stereotype Beatnik 23
1505 Castillo de Beeston hilltop castle Beeston Castle 23
1506 El prado de Bezhin short film, unfinished or abandoned film project Bezhin Meadow 23
1507 Borderline musical work/composition Borderline (Madonna song) 23
1508 CHEOPS space telescope CHEOPS 23
1509 Cass Gilbert human Cass Gilbert 23
1510 Carta de juramento constitution, oath, imperial rescript Charter Oath 23
1511 Guerra de Cleómenes war Cleomenean War 23
1512 Consejo de Lituania government agency Council of Lithuania 23
1513 Do Somethin' song, single Do Somethin' 23
1514 Eleazar López Contreras human Eleazar López Contreras 23
1515 Empire State of Mind single Empire State of Mind 23
1516 Complejo exosoma cellular component Exosome complex 23
1517 Primera guerra del Peloponeso conflict First Peloponnesian War 23
1518 Forbidden album Forbidden (Black Sabbath album) 23
1519 Geoffrey Marcy human Geoffrey Marcy 23
1520 Gliese 876 b exoplanet Gliese 876 b 23
1521 Holiday musical work/composition Holiday (Madonna song) 23
1522 Into the Groove musical work/composition Into the Groove 23
1523 Irreemplazable extended play Irreemplazable 23
1524 La 2 television station La 2 (Spanish TV channel) 23
1525 Anexo:Composiciones de Ludwig van Beethoven Wikimedia list of musical works by composer List of compositions by Ludwig van Beethoven 23
1526 Anexo:Puentes colgantes más largos del mundo Wikimedia list article List of longest suspension bridge spans 23
1527 Lolita Torres human Lolita Torres 23
1528 Lycoperdon echinatum taxon Lycoperdon echinatum 23
1529 Maedhros Middle-earth elf Maedhros 23
1530 Marasmius rotula taxon Marasmius rotula 23
1531 Marco Emilio Lépido human Marcus Aemilius Lepidus (consul 78 BC) 23
1532 Maryana Marrash human Maryana Marrash 23
1533 Mágico González human Mágico González 23
1534 Universidad Nacional de Córdoba university, open-access publisher National University of Córdoba 23
1535 Nueve reinas film Nine Queens 23
1536 Overprotected song, single Overprotected 23
1537 Rain on Me single Rain on Me (Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande song) 23
1538 Ram album Ram (album) 23
1539 Rick Rude human Rick Rude 23
1540 Samurai Deeper Kyo manga series Samurai Deeper Kyo 23
1541 Anexo:Premio del Sindicato de Actores a la mejor actriz Screen Actors Guild Award, award for best leading actress Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role 23
1542 Anexo:Premio del Sindicato de Actores al mejor actor Screen Actors Guild Award, class of award, award for best leading actor Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role 23
1543 Anexo:Premio del Sindicato de Actores al mejor actor de reparto Screen Actors Guild Award, award for best supporting actor Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role 23
1544 Senjutsu album Senjutsu (album) 23
1545 Seventh Star album Seventh Star 23
1546 Sex coffee table book, written work Sex (book) 23
1547 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band musical work/composition Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (song) 23
1548 These Days album These Days (Bon Jovi album) 23
1549 Titanium single Titanium (song) 23
1550 2 Hearts song, single Two Hearts (Kish Mauve song) 23
1551 Video Games song, music track with vocals, musical work/composition Video Games (Lana Del Rey song) 23
1552 Vitalogy album Vitalogy 23
1553 Waiting for the End single Waiting for the End 23
1554 WrestleMania I WWE programs, professional wrestling event WrestleMania I 23
1555 Ángela Molina human Ángela Molina 23
1556 Golpe de Estado en Rumania de 1944 coup d'état 1944 Romanian coup d'état 22
1557 Ace Frehley album Ace Frehley (album) 22
1558 Agustín de Eyzaguirre human Agustín Eyzaguirre 22
1559 Alimentación en la Antigua Grecia cuisine Ancient Greek cuisine 22
1560 Aqualung album Aqualung (album) 22
1561 Argentina en los Juegos Olímpicos de Atlanta 1996 Olympic delegation Argentina at the 1996 Summer Olympics 22
1562 Armenios en el Imperio otomano ethnic group Armenians in the Ottoman Empire 22
1563 Arrowsmith film Arrowsmith (film) 22
1564 Batalla de Akroinon battle Battle of Akroinon 22
1565 Batalla de Crisópolis battle Battle of Chrysopolis 22
1566 Boys song, single Boys (Britney Spears song) 22
1567 Constantino Lecapeno human Constantine Lekapenos 22
1568 Diabolus in Musica album Diabolus in Musica 22
1569 Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! video game Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! 22
1570 Down musical group Down (band) 22
1571 Fix You single Fix You 22
1572 Operación Margarethe military operation German invasion of Hungary (1944) 22
1573 Get Together musical work/composition Get Together (Madonna song) 22
1574 Give it 2 Me single Give It 2 Me 22
1575 Give It Away single Give It Away (Red Hot Chili Peppers song) 22
1576 Grigori Semiónov human Grigory Mikhaylovich Semyonov 22
1577 Gwar musical group Gwar 22
1578 Hamamelidae taxon Hamamelididae 22
1579 Heart-Shaped Box single, audio track Heart-Shaped Box 22
1580 Hollaback Girl song, single Hollaback Girl 22
1581 Hot in the Shade album Hot in the Shade 22
1582 Redefinición de planeta de 2006 definition IAU definition of planet 22
1583 In Bloom musical work/composition In Bloom 22
1584 Anexo:Discografía de Iron Maiden Wikimedia artist discography Iron Maiden discography 22
1585 John Wesley Harding album John Wesley Harding 22
1586 Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs album Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs 22
1587 Guilford Dudley human Lord Guildford Dudley 22
1588 Macchiaioli art movement, art group Macchiaioli 22
1589 Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness album Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness 22
1590 Metal Slug video game series Metal Slug 22
1591 Capitolio de La Habana architectural structure, capitol building National Capitol of Cuba 22
1592 Sistema de referencia no inercial Non-inertial reference frame 22
1593 Pascual Pérez human Pascual Pérez (boxer) 22
1594 Pedro Mártir Vermigli human Peter Martyr Vermigli 22
1595 Leopoldina de Brasil human Princess Leopoldina of Brazil 22
1596 Pupusa meal, Salvadoran cuisine Pupusa 22
1597 Quadrophenia album Quadrophenia 22
1598 Red song, single Red (Taylor Swift song) 22
1599 Revenge album Revenge (Kiss album) 22
1600 SMS Blücher large cruiser SMS Blücher 22
1601 Salvia yangii taxon Salvia yangii 22
1602 Sonic Advance video game Sonic Advance 22
1603 Sorry single Sorry (Madonna song) 22
1604 Speed of Sound single Speed of Sound (song) 22
1605 Sunday Bloody Sunday musical work/composition Sunday Bloody Sunday 22
1606 Surfer Rosa album Surfer Rosa 22
1607 Taken by Force album Taken by Force 22
1608 The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures video game The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures 22
1609 Anexo:Séptima temporada de Los Simpson animated television season The Simpsons season 7 22
1610 Ulpia Severina human Ulpia Severina 22
1611 Valley Parade association football venue, rugby league venue Valley Parade 22
1612 Wiglaf de Mercia human Wiglaf of Mercia 22
1613 Academia Valenciana de la Lengua learned society, language regulator, cultural institution Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua 21
1614 Amelia Bence human Amelia Bence 21
1615 Angel musical work/composition Angel (Madonna song) 21
1616 Animal Magnetism album Animal Magnetism (Scorpions album) 21
1617 Argentina en los Juegos Olímpicos de Múnich 1972 Olympic delegation Argentina at the 1972 Summer Olympics 21
1618 Argentina en los Juegos Olímpicos de Atenas 2004 Olympic delegation Argentina at the 2004 Summer Olympics 21
1619 Arise album Arise (Sepultura album) 21
1620 Ars moriendi literary genre Ars moriendi 21
1621 Calochortus taxon Calochortus 21
1622 Causing a Commotion single Causing a Commotion 21
1623 Coenredo de Mercia human Coenred of Mercia 21
1624 Come & Get It single Come & Get It (Selena Gomez song) 21
1625 Komuch committee Committee of Members of the Constituent Assembly 21
1626 Guerra cretense war Cretan War (205–200 BC) 21
1627 Conquista de Irlanda por Cromwell Cromwellian conquest of Ireland 21
1628 Ciclismo en los Juegos Olímpicos de Pekín 2008 – Ruta masculina Olympic sporting event, cycling at the Summer Olympics – men's individual road race Cycling at the 2008 Summer Olympics – Men's individual road race 21
1629 Dean Malenko human Dean Malenko 21
1630 Deathcrush extended play Deathcrush 21
1631 Dress You Up musical work/composition Dress You Up 21
1632 Palacio Episcopal de Astorga monument, episcopal palace Episcopal Palace, Astorga 21
1633 Explosión de ballenas physiological condition Exploding whale 21
1634 Fileteado art style Fileteado 21
1635 Gliese 876 c exoplanet Gliese 876 c 21
1636 Guillermo de Beaujeu human Guillaume de Beaujeu 21
1637 Héroe de Bielorrusia award Hero of Belarus 21
1638 Historia de Guatemala history of a country or state History of Guatemala 21
1639 Human Nature single Human Nature (Madonna song) 21
1640 Jack McConnell human Jack McConnell 21
1641 José Miaja human José Miaja 21
1642 Keep the Faith album Keep the Faith 21
1643 Anexo:Islas habitadas de Croacia Wikimedia list article List of inhabited islands of Croatia 21
1644 Anexo:Sultanes de Zanzíbar Wikimedia list article List of sultans of Zanzibar 21
1645 Tarifas de congestión de Londres electronic toll collection, road pricing in the United Kingdom, congestion pricing London congestion charge 21
1646 Exposición Universal de San Luis world's fair, temporary exhibition Louisiana Purchase Exposition 21
1647 Macchi M.C.205V aircraft family Macchi C.205 Veltro 21
1648 Martín Alonso Pinzón human Martín Alonso Pinzón 21
1649 Mona Simpson fictional human, animated television character Mona Simpson (The Simpsons) 21
1650 Tiroteo de North Hollywood bank robbery, shootout North Hollywood shootout 21
1651 Bombardeo de Belgrado battle, aerial bombing of a city Operation Retribution (1941) 21
1652 Peter Criss album Peter Criss (album) 21
1653 Concierto para piano n.º 24 musical work/composition Piano Concerto No. 24 (Mozart) 21
1654 Prostitución en la Antigua Grecia prostitution by region Prostitution in ancient Greece 21
1655 Sitta przewalskii taxon Przevalski's nuthatch 21
1656 Psycho Circus album Psycho Circus 21
1657 Rain musical work/composition Rain (Beatles song) 21
1658 Revolver musical work/composition Revolver (song) 21
1659 Rock You Like a Hurricane musical work/composition Rock You Like a Hurricane 21
1660 Termas romanas de Bath museum, tourist attraction, architectural structure Roman Baths (Bath) 21
1661 SMS Derfflinger battlecruiser, shipwreck SMS Derfflinger 21
1662 SMS Lützow battlecruiser SMS Lützow 21
1663 Scott Steiner human Scott Steiner 21
1664 Catedral de Santa María minor basilica, co-cathedral, monument Sigüenza Cathedral 21
1665 Parque nacional de Sus-Masa national park Souss-Massa National Park 21
1666 Terra preta soil type Terra preta 21
1667 The Album album The Album (Blackpink album) 21
1668 Tillia Tepe archaeological site Tillya Tepe 21
1669 Under the Bridge song, single Under the Bridge 21
1670 Vjutemás educational institution, design school Vkhutemas 21
1671 Wendy O. Williams human Wendy O. Williams 21
1672 Cráter de la Tierra de Wilkes impact crater Wilkes Land crater 21
1673 WrestleMania 2 WrestleMania, WWE programs, professional wrestling event WrestleMania 2 21
1674 WrestleMania III professional wrestling event WrestleMania III 21
1675 2666 literary work 2666 20
1676 Administrador de la NASA position Administrator of NASA 20
1677 Alejo Estrategópulo human Alexios Strategopoulos 20
1678 Amanita ocreata taxon Amanita ocreata 20
1679 Ejército macedonio military branch Ancient Macedonian army 20
1680 Argentina en los Juegos Olímpicos de París 1924 Olympic delegation Argentina at the 1924 Summer Olympics 20
1681 Argentina en los Juegos Olímpicos de Ámsterdam 1928 Olympic delegation Argentina at the 1928 Summer Olympics 20
1682 Argentina en los Juegos Olímpicos de Berlín 1936 Olympic delegation Argentina at the 1936 Summer Olympics 20
1683 Argentina en los Juegos Olímpicos de Helsinki 1952 Olympic delegation Argentina at the 1952 Summer Olympics 20
1684 Argentina en los Juegos Olímpicos de Melbourne 1956 Olympic delegation Argentina at the 1956 Summer Olympics 20
1685 Argentina en los Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio 1964 Olympic delegation Argentina at the 1964 Summer Olympics 20
1686 Argentina en los Juegos Olímpicos de México 1968 Olympic delegation Argentina at the 1968 Summer Olympics 20
1687 Argentina en los Juegos Olímpicos de Seúl 1988 Olympic delegation Argentina at the 1988 Summer Olympics 20
1688 Argentina vs. Inglaterra quarter-final, international association football match Argentina v England (1986 FIFA World Cup) 20
1689 Entierro de videojuegos de Atari landfill, hoard, electronic waste Atari video game burial 20
1690 Bad Girl musical work/composition Bad Girl (Madonna song) 20
1691 Batalla de Bicoca battle Battle of Bicocca 20
1692 Batalla de las islas Lípari naval battle Battle of the Lipari Islands 20
1693 Burning Up musical work/composition Burning Up (Madonna song) 20
1694 Categoría:Organizaciones desaparecidas en 2015 Wikimedia category Category:Organizations disestablished in 2015 20
1695 Commelinidae taxon Commelinidae 20
1696 Afanomicosis animal disease Crayfish plague 20
1697 David Comneno human David Komnenos 20
1698 David Lovering human David Lovering 20
1699 Dear Jessie single Dear Jessie 20
1700 Deeper and Deeper musical work/composition Deeper and Deeper 20
1701 Demografía de Argentina demographics of country or region Demographics of Argentina 20
1702 Directorio de Ucrania government directorate Directorate of Ukraine 20
1703 Doolittle album Doolittle (album) 20
1704 Dope song, single, musical work/composition Dope (Lady Gaga song) 20
1705 Ehretia microphylla taxon Ehretia microphylla 20
1706 Emanuel Herrera human Emanuel Herrera 20
1707 Anexo:Discografía de Eminem Wikimedia artist discography Eminem discography 20
1708 Anexo:Discografía de Evanescence discography Evanescence discography 20
1709 Felix Hoppe-Seyler human Felix Hoppe-Seyler 20
1710 For You album For You (Selena Gomez album) 20
1711 George Washington human George Washington (inventor) 20
1712 Enfermedad de Von Gierke rare disease, class of disease Glycogen storage disease type I 20
1713 Cneo Domicio Calvino human Gnaeus Domitius Calvinus 20
1714 Anexo:Premio Grammy al mejor álbum de pop vocal Grammy Awards, class of award Grammy Award for Best Pop Vocal Album 20
1715 Guanahani island Guanahani 20
1716 HD 80606 b exoplanet HD 80606 b 20
1717 Cometido del caballo en la guerra Horses in warfare 20
1718 Parque nacional de las Llanuras de Horton national park Horton Plains National Park 20
1719 Hugo von Pohl human Hugo von Pohl 20
1720 Desarrollo dentario Human tooth development 20
1721 Héctor Germán Oesterheld human Héctor Germán Oesterheld 20
1722 Kōtetsu ship, ironclad warship Japanese ironclad Kōtetsu 20
1723 Key video game developer, brand Key (company) 20
1724 Municipio de La Paz municipality of Mexico La Paz, State of Mexico 20
1725 Anexo:Discografía de Led Zeppelin Wikimedia artist discography Led Zeppelin discography 20
1726 Anexo:Faros de España Wikimedia list article List of lighthouses in Spain 20
1727 Lost! single Lost! 20
1728 Anexo:Sencillos de Madonna Wikimedia singles discography Madonna singles discography 20
1729 Marco Terencio Varrón Lúculo human Marcus Terentius Varro Lucullus 20
1730 Asesinato de Alejandro I de Serbia coup d'état May Coup (Serbia) 20
1731 May It Be musical work/composition May It Be 20
1732 Monster album Monster (R.E.M. album) 20
1733 Tesoro Nacional de Japón heritage designation National Treasure (Japan) 20
1734 Séptima Ofensiva Antipartisana military operation Operation Rösselsprung (1944) 20
1735 Orden de Carlos III order, civil decoration Order of Charles III 20
1736 Phedina taxon Phedina 20
1737 Prudencia Ayala human Prudencia Ayala 20
1738 Rain single Rain (Madonna song) 20
1739 Rosemary Sutcliff human Rosemary Sutcliff 20
1740 Sadruddin Aga Khan human Sadruddin Aga Khan 20
1741 Pueblo seri ethnic group Seri people 20
1742 Sitio de Sidney Street siege, police raid Siege of Sidney Street 20
1743 Tenjō Tenge manga series Tenjho Tenge 20
1744 La batalla de Alejandro en Issos painting The Battle of Alexander at Issus 20
1745 Anexo:Cortos de Los Simpson film series The Simpsons shorts 20
1746 Tiberio Julio Alejandro human Tiberius Julius Alexander 20
1747 Villa La Angostura municipality Villa La Angostura 20
1748 Vithoba Hindu deity Vithoba 20
1749 Wings album Wings (BTS album) 20
1750 Elfego human Ælfheah of Canterbury 20
1751 Golpe de Estado en Lituania de 1926 coup d'état 1926 Lithuanian coup d'état 19
1752 Elecciones parlamentarias de Estonia de 2007 Estonian parliamentary election 2007 Estonian parliamentary election 19
1753 Anita Berber human Anita Berber 19
1754 Insuficiencia aórtica class of disease Aortic regurgitation 19
1755 Argentina en los Juegos Olímpicos de Londres 1948 Olympic delegation Argentina at the 1948 Summer Olympics 19
1756 Argentina en los Juegos Olímpicos de Roma 1960 Olympic delegation Argentina at the 1960 Summer Olympics 19
1757 Argentina en los Juegos Olímpicos de Barcelona 1992 Olympic delegation Argentina at the 1992 Summer Olympics 19
1758 Argentina en los Juegos Olímpicos de Sídney 2000 Olympic delegation Argentina at the 2000 Summer Olympics 19
1759 Astral Weeks album Astral Weeks 19
1760 Iglesia ortodoxa turca Non-canonical Eastern Orthodox churches Autocephalous Turkish Orthodox Patriarchate 19
1761 British Aircraft Corporation TSR-2 aircraft model BAC TSR-2 19
1762 Batalla de Adís battle Battle of Adys 19
1763 Batalla del Helesponto battle Battle of the Hellespont 19
1764 Bedtime Story single Bedtime Story (Madonna song) 19
1765 Bulgaria durante la Primera Guerra Mundial country in World War I Bulgaria during World War I 19
1766 Yofukashi no Uta manga series Call of the Night 19
1767 Guerras cántabras conflict Cantabrian Wars 19
1768 Carpetanos Carpetani 19
1769 Canto tallado instruments of labor Chopping tool 19
1770 Conato philosophical concept, metaphysical concept Conatus 19
1771 Cornelio Saavedra human Cornelio Saavedra 19
1772 Interacción de canje Exchange interaction 19
1773 Exploración de Júpiter Exploration of Jupiter 19
1774 F-Zero video game F-Zero (video game) 19
1775 Cayo Mario human Gaius Marius (consul 82 BC) 19
1776 Gambler musical work/composition Gambler (song) 19
1777 Anexo:Premio Grammy al mejor álbum de rap class of award Grammy Award for Best Rap Album 19
1778 Anexo:Premio Grammy a la mejor canción rock Grammy Awards, class of award Grammy Award for Best Rock Song 19
1779 Momias guanches Guanche mummies 19
1780 Haunting the Chapel extended play Haunting the Chapel 19
1781 Historia de las representaciones eróticas aspect of history History of erotic depictions 19
1782 How You Like That single How You Like That 19
1783 Huracán Erika Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Erika (2003) 19
1784 Icky Thump album Icky Thump 19
1785 In My Place single In My Place 19
1786 Josep Maria Subirachs human Josep Maria Subirachs 19
1787 Koldo Fernández de Larrea human Koldo Fernández 19
1788 Krazy Kat comic strip Krazy Kat 19
1789 Live Forever song, single Live Forever (Oasis song) 19
1790 Magnetoquímica branch of chemistry Magnetochemistry 19
1791 Michael Jackson's Thriller music video Michael Jackson's Thriller (music video) 19
1792 Miguel Rúa human Michele Rua 19
1793 Espejo de Oesed mirror, magical object in Harry Potter Mirror of Erised 19
1794 Naturally song, single Naturally (Selena Gomez & the Scene song) 19
1795 Pornography album Pornography (album) 19
1796 Francisca de Orleans human Princess Françoise of Orléans (1902–1953) 19
1797 Raising Sand album Raising Sand 19
1798 Retro Studios video game developer Retro Studios 19
1799 Romain Sicard human Romain Sicard 19
1800 SMS Hindenburg battlecruiser, shipwreck SMS Hindenburg 19
1801 Iglesia de Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet church building Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet 19
1802 Anexo:Discografía de Scorpions Wikimedia artist discography Scorpions discography 19
1803 Expedición Antártica Nacional Escocesa research expedition Scottish National Antarctic Expedition 19
1804 Shiver single Shiver (Coldplay song) 19
1805 España en los Juegos Olímpicos de Seúl 1988 Olympic delegation Spain at the 1988 Summer Olympics 19
1806 Strawberry Panic! media franchise Strawberry Panic! 19
1807 Super Mario Strikers video game Super Mario Strikers 19
1808 Mercenarios suizos military unit Swiss mercenaries 19
1809 Talbot Samba automobile model Talbot Samba 19
1810 Talk single Talk (Coldplay song) 19
1811 Tania Lamarca human Tania Lamarca 19
1812 Teresa de la Parra human Teresa de la Parra 19
1813 The Look of Love single The Look of Love (Madonna song) 19
1814 La patrulla perdida film The Lost Patrol (1934 film) 19
1815 The Power of Good-Bye single The Power of Good-Bye 19
1816 Time Out of Mind album Time Out of Mind (Bob Dylan album) 19
1817 Tokyo Tapes album Tokyo Tapes (album) 19
1818 Especiales de Halloween de Los Simpson television program Treehouse of Horror 19
1819 Trouble single Trouble (Coldplay song) 19
1820 Ulalume literary work Ulalume 19
1821 Hochschule für Gestaltung university, Hochschule Ulm School of Design 19
1822 Edificio de la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos courthouse United States Supreme Court Building 19
1823 Wail al-Shehri human Wail al-Shehri 19
1824 Final de la FA Cup de 1923 FA Cup Final 1923 FA Cup final 18
1825 Supercopa de España de Fútbol 2009 sports season 2009 Supercopa de España 18
1826 ASASSN-15lh hypernova ASASSN-15lh 18
1827 Guerra de la Franja de Agacher war Agacher Strip War 18
1828 Guerras apaches war Apache Wars 18
1829 Argentina en los Juegos Olímpicos de Los Ángeles 1932 Olympic delegation Argentina at the 1932 Summer Olympics 18
1830 Río Authie river Authie (river) 18
1831 Anexo:BAFTA Academy Fellowship Award film award category, honorary award BAFTA Fellowship 18
1832 Begin Again single Begin Again (Taylor Swift song) 18
1833 Billion Dollar Babies album Billion Dollar Babies 18
1834 Brodiaea taxon Brodiaea 18
1835 Bulgaria durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial aspect of history, country in World War II Bulgaria during World War II 18
1836 Incursiones de los rus en el mar Caspio military offensive Caspian expeditions of the Rus' 18
1837 Castle of Glass single Castle of Glass 18
1838 Ceratophyllaceae monotypic taxon Ceratophyllaceae 18
1839 DNA² manga series DNA² 18
1840 David Civera human David Civera 18
1841 Castillo de Dunstaffnage castle Dunstaffnage Castle 18
1842 Edith Tolkien human Edith Tolkien 18
1843 El Capricho house, museum El Capricho 18
1844 Elizabeth F. Ellet human Elizabeth F. Ellet 18
1845 Estadio Gigante de Arroyito association football venue Estadio Gigante de Arroyito 18
1846 Eye II Eye album Eye II Eye 18
1847 Química forense branch of chemistry Forensic chemistry 18
1848 Gastón IV de Bearne human Gaston IV, Viscount of Béarn 18
1849 Jorge VIII de Georgia human George VIII of Georgia 18
1850 Ghosts I-IV album Ghosts I–IV 18
1851 Anexo:Premio Grammy a la mejor grabación dance/electrónica class of award Grammy Award for Best Dance/Electronic Recording 18
1852 Anexo:Premio Grammy a la mejor interpretación de metal class of award Grammy Award for Best Metal Performance 18
1853 Sitio de Gibraltar siege Great Siege of Gibraltar 18
1854 HMS Glowworm destroyer, shipwreck HMS Glowworm (H92) 18
1855 Harry Potter y la Orden del Fénix album Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (soundtrack) 18
1856 Juan Bautista Topete human Juan Bautista Topete 18
1857 Golpe de Estado de julio coup d'état July Putsch 18
1858 Karen Dotrice human Karen Dotrice 18
1859 Killer7 video game Killer7 18
1860 Reino de los Serbios, Croatas y Eslovenos historical country Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (d:Q15102440) 18
1861 Alzamiento socialrevolucionario rebellion Left SR uprising 18
1862 La vida instrucciones de uso written work Life: A User's Manual 18
1863 Anexo:Premios y nominaciones de BTS list of awards and nominations, Wikimedia music-related list List of awards and nominations received by BTS 18
1864 Anexo:Obras de Miguel Ángel Wikimedia list article, group of paintings List of works by Michelangelo 18
1865 Trono Ludovisi sculpture Ludovisi Throne 18
1866 Macizo de Anaga mountain range, biosphere reserve, Laurel forest Macizo de Anaga 18
1867 Maestà reredos, polyptych, high altar Maestà (Duccio) 18
1868 Marshall Applewhite human Marshall Applewhite 18
1869 Memory Almost Full album Memory Almost Full 18
1870 Metroid: Zero Mission video game Metroid: Zero Mission 18
1871 Mind Games album Mind Games (John Lennon album) 18
1872 Simetría especular Mirror symmetry (string theory) 18
1873 Monster musical work/composition Monster (Lady Gaga song) 18
1874 Music from Big Pink album Music from Big Pink 18
1875 Myxobolus cerebralis taxon Myxobolus cerebralis 18
1876 New Morning album New Morning 18
1877 Colores políticos Political colour 18
1878 Luis Augusto de Sajonia-Coburgo y Gotha human Prince Ludwig August of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha 18
1879 Estandarte del cuervo banner Raven banner 18
1880 Reckoning album Reckoning (R.E.M. album) 18
1881 Rock 'n' Roll album Rock 'n' Roll (John Lennon album) 18
1882 Rocket to Russia album Rocket to Russia 18
1883 Sand Land manga series Sand Land 18
1884 Slow Train Coming album Slow Train Coming 18
1885 Stańczyk painting Stańczyk (painting) 18
1886 Anexo:Bibliografía de Stephen King bibliography Stephen King bibliography 18
1887 SummerSlam SummerSlam SummerSlam (2009) 18
1888 Aeropuerto de Sørkjosen airport, commercial traffic aerodrome Sørkjosen Airport 18
1889 Tango music genre, musical form Tango music 18
1890 The Hardest Part single The Hardest Part (Coldplay song) 18
1891 The Slip album The Slip (album) 18
1892 Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish television series episode Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish 18
1893 Upsilon Andromedae b exoplanet Upsilon Andromedae b 18
1894 Upsilon Andromedae d exoplanet Upsilon Andromedae d 18
1895 Violet Hill single Violet Hill 18
1896 Wihtred de Kent human Wihtred of Kent 18
1897 World Wide Live album World Wide Live 18
1898 Worship Music album Worship Music (album) 18
1899 Yoshi's Island DS video game Yoshi's Island DS 18
1900 II Congreso del Partido Obrero Socialdemócrata de Rusia party conference 2nd Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party 17
1901 Amaryllidoideae taxon Amaryllidoideae 17
1902 Anexo:Discografía de Amy Winehouse Wikimedia artist discography Amy Winehouse discography 17
1903 Antonio de Herrera y Tordesillas human Antonio de Herrera y Tordesillas 17
1904 Appeal to Reason album Appeal to Reason (album) 17
1905 Anexo:Filmografía de Arnold Schwarzenegger filmography Arnold Schwarzenegger filmography 17
1906 Iluminación automotriz Automotive lighting 17
1907 Bardanes el Turco human Bardanes Tourkos 17
1908 Batalla por el Campo Henderson battle Battle for Henderson Field 17
1909 Batalla de Lequeo battle Battle of Lechaeum 17
1910 Batalla de Mardia battle Battle of Mardia 17
1911 Batalla de Pichincha battle Battle of Pichincha 17
1912 Gobierno belga en el exilio government in exile Belgian government in exile 17
1913 Anexo:Discografía de Black Sabbath Wikimedia artist discography Black Sabbath discography 17
1914 Cailleach Béirre Celtic deity Cailleach 17
1915 Candy Shop single, audio track Candy Shop 17
1916 Capitulaciones de Santa Fe capitulation Capitulations of Santa Fe 17
1917 Casa Botines building, monument Casa Botines 17
1918 Chrono video game series Chrono (series) 17
1919 Constitución del 3 de mayo de 1791 painting Constitution of 3 May 1791 (painting) 17
1920 Crazier single, musical work/composition Crazier 17
1921 Cuatro television station Cuatro (TV channel) 17
1922 Edward Elric fictional human, anime character, manga character Edward Elric 17
1923 Elizabeth Arnold Poe human Eliza Poe 17
1924 Esquipulas city, border city, municipality of Guatemala Esquipulas 17
1925 Eupteleaceae monotypic taxon Eupteleaceae (d:Q1191725) 17
1926 Mystic Quest video game Final Fantasy Adventure 17
1927 Fittipaldi Automotive Formula One team Fittipaldi Automotive 17
1928 Godofredo II de Villehardouin human Geoffrey II of Villehardouin 17
1929 God Put a Smile upon Your Face single God Put a Smile upon Your Face 17
1930 Anexo:Premio Grammy al mejor álbum de música alternativa class of award Grammy Award for Best Alternative Music Album 17
1931 Anexo:Premio Grammy a la mejor interpretación de hard rock class of award Grammy Award for Best Hard Rock Performance 17
1932 Anexo:Discografía de Green Day Wikimedia artist discography Green Day discography 17
1933 Río Guadarrama river Guadarrama (river) 17
1934 Anexo:Discografía de Guns N' Roses Wikimedia artist discography Guns N' Roses discography 17
1935 Help Wanted television pilot, segment of a television episode Help Wanted (SpongeBob SquarePants) 17
1936 Pogromo de Iași war crime, pogrom Iași pogrom 17
1937 Rebelión irlandesa de 1641 rebellion Irish Rebellion of 1641 17
1938 Fiume heavy cruiser Italian cruiser Fiume 17
1939 Jack Sheppard human Jack Sheppard 17
1940 Julián Besteiro human Julián Besteiro 17
1941 Anexo:Discografía de Justin Timberlake discography Justin Timberlake discography 17
1942 Killers album Killers (Kiss album) 17
1943 Reino de Nri realm, historical country Kingdom of Nri 17
1944 Anexo:Episodios de Death Note Wikimedia list article List of Death Note episodes 17
1945 Anexo:Giras musicales de Madonna Wikimedia list of concert tours List of Madonna concerts 17
1946 Little Things single Little Things (One Direction song) 17
1947 Madness song, single Madness (Muse song) 17
1948 Man on the Moon: The End of Day album Man on the Moon: The End of Day 17
1949 Marta Baldó human Marta Baldó 17
1950 Anexo:Discografía de Megadeth Wikimedia artist discography Megadeth discography 17
1951 Misa Amane fictional human, anime character, manga character Misa Amane 17
1952 Pamela C. Rasmussen human Pamela C. Rasmussen 17
1953 Pedro Horrillo human Pedro Horrillo 17
1954 Directorio de Omsk transitional government Provisional All-Russian Government 17
1955 Anexo:Discografía de Red Hot Chili Peppers Wikimedia artist discography Red Hot Chili Peppers discography 17
1956 SMS Nassau dreadnought SMS Nassau 17
1957 Santuario de Loyola church building, monument, Catholic pilgrimage church Sanctuary of Loyola 17
1958 Self Portrait album Self Portrait (Bob Dylan album) 17
1959 Ejército espartano army Spartan army 17
1960 Spotlight musical work/composition Spotlight (Madonna song) 17
1961 Sun Chuanfang human Sun Chuanfang 17
1962 Anexo:Discografía de System of a Down Wikimedia artist discography System of a Down discography 17
1963 The Band album The Band (album) 17
1964 The Basement Tapes album The Basement Tapes 17
1965 Los gatos de Ulthar literary work The Cats of Ulthar 17
1966 Ventidio Cumano human Ventidius Cumanus 17
1967 Gualterio V de Brienne human Walter V, Count of Brienne 17
1968 Wish album Wish (The Cure album) 17
1969 La mujer en la Antigua Grecia aspect of history, female topic Women in ancient Greece 17
1970 Tranvía de Zaragoza tram system Zaragoza tram 17
1971 Zuma album Zuma (Neil Young & Crazy Horse album) 17
1972 Elecciones parlamentarias de Finlandia de 2007 Finnish parliamentary election 2007 Finnish parliamentary election 16
1973 Anexo:Discografía de ABBA Wikimedia artist discography ABBA discography 16
1974 Anna Bågenholm human Anna Bågenholm 16
1975 Museo Arqueológico de Olimpia archaeological museum Archaeological Museum of Olympia 16
1976 Armen Gilliam human Armen Gilliam 16
1977 Arthur album Arthur (Or the Decline and Fall of the British Empire) 16
1978 Arturo Prat human Arturo Prat 16
1979 Batalla de Cibalis battle Battle of Cibalae 16
1980 Batalla de Tolón battle, naval battle Battle of Toulon (1744) 16
1981 Batalla del Sutjeska battle Case Black (d:Q1419973) 16
1982 Daylight single Daylight (Maroon 5 song) 16
1983 Dead Putting Society television series episode Dead Putting Society 16
1984 Anexo:Discografía de Deep Purple Wikimedia artist discography Deep Purple discography 16
1985 Do It like a Dude song, single Do It like a Dude 16
1986 Domino single Domino (Jessie J song) 16
1987 Don't Panic single Don't Panic (Coldplay song) 16
1988 Drowned World/Substitute for Love single Drowned World/Substitute for Love 16
1989 Aldred human Ealdred (archbishop of York) 16
1990 Evolución de la reproducción sexual evolution Evolution of sexual reproduction 16
1991 Flaming Pie album Flaming Pie 16
1992 Cneo Papirio Carbón human Gnaeus Papirius Carbo (consul 85 BC) 16
1993 Anexo:Premio Grammy a la mejor interpretación de rap melódico Grammy Awards, class of award Grammy Award for Best Melodic Rap Performance 16
1994 Anexo:Premio Grammy al mejor vídeo musical Grammy Awards, class of award Grammy Award for Best Music Video 16
1995 Green Light single Green Light (Beyoncé song) 16
1996 H.M.S. Pinafore dramatico-musical work H.M.S. Pinafore 16
1997 Bote de Halkett boat type Halkett boat 16
1998 Castillo de Halton castle, ruins Halton Castle 16
1999 Jaidamaka rebellion Haydamak 16
2000 Hemocromatosis hereditaria rare disease, class of disease Hereditary haemochromatosis 16
2001 Infidels album Infidels (Bob Dylan album) 16
2002 Supercopa de Campeones Intercontinentales association football competition, recurring sporting event Intercontinental Champions' Supercup 16
2003 Anexo:Discografía de Kelly Clarkson Wikimedia artist discography Kelly Clarkson discography 16
2004 Anexo:Videojuegos para Nintendo 64 Wikimedia list article List of Nintendo 64 games 16
2005 Anexo:Edificios más altos de Hong Kong Wikimedia list article List of tallest buildings in Hong Kong 16
2006 Live Bites album Live Bites 16
2007 Luis de Borgoña human Louis of Burgundy 16
2008 Lovesick Girls musical work/composition Lovesick Girls 16
2009 Mapa de Juan de la Cosa mappa mundi Map of Juan de la Cosa 16
2010 Anexo:Discografía de Marilyn Manson Wikimedia artist discography Marilyn Manson discography 16
2011 Mello fictional human, anime character, manga character Mello (Death Note) 16
2012 Sistemas de escritura de Mesoamérica script family, type of writing system Mesoamerican writing systems 16
2013 Capitolio del Estado de Míchigan capitol building Michigan State Capitol 16
2014 Morbid Tales extended play Morbid Tales 16
2015 Nathan Drake video game character, fictional human, adventure film character Nathan Drake 16
2016 No One single No One (Alicia Keys song) 16
2017 Nuria Cabanillas human Nuria Cabanillas 16
2018 Oh Mercy album Oh Mercy 16
2019 Antigua catedral de San Pablo destroyed building or structure Old St Paul's Cathedral 16
2020 Omphalotus nidiformis taxon Omphalotus nidiformis 16
2021 One More Chance single One More Chance (Madonna song) 16
2022 One Times Square skyscraper One Times Square 16
2023 Pedro de Mena human Pedro de Mena 16
2024 Pilar Primo de Rivera human Pilar Primo de Rivera 16
2025 Dzong Punakha dzong in Tibet, Tibetan Buddhist monastery Punakha Dzong 16
2026 Razia Razzia (military) 16
2027 Roystonea oleracea taxon Roystonea oleracea 16
2028 Sacramentos de la Iglesia católica Catholic liturgical rite Sacraments of the Catholic Church 16
2029 San Pedro Sacatepéquez municipality of Guatemala San Pedro Sacatepéquez, San Marcos 16
2030 Basílica de San Sebastián minor basilica, national shrine, Catholic parish church San Sebastian Church (Manila) 16
2031 Schafik Hándal human Schafik Hándal 16
2032 Experimento de Schiehallion physics experiment Schiehallion experiment 16
2033 Línea de la Segunda Avenida rapid transit railway line, transport megaproject Second Avenue Subway 16
2034 Sitio de Roma siege Siege of Rome (537–538) 16
2035 Sticky & Sweet Tour album Sticky & Sweet Tour (album) 16
2036 Team single Team (Lorde song) 16
2037 The Age of Nero album The Age of Nero 16
2038 The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson animated series episode The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson 16
2039 El coloso painting The Colossus (painting) 16
2040 The Slider album The Slider 16
2041 Turismo en Indonesia tourism in a region Tourism in Indonesia 16
2042 Tvrđa fortress, old town, city district Tvrđa 16
2043 U2 3D film, 3D film U2 3D 16
2044 West Coast musical work/composition West Coast (Lana Del Rey song) 16
2045 Yuan family name, Chinese family name Yuan (surname) 16
2046 Actas de los mártires class, group of works Acts of the Martyrs 15
2047 And Then We Kiss single, musical work/composition And Then We Kiss 15
2048 Blood Sweat & Tears musical work/composition Blood Sweat & Tears (song) 15
2049 Brainwashed album Brainwashed (George Harrison album) 15
2050 Canarina canariensis taxon Canarina canariensis 15
2051 Cannaceae monotypic taxon Cannaceae (d:Q160012) 15
2052 El Pasmo de Sicilia painting Christ Falling on the Way to Calvary 15
2053 Anexo:Filmografía de Clint Eastwood filmography Clint Eastwood filmography 15
2054 Incendio de Copenhague de 1728 city fire Copenhagen Fire of 1728 15
2055 Adeodato de Canterbury human Deusdedit of Canterbury 15
2056 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial album E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (album) 15
2057 Electric Warrior album Electric Warrior 15
2058 Eucharis taxon Eucharis (plant) 15
2059 Eupomatiaceae monotypic taxon Eupomatiaceae (d:Q131370) 15
2060 Extremoduro musical group Extremoduro 15
2061 Fleetwood Mac album Fleetwood Mac (1968 album) 15
2062 Anexo:Anteriores Patrimonio de la Humanidad Wikimedia list article Former UNESCO World Heritage Sites 15
2063 Hórreo gallego Galician granary 15
2064 Geastrum pectinatum taxon Geastrum pectinatum 15
2065 Predicción de genes Gene prediction 15
2066 Gintoki Sakata fictional human, anime character, manga character Gintoki Sakata 15
2067 Metro de Granada light rail Granada Metro 15
2068 Kawachi battleship Japanese battleship Kawachi 15
2069 Juan de Juni human Juan de Juni 15
2070 Anexo:Discografía de Judas Priest Wikimedia artist discography Judas Priest discography 15
2071 Levantamiento Kérenski-Krasnov rebellion, armed conflict Kerensky–Krasnov uprising 15
2072 Ktuts Anapat monastery, ruins, historic site Ktuts monastery 15
2073 La La Land single La La Land (Demi Lovato song) 15
2074 Lancia Delta S4 automobile model Lancia Delta S4 15
2075 Lay All Your Love on Me musical work/composition Lay All Your Love on Me 15
2076 Anexo:Volúmenes de Fullmetal Alchemist Wikimedia list article List of Fullmetal Alchemist chapters 15
2077 Anexo:Cameos de Alfred Hitchcock Wikimedia list article List of cameo appearances by Alfred Hitchcock 15
2078 Idiomas en el Festival de la Canción de Eurovisión Wikimedia music-related list List of languages in the Eurovision Song Contest 15
2079 Anexo:Certificación de ventas discográficas Wikimedia information list, Wikimedia music-related list List of music recording certifications 15
2080 Anexo:Álbumes de Madonna Wikimedia albums discography Madonna albums discography 15
2081 Mary Martha Sherwood human Mary Martha Sherwood 15
2082 Mic Drop single Mic Drop (song) 15
2083 Michael Woodruff human Michael Woodruff 15
2084 Anexo:Discografía de Muse discography Muse discography 15
2085 Micoheterotrofia Myco-heterotrophy 15
2086 Estado Nacional Legionario historical country National Legionary State 15
2087 Ruta Nacional 40 controlled-access highway National Route 40 (Argentina) 15
2088 Anexo:Discografía de Nine Inch Nails Wikimedia artist discography Nine Inch Nails discography 15
2089 Ninja Gaiden video game Ninja Gaiden (NES video game) 15
2090 Operación Anillo military operation Operation Ring 15
2091 Parque del Laberinto de Horta urban park, hedge maze Parc del Laberint d'Horta 15
2092 Augusto Leopoldo de Sajonia-Coburgo y Braganza human Prince August Leopold of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha 15
2093 La resurrección de Cristo painting Resurrection of Christ (Raphael) 15
2094 Catedral de Sal museum, salt mine, cave church Salt Cathedral of Zipaquirá 15
2095 Sábado written work Saturday (novel) 15
2096 Anexo:Filmografía de Shahrukh Khan filmography Shah Rukh Khan filmography 15
2097 Catedral de San Miguel cathedral St. Michael's Cathedral, Qingdao 15
2098 Litosiderito Stony-iron meteorite 15
2099 Primera guerra civil de la República romana civil war Sulla's civil war 15
2100 Swen Nater human Swen Nater 15
2101 The Blackening album The Blackening 15
2102 Trasilo human Thrasyllus 15
2103 To Mega Therion album To Mega Therion (album) 15
2104 Ulises literary work Ulysses (poem) 15
2105 Upsilon Andromedae c exoplanet Upsilon Andromedae c 15
2106 Revolución de Valaquia de 1848 Wallachian Revolution of 1848 15
2107 Gobierno yugoslavo en el exilio government in exile Yugoslav government-in-exile 15
2108 Desarrollo floral scientific model ABC model of flower development 14
2109 Actopan locality of Mexico Actopan, Hidalgo 14
2110 Armisticio de Belgrado armistice, convention Armistice of Belgrade 14
2111 Arrasando album Arrasando 14
2112 Evento Azolla global cooling, hypothetical event Azolla event 14
2113 Bart Gets Hit by a Car animated series episode Bart Gets Hit by a Car 14
2114 Bart el temerario television series episode Bart the Daredevil 14
2115 Batalla de Lissa naval battle Battle of Lissa (1811) 14
2116 Batalla de San Marino battle Battle of San Marino 14
2117 Billy Knight human Billy Knight 14
2118 Catherine Hogarth human Catherine Dickens 14
2119 Iglesia católica en Mongolia Catholic Church of an area Catholic Church in Mongolia 14
2120 Cristo Redentor de los Andes heritage, statue of Jesus Christ the Redeemer of the Andes 14
2121 Death Has a Shadow television pilot, television series episode Death Has a Shadow 14
2122 Donkey Kong Land video game Donkey Kong Land 14
2123 Drew Struzan human Drew Struzan 14
2124 Economía en la Antigua Grecia regional economy Economy of ancient Greece 14
2125 Anexo:Discografía de Ed Sheeran Wikimedia artist discography Ed Sheeran discography 14
2126 Enrique Orizaola human Enrique Orizaola 14
2127 Estíbaliz Martínez human Estíbaliz Martínez 14
2128 Agenda homosexual conspiracy theory Gay agenda 14
2129 Giora Epstein human Giora Epstein 14
2130 Anexo:Premio Grammy al mejor álbum de R&B class of award Grammy Award for Best R&B Album 14
2131 Anexo:Premio Grammy a la mejor interpretación rock class of award Grammy Award for Best Rock Performance 14
2132 Habitabilidad en sistemas de enanas rojas Habitability of red dwarf systems 14
2133 Yashima pre-dreadnought battleship Japanese battleship Yashima 14
2134 Jay Cutler human Jay Cutler 14
2135 Juan Paleólogo human John Palaiologos (brother of Michael VIII) 14
2136 Anexo:Discografía de Jonas Brothers Wikimedia artist discography Jonas Brothers discography 14
2137 Revuelta de julio de 1927 rebellion, conflagration, occurrence July Revolt of 1927 14
2138 Terremoto de Christchurch de junio de 2011 earthquake June 2011 Christchurch earthquake 14
2139 Kirito video game character, literary character, fictional human Kirito (Sword Art Online) 14
2140 L'Oiseau blanc Levasseur PL.8 L'Oiseau Blanc 14
2141 Laureano Vallenilla Lanz human Laureano Vallenilla Lanz 14
2142 León Esguro human Leo Sgouros 14
2143 Licario human Licario 14
2144 Anexo:Arzobispos de Canterbury Wikimedia list article List of archbishops of Canterbury 14
2145 Anexo:Óperas de Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Wikimedia list of dramatico-musical works by composer List of operas by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 14
2146 Anexo:Filmografía de Madonna filmography Madonna filmography 14
2147 Anexo:Videografía de Madonna videography Madonna videography 14
2148 Anexo:Filmografía y premios de Marilyn Monroe filmography Marilyn Monroe performances and awards 14
2149 Matrimonio en la Antigua Roma aspect in a geographic region Marriage in ancient Rome 14
2150 May Pang human May Pang 14
2151 Momchil human Momchil 14
2152 Monte Thielsen mountain Mount Thielsen 14
2153 Anexo:Discografía de Nelly Furtado Wikimedia artist discography Nelly Furtado discography 14
2154 Ohaguro cosmetics Ohaguro 14
2155 Anexo:Discografía de Paramore Wikimedia artist discography Paramore discography 14
2156 Pirámide de Mayo obelisk Pirámide de Mayo 14
2157 QuackShot video game QuackShot 14
2158 Quinto Pompeyo Rufo human Quintus Pompeius Rufus (consul 88 BC) 14
2159 Libelo de sangre de Rodas blood libel Rhodes blood libel 14
2160 SMS Fürst Bismarck armored cruiser SMS Fürst Bismarck 14
2161 Río Saja river Saja (river) 14
2162 Santuario de los Grandes Dioses de Samotracia ancient Greek temple Samothrace temple complex 14
2163 Santuario de Aránzazu building, minor basilica, shrine to the Virgin Mary Sanctuary of Arantzazu 14
2164 Sitio de Eretria siege Siege of Eretria 14
2165 Sitio de Malta siege Siege of Malta (1798–1800) 14
2166 Sociología del arte branch of sociology Sociology of art 14
2167 Steve Mix human Steve Mix 14
2168 Stone Sour album Stone Sour (album) 14
2169 The Power Station musical group The Power Station (band) 14
2170 Thirty Three & 1/3 album Thirty Three & 1/3 14
2171 Titanic album Titanic: Music from the Motion Picture 14
2172 Cayo Trebacio Testa human Trebatius Testa 14
2173 Motín de Aranjuez mutiny Tumult of Aranjuez 14
2174 Wonderwall Music album Wonderwall Music 14
2175 Yankee Hotel Foxtrot album Yankee Hotel Foxtrot 14
2176 Anexo:Presidentes de El Salvador Wikimedia list article list of presidents of El Salvador (d:Q10353659) 14
2177 Bombardeo del Palacio de la Independencia de Vietnam del Sur de 1962 bombardment, attempted coup d'état 1962 South Vietnamese Independence Palace bombing 13
2178 Vuelta a España 1983 Vuelta a España 1983 Vuelta a España 13
2179 Atentado del Samjhauta Express en 2007 train attack 2007 Samjhauta Express bombings 13
2180 Addicted to Love song, single Addicted to Love (song) 13
2181 Anexo:Discografía de Alice in Chains Wikimedia artist discography Alice in Chains discography 13
2182 Amanita abrupta taxon Amanita abrupta 13
2183 Antiguo Cuscatlán municipality of El Salvador Antiguo Cuscatlán 13
2184 At Fillmore East album At Fillmore East 13
2185 Austrobaileyaceae taxon, monotypic taxon Austrobaileyaceae (d:Q13872246) 13
2186 Neumonía bacteriana infectious disease, class of disease, symptom or sign Bacterial pneumonia 13
2187 Equilibrio estructural Balance theory 13
2188 Bataceae monotypic taxon Bataceae (d:Q2094045) 13
2189 Batalla de Turín battle Battle of Turin (312) 13
2190 Batalla de Gévora battle Battle of the Gebora 13
2191 Miles de millones posthumous work, written work Billions and Billions 13
2192 Bleed American album Bleed American 13
2193 Bonaparte cruzando los Alpes painting Bonaparte Crossing the Alps 13
2194 Castillo de Bruce manor house, local museum, conservation area Bruce Castle 13
2195 Calibán theatrical character, half-demon in a work of fiction Caliban 13
2196 Intentos de restauración de Carlos de Habsburgo undeclared war, attempted coup d'état Charles IV of Hungary's attempts to retake the throne 13
2197 Chris Gatling human Chris Gatling 13
2198 Cold Lake album Cold Lake (album) 13
2199 Come What(ever) May album Come What(ever) May 13
2200 Dark Horse album Dark Horse (George Harrison album) 13
2201 Conde Caín manga series Earl Cain 13
2202 Eyes of the Insane single Eyes of the Insane 13
2203 Felipe Camiroaga human Felipe Camiroaga 13
2204 Florín coin type Florin (British coin) 13
2205 Free Derry intentional community Free Derry 13
2206 Historia de Cerdeña aspect of history History of Sardinia 13
2207 Homer's Enemy television series episode Homer's Enemy 13
2208 Homer's Triple Bypass television series episode Homer's Triple Bypass 13
2209 Tiroteos en Huế Huế Phật Đản shootings 13
2210 Ilomilo single Ilomilo (song) 13
2211 Anexo:Discografía de Inna Wikimedia artist discography Inna discography 13
2212 Itchy & Scratchy & Marge animated series episode Itchy & Scratchy & Marge 13
2213 James Robert Baker human James Robert Baker 13
2214 Joaquín Reyes human Joaquín Reyes (comedian) 13
2215 John Block human John Block (basketball) 13
2216 Jorge Newbery human Jorge Newbery 13
2217 Joseph Johnson human Joseph Johnson (publisher) 13
2218 Reino de Italia realm, historical country Kingdom of Italy (774-962) (d:Q5343710) 13
2219 Estación de La Sagrera metro station, underground station La Sagrera-Meridiana station 13
2220 Anexo:Volúmenes de Death Note Wikimedia list article List of Death Note chapters 13
2221 Anexo:Campeones de la FA Cup Wikimedia list article List of FA Cup finals 13
2222 Living in the Material World album Living in the Material World 13
2223 Lola Versus Powerman and the Moneygoround, Part One album Lola Versus Powerman and the Moneygoround, Part One 13
2224 Lovers in Japan single Lovers in Japan 13
2225 Solanum subsect. Lycopersicon taxon Lycopersicon 13
2226 Manuel Enrique Araujo human Manuel Enrique Araujo 13
2227 Anexo:Videografía de Michael Jackson videography Michael Jackson videography 13
2228 Ejército de Cartago army Military of Carthage 13
2229 Monte de El Pardo forest, natural landscape Monte de El Pardo 13
2230 Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes art museum, national museum Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de La Habana 13
2231 Myrothamnaceae taxon Myrothamnaceae (d:Q132943) 13
2232 Nat Clifton human Nat Clifton 13
2233 New York Dolls album New York Dolls (album) 13
2234 Nigel Kneale human Nigel Kneale 13
2235 Oh Love single Oh Love 13
2236 Protocolo Facultativo de la Convención sobre la eliminación de todas las formas de discriminación contra la mujer treaty Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women 13
2237 Palacio Real de Capodimonte museum, royal palace Palace of Capodimonte 13
2238 Pederastia en la Antigua Grecia custom Pederasty in ancient Greece 13
2239 Disturbios de Birmingham de 1791 riot Priestley Riots 13
2240 Pedro Augusto de Sajonia-Coburgo y Braganza human Prince Pedro Augusto of Saxe-Coburg and Braganza 13
2241 Retrocausalidad concept Retrocausality 13
2242 Robert Sterling Yard human Robert Sterling Yard 13
2243 SMS Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm pre-dreadnought battleship SMS Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm 13
2244 SMS Roon armored cruiser SMS Roon 13
2245 SMS Weißenburg pre-dreadnought battleship SMS Weissenburg 13
2246 Sarah Elmira Royster human Sarah Elmira Shelton 13
2247 Scheiße musical work/composition Scheiße (song) 13
2248 Sitio de Castelnuovo battle, siege Siege of Castelnuovo 13
2249 Strawberry Swing single Strawberry Swing 13
2250 Suillus spraguei taxon Suillus spraguei 13
2251 T2 3-D: Battle Across Time 3D film, amusement ride T2-3D: Battle Across Time 13
2252 Thames Television television production company, broadcaster Thames Television 13
2253 El colgamiento de la campana Segismundo painting The Hanging of the Sigismund Bell 13
2254 Anexo:Discografía de The Killers Wikimedia artist discography The Killers discography 13
2255 The Way We Was animated series episode The Way We Was 13
2256 Depresión tropical Diez tropical depression Tropical Depression Ten (2005) 13
2257 Tormenta tropical Allison tropical storm Tropical Storm Allison 13
2258 Estación de Virrei Amat metro station, underground station Virrei Amat (Barcelona Metro) 13
2259 Camino de las cinco medidas de arroz religious movement, religious war Way of the Five Pecks of Rice 13
2260 Who Says song, single Who Says (Selena Gomez & the Scene song) 13
2261 William Bruce human William Bruce (architect) 13
2262 You Know My Name single, audio track, musical work/composition You Know My Name 13
2263 31 minutos television series 31 Minutos 12
2264 Anexo:Club de los 500 jonrones Wikimedia list article 500 home run club 12
2265 A Forest musical work/composition A Forest 12
2266 A Streetcar Named Marge television series episode A Streetcar Named Marge 12
2267 Arp2/3 cellular component Arp2/3 complex 12
2268 Artículo 231 del Tratado de Versalles peace treaty Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles 12
2269 Bart vende su alma television series episode Bart Sells His Soul 12
2270 Batalla del Ager Falernus battle Battle of Ager Falernus 12
2271 Acción militar del 22 de febrero de 1812 naval battle Battle of Pirano 12
2272 Batalla de Tzirallum battle Battle of Tzirallum 12
2273 Batalla de Verona battle Battle of Verona (312) 12
2274 Black Swan single, audio track Black Swan (song) 12
2275 Círculo de piedras de Castlerigg archaeological site, stone circle, bowl barrow Castlerigg stone circle 12
2276 Guerra civil catalana civil war Catalan Civil War 12
2277 Iglesia católica en Nepal Catholic Church of an area Catholic Church in Nepal 12
2278 Iglesia de San Polieucto church ruin Church of St. Polyeuctus 12
2279 Cine de Colombia cinema by country or region Cinema of Colombia 12
2280 Concha García Campoy human Concha García Campoy 12
2281 David Joris human David Joris 12
2282 Deep Space Homer television series episode Deep Space Homer 12
2283 Deva Victrix castrum, archaeological site, ancient Roman structure Deva Victrix 12
2284 Anexo:Bibliografía de Edgar Allan Poe personal bibliography Edgar Allan Poe bibliography 12
2285 Extra Texture album Extra Texture (Read All About It) 12
2286 Halo Legends film Halo Legends 12
2287 Harry McNish human Harry McNish 12
2288 Anexo:Discografía de Hilary Duff Wikimedia artist discography Hilary Duff discography 12
2289 Idlewild South album Idlewild South 12
2290 Terremotos de El Salvador de 2001 earthquake January 2001 El Salvador earthquake 12
2291 Just Like Heaven musical work/composition Just like Heaven (The Cure song) 12
2292 Anexo:Discografía de Lily Allen Wikimedia artist discography Lily Allen discography 12
2293 Anexo:Finalistas de la Recopa de Europa de la UEFA Wikimedia list article List of UEFA Cup Winners' Cup finals 12
2294 Anexo:Premios y nominaciones de Madonna list of awards and nominations, Wikimedia music-related list List of awards and nominations received by Madonna 12
2295 Live! at the Star-Club in Hamburg, Germany; 1962 album Live! at the Star-Club in Hamburg, Germany; 1962 12
2296 Louis Lambert literary work Louis Lambert (novel) 12
2297 Marge vs. the Monorail television series episode Marge vs. the Monorail 12
2298 Masistes human Masistes 12
2299 Monkey Gone to Heaven song, single Monkey Gone to Heaven 12
2300 Myrmecia nigriceps taxon Myrmecia nigriceps 12
2301 Nessa Valar Nessa (d:Q2328228) 12
2302 Ocean Rain album Ocean Rain 12
2303 Teoría de Olduvai hypothesis Olduvai theory 12
2304 Olive Morris human Olive Morris 12
2305 Operación Pasaje a la Libertad mass migration Operation Passage to Freedom 12
2306 Paul Nobuo Tatsuguchi human Paul Nobuo Tatsuguchi 12
2307 Petey Williams human Petey Williams 12
2308 Peugeot 206 WRC racing automobile model Peugeot 206 WRC 12
2309 Poeta en Nueva York version, edition or translation, poetry collection Poet in New York 12
2310 Primera fila: Thalía album Primera Fila (Thalía album) 12
2311 Puuc geographic region Puuc 12
2312 R. V. C. Bodley human R. V. C. Bodley 12
2313 Remember December single Remember December 12
2314 Escultura del Renacimiento art movement, art style Renaissance sculpture 12
2315 Richard D'Oyly Carte human Richard D'Oyly Carte 12
2316 Jinetes del destino film Riders of Destiny 12
2317 Castillo de Roslin castle Roslin Castle 12
2318 Premio Michael Faraday science award Royal Society of London Michael Faraday Prize 12
2319 Anexo:Discografía de Selena Gomez & the Scene Wikimedia artist discography Selena Gomez & the Scene discography 12
2320 Anexo:Discografía de Sepultura Wikimedia artist discography Sepultura discography 12
2321 Suillus brevipes taxon Suillus brevipes 12
2322 Tanx album Tanx 12
2323 The Best of George Harrison album The Best of George Harrison 12
2324 Treinta minutos sobre Tokio animated series episode Thirty Minutes over Tokyo 12
2325 Torres de Colón skyscraper Torres de Colón 12
2326 Trasmiera comarca of Spain Trasmiera 12
2327 Treehouse of Horror V animated series episode Treehouse of Horror V 12
2328 Troublemaker single Troublemaker (Olly Murs song) 12
2329 Vanity/Nemesis album Vanity/Nemesis 12
2330 Villa Carlotta villa, Giardino all'italiana, archive Villa Carlotta 12
2331 Declaración Welles declaration Welles Declaration 12
2332 1+1 musical work/composition 1+1 (song) 11
2333 Final de la FA Cup de 1956 FA Cup Final 1956 FA Cup final 11
2334 Atentado de Bishopsgate car bombing 1993 Bishopsgate bombing 11
2335 Constitución de Tailandia Constitution of Thailand 2007 constitution of Thailand 11
2336 A Night to Remember album A Night to Remember (Cyndi Lauper album) 11
2337 A Thousand Years song, single A Thousand Years (Christina Perri song) 11
2338 Acoustic Hearts of Winter album Acoustic Hearts of Winter 11
2339 Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam album Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam 11
2340 Bart on the Road television series episode Bart on the Road 11
2341 Batalla naval de Guinea naval battle Battle of Guinea 11
2342 Batalla del Volturno battle Battle of the Volturno 11
2343 Besas human Bessas (magister militum) 11
2344 Best of Rockers 'n' Ballads album Best of Rockers 'n' Ballads 11
2345 Beth musical work/composition Beth (song) 11
2346 La culpa es de Lisa animated series episode Blame It on Lisa 11
2347 Anexo:Discografía de Blink-182 Wikimedia artist discography Blink-182 discography 11
2348 Brothers and Sisters album Brothers and Sisters (album) 11
2349 Relaciones Iglesia católica-Ustacha Catholic clergy involvement with the Ustaše 11
2350 Anexo:Discografía de Chris Brown Wikimedia artist discography Chris Brown discography 11
2351 Ciao Italia: Live from Italy video album Ciao Italia: Live from Italy 11
2352 Señorío de Cuzcatlán historical country Cuzcatlan 11
2353 Disasterpieces album Disasterpieces 11
2354 El retorno de los dragones literary work Dragons of Autumn Twilight 11
2355 En éxtasis album En éxtasis 11
2356 Literatura de Guinea Ecuatorial en español sub-set of literature Equatoguinean literature in Spanish 11
2357 Anexo:Discografía de Foo Fighters Wikimedia artist discography Foo Fighters discography 11
2358 Francisco Salzillo human Francisco Salzillo 11
2359 Garbage Pail Kids trading card Garbage Pail Kids 11
2360 Get Back single Get Back (Demi Lovato song) 11
2361 Club Atlético Gimnasia y Esgrima association football club Gimnasia y Esgrima de Mendoza 11
2362 Government Hooker musical work/composition Government Hooker 11
2363 Anexo:Premio Grammy al mejor álbum de R&B progresivo Grammy Awards, class of award Grammy Award for Best Progressive R&B Album 11
2364 Anexo:Premio Grammy al mejor álbum de reggae class of award Grammy Award for Best Reggae Album 11
2365 Anexo:Premio Grammy a la mejor interpretación rock de un dúo o grupo con vocalista Grammy Awards, class of award Grammy Award for Best Rock Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocal 11
2366 Anexo:Premio Grammy al mejor álbum de pop vocal tradicional class of award Grammy Award for Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album 11
2367 Anexo:Discografía de Gwen Stefani Wikimedia artist discography Gwen Stefani discography 11
2368 Habitabilidad en sistemas de enanas naranjas Habitability of K-type main-sequence star systems 11
2369 Vidrio de Hebrón art, industry Hebron glass 11
2370 Here We Go Again song, single Here We Go Again (Demi Lovato song) 11
2371 Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid escuela técnica superior Higher Technical School of Architecture of Madrid 11
2372 Historia de la Juventus de Turín history of sports clubs and teams History of Juventus FC 11
2373 Historia de la ciudad de Lima aspect of history History of Lima 11
2374 Anexo:Discografía de In Flames discography In Flames discography 11
2375 Inazuma Eleven 3 video game, group of video games often treated as a singular game Inazuma Eleven 3 11
2376 Anexo:Filmografía de James Cameron filmography James Cameron filmography 11
2377 Biota de Jehol fauna Jehol Biota 11
2378 José Solís Ruiz human José Solís Ruiz 11
2379 Juan Escarré human Juan Escarré 11
2380 Juan Tamariz human Juan Tamariz 11
2381 King-Size Homer television series episode King-Size Homer 11
2382 Komm, du süße Todesstunde, BWV 161 musical work/composition Komm, du süße Todesstunde, BWV 161 11
2383 Lessons for Children written work Lessons for Children 11
2384 Lisa the Skeptic animated series episode Lisa the Skeptic 11
2385 Anexo:Videojuegos para 32X Wikimedia list article List of 32X games 11
2386 Anexo:Giras musicales de Michael Jackson y The Jackson 5 Wikimedia music-related list List of concert tours by the Jackson 5 11
2387 Anexo:Actuales campeones del mundo del boxeo Wikimedia list article List of current world boxing champions 11
2388 Anexo:Telescopios espaciales Wikimedia information list List of space telescopes 11
2389 Liturgia sponsor Liturgy (ancient Greece) 11
2390 Martino Zaccaria human Martino Zaccaria 11
2391 Anexo:Municipios de Querétaro Wikimedia list article Municipalities of Querétaro 11
2392 Nelly Omar human Nelly Omar 11
2393 Anexo:Discografía de Nickelback Wikimedia artist discography Nickelback discography 11
2394 Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? television series episode Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? 11
2395 Playa de Las Canteras beach, recreation area, tourist attraction Playa de Las Canteras 11
2396 Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish" television series episode Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in 'The Curse of the Flying Hellfish' 11
2397 Read or Die light novel series Read or Die 11
2398 Salpinx type of musical instrument Salpinx 11
2399 Reglas de Sheffield sports rules and regulations Sheffield Rules 11
2400 Sitio de Algeciras battle, siege Siege of Algeciras (1342–1344) 11
2401 Sierra de Ayllón mountain, mountain range, mountain chain Sierra de Ayllón 11
2402 Anexo:Discografía de Sigur Rós Wikimedia artist discography Sigur Rós discography 11
2403 Sky Blue Sky album Sky Blue Sky 11
2404 Ultimátum soviético a Lituania de 1940 ultimatum Soviet ultimatum to Lithuania 11
2405 Alineamiento estructural Structural alignment 11
2406 Templón Templon 11
2407 Las aventuras de Pete y Pete television series The Adventures of Pete & Pete 11
2408 El último two-part episode The Last One (Friends) 11
2409 The Rains of Castamere television series episode The Rains of Castamere 11
2410 Tightlacing Tightlacing 11
2411 Ofensiva de Tijvin battle, military operation Tikhvin offensive 11
2412 Trembling Before G-d film Trembling Before G-d 11
2413 Wings single Wings (Little Mix song) 11
2414 Embalse de Yesa lake, reservoir Yesa Reservoir 11
2415 Dólar de 1804 coin, coin type 1804 dollar 10
2416 Serie Mundial de 2008 sports competition 2008 World Series 10
2417 32 Old Slip tower block 32 Old Slip 10
2418 Agustín Codazzi human Agostino Codazzi 10
2419 Amanita australis taxon Amanita australis 10
2420 Guerra en la Antigua Grecia field army Ancient Greek warfare 10
2421 Andrew Harclay human Andrew Harclay, 1st Earl of Carlisle 10
2422 Asturica Augusta Roman city Asturica Augusta 10
2423 Casa de la Ciudad casa consistorial Barcelona City Hall 10
2424 Batalla de Hulao battle Battle of Hulao 10
2425 Batalla de Negomano battle Battle of Ngomano 10
2426 Batalla del Alto de la Alianza battle Battle of Tacna 10
2427 Blond Ambition World Tour Live video album Blond Ambition World Tour Live 10
2428 Galería Boydell Shakespeare art museum Boydell Shakespeare Gallery 10
2429 Cahoots album Cahoots (album) 10
2430 Puertos púnicos de Cartago port, Carthaginian archaeological site Carthage Punic Ports 10
2431 Caryodendron orinocense taxon Caryodendron orinocense 10
2432 Acta de Independencia de Chile declaration of independence Chilean Declaration of Independence 10
2433 Fórmula de la Coca-Cola Coca-Cola formula 10
2434 Confirmed Dead television series episode Confirmed Dead 10
2435 Demografía de Cuba demographics of country or region Demographics of Cuba 10
2436 Deusto Districts of Bilbao Deusto 10
2437 Anexo:Discografía de Disturbed Wikimedia artist discography Disturbed discography 10
2438 Dopethrone album Dopethrone 10
2439 Parque natural del Estrecho protected area, nature park, Special Area of Conservation El Estrecho Natural Park 10
2440 Enric Sagnier human Enric Sagnier 10
2441 Anexo:Discografía de Enya Wikimedia artist discography Enya discography 10
2442 Comisario europeo de Presupuesto y Administración position European Commissioner for Budget and Administration 10
2443 Precedentes del matrimonio homosexual en España same-sex marriage First same-sex marriage in Spain 10
2444 Dólar Gobrecht coin type Gobrecht dollar 10
2445 Anexo:Premio Grammy al mejor álbum de country Grammy Awards, class of award Grammy Award for Best Country Album 10
2446 Anexo:Premio Grammy a la mejor colaboración vocal de pop Grammy Awards, class of award Grammy Award for Best Pop Collaboration with Vocals 10
2447 Graveyard Shift segment of a television episode Graveyard Shift (SpongeBob SquarePants) 10
2448 Hard Luck Woman single Hard Luck Woman 10
2449 Historia del azafrán aspect of history History of saffron 10
2450 Sacrificios humanos en la América precolombina Human sacrifice in pre-Columbian cultures 10
2451 Huracán Dog Category 4 hurricane Hurricane Dog (1950) 10
2452 Huracán Pauline Category 4 hurricane Hurricane Pauline 10
2453 Isaías Carrasco human Isaías Carrasco 10
2454 It Was a Good Day single It Was a Good Day 10
2455 Juan Bautista painting series John the Baptist (Caravaggio) 10
2456 José Gómez Ortega human José Gómez Ortega 10
2457 Amotinamiento junker rebellion Junker mutiny 10
2458 Ken Norman human Ken Norman 10
2459 Lard of the Dance animated series episode Lard of the Dance 10
2460 Anexo:Trayectoria del Liverpool Football Club Wikimedia list article List of Liverpool F.C. seasons 10
2461 Anexo:Especies de Solanum Wikimedia list article List of Solanum species 10
2462 Lophosoria quadripinnata taxon Lophosoria quadripinnata 10
2463 Los disparates series of prints Los disparates 10
2464 Madonna Live: The Virgin Tour video album Madonna Live: The Virgin Tour 10
2465 Manuel Hedilla human Manuel Hedilla 10
2466 Sociedad de Salvamento y Seguridad Marítima sea rescue organization Maritime Safety and Rescue Society 10
2467 Faro de Maspalomas lighthouse, monument Maspalomas Lighthouse 10
2468 Anexo:Discografía de Michael Bublé Wikimedia artist discography Michael Bublé discography 10
2469 Atlas Miller illuminated manuscript, atlas Miller Atlas 10
2470 Moondog Matinee album Moondog Matinee 10
2471 Mr. Plow television series episode Mr. Plow 10
2472 Anexo:Municipios de Hidalgo Wikimedia list article Municipalities of Hidalgo 10
2473 Anexo:Municipios de San Luis Potosí Wikimedia list article Municipalities of San Luis Potosí 10
2474 Anexo:Municipios de Tlaxcala Wikimedia list article Municipalities of Tlaxcala 10
2475 My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark single My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up) 10
2476 Límite salarial de la NBA salary cap NBA salary cap 10
2477 Na na na single Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na) 10
2478 Northern Lights - Southern Cross album Northern Lights – Southern Cross 10
2479 Gastronomía occitana regional cuisine Occitan cuisine 10
2480 Operación Windsor military operation Operation Windsor 10
2481 Pasión de Atenas human Pasion 10
2482 Polietnicidad state model Polyethnicity 10
2483 Presidente de la Generalidad Valenciana position, elective office President of the Valencian Government 10
2484 Race Against Time written work Race Against Time (Lewis book) 10
2485 Raimundo Fernández-Cuesta human Raimundo Fernández-Cuesta 10
2486 Contrarrevolución húngara Revolutions and interventions in Hungary (1918–1920) 10
2487 Rex Chapman human Rex Chapman 10
2488 Anexo:Discografía de Robert Plant Wikimedia artist discography Robert Plant discography 10
2489 Rock of Ages album Rock of Ages (The Band album) 10
2490 Rodrigo human Rodrigo (musician) 10
2491 Ruinas de Quilmes archaeological site Ruins of Quilmes 10
2492 Guardia Estatal Serbia gendarmerie Serbian State Guard 10
2493 Servomotor de modelismo Servo (radio control) 10
2494 Ofensiva de Siniávino military operation Sinyavino offensive (1942) 10
2495 España battleship Spanish battleship España 10
2496 Stage Fright album Stage Fright (album) 10
2497 Estatua de Edward Colston statue Statue of Edward Colston 10
2498 Still Reigning album, video album Still Reigning 10
2499 Summer of 4 Ft. 2 television series episode Summer of 4 Ft. 2 10
2500 Team Homer television series episode Team Homer 10
2501 The Country Wife literary work The Country Wife 10
2502 El Eternauta comic strip, comic book series The Eternaut 10
2503 The Girlie Show: Live Down Under video album The Girlie Show: Live Down Under 10
2504 The Video Collection 93:99 video album The Video Collection 93:99 10
2505 This Kiss musical work/composition This Kiss (Carly Rae Jepsen song) 10
2506 Tooth and Nail album Tooth and Nail (Dokken album) 10
2507 Viva Ned Flanders animated series episode Viva Ned Flanders 10
2508 We Are X film We Are X 10
2509 Ángel Pestaña human Ángel Pestaña 10
2510 Elecciones presidenciales de Senegal de 2007 public election, presidential election 2007 Senegalese presidential election 9
2511 Rally de Alemania de 2013 Rallye Deutschland 2013 Rallye Deutschland 9
2512 Albatross single Albatross (instrumental) 9
2513 Parque natural de la Albufera protected area, natural park Albufera Natural Park 9
2514 Guerra arquidámica war Archidamian War 9
2515 Australia en los Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno Olympic delegation Australia at the Winter Olympics 9
2516 Band Geeks segment of a television episode Band Geeks 9
2517 Barrio de La Latina neighborhood Barrio de La Latina (Madrid) 9
2518 Y vasca high-speed railway line Basque Y 9
2519 Ben's Chili Bowl restaurant, movie theater Ben's Chili Bowl 9
2520 Blackwater television series episode Blackwater (Game of Thrones) 9
2521 Bonifacio de Verona human Boniface of Verona 9
2522 Breakout song, single Breakout (Miley Cyrus song) 9
2523 Camilo García de Polavieja human Camilo García de Polavieja 9
2524 Accidente ferroviario de Castelldefels de 2010 occurrence Castelldefels train accident 9
2525 Celebration: The Video Collection video album Celebration: The Video Collection 9
2526 Chalcatzingo archaeological site Chalcatzingo 9
2527 Fragata blindada Blanco Encalada frigate, barque Chilean ironclad Blanco Encalada 9
2528 Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Purificación church building, building, monument Church of Nuestra Señora de la Purificación (Gazólaz) 9
2529 Raíz proteoide Cluster root 9
2530 Corny Thompson human Corny Thompson 9
2531 Curso de filosofía positiva written work Course of Positive Philosophy 9
2532 Crocodiles album Crocodiles (album) 9
2533 Tragedia de Cromañón conflagration, structure fire Cromañón nightclub fire 9
2534 Daniel Urrabieta Vierge human Daniel Vierge 9
2535 Diario 16 newspaper, periodical Diario 16 9
2536 Anexo:Discografía de Dimmu Borgir Wikimedia artist discography Dimmu Borgir discography 9
2537 Don't Forget musical work/composition Don't Forget (Demi Lovato song) 9
2538 Edwin Taylor Pollock human E. T. Pollock 9
2539 El Carmelo neighborhood, administrative quarter in Barcelona El Carmel 9
2540 Elena Lucena human Elena Lucena 9
2541 Anexo:Octava temporada de Padre de familia television series season Family Guy season 8 9
2542 Anexo:Discografía de Fleetwood Mac Wikimedia artist discography Fleetwood Mac discography 9
2543 Forever single Forever (Kiss song) 9
2544 Guerra gálata war Galatian War 9
2545 George Vincent human George Vincent (painter) 9
2546 Georgetown Hoyas university and college sports club Georgetown Hoyas 9
2547 Anexo:Premio Grammy al mejor álbum de R&B contemporáneo Grammy Awards, class of award Grammy Award for Best Contemporary R&B Album 9
2548 Anexo:Premio Grammy a la mejor interpretación vocal de rock solista Grammy Awards, class of award Grammy Award for Best Solo Rock Vocal Performance 9
2549 Hat Full of Stars album Hat Full of Stars 9
2550 Historia de una excursión de seis semanas written work History of a Six Weeks' Tour 9
2551 Santo Niño de La Guardia human whose existence is disputed Holy Child of La Guardia 9
2552 Casa de Mendoza noble family House of Mendoza 9
2553 How to Be a Heartbreaker single How to Be a Heartbreaker 9
2554 Imagination periodical Imagination (magazine) 9
2555 En el nombre del abuelo television series episode In the Name of the Grandfather 9
2556 Johnny and Mary musical work/composition Johnny and Mary 9
2557 José Luis Arrese human José Luis de Arrese 9
2558 La gran familia film La gran familia 9
2559 Divisiones de las Waffen-SS Wikimedia list article List of Waffen-SS divisions 9
2560 Luis Barceló Jover human Luis Barceló 9
2561 Candidatura de Madrid a los Juegos Olímpicos de 2016 bids for Olympic Games Madrid bid for the 2016 Summer Olympics 9
2562 Casa de Mark Twain nonprofit organization, single-family detached home, historic house museum Mark Twain House 9
2563 Mayored to the Mob animated series episode Mayored to the Mob 9
2564 Ejército micénico military Military of Mycenaean Greece 9
2565 Anexo:Municipios de Tamaulipas Wikimedia list article Municipalities of Tamaulipas 9
2566 Revuelta de Mitilene rebellion Mytilenean revolt 9
2567 No Depression album No Depression (album) 9
2568 Ejército del Noroeste Northwestern Army (Russia) 9
2569 Nur jedem das Seine, BWV 163 musical work/composition Nur jedem das Seine, BWV 163 9
2570 Río Oca river Oca River, Biscay 9
2571 Cuenca del Orinoco drainage basin Orinoco Basin 9
2572 Pablo de Azcárate human Pablo de Azcárate 9
2573 Teorías acerca de las relaciones personales de Alejandro Magno personal life Personal relationships of Alexander the Great 9
2574 Quantos Possunt ad Satanitatem Trahunt album Quantos Possunt ad Satanitatem Trahunt 9
2575 Anexo:Discografía de Rage Against the Machine Wikimedia artist discography Rage Against the Machine discography 9
2576 Rich Men North of Richmond single Rich Men North of Richmond 9
2577 Rudolph Cartier human Rudolph Cartier 9
2578 Running to Stand Still musical work/composition Running to Stand Still 9
2579 Salvador Salazar Arrué human Salarrué 9
2580 Sargento mayor del Cuerpo de Marines military rank Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps 9
2581 Shandi single Shandi (song) 9
2582 She Shoulda Said No! film She Shoulda Said No! 9
2583 Shojo Beat magazine Shojo Beat 9
2584 Six Moments Musicaux musical work/composition Six moments musicaux (Rachmaninoff) 9
2585 Sonatas e interludios musical work/composition Sonatas and Interludes 9
2586 Intervención francesa en Odesa y Crimea military intervention Southern Russia intervention 9
2587 Conquista de Guatemala conquest Spanish conquest of Guatemala 9
2588 Tecophilaea cyanocrocus taxon Tecophilaea cyanocrocus 9
2589 Anexo:Discografía de The Beach Boys Wikimedia artist discography The Beach Boys discography 9
2590 The Joy of Sect animated series episode The Joy of Sect 9
2591 Los detectives salvajes literary work The Savage Detectives 9
2592 Los 25 primates en mayor peligro del mundo Wikimedia list article The World's 25 Most Endangered Primates 9
2593 Tranvía de Sóller tram service, tram system Tranvía de Sóller 9
2594 Árbol de la vida art genre Tree of Life (Mexican pottery) 9
2595 Depresión tropical Diez tropical depression Tropical Depression Ten (2007) 9
2596 You'll Always Find Your Way Back Home musical work/composition You'll Always Find Your Way Back Home 9
2597 Temporada de huracanes en el Atlántico de 1983 Atlantic hurricane season 1983 Atlantic hurricane season 8
2598 Beatificación de Tarragona beatification, group of humans 522 Spanish Martyrs 8
2599 Alberto Larraguibel human Alberto Larraguibel 8
2600 Alberto Masferrer human Alberto Masferrer 8
2601 Alejandro Korn human Alejandro Korn 8
2602 Mezquita de Almonaster la Real mosque Almonaster la Real Mosque 8
2603 Altos Hornos de Vizcaya industrial heritage site, business Altos Hornos de Vizcaya 8
2604 Crisis de abril April Crisis 8
2605 Anexo:Discografía de Audioslave Wikimedia artist discography Audioslave discography 8
2606 Bam Thwok single Bam Thwok 8
2607 Batalla de Bathys Ryax battle Battle of Bathys Ryax 8
2608 Batalla del Fuerte de Tabarsí battle Battle of Fort Tabarsi 8
2609 Batalla de Jilib battle Battle of Jilib 8
2610 Batalla de Orbetello battle, naval battle Battle of Orbetello 8
2611 Biófilo Panclasta human Biofilo Panclasta 8
2612 Anexo:Discografía de Blind Guardian Wikimedia artist discography Blind Guardian discography 8
2613 Blue Harvest television series episode Blue Harvest 8
2614 Anexo:Discografía de Cannibal Corpse Wikimedia artist discography Cannibal Corpse discography 8
2615 Caridad Mercader human Caridad Mercader 8
2616 Caballo chileno horse breed Chilean horse 8
2617 Come My Fanatics... album Come My Fanatics… 8
2618 D'oh-in' in the Wind animated series episode D'oh-in' in the Wind 8
2619 Digimon Racing video game Digimon Racing 8
2620 E-Bow the Letter single E-Bow the Letter 8
2621 El Criticón written work El Criticón 8
2622 Elizabeth Heaphy de Murray human Elizabeth Murray (painter) 8
2623 Episode 2 television series episode Episode 2 (Twin Peaks) 8
2624 Anexo:Discografía de Fall Out Boy Wikimedia artist discography Fall Out Boy discography 8
2625 Gabriel Arias-Salgado human Gabriel Arias-Salgado 8
2626 Anexo:Glosario de béisbol Wikimedia list article Glossary of baseball terms 8
2627 Guerra gótica war Gothic War (248–253) 8
2628 Anexo:Premio Grammy a la mejor interpretación vocal de rock masculina Grammy Awards, class of award Grammy Award for Best Male Rock Vocal Performance 8
2629 Anexo:Premio Grammy al mejor álbum de new age Grammy Awards, class of award Grammy Award for Best New Age, Ambient or Chant Album 8
2630 William Henry Leonard Poe human Henry Poe 8
2631 Historia de Andalucía aspect of history History of Andalusia 8
2632 Homer the Great television series episode Homer the Great 8
2633 Homer to the Max animated series episode Homer to the Max 8
2634 Huracán Alicia Category 3 hurricane Hurricane Alicia 8
2635 Ejército del Imperio incaico military Inca army 8
2636 Observatorio de Isaac Roberts astronomical observatory Isaac Roberts' Observatory 8
2637 José Alonso y Trelles human José Alonso y Trelles 8
2638 Knitta art group Knitta Please 8
2639 Kvelertak album Kvelertak (album) 8
2640 La Maliciosa mountain La Maliciosa 8
2641 Larry Brown Wikimedia human name disambiguation page Larry Brown 8
2642 Anexo:Campeones de la Copa de la Liga de Inglaterra Wikimedia list article List of EFL Cup finals 8
2643 Anexo:Volúmenes de Gantz Wikimedia list article List of Gantz chapters 8
2644 Anexo:Premios y nominaciones de Los Simpson Wikimedia list article List of awards and nominations received by The Simpsons 8
2645 Anexo:Acorazados de Japón Wikimedia list article List of battleships of Japan 8
2646 Anexo:Edificios más altos de Madrid Wikimedia list article List of tallest buildings in Madrid 8
2647 Los Guerreros family, tag team Los Guerreros 8
2648 Bajo Imperio romano historical country, historical period Low Roman Empire (d:Q2886278) 8
2649 Lågskär village, island Lågskär 8
2650 Léonie Duquet human Léonie Duquet 8
2651 Madonna como un icono gay certain aspects of a person's life Madonna as a gay icon 8
2652 Anexo:Bibliografía de Madonna bibliography Madonna bibliography 8
2653 Manic Monday musical work/composition Manic Monday 8
2654 Anexo:Discografía de Marina Diamandis Wikimedia artist discography Marina Diamandis discography 8
2655 Mario Zanabria human Mario Zanabria 8
2656 Mathew Fraser human Mat Fraser (athlete) 8
2657 Melias human Melias 8
2658 Edad de los Metales historical period Metal Ages 8
2659 Migración de los serbios painting Migration of the Serbs (painting) 8
2660 Mom and Pop Art animated series episode Mom and Pop Art 8
2661 Mothers of the Disappeared musical work/composition Mothers of the Disappeared 8
2662 Murcia Roman deity Murcia (deity) 8
2663 Nicolás Roland human Nicolas Roland 8
2664 Nosotros, los valencianos written work Nosaltres, els valencians 8
2665 O heilges Geist- und Wasserbad, BWV 165 musical work/composition O heilges Geist- und Wasserbad, BWV 165 8
2666 Omar Palma human Omar Palma 8
2667 Out of Time song, single Out of Time (Blur song) 8
2668 Anexo:Discografía de Panic! at the Disco Wikimedia artist discography Panic! at the Disco discography 8
2669 Anexo:Discografía de Paulina Rubio Wikimedia artist discography Paulina Rubio discography 8
2670 Frontones del Partenón sculpture Pediments of the Parthenon 8
2671 Cambio fonético «f → h» del español phonetic shift Phonetic change "f → h" in Spanish 8
2672 Presencia de América Latina mural Presencia de América Latina 8
2673 Presidente del Gobierno de las Islas Baleares position, elective office President of the Government of the Balearic Islands 8
2674 Fortaleza del Real Felipe fortress, convention center Real Felipe Fortress 8
2675 Reinhold von Werner human Reinhold von Werner 8
2676 Richard de Dover human Richard of Dover 8
2677 Anexo:Gobernadores reales de Chile Wikimedia list article Royal Governor of Chile 8
2678 SMS Friedrich Carl ironclad warship SMS Friedrich Carl (1867) 8
2679 Cabo Machichaco steamship SS Cabo Machichaco 8
2680 Saadanius hijazensis fossil taxon Saadanius hijazensis (d:Q134357) 8
2681 Anexo:Filmografía de Scarlett Johansson filmography Scarlett Johansson on screen and stage 8
2682 Batalla de Gitión battle Siege of Gythium 8
2683 Anexo:Discografía de Status Quo Wikimedia artist discography Status Quo discography 8
2684 Still Loving You album Still Loving You (album) 8
2685 Summerteeth album Summerteeth 8
2686 Las ruinas circulares literary work The Circular Ruins 8
2687 The One with the Rumor television series episode The One with the Rumor 8
2688 The Zoo musical work/composition The Zoo (song) 8
2689 Thomas Bates human Thomas Bates 8
2690 Tillson Harrison human Tillson Harrison 8
2691 Anexo:Discografía de Tool Wikimedia artist discography Tool discography 8
2692 Tributo de las Tres Vacas Tribute of the Three Cows 8
2693 Alzamiento de Yaroslavl rebellion Yaroslavl Uprising 8
2694 Brigadistas yugoslavos en la guerra civil española Yugoslav volunteers in the Spanish Civil War 8
2695 Epistolografía literary genre epistolary literature (d:Q3491641) 8
2696 Rally de Córcega de 1986 Tour de Corse 1986 Tour de Corse (d:Q2058083) 7
2697 Elecciones presidenciales de Mauritania de 2007 presidential election 2007 Mauritanian presidential election 7
2698 Anexo:People's Choice Awards de 2013 award ceremony 39th People's Choice Awards 7
2699 A Ghost Is Born album A Ghost Is Born 7
2700 Alejo Peyret human Alejo Peyret 7
2701 Anexo:Discografía de All Time Low Wikimedia artist discography All Time Low discography 7
2702 Anexo:Discografía de Andrea Bocelli Wikimedia artist discography Andrea Bocelli discography 7
2703 Masacre de Apalache massacre Apalachee massacre 7
2704 Apocalyptic Raids extended play Apocalyptic Raids 7
2705 Argentina en la Copa Mundial de Fútbol de 2006 Argentina at the FIFA World Cup, 2006 FIFA World Cup team Argentina at the 2006 FIFA World Cup (d:Q568662) 7
2706 Arturo Moreno human Arturo Moreno (cartoonist) 7
2707 Batalla de Majadahonda battle Battle of Majadahonda 7
2708 Batalla de la península de Kerch battle Battle of the Kerch Peninsula 7
2709 Canon de Bayreuth educational canon Bayreuth canon 7
2710 Blue & Grey musical work/composition Blue & Grey (song) 7
2711 Libro del caballero Zifar literary work Book of the Knight Zifar 7
2712 Mitología cántabra Cantabrian mythology 7
2713 Catedral de Santa Catalina de Alejandría cathedral, minor basilica Cartagena Cathedral, Colombia 7
2714 Catedral basílica metropolitana Santiago de Tunja cathedral Cathedral Basilica of St. James the Apostle, Tunja 7
2715 Christgau's Record Guide: Rock Albums of the Seventies reference work Christgau's Record Guide: Rock Albums of the Seventies 7
2716 Colonia Roma gay village, colonias of Mexico City Colonia Roma 7
2717 Conferencia de Carnunto convention Conference of Carnuntum 7
2718 Consortes de Ganesha Devi Consorts of Ganesha 7
2719 Cowa! manga series Cowa! 7
2720 Diary of a Camper short film Diary of a Camper 7
2721 Dirección General de Presupuesto Directorate-General Directorate-General for Budget 7
2722 Escultura etrusca art style, art by ethnic group Etruscan sculpture 7
2723 Fiestas Patrias de Chile party, public holiday Fiestas Patrias (Chile) 7
2724 God of Thunder single, musical work/composition God of Thunder (song) 7
2725 Anexo:Premio Grammy al mejor álbum de pop instrumental music award, class of award Grammy Award for Best Contemporary Instrumental Album 7
2726 Anexo:Filmografía de Harrison Ford filmography Harrison Ford filmography 7
2727 Hieronymus Münzer human Hieronymus Münzer 7
2728 House's Head television series episode House's Head 7
2729 Huracán Gustav Category 2 hurricane Hurricane Gustav (2002) 7
2730 Santuario de la Virgen de Lugás Monument (Spain), Catholic church building Iglesia de Santa María (Lugás) 7
2731 Infrarrealismo literary movement Infrarealism 7
2732 Jihad musical work/composition Jihad (song) 7
2733 Matanza de Jilava massacre Jilava massacre 7
2734 Golpe de Estado de julio de 1936 en Sevilla rebellion July 1936 military uprising in Seville 7
2735 Kajika manga series Kajika 7
2736 Kashimashi ~Girl Meets Girl~ manga series Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl 7
2737 Real Biblioteca del Monasterio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial monastic library, main library Library of the Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial 7
2738 Lisa Gets an "A" animated series episode Lisa Gets an "A" 7
2739 Anexo:Premios y nominaciones de Black Swan Wikimedia list article List of accolades received by Black Swan 7
2740 Anexo:Premios y nominaciones de The Artist Wikimedia list article List of accolades received by The Artist (film) 7
2741 Anexo:Mujeres miembros del Gabinete de los Estados Unidos Wikimedia list article List of female United States Cabinet members 7
2742 Anexo:Miembros de la misión gregoriana Wikimedia list article List of members of the Gregorian mission 7
2743 Anexo:Edificios más altos de San Diego Wikimedia list article List of tallest buildings in San Diego 7
2744 Sueños y discursos literary work Los Sueños 7
2745 Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat human María Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat 7
2746 María Ignacia Rodríguez de Velasco human María Ignacia Rodríguez de Velasco y Osorio Barba 7
2747 Ejército medieval búlgaro army Medieval Bulgarian army 7
2748 México en la Copa Mundial de Fútbol de 2010 Mexico at the FIFA World Cup, 2010 FIFA World Cup team Mexico at the 2010 FIFA World Cup (d:Q1477908) 7
2749 Micromeria glomerata taxon Micromeria glomerata 7
2750 Moment of Surrender musical work/composition Moment of Surrender 7
2751 Naruto: Clash of Ninja video game Naruto: Clash of Ninja (video game) 7
2752 Operaciones navales en la Guerra de Independencia de los Estados Unidos Naval battles of the American Revolutionary War 7
2753 Nueva Zelanda en la Copa Mundial de Fútbol de 2010 2010 FIFA World Cup team, New Zealand at the FIFA World Cup New Zealand at the 2010 FIFA World Cup (d:Q1284457) 7
2754 Ofensiva de Nikopól-Krivói Rog battle Nikopol–Krivoi Rog offensive 7
2755 Corea del Norte en la Copa Mundial de Fútbol de 2010 North Korea at the FIFA World Cup, 2010 FIFA World Cup team North Korea at the 2010 FIFA World Cup (d:Q1477920) 7
2756 Energía nuclear en España nuclear power Nuclear power in Spain 7
2757 Omar Osama bin Laden human Omar bin Laden 7
2758 Anexo:Discografía de Ozzy Osbourne Wikimedia artist discography Ozzy Osbourne discography 7
2759 Área metropolitana de Pamplona human settlement Pamplona metropolitan area (d:Q3571645) 7
2760 Paraguay en la Copa Mundial de Fútbol de 2010 2010 FIFA World Cup team, Paraguay at the FIFA World Cup Paraguay at the 2010 FIFA World Cup (d:Q717082) 7
2761 Plaza de Armas del Cuzco square Plaza de Armas (Cusco) 7
2762 Podoconiosis class of disease Podoconiosis 7
2763 Porcupine album Porcupine (album) 7
2764 Professional griefers song, single Professional Griefers 7
2765 Consejo de la República Provisional Council of the Russian Republic 7
2766 Rufus Does Judy at Carnegie Hall album Rufus Does Judy at Carnegie Hall 7
2767 Viaje a la deriva del Aurora occurrence SY Aurora's drift 7
2768 Golpe de Estado de San Silvestre coup d'état Saint-Sylvestre coup d'état 7
2769 Telosoma cellular component Shelterin 7
2770 Federación Regional Española de la AIT organization, governing body Spanish Regional Federation of the IWA 7
2771 Armas químicas en la Guerra del Rif Spanish use of chemical weapons in the Rif War 7
2772 Implante subdérmico Subdermal implant 7
2773 Tania human Tania (tango singer) 7
2774 The Guardian of Education periodical The Guardian of Education 7
2775 The Old Man and the "C" Student animated series episode The Old Man and the "C" Student 7
2776 Púlpitos de San Lorenzo sculpture The Passion Pulpit (d:Q3825329) 7
2777 Episodio del cachorro two-part episode The Puppy Episode 7
2778 The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace animated series episode The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace 7
2779 Tornado over Kansas painting Tornado over Kansas 7
2780 Trierarca position Trierarch 7
2781 Lámparas de los valar Two Lamps (d:Q641238) 7
2782 Ulyses Petit de Murat human Ulyses Petit de Murat 7
2783 Urmetazoo taxon Urmetazoan 7
2784 Anexo:Discografía de ZZ Top Wikimedia artist discography ZZ Top discography 7
2785 Cuádruple Alianza treaty 1834 Quadruple Alliance 6
2786 Temporada de huracanes en el Atlántico de 1980 Atlantic hurricane season 1980 Atlantic hurricane season 6
2787 El canto del héroe musical work/composition A Hero's Song 6
2788 A Place Where the Sun Is Silent album A Place Where the Sun Is Silent 6
2789 Agapanthoideae taxon Agapanthoideae 6
2790 Campaña de Algeciras naval battle Algeciras campaign 6
2791 Anastasio Aquino human Anastasio Aquino's rebellion 6
2792 Anodyne album Anodyne (album) 6
2793 Modernismo en Milán art style of an area Art Nouveau in Milan 6
2794 Unión aduanera austro-germana treaty, customs union Austro-German Customs Union 6
2795 Billetes de Zimbabue Banknotes of Zimbabwe 6
2796 Canal de Bardenas aqueduct, irrigation canal Bardenas Canal 6
2797 Batalla del Puente de Calderón battle Battle of Calderón Bridge 6
2798 Batalla del Monte de las Cruces battle Battle of Monte de las Cruces 6
2799 Tortuga de caja Wikimedia disambiguation page Box turtle 6
2800 Ferrocarril Oeste de Buenos Aires railway company, railway line Buenos Aires Western Railway 6
2801 Caminito musical work/composition Caminito (song) 6
2802 Cecilio Lastra human Cecilio Lastra 6
2803 El bufón ballet Chout 6
2804 Chrono Resurrection video game Chrono Resurrection 6
2805 Iglesia de San Esteban church building, monument Church of San Esteban de Aramil 6
2806 Anexo:Discografía de Cream Wikimedia artist discography Cream discography 6
2807 Anexo:Discografía de Creedence Clearwater Revival Wikimedia artist discography Creedence Clearwater Revival discography 6
2808 Parque regional de la Cuenca Alta del Manzanares biosphere reserve, protected area, Regional Park Cuenca Alta del Manzanares Regional Park 6
2809 Gastronomía de Menorca aspect in a geographic region Cuisine of Menorca 6
2810 Cáceres Ciudad del Baloncesto basketball team Cáceres Ciudad del Baloncesto 6
2811 Anexo:Filmografía de Dolly Parton filmography Dolly Parton filmography 6
2812 Drungario de la guardia military position Droungarios of the Watch 6
2813 Abrazo de Acatempan Embrace of Acatempan 6
2814 Enrique Molina Garmendia human Enrique Molina Garmendia 6
2815 Epíclera inheritance Epikleros 6
2816 Falsettos dramatico-musical work Falsettos 6
2817 Frank Patterson human Frank Patterson 6
2818 Anexo:Discografía de Gary Moore discography Gary Moore discography 6
2819 Godofredo de Briel human Geoffrey of Briel 6
2820 Premio Grammy a la mejor interpretación de hard rock/metal vocal o instrumental class of award Grammy Award for Best Hard Rock/Metal Performance Vocal or Instrumental 6
2821 Guitar Hero Mobile video game Guitar Hero Mobile series 6
2822 Anexo:Discografía de Ha*Ash Wikimedia artist discography Ha*Ash discography 6
2823 Semana Santa en Vivero Holy Week in a geographic region Holy Week in Viveiro 6
2824 Ganadería incaica animal husbandry of an area Incan animal husbandry 6
2825 José Santos León human José A. Santos 6
2826 Know Your Enemy musical work/composition Know Your Enemy (Rage Against the Machine song) 6
2827 Let's Get Crazy musical work/composition Let's Get Crazy (Hannah Montana song) 6
2828 Anexo:Personajes de Indiana Jones Wikimedia list of fictional characters List of Indiana Jones characters 6
2829 Anexo:Entrenadores de Los Angeles Lakers Wikimedia list article List of Los Angeles Lakers head coaches 6
2830 Anexo:Estaciones del Metro de Los Ángeles Wikimedia list article List of Los Angeles Metro Rail stations 6
2831 Anexo:Sencillos número uno de los años 2000 en el Reino Unido Wikimedia music-related list List of UK singles chart number ones of the 2000s 6
2832 Anexo:Premios y nominaciones de Ratatouille Wikimedia list article List of accolades received by Ratatouille 6
2833 Anexo:Premios y nominaciones de Up Wikimedia list article List of accolades received by Up 6
2834 Anexo:Premios y nominaciones de Nine Inch Nails Wikimedia music-related list List of awards and nominations received by Nine Inch Nails 6
2835 Anexo:Faros de Marruecos Wikimedia list article List of lighthouses in Morocco 6
2836 Anexo:Canciones de Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock Wikimedia list of songs List of songs in Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock 6
2837 Anexo:Edificios más altos de Panamá Wikimedia list article List of tallest buildings in Panama City 6
2838 Anexo:Universidades de Chile Wikimedia list article List of universities in Chile 6
2839 Los Piratas musical group Los Piratas 6
2840 Mablung Middle-earth elf Mablung (d:Q2610397) 6
2841 Rebelión de Baja California Magonista rebellion of 1911 6
2842 Mashel Al Naimi human Mashel Al Naimi 6
2843 Matemática incaica mathematics Mathematics of the Incas 6
2844 Anexo:Discografía de McFly Wikimedia artist discography McFly discography 6
2845 Miguel Velázquez human Miguel Velázquez (boxer) 6
2846 Murray Maxwell human Murray Maxwell 6
2847 Nelly Láinez human Nelly Láinez 6
2848 Plantas bulbosas Ornamental bulbous plant 6
2849 Literatura fenicio-púnica sub-set of literature Phoenician–Punic literature 6
2850 Playa de la Victoria beach Playa de la Victoria (d:Q6079146) 6
2851 Psilocybe yungensis taxon Psilocybe yungensis 6
2852 Anexo:Discografía de Rod Stewart Wikimedia artist discography Rod Stewart discography 6
2853 Sabina Olmos human Sabina Olmos 6
2854 Masacre de San Patricio massacre San Patricio Church massacre 6
2855 Santuario de San Pascual Baylón museum, minor basilica, Catholic church building Sanctuary of St. Paschal Baylon 6
2856 Guerra de los Sinestro Corps fictional occurrence Sinestro Corps War 6
2857 Franquismo sociológico sociological concept Sociological Francoism 6
2858 Burbuja inmobiliaria en España real estate bubble Spanish property bubble 6
2859 Still Got the Blues musical work/composition Still Got the Blues (For You) 6
2860 Anexo:Cronología de la crisis de las hipotecas subprime Wikimedia timeline Subprime crisis impact timeline 6
2861 Anexo:Discografía de Thalía Wikimedia artist discography Thalía discography 6
2862 El jardinero painting The Gardener (painting) 6
2863 El gran día de Gerona painting The Great Day of Girona 6
2864 The World Before the Flood painting The World Before the Flood 6
2865 Túnel de alta velocidad Barcelona Sants-La Sagrera high-speed railway tunnel Túnel de Provença (d:Q950950) 6
2866 Unending television series episode Unending 6
2867 Poderes universales Universal power 6
2868 Up All Night single Up All Night (Blink-182 song) 6
2869 Up All Night: The Live Tour album Up All Night: The Live Tour 6
2870 Monasterio de Santa María de Valbuena Cistercian monastery Valbuena Abbey 6
2871 Parque de Vallparadís park, Historical Emsemble (Spain) Vallparadís Park 6
2872 Anexo:Discografía de Versailles Wikimedia artist discography Versailles discography 6
2873 XXXO single XXXO 6
2874 11.ª División military division 11th Division (Spain) 5
2875 12 Days literary work 12 Days (book) 5
2876 Supercopa de España de Baloncesto 2007 Supercopa de España de Baloncesto 2007 Supercopa de España de Baloncesto 5
2877 Campaña del Adriático naval battle Adriatic campaign of 1807–1814 5
2878 After Midnight single After Midnight (Blink-182 song) 5
2879 Alstroemerieae taxon Alstroemerieae 5
2880 Antonio Martínez Ron human Antonio Martínez Ron 5
2881 Arriba newspaper Arriba (newspaper) 5
2882 Aztecazo international association football match Aztecazo 5
2883 Beck's Bolero single Beck's Bolero 5
2884 Anexo:Discografía de Bruce Dickinson Wikimedia artist discography Bruce Dickinson discography 5
2885 Ejército Paleólogo Byzantine army (Palaiologan era) 5
2886 Carmen Vallejo human Carmen Vallejo 5
2887 Geoparque Comarca Minera geopark Comarca Minera Geopark 5
2888 Cuac FM radio station Cuac FM 5
2889 Cuarteto Zupay musical group Cuarteto Zupay 5
2890 Matanza de la cárcel Modelo de Madrid mass murder Cárcel Modelo massacre 5
2891 Dance with Me Tonight single Dance with Me Tonight 5
2892 Anexo:Discografía de David Archuleta Wikimedia artist discography David Archuleta discography 5
2893 Anexo:Discografía de Deftones Wikimedia artist discography Deftones discography 5
2894 Don't Hold Your Breath single Don't Hold Your Breath 5
2895 Dream On television series episode Dream On (Glee) 5
2896 Embriogénesis en Drosophila Drosophila embryogenesis 5
2897 Educación: pasado, presente y futuro mosaic, mural Education: Past, Present and Future (d:Q5819879) 5
2898 Ferrocarril de La Robla narrow-gauge railway Ferrocarril de La Robla (d:Q915600) 5
2899 Francisco Coello de Portugal y Quesada human Francisco Coello (d:Q3815291) 5
2900 Fuerte de Buenos Aires building Fuerte de Buenos Aires 5
2901 Anexo:Filmografía de George Lucas filmography George Lucas filmography 5
2902 Anexo:Premio Grammy al mejor álbum de americana Grammy Awards, class of award Grammy Award for Best Americana Album 5
2903 Anexo:Premio Grammy al mejor álbum de bluegrass class of award Grammy Award for Best Bluegrass Album 5
2904 Gran conquista de Ultramar literary work Gran conquista de Ultramar 5
2905 Guillermo Cabanellas human Guillermo Cabanellas 5
2906 Hafnia alvei taxon Hafnia alvei (d:Q140736) 5
2907 Horace Ridler human Horace Ridler 5
2908 Casa de Medina Sidonia noble family House of Medina Sidonia 5
2909 Huracán Able Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Able (1951) 5
2910 Revuelta íbera rebellion Iberian revolt 5
2911 Illustrations of the Family of the Psittacidae, or Parrots literary work Illustrations of the Family of Psittacidae, or Parrots 5
2912 Levantamiento de Izhevsk-Vótkinsk Izhevsk–Votkinsk Uprising 5
2913 James Ryder human James A. Ryder 5
2914 Jocelyn Gould human Jocelyn Gould 5
2915 José Finat y Escrivá de Romaní human José Finat y Escrivá de Romaní 5
2916 José María Caro Martínez human José María Caro Martínez 5
2917 Rebelión en el este de Herzegovina de junio de 1941 rebellion June 1941 uprising in eastern Herzegovina 5
2918 K-1 World Grand Prix 2008 Final final K-1 World Grand Prix 2008 Final 5
2919 Kicking Television: Live in Chicago album Kicking Television: Live in Chicago 5
2920 Laura Devetach human Laura Devetach 5
2921 Anexo:Especiales de Halloween de Los Simpson Wikimedia list article List of The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episodes 5
2922 Anexo:Ases de la aviación de la Primera Guerra Mundial con 20 victorias o más Wikimedia list article List of World War I aces credited with 20 or more victories 5
2923 Anexo:Premios y nominaciones de WALL·E Wikimedia list article List of accolades received by WALL-E 5
2924 Anexo:Premios y nominaciones de 50 Cent Wikimedia music-related list List of awards and nominations received by 50 Cent 5
2925 Anexo:Cardenales nepotes Wikimedia list article List of cardinal-nephews 5
2926 Anexo:Teóricos del liberalismo Wikimedia list article List of liberal theorists 5
2927 Anexo:Canciones de Guitar Hero II Wikimedia music-related list List of songs in Guitar Hero II 5
2928 Anexo:Canciones interpretadas por Marina Diamandis Wikimedia list of songs by performer List of songs recorded by Marina Diamandis 5
2929 Literatura de Alfonso X el Sabio certain aspects of a person's life Literature of Alfonso X 5
2930 Candidatura de Londres a los Juegos Olímpicos de 2012 bids for Olympic Games London bid for the 2012 Summer Olympics 5
2931 Convenio de Lucca agreement Luca Conference 5
2932 Maulets partisan group Maulets (history) 5
2933 Premios Metal Hammer Golden Gods group of awards Metal Hammer Golden Gods Awards 5
2934 Anexo:Sinfonías espurias o de dudosa autenticidad de Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart musical work/composition Mozart symphonies of spurious or doubtful authenticity 5
2935 Actuaciones en directo de Nine Inch Nails musical group Nine Inch Nails live performances 5
2936 No Light, No Light single No Light, No Light 5
2937 Presidio Real de Santa Bárbara presidio Presidio of Santa Barbara 5
2938 Puma motorcycle model Puma (motorcycle) 5
2939 Anexo:Discografía de Queens of the Stone Age Wikimedia artist discography Queens of the Stone Age discography 5
2940 Quintanarraya single entity of population Quintanarraya 5
2941 Caminatas en Alemania e Italia written work Rambles in Germany and Italy 5
2942 Instituto Raúl Porras Barrenechea cultural institution Raúl Porras Barrenechea Institute 5
2943 Refugio Reyes Rivas human Refugio Reyes Rivas 5
2944 Estación de esquí de San Isidro ski resort San Isidro Ski Resort 5
2945 Santuario de Urkiola church building Sanctuary of Urkiola 5
2946 Incidente de Shaoguan riot Shaoguan incident 5
2947 Showtime nickname, era, basketball team Showtime (basketball) 5
2948 Sitios de Pensacola siege Siege of Pensacola (1707) 5
2949 Silvia Süller human Silvia Süller 5
2950 Sing Like Me song, single Sing Like Me 5
2951 Sky Fits Heaven musical work/composition Sky Fits Heaven 5
2952 Sé lo que hicisteis... television program Sé lo que hicisteis... 5
2953 Cuentos de una vieja abuela musical work/composition Tales of an Old Grandmother 5
2954 Teletón television series Teletón (Chile) 5
2955 The One After the Superbowl two-part episode The One After the Superbowl 5
2956 The Stylus The Stylus 5
2957 Anexo:Discografía de The Veronicas discography The Veronicas discography 5
2958 Semana Trágica de 1920 revolution, coup d'état Tragic Week (Guatemala) 5
2959 Tsukamurella taxon Tsukamurella 5
2960 USS Orizaba ship USS Orizaba 5
2961 Independencia de Venezuela war of independence Venezuelan independence 5
2962 Vinagre y rosas album Vinagre y rosas 5
2963 W o el recuerdo de la infancia literary work W, or the Memory of Childhood 5
2964 Copa América de hockey sobre patines masculina de 2007 sports season ✗ (d:Q6877860) 4
2965 Incendio de Santander de 1941 city fire 1941 Santander fire 4
2966 Acción militar del 29 de noviembre de 1811 naval battle Action of 29 November 1811 4
2967 Agostino Spina human Agostino Spina 4
2968 Agustín Aznar human Agustín Aznar 4
2969 Anexo:Obispos de Jaén Wikimedia list article Annex: bishops of Jaén (d:Q1837171) 4
2970 Bad Case of Loving You single Bad Case of Loving You (Doctor, Doctor) 4
2971 Batalla de Borgerhout battle Battle of Borgerhout 4
2972 Batalla de Brescia battle Battle of Brescia (312) 4
2973 Batalla de las Lomas de Santa María battle Battle of Lomas de Santa María 4
2974 Bernard Maguire human Bernard A. Maguire 4
2975 Parque de Bolívar park Bolívar Park (Medellín, Colombia) 4
2976 Observatorio Naval Cagigal learned society, cultural property Cagigal Observatory 4
2977 Calaix de sastre diary Calaix de sastre 4
2978 Toma de la Alhóndiga de Granaditas battle Capture of Alhóndiga de Granaditas 4
2979 Casa de Estudillo house Casa de Estudillo 4
2980 Fuerte romano de Castleshaw castrum, archaeological site Castleshaw Roman Fort 4
2981 Anexo:Álbumes de Cher Wikimedia albums discography Cher albums discography 4
2982 Cultivo de árboles de Navidad industry Christmas tree cultivation 4
2983 Escudo de Medellín coat of arms Coat of arms of Medellín (Colombia) 4
2984 Mural feminista de la Concepción wall painting Concepción Feminist Mural 4
2985 Convento de las Descalzas Reales church building, convent Convento de Las Descalzas Reales, Valladolid 4
2986 Courageous single Courageous (song) 4
2987 Creatures of Impulse play Creatures of Impulse 4
2988 Diego de Argumosa human Diego de Argumosa 4
2989 Promotor mínimo Downstream promoter element 4
2990 Edificio Armada de Chile monument Edificio Armada de Chile 4
2991 El Peyote Asesino musical group El Peyote Asesino 4
2992 Eugenio Fernández Quintanilla human Eugenio Fernández Quintanilla (d:Q5850477) 4
2993 Every Kinda People single Every Kinda People 4
2994 Fish in a Drawer television series episode Fish in a Drawer 4
2995 Morfología floral Floral morphology 4
2996 Francisco de Ceballos human Francisco de Ceballos y Vargas 4
2997 Galadhrim Middle-earth people Galadhrim (d:Q3094480) 4
2998 Anexo:Premio Grammy a la mejor colaboración vocal country class of award Grammy Award for Best Country Collaboration with Vocals 4
2999 Anexo:Premio Grammy a la mejor interpretación en un video musical class of award Grammy Award for Best Performance Music Video 4
3000 Grupo de Acción Republicana Grupo de Acción Republicana 4
3001 Cañón medieval Gunpowder artillery in the Middle Ages 4
3002 Harajuku Lovers Live album Harajuku Lovers Live 4
3003 Headbangers Symphony album Headbangers Symphony 4
3004 Historia de Concepción mural Historia de Concepción (d:Q1188652) 4
3005 Historia de las capitales de los Territorios del Noroeste aspect of history History of Northwest Territories capital cities 4
3006 Historia de Plasencia aspect of history History of Plasencia 4
3007 Huracán Alberto Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Alberto (1982) 4
3008 Huracán Dennis Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Dennis (1981) 4
3009 Jaime Mendoza human Jaime Mendoza 4
3010 Jesús Aguirre human Jesús Aguirre 4
3011 Juan de Tartas human Joan Tartas (d:Q4890209) 4
3012 Golpe de Estado de julio de 1936 en Granada rebellion July 1936 coup d'état in Granada 4
3013 Junta Técnica del Estado governing body Junta Técnica del Estado 4
3014 Kid Cosmic animated television series Kid Cosmic 4
3015 Diversidad sexual en México aspect in a geographic region LGBT in Mexico 4
3016 Laberinto de Fortuna written work Laberinto de Fortuna 4
3017 Leyenda de la Encantada mythical character Legend of la Encantada 4
3018 Anexo:Volúmenes de Elfen Lied Wikimedia list article List of Elfen Lied chapters 4
3019 Anexo:Álbumes tributo a Madonna Wikimedia albums discography List of Madonna tribute albums 4
3020 Anexo:Materiales arqueológicos del Tesoro Nacional de Japón Wikimedia list article List of National Treasures of Japan (archaeological materials) 4
3021 Anexo:Publicaciones de Square Enix Wikimedia list article List of Square Enix companion books 4
3022 Anexo:Premios y nominaciones de Slumdog Millionaire Wikimedia list article List of accolades received by Slumdog Millionaire 4
3023 Anexo:Embajadores de España en el Reino Unido Wikimedia list of persons by position held List of ambassadors of Spain to the United Kingdom 4
3024 Anexo:Premios y nominaciones de Gorillaz Wikimedia music-related list List of awards and nominations received by Gorillaz 4
3025 Anexo:Canciones de Guitar Hero Wikimedia music-related list List of songs in Guitar Hero 4
3026 Vidas de los personajes literarios y científicos más eminentes group of works, written work Lives of the Most Eminent Literary and Scientific Men 4
3027 Lugares Colombinos historic site, group of structures or buildings Lugares colombinos 4
3028 Marquesado de los Vélez marquisate of Spain Marquess of Los Vélez 4
3029 The Mexicools professional wrestling stable Mexicools 4
3030 Obras variadas para piano solo group of works Miscellaneous solo piano compositions (Rachmaninoff) 4
3031 Miña terra galega musical work/composition Miña terra galega (d:Q3317360) 4
3032 My Happiness single My Happiness (Powderfinger song) 4
3033 Napaleofú locality Napaleofú 4
3034 Odium theologicum Odium theologicum 4
3035 Odyssey Number Five album Odyssey Number Five 4
3036 Operación Irma sequence Operation Irma 4
3037 Oslac de York human Oslac of York 4
3038 Paseo Sagrera boulevard Paseo Sagrera 4
3039 Pentapetalae taxon Pentapetalae 4
3040 Poblados del Norte district of Valencia Pobles del Nord 4
3041 Polinización en orquídeas Pollination of orchids 4
3042 Orcadas prehistóricas historical period Prehistoric Orkney 4
3043 Prólogo de El Señor de los Anillos prologue Prologue (d:Q332139) 4
3044 Cuenca minera de Riotinto-Nerva grave, public building, human settlement Riotinto-Nerva mining basin 4
3045 Samuel Alejandro Lafone Quevedo human Samuel A. Lafone Quevedo 4
3046 Esculturas de la plaza de Cataluña group of structures or buildings Sculptures in Plaça de Catalunya 4
3047 Servidumbre Servitude (Roman law) 4
3048 Asedio de Badajoz siege Siege of Badajoz (1658) 4
3049 Sitio de Segusio siege Siege of Segusio 4
3050 Sierra de Hoyo de Manzanares mountain range Sierra de Hoyo de Manzanares 4
3051 Cerro Sillajhuay mountain Sillajhuay 4
3052 Estela del portador del cactus stele, monolith Stela of the cactus bearer 4
3053 Mobiliario urbano de Barcelona Street furniture in Barcelona 4
3054 The Big Dream album The Big Dream 4
3055 El albañil borracho painting The Drunk Mason (Goya) 4
3056 The Power Station album The Power Station (album) 4
3057 Historia de Aragorn y Arwen literary work The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen 4
3058 This Addiction album This Addiction 4
3059 Anexo:Cronología de Jane Austen Wikimedia timeline Timeline of Jane Austen 4
3060 Torre del Catalán tower, watchtower, monument Torre del Catalán 4
3061 Tratados de Ciudad Juárez peace treaty Treaty of Ciudad Juárez 4
3062 Montes de Valsaín mountain range Valsain Mountains 4
3063 Más vasto que los imperios y más lento literary work Vaster than Empires and More Slow 4
3064 Enfermedades virales de la papa plant disease Viral diseases of potato 4
3065 Álvaro Alcalá-Galiano y Osma human Álvaro Alcalá-Galiano y Osma (d:Q29935453) 4
3066 Gol del terremoto sports season ✗ (d:Q8964588) 3
3067 Literatura escrita en euskera durante el siglo XVI sub-set of literature 16th-century Basque literature 3
3068 Anexo:México en 1867 events in a specific year or time period 1867 in Mexico 3
3069 Brote de listeriosis de 2008-2009 en Chile 2008–2009 Chile listeriosis outbreak 3
3070 Primarias presidenciales de la Concertación de 2009 public election 2009 Concertación presidential primary 3
3071 Colisión aérea en el río Hudson de 2009 aviation accident, mid-air collision 2009 Hudson River mid-air collision 3
3072 Manifestaciones en Ecuador de 2015 demonstration 2015 Ecuadorian protests 3
3073 Accidente ferroviario de Mataró de 2012 train wreck, occurrence Accident ferroviari de Mataró de 2012 (d:Q10843655) 3
3074 Artesanía de la Antigua Grecia aspect in a geographic region Ancient Greek crafts 3
3075 Andrés Framini human Andrés Framini 3
3076 Angainor fictional object Angainor (d:Q2266913) 3
3077 Army of Two single Army of Two (Olly Murs song) 3
3078 Avenida Jiménez road Avenida Jiménez 3
3079 Combate del Albujón battle Battle of El Albujón 3
3080 Batalla de San Esteban de Bas battle Battle of Sant Esteve d'en Bas 3
3081 Batalla de Tordesillas battle Battle of Tordesillas (1520) 3
3082 Beatlemanía en el Reino Unido mania Beatlemania in the United Kingdom 3
3083 Anexo:Premio ESPY al mejor peleador del año ESPY Award, class of award Best Fighter ESPY Award 3
3084 Anexo:Bibliografía sobre Madonna bibliography Bibliography of works on Madonna 3
3085 Anexo:Discografía de Blackmore's Night Wikimedia artist discography Blackmore's Night discography 3
3086 Brian y Stewie television series episode Brian & Stewie 3
3087 Categoría:Deportes en los Juegos Parapanamericanos de 2015 Wikimedia category Category:Events at the 2015 Parapan American Games 3
3088 Área de protección de flora y fauna Cañón de Santa Elena flora and fauna protection area Cañón de Santa Elena Flora and Fauna Protection Area 3
3089 Incidente del Childers skirmish Childers Incident 3
3090 Libro copiador de Colón manuscript, letter Christopher Columbus Copy Book 3
3091 Civil War Memorial sculpture Civil War Memorial (Sycamore, Illinois) 3
3092 Clase María de Maeztu Clase María de Maeztu (d:Q5771338) 3
3093 Elementos Constitucionales Constitutional Elements (Mexico) 3
3094 Despenalización de la homosexualidad en Ecuador decriminalization Decriminalization of homosexuality in Ecuador 3
3095 Diputación del General del Reino de Aragón institution Diputación del General del Reino de Aragón 3
3096 Dog Gone television series episode Dog Gone 3
3097 Edwin Raúl Vanegas Cuervo human Edwin Raúl Vanegas Cuervo (d:Q126936217) 3
3098 Etimología de La Rioja etymology, choronym Etymology of La Rioja 3
3099 Fervor de Buenos Aires literary work Fervor de Buenos Aires (d:Q39961) 3
3100 Conciertos de Final Fantasy media franchise Final Fantasy concerts 3
3101 Primer bienio de la Segunda República española historical period First Biennium 3
3102 Cacheo literary work Frisk (novel) 3
3103 Anexo:Bibliografía de Gabriel García Márquez Wikimedia list article Gabriel García Márquez bibliography 3
3104 Hartsdown Park sports venue Hartsdown Park 3
3105 Secuestro del barco Playa de Bakio kidnapping Hijacking of the Playa de Bakio 3
3106 Historia de la medicina y la farmacia en Chile mural Historia de la medicina y la farmacia en Chile (d:Q5899648) 3
3107 Historia del Club de Gimnasia y Esgrima La Plata aspect of history History of Club de Gimnasia y Esgrima La Plata (football) 3
3108 Historia de Estrasburgo history of a city History of Strasbourg 3
3109 Historia de la industria del algodón en Cataluña aspect of history History of the cotton industry in Catalonia 3
3110 The Holly Cousins tag team Holly Cousins 3
3111 Huracán Easy Category 4 hurricane Hurricane Easy (1951) 3
3112 I Love Rock 'n' Roll single I Love Rock 'n' Roll (d:Q111143533) 3
3113 Federación Comunista Catalano-Balear political party Iberian Communist Federation 3
3114 Ruta Imperial de la Comunidad de Madrid Imperial Route of the Community of Madrid 3
3115 Inner City Blues: The Music of Marvin Gaye album Inner City Blues: The Music of Marvin Gaye 3
3116 Inolvidable musical work/composition Inolvidable (song) 3
3117 Internationalist album Internationalist (album) 3
3118 Justo de las Cuevas human Justo de las Cuevas 3
3119 Reino de Nicoya historical country Kingdom of Nicoya 3
3120 La Virgen Cabeza literary work La Virgen Cabeza 3
3121 Laminio city, ruins Laminium 3
3122 Anexo:Premio Grammy latino al mejor álbum de música alternativa class of award Latin Grammy Award for Best Alternative Music Album 3
3123 Anexo:Premio Grammy latino al mejor álbum de pop vocal femenino Latin Grammy Awards, class of award Latin Grammy Award for Best Female Pop Vocal Album 3
3124 Laureano Calderón Arana human Laureano Calderón y Arana (d:Q18715680) 3
3125 El Condotiero written work Le Condottière 3
3126 Ley trans act of parliament Ley Trans 3
3127 Anexo:Símbolos del estado de Idaho Wikimedia list article List of Idaho state symbols 3
3128 Anexo:Ganadores del Melodifestivalen Wikimedia list article List of Melodifestivalen winners 3
3129 Anexo:Símbolos del estado de Oregón Wikimedia list article List of Oregon state symbols 3
3130 Anexo:Premios y nominaciones de Stephen King Wikimedia list article, list of awards and nominations List of awards and nominations received by Stephen King 3
3131 Anexo:Óperas de Claudio Monteverdi Wikimedia music-related list List of operas by Claudio Monteverdi 3
3132 Anexo:Parques y jardines de Barcelona Wikimedia list article List of parks and gardens of Barcelona 3
3133 Metrotren train service, commuter rail network Metrotrén 3
3134 Miguel Lawner human Miguel Lawner 3
3135 Golpes de Estado en Argentina Wikimedia list article Military coups in Argentina 3
3136 Tácticas militares de Alejandro Magno military tactics Military tactics of Alexander the Great 3
3137 Monumento a Bernardo O'Higgins monument Monumento a Bernardo O'Higgins (d:Q21075078) 3
3138 Conferencia Estatal de Moscú Moscow State Conference 3
3139 La maja desnuda Naked Maja (postage stamps) 3
3140 Pleito de los Nueve Valles Nine Valleys lawsuit 3
3141 Independencia de Guayaquil war of independence October 9 Revolution 3
3142 Edificio de la Jefatura de bomberos de Brooklyn fire station Old Brooklyn Fire Headquarters 3
3143 Omar Cáceres human Omar Cáceres (d:Q27349489) 3
3144 On Sight musical work/composition On Sight 3
3145 Palacio de Pedro I el Cruel palace Palace of Peter the Cruel, Cuéllar 3
3146 Palacio de los Tribunales de Justicia de Santiago building Palacio de los Tribunales de Justicia de Santiago 3
3147 Circo de Peñalara Peñalara Cirque 3
3148 Palacio Polanco monument Polanco Palace 3
3149 Puerto de Isla Cristina port Port of Isla Cristina 3
3150 Prince song, single Prince (song) 3
3151 Quién dijo ayer album Quién Dijo Ayer 3
3152 Parque regional del Curso medio del río Guadarrama y su entorno protected area, Regional Park Regional Park of Middle Guadarrama River (d:Q6063209) 3
3153 Reinado de Juan Carlos I de España reign Reign of Juan Carlos I 3
3154 Ferrocarril de Riotinto transport infrastructure Riotinto Railway 3
3155 Anexo:Discografía de Robert Palmer Wikimedia artist discography Robert Palmer discography 3
3156 Rock and Roll Night Club extended play Rock and Roll Night Club 3
3157 Anexo:Discografía de Röyksopp Wikimedia artist discography Röyksopp discography 3
3158 Servicio Exterior de Falange political organization Servicio Exterior de Falange 3
3159 Sitio de Cuautla siege Siege of Cuautla 3
3160 Sitio de Porto Ferrajo siege Siege of Porto Ferrajo 3
3161 Asedio en la Antigua Grecia Siegecraft in Ancient Greece 3
3162 Slow Down Your Neighbors television series episode Slow Down Your Neighbors 3
3163 Soiscél Molaisse Cumdach Soiscél Molaisse 3
3164 Yacimiento paleontológico de Somosaguas paleontological site Somosaguas fossil site 3
3165 Arquitectura efímera barroca española aspect in a geographic region Spanish Baroque ephemeral architecture 3
3166 Tadeo Jones short film Tadeo Jones 3
3167 Cuenca hidrográfica del Tajo drainage basin Tagus Basin 3
3168 Teatro Emperador building Teatro Emperador 3
3169 Anexo:Filmografía de Thalía filmography Thalía filmography 3
3170 Cuenca minera de Tharsis-La Zarza transport infrastructure, human settlement, mine Tharsis-La Zarza mining basin 3
3171 La dote de los Angyar literary work The Dowry of Angyar 3
3172 El estrangulador de gordos television series episode The Fat Guy Strangler 3
3173 The Queen musical work/composition The Queen (Lady Gaga song) 3
3174 Unión Explosivos Río Tinto corporate group Unión Explosivos Río Tinto 3
3175 Señales VIT VIT signals 3
3176 Venceréis, pero no convenceréis phrase, oration Venceréis, pero no convenceréis (d:Q20899263) 3
3177 Venture Science Fiction magazine Venture Science Fiction 3
3178 Vientos de agua television series Vientos de agua 3
3179 Agua potable y saneamiento en Colombia aspect in a geographic region Water supply and sanitation in Colombia 3
3180 Línea Zafra-Huelva railway line Zafra-Huelva railway line (d:Q73077965) 3
3181 Santuario de la Virgen de Bendueños sanctuary sanctuary of the Virgen de Bendueños (d:Q9074445) 3
3182 Historia de Villena aspect of history ✗ (d:Q2880129) 2
3183 Anexo:Partidos judiciales de Andalucía ✗ (d:Q3032143) 2
3184 Paraguay en la Copa América 2011 nation at sport competition ✗ (d:Q6060954) 2
3185 Perú en la Copa América 2011 nation at sport competition ✗ (d:Q6073137) 2
3186 Plan Calvet project ✗ (d:Q6077309) 2
3187 Anexo:Gira europea del Club Nacional de Football de 1925 sports season ✗ (d:Q6439512) 2
3188 Anexo:Entrenadores del Hércules Club de Fútbol Wikimedia list article ✗ (d:Q6878903) 2
3189 Destrucción de Granada battle ✗ (d:Q8355128) 2
3190 Red Ortogonal de Autobuses de Barcelona bus rapid transit ✗ (d:Q9067335) 2
3191 Anexo:Obispos de Santander Wikimedia list article ✗ (d:Q18688382) 2
3192 Ceremonia de apertura de los Juegos Suramericanos de 2010 opening ceremony 2010 South American Games opening ceremony (d:Q8344149) 2
3193 Bagme Bloma literary work Bagme Bloma 2
3194 Tarjeta bip! public transport proximity card Bip! Tarjet (d:Q9081942) 2
3195 Campanil bell chamber Campanil (d:Q5742578) 2
3196 Campeonato Nacional de Rodeo recurring sporting event Campeonato Nacional de Rodeo 2
3197 Castillo de Lepe castle Castillo de Lepe (d:Q97626987) 2
3198 Categoría:Atletismo en los Juegos Parapanamericanos Wikimedia category Category:Athletics at the Parapan American Games 2
3199 Categoría:Boccia en los Juegos Parapanamericanos Wikimedia category Category:Boccia at the Parapan American Games 2
3200 Categoría:Deportes en los Juegos Parapanamericanos de 2007 Wikimedia category Category:Events at the 2007 Parapan American Games 2
3201 Categoría:Deportes en los Juegos Parapanamericanos de 2011 Wikimedia category Category:Events at the 2011 Parapan American Games 2
3202 Categoría:Deportes en los Juegos Parapanamericanos de 2019 Wikimedia category Category:Events at the 2019 Parapan American Games 2
3203 Categoría:Deportes en los Juegos Parapanamericanos de 2023 Wikimedia category Category:Events at the 2023 Parapan American Games 2
3204 Categoría:Fútbol 5 en los Juegos Parapanamericanos Wikimedia category Category:Football 5-a-side at the Parapan American Games 2
3205 Categoría:Gólbol en los Juegos Parapanamericanos Wikimedia category Category:Goalball at the Parapan American Games 2
3206 Categoría:Países en los Juegos Parapanamericanos de 2023 Wikimedia category Category:Nations at the 2023 Parapan American Games 2
3207 Categoría:Tiro deportivo en los Juegos Parapanamericanos Wikimedia category Category:Shooting at the Parapan American Games 2
3208 Categoría:Natación en los Juegos Parapanamericanos Wikimedia category Category:Swimming at the Parapan American Games 2
3209 Categoría:Tenis de mesa en los Juegos Parapanamericanos Wikimedia category Category:Table tennis at the Parapan American Games 2
3210 Categoría:Taekwondo en los Juegos Parapanamericanos Wikimedia category Category:Taekwondo at the Parapan American Games 2
3211 Categoría:Baloncesto en silla de ruedas en los Juegos Parapanamericanos de 2023 Wikimedia category Category:Wheelchair basketball at the 2023 Parapan American Games 2
3212 Caso del cerro Maravilla murder Cerro Maravilla murders 2
3213 Chile ayuda a Chile television program Chile ayuda a Chile 2
3214 Christgau's Record Guide: The '80s literary work Christgau's Record Guide: The '80s 2
3215 Iglesia de San Andrés church building, monument Church of San Andres (Cuellar) 2
3216 Cipitío Cipitio 2
3217 Gallo-veleta de la basílica de San Isidoro de León Claustro de la Real Colegiata de San Isidoro de León (d:Q5874913) 2
3218 Claustro de la catedral de Gerona Cloister of Catedral de Girona (d:Q5772223) 2
3219 Claustro del monasterio de Poblet cloister Cloister of Poblet (d:Q5772231) 2
3220 Celebración del IV Centenario del Descubrimiento de América anniversary Columbus quadricentennial (d:Q5760077) 2
3221 Convento de San José de Padres Capuchinos destroyed building or structure Convent of San José, Valladolid (d:Q5785775) 2
3222 Convento de la Purísima Concepción building, convent Convent of the Concepción, Cuéllar (d:Q5785961) 2
3223 Historia numismática de Ecuador Currency of Ecuador 2
3224 Defensa del ídolo literary work Defence of the Idol 2
3225 Dolls and Dolls television series episode Dolls and Dolls 2
3226 Domingo Cabred human Domingo Cabred (d:Q5812740) 2
3227 Débora literary work Débora (d:Q89733105) 2
3228 El cristo feo literary work El cristo feo 2
3229 Fire in My Heart single Fire in My Heart 2
3230 Flora de Cantabria aspect in a geographic region Flora of Cantabria 2
3231 Geografía de Miranda de Ebro geography of geographic location Geography of Miranda de Ebro 2
3232 Marcha del Orgullo LGBT de Guayaquil pride parade Guayaquil Pride (d:Q105327820) 2
3233 Sepulcro de Gutierre de la Cueva sepulcher Gutierre de la Cueva tomb (d:Q6125120) 2
3234 Heinrich Karl Fricke human Heinrich Karl Fricke (d:Q83433249) 2
3235 Historia de la Catedral-Basílica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar de Zaragoza aspect of history Historia de la Catedral-Basílica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar de Zaragoza (d:Q5789260) 2
3236 Historias del Kronen literary work Historias del Kronen (novel) 2
3237 Grecia durante el periodo de entreguerras History of Greece (1924–1941) 2
3238 Historia de la música folklórica de Argentina aspect of history History of folkloric music in Argentina 2
3239 Historia de las instituciones en Mesopotamia aspect of history History of institutions in Mesopotamia 2
3240 Historia de la selección de fútbol del Perú history of an association football team History of the Peru national football team 2
3241 Homenaje al espíritu de los fundadores de la Universidad de Concepción Homenaje al espíritu de los fundadores de la Universidad de Concepción (d:Q5901283) 2
3242 Los empeños de una casa literary work House of Desires 2
3243 Ibone Bengoetxea human Ibone Bengoetxea (d:Q126872293) 2
3244 Anexo:Discografía de Jesse & Joy Wikimedia artist discography Jesse & Joy discography (d:Q3709752) 2
3245 Literatura LGBT de Ecuador LGBT literature in Ecuador 2
3246 Literatura LGBT de El Salvador aspect in a geographic region LGBT literature in El Salvador 2
3247 Literatura LGBT de Islandia aspect in a geographic region LGBT literature in Iceland 2
3248 Estación La Calera railway station La Calera railway station (d:Q5739993) 2
3249 La voz de los '80 album La voz de los '80 2
3250 Las mocedades del Cid literary work Las mocedades del Cid (d:Q2882637) 2
3251 Las voladoras short story collection Las voladoras 2
3252 Le viste la cara a Dios literary work Le viste la cara a Dios 2
3253 Anexo:Especies de Alstroemeria Wikimedia list article List of Alstroemeria species 2
3254 Anexo:Alimentos protegidos de Andalucía Wikimedia list article List of Andalusian food and drink products with protected status 2
3255 Anexo:Temporadas del New York Cosmos Wikimedia list article List of New York Cosmos (1970–1985) seasons 2
3256 Anexo:Equipos escoceses en la FA Cup Wikimedia list article List of Scottish football clubs in the FA Cup 2
3257 Anexo:Anfibios y reptiles de Cantabria Wikimedia list article List of amphibians and reptiles of Cantabria 2
3258 Anexo:Cronómetros del HMS Beagle Wikimedia list article List of chronometers on HMS Beagle 2
3259 Anexo:Mamíferos de Cantabria Wikimedia list article List of mammals of Cantabria 2
3260 Anexo:Obras de Francisco Salamone Wikimedia list article List of works by Francisco Salamone 2
3261 Mekanix limited series Mekanix 2
3262 Miss Universe Colombia 2024 beauty pageant edition Miss Universe Colombia 2024 2
3263 Northern Lites single Northern Lites 2
3264 Palacio de Altamira palace Palacio de Altamira (d:Q53997794) 2
3265 Juicio Hospital Posadas Posadas Hospital Trial 2
3266 Anexo:Premio Gardel por álbum del año music award category Premio Gardel for Album of the Year 2
3267 Puedo prometer y prometo sentence, political buzzword Puedo prometer y prometo 2
3268 Quiero single Quiero (Ricardo Arjona song) 2
3269 Quién musical work/composition Quién (Ricardo Arjona song) 2
3270 Ramón Cardemil human Ramón Cardemil 2
3271 Retablo mayor de la catedral de Oviedo reredos, sculpture Retablo mayor de la Catedral de Oviedo (d:Q6106657) 2
3272 Rio Tinto Company Limited business Rio Tinto Company Limited 2
3273 Romance de la negra rubia literary work Romance de la negra rubia 2
3274 Colonia penitenciaria de la isla de Ross penal colony Ross Island Penal Colony 2
3275 The Sails of Charon single Sails of Charon / Steamrock Fever (d:Q3944970) 2
3276 Primer golpe de Estado de José Miguel Carrera coup d'état September 1811 Chilean coup d'état 2
3277 Simply Irresistible single Simply Irresistible (song) 2
3278 Sixto Rojas Acosta human Sixto Rojas Acosta (d:Q123906842) 2
3279 Tapicería de la catedral de Palencia Tapestries in the Cathedral of Palencia (d:Q6138794) 2
3280 El aumento, seguido de: El arte de abordar a su jefe de servicio para pedirle un aumento play, literary work The Art of Asking Your Boss for a Raise (d:Q3202590) 2
3281 The Beatles en los Estados Unidos aspect in a geographic region The Beatles in the United States 2
3282 The Crystal Empire two-part episode The Crystal Empire 2
3283 El labrador de más aire literary work The Farmer with the Most Air 2
3284 Chaperos novel The Sluts 2
3285 Anexo:Cronología de la historia LGBT en Ecuador timeline, Wikimedia list article Timeline of LGBT history in Ecuador 2
3286 Anexo:Cronología de la prehistoria de Escocia timeline Timeline of prehistoric Scotland 2
3287 Tres literary work Tres (poetry collection) 2
3288 Tasas universitarias en España tuition fee Tuition fees in Spain 2
3289 Vicente Asuero y Cortázar human Vicente Asuero y Cortázar (d:Q55196188) 2
3290 Visita de Heinrich Himmler a España en 1940 official trip Visit of Heinrich Himmler to Spain in 1940 2
3291 Un lugar para Mungo literary work Young Mungo 2
3292 La Hoguera Bárbara massacre, assassination assassination of Eloy Alfaro (d:Q105176315) 2
3293 Historia de Cádiz history of a city history of Cadiz (d:Q2374694) 2
3294 Historia de Getafe aspect of history history of Getafe (d:Q5899062) 2
3295 Historia de Miranda de Ebro history of a city history of Miranda de Ebro (d:Q5899160) 2
3296 Historia de Santiago de Chile history of a city history of Santiago de Chile (d:Q6444010) 2
3297 Anexo:Aves accidentales en la península ibérica Wikimedia list article list of vagrant birds of the Iberian Peninsula (d:Q11932673) 2
3298 ¡Que inventen ellos! fixed expression ¡Que inventen ellos! (d:Q9098023) 2
3299 Accidente del helicóptero Helimer 207 accident ✗ (d:Q5656118) 1
3300 Administración del Club Social y Deportivo Colo-Colo ✗ (d:Q5657837) 1
3301 Guerra civil española en Cantabria aspect in a geographic region ✗ (d:Q5684398) 1
3302 Demografía de Puebla demographics of country or region ✗ (d:Q5685514) 1
3303 Primera Asamblea de ETA assembly ✗ (d:Q5690743) 1
3304 Bulgaria durante el periodo de entreguerras ✗ (d:Q5735415) 1
3305 Central nuclear de Santillán nuclear power plant ✗ (d:Q5760813) 1
3306 Copa Ciudad de Temuco 2012 sports season ✗ (d:Q5786776) 1
3307 Demografía de Miranda de Ebro demographics of country or region ✗ (d:Q5802397) 1
3308 El chitón de las tarabillas literary work ✗ (d:Q5824323) 1
3309 Elecciones en Cantabria public election ✗ (d:Q5827610) 1
3310 Manuscrito de fray Matías de Sobremonte manuscript ✗ (d:Q5853954) 1
3311 Final de la Copa Chile 2011 final ✗ (d:Q5862105) 1
3312 Fútbol en Cantabria ✗ (d:Q5872673) 1
3313 Gira internacional de Colo-Colo en 1927 sports season ✗ (d:Q5880263) 1
3314 Gira internacional del Club Deportivo Universidad Católica (fútbol) en 1950 sports season ✗ (d:Q5880265) 1
3315 Historia de Sanlúcar de Barrameda aspect of history ✗ (d:Q5899265) 1
3316 Historia de la Catedral de Santa María de Sevilla aspect of history ✗ (d:Q5899406) 1
3317 Historia de la Catedral del Salvador de Zaragoza aspect of history ✗ (d:Q5899410) 1
3318 Historia de Santa Ana aspect of history ✗ (d:Q5899551) 1
3319 Historia del Club Universidad de Chile aspect of history ✗ (d:Q5899999) 1
3320 Historia del Palacio Real de Madrid aspect of history ✗ (d:Q5900135) 1
3321 Historia del regionalismo de Andalucía Oriental aspect of history ✗ (d:Q5900374) 1
3322 Siete tratados literary work ✗ (d:Q6128122) 1
3323 Anexo:Símbolos de la provincia de Salta Wikimedia list article ✗ (d:Q6137151) 1
3324 Telefonía móvil en España aspect in a geographic region ✗ (d:Q6140492) 1
3325 Torres de la catedral de Valladolid tower, building ✗ (d:Q6150887) 1
3326 Urbanismo de Miranda de Ebro ✗ (d:Q6157316) 1
3327 Urbanismo de Málaga ✗ (d:Q6157318) 1
3328 Anexo:Casos de dopaje en España Wikimedia list article ✗ (d:Q6344992) 1
3329 Anexo:Partidos no oficiales de la selección de fútbol de Chile ✗ (d:Q6348542) 1
3330 Anexo:Escenas de Stuntman Wikimedia list article ✗ (d:Q6349912) 1
3331 Anexo:Ganadores del Festival Internacional de la Canción de Viña del Mar Wikimedia list article ✗ (d:Q6351937) 1
3332 Anexo:Generales en activo del Ejército español en julio de 1936 Wikimedia list article ✗ (d:Q6351989) 1
3333 Anexo:Gentilicios de Chile Wikimedia list article ✗ (d:Q6352023) 1
3334 Anexo:Partidos judiciales de Cantabria Wikimedia list article ✗ (d:Q6356806) 1
3335 Anexo:Premios y nominaciones de Yodaí-e Nader az Simín Wikimedia list article, list of awards and nominations ✗ (d:Q6359845) 1
3336 Anexo:Premios y nominaciones de Los descendientes list of awards and nominations ✗ (d:Q6359927) 1
3337 Anexo:Videojuegos de FX Interactive Wikimedia list article ✗ (d:Q6366560) 1
3338 Nebiismo ✗ (d:Q9049082) 1
3339 Final de la Copa Colombia 2013 sports season ✗ (d:Q16568009) 1
3340 Instrumentos musicales folclóricos de Honduras ✗ (d:Q16579324) 1
3341 Impacto K/T ✗ (d:Q17634593) 1
3342 Anexo:Estaciones ferroviarias cerradas de Mallorca linked list ✗ (d:Q18688375) 1
3343 Anexo:Aeronaves y armamento del Ejército del Aire y del Espacio de España Wikimedia list article ✗ (d:Q18688825) 1
3344 Anexo:Historial de la Primera División de Venezuela Wikimedia list article ✗ (d:Q18689391) 1
3345 Hojas de Parra literary work ✗ (d:Q19613801) 1
3346 Visita del papa Francisco a Ecuador apostolic journey ✗ (d:Q20644951) 1
3347 Anexo:Partidos no oficiales de la selección de fútbol de Nueva Zelanda Wikimedia list article ✗ (d:Q20826725) 1
3348 Nueva Zelanda en la Copa Mundial de Fútbol Sub-20 de 2015 nation at sport competition ✗ (d:Q20994225) 1
3349 Versos de salón literary work ✗ (d:Q21714337) 1
3350 Madonna como un icono sexual ✗ (d:Q24960179) 1
3351 Anexo:Presidentes del Club Deportivo Tenerife ✗ (d:Q54809996) 1
3352 Anexo:Estadísticas del Club Deportivo Tenerife Wikimedia list article ✗ (d:Q54810222) 1
3353 Accidente de helicóptero de Móstoles aviation accident ✗ (d:Q96105487) 1
3354 Salón de la Fama del Metal ✗ (d:Q108000185) 1
3355 El Peyote Asesino ✗ (d:Q120949304) 1
3356 Anexo:Reformas a la Constitución Política de Costa Rica Wikimedia list article, sequence ✗ (d:Q123122761) 1
3357 Alcalde de Madrid ✗ (d:Q126719878) 1
3358 Anexo:Premio Obra Bicentenario ✗ (d:Q126781700) 1
3359 Alcalde de Funza ✗ (d:Q126941238) 1
3360 Concejo de Madrid ✗ (d:Q126944094) 1
3361 Torneo Clausura 2024 association football competition ✗ (d:Q126954159) 1
3362 Limarí ✗ (d:Q126983154) 1
3363 La Chimba ✗ (d:Q126994950) 1
3364 Club Locos por el fútbol ✗ (d:Q127038052) 1
3365 Centro Cultural Bacatá ✗ (d:Q127189179) 1
3366 El Rey Catódico ✗ (d:Q127392585) 1
3367 Un beso de Dick literary work A kiss from Dick (d:Q117733247) 1
3368 Alfredo Solares human Alfredo Solares (d:Q116286035) 1
3369 Anexo:Discografía del Cuarteto de Nos Wikimedia artist discography Anexo:Discografía del Cuarteto de Nos (d:Q126893241) 1
3370 Angelote, amor mío literary work Angelote, amor mío (d:Q84044023) 1
3371 Another Suitcase in Another Hall single Another Suitcase in Another Hall (d:Q22067076) 1
3372 Baldomera literary work Baldomera (d:Q55124164) 1
3373 Bi-Polar Bi-Polar (Álbum de Vanilla Ice) (d:Q126959053) 1
3374 Bus 15 Bus 15 (d:Q126724835) 1
3375 Segunda República española en Cantabria aspect in a geographic region Cantabria during the Second Spanish Republic (d:Q6123743) 1
3376 Toma de Ampudia y Torremormojón battle Capture of Ampudia and Torremormojón (d:Q47504081) 1
3377 Carlos Ildemar Pérez human Carlos Ildemar Pérez (d:Q126949854) 1
3378 Ce ce o o Ce ce o o (d:Q5759679) 1
3379 Anexo:Filmografía de Chris Columbus filmography Chris Columbus filmography (d:Q18710575) 1
3380 Comisión de Cultura y Enseñanza government agency Comisión de Cultura y Enseñanza (d:Q20856746) 1
3381 Convento de Santa María La Bella temple Convento de Santa María La Bella (d:Q105459675) 1
3382 Parque de Recreación Embalse Cumaripa dam, park, playground Cumaripa Reservoir Recreational Park (d:Q6062681) 1
3383 Eduardo Obregón human Eduardo Obregón (d:Q5819502) 1
3384 Dante Reyes human El Cuentero de Muisne (d:Q5821655) 1
3385 El cholo que se castró literary work El cholo que se castró Joshua (d:Q104879906) 1
3386 El cholo que se vengó literary work El cholo que se vengó (d:Q91827872) 1
3387 El muelle literary work El muelle (d:Q104523392) 1
3388 El rancho'e la Cambicha musical work/composition El rancho 'e la Cambicha (d:Q5826353) 1
3389 Eylo Alfonso human Eylo Alfonso (d:Q5853724) 1
3390 Facultad de Psicología faculty, faculty of psychology Faculty of Psychology, National University of San Marcos (d:Q5855130) 1
3391 Gabriel(a) literary work Gabriel(a) (d:Q98924875) 1
3392 Gibson Modernistic Series Gibson Modernistic series (d:Q5879369) 1
3393 Gobierno en el exilio de José Giral government in exile Government-in-Exile of José Giral (d:Q16571962) 1
3394 Gregorio González Arranz human Gregorio González Arranz (d:Q5885417) 1
3395 Anexo:Filmografía de Hayao Miyazaki filmography Hayao Miyazaki filmography (d:Q6351444) 1
3396 Horacio Torres Martínez human Horacio Torres Martínez (d:Q126900361) 1
3397 Iglesia San Juan Pablo II Iglesia San Juan Pablo II (d:Q126974444) 1
3398 Matrimonio contract Iustae nuptiae (d:Q6006298) 1
3399 Juan Zumel human Juan Zumel (d:Q55427434) 1
3400 Literatura LGBT de Nicaragua aspect in a geographic region LGBT literature in Nicaragua (d:Q123109080) 1
3401 La casa del sano placer literary work La casa del sano placer (d:Q84179698) 1
3402 Logofagia Logophagia (d:Q116047684) 1
3403 El matrimonio de los peces rojos short story collection Natural Histories (d:Q105063801) 1
3404 Orlando Alberto Cardona Rojas human Orlando Alberto Cardona Rojas (d:Q126949241) 1
3405 Party Poison musical work/composition Party Poison (d:Q6065153) 1
3406 Paz, piedad y perdón oration, political buzzword Peace, mercy and forgiveness (d:Q6067729) 1
3407 Plataforma de Apoyo a Zapatero political movement Plataforma de Apoyo a Zapatero (d:Q6078026) 1
3408 Poemas y antipoemas Poems and Antipoems (d:Q19799220) 1
3409 Anexo:Primeras rutas nacionales de la Argentina Wikimedia list article Primary national routes of Argentina (d:Q6360447) 1
3410 Proclamación de la Primera República española proclamation Proclamation of the First Spanish Republic (d:Q119224989) 1
3411 Represión en la zona sublevada durante la guerra civil española Repression in the Nationalist zone during the Spanish Civil War (d:Q109423291) 1
3412 Anexo:Sencillos de Rod Stewart Wikimedia singles discography Rod Stewart singles discography (d:Q26182701) 1
3413 Secretaría General del Jefe del Estado Secretaría General del Jefe del Estado (d:Q20160361) 1
3414 Ya no me duele :,) Ya no me duele :,) (d:Q127301838) 1
3415 Zamba de mi esperanza musical work/composition Zamba de mi esperanza (d:Q6170839) 1
3416 Abolición de la esclavitud en España aspect in a geographic region, ban of involuntary servitude abolition of slavery in Spain (d:Q117217691) 1
3417 Demografía de Cantabria demographics of country or region demographics of Cantabria (d:Q5802367) 1
3418 Economía de León regional economy economy of León (d:Q5817221) 1
3419 Economía de Miranda de Ebro regional economy economy of Miranda de Ebro (d:Q6426054) 1
3420 Geografía de Puebla geography of geographic location geography of Puebla (d:Q5877579) 1
3421 Historia de Algeciras aspect of history history of Algeciras (d:Q5898914) 1
3422 Anexo:Partidos judiciales de Canarias Wikimedia list article list of judicial districts of the Canary Islands (d:Q18224569) 1
3423 Anexo:Puertos de Andalucía Wikimedia list article list of ports in Andalusia, Spain (d:Q6360959) 1
3424 Relaciones, aros, bombas musical concept relaciones, aros, bombas (d:Q6104862) 1
3425 Anexo:Especies de Orchis Wikimedia list article species of orchids (d:Q947642) 1
3426 Deporte en Cantabria sport in a geographic region sports in Cantabria (d:Q5803128) 1
Average ✓ With English: en/es (Spanish) = 3198/3426 (93.3%) 33.5
Sum ✗ No article or article with the same title: 148
No label: 80

See also[edit]