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Wikipedia:GLAM/Wellcome/10th Month Report

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Institution Resident Period Covered Date of Report Full Report
Wellcome Library Alice White 04 May - 04 June 2016 (first month of residency) 16 June 2016 1st Month Report - read in full
Wellcome Library Alice White 04 June - 04 July 2016 (second month of residency) 16 July 2016 2nd Month Report - read in full
Wellcome Library Alice White 04 July - 04 August 2016 (third month of residency) 8 August 2016 3rd Month Report - read in full
Wellcome Library Alice White 04 August - 04 September 2016 (fourth month of residency) 16 September 2016 4th Month Report - read in full
Wellcome Library Alice White 04 September - 04 October 2016 (fifth month of residency) 4 October 2016 5th Month Report - read in full
Wellcome Library Alice White 04 October - 04 November 2016 (sixth month of residency) 18 November 2016 6th Month Report - read in full
Wellcome Library Alice White 04 November - 04 December 2016 (seventh month of residency) 9 March 2017 7th Month Report - read in full
Wellcome Library Alice White 04 December 2016 - 04 January 2017 (eighth month of residency) 9 March 2017 8th Month Report - read in full
Wellcome Library Alice White 04 January - 04 March 2017 (ninth month of residency) 27 March 2017 9th Month Report - read in full
Wellcome Library Alice White 04 March - 04 April 2017 (tenth month of residency) 21 April 2017 10th Month Report - read in full

Projects delivered


Strategic Goal 1

A case study on using Wikipedia for academic impact and engagement outlining motivations, methods and outcomes.

Increase the quality and quantity of coverage of subjects that are currently underrepresented on Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia projects, with a particular focus on cultural content.

  • Another Wikiclub Drop-in session was held on 9th March. Four members of Wellcome Library staff came along to learn how to edit or improve their editing and add some content to Wikipedia.

Strategic Goal 2


Support the development of open knowledge in the UK, by increasing the understanding and recognition of the value of open knowledge and advocating for change at an organisational, sectoral and public policy level.

  • I attended the OCLC Research Library Partnership meeting at the British Library on the 8th March. I presented on the process and outcomes of the Residency and took questions from librarians interested in running similar schemes.
  • At the Health Archives & Records Group (HARG) meeting at Bethlem Museum of the Mind, I gave a talk about the Residency to the gathered archivists and librarians. Two members of the Royal College of Nursing library attended the meeting too, and provided really supportive and enthusiastic comments about the Editathon we had run there in February.
  • On 15th March I was invited to speak to the Royal College of Psychiatrists History of Psychiatry Special Interest Group (HoPSIG) Spring Meeting. I talked about the Residency, the opportunities for communicating research online and open knowledge, and invited participants to consider running or attending training and editathons.
  • I compiled a Case Study (see right), based on the People's History of the NHS Editathon, to support Wikimedians in advocating for the use of Wikipedia as part of an academic impact and engagement strategy.

Projects/events in development


Due to the slight extension of the Residency, a number of projects are now being planned.

  • On 4th April, I will be training staff from The Hub, who are working on a project on Dementia. We have already identified that there appears to be significant room for improvement in Wikipedia's coverage of dementia, so after the initial training session there is scope for further activities.
  • I'll be presenting at OER17, taking an "Ask a Wikimedian" session for participants to drop in to and learn about hosting a Wikimedian in Residence or running a Wiki-event.
  • The British Society for the History of Medicine Editathon will take place on 11th April. Key members of the British Society for the History of Medicine, as well as many historians of medicine and medics, will be coming to the Wellcome Library for training and editing.
  • I'll be presenting to all Wellcome Trust staff at a meeting on 27th April, informing them about what we've achieved during the Residency.
  • Also on the 27th April, I'll be running a training session for historians at London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. On 3rd May, I'll be running another session for historians on Collaborative Publishing, facilitated by the Institute of Historical Research and hosted at the School of Advanced Study.
  • On 10th May, I'll be running a professional development session for staff at the Royal College of Nursing London Library.

Planning also continues for several other projects which have not yet got firm dates.

  • Jess Wade and I are planning to run Wiki-workshops with several schools / groups of school students in June, focussing on the history of science and adding information on women scientists to Wikipedia. This work is supported by the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Society of Biochemists.
  • We're making plans for another themed public editathon at the Wellcome Library linked with the Electricity: the Spark of Life exhibition in Wellcome Collection.
  • Plans continue for another editathon with the Institution of Engineering and Technology.

Press about the residency



  1. ^ White, Alice (8 March 2017). "Celebrating women's day with Wikipedia". Royal College of Nursing Blog. Royal College of Nursing. Retrieved 27 March 2017.
  2. ^ "Get Involved: Wellcome Wikimedian Project". Royal College of Psychiatry. Retrieved 27 March 2017.