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Wikipedia:Featured articles in other languages/Italian

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The table below lists the featured articles for a given "foreign-" (i.e., non-English-)language Wikipedia initially sorted by the number of corresponding articles in other Wikipedias. The "Languages" column indicates the number of articles on all Wikipedias corresponding to the other-language featured article; the "#" column provides a ranking based on this sorting.

The "Articles in English" column shows to what extent the other-language articles are represented on the English Wikipedia (en-wiki):

  • The ✓ green background means the other-language article exists about that specific topic in en-wiki, using an appropriate English title.
  • The ✗ red background means the other-language article does NOT have a one-to-one correspondence on en-wiki. Where there is a red-linked title, no article exists with an identical or corresponding title. A blue-linked title indicates a redirect to an en-wiki page, which can also be a dab page or a section in another subject's article. A link of the form {{d:Q12345678}} points to a Wikidata item with either the same name as the other-language article title or what is believed to be an appropriate corresponding name.
  • Icons indicate high-quality articles in en-wiki: is a featured article, is a good article. (No other quality levels are shown; the lack of an icon means merely that the English article is neither FA nor GA.)

Article list

Article list of "Wikipedia:featured articles" in Italian
# Articles in Italian instance of Articles in English Count of languages
1 Terra terrestrial planet, inner planet of the Solar System Earth 345
2 Sole G-type main-sequence star Sun 336
3 Karl Marx human Karl Marx 296
4 Marte superior planet, inner planet of the Solar System Mars 289
5 Gaio Giulio Cesare human Julius Caesar 277
6 Lev Tolstoj human Leo Tolstoy 267
7 Scacchi type of sport, board game, game-based sport Chess 261
8 Stella astronomical object type Star 260
9 Dante Alighieri human Dante Alighieri 258
10 Giove outer planet, gas giant, superior planet Jupiter 258
11 Prima guerra mondiale world war, historical period World War I 255
12 Saturno outer planet, gas giant Saturn 252
13 Urano outer planet, superior planet, ice giant Uranus 249
14 Nettuno outer planet, superior planet, ice giant Neptune 240
15 Augusto human Augustus 232
16 Jean-Jacques Rousseau human Jean-Jacques Rousseau 220
17 Plutone dwarf planet Pluto 211
18 AIDS pandemic, syndrome, endemic disease HIV/AIDS 204
19 Via Lattea barred spiral galaxy Milky Way 196
20 Marco Tullio Cicerone human Cicero 194
21 Araneae taxon Spider 192
22 Queen musical group Queen (band) 190
23 Galassia astronomical object type Galaxy 187
24 Giovanna d'Arco human Joan of Arc 180
25 Ubuntu Unix-like operating system, Linux distribution, trademark Ubuntu 180
26 Sardegna region of Italy, autonomous region with special statute Sardinia 178
27 Freddie Mercury human Freddie Mercury 172
28 Michael Schumacher human Michael Schumacher 170
29 Marco Aurelio human Marcus Aurelius 165
30 Massa ISQ base quantity, kind of quantity Mass 163
31 Francesco Petrarca human Petrarch 159
32 Cleopatra human Cleopatra 158
33 Roger Federer human Roger Federer 155
34 Rafael Nadal human Rafael Nadal 150
35 Giovanni Boccaccio human Giovanni Boccaccio 149
36 Numero primo type of integer Prime number 144
37 Polmonite cause of death, infectious disease, class of disease Pneumonia 137
38 Sottomarino submarine type Submarine 131
39 Juventus Football Club association football club, public company, business Juventus FC 129
40 Caligola human Caligula 128
41 Pink Floyd rock band Pink Floyd 127
42 Monte Bianco mountain, summit, pyramidal peak Mont Blanc 126
43 Infarto miocardico acuto cause of death, class of disease, symptom or sign Myocardial infarction 126
44 Maria Antonietta d'Asburgo-Lorena human Marie Antoinette 125
45 Metallica musical group Metallica 125
46 Peste nera pandemic, disease outbreak Black Death 124
47 Chelsea Football Club association football club Chelsea F.C. 123
48 Guerra dei cent'anni war Hundred Years' War 122
49 Associazione Calcio Milan association football club, men's association football team AC Milan 119
50 Led Zeppelin musical group, rock band Led Zeppelin 119
51 Fernando Alonso human Fernando Alonso 118
52 Football Club Internazionale Milano association football club Inter Milan 118
53 Pericle human Pericles 117
54 Poliomielite infectious disease, class of disease, symptom or sign Polio 117
55 Schizofrenia mental disorder, class of disease Schizophrenia 116
56 Pompei archaeological site, ancient city Pompeii 114
57 Tiberio human Tiberius 114
58 Alchimia protoscience Alchemy 112
59 Howard Phillips Lovecraft human H. P. Lovecraft 111
60 Società Sportiva Calcio Napoli association football club SSC Napoli 111
61 Celti culture, style, historical ethnic group Celts 110
62 Pleiadi open cluster Pleiades 110
63 Fobos moon of Mars Phobos (moon) 108
64 Battaglia di Stalingrado battle Battle of Stalingrad 107
65 Orson Welles human Orson Welles 107
66 Doraemon media franchise, manga series Doraemon 106
67 Maria Stuarda human Mary, Queen of Scots 106
68 Malattia di Parkinson rare disease, designated intractable/rare disease, class of disease Parkinson's disease 106
69 Sirio binary star, navigational star Sirius 106
70 Akhenaton human Akhenaten 105
71 Ganimede regular moon, moon of Jupiter, planetary-mass moon Ganymede (moon) 105
72 Star Trek media franchise Star Trek 105
73 Alessandro Manzoni human Alessandro Manzoni 104
74 Partito Comunista dell'Unione Sovietica communist party Communist Party of the Soviet Union 103
75 Luigi XV di Francia human Louis XV 103
76 Bruce Springsteen human Bruce Springsteen 102
77 Giorgio III del Regno Unito human George III 101
78 Programma Apollo project, human spaceflight program, NASA program Apollo program 100
79 Giochi della I Olimpiade Summer Olympic Games 1896 Summer Olympics 99
80 Tiziano Vecellio human Titian 98
81 Lodi commune of Italy Lodi, Lombardy 97
82 Guerre napoleoniche series of wars Napoleonic Wars 97
83 Guerra in Afghanistan war Soviet–Afghan War 97
84 Pallanuoto type of sport Water polo 97
85 Associazione Sportiva Roma association football club, men's association football team AS Roma 96
86 Alfa Centauri multiple star, navigational star, triple star system Alpha Centauri 96
87 Delta fluviale River delta 96
88 Castel Goffredo commune of Italy Castel Goffredo 95
89 Christian Bale human Christian Bale 95
90 Guerra franco-prussiana war Franco-Prussian War 94
91 Carlo II d'Inghilterra human Charles II of England 93
92 Groucho Marx human Groucho Marx 93
93 Mario mascot character, video game character, fictional human Mario 93
94 Broncopneumopatia cronica ostruttiva class of disease Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 92
95 Bandiera d'Italia national flag Flag of Italy 92
96 Battaglia di Waterloo battle Battle of Waterloo 91
97 Death Note manga series Death Note 91
98 Avezzano commune of Italy Avezzano 90
99 Betelgeuse red supergiant, long-period variable star, navigational star Betelgeuse 90
100 Homer Simpson fictional human, animated character, animated television character Homer Simpson 89
101 Papa Pio II human Pope Pius II 89
102 Simone Weil human Simone Weil 89
103 Nana bianca stellar evolution, spectral class, physical theory White dwarf 89
104 Guerra d'inverno war Winter War 89
105 Guerra delle Falkland war Falklands War 88
106 Proxima Centauri double star, flare star, eruptive variable star Proxima Centauri 88
107 Busto Arsizio commune of Italy Busto Arsizio 87
108 Otone human Otho 87
109 Lago di Garda lake Lake Garda 86
110 WWE professional wrestling promotion, public company, business WWE 86
111 Giacomo II d'Inghilterra human James II of England 85
112 Valle dei Re valley, necropolis, archaeological site Valley of the Kings 85
113 Vega variable star, double star, A-type main sequence star Vega 85
114 Attacco di Pearl Harbor battle, air offensive, naval offensive Attack on Pearl Harbor 84
115 Star Wars: Episodio III - La vendetta dei Sith film Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith 84
116 Teresa di Lisieux human Thérèse of Lisieux 84
117 Eliogabalo human Elagabalus 83
118 Toy Story 3 - La grande fuga film, animated film Toy Story 3 83
119 Frank Capra human Frank Capra 82
120 L'Impero colpisce ancora film The Empire Strikes Back 82
121 Stella binaria astronomical object type Binary star 81
122 Dire Straits musical group Dire Straits 81
123 Lorenzo de' Medici human Lorenzo de' Medici 81
124 Papa Silvestro II human Pope Sylvester II 81
125 Antoon van Dyck human Anthony van Dyck 80
126 Canopo star, near-IR source Canopus 80
127 Il Canto degli Italiani national anthem, creative work, musical work/composition Il Canto degli Italiani 80
128 Longobardi historical ethnic group Lombards 80
129 Nebulosa di Orione H II region, reflection nebula, astronomical radio source Orion Nebula 80
130 Gaio Sallustio Crispo human Sallust 80
131 Wehrmacht armed forces Wehrmacht 80
132 Bologna Football Club 1909 association football club, men's association football team Bologna FC 1909 79
133 Garrincha human Garrincha 79
134 Battaglia delle Termopili battle Battle of Thermopylae 78
135 Legnano commune of Italy Legnano 78
136 Magic Johnson human Magic Johnson 78
137 Conferenza di Monaco treaty, agreement, cession Munich Agreement 78
138 Temistocle human Themistocles 78
139 American Beauty film American Beauty (1999 film) 77
140 Vulcano god, Roman deity Vulcan (mythology) 77
141 Sclerosi multipla designated intractable/rare disease, class of disease, symptom or sign Multiple sclerosis 76
142 Alfa Romeo subsidiary, automobile manufacturer, business Alfa Romeo 75
143 Prima guerra balcanica war First Balkan War 75
144 Aroldo II d'Inghilterra human Harold Godwinson 75
145 Lucrezia Borgia human Lucrezia Borgia 75
146 Unità militare navale ship type Warship 75
147 Battaglia di Maratona battle Battle of Marathon 74
148 Campagna di Gallipoli military campaign, military offensive Gallipoli campaign 74
149 Notte dei cristalli pogrom Kristallnacht 74
150 Poliedro Polyhedron 74
151 Stadio Giuseppe Meazza multi-purpose sports venue San Siro 74
152 Ammonoidea fossil taxon Ammonoidea 73
153 Costanzo II human Constantius II 73
154 Rangers Football Club association football club Rangers F.C. 73
155 Alcibiade human Alcibiades 72
156 Battaglia di Austerlitz battle Battle of Austerlitz 72
157 Scavi archeologici di Ercolano museum, archaeological site, ancient city Herculaneum 72
158 Seconda guerra punica war Second Punic War 72
159 433 Eros asteroid, near-Earth object 433 Eros 71
160 Campagna di Polonia military operation, military campaign Invasion of Poland 71
161 Terza crociata religious war Third Crusade 71
162 Tursiops truncatus taxon Common bottlenose dolphin 70
163 Grande Nube di Magellano irregular galaxy, dwarf galaxy, infrared source Large Magellanic Cloud 70
164 Lupus eritematoso sistemico rare disease, designated intractable/rare disease, class of disease Lupus 70
165 Neon Genesis Evangelion anime television series Neon Genesis Evangelion 70
166 Stadio Olimpico Olympic stadium Stadio Olimpico 70
167 Battaglia di Verdun battle Battle of Verdun 69
168 Belisario human Belisarius 69
169 Sbarco in Normandia battle, amphibious warfare Normandy landings 69
170 Ammasso globulare astronomical object type Globular cluster 68
171 Giulio Nepote human Julius Nepos 68
172 Tolomeo II human Ptolemy II Philadelphus 68
173 Boeing B-52 Stratofortress aircraft family Boeing B-52 Stratofortress 67
174 Filippo Brunelleschi human Filippo Brunelleschi 67
175 The Notorious B.I.G. human The Notorious B.I.G. 67
176 Nebulosa Occhio di Gatto variable star, planetary nebula, astronomical radio source Cat's Eye Nebula 66
177 Nebulosa Aquila H II region, open cluster, astronomical radio source Eagle Nebula 66
178 Ammasso aperto astronomical object type Open cluster 66
179 Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft family Eurofighter Typhoon 65
180 Olivier Messiaen human Olivier Messiaen 65
181 Battaglia delle Midway battle, naval battle Battle of Midway 64
182 Capella multiple star, navigational star Capella 64
183 La vita è meravigliosa film It's a Wonderful Life 64
184 Impero di Vijayanagara historical country Vijayanagara Empire 64
185 Zenone human Zeno (emperor) 64
186 Apollo 17 artificial satellite, Moon landing, human spaceflight Apollo 17 63
187 Battaglia di Iwo Jima battle Battle of Iwo Jima 63
188 Fisica classica branch of physics Classical physics 63
189 Per un pugno di dollari film, film remake A Fistful of Dollars 62
190 Endometriosi class of disease Endometriosis 62
191 Quenya constructed language, Elvish Quenya 62
192 The Dark Side of the Moon album The Dark Side of the Moon 62
193 Offensiva delle Ardenne military offensive Battle of the Bulge 61
194 Dietrich Buxtehude human Dieterich Buxtehude 61
195 Hardcore punk music genre Hardcore punk 61
196 Mariner 10 space probe, artificial satellite of the Sun Mariner 10 61
197 La dodicesima notte dramatic work Twelfth Night 61
198 Bobby Robson human Bobby Robson 60
199 Cosimo de' Medici human Cosimo de' Medici 60
200 The Offspring musical group The Offspring 60
201 Yes musical group Yes (band) 60
202 Alberto Ascari human Alberto Ascari 59
203 Boeing B-29 Superfortress aircraft family Boeing B-29 Superfortress 59
204 Cometa Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 59
205 Livio Andronico human Livius Andronicus 59
206 Stella di Barnard red dwarf Barnard's Star 58
207 Prima battaglia della Marna battle First Battle of the Marne 58
208 Maggioriano human Majorian 58
209 Mark Knopfler human Mark Knopfler 58
210 Nemi commune of Italy Nemi 58
211 Battaglia di Okinawa battle Battle of Okinawa 57
212 Palazzo Ducale palace, art museum, tourist attraction Doge's Palace 57
213 George Armstrong Custer human George Armstrong Custer 57
214 Ian Thorpe human Ian Thorpe 57
215 Giovanni II Comneno human John II Komnenos 57
216 Deftones rock band Deftones 56
217 Conquista della Gallia war Gallic Wars 56
218 Mononucleosi infettiva viral infectious disease, infectious disease, Herpesviridae infectious disease Infectious mononucleosis 56
219 Vittorio Alfieri human Vittorio Alfieri 56
220 Parco nazionale di Zion national park, National Park of the United States Zion National Park 56
221 Presepe open cluster Beehive Cluster 55
222 Epaminonda human Epaminondas 55
223 Guillaume Dufay human Guillaume Du Fay 55
224 Notting Hill film Notting Hill (film) 55
225 San Giorgio su Legnano commune of Italy San Giorgio su Legnano 55
226 Guerra d'Etiopia war Second Italo-Ethiopian War 55
227 Basilisco human Basiliscus 54
228 Formazione stellare Star formation 54
229 Vitoldo human Vytautas 54
230 Conferenza di Wannsee convention Wannsee Conference 54
231 Cowboy Bebop media franchise Cowboy Bebop 53
232 Storia dell'astronomia academic discipline, aspect of history History of astronomy 52
233 Lisa Gherardini human Lisa del Giocondo 52
234 Campionato mondiale di Formula 1 2007 season, Formula One season 2007 Formula One World Championship 51
235 Battaglia dell'Atlantico military campaign, naval battle Battle of the Atlantic 51
236 Nebulosa della Carena H II region Carina Nebula 51
237 Hikikomori lifestyle Hikikomori 51
238 Terza guerra servile war Third Servile War 51
239 Fronte occidentale war front Western Front (World War I) 51
240 Battaglia di Alesia battle, siege Battle of Alesia 50
241 Watchmen graphic novel, limited series Watchmen 50
242 Libro di Kells illuminated manuscript, codex Book of Kells 49
243 Gediminas human Gediminas 49
244 Molto rumore per nulla dramatic work Much Ado About Nothing 49
245 Marina imperiale giapponese navy Imperial Japanese Navy 48
246 Trittico del Giardino delle delizie triptych, painting The Garden of Earthly Delights 48
247 Battaglia di Caporetto battle Battle of Caporetto 47
248 Battaglia di Cassino battle Battle of Monte Cassino 47
249 Statura observable entity, biomedical measurand type Human height 47
250 Lisimaco human Lysimachus 47
251 Operazione Market Garden military operation Operation Market Garden 47
252 Seconda battaglia di El Alamein battle Second Battle of El Alamein 47
253 Battaglia del Golfo di Leyte battle, naval battle, air battle Battle of Leyte Gulf 46
254 Galla Placidia human Galla Placidia 46
255 Campagna di Guadalcanal military campaign Guadalcanal campaign 46
256 Giovanni di Scozia human John Balliol 46
257 Kitsune Kitsune 46
258 Norandino human Nur al-Din Zengi 46
259 Panavia Tornado aircraft family Panavia Tornado 46
260 La zattera della Medusa painting The Raft of the Medusa 46
261 Duncan Edwards human Duncan Edwards 45
262 Campagna italiana di Grecia war Greco-Italian War 45
263 Pietro Bembo human Pietro Bembo 45
264 Ricchi e Poveri musical group Ricchi e Poveri 45
265 Cinema di fantascienza film genre, art genre by arts form Science fiction film 45
266 Stadio Renzo Barbera association football venue Stadio Renzo Barbera 45
267 Cometa Hyakutake non-periodic comet Comet Hyakutake 44
268 Enrico Berlinguer human Enrico Berlinguer 44
269 Immortal musical group Immortal (band) 44
270 Architettura neoclassica architectural style Neoclassical architecture 44
271 Panzer III weapon family Panzer III 44
272 Pokémon Rosso e Blu Pokémon paired versions Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow 44
273 Agatocle human Agathocles of Syracuse 43
274 Bell X-1 aircraft model Bell X-1 43
275 Hans von Seeckt human Hans von Seeckt 43
276 Campagna d'Italia military campaign Italian campaign (World War II) 43
277 Lucio Dalla human Lucio Dalla 43
278 Pisanello human Pisanello 43
279 Umanesimo cultural movement Renaissance humanism 43
280 Agrippina maggiore human Agrippina the Elder 42
281 Stadio Artemio Franchi association football venue Stadio Artemio Franchi 42
282 Arsinoe II human Arsinoe II 41
283 Battaglia di Fort Sumter battle Battle of Fort Sumter 41
284 Francesco Sforza human Francesco I Sforza 41
285 Jean Alesi human Jean Alesi 41
286 Integrale multiplo Multiple integral 41
287 Operazione Compass military operation Operation Compass 41
288 Vittoriano tourist attraction, architectural structure, Italian national museum Victor Emmanuel II Monument 41
289 Attalo I human Attalus I 40
290 Oggetto di Herbig-Haro astronomical object type Herbig–Haro object 40
291 Crisi di luglio international crisis July Crisis 40
292 Operazione Urano military operation Operation Uranus 40
293 Ethica literary work, posthumous work Ethics (Spinoza book) 39
294 Arena di Verona theatre building, opera house, tourist attraction Verona Arena 39
295 Zilog Z80 instruction set architecture, CPU model Zilog Z80 39
296 Béla Guttmann human Béla Guttmann 38
297 Regno longobardo kingdom, historical country, barbarian kingdom Kingdom of the Lombards 38
298 Tomba di Tutankhamon tomb, hypogeum Tomb of Tutankhamun 38
299 Valentino Mazzola human Valentino Mazzola 38
300 Michele Alboreto human Michele Alboreto 37
301 Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous space probe NEAR Shoemaker 37
302 Sof'ja Tolstaja human Sophia Tolstaya 37
303 Veneti human population, ethnic group, people Adriatic Veneti 36
304 Cefalea a grappolo disease, symptom or sign Cluster headache 36
305 Nazionale di rugby a 15 dell'Inghilterra national rugby union team England national rugby union team 36
306 Gonzaga lineage, Italian noble family House of Gonzaga 36
307 Spedizione Terra Nova research expedition Terra Nova Expedition 36
308 Nazionale di rugby a 15 del Galles national rugby union team Wales national rugby union team 36
309 Battaglia del passo di Kasserine battle Battle of Kasserine Pass 35
310 Final Fantasy VI video game Final Fantasy VI 35
311 Fronte italiano war front Italian front (World War I) 35
312 Luigi Maria Grignion de Montfort human Louis de Montfort 35
313 Nautiloidea taxon Nautiloid 35
314 Teoria generale dell'occupazione, dell'interesse e della moneta non-fiction work, written work The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money 35
315 Classe Arleigh Burke ship class Arleigh Burke-class destroyer 34
316 Sbarco di Anzio battle Battle of Anzio 34
317 Battaglia di Rorke's Drift battle Battle of Rorke's Drift 34
318 Repubbliche marinare historical region Maritime republics 34
319 Elettrocardiogramma medical attribute type electrocardiogram (d:Q13038557) 34
320 Marina Militare navy Italian Navy 33
321 Spedizione ateniese in Sicilia military expedition Sicilian Expedition 33
322 Pedogenesi Soil formation 33
323 Conquista della Dacia series of wars Trajan's Dacian Wars 33
324 USS Indianapolis heavy cruiser USS Indianapolis (CA-35) 33
325 W.A.S.P. heavy metal band W.A.S.P. (band) 33
326 Battaglia di Legnano battle Battle of Legnano 32
327 Iperide human Hypereides 32
328 Nazionale di rugby a 15 dell'Italia national rugby union team Italy national rugby union team 32
329 Commissario Maigret fictional human Jules Maigret 32
330 Museo nazionale di Capodimonte art museum, Italian national museum, national museum Museo di Capodimonte 32
331 Spedizione Nimrod research expedition, polar expedition Nimrod Expedition 32
332 Orgoglio e pregiudizio miniseries, television series Pride and Prejudice (1995 TV series) 32
333 Gran Premio di Francia 2007 French Grand Prix 2007 French Grand Prix 31
334 Cecilio Stazio human Caecilius Statius 31
335 Costanzo Gallo human Constantius Gallus 31
336 Druso minore human Drusus Julius Caesar 31
337 Spedizione Endurance research expedition, polar expedition Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition 31
338 Phase-locked loop Phase-locked loop 31
339 Posidonia oceanica taxon Posidonia oceanica 31
340 L'arte della fuga creative work, musical work/composition The Art of Fugue 31
341 Guerra della Lega di Cambrai war War of the League of Cambrai 31
342 Battaglia di Vittorio Veneto battle Battle of Vittorio Veneto 30
343 Publio Clodio Pulcro human Publius Clodius Pulcher 30
344 Programma Shuttle-Mir Russian space program, NASA program Shuttle–Mir program 30
345 Battaglia di Eraclea battle Battle of Heraclea 29
346 Jonny Wilkinson human Jonny Wilkinson 29
347 Anarchia civil war, war of succession The Anarchy 29
348 Atmosfera di Giove atmosphere of a planet Atmosphere of Jupiter 28
349 Conquista magiara della pianura pannonica conquest Hungarian conquest of the Carpathian Basin 28
350 Guerra d'Italia del 1521-1526 war Italian War of 1521–1526 28
351 Battaglia navale di Guadalcanal naval battle Naval Battle of Guadalcanal 28
352 Regia Marina navy Regia Marina 28
353 Palazzo Reale art museum, historic house museum, Italian national museum Royal Palace of Naples 28
354 Nebulosa solare molecular cloud Solar Nebula 28
355 Tender mode of transport Tender (rail) 28
356 Campagna dell'Africa Orientale Italiana military campaign East African campaign (World War II) 27
357 Pleiadi del Sud open cluster IC 2602 27
358 Massimo termico del Paleocene-Eocene climate change, occurrence Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum 27
359 Palio di Siena Palio Palio di Siena 27
360 Spyro: Year of the Dragon video game Spyro: Year of the Dragon 27
361 Spedizione Donner group of humans Donner Party 26
362 European Rugby Champions Cup recurring sporting event, rugby union competition European Rugby Champions Cup 26
363 Sojourner Mars rover, solar vehicle, former entity Sojourner (rover) 26
364 Parco nazionale d'Abruzzo, Lazio e Molise national park, European Diploma of Protected Areas, protected area Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park 25
365 Definizione di pianeta definition Definition of planet 25
366 E Street Band backing band, rock band E Street Band 25
367 Campagna delle isole Gilbert e Marshall military campaign Gilbert and Marshall Islands campaign 25
368 Reziario historical profession Retiarius 25
369 Le avventure del giovane Indiana Jones television series The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles 25
370 Teramene human Theramenes 25
371 Giuseppe Siri human Giuseppe Siri 24
372 La signorina Julie one-act play, literary work Miss Julie 24
373 Olona river Olona 24
374 Complesso nebuloso molecolare di Orione group Orion molecular cloud complex 24
375 Affondamento della Prince of Wales e della Repulse battle, naval battle Sinking of Prince of Wales and Repulse 24
376 Alpini Protezione Civile, special forces, elite troops Alpini 23
377 Battaglia di Strasburgo battle Battle of Strasbourg 23
378 Bosco Verticale building complex Bosco Verticale 23
379 Effie Gray human Effie Gray 23
380 Francesco Guccini human Francesco Guccini 23
381 Battaglia delle Alpi Occidentali military campaign Italian invasion of France 23
382 Assedio di Torino battle Siege of Turin 23
383 Acqua alta Acqua alta 22
384 Battaglia del Mediterraneo military campaign Battle of the Mediterranean 22
385 Fairey Firefly aircraft family Fairey Firefly 22
386 IK Pegasi spectroscopic binary IK Pegasi 22
387 Operazione Rheinübung military operation Operation Rheinübung 22
388 Alchemy: Dire Straits Live album Alchemy: Dire Straits Live 21
389 Rei Ayanami fictional human, fictional clone, anime character Rei Ayanami 21
390 Alessio Melisseno Strategopulo human Alexios Strategopoulos 20
391 Basilica di San Zeno minor basilica, parish church Basilica of San Zeno, Verona 20
392 Xª Flottiglia MAS marine unit Decima Flottiglia MAS 20
393 Giuseppe Moro human Giuseppe Moro 20
394 Disastro aereo di Linate aviation accident, ground collision Linate Airport disaster 20
395 Masaniello human Masaniello 20
396 Misato Katsuragi fictional human, anime character, manga character Misato Katsuragi 20
397 Shinji Ikari fictional human, anime character, manga character Shinji Ikari 20
398 Vincent-Marie Viénot de Vaublanc human Vincent-Marie Viénot, Count of Vaublanc 20
399 Contusione polmonare Pulmonary contusion 19
400 Duomo di Trento cathedral, domus, minor basilica Trento Cathedral 19
401 What'd I Say musical work/composition What'd I Say 19
402 Asuka Sōryū Langley video game character, fictional human, anime character Asuka Langley Soryu 18
403 Classe Derfflinger ship class Derfflinger-class battlecruiser 18
404 Palazzo Ducale palace, museum building Doge's Palace, Genoa 18
405 Reggiane Re.2005 aircraft model Reggiane Re.2005 Sagittario 18
406 De Catilinae coniuratione literary work Bellum Catilinae 17
407 Autostrada A90 controlled-access highway, motorway ring road Grande Raccordo Anulare 17
408 Kaworu Nagisa anime character, manga character, Angel Kaworu Nagisa 17
409 Linciaggio di Jesse Washington lynching Lynching of Jesse Washington 17
410 Operazioni navali nella prima guerra mondiale theater of war, naval warfare Naval warfare of World War I 17
411 Giganti di Mont'e Prama archaeological site, sculpture Giants of Mont'e Prama 16
412 Giulio Cesare battleship, dreadnought Italian battleship Giulio Cesare 16
413 Concerti per clavicembalo di Johann Sebastian Bach musical work/composition Keyboard concertos by Johann Sebastian Bach 16
414 Crociata lituana war Lithuanian Crusade 16
415 Notiziabilità News values 16
416 Ottavio di Hannover human Prince Octavius of Great Britain 16
417 Esperimento dello Schiehallion physics experiment Schiehallion experiment 16
418 Chi ha sparato al signor Burns? two-part episode Who Shot Mr. Burns? 16
419 Primera División 1931 season 1931 Argentine Primera División 15
420 Adrienne von Speyr human Adrienne von Speyr 15
421 Arco dei Gavi triumphal arch, tetrapylon, architectural structure Arco dei Gavi, Verona 15
422 Violino barocco Baroque violin 15
423 Batman: Il lungo Halloween limited series Batman: The Long Halloween 15
424 Struttura del capitale type of structure Capital structure 15
425 Primo viaggio di James Cook research expedition First voyage of James Cook 15
426 Castello di Fénis castle, museum, religious museum Fénis Castle 15
427 Lucio Orbilio Pupillo human Lucius Orbilius Pupillus 15
428 Stoßtrupp Stormtroopers (Imperial Germany) 15
429 Serie A Élite professional sports league, rugby union competition Top10 (rugby union) 15
430 Texas francese aspect of history French colonization of Texas 14
431 Giuseppe Garibaldi light cruiser Italian cruiser Giuseppe Garibaldi (1936) 14
432 Battaglia di mezzo giugno naval battle Operation Harpoon (1942) 14
433 Battaglia di Dupplin Moor battle Battle of Dupplin Moor 13
434 Cappella Colleoni chapel Cappella Colleoni 13
435 Mariano IV d'Arborea human Marianus IV of Arborea 13
436 Piazza Bra square Piazza Bra 13
437 Basilica di Santa Anastasia church building Sant'Anastasia, Verona 13
438 Zankoku na tenshi no these single A Cruel Angel's Thesis 12
439 Vallo Alpino del Littorio fortification, fortified line Alpine Wall 12
440 Vere St. Leger Goold human Vere St. Leger Goold 12
441 Pasque veronesi rebellion Veronese Easter 12
442 Castello di Verrès castle, museum, religious museum Verrès Castle 12
443 Bovillae archaeological site, ancient city Bovillae 11
444 Gregor Brück human Gregor Brück 11
445 Storia dell'Arsenal Football Club aspect of history History of Arsenal F.C. (1886–1966) 11
446 Sbarco a Salerno military operation Operation Avalanche 11
447 Teatro dell'Artico della seconda guerra mondiale Arctic naval operations of World War II 10
448 Teatro del mar Baltico della seconda guerra mondiale battle Baltic Sea campaigns (1939–1945) 10
449 Girolamo dai Libri human Girolamo dai Libri 10
450 Elettrotreno FFS RAe 1050 rolling stock class SBB-CFF-FFS RAe TEE II 10
451 Union Films film production company Union Films 10
452 Operazioni navali nel mare Adriatico theater of war Adriatic Campaign of World War I 9
453 All Star Superman limited series All-Star Superman 9
454 Asmara Moerni film Asmara Moerni 9
455 Basilica di San Magno church building, minor basilica, parish church Basilica of San Magno, Legnano 9
456 Nazareno Strampelli human Nazareno Strampelli 9
457 Scuola militare "Nunziatella" secondary school, military school Nunziatella Military School 9
458 Paolo Farinati human Paolo Farinati 9
459 Trattati Roma-Cartagine Treaties between Rome and Carthage 9
460 Abbazia di San Michele Arcangelo a Passignano church building Badia di Passignano 8
461 Porta Nuova city gate Porta Nuova (Verona) 8
462 Eccidio di Porzûs massacre Porzûs massacre 8
463 Santuario di Nostra Signora di Montallegro minor basilica, shrine Sanctuary of Our Lady of Montallegro 8
464 Soltanto un altro giorno comic book storyline Spider-Man: One More Day 8
465 Campagna svizzera di Suvorov military campaign Suvorov's Swiss campaign 8
466 Plebiscito sullo scioglimento del Landtag prussiano plebiscite 1931 Prussian Landtag referendum 7
467 Aloisio Gonzaga human Aloisio Gonzaga 7
468 Castello di Barletta Category:Hohenstaufen castles in Southern Italy Castle of Barletta 7
469 Locomotiva DB 184 locomotive class DB Class E 410 7
470 Dudley Clarke human Dudley Clarke 7
471 Gasparo Cairano human Gasparo Cairano 7
472 Eventi d'impatto su Giove Impact events on Jupiter 7
473 Castello di Issogne castle, religious museum, palazzo museum Issogne Castle 7
474 Campagna italiana di Suvorov battle Italian Campaign of Suvorov 7
475 Campagna italiana di Russia military campaign Italian participation on the Eastern Front 7
476 Basilica minore del Santissimo Rosario church building, minor basilica Minor Basilica of the Most Holy Rosary 7
477 Nube di Perseo giant molecular cloud, star-forming region Perseus molecular cloud 7
478 Chiesa dei Santi Nazaro e Celso church building Santi Nazaro e Celso, Verona 7
479 Strage di Torino mass murder Turin Massacre (1864) 7
480 Tour dei British and Irish Lions 2013 season 2013 British & Irish Lions tour to Australia 6
481 Liberty a Milano art style of an area Art Nouveau in Milan 6
482 Locomotive FS E.321 ed E.322 locomotive class FS Class E.321 6
483 Progetto San Marco space program San Marco programme 6
484 Collegiata di Santa Maria Assunta church building Santa Maria Assunta, Ariccia 6
485 Monetazione visigota Visigothic coinage 6
486 Centesimo di lira italiana coin type 1 Centesimo (Italian coin) 5
487 Incidenti di Spalato 1918–1920 unrest in Split 5
488 Trattato sull'astrolabio treatise, written work A Treatise on the Astrolabe 5
489 Liberty a Torino art style of an area Art Nouveau in Turin 5
490 Basilica di San Barnaba church building Basilica of San Barnaba 5
491 Battaglia di San Carlos battle Battle of San Carlos (1982) 5
492 Arco della Carena H II region Carina OB1 5
493 Contrada della Tartuca contrada of Siena Contrada of the Tortoise 5
494 Locomotiva FS 835 locomotive class FS Class 835 5
495 Forte Montecchio Nord fort, military museum building, private museum Fort Montecchio-Lusardi 5
496 Giulio Cesare Graziani human Giulio Cesare Graziani 5
497 Anfiteatro morenico di Ivrea moraine Ivrea Morainic Amphitheatre 5
498 Locomotiva A1 Peppercorn 60163 "Tornado" tender locomotive LNER Peppercorn Class A1 60163 Tornado 5
499 Rete ferroviaria della Sicilia railway network Railway network of Sicily 5
500 Santuario di Santa Maria della Rotonda church building, shrine Sanctuary of Santa Maria della Rotonda 5
501 Chiesa di Santo Stefano church building Santo Stefano, Verona 5
502 Monetazione scozzese Scottish coinage 5
503 Alto Mantovano area Upper Mantua 5
504 Armée du Nord field army Army of the North (France) 4
505 Monetazione di Cales coin Coinage of Cales 4
506 Locomotiva FS 851 locomotive class FS Class 851 4
507 Locomotiva FS E.330 locomotive class FS Class E.330 4
508 Storia di Castel Goffredo aspect of history History of Castel Goffredo 4
509 Storia di Verona history of a city History of Verona 4
510 Idrografia del Biellese lake Hydrography of the Biella region 4
511 Monetazione longobarda di Benevento coin Lombard coinage of Benevento 4
512 Venezia marittima Maritime Venice 4
513 Monastero delle Clarisse monastery Monastery of the Poor Clares (Cerreto Sannita) 4
514 Non è la Rai television series Non è la RAI 4
515 Palio di Legnano Palio, recurring event Palio di Legnano 4
516 Palazzo Pamphilj palace Pamphilj Palace (Albano) 4
517 Rete ferroviaria della Sardegna railway network Railways in Sardinia 4
518 Polizeiregiment "Bozen" Order Police Regiment SS Police Regiment Bozen 4
519 Santuario di Santa Maria dell'Acquasanta church building, shrine Sanctuary of Santa Maria dell'Acquasanta 4
520 XVII Congresso del Partito Socialista Italiano party conference, political schism XVII Congress of the Italian Socialist Party 4
521 Invasioni barbariche del III secolo military campaign Barbarian invasions into the Roman Empire of the 3rd century 3
522 Castra Albana castrum, ancient Roman structure Castra Albana 3
523 Tranvia del Chianti interurban, tram line Chianti tramway 3
524 Chiesa di San Bernardino da Siena church building, convent Church of San Bernardino da Siena (Amantea) 3
525 Stemma di Bivona coat of arms Coat of arms of Bivona 3
526 Monetazione di Adelchi di Benevento Coinage of Adelchis of Benevento 3
527 Monetazione di Capua Coinage of Capua 3
528 Monetazione di Suessa Coinage of Suessa 3
529 Circondario di Bivona circle of the Kingdom of Italy District of Bivona 3
530 Scavi archeologici di Stabia museum, archaeological site, archaeological park Excavation of Stabiae 3
531 Locomotiva FS 290 locomotive class FS Class 290 3
532 Locomotive FS E.323 ed E.324 locomotive class FS E.323 and E.324 3
533 Storia dell'Alfa Romeo aspect of history History of Alfa Romeo 3
534 Storia di Cerreto Sannita aspect of history History of Cerreto Sannita 3
535 Storia della Dacia events in a specific year or time period History of Dacia 3
536 Storia di Terni aspect of history History of Terni, Umbria 3
537 Monetazione longobarda Lombard coinage 3
538 Palazzo Colonna palace Palazzo Colonna (Marino) 3
539 Pieve di San Giorgio di Valpolicella church building Parish Church of San Giorgio di Valpolicella 3
540 Chiesa dei Santi Faustino e Giovita church building, oratory, benedictine abbey Santi Faustino e Giovita, Brescia 3
541 Seraphim 266613336Wings manga series Seraphim 266613336Wings 3
542 Torri e palazzi dei Roero Towers and palaces of the Roero 3
543 Tesoro delle Sante Croci staurotheke Treasure of the Holy Crosses 3
544 Sistema difensivo di Verona fortified line Verona defensive system 3
545 Complesso nebuloso molecolare di Cefeo H II region ✗ (d:Q3685242) 2
546 Regioni di formazione stellare di Cassiopea H II region ✗ (d:Q3931964) 2
547 Teatro scandinavo della seconda guerra mondiale aspect of history ✗ (d:Q16612571) 2
548 Abbazia di Leno church building, ruins, place Abbey of Leno 2
549 Storia di Cilavegna aspect of history History of Cilavegna 2
550 Storia di Gottolengo aspect of history History of Gottolengo 2
551 Storia di Legnano aspect of history History of Legnano 2
552 Storia di Lodi history of a city History of Lodi 2
553 The Works animated film, unfinished or abandoned film project The Works (film) 2
554 Tirrenia di Navigazione shipping line, business, enterprise Tirrenia di Navigazione (d:Q13198073) 2
555 Vela Molecular Ridge giant molecular cloud Vela Molecular Ridge 2
556 Regione di formazione stellare delle nebulose Cuore e Anima H II region ✗ (d:Q3931947) 1
557 Regioni di formazione stellare delle Vele H II region ✗ (d:Q3931965) 1
558 Storia di Marino nel Medioevo aspect of history ✗ (d:Q3974296) 1
559 Complesso nebuloso molecolare del Cigno H II region, giant molecular cloud Cygnus molecular nebula complex (d:Q3685241) 1
560 Il cuore di Pinocchio literary work Il cuore di Pinocchio (d:Q53780199) 1
Average With English: en/it (Italian) = 550/560 (98.2%) 55.2
Sum No article or article with the same title: 4
No label: 6

See also
