Although activity is slower than it once was, anyone is welcome to participate in the project.
Remove the |Semi-active parameter from this template if activity resumes or if this tag was changed in error. If almost no activity occurs in this task force, consider replacing this tag with {{WikiProject status|Inactive}}.
Welcome to the California State University task force of WikiProject California. This is a sustained, collaborative effort intended to improve the overall quality of content on English Wikipedia that relates to the California State University and its 23 campuses. Please feel free to help improve this project by providing your own modifications, comments, and suggestions. GO STATE!(Leave a message)
Our next project is yet to be decided upon. If you would like to nominate an article for a future project or see what articles we've already collaborated on, please visit the Collaboration talk page.
21:57, 22 May 2024 (UTC)
Hey there! After some time of inactivity, I'm hoping to reboot this project. there's a lot to do, but we'll be better off than we were before. I've created some new pages, and have started assessing old ones. Go State!–SammySpartan (talk·contribs)
Note: You should not assign any A-, FA-, FL-, FM- or GA-Class assessments on your own. Those article assessments must be approved through the Wikipedia policies governing quality control and require a formal peer review prior to being assigned.
This template should be placed on all article talk pages in the California State University article series as shown, using the |calstate=yes parameter (you may also add a value for the |calstate-importance= parameter if you feel comfortable making that assessment, valid values are: 'Top', 'High', 'Mid', and 'Low', with 'NA' used for any pages outside the main article namespace); doing so will automatically add the article to the category California State University task force articles.
This can be added to a user's talk page to extend an invitation to the California State University task force. You can supply a page name to the |article= parameter to mention an article you'd noticed they've edited and compliment their work there.
Please feel free to add your name to this list if you would like to join this project.
Amerique(talk·contribs·count) (Not an alum, but my dad graduated in electrical engineering from Pomona in 1985. I've been developing all the various California university articles. Great job on the design of this wikiproject, Dabackgammonator!)
Dynaflow(talk·contribs·count) (Actually a UCSC alumnus, but my focus on California public university articles brings me to CSU pages more often than not. I also lived across the street from SF State for a while and frequently discovered its students passed out in my front yard, which, I believe, officially makes me an honorary member of the CSU community.)
The goal is to bring articles from the bottom of the list to the top of the list. Once an article reaches Stage 4, we can focus on bringing it to Stage 5: featured article quality.
Click on the "to do" link beside each article to see its list of tasks. There is also a link to each article's talk page.
Stage 5: Featured articles
None yet . . .
Stage 4: Articles of adequate length needing expansion and/or improvement