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Wikipedia:Article assessment/Hugo Award-winning works/Rendezvous with Rama

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Assessment Article assessment
Hugo Award-winning works
Undergoing assessment
4 June 2006
25 June 2006

A Canticle for Leibowitz
A Case of Conscience
A Deepness in the Sky
Doomsday Book
Dune (novel)
Ender's Game
Forever Peace
Gateway (novel)
Rendezvous with Rama
Speaker for the Dead
Stranger in a Strange Land
The Diamond Age
The Demolished Man
The Forever War
The Left Hand of Darkness
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress
To Say Nothing of the Dog
Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang

Assessment of an article under the topic Hugo Award-winning works.

Article: Rendezvous with Rama

Details of the assessment method can be found at the main page. Feel free to add comments when you assess an article, or use the talk page for discussion.

Review by User:Kenfyre

  • Coverage and factuality:5
  • Writing style:7
  • Structure:8
  • Aesthetics:9
  • Overall:7.25

Highly comprehensive. Not like other sci-fi novel articles which only a sci-fi fan can understand. I suggest there should be a 'also see' section for similar first contact novels. 'Project Spaceguard' needs citations.

Kenfyre 04:47, 11 June 2010 (UTC)[reply]