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I have brought it right up to date. It is now very evident that the final decision as to who forms the next government for five years will not be made in Italy but in the way the 12 esteroMP's and six esteroSenators align themselves. Probably Berlusconi can hang on to power amd these "foreigners" will hold the government by what Alexand Mussolini called the continuing presence of my Grandfather's balls in this Legislature, while you Mr. Berlusconi can only aproximate them if you stuff bowling balls in your capitalist trousers."

Electoral Reform, Democratic renewal (Boutragianni/Mario Racco/ Mario Sergio contacts)Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Handheld "Last night I looked for you at Sorbara F.R. and some others enquired about you, are you back?" R: I am not in fundraising mode. I have not worked since 1989 but poverty suits me. I think I will buy more of it! "To the issue. We are choosing one person per riding. They will make recomm. which Ontar. will be asked to vote on. Whathever the people choose, it will be the Law". Call me 416.235.0830 Spensieri It is a fine thing you did for the CJC supporting the "internet police" against anti-semitism. I think we need something like that for Italiansincada. The Sopranos are getting ridiculous. I don't want them protecting my "Italianity".

II Further notes on Democratic Anectodal Renewal

Highly respected pollster CAMustangsdale recently released the most recent theory on the crusary issue in the respected New Canadian Journal of Semiantics. Mustangdale points to the theory that Porteous Pirates may indeed have ordered the hoisting on the + but later suspended the sentence, in mid air as it were. Consequently the Rastophelian was able to high tail it to Egypt and specifically to Alexandria. Of the people polled a goodly number favoured that the "you write your own ending" book be revised and that Biblios affecionados add this version to their Bibliochoices. Prior to this release in the NCJS it was widely belied that Joseph of Antipasto, a wealthy Judician with strong ties to the Nomadian Empire had asked for commutation and it was given according to Judician custom which required a Kaddisher to stand in the place of the proposed subject. This theory was also highly favoured by the participants in the double blind test.

In addition the Antipasto possibility and the new suspension of sentence research there remains a long time favoured having to do with Sicariote of Judah who was said to be a leading figure in the movement and a man of incredibly inspired acumen. The Sicariote of Judah version postulates that when advised that there would be a hoisting on + the subject and his best friend decided that the Identification of Criminals Act would be employed. Identification was clearly an issue, if the Team over at Bailey could not positively identify the subject all bets would be off. You simply can't mortify if you can't identify, according to Scribe Thoremax who kept good records. Then as now, identity can gum up a prosecutions case.In this theory the subject and Judah of the thirty guilders put out the word that he (Judah) would identify the candidate. At the appointed time Judah positively identified in the lineup Schlemil of Duronia, near Nazareth but non of Nazareth proper. Once again the subject leaves for Alexandria of Egypt but not before calling on some old femal acquaintaces. A handful of leading Agnelli believe this (Agnelli is the legendary tentmaker who introduce camel leasing).The identication "schnore" is a clever caper and belies the allegations that Judah may have been a tritrate, he was no such thing. More likely he was the only one that could positively make the strategic "identification".

Simply out of thoroughness the New Canadian JS cites the initial theory that when it came time to make a selection as to a Royal pardon and unconditional discharge the jurors yelled "Barabas, Barabas" which of course is improperly translated as the felon's alias or non de plum. But in the seminal work "The ancient charge of theJurors" Isacco Bertani argues, convincingly, that the jurors assembled demanded and got the release of Bar 'Abbas, the son of G_d and that the affliction on the crucibulary was meted out to the "deserving" two scoundrels, on the left and right of the political conundrum. This theory for anecdotal renewal has merit as well.

Of course the most papalist theory is the conventional one namely that this was simple burial alternative, with the vultures doing most of the distasteful work.

The New Canadian asked this question of Cefas of Shaul contacted at his Rome headquarters. Q No one questions your excathedrality, Sire Cefas of Shaul, but what are the tapasian believers to make of these conflicting endings to the same story? Could it be that tis "choose your own ending" type of Bibliosophic freedom has gone overboard. A. For millennia we have said that hell is a place where one cannot lie except when he intends to lie. A lie is created of one's volition, or not at all. On earth and in the world to come, no one knows when they are lying, because a little devil could be making them do it. So its is our duty to ensure that the participants in the double blind study be told . Q. Be told what? A: Exactly. Q. Does the Ponticate still advocate the inital version of the Postulations, the descent after the rise and fall? A. You are asking the wrong person. As I read the numbers, the exit polls, and the stats going back for at least two millennia we're on solid ground with the tried and true. Tampering with a product that works is anathemic and economically unsound. Yes, we're going with the tried and true, look a Kellog's original corn flakes.

There can be no consensus it seems. Only faith. And faith is what saved the woman with the bleeding nose and indeed many women with copius bleeding from all orefices everywhere.

Call for a truce


On the second area of my delusional "lexpertise"- Italian politics-BTW- it's much too big a pizza to handle. I would like to do the littlest slice as follow: i origins and concept of the mail in vote (voto per corrispondenza ) and ii the creation of ridings outside of Italy & the parties that have fielded candidates in the "estero riding" that concerns me, my estero riding of North-Central America. The parties participating are (Berlusconi-Bush) FORZA ITALIA; PER L'ITALIA NEL MONDO WITH TREMAGLIA (the brainchild or Mirko Tremaglia the senator that never forgot his comrades at arms who emigrated- the only "ardito" left of Mussolini's quasi SS); UDC-CASINI) ; LEGA NORD-MOVIMENTO PER LE AUTONOMIE; UNIONE-PRODI; ALTERNATIVA INDIPENDENTE ITALIANO ALL'ESTERO btw the most offensive and virulently regressive form of political expression because it is based on the (horrible) idea of creating a voting block of the 12 MP and 6 Sen (hereinafter the 18 ghettoists)and concentrating solely on issues of interest to the emigrated. This is a terrible idea because it makes us a "protected class" of Italians alongside certified insane people (*I love us), the Roma nomads, and people generally in need of State protection. My view is (and it is shared by my Mentor Sen. Cinzia Dato, a good looking Senator,that an MP is an MP is an MP is an MP etc. he/she is the same as any MP or Senator elected in Italy. She must work through his party and do all the grunge work that MP/Senator do and only demostrate their "provenance" when there is something before the Legislature that impacts specifically on the estero-riding from which he/she is elected. In other words, Italy wanted full time politicians from the "diaspora-centri di accoglimento) who could bring value added. Most of the turkeys who are running keep shooting themselves in the foot about representing "our interests locally" as if Italian Banquet Halls in Woodbridge need more political clout (but I digress), which leaves me on a donkey entering the gates of the city through the usual narrow passage because the wide ones are too full of scribes, wannabbees and sadduccess. YHS Tuesday 1st in april.

First, let me reiterate that I did not create the Michael Spensieri article out of animosity toward the subject. I have written numerous articles on political figures in Ontraio, including biography pages for every MPP dating back to 1981. These articles generally draw together information from different sources in the public domain, including newspaper articles and the like.

I did not reference the subject's illness or his manner of departure from the Law Society to belittle or embarrass him. Spensieri himself mentioned both his illness and his departure from the Bar in a 2004 article published by the U of T Law Society -- I assumed from this that including said information in the article would not bring privacy issues into question. If I was wrong, please let me know.

If you believe that the information in the article depicts the subject unfairly, please identify specific concerns. I'm quite willing to make changes if there legitimate questions of fairness involved (I've done it before, in other controversial situations).

I have no objection to retitling the article as "Michelangelo Spensieri", btw.

Assuming that you are Michelangelo Spensieri, I have two specific messages for you:

(i) First, welcome to Wikipedia. Given your background in the political and legal cultures of two different nations, there is obviously much that you can add to this project. I welcome any useful contributions you may provide on the histories of the Ontario Liberal Party or the Family Coalition Party, or on Italy's political system. (I'm guessing that you're aligned with either UDC or La Margherita -- given the Byzantine nature of Italy's party systems, any information you could provide for the English pages would be quite welcome.)

(ii) Second, please read Wikipedia:NPOV and Wikipedia:No personal attacks.

Thank you, CJCurrie 02:43, 29 March 2006 (UTC) It's very typical of me, Sir to go chasing (with a view to running down and maiming)useful windmills. I suppose I am a "Don Chisciotte" Quixote with a yet to be fully developed sense of his own however minute potential for usefullness in this life. I don't know how you communicate or if you communicate to apprentices but I certainly like what you are saying, instinctively. I will return to this page or, if you prefer, feel free to wrote info@lexpertise.ca As the now outmoded greeting taught us Your Humble Servant, etc.[reply]

THE NEW RIDINGS (colleggi elettorali) are:


omnia gallia (mundi) in quattuor partes diviserunt=Caesar lives, long live Caesar!!!! We are kind of like Giudea

The parties who are in play both for Parliament (Deputies or MPs) and for the Senate SPQR Senatus, Populus & Querus Romanun

1/ Italia nel mondo con Tremaglia- the mastermind of the schmozzzzle,hence the fascist underpinning of this new electoral and not very bloody colonialism/imperialism- Alessandra Mussolini just recently described what happened to Lybia as "positive intervention"-armed invasion. 2/DiPietro-Italia dei Valori- di Pietro was born in the same town as I was (Montenero di Bisaccia in Molise) and is a really "Kennedy Boys look-alike except no one has shot him yet). He generally postures and then sucks Berlusconi's c...k. 3/FORZA ITALIA or the House of Liberties, such as taking the liberty to bribe judges. 4/L'ALTRA SICILIA PER IL SUD a Mafia front 5/POPOLARI UDEUR LEGAL NORD- want to separate Padania from Italy. Padania accounts for the 2/3rd of the GNP 6/ALTERNATIVE SOCIALE CON ALESSANDRA MUSSUOLINI- I like her, she has bigger balls than most bowlers 7/PARTITO DEGLI ITALIANI DEL MONDO - same as TREMAGLIA except they didn't like Mirko T. 8/UDC- my Party- I will confess here and now. UNIONE DEI DEMOCRATICI CRISTIANI E DEI DEMOCRATICI DI CENRO - in Canada Family Coaltion Party except we can't say the word Christ because He is not generally regarded as the Messiah. I would say that if we change his name to Yeshua Ben David we might be OK. DISCLOSURE: the writer is a Messianic Jew and a member of the City of David Synagogue and sometimes member of the Sacred Heart Parish in King City and hated by both "good" Catholics and "orthodox Jews" which means I may be on the right track. By the way I am also a frequent guest of the Hammaddya Muslim House in Maple, they like my jokes about the Prophet, peace be upon him, and Mary, the mother of Jesus, telling JC to turn some very awful water into good wine at the Wedding of Cana, which he attended (the guy never missed a wedding feast) so that he could turn good men (water) into better men (wine) through a process known as Initiation. 7/ AMARE L'ITALIA---a very weird party 8/L'UNIONE- PRODI often mistaken with UDC- but they are not the same, Prodi should retire and then they would be.


I'm flattered by the response. Thanks for your contributions to the FCP page -- I've made some adjustments, and would welcome any feedback on the current version.

One question:

It does not, however, exclude the possibility of recording same sex unions for the purposes of equalization, where possible, of the rights of the parties who have contracted such formal union.

WHat are you referring to here? CJCurrie 01:37, 3 April 2006 (UTC) The commonly held view is that any recorded i.e. formal union of two (or more if it weren't for poligamy laws) individuals that reduces the liability of the State and advances the common weal is welcome for the FCP as long as the sacramental aspects are strictly for 'male and female with potential for natural pocreation' couples. For instance, we see nothing wrong with survivor benefits going to the "surviving spouse" if two lesbians have lived in a conjugal setting and have advised the State of the formality of such status. Thus there should be equalization of benefis/entitlements etc. between spouses of a homosexual or lesbian persuasion (to borrow a quaint ditty from Diefenbaker who war referring to another group altogether). Ideally the State (the Province of Ontario) will have a Register of Marriages and a Register of same sex equivalently binding unions so that gays would be encouraged to register the formality of their relationship. The sanctity of their union is a matter of indidual conscience, but insofar as sanctity is inferred by a sacrament publicly entered into before God, and then entered into a Marriage Register by a prelate, other celebrant, or judge acting as agent not of God but of the Province of Ontario, that will probably happen when Cardinal Ambrozic will invite the Chief Rabbi of Toronto to his son's wedding and the Rabbi will help himself to generous portions of roasted piglet, wash it down with milk, and shave his head and clip his beard so that he can look "cool" for the evening.[reply]

For instance, we see nothing wrong with survivor benefits going to the "surviving spouse" if two lesbians have lived in a conjugal setting and have advised the State of the formality of such status. Thus there should be equalization of benefis/entitlements etc. between spouses of a homosexual or lesbian persuasion (to borrow a quaint ditty from Diefenbaker who war referring to another group altogether). Ideally the State (the Province of Ontario) will have a Register of Marriages and a Register of same sex equivalently binding unions so that gays would be encouraged to register the formality of their relationship.

Okay. Is this mentioned on the FCP website (or in an official party document)? CJCurrie 04:10, 3 April 2006 (UTC)RESPONSE BY YHS:I am going to speak to Giuseppe (Joe) about this.It certainly ought to be SOMEWHERE or they/us is gonna get their/our asses kicked ...again.....I promise to get back to you. I may not be able to do it this week -I am cycling a little bit, very labile and with all this easterstuff going on, a little bit Jerusalem syndrome afflicted,with me I can save the air fare and get there by transmigration of the odd/id. I hope Master CJ Currie understands.[reply]

Rest assured that he does. I'm curious about this matter, given that your comments (here and elsewhere) seem to be at variance with the FCP website -- it's possible that the party endorses your view, but I've not come across any such indication in the past.

And by all means take your time ... I probably wouldn't have Wikipedia as a priority if a Jerusalem trip was on my agenda. CJCurrie 01:32, 4 April 2006 (UTC) yhs has added a paragraph on the "electoral machine" right after the section on the 2006 Election in Italy. Please edit and if considered appropriate please add as an external link No. 3 www.italiansonline.net thank you[reply]