User talk:Dahn/Archive 37
Chinese year
[edit]Thanks! Not been here a lot recently for lack of time... Happy New (Chinese - 7 February! - /Kurdish) Year also! Tazmaniacs (talk) 16:20, 10 February 2008 (UTC)
Birth place
[edit]Biographies normally begin with So and So (Birthplace Birthdate - Deathplace Deathdate). This is a useful convention. That is why I standardized the header of Ibrahim Muteferrika. --Macrakis (talk) 03:25, 11 February 2008 (UTC)
Military history WikiProject coordinator election
[edit]The February 2008 Military history WikiProject coordinator election has begun. We will be selecting nine coordinators to serve for the next six months from a pool of fifteen candidates. Please vote here by February 28! --Eurocopter tigre (talk) 12:59, 15 February 2008 (UTC)
Have you seen this? Incredible! Since user:mrg315 attempt to move the Iasi-Chisinau Operation article to Iassy-Kishinev Offensive has failed he is always seeking revenge. This is going way to far, I think that we should report him. --Eurocopter tigre (talk) 09:59, 17 February 2008 (UTC)
- That would be my fault, I said that I agree to change the name of the article if he manages to change the name of Chişinău, I didn't expect that he's going to do that unilaterally without consulting other editors. -- AdrianTM (talk) 14:50, 17 February 2008 (UTC)
- I think we should report mrg for ignoring sources provided by Bogdan, incivility, edit warring, assuming bad faith and desruptivity. Which would be the proper place then? --Eurocopter tigre (talk) 15:33, 18 February 2008 (UTC)
[edit]Hi Dahn, just wanted to give you a heads up that an Alert was filed about you on WP:WQA here. [1]. It has been closed as it's entirely without merit, but you don't seem to have been informed about it, so I'm doing so now. cc: AdrianTM. Best, DanielEng (talk) 08:11, 20 February 2008 (UTC)
Albanezii din Romania
[edit]Imi explicii si mie ce relevanta are trimiterea ta acolo, mai mult, de regula Albanezii sunt mai degraba nationalisti decat cosmopolitii. Asta nu o spun nici ca lauda(eu insumii ma consider mai degraba "de dreapta"), nici ca insulta, ci ca statistica. Intrebararile mele sunt: ce legatura are un articol care pare sa fie despre Kosovo cu Albanezii din Romania? Mai mult, tinand cont de mentalitatea albaneza ce si-ar ascunde 2500-2600 de albanezii identitatea nationala? AdrianCo (talk) 00:25, 22 February 2008 (UTC)
- Se prea-pare ca am pornit pe piciorul gresit, da daca vrei u fine : Problema numarul unu cu sursa ta:WP:V si WP:NOR:
- Are 48 de pagini articolul si pe primul rand e mentionat Kosovo(asta ca sa stii de ce am mentionat Kosovo, ca bineinteles ca nu el era in discutie), faptul ca e o sursa furnizata/citata de specialistii olandezii(probabil aceiasi care testeaza Colgate si afla ca in 3 saptamanii ti se albesc dintii mai ceva ca neaua) ma lasa probabil la fel de rece pe cat te lasa pe tine afirmatiile mele. Asa ca fa bine si zi-mi si mie cam unde sa ma uit...pagina si sa nu caut eu o ora cand de fapt u tre sa imi spui unde sa ma uit!
- Cine a publicat articolul, cat de relevat este el acum peste 9 ani(ca tot vorbeam de Kosovo, articolul e din Iulie 99`,la scurt timp dupa Razboiul din Kosovo , excluzi tu oare posibilitatea ca ei sa fi fost refugiati, daca sunt, ca ti-am spus ca eu 48 de paginii nu caut?), explica oare articolul acesta cum de exista albanezii nedeclaratii in Romania ?
- Ei bine, cand raspunzi la problemele de mai sus: cand imi spui pagina, eventual si randul, cand probebezi faptul ca nu e vorba(daca e vorba) de refugiati, cand imi spui si mie in ce context ai gasit tu sursa asta unanim recunoscuta de un oarecare numar de universitatii din Olanda, atunci o sa ma convingi...pana in ziua aceea cu soare....revert! si Seara buna! AdrianCo (talk) 01:07, 22 February 2008 (UTC)
- a)Referinta numarul 2 din articol(cea legata de numarul 3000) duce la fisierul format fdf , care are 48 de paginii
- b)Stiu ca nu se cere "unanima recunoastere", dar uneori umorul poate sa faca parte din argumentaie
- c)Lenea e nu la prima pagina ci la pagina 34 am gasit :
Apart from the Turks and the Tartars, other Muslim ethnic groups can also be found in Romania, such as the Albanians who emigrated in great number after World War I from many regions of the Balkan Peninsula. According to certain studies, there are approximately 3,000 Muslim Albanians in Romania. They are fully integrated into the Tartar-Turkish community, not only by means of marriage, but also through the bonds of custom and tradition and by the sharing of mosques and graveyards. This makes it very difficult to establish their exact number. A fact that is worth mentioning is that the first translation of the Koran to modern Albanian (written with Latin letters), entitled K o r a n i (K e n d i m i n i) was published by Ilo Mitko Qafezezi Ð an Albanian from Romania Ð in 1921 in Ploiesti.
- d)CONFORM CAROR STUDII???????????? Articolul spune ca exista "studii", iar eu o sa iti amintesc ca exista weasel words! Autorul o fi roman, dar el zice ca au fost studii? Studiile cui? Al lui?! El nu zice asta, el spune : "certain studies".
- e)Nu te-am amentinat
- f)Iar eu stiam ca exista o regula ca nu ai voie sa faci mai mult de 3 modificari pe zi....
- g)Mi se pare logic ca pana la solutionarea unor probleme in ce priveste sursele sa fie lasata o formulare ambigua(in cazul de fata "Many/Multi") asta nu insamna ca am sters orice mentiune asupra faptului in cauza.
- h)Hah?? Care criterii polictice vezi tu? Nu te-am acuzat pe tine de asa ceva iar daca e vorba de declaratia mea privitoare la albanezii atunci cred ca e irelevanta(si zicand asta imi retrag criterii pe baza WP:NOR, da, poti fi fericit, ce e ffff probabil nu e si adevarat....trebuia sa caut si o sursa,dar tot nu are legatura cu problema in sine)
- i)Din nou tin sa repet ca "certain sources" e diferit de informatii de prima mana! Poate sa fie si de a doua mana, poate sa fie si un zvon, cert e ca dragul nostru roman de la isim nu pare sa se fi sinchisit sa mentioneze sursa. Lectura placuta! AdrianCo (talk) 01:39, 22 February 2008 (UTC)
- O mica mentiune pt e) era vorba de razboi de editare...era vorba de faptul ca eu am dat un singur undo pana la clarificarea situatiei, eventual ori sa mai fie si altele, dar doar daca am o justificatie buna(cum in buna masura mi se pare ca am in momentul de fata). In cazul in care arugmentele prezentate de tine ori sa fie convingatoare, bineinteles o sa cedez. In caz ca nu o sa ajungem la consens...exista medierea! Lucru pe care il gasesc drept mult mai bun decat un edit-war epuizant si steril. Pe de alta parte ma mira promtitudinea cu care am fost amenintat eu ca o sa fiu "parat", de parca as fi facut cine stie ce afirmatie lezanta sau de parca in ciuda oricaror arugmente eu nu m-as fi lasta convins...AdrianCo (talk) 01:50, 22 February 2008 (UTC)
Aha...din experiente precedente WP:A e folosit din pacate in multe cazuri in care cel care il invoca observa sugrezimea argumentelor sale DPDV logic dar se refugiaza in sursa sa. Bineinteles sper sa nu fie cazul! Cum spuneam, in cazul de fata eu nu vad de ce ar fi o sursa in sine, caci tot ce ne spune studiul isim este ca ar exista alte surse care ar spune lucrul acesta....cea ce este exact ce ai spus si tu. Bun, sa zicem ca lasam asa, ei bine atunci avem parte de un articol care are informatii bazate pe alte articole care trimit la randul lor la....nimic! Daca romanul nostru de la isim ar fi dat stdiile care raportaeaza existenta a 3000 de albanezii in Romania, atunci am fi avut de aface cu o sursa; dar noi in cazul de fata avem de aface cu o supozitie, caci oricat de respectabila ar fi o sursa, atunci cand ea mentioneaza existenta unor studii, ea le publica! Insa avem si surse, domnul profesor George Grigore citeaza niste surse dintre care cele mai noi sunt din 1997(despre tatari), 1995(despre turci) urmatoarea din....1976(despre Musulmanii din Romania), in cazul de fata avem urmatoarele probleme : a) nu sunt mentionate presupusele studii care ii atesta pe cei trei mii , b) insasi sursa sursei noastre referitoare la musulmanii din Romania este invechita(s-or mai fi schimbat lucurile din 1976...da asta e OR, asa ca ma multumesc sa ma limitez la deprecierea ei pe baza de peste 3 decenii diferenta)
- Ar mai fi o mica chestiune, de fapt doar o rugaminte: mi-e greu sa ma tot uit la istorie sa vad modificarile care le faci tu in timp ce eu scriu raspunsuri....asa ca te rog incearca sa iti formulezi textul dintr-o bucata...pentru o comunicare mai facila....doar o rugaminte bineinteles. AdrianCo (talk) 02:08, 22 February 2008 (UTC)
Dr George Grigore is professor at the Arabic
Department of the University of Bucharest and research fellow at the Center for Arab Studies, Bucharest, Romania. E-mail: There are two monthly publications, issued in Constanta, worthy of mention: H a k s e s (in Romanian and Turkish) and K a r a d e n i z (ÔThe Black SeaÕ; in Romanian, Turkish and Tartar). In addition, the Kriterion publishing house in Bucharest has been printing books in Turkish and Tartar languages since 1980. In the High Institutions of the State, there are two deputies in Parliament representing two political organizations of the Turkish-Tartar community in Romania, namely the Democrat Union of the Turkish Muslim Tartars in Romania and the Democrat Union of the Turks in Romania. R e f e r e n c e s Ð Ekrem Mehmet Ali, 1995, Din istoria turcilor d o b r o g e n i, Bucuresti, Editura Kriterion; Ð Mehmet Ablay, 1997, Din istoria tatarilor, Bucuresti, Editura Kriterion; Ð R. Florescu, 1976, Prezente musulmane n Romnia / Muslims in Romania. Past and Present / Maca l i m Islamiyya fi Rumaniya. With a Preface by Iacub Mehmet, Mufti of the Muslim Cult in the Socialist Republic of Romania, Bucharest, Meridiane Publishing House; Ð N.A. Gafer, Vladimir Drimba, ÔQuelques problmes relatifs au developpement culturel de la population tatare de RoumanieÕ, Bucharest, S t u d i e et Acta Orientalia, I (1958), 339-343; Ð Mstecib Ulksal, 1966, Dobruca ve Trkler, Ankara,
Trk Kltrn Arastirma Enstits Yayinlari —Preceding unsigned comment added by AdrianCo (talk • contribs) 02:09, 22 February 2008 (UTC)
- Hah? Blockquote-ul de mai sus include referintele autorului, el spune ca astea sunt sursele lui, nu eu!=> nu am facut speculatii. Articolul mentionat de tine nu este o sursa, este o referinta la unele posibile surse, inexistente pana la proba contrarie. AdrianCo (talk) 02:26, 22 February 2008 (UTC)
- Cu articolul de mai sus cel mult poti sa scrii in articol ca "exista surse care sustin ca ar exista studii care ar mentiona existenta a 3000 de albanezii in Romania". AdrianCo (talk) 02:27, 22 February 2008 (UTC)
- Lucru pe care l-am facut eu in locul tau...e bine acum?Mai exista vreo problema de exprimare sau de continut? AdrianCo (talk) 02:31, 22 February 2008 (UTC)
- Cu articolul de mai sus cel mult poti sa scrii in articol ca "exista surse care sustin ca ar exista studii care ar mentiona existenta a 3000 de albanezii in Romania". AdrianCo (talk) 02:27, 22 February 2008 (UTC)
Taciturnul meu interlocutor.....din acel articol asta reiese, daca tu vezi vreun loc in care este demonstrat,afirmat sau citat faptul ca albanezii ar atinge numarul de 3000 de persoane te rog sa mi-l indicii....Domnul Dr de la ismi a spus ca "exista studii"...iar eu am spus ca el a spus ca exista studii...ceea ce mi se pare perfect logic si corect! AdrianCo (talk) 02:37, 22 February 2008 (UTC) Ba nu e tautologie pentru ca nu se repeta aceeasi idee,nici a->b . Ci a -> b , iar b se presupune ca ar putea sustine un c. AdrianCo (talk) 02:55, 22 February 2008 (UTC)
- Si da e corect sa spui ca exista studii care sustin ca exista alte studii care zic X(exemplu"Universitatea X a facut un studiu pe mai multe sondaje(alte studii) care sustineau Y") AdrianCo (talk) 02:58, 22 February 2008 (UTC)
- It was not "Bă", it was "Ba". AdrianCo (talk) 17:20, 22 February 2008 (UTC)
Romanian translation
[edit]You providing it is good enough. We usually do this with foreign-language sources where the reviewer doesn't understand the language in question (I mean, just a few days back I passed something with a French source; not a problem for me). It's not meant to exclude them from Main Page DYK consideration; just to get an editor who knows better to review. Daniel Case (talk) 03:20, 24 February 2008 (UTC)
Grigore Cugler
[edit]--BorgQueen (talk) 03:54, 24 February 2008 (UTC)
Disputed fair use rationale for Image:Balilla e mussolini.gif
[edit]Thanks for uploading Image:Balilla e mussolini.gif. However, there is a concern that the rationale you have provided for using this image under "fair use" may be invalid. Please read the instructions at Wikipedia:Non-free content carefully, then go to the image description page and clarify why you think the image qualifies for fair use. Using one of the templates at Wikipedia:Fair use rationale guideline is an easy way to ensure that your image is in compliance with Wikipedia policy, but remember that you must complete the template. Do not simply insert a blank template on an image page.
If it is determined that the image does not qualify under fair use, it may be deleted within a couple of days according to our criteria for speedy deletion. If you have any questions please ask them at the media copyright questions page. Thank you.BetacommandBot (talk) 05:40, 25 February 2008 (UTC)
February 2008
[edit] You currently appear to be engaged in an edit war according to the reverts you have made on Romanians. Note that the three-revert rule prohibits making more than three reversions in a content dispute within a 24 hour period. Additionally, users who perform a large number of reversions in content disputes may be blocked for edit warring, even if they do not technically violate the three-revert rule. If you continue, you may be blocked from editing. Please do not repeatedly revert edits, but use the talk page to work towards wording and content that gains a consensus among editors. If necessary, pursue dispute resolution. Rjd0060 (talk) 01:19, 26 February 2008 (UTC)
Thanks for the information.Xasha (talk) 21:44, 27 February 2008 (UTC)
[edit]The sorting does not depend on what you or I or anybody else prefers. It depends on the rule which is adopted by Wikipedia, which should be followed. I don't give a damn on what the rule is, but refuse to be bullied into appying a rule based on personal preferences.
Any rule is possible.
- Some prefer to have the accented letters follow the non-accented ones. Thus Ş should follow S
- Some prefer to ignore the accented letters Thus S and Ş are identical
- Some prefer to list the accented letters at the end Thus Ş should follow Z (or another accented letter).
Whatever rule is desired, can be programmed.
You indicate that you prefer rule 2. Personally I prefer rule 1. The point is not to discuss which of the rules is better.
However, for some reasons, Wikipedia has preferred, adopted and programmed rule 3. There is no policy statement indicating that other sorting rules should be accepted. Therefore I apply the rules regardless of my own preference.
As far as Gene Nygaard is concerned I have no debate with him and have nothing to discuss with ill-manered persons who were not taught by their mothers to use words such as please or thank you. He seems to have learnt to communicate at boot-camp; in any case this is the vocabulary he uses. Please be so kind and ignore any messages changed between me and him. I don't ask you to side with any of us, but please be so kind and keep this obnoxious person out of our conversation.
Regarding the information, I am probably getting old and forgetful, but I don't recall ever having discussed the matter of the boxes with you. At present I want just to finalize the list of rivers and the links between the rivers (which river flows into which and what the tributaries are. In order to get a picture of the network. I intend to get the rest of the information in shape at a later date.
After that I intended to get the names correct - especially as Romanian rivers have also Hungarian and German names which should be quoted. Also hydronomic information, as far as it can be detected, would be useful.
So any suggestions are welcome for the contents of the articles. Afil (talk) 22:38, 27 February 2008 (UTC)
- I have no idea what you are talking about. I requested Gene Nygaard to indicate such rules if he knew anything about them. In his response he simply indicated some discussions, not a policy or a rule. Therefore I have abandoned any Defaultsort statements in the articles.
- I do not wish to get into further disputes and do not understand your message. I have nothing to discuss with Gene Nygaard - that discussion is closed. This is a discussion between you and me. Period.
- The dispute with Gene Nygaard was refered to the administrators.Afil (talk) 22:59, 27 February 2008 (UTC)
- As you agree with the elimination of the defaultsort statement, there is nothing more to discuss.Afil (talk) 23:47, 27 February 2008 (UTC)
Note to self: The above is part of a discussion with Afil concerning his chaotic editing style and his disruptive take on the defaultsort system. He has deleted the other section from his user page, alongside the similar comments of another user - I'm linking it here for future reference. Dahn (talk) 22:41, 28 February 2008 (UTC)
[edit]If you think the article is a mess, why not help us make it better. All criticism should be constructive. We'd surely need someone as experienced as you (judging by the fact you have significantly contributed to 2 articles considered among the best in Wikipedia)Xasha (talk) 18:36, 28 February 2008 (UTC)
- I'll try to refurbish the article according to the Manual of Style. Today it was proofread by a native English speaker, so we're on the good path.
- I used sources for all my edits, so you're invited to prove me wrong (using sources, of course).
- Note about your unblock request: I think you used the wrong form in the second, cause it says it was reviewed, even if nobody dit it.Xasha (talk) 21:07, 29 February 2008 (UTC)
- First of all: kudos. It looks much better now than it did before. But the text is apparently still riddled with original research - from what I can see, it predates your edits. As for the possible objections to your edits, mine were so far mostly on the line of what Illythr said (which, in this context, is not about reliability as much as it about WP:UNDUE); note that this objection of mine also applies to the text that was already in there. I also note that the citations, no matter who added them and what they say, would still have to be copyedited and checked to see if they all comply with WP:RS. I'll have a go at more copyedits perhaps.
- Thanks for catching that format issue - I had simply copied the form above and forgot to change all of it. Dahn (talk) 21:23, 29 February 2008 (UTC)
[edit]![]() |
Milhist Coordinator election | |
Thank you very much for your support in the recent Military history Wikiproject election. I'm more than happy to serve the project for another six months! --Eurocopter (talk) 15:24, 29 February 2008 (UTC)
Russian-Circassian War |


Dahn (block log • active blocks • global blocks • contribs • deleted contribs • filter log • creation log • change block settings • unblock • checkuser (log))
Request reason:
I was not edit warring on the Romanians article. For starters, I was the only one of the users involved who actually discussed the matter on the talk page. Furthermore, the succession of edits will show that I did not actually push the same edits, that I did not remove any information, and that the last versions I had edited in had sources that dispute the info currently presented for "a fact". The accusation that I broke 3RR is false: my first revert on Feb 29 (my previous edit on that page is from Feb 26), my second revert on Feb 29, my last version before being blocked (also note this in-between edit by another user). The last I heard, it was not forbidden to edit an article more than four times in 24 hours. I also have to express a strong objection to the fact that the admin who blocks me uses as the rationale the fact that the version before mine was "the good one" - see here. Also note that my talk page says I have been blocked for "3RR", while the rationale on my block log is the vaguer "edit warring".
Decline reason:
see reason below.
If you want to make any further unblock requests, please read the guide to appealing blocks first, then use the {{unblock}} template again. If you make too many unconvincing or disruptive unblock requests, you may be prevented from editing this page until your block has expired. Do not remove this unblock review while you are blocked.
Dahn (talk) 16:48, 29 February 2008 (UTC)
- Note - "restore last good version" is a generic edit summary to show that I was restoring the most favoured version of the article. It is not a reflection on your edits. Additionally, I was recommended to restore to that version by another admin. ScarianCall me Pat 16:53, 29 February 2008 (UTC)
- What admin and were? Dahn (talk) 16:59, 29 February 2008 (UTC)
- I cannot reveal that admin as it was a private chat log. Additionally, there is no block notification for "edit warring" - I was forced to use the "3RR" one. Please just wait for an admin to review your unblock request rather than debating and extending all of the time. They will examine this fairly; there's no need to keep padding. ScarianCall me Pat 17:15, 29 February 2008 (UTC)
- I have contacted the blocking admin for additional input on the nature of this block. Pending his response, your unblock may or may not be granted. Please be patient. 18:03, 29 February 2008 (UTC)
- Per these sequence of edits, [2], [3], [4], [5] and [6], I see an unwillingness to leave seek consensus before returning additions to the article. Announcing your intentions on the talk page is NOT teh same as getting others to agree with your actions. If there are not enough responses from uninvolved editors on the talk page, please request a Request for Comment or a Third Opinion or attempt other forms of Dispute resolution, even if it means leaving the wrong version of the article in place while others comment. Thank you. 18:24, 29 February 2008 (UTC)
- I do not know if you are willing to review your decision, but it's becoming clear to me that the issue was misrepresented, and I'm quite perplexed that my request was sorted in a few minutes, without looking into how the diffs provided relate to the other versions and to the discussion on the talk page. I see that other edits from past days are invoked. The arguments against me refer to edits such as this one. If you read the talk page for the article, you will see that I have raised questions about the numbers and how they were brought into the article a year ago, and that the issue is still on the table, as was acknowledged by several users in the long archive of debates. In fact, if I remember correctly, the user who first added such conflated numbers a long time ago was since permanently blocked for this type of behavior. You will note from the discussion on the talk page that, in the past days, there was specific discussion regarding these accuracy of the template. An OR tag for the whole article was removed on grounds of being an overstatement, and I was asked to replace it with more specific tags by the other users participating in the discussion. You will also note that, as of this moment, nobody has removed those tags, except for a user who has never participated in the discussion. The tags are present in the "good version" reverted to by Scarian. Every single issue is discussed on the page, and my basic edits in respect to the addition of tags were in fact accepted by the other users participating. You see "unwillingness to [...] seek consensus"? Then how come most of my changes were kept in successive edits, including the one reverted to by Scarian? Dahn (talk) 18:32, 29 February 2008 (UTC)
- You are free to request an additional review using the unblock template. 18:51, 29 February 2008 (UTC)
As I have attempted to explain above, the diffs invoked as evidence of me edit have been misinterpreted. For one, of the users involved in editing the article, I was the only one discussing the matter on the talk page. Part of those moves are the result of consensus: the first diff invoked, where I added the tags to the numbers in the template, was discussed and agreed on the talk page. Note that the second diff actually precedes it in time: at the time, I was placing a tag for the entire article. The discussion occurring at the time (which I engaged in despite the fact that the other user kept insulting me) resulted in a request that I replace the generic tag with specific ones. See here. Note that this edit was kept in all but one subsequent versions, including the one reverted to after my blocking. These tags are therefore the result of consensus, and there was only one edit to remove them, performed by a user who did not participate at all in the discussion, and who also removed a generic tag which referred to the fact that the article is unbalanced. As for the other tags: 1) the article history and the talk page will show that requests for accuracy checks were made by several users, and that, for the period invoked as evidence of edit warring, two other users were regularly and silently removing them. This occurred over a string of days, and the versions in question no longer have much to do with the current version of the article. Similarly, the other users were not warned, nor was there protection of the page in any version at any moment. 2) In the last version before I was blocked, I made edits which I discussed on the talk page for several days. After one editor reverted himself and noted that my rationale for tagging that version of the article was correct, the version I contributed shared nothing with previous ones: I rephrased a sentence for neutrality (as per the discussion on the talk page), I added other citation tags and hidden comments to explain them, and in which I provided links to sources which explicitly contradicted the data in the article. As you will note, the larger part of my edits in that last version were in fact invisible to the reader. I do believe that at no point have I trespassed what is permitted to an editor, nor caused problems for the article. Dahn (talk) 20:14, 29 February 2008 (UTC)
- Unblocked. bogdan (talk) 23:43, 29 February 2008 (UTC)
- Thank you, Bogdan, but it seems that I am still not allowed to edit - I presume it's because they also blocked my IP (which incidentally I find particularly insulting, because I have never used multiple accounts in my life, and there was therefore no suspicion that I would). Dahn (talk) 00:04, 1 March 2008 (UTC)
- Okay, but I'm trying to find out how to unblock it. bogdan (talk) 00:20, 1 March 2008 (UTC)
- I think I unblocked it. bogdan (talk) 00:21, 1 March 2008 (UTC)
- Yes, indeed. Thank you again. Dahn (talk) 00:39, 1 March 2008 (UTC)
- I think I unblocked it. bogdan (talk) 00:21, 1 March 2008 (UTC)
- Okay, but I'm trying to find out how to unblock it. bogdan (talk) 00:20, 1 March 2008 (UTC)
- Thank you, Bogdan, but it seems that I am still not allowed to edit - I presume it's because they also blocked my IP (which incidentally I find particularly insulting, because I have never used multiple accounts in my life, and there was therefore no suspicion that I would). Dahn (talk) 00:04, 1 March 2008 (UTC)
da, merci bai tigane :)) Dapiks (talk) 22:52, 2 March 2008 (UTC)
- Is this a joke or what? Dapiks, maybe you should restrain from making this kind of jokes... AdrianTM (talk) 01:29, 3 March 2008 (UTC)
Before my return
[edit]Just a couple of things to look at: Template:Romanian foreign relations (created by Bonaparte) now has a few blue links in it - I think we decided against having such articles, but anyway, it's worth a look. Daniella Gogoiu Of Romania ? List of nationalities and cultures in Eastern Europe ?? Seems people are getting less productive here... Biruitorul (talk) 17:37, 3 March 2008 (UTC)
So did you swear off Latin Europe?
[edit]I noticed you did not answer my last question. It's admittedly poorly phrased, but I wanted to ellicit the most encompassing and definitive reply about whether, in the final analysis, there is actually any reason for the article at all. I'm no longer sure there may be. SamEV (talk) 23:11, 4 March 2008 (UTC)
Thanks for your reply. Really, there is no hurry, especially now that I understand the reasons. Good luck. SamEV (talk) 18:19, 5 March 2008 (UTC)
The Military history WikiProject Newsletter : Issue XXIV (February 2008)
[edit]The February 2008 issue of the Military history WikiProject newsletter has been published. You may read the newsletter, change the format in which future issues will be delivered to you, or unsubscribe from this notification by following the link. Thank you.
This has been an automated delivery by BrownBot (talk) 04:17, 5 March 2008 (UTC)
A different issue
[edit]Biruitorul's article Barthélemy Boganda is considered for featured article. Given that, his numerous DYKs, and his record of 31,000 edits, including 26,000 in the mainspace, I am considering to propose him for RfA. However, I think you had such idea before I had a similar one a year ago. How about doing it together (or maybe 3-4 of us)?
P.S. I am really not enjoying disputes with you. Perhaps we can look for more common ground rather than differences. This is one.:Dc76\talk 17:12, 5 March 2008 (UTC)
- Here is the original. "Nationalistic" by itself has a somewhat negative connotation (see my RfA for confirmation), but the first two adjectives clearly indicate the author's intention to portray Goumba in a positive light. We can survive without them, but, should a logical way to fit them in emerge, that might be preferable. Either way is fine, though. Biruitorul (talk) 19:31, 8 March 2008 (UTC)
- I do see the concern. If you think it's well enough as it stands, then let's keep it that way. If the sentence would benefit from adding the Titley phrase, by all means do so and let's see how it looks. Biruitorul (talk) 19:43, 8 March 2008 (UTC)
- OK, I'll think about it. Off-topic: if you have any use for the last two photos here, do use them (I can also do some cropping if you'd like). The house is on Blvd. Ferdinand, I think. Biruitorul (talk) 20:52, 8 March 2008 (UTC)
- Indeed, waiting a few days before starting a new AfD would be a wise choice at present. I didn't put them on commons because I wasn't certain they'd have a use on Wikipedia, so I didn't want to clutter Commons with more stuff. (They do have a lot of space, though, so maybe I'm overly concerned, but that is the explanation.) Biruitorul (talk) 19:29, 9 March 2008 (UTC)
- No problem - I'll be more liberal in my Commons uploads, including the Rădulescu-Motru pictures. So far, my AfD opinions have earned me 3 "no" votes - I hope I haven't now offended any collective farming supporters here! I think my comments there on Boganda were coloured more by anti-Jacques Foccart (and his ilk) sentiment than a vigorous endorsement of African nationalism (the bases of which are seemingly more problematic than in most European nations, though there are exceptions, like Ethiopia or Somalia (the latter, though, having had little use for nationalism in the last two decades, living as it does under a healthy dose of anarcho-capitalism)), but my portrayal of Boganda was quite sympathetic, and I did rather come to sympathise with some of his ideas. (Nonetheless, all the signs point to his going down the Houphouët-Boigny/Sékou-Touré route had he survived: pluralistic democracy, once he came to power, seems not to have been his cup of tea.)
- I'm glad to see you on board with the ceferişti idea. Three years ago, when he wrote the CFR article, Ronline did an excellent job, but seen in today's light, it could use some improvement (only 9 footnotes, a lot of history missing - WWII, Salva-Vişeu, etc). And, yes, a "popular culture" or better yet "arts" section where we examine the impact the image of their trains and workers have had - there's much to be said about that, I suspect.
- Ah, and, on a more serious note on collectivization - that should of course stand only as the beginning. I've downloaded the relevant pages from Robert Levy's book on Ana Pauker, where he discusses in detail the intra-party disputes on the programme, and of course one ought to break it down into its various phases, talk more about the process, maybe a little about its undoing post-1989, etc. All in due time. Biruitorul (talk) 01:32, 11 March 2008 (UTC)
- Thank you! And thank you also for your help there. Back on the other front: this was bizarre, but this ([7] [8] [9]) truly is farcical. Like I've said: the defeat won't affect me personally, but it will reflect badly on many (perhaps not all, but many) of the opposes - even on the community at large, by extension.
- Anyway: your thoughts on Military history of Romania? I've gently asked for references; maybe I should ask again once the "inuse" tag is gone. In either case, it's a page to watch. Biruitorul (talk) 01:37, 13 March 2008 (UTC)
Dahn, you need to sign your vote, somehow I think you added an indent that doesn't make it clear that's your post (vote number 4 for Biru, is that your post?) -- AdrianTM (talk) 06:07, 9 March 2008 (UTC)
- You could simply sign both paragraphs. -- AdrianTM (talk) 17:13, 9 March 2008 (UTC)
Dahn, after your honest and diligent behavior in this RfA, I have more respect for you than at any moment since I've known you. People I disagree 10 times less have behaved erratically. I am sure we would continue to disagree on many things, but I know I can trust to absolutely never hit below the belt. I know that you know the meaning of chivalry, and I will work hard that whatever we disagree on to be fought always on the level of a tournament. Dc76\talk 01:36, 14 March 2008 (UTC)
- It seems yet more sub-literate content was introduced into the Rădulescu-Motru article, though the IPs have calmed down since then... Ah, and thanks for your help during the RfA - I believe the magic number is 80%, though this one famously got 68%, so there is some discretion involved.
- I don't mind side discussions, provided they're of interest to me. (Of course someone may end up digging some of these chats and using them against me at my next RfA...) Eh, Angola was pretty messy, but the Belgian Congo more so, I guess. By the way, both FH-B and M'ba await translation - one of these days. (I wish more people who knew the languages of the big Wikipedias took the trouble to translate some of their better output, but I guess they have other priorities.)
- Yes, standard have evolved, and that's all for the better. 11 FAs featured the same month as CFR are now ex-FAs. By the way, I've always thought it would be kind of nice to successfully AfD an FA, and I think I've found the ideal candidate. Granted, it'll never happen because of what I branded the "'but it's notable!!' brigade" during my RfA, but still a nice idea. It seems a bit absurd that a video game should have over 20 articles on it (I shudder to think how many video game articles exist in toto), let alone an FA on a video-game re-rating.
- I've even been thinking of writing a nice, short essay that, who knows, may become policy one day: "Just because an article can be created doesn't mean it should be." I think that might get rid of a lot of our "notable" articles, like these. (Really, what's the point of thousands of articles 90% of which are little more than track listings? I can see having The White Album or Strange Days as articles, but sheesh...)
- On the '37 thing: what I've noticed, sadly (although maybe not that sad, since people can also add massive amounts of junk, which is harder to untangle than minor edits), is that oftentimes, one writes an article, and then, over the months and years, the intervening edits are mainly minor, and really do little but "prettify" the article rather than improve it. Take, for instance, Boganda: someone started it in 2004, and for 3 years the text hardly changed a bit until I came along. Or Communist Party of Cuba: the text dates to July 2004, and in the nearly 4 years since, probably 90% of the edits (of which there have been many) have been cosmetic. Anyway: templates can be quite useful, but the urge to shove them in everywhere is tiresome.
- Sadoveanu sounds like a great idea - his article has again been touched by the "President of the Presidium of the MAN" monomaniac IP. I like the mutual stalking ring a few of us have, but let me share with you a secret link I use to find all the latest pages containing the word "Romania": [10]. You have to wade through a lot of rivers (pardon the expression), and the link becomes dated every 500 new articles, but it still yields interesting results.
- Yes, the military history article seems like a fork, but the root of the problem is this thing. Of course, "Military history of Romania", written properly, is a great topic. But because those templates are automatically generated and thus promote article creation whether warranted or not, we get nonsense possibilities like "Military history of the Isle of Man", "Regions of Monaco", "History of the Jews in Greenland", "Hinduism in San Marino", "Liberalism in Transnistria" ;) ; "Cinema of Nakhchivan"... not to mention these templates exist for the whole world. Plus, there's inevitable forking: "Orthodoxy in Moldova", "Religion in Moldova", "Christianity in Moldova", "History of Christianity in Moldova" - I'm sure a single article could be written on "Religion in Moldova" covering all four, plus we already have Metropolis of Bessarabia and Moldovan Orthodox Church. (Oh, and I like Nauru-United States relations: "Relations between the United States and Nauru are cordial. The U.S. has no consular or diplomatic offices in Nauru.")
- Anyway, have a nice trip and come back ready for action. Biruitorul (talk) 02:58, 14 March 2008 (UTC)