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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My main interests are music and technology – and music technology! Specifically, I’m interested in digital electronic music and cloud computing. I joined Wikipedia to help improve and expand the articles on these and related topics (e.g. post-rock, Max/MSP, service oriented architecture, XML).

With this in mind, I should declare a couple of areas where conflicts of interest could arise:

1. I make music and run a small vinyl/MP3 label

2. I work for Layer 7 Technologies, a company that specializes in XML gateways for service oriented architecture and the cloud

I am not on Wikipedia to market my music. I freely admit that my profile as an artist and label boss does not come close to meeting the requirement for notability. To avoid any conflicts of interest, I will not create or edit articles directly related to musical endeavors in which I have a personal stake or involvement.

However, I do plan to edit articles related to the types of technologies that my employer deals in. I also plan to develop my Wikipedia research and writing skills by writing a draft Layer 7 article as a sub-page of my user page. Although I will not attempt to publish this article as an actual Wikipedia entry, I do believe the company meets the requirement for notability.

Current Drafts in Progress


SOA Gateway

Layer 7 Technologies