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Tenpō (天保) was a Japanese era name (年号,, nengō,, lit. "year name"), also known as Tempō, after Bunsei and before Kōka. The period spanned the years from December 1830 through December 1844.[1] The reigning emperor was Ninko-tennō (仁孝天皇).



Change of era

  • December 10, 1830 (Tenpō gannen (天保元年)) : In the 13th year of Bunsei, the new era name of Tenpō (meaning "Heavenly Imperial Protection") was created to mark the disasters of a great fire in Edo and an earthquake at Kyoto. The new era name was created from an hortatory aphorism: "Respect and worship the Ways of heaven. Eternally keep the Mandate of Heaven" (欽崇道、永天命).

The Tenpō era is often described as the beginning of the end of bafuku government. Though the era accomplished much through its reforms, and also culturally speaking, the injury inflicted on the Tokugawa system of government during the Tenpō period was unparalleled. Public order and dissatisfaction with government with a main issue, but the bafuku was not entirely at fault for the stir amongst the people. For example, the failure of crops in 1833, which soon became a lengthy disaster endured for over four years called the Great Tenpō famine, was caused mainly due to poor weather conditions. It became simply too cold for crops to flourish or receive needed warmth and water. Prices skyrocketed, as well. These dire circumstances sparked many rebellions and riots across Japan over the course of the Tenpō years. [2] Weary and desperate for someone to blame, the people rose up against the government, and Ōshio Heihachirō, known for leading one of the largest rebellions, even stated the crop failure due to poor weather was a sign of Heaven's disappointment and retribution aimed towards the government itself. [3] Mizuno Tadakuni's reforms were meant to remedy these economic issues, but the reforms could not rescue the bakufu from its ultimate collapse.

The shogunate rule during the Tenpō era was that of Tokugawa Ieyoshi, the 12th shogun of the bakufu government. His reign lasted from 1837 to 1853. During this time, many factors appeared to have seen to the decline of his health: namely, the great and devastating famine, the many rebellions rising up against the bakufu, and the swift advance of foreign influence. [4]

Great Tenpō Famine


The Great Tenpō famine of the 1830s was a devastating term in which the whole of Japan suffered sinking temperatures and loss of crops, and in turn, merchant prices began to spike. Many starved to death during this grim time. In areas like Takayama, the death rate spiked as high as nearly forty-five percent per thousand. [5] Crops continued to fail in the countryside, prices increased and supplies diminished, forcing people to compete to survive with what meager funds they had. The samurai also suffered the effects of the famine, dealing with lower wages from the Japanese domain governments in anticipation for challenging fiscal issues to come. To further the already dire conditions of the famine, illness eventually began to spread, and many who were starving could not resist forms of sickness such as pestilence, smallpox, measles and influenza. [6] Thousands died from hunger alone at the pinnacle of the crisis in 1836 to 1837. [7]



One of the rebellions sparked by the Great Tenpō famine was the Ōshio Heihachirō Rebellion. The man for whom it was named led an attempted revolt in the 1830s, and was granted the label of yonaoshi daimyojin, or "world saviour", for his attempts at moral restoration. [8] Formally a police officer and scholar, Ōshio Heihachirō (1792-1837) had requested help from Osaka city commissioners and otherwise wealthy merchants in 1837, only to be met with indifference. Shocked by his lack of success in the endeavour, Ōshio instigated an uprising to oppose those who had refused their aid. With approximately 300 followers, including poor townsfolk and peasants from various villages, Ōshio set fire to one-fifth of Osaka city. But the rebellion was suppressed in short order, forcing Ōshio to a quick end in which he committed suicide. [9]

The scholar Ikuta Yorozo (1801-1837) also instigated a rebellion from similar roots as that of Ōshio Heihachirō. Ikuta had opened a school for the education of adolescents, consisting mostly of peasants. Having also suffered from the Great Tenpō Famine, Ikuta despaired the lack of aid local bureaucrats were willing to provide, and in 1837, he assembled a band of peasants in retaliation. Together they launched an attack on the bureaucrats, which met with devastating results and Ikuta taking his own life. [10]

Ogata Kōan and Tekijuku


A year following Ōshio Heihachirō's rebellion, after the fire that had scorched nearly a quarter of Osaka city, the physician Ogata Kōan founded an academy to teach medicine, healing and Dutch Studies. The school was called Tekijuku, where distinction of status was unknown and competition abounded. Ogata encouraged this competitive learning, especially of the Dutch language to which he had devoted much of his own life. However, the competition may have been too much when eventually students bent to the pressure of the academy and acted recklessly to vent frustrations, for example, "slashing their swords against the central pillar of the main boarding hall, leaving gashes and nicks". [11] Ogata did not deem it necessary to take disciplinary measures, thinking it benign and recreational.

Much of Ogata's life was devoted to Rangaku, which was clearly displayed in the vision he had for Tekijuku. Ogata is known for his attentions to the medical, or internal therapeutic aspects of Rangaku, including emphasis on diseases and aid in translation of foreign medicinal terms. [12]

Morrison Incident


In 1837, the American ship Morrison endeavoured to initiate trade with Japan through the rescue of seven ship-wrecked Japanese sailors. However, as the merchant ship entered Japanese seas, the Morrison was open fired upon and driven from the waters by law of the Edict to Repel Foreign Vessels passed by Japan in 1825. [13]

However, there were those who criticized this law, namely the Bangaku Shachu, a band of scholars intent on justifying the merits of Western learning. This stance against the shogunate riled the government into arresting twenty-six members of the Bangaku Shachu, and further enforcing the policies on foreign education by limiting the publication of books, and making access to materials such as Dutch Studies difficult. [14]

Tenpō Reforms


As the Tokugawa era drew to a close, a major reform was exerted called the Tenpō Reforms (1841-1843), primarily instituted by Mizuno Tadakuni, a dominant leader in the shogunate. The reforms were economic policies introduced prominently to resolve fiscal issues mainly caused by the Great Tenpō famine, and to revisit more traditional aspects of the Japanese economy. For the samurai, these reforms were meant to spur them to return to their roots of education and military arts. The samurai aimed for change within the status quo itself. There was a stringency amongst all classes of people, and at this time, farmers were forced to remain in their villages, while travellers to the cities were sent back home. Trade relations were disassembled, and various goods were lowered in price. [15] Under Mizuno's leadership, the reforms brought about moral reform, encouraged moderation and frugality, introduced recoinage and, of course, cancelled previous samurai debts. In addition, land transfers were impressed upon some of the daimyo to reassert Tokugawa authority. Some historians may view the reforms as the first steps towards the ultimate modernization of Japan's economy. [16]

Fires at Edo Castle


Edo Castle was devastated by two fires during the Tenpō era, in 1839 and 1843 respectively, and despite rampant rebellion during this period, neither fire was due to unrest. [17]

Other Events of the Tenpō era


Calendar revision


During the Tenpō era, Koide Shuki translated portions of Jérôme Lalande's work on astronomy. Koide presented this work to the Astronomy Board as evidence of the superiority of the European calendar, but the effort produced no identifiable effect.[20] However, Koide's work and translations of other Western writers did indirectly affect the Tenpo calendar revision in 1842-1844. A great many errors had been found in the lunar calendar; and a revised system was publicly adopted in 1844. The new calendar was called the Tenpō-Jinin calendar. It was in use in Japan until 1872 when the Gregorian calendar was adopted.[21]


See also



  1. ^ Nussbaum, Louis-Frédéric. (2005). "Tempō" Japan Encyclopedia, p. 957, p. 957, at Google Books; n.b., Louis-Frédéric is pseudonym of Louis-Frédéric Nussbaum, see Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Authority File.
  2. ^ Jansen, Marius B. (2000). The Making of Modern Japan, p. 247
  3. ^ Jansen, Marius B. (2000). The Making of Modern Japan, p. 249
  4. ^ Jansen, Marius B. (2000). The Making of Modern Japan, p. 147
  5. ^ Hall, John Whitney. (1991). The Cambridge History of Japan, vol. 4, p. 699
  6. ^ Jansen, Marius B. (1995). The Emergence of Meiji Japan, p. 5
  7. ^ Jansen, Marius B. (1989). The Cambridge History of Japan, vol. 5, p. 119
  8. ^ Totman, Conrad D. (1993). Early Modern Japan, p. 447
  9. ^ Hane, Mikiso and Perez, Louis G. (2009). Modern Japan: A Historical Survey, p. 100-101
  10. ^ Frédéric, Louis. (2002). Japan Encyclopedia, p. 382
  11. ^ McClain, James L. and Osamu, Wakita. (1999). Osaka: The Merchants' Capital of Early Modern Japan, p. 227-228
  12. ^ McClain, James L. and Osamu, Wakita. (1999). Osaka: The Merchants' Capital of Early Modern Japan, p. 229
  13. ^ Shavit, David. (1990). The United States in Asia: A Historical Dictionary, p. 354
  14. ^ McClain, James L. and Osamu, Wakita. (1999). Osaka: The Merchants' Capital of Early Modern Japan, p. 227-228
  15. ^ Cunningham, Mark E. and Zwier, Lawrence J. (2009). The End of the Shoguns and the Birth of Modern Japan, p. 273
  16. ^ Hauser, William B. (1974). Economic Institutional Change in Tokugawa Japan: Osaka and the Kinai Cotton Trade, p. 54
  17. ^ Cullen, L. M. (2003). A History of Japan, 1582-1941: Internal and External Worlds, p. 165
  18. ^ a b "Significant Earthquake Database", U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC)
  19. ^ Hall, John Whitney et al. (1991). Early Modern Japan, p. 21.
  20. ^ Smith, David. (1914). A History of Japanese Mathematics, pp. 267. , p. 267, at Google Books
  21. ^ Hayashi, Tsuruichi. (1907). "A Brief history of the Japanese Mathematics", Nieuw archief voor wiskunde ("New Archive of Mathematics"), p. 126., p. 126, at Google Books


  • "The Japanese Calendar", National Diet Library—historical overview plus illustrative images from library's collection

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