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User:RM395/Course/Edit wars

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Edit War Assignment



  1. Find edit war
  2. Stake claim to the article
  3. Create a subpage here with the name of the article in question (this is where you can work on and submit the assignment)
    • If multiple people are working on the same page, make sure to add all Wikipedia usernames to that page
    • if your topic is Dog, create User:RM395/Course/Edit wars/Dog
    • as you do this, please also add a link to the bottom of this page
  4. Write a narrative description of the edit war as though you were writing for a magazine (Wired, Time, Newsweek, New Yorker, etc.). You can choose to focus on the entertainment value of the edit war, a commentary on the civility or quality of Wikipedia, some political aspect of the differing perspectives, lessons we can take away, things you wouldn't have guessed about what people think, surprising things about Wikipedia, etc.

List of Edit Wars
