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Слава Україні!

Articles/Sections published to Wikipedia


Projects from last term:



Final projects

Final presentations
Week 10, July 7 Week 11, July 14 Week 12, July 21 Week 13, July 28
--- IhavealotofFunSocks Tigermaüschen Round Table
SpotterZone ‪OatmilkIsBae Thecatsmeow2626
LowkeyDumb TheBigLiBowski Narvwa
OkiDoki98 RandomGal15 shibainu2
BeatlesGirl99 CrazyPineappleLady
Feesus Uniqueguacamole
  • Each presenter should show us their project for between 6 and 10 minutes
  • The entire group will then have between 5 and 9 minutes to ask questions
  • In your presentation, lay out the process of translating and anwer questions that came up during translating (technical questions as well, e.g. communication with other Wikipedians); defintely point out any and all translation difficulties, challenges or insights
  • Each of you should have translated a text of at least ~300 WTT
  • Everyone will need to use (and turn in) a PowerPoint presentation /a PDF/ etc.



Please put the most recent at the top.

Weeks 6-8


Weeks 2-7





  • Translate your text with your group
  • Proofread ALL the other text
  • Put the text back together again when you're done.
  • Add links, if you haven't already
  • Add any new, difficult, challenging, interesting vocab, phrasing, etc. to our glossary
  • Consider putting your text onto Wikipedia! If you get a response, bring it to class!
  • Continue to clean up our "articles to translate" if possible: Include wtt, make notes on potential difficulties, separate G to E from E to G, etc.
  • Add any new articles to translate as you find them
  • In our in-person session, each group will tell us about their project
  • Then you will pick your penultimate text to translate (in groups of 2)
  • Don't forget that you'll be showing us your final projects starting from July 7! See the table above.


Next week is a holiday. Groups of 3-4, texts of ca. 800 wtt

  • Translate your piece of the article in your new group by June 2
  • Proofread someone else's piece (in your new group)
  • Put the text "back together" again, into a coherent whole
  • Add any new, difficult, challenging, interesting vocab to our glossary
  • Consider putting your text onto Wikipedia!
  • Continue to clean up our "articles to translate" if possible: Include wtt, make notes on potential difficulties, separate G to E from E to G, etc.
  • Add any new articles to translate as you find them


For next week:

  • Translate your piece of the article
  • Proofread someone else's piece
  • Put the text "back together" again, into a coherent whole
  • Add any new, difficult, challenging, interesting vocab to our glossary
  • Add any answers, guidelines, rules-of-thumb we talked about to our glossary
  • Clean up our "articles to translate" if possible: Include wtt, make notes on potential difficulties, separate G to E from E to G, etc.

From now on:

  • translate 100 words per week and person
  • proofread 100 words someone else has translated


  • Make at least 3 doable suggestions (Mr. W prefers 5) to translate
  • Type in the WTT (words to translate)
  • Is there an english article at all or is it a simple expansion?
  • Go to list of links - Our Glossary (start creating glosses)
  • See previous semesters for further info
  • Make at least 2 contributions to the glossary


  • Set up your own user account
  • Link it to this page - if possible
  • Take a look at the work of past semesters
  • Take a look at the article on Music (in different languages, compare, focus on introductory paragraphs)
  • Find another, similarly "universal" topic to take a look at (different languages, notice differences, take a few notes)
  • If possible: put suggestions for articles for us to translate on our class-page
  • In general: edit this page :)
  • Put something on your userpage (picture, poem, link) and be ready to show in class next week
  • Explore Wikipedia!
  • Be prepared to talk about all of the above next week.

Translation Suggestions


Articles needing translation from German Wikipedia

German to English


English to German
