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The Future of Reading Research
Reading Research into the Year 2000, eds. Anne P. Sweet, and Judith I. Anderson, pp. 17-36.
Mosaic Web Browser
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (NCSA-UIUC)
Essays in Quasi-realism
Post-capitalist Society
HarperBusiness, New York, 1993.
  • ``The change in the meaning of knowledge that began two hundred fifty years ago has transformed society and economy. Formal knowledge is seen as both the key personal and the key economic resource. [...] [K]nowledge proves itself in action. What we now mean by knowledge is information effective in action, information focused on results. [...] The actual products of the pharmaceutical industry is knowledge; pill and prescription ointment are no more than packaging for knowledge.`` (p.42)
    • Cited by Tefko Saracevic (1999). "Information Science." Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 50 (12), 1051-1063. pdf
The Structure of Intelligence: A New Mathematical Model of Mind
The Evolving Mind
Gordon and Breach
Chaotic Logic: Language, Thought and Reality From the Perspective of Complex Systems Science
Plenum Press, 1994
Linus Pauling: A Life in Science and Politics
Basic Books, 1995 (written with his father Ted Goertzel)
From Complexity to Creativity
Plenum Press, 1997
The Principia Cybernetica Project: Placing the Web at the Center of Man's Quest for Knowledge, 2000 [1]

William Harrison and Harold Ossher

Subject-Oriented Programming - A Critique of Pure Objects
Proceedings of 1993 Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications, September 1993.
Electronic Networking for Philosophical Development in the Principia Cybernetica Project
Informatica (Slovenia) 17(3): (with Cliff Joslyn 1993)
at University College London
The Language of the Genes
HarperCollins, ISBN 0-00-255020-2
  • The title of the book is partly the result of Jones' regular use of a metaphor of nucleotides as letters, codons as words and genes as sentences, but also reflecting Jones' short explanation of language's role in human evolution.
Origins of Order: Self-Organization and Selection in Evolution
Oxford University Press, Technical monograph.
Seeking Meaning: A Process Approach to Library and Information Services
Ablex Publishing Corp., 1993
The Evolution of Cognitive Maps: New Paradigms for the Twenty-first Century
Ervin Laszlo, Ignazio Masulli, Robert Artigiani and Vilmos Csanyi (eds.)
Notes on Formalizing Context
In: IJCAI, 555-562 [2]
  • ``These notes contain some of the reasoning behind the proposals of [McCarthy, 1987] to introduce contexts as formal objects. The present proposals are incomplete and tentative. In particular the formulas are not what we will eventually want, and I will feel free to use formulas in discussions of different applications that aren't always compatible with each other. [While I dithered, R.V. Guha wrote his dissertation.]`` (Opening passage)
  • cf. R. V. Guha (1991) Contexts: A Formalization and Some Applications (Stanford PhD Thesis)
  • cf. Y. Shoham (1991) "Varieties of Context," in: Artificial Intelligence and Mathematical Theories of Computation, Academic Press, San Diego and London
  • cf. Herbert A. Simon (1991) Literary Criticism: A Cognitive Approach
  • cf. John McCarthy (1987). "Generality in Artificial Intelligence," Communications of the ACM, Vol. 30, No. 12, pp. 1030-1035. Also in ACM Turing Award Lectures, The First Twenty Years, ACM Press
  • cf. John McCarthy (1979a). "Ascribing Mental Qualities to Machines," in: Philosophical Perspectives in Artificial Intelligence, Ringle, Martin (ed.), Harvester Press, July 1979.
Interactions of Actors: Theory and Some Applications
Gordon Pask and Gerard de Zeeuw Volume 1: Outline and Overview (Drast Last edit April 1993 Still unpublished)
  • Nick Green (2004) "Axioms from Interactions of Actors Theory," Kybernetes, vol. 33, no. 9/10 (PDF)
Some Schemes for Restructuring and Mobilising Information in Documents: A Historical Perspective
Information Processing and Management, 30: 163-175
The Emerging Worldwide Electronic University: Information Age Global Higher Education
Westport CT: Praeger. amazon.com
  • Parker Rossman (1987). "The Coming Great Electronic Encyclopedia." Education Digest, December, pp. 64-66.
  • See also: Parker Rossman (2002)
An Approach to Political Philosophy: Locke in Contexts
Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521436389, ISBN 9780521436380. Google Preview
World Brain: H. G. Wells on the Future of World Education
Adamantine Classics for the 21st Century. (New edition)


  1. ^ http://people.opera.com/howcome/2006/phd/archive/lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-xsl-fo/2002Oct/0076.html
  2. ^ Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical investigations, tr. G. E. M. Anscombe (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1988), section 127.
  3. ^ See James Tully, 'Wittgenstein and political philosophy', Political theory 17, 2 (May 1989), 172-204, and the methodological writings of Quentin Skinner, to which I am greatly indebted, in Meaning and context: Quentin Skinner and his critics, ed. James Tully (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1988).