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Book 1


Hexagram 1 is named 乾 (qián), "Force". Other variations include "the creative", "strong action", "the key", and "god". Its inner (lower) trigram is ☰ (乾 qián) force = () heaven, and its outer (upper) trigram is the same.

Call Number NA 6665 M12
Class Laparella
Orientation Portrait
Cover Single
Pages Continuous

Book 2


Hexagram 2 is named 坤 (kūn), "Field". Other variations include "the receptive", "acquiescence", and "the flow". Its inner trigram is ☷ (坤 kūn) field = () earth, and its outer trigram is identical.

Call Number NA 6665 M11
Class Laparella
Orientation Portrait
Cover Single
Pages Continuous

Book 3


Hexagram 3 is named 屯 (zhūn), "Sprouting". Other variations include "difficulty at the beginning", "gathering support", and "hoarding". Its inner trigram is ☳ (震 zhèn) shake = () thunder, and its outer trigram is ☵ (坎 kǎn) gorge = () water.

Call Number NA 6665 M14
Class Laparella
Orientation Portrait
Cover Single
Pages Continuous

Book 4


Hexagram 4 is named 蒙 (méng), "Enveloping". Other variations include "youthful folly", "the young shoot", and "discovering". Its inner trigram is ☵ (坎 kǎn) gorge = () water. Its outer trigram is ☶ (艮 gèn) bound = () mountain.

Call Number NA 6665 M13
Class Laparella
Orientation Portrait
Cover Single
Pages Continuous

Book 5


Hexagram 5 is named 需 (xū), "Attending". Other variations include "waiting", "moistened", and "arriving". Its inner trigram is ☰ (乾 qián) force = () heaven, and its outer trigram is ☵ (坎 kǎn) gorge = () water.

Call Number NA 6665 M21
Class Laparella
Orientation Portrait
Cover Single
Pages Continuous

Book 6


Hexagram 6 is named 訟 (sòng), "Arguing". Other variations include "conflict" and "lawsuit". Its inner trigram is ☵ (坎 kǎn) gorge = () water, and its outer trigram is ☰ (乾 qián) force = () heaven.

Call Number NA 6665 M23
Class Laparella
Orientation Portrait
Cover Single
Pages Continuous

Book 7


Hexagram 7' is named 師 (shī), "Leading". Other variations include "the army" and "the troops". Its inner trigram is ☵ (坎 kǎn) gorge = () water, and its outer trigram is ☷ (坤 kūn) field = () earth.

Call Number NA 6665 M22
Class Laparella
Orientation Portrait
Cover Single
Pages Continuous

Book 8


Hexagram 8 is named 比 (bǐ), "Grouping". Other variations include "holding together" and "alliance". Its inner trigram is ☷ (坤 kūn) field = () earth, and its outer trigram is ☵ (坎 kǎn) gorge = () water.

Call Number NA 6665 M24
Class Laparella
Orientation Portrait
Cover Single
Pages Continuous

Book 9


Hexagram 9 is named 小畜 (xiǎo chù), "Small Accumulating". Other variations include "the taming power of the small" and "small harvest". Its inner trigram is ☰ (乾 qián) force = () heaven, and its outer trigram is ☴ (巽 xùn) ground = () wind.

Call Number NA 6665 M31
Class Laparella
Orientation Portrait
Cover Single
Pages Continuous

Book 10


Hexagram 10 is named 履 (lǚ), "Treading". Other variations include "treading (conduct)" and "continuing". Its inner trigram is ☱ (兌 duì) open = () swamp, and its outer trigram is ☰ (乾 qián) force = () heaven.

Call Number NA 6665 L0
Class Laparella
Orientation Portrait
Cover Single
Pages Continuous

Book 11


Hexagram 11' is named 泰 (tài), "Pervading". Other variations include "peace" and "greatness". Its inner trigram is ☰ (乾 qián) force = () heaven, and its outer trigram is ☷ (坤 kūn) field = () earth.

Call Number NA 6665 M332
Class Laparella
Orientation Portrait
Cover Single
Pages Continuous

Book 12


Hexagram 12 is named 否 (pǐ), "Obstruction". Other variations include "standstill (stagnation)" and "selfish persons". Its inner trigram is ☷ (坤 kūn) field = () earth, and its outer trigram is ☰ (乾 qián) force = () heaven. Elie believes Book 12 to be the original book.

Call Number NA 6665 M331
Class Laparella
Orientation Portrait
Cover Single
Pages Continuous

Book 13


Hexagram 13 is named 同人 (tóng rén), "Concording People". Other variations include "fellowship with men" and "gathering men". Its inner trigram is ☲ (離 lí) radiance = () fire, and its outer trigram is ☰ (乾 qián) force = () heaven.

Call Number NA 6665 L12
Class Laparella
Orientation Portrait
Cover Single
Pages Continuous

Book 14


Hexagram 14 is named 大有 (dà yǒu), "Great Possessing". Other variations include "possession in great measure" and "the great possession". Its inner trigram is ☰ (乾 qián) force = () heaven, and its outer trigram is ☲ (離 lí) radiance = () fire. Brad believes Book 14 to be the format of the original book.

Call Number NA 6665 L11
Class Laparella
Orientation Portrait
Cover Single
Pages Continuous

Book 15


Hexagram 15 is named 謙 (qiān), "Humbling". Other variations include "modesty". Its inner trigram is ☶ (艮 gèn) bound = () mountain and its outer trigram is ☷ (坤 kūn) field = () earth.

Call Number NA 6665 L02
Class Laparella
Orientation Portrait
Cover Single
Pages Continuous

Book 16


Hexagram 16 is named 豫 (yù), "Providing-For". Other variations include "enthusiasm" and "excess". Its inner trigram is ☷ (坤 kūn) field = () earth, and its outer trigram is ☳ (震 zhèn) shake = () thunder.

Call Number NA 6665 M32
Class Laparella
Orientation Portrait
Cover Single
Pages Continuous

Book 17


Hexagram 17 is named 隨 (suí), "Following". Its inner trigram is ☳ (震 zhèn) shake = () thunder, and its outer trigram is ☱ (兌 duì) open = () swamp.

Call Number NA 6665 L01
Class Laparella
Orientation Portrait
Cover Single
Pages Continuous

Book 18


Hexagram 18 is named '蠱' (gŭ), "Correcting". Other variations include "work on what has been spoiled (decay)", decaying and "branch". Its inner trigram is ☴ (巽 xùn) ground = () wind, and its outer trigram is ☶ (艮 gèn) bound = () mountain. Gu is the name of a venom-based poison traditionally used in Chinese witchcraft.

Call Number NA 6665 L03
Class Laparella
Orientation Portrait
Cover Single
Pages Continuous

Book 19


Hexagram 19 is named 臨 (lín), "Nearing". Other variations include "approach" and "the forest". Its inner trigram is ☱ (兌 duì) open = (澤) swamp, and its outer trigram is ☷ (坤 kūn) field = (地) earth. Daniel believes Book 19 to be the original book.

Call Number NA 6665 L202
Class Laparella
Orientation Portrait
Cover Single
Pages Continuous

Book 20


Hexagram 20 is named 觀 (guān), "Viewing". Other variations include "contemplation (view)" and "looking up". Its inner trigram is ☷ (坤 kūn) field = () earth, and its outer trigram is ☴ (巽 xùn) ground = () wind. Anders believes Book 20 to be the format of the original book.

Call Number NA 6665 L201
Class Laparella
Orientation Portrait
Cover Single
Pages Continuous

Book 21


Hexagram 21 is named 噬嗑 (shì kè), "Gnawing Bite". Other variations include "biting through" and "biting and chewing". Its inner trigram is ☳ (震 zhèn) shake = () thunder, and its outer trigram is ☲ (離 lí) radiance = () fire.

Call Number NA 6665 L211
Class Laparella
Orientation Portrait
Cover Single
Pages Continuous

Book 22


Hexagram 22 is named 賁 (bì), "Adorning". Other variations include "grace" and "luxuriance". Its inner trigram is ☲ (離 lí) radiance = (火) fire, and its outer trigram is ☶ (艮 gèn) bound = (山) mountain.

Call Number NA 6665 L212
Class Laparella
Orientation Portrait
Cover Single
Pages Continuous

Book 23


Hexagram 24 is named 剝 (bō), "Stripping". Other variations include "splitting apart" and "flaying". Its inner trigram is ☷ (坤 kūn) field = (地) earth, and its outer trigram is ☶ (艮 gèn) bound = (山) mountain.

Call Number NA 6665 L213
Class Laparella
Orientation Portrait
Cover Single
Pages Continuous

Book 24


Hexagram 24 is named 復 (fù), "Returning". Other variations include "return (the turning point)". Its inner trigram is ☳ (震 zhèn) shake = () thunder, and its outer trigram is ☷ (坤 kūn) field = () earth.

Call Number NA 6665 L22
Class Laparella
Orientation Portrait
Cover Single
Pages Continuous

Book 25


Hexagram 25 is named 無妄 (wú wàng), "Without Embroiling". Other variations include "innocence (the unexpected)" and "pestilence". Its inner trigram is ☳ (震 zhèn) shake = () thunder, and its outer trigram is ☰ (乾 qián) force = () heaven. Yoon believes Book 25 to be the original book.

Call Number NA 6665 L10
Class Laparella
Orientation Portrait
Cover Single
Pages Continuous

Book 26


Hexagram 26 is named 大畜 (dà chù), "Great Accumulating". Other variations include "the taming power of the great", "great storage", and "potential energy." Its inner trigram is ☰ (乾 qián) force = (天) heaven, and its outer trigram is ☶ (艮 gèn) bound = (山) mountain.

Call Number NA 6665 L03
Class Laparella
Orientation Portrait
Cover Single
Pages Continuous

Book 27


Hexagram 27 is named 頤 (yí), "Swallowing". Other variations include "the corners of the mouth (providing nourishment)", "jaws" and "comfort/security". Its inner trigram is ☳ (震 zhèn) shake = () thunder, and its outer trigram is ☶ (艮 gèn) bound = (山) mountain. Stephanie believes that Book 27 is the format of the original book.

Call Number NA 6665 M42
Class Laparella
Orientation Portrait
Cover Single
Pages Continuous

Book 28


Hexagram 28 is named 大過 (dà guò), "Great Exceeding". Other variations include "preponderance of the great", "great surpassing" and "critical mass." Its inner trigram is ☴ (巽 xùn) ground = (風) wind, and its outer trigram is ☱ (兌 duì) open = (澤) swamp. Justin believes that Book 28 is the format of the original book.

Call Number NA 6665 M412
Class Laparella
Orientation Portrait
Cover Single
Pages Continuous

Book 29


Hexagram 29 is named 坎 (kǎn), "Gorge". Other variations include "the abyss" (in the oceanographic sense) and "repeated entrapment". Its inner trigram is ☵ (坎 kǎn) gorge = (水) water, and its outer trigram is identical.

Call Number NA 6665 O0
Class Other
Orientation Portrait
Cover Single
Pages Continuous

Book 30


Hexagram 30 is named 離 (lí), "Radiance". Other variations include "the clinging, fire" and "the net". Its inner trigram is ☲ (離 lí) radiance = (火) fire, and its outer trigram is identical. The origin of the character has its roots in symbols of long-tailed birds such as the peacock or the legendary phoenix.

Call Number NA 6665 O12
Class Other
Orientation Portrait
Cover Single
Pages Continuous

Book 31


Hexagram 31 is named 咸 (xián), "Conjoining". Other variations include "influence (wooing)" and "feelings". Its inner trigram is ☶ (艮 gèn) bound = (山) mountain, and its outer trigram is ☱ (兌 duì) open = (澤) swamp.

Call Number NA 6665 O11
Class Other
Orientation Portrait
Cover Single
Pages Continuous

Book 32


Hexagram 32 is named 恆 (héng), "Persevering". Other variations include "duration" and "constancy". Its inner trigram is ☴ (巽 xùn) ground = () wind, and its outer trigram is ☳ (震 zhèn) shake = () thunder.

Call Number NA 6665 L101
Class Laparella
Orientation Portrait
Cover Single
Pages Continuous

Book 33


Hexagram 33 is named 遯 (dùn), "Retiring". Other variations include "retreat" and "yielding". Its inner trigram is ☶ (艮 gèn) bound = (山) mountain, and its outer trigram is ☰ (乾 qián) force = (天) heaven.

Call Number NA 6665 L102
Class Laparella
Orientation Landscape
Cover Single
Pages Continuous

Book 34


Hexagram 34 is named 大壯 (dà zhuàng), "Great Invigorating". Other variations include "the power of the great" and "great maturity". Its inner trigram is ☰ (乾 qián) force = (天) heaven, and its outer trigram is ☳ (震 zhèn) shake = (雷) thunder.

Call Number NA 6665 B1
Class Book
Orientation Portrait
Cover Single
Pages Leaflet

Book 35


Hexagram 35 is named 晉 (jìn), "Prospering". Other variations include "progress" and "aquas". Its inner trigram is ☷ (坤 kūn) field = (地) earth, and its outer trigram is ☲ (離 lí) radiance = (火) fire.

Call Number NA 6665 B11
Class Book
Orientation Portrait
Cover Composite
Pages Leaflet

Book 36


Hexagram 36 is named 明夷 (míng yí), “Darkening of the Light.” Other variations are "brilliance injured" and "intelligence hidden". Its inner trigram is ☲ (離 lí) radiance = (火) fire, and its outer trigram is ☷ (坤 kūn) field = (地) earth.

Call Number NA 6665 B12
Class Book
Orientation Portrait
Cover Composite
Pages Leaflet

Book 37


Hexagram 37 is named 家人 (jiā rén), "Dwelling People". Other variations include "the family (the clan)" and "family members". Its inner trigram is ☲ (離 lí) radiance = (火) fire, and its outer trigram is ☴ (巽 xùn) ground = (風) wind.

Call Number NA 6665 B13
Class Book
Orientation Portrait
Cover Single
Pages Leaflet

Book 38


Hexagram 38 is named 睽 (kuí), "Polarising". Other variations include "opposition" and "perversion". Its inner trigram is ☱ (兌 duì) open = (澤) swamp, and its outer trigram is ☲ (離 lí) radiance = (火) fire.

Call Number NA 6665 B131
Class Book
Orientation Portrait
Cover Double
Pages Leaflet

Book 39


Hexagram 39 is named 蹇 (jiǎn), "Limping". Other variations include "obstruction" and "afoot". Its inner trigram is ☶ (艮 gèn) bound = (山) mountain, and its outer trigram is ☵ (坎 kǎn) gorge = (水) water.

Call Number NA 6665 B14
Class Book
Orientation Portrait
Cover Double
Pages Leaflet

Book 40


Hexagram 40 is named 解 (xiè), "Taking-Apart". Other variations include "deliverance" and "untangled". Its inner trigram is ☵ (坎 kǎn) gorge = () water, and its outer trigram is ☳ (震 zhèn) shake = () thunder.

Call Number NA 6665 B141
Class Book
Orientation Portrait
Cover Double
Pages Leaflet

Book 41


Hexagram 41 is named 損 (sǔn), "Diminishing". Other variations include "decrease". Its inner trigram is ☱ (兌 duì) open = (澤) swamp, and its outer trigram is ☶ (艮 gèn) bound = (山) mountain.

Call Number NA 6665 B15
Class Book
Orientation Portrait
Cover Double
Pages Leaflet

Book 42


Hexagram 42 is named 益 (yì), "Augmenting". Other variations include "increase". Its inner trigram is ☳ (震 zhèn) shake = () thunder, and its outer trigram is ☴ (巽 xùn) ground = () wind.

Call Number NA 6665 B151
Class Book
Orientation Portrait
Cover Both
Pages Leaflet

Book 43


Hexagram 43 is named 夬 (guài), "Displacement" Other variations include "resoluteness", "parting", and "break-through". Its inner trigram is ☰ (乾 qián) force = (天) heaven, and its outer trigram is ☱ (兌 duì) open = (澤) swamp.

Call Number NA 6665 B2
Class Book
Orientation Landscape
Cover Single
Pages Leaflet

Book 44


Hexagram 44 is named 姤 (gòu), "Coupling". Other variations include "coming to meet" and "meeting". Its inner trigram is ☴ (巽 xùn) ground = (風) wind, and its outer trigram is ☰ (乾 qián) force = (天) heaven.

Call Number NA 6665 B21
Class Book
Orientation Landscape
Cover Composite
Pages Leaflet

Book 45


Hexagram 45 is named 萃 (cuì), "Clustering". Other variations include "gathering together (massing)" and "finished". Its inner trigram is ☷ (坤 kūn) field = (地) earth, and its outer trigram is ☱ (兌 duì) open = (澤) swamp.

Call Number NA 6665 B23
Class Book
Orientation Landscape
Cover Single
Pages Leaflet

Book 46


Hexagram 46 is named 升 (shēng), "Ascending". Other variations include "pushing upward". Its inner trigram is ☴ (巽 xùn) ground = (風) wind, and its outer trigram is ☷ (坤 kūn) field = (地) earth.

Call Number NA 6665 B231
Class Book
Orientation Landscape
Cover Double
Pages Leaflet

Book 47


Hexagram 47 is named 困 (kùn), "Confining". Other variations include "oppression (exhaustion)" and "entangled". Its inner trigram is ☵ (坎 kǎn) gorge = (水) water, and its outer trigram is ☱ (兌 duì) open = (澤) swamp.

Call Number NA 6665 B24
Class Book
Orientation Landscape
Cover Double
Pages Leaflet

Book 48


Hexagram 48 is named 井 (jǐng), "Welling". Other variations include "the well". Its inner trigram is ☴ (巽 xùn) ground = (風) wind, and its outer trigram is ☵ (坎 kǎn) gorge = (水) water.

Call Number NA 6665 B241
Class Book
Orientation Landscape
Cover Double
Pages Leaflet

Book 49


Hexagram 49 is named 革 (gé), "Skinning". Other variations including "revolution (molting)" and "the bridle". Its inner trigram is ☲ (離 lí) radiance = (火) fire, and its outer trigram is ☱ (兌 duì) open = (澤) swamp.

Call Number NA 6665 B25
Class Book
Orientation Landscape
Cover Double
Pages Leaflet

Book 50


Hexagram 50 is named 鼎 (dǐng), "Holding". Other variations include "the cauldron". Its inner trigram is ☴ (巽 xùn) ground = (風) wind, and its outer trigram is ☲ (離 lí) radiance = (火) fire.

Call Number NA 6665 B251
Class Book
Orientation Landscape
Cover Double
Pages Leaflet

Book 51


Hexagram 51 is named 震 (zhèn), "Shake". Other variations include "the arousing (shock, thunder)" and "thunder". Both its inner and outer trigrams are ☳ (震 zhèn) shake = () thunder.

Call Number NA 6665 B02
Class Book
Orientation Both
Cover Composite
Pages Leaflet

Book 52


Hexagram 52 is named 艮 (gèn), "Bound". Other variations include "keeping still, mountain" and "stilling". Both its inner and outer trigrams are ☶ (艮 gèn) bound = (山) mountain.

Call Number NA 6665 B05
Class Book
Orientation Both
Cover Double
Pages Leaflet

Book 53


Hexagram 53 is named 漸 (jiàn), "Infiltrating". Other variations include "development (gradual progress)" and "advancement". Its inner trigram is ☶ (艮 gèn) bound = (山) mountain, and its outer trigram is ☴ (巽 xùn) ground = (風) wind.

Call Number NA 6665 B051
Class Book
Orientation Both
Cover Double
Pages Leaflet

Book 54


Hexagram 54 is named 歸妹 (guī mèi), "Converting the Maiden". Other variations include "the marrying maiden" and "returning maiden". Its inner trigram is ☱ (兌 duì) open = (澤) swamp, and its outer trigram is ☳ (震 zhèn) shake = () thunder.

Call Number NA 6665 B052
Class Book
Orientation Both
Cover Double
Pages Leaflet

Book 59


Hexagram 59 is named 渙 (huàn), "Dispersing". Other variations include "dispersion (dissolution)" and "dispersal". Its inner trigram is ☵ (坎 kǎn) gorge = (水) water, and its outer trigram is ☴ (巽 xùn) ground = (風) wind.

Call Number NA 6665 L1
Class Card
Orientation Portrait
Cover Single
Pages Loose

Book 60


Hexagram 60 is named 節 (jié), "Articulating". Other variations include "limitation" and "moderation". Its inner trigram is ☱ (兌 duì) open = (澤) swamp, and its outer trigram is ☵ (坎 kǎn) gorge = (水) water.

Call Number NA 6665 L1
Class Card
Orientation Landscape
Cover Single
Pages Loose

Book 61


Hexagram 61 is named 中孚 (zhōng fú), "Center Returning". Other variations include "inner truth" and "central return". Its inner trigram is ☱ (兌 duì) open = () swamp, and its outer trigram is ☴ (巽 xùn) ground = () wind.

Call Number NA 6665 C1
Class Catalog
Orientation Neither
Cover Single
Pages Loose

Book 62


Hexagram 62 is named 小過 (xiǎo guò), "Small Exceeding". Other variations include "preponderance of the small" and "small surpassing". Its inner trigram is ☶ (艮 gèn) bound = () mountain, and its outer trigram is ☳ (震 zhèn) shake = () thunder.

Call Number NA 6665 C2
Class Catalog
Orientation Neither
Cover Single
Pages Loose

Book 63


Hexagram 63 is named 既濟 (jì jì), "Already Fording". Other variations include "after completion" and "already completed" or "already done" . Its inner trigram is ☲ (離 lí) radiance = () fire, and its outer trigram is ☵ (坎 kǎn) gorge = () water.

Call Number NA 6665 C0
Class Catalog
Orientation Neither
Cover Single
Pages Loose

Book 64


Hexagram 64 is named 未濟 (wèi jì), "Not Yet Fording". Other variations include "before completion" and "not yet completed". Its inner trigram is ☵ (坎 kǎn) gorge = () water, and its outer trigram is ☲ (離 lí) radiance = () fire.

Call Number NA 6665 I0
Class Catalog
Orientation Neither
Cover Single
Pages Loose


Notebook Relationship Diagrams