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I'm afraid I'm going to be taking a Wikibreak. This isn't because I'm having problems with Wikipedia or its users. I just have too much to do in the real world and not enough time to do it. Hopefully I'll be back soon, but I'm not expecting to return for several weeks. If you need to contact me, your best bet would be my GSU talk page (that place is a lot smaller so I'll still be hanging around there). Just make sure it's important. Until then, TTFN.

Hmm, where to start? Well, I can't think of much to say, really. I'm one of the more recent users over at Golden Sun Universe. If you want to know more about me, check out my user page there (I'm too lazy right now to even copy and paste it). I didn't plan on making an account here too, but I've been making little edits here and there so I figured "Why not?" I don't really have anything else to say right now, but if I think of anything I'll add it.

Here's a sub-page of mine so you can see things I'm working on, but mostly it's a place for me to work on stuff. Still, you can take a look, just don't steal anything. After all, I can prove that I came up with an idea before you did. Remember the page history?

Brawl Characters[edit]

In order to pass the time before Super Smash Bros. Brawl comes out, I figured I'd show you a list of characters that I hope will appear in Brawl. I'm not sure why I'm actually doing this, but I figured it wouldn't hurt. Any Assist Trophy and Boss characters only apply if their Playable Character counterparts appear. I'll cross off characters as they are confirmed. Any leftovers will stick around for a SSB4 list.

I'll update the list as ideas come to mind.

  • Playable Characters
    • Returning Characters
      • Luigi - Hopefully this time he'll have more original moves, like the Poltergust or his Thunderhand from Superstar Saga.
      • Jigglypuff - These guys have been around since the first game. What more can I say?
      • Captain Falcon - Now that Sonic's here, he isn't the fastest character. He can still kick butt, though.
      • Ness - I know Lucas has joined the Brawl, but that doesn't necessarily mean Ness is out of the picture. I mean, for all we know, the two of them could have completely different moves.
      • Sheik - Zelda was my second favorite Melee character (my first being Kirby) simply because she was two characters in one. (I can't wait to take the Pokemon Trainer for a spin though.)
      • Ganondorf - Hopefully this time his special moves will be different than Captain Falcon's. Oh, and his Final Smash should be a transformation into Ganon
      • Young Link - He needs a complete makeover, but he's worth keeping. Maybe he'll turn into "Four Sword Link" (think "Ice Climbers times two") or bring his transformation masks from Majora's Mask (transformations would be done Zelda/Pokemon Trainer style). If the mask idea is used, his Final Smash should be the Fierce Diety's mask.
      • Roy - Same as Marth. I mean, how different can Ike be? Marth was kept even with the inclusion of Ike, so I hope Roy is still around too (although three characters with such similar styles does seem like overkill).
      • Mr. Game and Watch - I like his moves. They're just plain goofy-looking.
    • Mario and Luigi - Whether or not Luigi is still a stand-alone character, I think this would be a good idea. Remember Superstar Saga and Partners in Time? That's where the idea came from. But they wouldn't be cheap copies of Mario and Luigi (that was the mistake they made with Dr. Mario). They would work like the Ice Climbers, and their special attacks and Final Smash would be Bros. Attacks and Bros. Items. (I can see it now: Red Team is Mario and Luigi, Blue Team is Mario and Luigi.) This character did not make it into Brawl (yet). I'm just dumping it in favor of the next one:
      • Baby Mario and Baby Luigi - The original idea was Mario and Luigi from Superstar Saga and Partners in Time as an Ice Climbers-esque team. Not long afterwards I realized that the baby versions of the Mario Bros. would work better. After all, the baby versions would naturally be weaker, and so they'd almost have to team up to keep up with the other characters. It also makes it easier to integrate them into The Subspace Emmisary. Aside from that this isn't any different than my adult bros. idea: special attacks and Final Smash would be Bros. Attacks and Bros. Items.
    • Paper Mario - Dr. Mario was a lame idea. His attacks were just tweaks of the normal Mario's attacks (or at least the special attacks). Paper Mario, however, has infinitely more potential. Think about all his partners, his paper moves from The Thousand-Year Door, and all his special moves granted by the Star Spirits and the Crystal Stars. Oh yeah, Paper Mario would be a very unique character (as well as the lightest...).
    • Mega Man - Preferably the Battle Network incarnation, but that's mostly because that's where most of my Mega Man experience comes from. At any rate, I'm sure lots of people would want to see Mega Man in SSB, and there still might be one slot left for third-party characters. (Mega Man's a third-party character, right?)
    • Isaac - I can't help it. I love Golden Sun. Personally, I like to think that he would get the Zelda/Pokemon Trainer treatment: One of his special moves would switch to Garet, then Ivan, then Mia, then back to Isaac. Even if that doesn't happen, I'd love to see Golden Sun get into the SSB series. Oh, and his/their Final Smash(es) would be Judgment (and Meteor, Thor, and Boreas). Sadly, he's only an Assist Trophy, not a playable character. Oh well, it's better than nothing. ^o^
    • Sora - He may have only appeared in one Nintendo game so far, but that's enough to get him into SSBB. The problem now is that I think he's a third-party character, and he doesn't stand a chance against Mega Man. Oh well, I'd still like him to be playable.
    • Banjo and Kazooie - I know that their next game isn't for a Nintendo system, but this is where they started for crying out loud. Besides, last time I checked, they're owned by the same people who own Donkey Kong. At any rate, this would be a great way to get them into shape for their long-awaited return (long-awaited by me, at least). Oh, and they wouldn't be separate characters or done Zelda or Ice Climbers style. Just a plain old character.
  • Assist Trophies
    • Any SSBM characters that are no longer playable, in particular:
      • Pichu - Okay, technically he'd come out of a Pokeball, not a trophy. Still, I don't think he should remain playable (he's just a weak, self-damaging Pikachu).
      • Marth - With the arrival of Ike, I doubt Marth will remain playable. I don't know what I was thinking. After all, I used the exact opposite logic to justify keeping Ness
      • Dr. Mario - (shudders) My opinion: Dr. Mario's even worse than Pichu (compared to their respective counterparts, that is).
    • Dullahan - The single strongest enemy in the Golden Sun universe. I never denied being a HUGE Golden Sun fan (in fact, I have no shame in admitting it). Now, "Formina Sage!"
    • Any Golden Sun summons, but Coatlicue in particular (she has healing powers). Charon and Iris would be pretty sweet, too, but kinda overkill.
    • Tails - I'd imagine he'd come in the Tornado or Cyclone (maybe both).
    • Knuckles - Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles are an inseperable team. If Tails shows up, Knuckles will probably follow suit. Maybe he'll bring the Master Emerald along with him?
    • Shadow - Two words: "Chaos...CONTROL!"
    • Riku - He's the "Shadow" to Sora's "Sonic".
    • Proto Man - Same analogy as Riku.
    • Roll - Just like in Battle Network: attack and heal.
    • Guts Man - A little brute strength here and there never hurts.
    • Mumbo Jumbo - No telling what spell he's gonna whip out next.
    • Mallow - Super Mario RPG was one of my first video games and is still one of my favorites.
    • Geno - Time to go not-so-old skool on the new guys.
    • Chibi-Robo - Everyone's favorite 6-inch-tall robot. He might not be any more than the Assist Trophy version of Magikarp, but I'd still like to see him.
  • Bosses
    • Master Hand and Crazy Hand - It's not like I don't think they'll show up. It's just that I want them to. I don't care if Classic Mode is still around or if they're the secret boss(es) of Adventure Mode, just so long as you can kick their gloves again.
    • Ridley - I don't know why everyone wants to play as him, but I do think that he'd make an excellent boss.
    • Metroid Prime and/or Dark Samus. - Metroid Prime isn't exactly a pushover, and Dark Samus would be like fighting Samus without a Zero Suit mode. On their own they might not seem as intimidating, but fighting them back to back...
    • Metal Sonic - Sure, Eggman could come up with another vehicle-robot to pilot, but he does that enough as it is. Instead, lets bring out someone a bit more persistant.
    • Perfect Chaos - What can I say? Monstrous bosses over ten times your size really give you a run for your money.
    • Smithy - Sure, he was a one-shot villain, but lots of my favorite villains are one-shots.
    • Majora - I liked Majora. He was a good villain. I like to imagine that the ultimate Legend of Zelda villain would be Ganon possesed by Majora.
    • Zant - Mostly because he's funny :)
    • Saturos and Menardi - The main antagonists from the first Golden Sun. They'd actually be separate bosses, but you'd fight them both at once. (It's Venus Lighthouse all over again! Felix, don't jump!) As for Agatio and Karst, well, they remind me of Pichu and Dr. Mario, so they'd better not show up...unless you fight all four Proxians at once (starts drooling).
    • Fusion Dragon or Doom Dragon - The final bosses from both Golden Sun games. (Do you get the idea that I like these games?) The Doom Dragon is obviously the stronger of the two, but the Fusion Dragon would work better with my previous boss idea.
    • Bass - I considered using one of the Battle Network final bosses, but I figured Bass was the strongest boss in Battle Network continuity. Besides, he exists in other Mega Man storylines, so he'd be a better choice than the LifeVirus or NebulaGrey.

Userboxes: Addictive little buggers, aren't they?[edit]

Then again, I don't know how to enter any (okay, I know how, but I don't know what to type to get whatever I want). Most of the ones I have right now I just copy-and-pasted from other places (I hope there isn't a problem with that).

Pi ≈ 3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41971 69399 37510 58209 74944 59230 78164 06286 20899 86280 34825 34211 70679 82148 08651 32823 06647 09384 46095 50582 23172 53594 08128 48111 74502 84102 70193 85211 05559 64462 29489 54930 38196 44288 10975 66593 34461 28475 64823 37867 83165 27120 19091 45648 56692 34603 86104 54326 64821 33936 07260 24914 12737 24587 00660 63155 81748 81520 92096 28292 54091 71536 43678 92590 36001 13305 30548 82046 65213 84146 95194 15116 09...
This user prefers the Wii & Xbox 360 over the PS3.
PSPThis user thinks that the PSP is just a cheap ripoff of a GBA.
This user prefers the Nintendo DS over the PlayStation Portable.
This user plays the Sonic the Hedgehog series.
*_*This user loves anime.
PepsiThis user prefers Pepsi over Coca-Cola.