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User:Henry W. Schmitt/Stupid

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The page is to list stupid things about Wikipedia. Because of the nature of Wikipedia.org and its users, I am not going to bother deleting them or petitioning for their deletion. Feel free to do this in your free-time, however.

Internet domination


Many articles have random Internet references thrown in. This is stupid and needs to be removed.

  • Article: D
For the emoticon :D, see Emoticon. (For technical reasons, :D takes you here.)
  • Article: )
For technical reasons, :) and some similar combinations starting with : redirect here. See emoticon.
  • Article: P
  • Article: /
Due to technical limitations, /. redirects here. You may be looking for Slashdot, the technology news web site.

Fanboy domination


No matter what, some things will never change on Wikipedia in part because of fanboys.

This page used to be located at Maddox (writer) but for some reason was moved. This is a rather common name and the Internet writer was moved to the main page similar to Jesus being located at that page.

Apple Computer fanboys

  • This goes without saying: I have no doubt there is an article about every single product Apple Computer has ever produced, including separate articles about parts of that product. These are likely impossible to be deleted because of all the Apple Computer fanboys on Wikipedia would object.
Stupid articles:

Opinión de VegitaU


People Making Lists about Stupid Things in Wikipedia



Too be continued...