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May, 20th, 2006; Homepage; LJ;
[edit]- PDF-full: Eventology. – Krasnoyarsk: Siberian Federal University. – 2007. – 435p. – ISBN 978–5–7638–0741–7.
- Eventology (book)
[edit]- Eventology versus contemporary theories of uncertainty; 18p., February 15, 2009
- Eventological theory of decision making for stock markets; 16p., 15 January 2009
- Eventology of random-fuzzy events; 58p., 27 February 2005
- Portfolio Analysis of Financial Market Risks by Random Set Tools; 23p., January 1999
- On a games theory of random coalitions and on a coalition imputation; 11p., August 2002
- On the New Notion of the Set-Expectation for a Random Set of Events; 15p. 27 april 2003
Eventology studies events. It is generated by unbearably easy observations: «matter and mind are only a convenient way of linking events together into a sequence» (Bertrand Russell, 1946; Vorob'ov, 2001), and «mind is appearing there and when, where and then an ability to make a probabilistic choice is arising» (Lefebvre, 2003); mathematical eventology is a Kolmogorov's axiomatics grounded new line of probability theory, which has already shown the efficiency in the mathematical description of uncertainty and the eventological background and improvement of the theory of fuzzy sets (Lotfi Zadeh, 1965), the theory of possibilities (Lotfi Zadeh, 1978), the theory of evidences (Dempster, Shafer, 1976), the prospect theory which united economics and psychology (Kahneman, Tversky, 1979, 1992), and also the theory of supply and demand («Marshall's cross»), the corner-stone of modern economics. Along with philosophical and mathematical issues on event and being eventology studies problems common to economics, sociology and psychology that have been thought over by everyone in the course of life. The book is intended for a wide circle of readers who are interested of eventology and its applications. The book is of peculiar interest for specialists who actively work in this new line and also for teachers, postgraduate students and students of universities who study mathematical modeling, artificial intelligence, probability theory, statistics and applications in humanities, sociological and natural sciences.
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In Russian: «Раньше я не понимал, почему не получаю ответа на свой вопрос, сегодня не понимаю, как мог я думать, что можно спрашивать. Но ведь я и не думал, я только спрашивал»
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