Submission rejected on 6 September 2024 by Ktkvtsh (talk). This topic is not sufficiently notable for inclusion in Wikipedia. Rejected by Ktkvtsh 3 months ago. Last edited by Ktkvtsh 3 months ago. |
Clarke pork pay is the new method! It is an upcoming payment method created in a small town in North Devon. It isn't precise where Clarke pork originated from but all we have gathered is that it'll be more successful than it's similar competitors john, Dequavious and Chong pork (not including freak pay as it is the main competitor of Clarke pay and further recognition could destroy the reputation of Clarke pay). Brain rot in 2024 society of the younger age (4-99) has impacted Clarke pork pay in an outstanding way. Usage of Clarke pay has increased by 100% in 2024. This is not exact but an average guess. Brain rot which has helped the most is "Ligma", an infectious disease similar to cooties, made up by children, jokes involving Clarke pork pay has included 'Clarke pork can ligma nuts' and more inappropriate places to lick, or in this case 'Ligma'. Furthermore, 'Gyat' is a second example, depicting a person with large buttocks, saying that 'Clarke pork has "Gyat"'. The decline and accept options emphasize the choices humans have on which porks do not. This shows the inequality between pork and people and makes the person being called by Clarke Pork realize the horrors of discrimination, mistreatment and over-eating of sausages and pork chops in the human public. To this day, people and pork do not live hand in hand on the streets of New York or the gatherings at parties. How do we make a change you ask? Use Clarke pork pay to pay your next bills or buy your next meal. Many shops accept Pork pay such as many restaurants in Missouri.