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User:Balloonman/CSD Survey/1.7

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Original Article


Blah Blah Creative is a Brisbne based Website and Multimedia development company. Founded in late 2008 by Keytone Directors Andrew Ward and Trevor Topfer, Blah Blah Creative is a member of the Keytone Group of companies. (NOTE: Blah Blah Creative is the real name of a company with its own website and some google hits.)

Nomination Criteria


A7 An article about a real person, an organization (e.g. band, club, company, etc., except schools), or web content that does not indicate why its subject is important or significant. This is distinct from verifiability and reliability of sources, and is a lower standard than notability. A7 applies only to articles about web content and to articles about people and organizations themselves, not to articles about their books, albums, software and so on. A7 does not apply to any article that makes any credible claim of significance or importance even if the claim is not supported by a reliable source. If the claim's credibility is unclear, you can improve the article yourself, propose deletion, or list the article at articles for deletion.

Deletion Options

Deletion Option
rationale Count Percent
Agree with rationale to speedy delete. 63 70.8
Disagree with rationale to speedy delete, but deletable by other criteria. 5 5.6
Disagree with rationale to speedy delete, but this is a case where IAR applies. 0 0
Disagree with speedy deletion (should be PRODDED, sent to AFD, or kept.) 21 23.6

Survey Comments

Deletion Option
Common rationale Count
  • I'd check and see if I could find some external. If there was something, maybe a couple of off-hand remarks, probably AFD it or maybe PROD. Otherwise leave it.
  • agree with rationale, assuming there is no better version in page history
  • Possibly merge/redirect to Keytone Group
  • I can't really see an assertion of significance here.
  • Incumbent on checking news for the company and Keytone to see if there is notability. Perfer to AfD company articles that aren't terrible marketing screed in case other editors might have better luck finding references/understanding context.
  • Or redirect to Keytone Group if article exists
  • Would do Google search to see some of the hits. If nothing persuasive, the A7 would be OK
  • tag it for cleanup and/or expansion, or PROD it at worst
  • OK. If sources are found that assert notability, allow recreation.
  • Most group/organization articles with the phrase "founded in [current year]" are obvious deletes, but it's worthwhile to cross-check before deleting.
  • No claim of notability claimed - only that it exists - wouldn't argue with A7 here
  • but depends on what the ghits say
  • FIRST I would research the company and try to add a credibility claim.
  • Possibly notable. Prod if no significant sources on Google.
  • No assertion of notability is made (being real and having Google hits doesn't cut it).

Balloonman's analysis


This is a clear case of A7. It makes zero claims to notability and the Keytone Group to which several people have suggested a redirect to, does not exist.