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User:Avrand6/sandbox/List of burial places and mummies of Egyptian Pharaohs

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Burial Places and Mummies of Egyptian Pharaohs


Old Kingdom

Name Image Burial Site Image Burial
Pyramid of Djoser, Saqqara
Buried Pyramid, Saqqara
Uncertain, possibly Mastaba K2 at Beit Khallaf, or an unifinished structure west of Djoser's Pyramid
Uncertain, likely the Layer Pyramid, Zawyet El Aryan
Uncertain, possibly Mastaba M17 at Meidum, Mastaba AS-54 at South Abusir, or the Layer Pyramid at Zawyet El Aryan associated with Khaba
Red Pyramid, Dahshur (Earlier attempts for Sneferu include the Collapsed Pyramid at Meidum and the Bent Pyramid at Dahshur)
Great Pyramid, Giza
Pyramid of Djedefre, Abu Rawash
Pyramid of Khafre, Giza
Uncertain, possibly the Unfinished Northern Pyramid at Zawyet El Aryan
Pyramid of Menkaure, Giza
Mastabat al-Fir'aun, Saqqara
Pyramid of Userkaf, Saqqara
Pyramid of Sahure, Abusir
Neferirkare Kakai
Pyramid of Neferirkare, Abusir
Pyramid of Neferefre, Abusir
Pyramid of North Abusir, Abusir
Nyuserre Ini
Pyramid of Nyuserre, Abusir
Menkauhor Kaiu
Headless Pyramid, Saqqara
Djedkare Isesi
Pyramid of Djedkare Isesi, Saqqara
Pyramid of Unas, Saqqara
Pyramid of Teti, Saqqara
Pepi I
Pyramid of Pepi I, Saqqara
Merenre Nemtyemsaf I
Pyramid of Merenre, Saqqara
Pepi II
Pyramid of Pepi II, Saqqara

New Kingdom

Name Image Burial Mummy Image Mummy
Ahmose I, c. 1549-1524 BCE
Unknown, likely Abydos, then the Deir el-Bahri cache (DB320) Luxor Museum
Amenhotep I,
Unknown, possibly Tomb ANB or KV39, then the Deir el-Bahri cache (DB320) Egyptian Museum
Thutmose I
KV20, then moved to KV38, then possibly moved to the Deir el-Bahri cache (DB320) Mummy Disputed
Thutmose II
Unknown, previous theory of a burial at KV42 now largely discounted, then the Deir el-Bahri cache (DB320) Egyptian Museum
KV20, likely mummy found in KV60 Very likely mummy KV60a, located in(Egyptian Museum?)
Thutmose III
KV34, then the Deir el-Bahri cache (DB320) Egyptian Museum
Amenhotep II
KV35 Egyptian Museum
Thutmose IV
KV43, then the KV35 cache Egyptian Museum
Amenhotep III
WV22, then the KV35 cache Egyptian Museum
Royal Tomb of Akhenaten, then possibly KV55 Possibly the mummy from KV55, located in(Egyptian Museum?). If it's not Akhenaten's mummy, it is likely Smenkhkare's.
Unknown, possibly KV55 Possibly the mummy from KV55, located in(Egyptian Museum?). If it's not Smenkhkare's mummy, it is likely Akhenaten's.
Unknown Unknown
KV62 Mummy remains in KV62
WV23 Mummy never discovered, possibly destroyed in antiquity
Had an unfinished Memphite Tomb he was never buried in, buried in KV57 Mummy never discovered, bone fragments found in sarcophagus may or may not be his
Ramesses I
KV16, later possibly the Deir el-Bahri cache (DB320) Luxor Museum, was looted by contemporary grave robbers in 1871, possibly from DB320, and housed in the Niagara Falls Museum for 140 years before it's identity was known.
Seti I
KV17, then the Deir el-Bahri cache (DB320) Egyptian Museum
Ramesses II
KV7, then the Deir el-Bahri cache (DB320) Egyptian Museum
KV8, then the KV35 cache Egyptian Museum
KV10 Mummy never discovered, possibly destroyed in antiquity
Seti II
KV15, then the KV35 cache Egyptian Museum
KV47, then the KV35 cache Egyptian Museum
KV14 Mummy never discovered, possibly destroyed in antiquity, possibly "Unknown Woman D" from the KV35 cache
KV14 Mummy never discovered, possibly the "Mummy in the Boat" from the KV35 cache, which was destroyed by looters in 1901
Ramesses III
KV11, then the Deir el-Bahri cache (DB320) Egyptian Museum
Ramesses IV
Unused tomb at QV55, KV2, then the KV35 cache Egyptian Museum
Ramesses V
KV9, then the KV35 cache
Egyptian Museum
Ramesses VI
KV9, then the KV35 cache
Egyptian Museum
Ramesses VII
KV1 Mummy never discovered
Ramesses VIII
Tomb never discovered, but believed to exist. An unused tomb exists as QV43 Mummy never discovered
Ramesses IX
KV6, then the Deir el-Bahri cache (DB320) (Egyptian Museum?)
Ramesses X
KV18, though possibly never buried there Mummy never discovered
Ramesses XI
KV4 planned, but abandoned, buried at unknown location around Memphis Mummy never discovered

Third Intermediate Period/Late Period

Name Image Burial Mummy Image Mummy
Nesbanebdjed I (Smendes I)
Unknown Mummy never discovered
Unknown Mummy never discovered
Pasebakhenniut I (Psusennes I)
NRT III, Tanis (Egyptian Museum?)
NRT IV, then NRT III (Tanis) (Egyptian Museum?)