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Archive 1


the name of the city is not vitina but is Vitia Albanian : Viti/Vitia . — Preceding unsigned comment added by TheBloodyAlboz05 (talkcontribs) 18:13, 5 January 2015 (UTC)

@TheBloodyAlboz05: English Wikipedia uses the name most commonly used by English language sources (see: WP:COMMONNAME). Official name is not very important. Do you have any evidence to prove that the most commonly used name in English sources is other than "Vitina"? Vanjagenije (talk) 19:26, 5 January 2015 (UTC)

The Name

If sombody have UN acceptit evidence that the name of the city is not Vitia but is Vitina, then this articel must be unter the name: Vitia and the page named "Vitina" must be redirect. My evidence you kann see in UNMIK oficiale page and documentation. --Hipi Zhdripi 00:17, 9 April 2006 (UTC)



I have maket one befor the year. Sambody have movied that, this candy of jobs are not far. If you wont to make e greate Wikipedia than you dont have to wayt wat the athers encickopeidia is doing. The Wikipedia most be the firs. Beacose of thet we most be prepart for every solushen in Wien. You cann make a {{Kosovo-geo-stub}} with the UN flag after Wien we will chanche it. Till they talk in Wien the Kosovo must be NON STATUS AREA that is Realty. We cann say de juro is part of SRF Yogoslavia and with SAP Vojvodina and Serbia has maket SR Serbien. In the articel SFR Yogoslavia wir cann put samthing about that. De facto the kosovars have the power in kosovo. De facto and de juro is goin to bee clean after the Wien. Becaus of that one side have de juro, one side de facto is UN ther. And the aricel in Wikipedia mos bee a minro from real live not only from paper. We are not the polictiken we are Wikipedian. If you are a Wikipedian you are going to crea ta Kosovo-geo-stub if you are train to manipulet wikipedia for the propaganda you are going to make war not only with radikals.--Hipi Zhdripi 05:52, 9 April 2006 (UTC)

Don t forget Serbia is not regonazite in UN only RS Serbia (Serbia, Vojvodina and Kosovo all they together) to be Kosovo provic of Serbia the parliament in Prishtina must accept that. They did t doit that after the Milosevic has maet a Putsch, the Prishtinas parlament hase colet UN for Help. This is "de juro" --Hipi Zhdripi 06:00, 9 April 2006 (UTC)

RS Serbia hased 3 Parlaments, in belgrad, Novi Sad und Prishina all this thrie parlamient have the same right to vote for Yogoslavia. "De juro" is in one way RS Serbia one Federstion in Federation (Yogosl.) and in secend way all this members have the same right like Yog. federations element (Kroatia, Slovenia, Macedonia...) : The problem betwen Belgrad and Prishtina is not Yogoslavia but the "de juro" federation RS Serbia. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Hipi Zhdripi (talkcontribs) 06:08, 9 April 2006 (UTC)

Becouse of this problem Montengro has refuset to make strong steps to the bound Serbia and Montenegro, they are afrite if Kosovo is going to be part of "Serbia and Montenegro bound" then Montenegro has the same righ like Serbia, Kosovo and Vojvodina also 3:1. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Hipi Zhdripi (talkcontribs) 06:12, 9 April 2006 (UTC)

Unitet Naticion Law in Kosovo

The user of the city names in English Language (newer version from the UN liable pilari in Kosovo for such think )

  1. http://www.osce.org/kosovo/13982.html

The original page of the Law (1. in albanian L., 2.Serbian L.)

  1. http://www.unmikonline.org/regulations/unmikgazette/03albanian/A2000regs/RA2000_43.htm
  2. http://www.unmikonline.org/regulations/unmikgazette/04serbian/SC2000regs/RSC2000_43.pdf

The UN Law in Kosovo says that the only oficele name are the names presentit in >A< every thinks als is out of Law. This is for albanian language.

RREGULLORe NR. 2000/43
27 korrik 2000
Mbi numrin, emrat dhe kufinjtë e komunave
Përfaqësuesi Special i Sekretarit të Përgjithshëm,
Në pajtim me autorizimin e tij të dhënë me rezolutën 1244 (1999) të datës 10 qershor 1999 të 
Këshillit të Sigurimit të Kombeve të Bashkuara,
Duke marrë parasysh Rregulloren nr. 1999/1 të datës 25 korrik 1999, të ndryshuar, të
Misionit të Administratës së Përkohshme të Kombeve të Bashkuara në Kosovë (UNMIK)
mbi autorizimin e Administratës së 
Përkohshme në Kosovë dhe Rregulloren Nr. 1999/24 të datës 12 dhjetor 1999 të UNMIK-ut 
mbi ligjin në fuqi në Kosovë,
Me qëllim të qartësimit të numrit, emrave, shtrirja dhe kufinjve të komunave para mbajtjes 
së zgjedhjeve komunale në Kosovë,
Shpall sa vijon:
Neni 1
Numri dhe emrat e komunave
Kosova ka tridhjetë komuna ashtu siç figurojnë në Tabelën ‘A’ të kësaj rregulloreje. 
Komunikimi zyrtar nuk përmban asnjë emër për ndonjë komunë i cili nuk figuron në Tabelën ‘A’ 
të kësaj rregulloreje, përveç që në ato komuna ku komunitetet etnike a gjuhësore joshqiptare 
dhe joserbe përbëjnë një pjesë substanciale, emrat e komunave jepen edhe në gjuhët e 
atyre komuniteteve.
Neni 2
Shtrirja dhe kufinjtë e komunave
Shtrirja e çdo komune dhe kufinjtë e tyre skicohen nga zonat e tyre përbërëse kadastrale. 
Zonat kadastrale të cilat përbëjnë çdo komunë figurojnë në Tabelën ‘B’ të kësaj rregulloreje.
Neni 3
Përfaqësuesi Special i Sekretarit të Përgjithshëm mund të lëshojë direktiva administrative 
në lidhje me zbatimin e kësaj rregulloreje.
Neni 4
Ligji i zbatueshëm
Kjo rregullore mbulon çdo dispozitë në ligjin e zbatueshëm e cila nuk është në përputhje me të. 
Neni 5
Hyrja në fuqi
Kjo rregullore hyn në fuqi më 27 korrik 2000.
Bernard Kouchner
Përfaqësuesi Special i Sekretarit të Përgjithshëm

The UN Law in Kosovo says that the only oficele name are the names presentit in >A< every thinks als is out of Law. This is for serbian language.

UREDBA BR. 2000/43
27. jul 2000. godine
Specijalni predstavnik Generalnog sekretara,
Shodno ovla{}ewu koje mu je dato Rezolucijom Saveta bezbednosti Ujediwenih
nacija 1244 (1999) od 10. juna 1999. godine,
Na osnovu Uredbe br. 1999/1 od 25. jula 1999. godine Privremene
administrativne misije Ujediwenih nacija na Kosovu (UNMIK), sa izmenama i
dopunama, o ovla{}ewima Privremene uprave na Kosovu i na osnovu Uredbe
UNMIK-a br. 2000/24 od 12. decembra 2000. godine o zakonu koji je u primeni na
Kosovu, <u>(hier is oficele user)</u>
U ciqu razja{wavawa broja, imena, oblasti i granica op{tina pre odr`avawa
op{tinskih izbora na Kosovu,
Ovim objavquje slede}e:
Clan 1
1.1 Kosovo ima trideset opstina kao sto je dato u Tabeli '''A''' u dodatku ovoj
1.2 Zvani~na komunikacija ne mo`e da sadrzi bilo koje ime za opstinu koje
nije naziv odredjen u Tabeli A ove Uredbe, osim u onim opstinama gde etni~ke i
jezi~ke zajednice, koje nisu srpske i albanske ~ine znatan deo stanovni{tva, gde
se imena op{tina daju i na jezicima tih zajednica.
Clan 2
Podru~je svake op{tine i wene granice su ocrtane wenim sastavnim
katastarskim zonama. Katastarske zone koje ~ine svaku op{tinu su odre|ene u
Tabeli B prilo`enoj u dodatku ovoj Uredbi.
Clan 3
Specijalni predstavnik Generalnog sekretara mo`e da donese administrativno
uputstvo u vezi sa primenom ove Uredbe.
Clan 4
Ova Uredba zamewuje svaku odredbu zakona koji je u primeni a koja nije saglasna
sa wom.
Clan 5
Ova Uredba stupa na snagu 27. jula 2000. godine.
Bernar Ku{ner
Specijalni predstavnik Generalnog sekretara

tabel of contens >A<

TABELA ‘A’ (alb) RASPORED A (ser.)
Emrat e komunave (alb.)IMENA OPSTINA (serb)
Albanski Srpski
01 Deçan \Decani
02 Gjakovë \Djakovica
03 Gllogovc \Glogovac
04 Gjilan \Gnilane
05 Dragash \Dragas
06 Istog \Istok
07 Kaçanik \Kacanik
08 Klinë\ Klina
09 Fushë Kosovë\ Kosovo Polje
10 Kamenicë \Kamenica
11 Mitrovicë \Kosovska Mitrovica
12 Leposaviq \Leposavic
13 Lipjan \Lipqan
14 Novobërdë \Novo Brdo
15 Obiliq \Obilic
16 Rahovec\ Orahovac
17 Pejë\ Pec
18 Podujevë\ Podujevo
19 Prishtinë \Pristina
20 Prizren \Prizren
21 Skenderaj\ Srbica
22 Shtime\ Stimqe
23 Shtërpcë\ Strpce
24 Suharekë\ Suva Reka
25 Ferizaj \Urosevac
26 Viti \Vitina
27 Vushtrri\ Vucitrn
28 Zubin Potok \Zubin Potok
29 Zveçan\ Zvecan
30 Malishevë\ Malisevo

If sambody have a argument Im waitting. In another cases you are going to interpret the dokumets (you are out of UN Law) and you dont have argumet, you dont work for Wikipedia but are destroing the Wikipedia image. I know that my english is not so gut, but a desinformation is not gut for Wikipedia and for the peopel in Kosovo. You can have a problem with "Haage". This tabel is speeken better then I.--Hipi Zhdripi 21:07, 13 April 2006 (UTC)

No argumet

No argumet!!! please dont inteprete the documents

Sombody have putit this Kosovo place in Serbia stub or category or template here with out argumet. We dont have a argumet that Kosovo is part of S/M. We have tha Constitution of this countrie but we have the rez. 1244 wich is more importen for the Wikipedia and is saying that Kosovo it is a part of Yougoslavia and is prototoriat of UN. Till we dont have a clearly argument from UN, aricel about Kosovo must be out of this stub or category or template. Pleas dont make the discution with intepretation or the Law wich are not accordin to 1244. Everybodoy can do that but that is nothing for Wikipedia.--Hipi Zhdripi 05:19, 17 April 2006 (UTC)

I agree with you Hipi Zhdripi. --Vokoder 06:15, 9 October 2006 (UTC)

Kosovo is still inSerbia

Kosovo is not a recognized country. It is part of recognised country - Serbia. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 00:13, 25 February 2008 (UTC)

Kosovo is now recognized by over 100 countries, so this has changed. Legacypac (talk) 21:59, 5 January 2015 (UTC)

Requested move 5 January 2015

The following is a closed discussion of a requested move. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made in a new section on the talk page. Editors desiring to contest the closing decision should consider a move review. No further edits should be made to this section.

The result of the move request was:Not moved. Consensus is not in favour of a move, and cites valid policies in favour of current name. (non-admin closure)  — Amakuru (talk) 10:18, 16 January 2015 (UTC)

VitinaViti (Kosovo) – Per WP:COMMONNAME and the town's website linked from the infobox. The locals speak Albanian, and the proposed name also works in Turkish. The bracketed (Kosovo) is because there are other uses for Viti. Two previous moves have been made to this name, one in brackets, one with a comma. Legacypac (talk) 21:46, 5 January 2015 (UTC)

  • Oppose. WP:COMMONNAME says that we should use the name that is most commonly used in English-language sources. That is the only important thing. What is the official name, and what language local people speak is irrelevant. The nominator (Legacypac) did not bring here any evidence to prove that "Viti" is the most commonly used name. The official web site of the municipality is certainly not a reliable source to establish the English-language usage. We need English-language sources from English-speaking countries. But, the nominator does not cite any real source. I can cite a plenty of sources that use "Vitina" ([1][2][http://www.wnd.com/2007/08/43258/] etc.) It seams that Google Books search also slightly favors "Vitina" (1520 to 1110 hits). However, Google search is not very useful here, since there are other things named both "Vitina" and "Viti" (I added "+Kosovo" to the search to narrow the results to those concerning Kosovo, but still there might be sources that mention the town without mentioning Kosovo). And, as about the Turkish, I found out that Turkish conservative Islamist daily Yeni Akit uses "Vitina"[3]. Vanjagenije (talk) 22:51, 5 January 2015 (UTC)
  • Oppose per WP:COMMONNAME the town's name is Vitina DOCUMENTERROR 22:53, 5 January 2015 (UTC)
  • Comment first this is a small town in a country that does not see many travelers and I can't see where anything too newsworthy has happened. Second, control of Kosovo passed from Serbia to a new administration. Therefore they renamed a lot of their towns meaning recent sources should trump older sources. If you went there, you would find they call the place Viti as shown on the official website. Also here is a 2012 reference[4], OSCE source that gives Viti first [5] in 2011, map [6] and Google map [7]]. Legacypac (talk) 01:28, 6 January 2015 (UTC)
Disagree as per WP:COMMONNAME. The idea it's "a small town in a country that does not see many travelers" is of questionable veracity but, more importantly, completely irrelevant to a renaming discussion. DOCUMENTERROR 02:06, 6 January 2015 (UTC)
  • FWIW ghits = 496,000 for Viti Kosova and 370,000 for Viti Kosovo vs. 330,000 for Vitina Kosovo; of course the bias is in using Latin letters. Витина Косово also has 317,000 hits, so hard to state definitely which is the common English-language name. Carlossuarez46 (talk) 06:08, 6 January 2015 (UTC)
  • Comment - @Legacypac: Vitia is more common than Viti in the English and Albanian langauges. IJA (talk) 08:21, 6 January 2015 (UTC)
  • Oppose. Note that I oppose a move to either Viti or Vitia as things stand in 2015. Concurrent with the argument I used in the recent discussion on the Peć vs Pejë discussion, yes it is once again the case that all cited forms in this section have validity in English publication - and yes both competing names should permanently have bold headword status on the article. The only times the importance of this settlement has really come to prominence is in the aftermath of the Kosovo War with the tragic killing of a young girl by an American soldier and amid a bomb blast in a bar. On these occasions it was reported as Vitina ([8], [9], [10]). It seems that just about all else is either contained in more obscure sources such as in books or online reports, or in mainstream reports of lesser sinificance (e.g., factfiles but not headlines). --Oranges Juicy (talk) 11:30, 6 January 2015 (UTC)
  • Comment According to the law, BOTH names are official, though implementation of the law varies. Legacypac (talk) 02:40, 7 January 2015 (UTC)
  • Oppose - I did a google books search test for Common Name and Vitina is the overwhelming Common Name in the English language at this moment in time, Viti doesn't even come close. Both names have official status, not that it counts for much per Wikipedia:Official names. IJA (talk) 18:39, 8 January 2015 (UTC)
  • Oppose per common name, also note that both Vitina and Viti/Vitia are official due to the bilingual status. - Anonimski (talk) 08:49, 11 January 2015 (UTC)

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Wikiproject Serbia

@Bobrayner: What is actually the problem? Why you keep removing the "Wikiproject Serbia" tag from this talk page? If articles like Kosovo, Pristina, Prizren, and even Kosovo Liberation Army are all tagged as being of interest to Wikiproject Serbia, why would Vitina be an exception? By the way, Kosovo and Metohija are also tagged with "Wikiproject Albania" tags, but this does not seem to bother you. Gibraltar is tagged with "WikiProject Spain" tag, Falkland Islands are tagged with "WikiProject Argentina" and nobody objects to this as I see. Noone says that tagging an article as being of interest to a WikiProject implies any political position. Tagging "Vitina" as being "of interest" to WikiProject Serbia does not mean that Vitin is part (or not part) of Serbia. It just means that, since it was indisputably part of Serbia for many decades, it might be of interest to those who are interested in Serbia. Since your edit is obviously against established Wikipedia practice, I kindly ask you to revert your edit. Vanjagenije (talk) 23:07, 15 January 2015 (UTC)

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Move and dab page blanked and pasted

(cur | prev) 11:51, 14 February 2017‎ SrpskiAnonimac (talk | contribs)‎ m . . (21,220 bytes) (0)‎ . . (SrpskiAnonimac moved page Talk:Vitina to Talk:Vitina (town)) (undo | thank) (cur | prev) 16:43, 16 July 2016‎ InternetArchiveBot (talk | contribs)‎ . . (21,220 bytes) (+1,129)‎ . . (Notification of altered sources needing review #IABot) (undo) (cur | prev) 01:43, 17 January 2015‎ Anonimski (talk | contribs)‎ . . (20,091 bytes) (+60)‎ . . (RV: The Kosovo cities Talk pages have both WP Kosovo and WP Serbia due to the disputed territorial status.) (undo | thank) (cur | prev) 10:18, 16 January 2015‎ Amakuru (talk | contribs)‎ . . (20,031 bytes) (+108)‎ . . (→‎Requested move 5 January 2015: correct signature in closing template) (undo | thanked) (cur | prev) 10:17, 16 January 2015‎ Amakuru (talk | contribs)‎ . . (19,923 bytes) (+546)‎ . . (correct template formatting) (undo | thank)

@Amakuru: as you closed RM. In ictu oculi (talk) 10:38, 15 February 2017 (UTC)
@In ictu oculi: thanks for the heads up on this. I have reverted the dab page, to undo the cut/paste move, and moved the town back to be the primary topic. @SrpskiAnonimac: if you think there should be a page move, please open a request for it at WP:RM. Personally I'm dubious that this move is merited, as the Kosovo Vitina seems to be larger and more important than the others.  — Amakuru (talk) 11:24, 15 February 2017 (UTC)

Requested move 15 April 2017

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The result of the move request was: pages moved. (non-admin closure) GeoffreyT2000 (talk) 21:56, 22 April 2017 (UTC)

– I'm asking this to be moved back as it was for years. MilanKovacevic moved Vitina to Vitina (town) without any discussion. This town is obviously a WP:primary topic for "Vitina", others are small and unknown villages. Vanjagenije (talk) 11:09, 15 April 2017 (UTC)

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Requested move 03 May 2022

The following is a closed discussion of a requested move. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made in a new section on the talk page. Editors desiring to contest the closing decision should consider a move review after discussing it on the closer's talk page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.

The result of the move request was: consensus to move the page to the proposed title at this time, per the discussion below. Dekimasuよ! 13:56, 10 May 2022 (UTC)

VitinaViti, KosovoViti 4.320 Vitina 412. The name Viti is obviously the most common name and it is also the name used by virtually all of its citizens. Ahmet Q. (talk) 13:06, 3 May 2022 (UTC)

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