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Talk:Thomas Tallis School

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I've removed some factual inaccuracies and some potentially libellous material. I work at the school in question so am in a position to know about this.

The previous page had been altered by someone - probably students at the school or another local rival, I suspect - to make a number of crass assertions about the school, tell a few lies and also put words into the mouth of the Head.

I've left most of the factual material about grisly figures in the school's past. We have nothing to hide! I've tried to make things more factual and less sensational, though, by doing two things:

  • The link to a local newspaper article about Richard Reid - the Shoe Bomber - has been moved to the 'Shoe Bomber' page so that it can be more widely accessed.
  • The link to details about another murder has also been moved to a page of its own and a hyperlink created.

J.nicholls 17:04, 11 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

In response to contributions from others the soubriquet in reference to Richard Reid has been removed. At least, I think this is what they were referring to...

J.nicholls 16:04, 18 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Please don't reinsert the material about the Shoe Bomber, unless you can provide a reliable source that says he schooled here. All I can find is a bbc reference that says he 'is said to have' gone here. Not good enough.--Doc 16:26, 21 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I've reinserted the reference to Richard Reid; J. Nicholls (as a teacher at the school) can verify that he went there, as can I (as an alumnus myself). --Ben Colburn, 31 Oct 06.

Sorry, I've removed it again. Unfortunately, your personal testimony is insufficient. Please see our policy on reliable sources. If you can source it properly, then you may reinsert it. --Docg 13:13, 31 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Added again: I assume that an unequivocal Guardian article will do. -- Ben Colburn, 31 Oct 06.

Someone took it away again. It says in this BBC article he went to Tallis. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/1731568.stm Also here in The Scotsman. http://news.scotsman.com/topics.cfm?tid=94&id=122182003

Tidied up typos and pruned the Richard Reid reference. A BBC article which says 'It is said that...' unfortunately doesn't count as a reliable source, since they very evidently do not assert the claim with any authority. In addition, both of the articles specified above are insufficiently clear about which of the many Richard Reids in Wikipedia are being referred to. So: no dice. Abbenay

I've returned it with the Guardian reference I introduced a few months ago. That makes it clear that we're not talking about Richard Reid the Canadian politician, or the Northern Irish politician, or the cricketer. -- Ben Colburn 10 Feb 2007.

Murder of CJ Rickard


I've removed this section [1] which was recently added by an IP.. A student from the school committed a crime. It didn't happen at the school, or at a school event, or on a school trip. I don't see how it needs to be covered in this article. Some students commit crimes, but that is not sufficient to warrant including reports of such crimes in school articles. Meters (talk) 05:41, 9 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]