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Talk:Sims conjecture

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Conjecture statement


@XOR'easter: This article now says:

[ . . . ] if is a primitive permutation group on a finite set , denotes the stabilizer of the point in , and is the length of any orbit of in the set , then there exists an integer-valued function such that .

It seems rather odd to say that "if d is etc. etc. then there exists a function ƒ such that something-about ƒ(d)," because if you say if d is etc. etc. then the exists ƒ, that seems as if which function ƒ is depends on d. Just what the nature of ƒ depends on should be made clear and explicit. Michael Hardy (talk) 17:25, 9 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]

I just went ahead and re-ordered pieces of the statement. It should be clearer now, but let me know what you think. — MarkH21 (talk) 18:13, 9 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
The rewrite looks good to me--it is clear what is being defined and what is being proposed. --{{u|Mark viking}} {Talk} 19:33, 9 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, I think the rewrite is an improvement. Thanks! XOR'easter (talk) 22:36, 9 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Shouldn't the "there exists f" be before everything else in the statement ? (talk) 12:36, 8 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Ok according to Pyber and Tracey [1] the statemant is (unsurpisingly) that "there exists f such that". Why do they define f on Z is a mystery. Why would one state the result like that is also a mystery to me, as a more user friendly equivalnt version is
"for all ell there exists N such that if G is a primitive permutation group with stabilizers of order larger than N, the non-trivial orbits of the stabilizers have length larger than ell."   

(Sims implies this by taking N = f(ell) -1, and it imples Sims by setting f(ell)= max{ |H| , H has an orbit of size less than ell} ) Well they must have their reasons. But to my eyes, the fact that f is integer valued is irrelevant. (talk) 15:32, 10 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
