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copying of Facebook


I'm so embarrassed for my own people... the Chinese. It's one thing to copy DVDs, designer labels, and other goods... I can see the argument of moral relativism. Some things just aren't considered wrong in that culture. But the exact copying of the Facebook look and icons... and to such an extent! That's not just about morality anymore. It's about losing face and admitting publicly that the creators of Xiaonei lack imagination and originality of any sort whatsoever. If you copy a movie, I can understand you're doing it for the money. You copy a website down to the colors, structure, and icons... it shows you can't be bothered to have any original thought at all. And we are being laughed at in front of the whole world for it. Shame on you Xiaonei. (talk) 06:38, 19 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Ok, thanks for your opinion, but how about some cited sources that mention any response from Facebook or the Xiaonei creators tacitly acknowledging the ripoff? (talk) 09:17, 1 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]

As a Chinese I think copying is right. I hate copyright. (talk) 02:45, 28 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]

that would be as a communist. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 06:44, 3 April 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Yea, right. So many foreigners go to Hong Kong just to by pirated DVDs. (talk) 08:40, 25 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Registration requirements?


What are the registration requirements for xiaonei? I received an invitation to sign up yesterday from a friend in Xi'an, but I ran into some difficulty with the registration process (it seems like it would only accept Chinese characters in the name field and not the English alphabet, since it told me that I must use my "real name" when I tried to use English characters). I've also heard that there are other requirements with regards to university e-mails or IPs, but I wonder if this may have changed since the form I was looking at had options of non-university networks. Regardless, I think this would all be good information for someone knowledgeable to add, to give a better idea of the intended audience of xiaonei. Macroidtoe (talk) 20:57, 2 August 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Xiaonei registration requires Chinese characters for name only when you first register, while it is possible to add symbols or names of other languages after your "real Chinese name". As for the universoty-community network option, you cannot select a university where you are not staying at the moment. I mean Xiaonei system will check your IP to confirm that you are right at the very university you select. Thus, for non-university users, you should choose "以上都不是", which indicates you are not a university or high school students. Then, you may register successfully, and further modify and specify your personal information. Ccyber5 (talk) 06:49, 23 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Xiaoneidou has been changed to renrendou

  • Renren net used to be called as Xiaonei net and xiaoneidou is the virtual money of Xiaonei net. However, as Xiaonei net is changed to Renren net, the name of this kind of virtual money changed its name to renrendou.

  • Actually, I think we should insist that the name “renren” has already become a dominant in people's mind. Less and less people could seriously keep using the name "xiaonei". Since renren net has been supervised by some celebrities, it has much better reputation than before and most people start to use renren net with the name "renren", but not "xiaonei". Therefore, I insist that xiaoneidou should be changed to renrendou Haoyu233 (talk) 02:49, 17 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]


Renrenzhuomian, one of the most important function of Renren


Renrenzhuomian should be added into the article because it is quite widely used among renren users and this point has been ignored in this article. Renrenzhuomian is a kind of instant message service provided to renren.net users and it is established on year 2009. It allows users viewing news and messages online, generating new short blogs, replying to others, and forwarding news by simply opening this software and logging into the account.

Nowadays, people show more preference to install this simple and smart program to log in to Renren, browsing and sharing news with others, other than login to the original insipid webpages on browsers. This is mainly because the establishment of Renrenzhuomian mobile app (for both IOS and Android). People can log into their renren accounts anywhere and this is much more convenient. Among young users, almost everyone has Renrenzhuomian application on smart phone.

Some more amazing functions are listed as following:[1]

  • Log in with an invisible status
One can click to choose their online status and if he choose the "invisible status", others cannot see. This function is useful when you want to peek some news but don't want to be found by others.
  • Online chatting
Multi-users chatting is available in Renrenzhuomian. One can talk to several people at the same time and all people will be added to a chatting group automatically.
  • GIF emoticon
GIF emoticon is available in Renrenzhuomian, which is not supported technically on the websites. GIF emoticon can present more vivid expression and young users like this function.
  • Batch picture downloading
By using Renrenzhuomian, people can download all pictures in one album by one-clicking. This batch downloading function is also not available on renren websites and it is quite effective when you need.

People can install the executive program from renren official websites: " im.renren.com " . Haoyu233 (talk) 06:52, 3 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, Renrenzhuomian is definitely an application that we should not ignore, and your content to be added is pretty well.
However, I think you still miss a function, which is the window notification. This is another great function which is not realized by renren web pages.Liyiran1014 (talk) 23:13, 4 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Great, this is a point I haven't considered in.
  • Widget notification
By using Renrenzhuomian, we can get notification when there are someone replying us, and when fresh news are posted by our friends. We can have faster and more effective notification with Renrenzhuomian. Haoyu233 (talk) 23:25, 4 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Listing of Renren and the public homepage function of Renren


The article misses two important points of Renren.

First point is that Renren has been listed on New York Stock Exchange on May 4th, 2011. The stock code of Renren.Inc is RENN. Renren.Inc offered over 53,000,000 ADS and the amount of financing was over $765,000,000.00. The main underwriters are Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse, MerrillLynch and other 3 investment banks. There are several characters that makes Renren IPO outstanding. 1. The first listed SNS in the world: Renren.Inc is the first listed social networking site all over the world. Even though the idea of social network is inspired by Facebook, Renren lands in New York Stock Exchange much earlier than Facebook. 2. The largest amount of venture investment: There are about 235,000,000 social network users in China, and almost 50% of them are Renren users. Renren has been the SNS which has the largest user scale in China, and the number of Renren user is still increasing every year. As the result, many first-class international investors were attracted since Renren began to plan to list on market, like: DCM, General Atlantic. 3.The largest amount of IPO financing, and the strongest IPO underwriter group. 4.The most variable methods to get benefit:Although the initial idea of Renren came from Facebook, Renren is developed in a totally new way—combining with Nuomi, which is the Chinese version of Groupon. At the same time, the source of profile of Renren.Inc mainly are internet advertisement, Renren game, and internet value-added service(IVAS).

Secondly, Renren has a very important function, which is called public homepage. Public Homepage is a platform to display relevant information and let administrator or followers to communicate with other followers. Administrator always implements these things with the help of status, photo album, blog, music, video and so on. Different from other personal homepage in Renren, Public homepage delivers the information to followers in a one-to-multiple way instead of one-to-one communication. Just same as Weibo or Twitter, once you became a follower of certain public homepage, you could directly receive the news from this public homepage with the validation from administrator.

[1] [2]


  1. ^ 人人网公共主页2.0版本上线 提升个性化体验
  2. ^ 田初一. "人人成全球首个上市社交网站 创上市多项纪录." Web log post. Renren.