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List of National Influenza Centers


Albania - Tirana
Dr Bujar Brahimaj
Institute of Public Health
Rr. Aleksander Moisiu No. 80
Tel: +355 (437) 4756
Fax: +355 (437) 0058
Email: mdhimolea@yahoo.com

Algeria - Algiers
Dr Belabbes Hadj
Institut Pasteur d'Algérie
Annexe de Sidi Fredj
Rue Docteur Laveran
Hamma Arger
Tel: +213 (21) 376850
Fax: +213 (21) 390257
Email: hbelabbes@sante.dz

Argentina - Buenos Aires
Dr Vilma Savy
Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas
ANLIS C.G.Malbran
Av. Veley Sarsfield 563
1281 Buenos Aires
Tel/Fax: 54-11-4301-1035
Email: vsavy@anlis.gov.ar

Argentina - Cordoba
Dr Jorge Camara
Influenza and Respiratory Virus Laboratory - Instituto de Virologia
Enfermera Gordillo Gomez
s/n Ciudad Universitaria
Agencia 45016 Cordoba
Tel: +54 (351) 433 4022
Fax: +54 (351) 460 7432
Email: jcamara@fcm.unc.edu.ar

Argentina - Mar del Palta
Dr Osvaldo Uez
Intituto Nacional de Epidemiologia
Ituzaingo 3520
7600 Mar del Plata
Tel: +54 (22) 3473 1506
Fax: +54 (22) 3474 4123 or 2100
Email: gripe@ine.gov.ar

Australia - Nedlands
Dr David Smith
Hospital Ave
WA 6009
Tel: +61 (8) 9346 3122
Fax: +61 (8) 9346 3960
Email: David.smith@health.wa.gov.au

Australia - Victoria
Dr Chris Birch
Virus Laboratory, Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory
10 Wreckyn Street
North Melbourne
Tel: +61 (3) 9342 2626
Fax: +61 (3) 9 342 2666
Email: chris.birch@mh.org.au

Australia - New South Wales
Dr Dominic Dwyer
ICPMR (Institute of Clinical Pathology and Medical Research)
Westmead Hospital,
P. O. Box 533
New South Wales
Tel: +61 (2) 9845 6255
Fax: +61 (2) 9633 5317
Email: dominic_dwyer@wmi.usyd.edu.au

Austria - Vienna
Dr G. Wewalka
Bundesstaatliche Bakteriologische
Serologische Untersuchungsanstalt
25A Währingestrasse
Postfach 91
Tel: +43 (1) 405 15 57
Fax: +43 (1) 402 39 00
Email: bbsuawien@aon.at

Bangladesh - Dhaka
Dr S. Begum
Institute of Public Health
Tel: +880 (2) 60 28 30

Belarus - Minsk
Dr Natalie Gribkova
Laboratory of Influenza and ILI
23 Filimonova St.
Tel: +375(172) 64 32 67 or 5266
Fax: +375 (172) 64 30 93
Email: nvg@briem.ac.by

Belgium - Brussels
Dr Fernande Yane
Scientific Institute of Public Health
Wytsman street 14
Tel: +32 (2) 642.50.70 /or 51 20
Fax: +32 (2) 642.56.92
Email: f.yane@iph.fgov.be
Website: http://www.iph.fgov.be/flu

Brazil - Sao Paulo
Dr Terezinha Maria de Paiva
Instituto Adolfo Lutz
Avenida Dr Arnaldo 355
Cerqueira César
P.O.Box 1783
Tel: +55 (11) 3068 2913
Fax: +55 (11) 3085 3505
Email: tterezinha@uol.com.br

Brazil - Belém
Dr Wyller Alencar de Mello
National Influenza Center
Instituto Evandro Chagas, SVS-MS
Br-316 KM 07 S/N
Bairro Levilândia CEP 67030-000
Ananindeua, Pará
Tel: +55 (91) 214 2013
Fax: +55 (91) 2142005
Email: wyllermello@iec.pa.gov.br

Brazil - Rio de Janeiro
Dr Marilda Siqueira
Instituto Oswaldo Cruz
Department of Virology
Avenida Brazil 4365
Rio de Janeiro
Tel: +55 (21) 2598 4360
Fax: +55 (21) 2573 9591
Email: mmsiq@ioc.fiocruz.br

Bulgaria - Sofia
Dr Rositsa Kotseva
National Reference Laboratory of Influenza
26 Yanko Sakazov Blvd
Tel: +35928310030
Fax: +35929318132
Email: kotseva@ncipd.netbg.com

Canada - Winnipeg
Dr Yan Li
National Microbiology Laboratory, Health Canada Canadian Science Center for Human and Animal Health
1015 Arlington street
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Canada R3E 3R2
Tel: + 1 204 789 6045
Fax: + 1 204 789 2082
Email: Yan_Li@hc-sc.gc.ca

Central African Republic - Bangui
Dr Antoine Talarmin
Institute Pasteur de Bangui
BP 923
Central African Republic
Tel: +236 (61) 2837
Fax: +236 (61) 01 09
Email: talarmin@intnet.cf

Chile - Santiago
Dr Rodrigo Fasce
Instituto de Salud Publica de Chile
Laboratorio de Virus Respiratorios y Exantematicos
Subdepartamento Virologia Clinica
Avenida Marathon 1000, Nunoa
Tel: 56-2-3507436
Fax: 56-2-3507583
Email: rfasce@ispch.cl

China - Beijing
Dr Yuelong Shu
Virology Institute, Chinese CDC
YingXin Jie
100, XuanWu District
Beijing 100052
Tel: +86 (10) 6357 7499
Fax: +86 (10) 6357 7499 //32053
Email: yshu@vip.sina.com

Colombia - Bogota
Dr Diana Helena Rodriguez
Instituto Nacional de Salud
Avenida El Dorado
Carrera 50, Zona 6
Tel: +57 (1) 220 7700
Email: dhrrera96@yahoo.com

Croatia - Zagreb
Dr Vladimir Drazenovic
Croatian Institute of Public Health
Rockefellerova 12
Tel: +385 (1) 486 3260
Fax: +385 (1) 468 3017
Email: hzzjz-virologija@zg.htnet.hr

Cuba - Habana
Dr S. Fernandez
Laboratorio Nacional de Referencia de Virus de Influenza
Novia de Mediodia Km. 6
La Lisa
Tel: +53 (7) 202 0633
Fax: +53 (7) 204 6051
Email: s.oro@ipk.sld.cu

Czech Republic - Prague
Dr Martina Havlickova
National Institute of Public Health, Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology
48 Srobarova
Prague 10
Czech Republic
Tel: +420 (2) 6708 2409 / 6708 24 02
Fax: +420 (2) 7173 0695 /6731 1188
Email: nflucprg@szu.cz

Denmark - Aarhus
Dr Lars Peter Nielsen
Aarhus Kommunehospital
Tel: 45 8949 3525 /+45 3268 3443
Fax: 45 8949 3540 /45 3268 8120
Email: larspn@dadlnet.dk

Ecuador - Guayaquil
Dr A. Alva
Department de Virus, Instituto Nacional de Higiene "Leopoldo Izquieta Pérez"
Julian Coronel entre Mascote y Esmeraldas
Tel: +593 (4) 282281
Fax: +593 (4) 293189

Egypt - Cairo
Dr Mostafa Orkhan
Egyptian Organisation for Biological Products and Vaccines
51, Wezarat El Zeraa
Agouza, Dokki
Tel: +20 (2) 7611111 - ext. 3394
Fax: +20 (2) 761 8497
Email: morkhanh@link.net

Fiji Islands - Suva
Dr Josefa Koroivueta
Center for Communicable Disease Control
Building 30, Tamavua Hospital Complex
Mataika House
Fiji Islands
Tel: +679 (332) 0066
Fax: +679 (322) 3276
Email: joekv@connect.com.fj

Finland - Helsinki
Dr Reijo Pyhala
National Public Health Institute
Mannerheimintie 166
Tel: +358 (9) 47441
Fax: +358 (9) 474 48 355
Email: reijo.pyhala@ktl.fi

France - Lyon
Dr Martine Valette
Professor Bruno Lina
Centre National de Référence de la Grippe Région Sud
Laboratory de Virologie
Domaine Rockefeller
8 Avenue Rockefeller
Tel: +33 (4) 7877 7029
Fax: +33 (4) 7801 4887
Email: virochu@rockefeller.univ-lyon1.fr

France - Paris
Dr Sylvie Van der Werf
Institut Pasteur
25 rue du Docteur Roux
Tel: 33 1 45 68 87 25
Fax: 33 1 40 61 32 41
Email: svdwerf@pasteur.fr

Germany - Berlin
Dr Brunhilde Schweiger
Robert Koch-Institute
Nordufer 20
Tel: +49 (30) 1888 754 2456
Fax: +49 (30) 45 47 26 05
Email: schweigerb@rki.de

Germany - Hannover
Dr Rolf Heckler
Nationales Referenzzentrum für die Influenzaüberwachung im Niedersächsische Landesgesundheitsamt
4 Roesebeckstrasse
Hannover 91
Tel: +49 (511) 450 5210
Fax: +49 (511) 450 5240
Email: rolf.heckler@nlga.niedersachsen.de

Greece - Athens
Dr Andreas Mentis
Institut Pasteur Hellénique
National Influenza Center, Southern Greece
Virology Department
127 Avenue Vassilissis Sofias
Tel: +30 (210) 647 8800
Fax: +30 (210) 642 3498
Email: mentis@mail.pasteur.gr

Greece - Thessaloniki
Dr Vassiliki Kyriazopoulou-Dalaina
National Influenza Center for N. Greece, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki
Department of Microbiology
School of Medicine
Tel: +30 (2310) 999 117
Fax: +30 (2310) 99 91 01
Email: vdalaina@med.auth.gr

French Guiana - Cayenne
Dr Jacques Morvan
National Influenza Center French Guiana and French Indies
Institut Pasteur de la Guyanne Française
23 Avenue Pasteur
B.P. 6010
Cayenne 97306
Tel: +592 (292) 617
Fax: +594 (309) 416
Email: jmorvan@pasteur-cayenne.fr

Honduras - Tegucigalpa
Dr J. R. Pereira
Centro de Salud "Alonso Suazo"
Laboratorio Central
Ministerio Salud y Asistencia Social
Tel: +504 (232) 2322

Hong Kong SAR of China - Kowloon
Dr Wilina Lim
Government Virus Unit
382 Nam Cheong Street
Shek Kip Mei
Hong Kong - SAR China
Tel: +852 (2319) 8252
Fax: +852 2319 5989
Email: wllim@pacific.net.hk

Hungary - Budapest
Dr I. Jankovics
B. Johan National Center for Epidemiology
Virology Department
Gyali ut 2-6
P.O.Box 64
Tel: +36 (1) 476 1264
Fax: +36 (1) 476 1368
Email: jankovic.oek@antsz.hu

Iceland - Reykjavik
Dr Arthur Löve
Landspitali - University Hospital
Armuli 1A
P.O. Box 8733
Tel: +354 (543) 1000
Fax: +354 (543) 5949
Email: arthur@landspitali.is

India - Pune
Dr V. Padbidri
National Institute of Virology
20-A Dr Ambedkar Road
P.O. Box 11
Tel: +91 (20) 612 7301
Fax: +91 (20) 612 2669
Email: nivicl@pn3.vsnl.net.in

India - Kasauli (H.P.)
Dr Usha Soren Singh
National Influenza Center
Central Research Institute
Kasauli (H.P.)
Tel: +91 (1792) 72114
Fax: +91 (1792) 72016
Email: dircri@yahoo.com

India - Mumbai
Dr Ranjana Deshmukh
Department of Virology
Acharya Donde Marg
Parel, Mumbai
Tel: +91 (22) 416 0947
Fax: +91 (22) 416 1787
Email: rad21350@yahoo.com

Indonesia - Jakarta
Dr Yuwono Djoko
Center for Disease Control Research & Development
Jl. Percetakan Negara 29
Jakarta 10560
Tel: +62 (21) 424 4375 /426 1088 Ext.282
Fax: +62 (21) 424 53 86
Email: djoko.y@link.net.id

Iran - Tehran
Dr Talaat Azad
Iranian National Influenza Center
School of Public Health
Tehran University of Medical Sciences
P. O. Box 6446-14155
Tel: +98 (21) 896 2343
Fax: +98 (21) 646 22 67
Email: mokhtari@sphtums.com

Ireland - Dublin
Dr W. Hall
Influenza Surveillance Unit, National Virus Reference Laboratory
Belfield, U.C.D.
Dublin 4
Tel: +353 (1) 716 1315
Fax: +353 (1) 269 76 11
Email: VRL@ucd.ie

Israel-Tel - Hashomer
Dr Yael Shalev
Central Virology Laboratory
Ministry of Health
Chaim Sheba Medical Center
Tel: +972 (3) 5302455
Fax: +972 (3) 530 24 57
Email: yael.shalev@sheba.health.gov.il

Italy - Rome
Dr Isabella Donatelli
Istituto Superiore di Sanità
Centro Nazionale O.M.S. per l'Influenza
Viale Regina Elena, n. 299
Tel: +39 (6) 4990 3257
Fax: +39 (6) 4990 2082
Email: donatell@iss.it

Jamaica - Kingston
Dr Saudra Jackson
Department of Microbiology
University of the West Indies
PO Box 484
Tel: +1 (876) 977 2206
Fax: +1 (876) 977 126

Japan - Tokyo
Dr Masato Tashiro
National Institute of Infectious Disease
Gakuen 4-7-1
Tel: 81 42-561-0771
Fax: +81 (42) 565 2498
Email: mtashiro@nih.go.jp

Kazakhstan - Almaty
Dr A. Ismagulov
Republic Centre for Influenza and ARI, Institute of Epidemiology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
34 Makataev Str.
Tel: +7 (3272) 30 61 29
Fax: +7 (3272) 304 4116

Kenya - Nairobi
Dr F. Okoth
Center for Virus Research
P.O. 54628
Tel: +254 (2) 722 541
Fax: +254 (2) 726 115
Email: kemriub@ken.wuthnet.org

Korea (Republic of ) - Pyongyang
Dr K. Dong Guy
Central Hygienic Anti-epidemic Station
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Tel: +850 (2) 529 22

Korea (Republic of) - Seoul
Dr Chun Kang
National Institute of Health
5 Nokbun-dong, Eunpyung-Ku
Korea (Republic of)
Tel: +82 (2) 380 1504
Fax: +82 (2) 389 2014
Email: ckang@nih.go.kr

Kuwait - Shaab
Dr S. Al-Mufti
Virology Laboratory, Ministry of Public Health, Public Health Laboratories
P.O.Box 35699 SHAAB
Tel: +965 (265) 36 31
Fax: +965 (265) 34 83
Email: sehmufti@kuwait.net

Latvia - Riga
Dr Vaira-Irisa Kalnina
State Agency Public Health Agency
7 Klijanu Str.
Riga LV
Tel: +371 (708) 1511
Fax: +371 (910) 8242
Email: kalnina@sva.lv

Lebanon - Beyrouth
Dr J. Hatem
Central Public Health Laboratory
Rue M. Nsouli
Boite postale 8508

Luxembourg - Luxembourg
Dr F. Schneider
Laboratoire National de Santé
Boite Postale 1102
42, rue du Laboratoire
Tel: +352 (49) 49 38
Fax: +352 (40) 42 38
Email: francois.schneider@crp-sante.lu

Madagascar - Antananarivo
Dr Dominique Rousset
WHO National Centre for Influenza
Unité de Virologie - Institut Pasteur de Madagascar
BP 1274, Antananarivo 101
Tel: +261 (20) 224 1272
Fax: +261 (20) 224 1534
Email: drousset@pasteur.mg

Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur
Dr S. Mangalam
Institute of Medical Research
Virus Research Laboratory
Jalan Pahang
Kuala Lumpur
Tel: +60 (3) 293 5070
Fax: +60 (3) 293 8306
Email: mangalam@imr.gov.my

Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur
Dr Shamala Devi
Department of Medical Microbiology
University of Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur
Tel: +60 3 7967 5759
Fax: +60 (3) 7958 4844
Email: shamala@ummc.edu.my

Mexico - Mexico City
Dr Irma Lopez Martinez
INDRE (Instituto de diagnóstico y Referencia
Departamento de Virología, 1st floor
Carpio 470, Col. Sto. Tomas
C.P. 11340
Del. Miguel Hidalgo.
Mexico D.F.
Tel: +52 (5) 341 1432
Fax: +52 (5341) 0404
Email: ilopez@salud.gob.mx

Mongolia - Ulaanbataar
Dr D. Mend-saikhan
State Institute of Hygiene Epidemiology and Microbiology
Government of the Mongolian People's Republic
Ulaanbataar 13
Tel: +976 (1) 45 26 77
Fax: +976 (1) 45 26 77

Morocco - Rabat
Dr Rajae Aouad
Labourtore d'Immunologie - Virologie
27 Avenue ibn Batouta
B.P. 769
Tel: +212 (37) 771 930
Fax: +212 (37) 772 067
Email: RELAOUAD@sante.go.ma

Netherlands - Rotterdam
Dr Albert D. M. E. Osterhaus
Erasmus University of Rotterdam
Dr Molewaterplein 50, P. o. Box 1738
Tel: +31 (10) 408 80 66
Fax: 0031 10 4089485
Email: a.osterhaus@erasmusmc.nl

New Caledonia - Noumea
Alain Berlioz-Arthaud
Dept. of Virology,
Pasteur Institute
BP 61, 98845 Noumea,
New Caledonia.
Tel : (687) 27.02.85,
Fax : (687) 27.33.90
E.mail : aberlioz@pasteur.nc

New Zealand - Wellington
Dr Sue Huang
Communiicable Disease Group
Institute of Environmental Science and Research
34 Kenepuru Drive
P.O. Box 50348
New Zealand
Tel: +64 (4) 914 0700
Fax: +64 (4) 914 0770
Email: Sue.Huang@esr.cri.nz
Website: http://www.esr.cri.nz/

New Zealand - Auckland
Dr M. Croxson
Laboratory Services, Auckland Hospital
Healthcare Services Ltd
Park Road, Private Bag 92024
New Zealand
Tel: +64 (9) 307 4949
Fax: +64 (9) 307 2826
Email: KittyC@adhb.govt.nz

Nigeria - Ibadan
Dr D. Olaleye
College of Medicine
University of Ibadan
Tel: +234 (02) 241 00 88 ext. 2796 / 2662
Fax: +234 (02) 241 1768 (college) 241 3545 (UCH)
Email: library@odeku.med.ui.edu.ng

Norway - Oslo
Dr Olav Hungnes
Norwegian Institute of Publich Health, Dept. of Infectious Disease Control
WHO National Influenza Centre
P. O. Box 4404 Nydalen
Geitmyrsveien 75
Tel: +47 (22) 04 2520
Fax: +47 (22) 04 2447
Email: Olav.Hungnes@fhi.no

Pakistan - Islamabad
Lt. Gen (R)
Prof. Dr. K. A. Karamat
Executive Director
National Institute of Health
Park Road
Tel: +92 (51) 925 5112-14
Fax: +92 (51) 925 5099
Email: edoffice@apollo.net.pk

Papua New Guinea - Goroka
Dr Sauli Bebes
Institute of Medical Research
P.O. Box 60
Goroka E.H.P.
Papua New Guinea
Tel: +675 (15) 732 2800
Fax: +675 (15) 732 1998
Email: general@pngimr.org.pg

Paraguay - Ascuncion
Dr Julio Manzur
Central Laboratory of Public Health
Avenida Venezuela Y Florida
Tel: +595 (21) 292 653
Fax: +595 (21) 294 999

Peru - Lima
Dr Yvonne Torres de Yon
Instituto Nactional de Salud (NIH)
Calle Capac Yupanqui 1400 (Jesús María)
Tel: +51 (1) 471-3254 and or 9920
Fax: +51 (1) 471-7443
Email: yon@terra.com.pe

Philippines - Muntinlupa City
Dr Fem Julia Paladin
Research Institute for Tropical Medicine
Department of Health, Research Institute for Tropical Medicine
Filinvest Corporate City Compound
Muntinlupa City
Tel: +63 (2) 809 7120
Fax: +63 (2) 809 7120
Email: vchan@cph.upm.edu.ph

Poland - Warsaw
Dr Lidia Brydak
National Influenza Centre
National Institute of Hygiene
ul. Chocimska 24
00-791 Warsaw
Tel: (48-22) 542-12-74
Fax: (48-22) 542-13-13
Email: nic@pzh.gov.pl

Portugal - Lisboa
Dr Helena Rebelo de Andrade
Instituto Nacional de Saude
Av Padre Cruz 1649-016
Tel: +351 (21) 752 6455
Fax: +351 (21) 752 6400
Email: h.rebelo.andrade@insa.min-saude.pt

Romania - Bucharest
Dr Costin Cernescu
National Influenza Centre in the Institute of Virology
Romanian Academy
285 Sos. Mihai Bravu
Sector 3
Tel: +40 (1) 324 2590
Fax: +40 (1) 324 2590
Email: cernescu@valhalla.racai.ro

Romania - Bucharest
Dr Viorel Alexandrescu
Cantacuzino Institute
Spl. Independentie nr. 103
C: P. 1-525, R-70.100
Tel: 40-21-411-38-00
Fax: 40-21-410-76-67
Email: roinfluenza@cantacuzino.ro

Romania - Lasi
Dr C. Apetrei
Virus Laboratory, University of Medicine & Pharmacy
Rue Universitatii 16
Tel: +40 (98) 469 65 , 121 40, 178 45, 124 08
Fax: +40 (98) 11 78 45

Russia - Moscow
Prof. Dmitry K. Lvov
Prof. Anatoly Slepushkin
Ivanovsky Research Institute of Virology
Tel: +7 095 190 30 46
Fax: +7 (095) 190 28 67
Email: flulab@mail.ru

Russia - St Petersburg
Prof. Oleg I. Kiselev
Prof. Anna A. Sominina
Research Institute of Influenza, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
Prof. Popov str. 15/17
St. Petersburg
Tel: +7(812)234 62 00
Fax: +7(812) 234 59 73, (812) 346 1270
Email: somin@infos.ru, office@influenza.spb.ru, anna@influenza.spb.ru
Website: http://www.influenza.spb.ru

Senegal - Dakar
Dr Mbayame Niang
Department of Virology, Pasteur Institute
BP 220 Dakar
Tel: +221 (839) 9222
Fax: +221 (839) 9210
Email: niang@pasteur.sn

Serbia & Montenegro - Novi Sad
Dr Vera Jerant-Patic
Institute of Public Health
Futoska St.121, 21000 NOVI SAD
Novi Sad
Serbia & Montenegro
Tel: +381 (21) 422255 / ext. 171
Fax: +381 (21) 616690 /683989
Email: IZZZ@eunet.yu

Serbia & Montenegro - Belgrade
Dr Jasminka Nedeljkovic
Institute of Immunology and Virology "Torlak"
Vojvode Stepe-458
P.O.Box 2
Serbia & Montenegro
Tel: +381 (11) 2492 896
Fax: +381 (11) 469 654
Email: jnedeljkovic@torlakinstitut.com

Singapore - Singapore
Dr Ai Ee Ling
Singapore General Hospital
Outram Road
Tel: +65 (6) 321 4940
Fax: +65 (6) 323 4972
Email: gptlae@sgh.com.sg

Slovak Republic - Bratislava
Dr Hana Blaskovicova
National Reference Laboratory on Influenza
National Public Health Institute of the Slovak Republic
Trnavska 52
SK 845 26 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
Tel: +421 (2) 4437 3743
Fax: +421 (2) 4437 2641
Email: blaskovicova@szusr.sk

Slovenia - Sloven
Dr Maja Socan
Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia
Trubarjeva 2
Ljubljana 1000
Tel: +386 (1) 244 1522
Email: maja.socan@ivz-rs.si

South Africa - Sandringham
Dr Terry Besselaar
National Institute for Communicable Diseases
Private Bag X4
Sandringham 2131
South Africa
Tel: 27 11 386 6354
Fax: +27 (11) 386 6455
Email: terryb@nicd.ac.za
Website: http://www.niv.ac.za

South Africa - Capetown
Dr Girish Kotwal
University of Cape Town Medical School Observatory
Medical Microbiology
South Africa
Tel: +27 (21) 406 6128
Fax: +27 (21) 448 4110
Email: gkotwal@curie.uct.ac.za

Spain - Barcelona
Dr M. de Anta
Catedratico de Microbiologia
Facultad de Medicina
Barcelona 36
Tel: +34 (93) 227 5522
Fax: +34 (93) 227 5464

Spain - Madrid
Dr M. Pilar Perez-Brena
Centro Nacional de Microbiologia
Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Carretera Majadahonda- Pozuelo km.2.200
Majadahonda, Madrid
Tel: +34 (915) 09 7971
Fax: +34 (915) 09 7966
Email: pperez@isciii.es

Spain - Valladolid
Dr Raúl de Lejarazu
Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Valladolid
Centro de Gripe
Facultad de Medicina, 6ª Planta
Calle Ramón y Cajal, 5
Tel: +34 (983) 420 000 ext 20251
Fax: +34 (983) 423 022
Email: lejarazu@med.uva.es

Sri Lanka - Colombo
Dr Geethani Wickramasinghe
Medical Research Institute
PO Box 527
Sri Lanka
Tel: +94 (1) 69 35 32 - 4
Fax: +94 (1) 69 14 95
Email: vasanmb@sltnet.lk

Sudan - Khartoum
Dr A.R. Salim
University of Khartoum
Department of Microbiology and Parasitology
P.O. Box 102

Sweden - Solna
Dr Annika Linde
Department of Virology
Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control
SE 171 82
Tel: +46 (8) 457 2652
Fax: +46 (8) 33 72 72
Email: annika.linde@smi.ki.se
Website: http://www.smittskyddsinstitutet.se/

Switzerland - Geneva
Dr W. Wunderli
Hôpital Cantonal Universitaire de Genève
24 rue Micheli-du-Crest
1211 Genève 14
Tel: +41 (22) 372 40 86
Fax: +41 (22) 372 40 88
Email: Werner.Wunderli@hcuge.ch

Thailand - Nonthaburi
Dr Mrs.Pranee Thawatsupha
National Institute of Health (NIH)
Department of Medical Sciences
Ministry of Public Health
Tivanon Road
Nonthaburi 11000
Tel : +66(2) 9510000 ext. 99212
Fax : +66(2) 5915449
E mail : pranee@dmsc.moph.go.th

Trinidad and Tobago - Port of Spain
Dr H. Vaughan
Caribbean Epidemiology Centre
16-18 Jamaica Blvd
Federation Park
Trinidad and Tobago
Tel: 001868 628 1032
Fax: 00186 8 622 27 92
Email: vaughahe@carec.paho.org

Tunisia - Tunis
Dr Amine Slim
Laboratoire de Microbiologie
c/o M. le Directeur
Hôpital Charles Nicolle
Bvd 9 avril
Tel: +216 (71) 578186
Fax: +216 (71) 56 87 44
Email: amislim@yahoo.com

Turkey - Ankara
Dr Neziha Yilmaz
Refik Saydam Hygiene Institute
16 Cemal Gursel Caddesi
Sihhiye - Cankaya
Tel: +90 (312) 431 2882
Fax: +90 (312) 435 7480
Email: nezihay@hotmail.com

Uganda - Entebbe
Dr S.D.K. Sempala
Uganda Virus Research Institute
P.O. Box 49

United Kingdom - London
Dr Maria Zambon
Central Public Health Laboratory
Specialist & Reference Microbiology Division
Health Protection Agency Colindale
61, Colindale Avenue
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 20 8327 6269 (Direct)
Fax: +44 (0) 20 8205 8195
Email: Maria.Zambon@hpa.org.uk

United Kingdom - Glasgow
Dr B. Carman
Regional Virus Laboratory, Gartnavel General Hospital
1053 Great Western Road
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 141 211 00 80
Fax: +44 (0) 141 211 0082

United Kingdom - Belfast
Dr Peter Coyle
Regional Virus Laboratory
Kelvin Building
Royal Victoria Hospital
Grosvenor Road
Belfast BT12 6BA
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 28 9063 5239
Fax: +44 (0) 28 9063 4803
Email: p.coyle@bll.n-i.nhs.uk

United Kingdom - Aberdeen
Dr Pamela Molyneaux
Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
Royal Infirmary
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 1224 553818
Fax: +44 (0) 1224 550632
Email: P.Molyneaux@arh.grampian.scot.nhs.uk

Uruguay - Montevideo
Dr J. Russi
Departamento de Laboratorio de Salud Publica
8 de Octubre 2720
Tel: +598 (2) 487 2616
Fax: +598 (2) 480 7014
Email: jcrussi@adinet.com.uy

USA - California
Dr John Janda
Viral and Rickettsial Disease Laboratory
850 Marina Bay Parkway
Tel: +1 (510) 540 2242
Email: Jjanda@dhs.ca.gov

USA - Ann Arbor
Dr H. F. Maassab
School of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology
109 Observatory Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Tel: +1 (313) 647 3202
Fax: +1 (313) 764 3192
Email: maassabh@umich.edu

USA - Georgia
Dr Nancy Cox
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road
Mailstop G-16 Atlanta
Tel: 404-639-1279
Fax: 404-639-2334
Email: njc1@cdc.gov

USA - Slingerlands
Dr L. Grady
Virology Diagnostic Services Laboratory of Zoonotic Diseasesvice and Virology Proficiency Testing
Wadsworth Centre, New York State Department of Health
Griffin Laboratory
5668 Old State Farm Road
Slingerlands, New York
Tel: +1 (518) 869 4550
Fax: +1 (518) 869 6487
Email: grady@wadsworth.org

Venezuela - Caracas
Dr Jesus Querales
Instituto Nacional de Higiene "Rafael Rangel"
Oficina del Este
Apartado 60.412
Tel: +58 (212) 693 2421
Fax: +58 (212) 662 4797
Email: inhrr5@reaccium.ve

Vietnam - Hanoi
Dr Le Qyunh Mai
Dr Nguyen Tran Hien
Influenza Laboratory
National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology
1 Yersin Street
Tel: +(84) 4 971 6352
Fax: +(84) 4 971 8930
Email: lom9@hotmail.com

Wikipedia is not a database


Wikipedia is not a database and this long list can't simply be dumped into the article. WAS 4.250 18:39, 14 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]



The above data was supplied as part of the discussion at Talk:H5N1. WAS 4.250 18:39, 14 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Latest H5N1 Indonesian death - test results being confirmed by WHO's HongKong lab


According to this report, I am very sure that the lab at which the Indonesian test results are being confirmed at is that of Dr. Lim's since his lab is the only WHO-accredited one in HongKong. I've blogged about it here and emailed the lab to enquire about opening up information to the public domain, info such as recent sequence data and subset selections from the confirmation tests. Does anyone else have any other suggestions/ideas as to how these WHO labs can help with opening up the information.. until now .. everything has been pretty much Hush Hush in terms of scientific data. - User:WorldWideHelpGroup

See the "references" and the "external links and sources" sections at the very end of H5N1 for more scientific data than you can stand. Including the COMPLETE GENOME of the H5N1 genotype that fathered this whole mess. WAS 4.250 14:56, 17 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The good of information and the bad of information are in a "dymamic tension". See The Definition and Measurement of Dangerous Research and Page links to the complete sequence of the Influenza A virus (A/Goose/Guangdong/1/96(H5N1)) genome. WAS 4.250 15:33, 17 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]


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