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Talk:Mircea Diaconu

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Diaconu and Iliescu


I presume what the Part written here is based on this: "agricultura se află în lista de promisiuni electorale a lui Mircea Diaconu, foarte probabil pentru că mizdează pe votul din mediul rural. Propunerea sa este „ a agregării în mari suprafețe agricole”, o sintagmă care a fost intens folosită de Ion Iliescu, pe vrmea când se opunea restituirii pământurilor confiscate de regimul comunist. Ca și Ion Iliescu, dar și ca marea majoritate a liderilor social-democrați, Mircea Diaconu pledează pentru unificarea micilor proprietăți care au fost reconstituite după anul 2000."

It is a gross misrepresentation, because as everyone can read it says that agriculture is in his program because he MIGHT be betting on the rural vote. This is just one sentence on which even the writter of the article doesn't put much wait.

On similarity with pollicies of the Iliescu eras, yeah they argue very well for that but the fact that this is intentional--atention on the word "targeted"--is not proven nor claimed.

Anyways, IMO one has to be preatty detached or a political zealot to think there exist "nostalgics for Iliescu" in Romania. DiGrande (talk) 10:43, 15 January 2023 (UTC)[reply]

The source explicitly mentions that Diaconu “mizează pe votul din mediul rural”, for one. Two, logically speaking, if you live in a city, you don’t care very much about how land is distributed, whereas in the countryside, this can be vital. — Biruitorul Talk 19:52, 12 April 2023 (UTC)[reply]
You are misquoting, "probabil că mizează pe votul din mediul rural." You take something that the author belives it might be true with some probability and stating it as fact.
In case you failed to understand my issues with this interpretation, they are: (1) the author of the text sees this as a possibility not certanty & (2) there is nowhere stated that his policies are targeted at a rural population.
What a rural inhabitant might or might not think is completly irrelevant to this. DiGrande (talk) 11:34, 13 April 2023 (UTC)[reply]
This is a full translation of the source in question:
"Mircea Diaconu, the ProRomânia and ALDE candidate, who is participating in the presidential elections with the slogan "Un Om", has an electoral program that includes a condensed chapter of proposals.
"We live in the era of the Internet and the mobile phone, but not all the consequences are positive", writes Mircea Diaconu in the chapter on innovation and research, which also includes education. The actor Diaconu therefore proposes "regulation of internet access for minors", "banning mobile phones", "anti-drug controls in schools" and a return to uniforms.
In the same chapter, there are also proposals such as classes of ten children in rural schools and teachers to commute to villages and communes, to replace the long distance travel of schoolchildren between localities. Diaconu is also of the opinion that students should spend more time at school or that teachers should have more professional degrees to achieve, in order to be motivated and not limit themselves, since, says the program of the "Un Om" candidate, nowadays a teacher reaches the maximum teaching rank in just 12 years.
Mircea Diaconu, like other candidates, does not want to amend the Constitution, nor does he intend to redefine the role of the country's president, which was, in recent years, subject to the interpretations of the CCR, through successive reductions of presidential powers.
The "Good faith for Romania" program is structured on
the energy field, where he proposes, among other things, the commissioning of nuclear reactors 3 and 4 at Cernavodă, a legacy of the communist regime that no post-December government has been able to capitalize on. Diaconu does not commit to a strategic proposal, he does not decide whether or not to continue the memorandum concluded by the PSD Government, which involves the takeover of the mentioned reactors by a Chinese state company. Diaconu proposes the creation of an energy group, consisting of these two nuclear reactors and the Rovinari group, which is in functional crisis, which the Dăncilă government partially closed due to technical problems. The concern for Rovinari and the Oltenia Energy Complex, of which it is a part, coincides with strategies launched declaratively by Victor Ponta, the leader of the ProRomânia formation, which supports the candidacy of Mircea Diaconu. Ponta, former prime minister, is in his fourth term as a deputy for Gorj, where Rovinari is located, and is, at the same time, a promoter of relations with the Chinese Republic.
in the transport sector, Mircea Diaconu's offer does not promise highways or roads, a topic of intense dissatisfaction in Romania, because, the candidate says, it is unrealistic "they cannot be built overnight". Diaconu proposes "a national consensus" to transform Romania into a European transport hub, with ports and bridges over the Danube, built with European funds
agriculture is on Mircea Diaconu's list of electoral promises, most likely because he is counting on the rural vote. His proposal is "aggregation in large agricultural areas", a phrase that was intensively used by Ion Iliescu, at the time when he opposed the restitution of lands confiscated by the communist regime. Like Ion Iliescu, but also like the vast majority of social-democratic leaders, Mircea Diaconu pleads for the unification of the small properties that were reconstituted after the year 2000. DiGrande (talk) 20:28, 15 April 2023 (UTC)[reply]
The Iliescian vein is present in Mircea Diaconu's program, for those who remember the domestic politics of the 90s and up to 2004. Mircea Diaconu has an analysis of the last 30 years, which occupies the largest space of his program, in which he advocates for "consensus" and even recalls in this sense the Ilyesian Declaration from Snagov, from 1995 (the pact of the parties at that time for Euro-Atlantic integration).
The same analysis over the last 30 years defines the mandates of the presidents that Romania has had recently.
Ion Iliescu, the period of attempts to stabilize Romania, without reference to the investigation of the former president in the June 90 Mining File.
Emil Constantinescu, the great change, the return to the West
Traian Băsescu, the seizure of state institutions (first term), followed by the seizure of absolute power (in the second term)
Klaus Iohannis, the division of the people step by step
External politics: DiGrande (talk) 20:30, 15 April 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Although he does not advocate changing the role of the president, Mircea Diaconu says that foreign policy should be left under the control of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Senate. "The president just needs to achieve consensus," the program says. The recent polemics between President Iohannis and former Prime Minister Dăncilă on the issue of moving the Romanian embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem have left unresolved a dispute that began during the Băsescu administration, in conflict with the Prime Minister of those times, Victor Ponta, regarding primacy in politics external between the head of state and the head of the Executive.
"The undermining of the "armistice" between the Euro-Atlantic West and Russia makes this eastern border a nodal point for the security of the whole of Europe and projects Romania into a new strategic situation. Romania is par excellence the space that can ensure the strategic balance between Euro-Atlantic and Euro-Asian powers", is the premise from which Diaconu starts.
He advocates establishing a stronger voice for Romania within the NATO Alliance and within the EU.
Regarding partnerships, the candidate with the slogan "One Man" states that "the strategic partnership with the US is an essential component of this network, but this does not mean minimizing other partnerships of this type, such as those with Great Britain, France, Spain, Italy , Poland, Hungary, but also with Japan, Turkey, Azerbaijan".
This list does not include China, which is among the countries mentioned in the program as the target of "developing the historic collaborative relationship in all its aspects". China is viewed by NATO allies and the United States as an aggressive competitor, especially amid its military rise.
Russia is perceived in the program as an aggressive factor in the Black Sea region, and Diaconu reports, without going into details, for Romania's stabilizing role in the region.
Diaconu also advocates for close relations with the Republic of Moldova and for making the government in Bucharest responsible for keeping the country on the European path.
A translation so anyone who cannot speak romanian can understand it. DiGrande (talk) 20:31, 15 April 2023 (UTC)[reply]