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Paducah suit article, and separating up the material

Someone' shifted out the Paducah suit into a seperate article, which will need a bit of formatting as per the style guide. Just now it's a bit of a dangling section, but it was a good move as the article's very long. I suggest that we split off, say, all of the Cases section into one separate article ("Videogame-related legal cases of Jack Thompson"?), and the same with the Activism section, and leave this page to hold everything else. (Side note: I think that "Other Legal Cases" should be placed before his videogames-related ones and activism, for chronological order.) That should mean we've got 3 reasonably sized articles. Thoughts? Sockatume 14:01, 12 February 2006 (UTC)

I like it. It shortens the article up a lot, so it's easier to browse through. Maybe in the sections where we split off, we should add a quick 1 sentence summary of the split article, so the reader knows what's linked to... Jabrwock 16:19, 12 February 2006 (UTC)
I agree with splitting off the article as well. At present, it's just unwieldly huge and difficult to read, particularly in the view that the table of contents for the article alone is about a page long.--Vercalos 22:25, 12 February 2006 (UTC)

Is there any other way to break up the article without making it into seperate entries? How do sub-articles work? Jabrwock 15:06, 14 February 2006 (UTC)


Because I'm awesome, the article's now easier to navigate. However, the Cases and Activism events could all do with going into chronological (or some other suitable) order if this layout is to work. Any volunteers?

Excellent work. It *is* much easier to navigate now. Maybe this weekend I'll do some chronological sorting. Jabrwock 15:54, 10 February 2006 (UTC)

Should we go for Featured Article candidacy? It's a controvertial subject, yet as far as I can tell it's dealt with in an objective manner simply by listing claims and counter-claims. It's got an excellent selection of sources attached and generally does its job very well.

On the one hand, I'd say yes, because I think it's a decent article. On the other hand, be prepared for waves of 14 year olds writing "Jack Thompson is a nazi faggot" 200 times throughout the article... Remember when this article got Slashdotted? Then again, we do have "Semi-Protection" now, so if it gets out of hand, we can request it, yet still be able to clean up the article... Jabrwock 14:45, 9 February 2006 (UTC)
Featured articles' images get protection; it wouldn't be a stretch to get the article itself protected for its stay. I say we go for it.SA9097

Jacob Robida Murders

I'm doing a re-write in the sandbox, I'll replace the GTA-other, Postal, and Jacob Robida Murders section when I'm done. I'm merging all the sources, cleaning up the text, etc. When I'm done, it will all be condensed under "Jacob Robida Murders". Jabrwock 21:00, 8 February 2006 (UTC)

Ok, I'm done. Hope it's ok. Jabrwock 22:11, 8 February 2006 (UTC)

Gamer's Suicide Section

I read the MGS.org section about the suicide, and i was quite moved by it as well. Its good that the community did what they could to help there friend in need. I believe the section should stay but in its entirety could be moved to either a stub or a some other page. I dont want to push anything because this is a very sensitive subject. I think if it was shortened a little it would be acceptable, i think that the dialogue including JT's first letter and then between him and MSG are especially important to keep, i think a little of the events that lead up to it should stay but since this article is about JT and not the young man it could be shortened. However on a more personal note, every life is important, when someone dies there should be a celebration about there life and the passing on, this is a tragedy that JT used for his own gain and he should be ashamed of himself as a human being and as a self-proclaimed man of God. Tik 19:53, 28 January 2006 (UTC)

Jack's Counters

Someone I know named Rich emailed Jack, saying the following: "Mr Thompson,

You're a busy man, but I'd appreciate it if you gave me some serious thought. I'm not here to bash or chastise you- there's plenty of that going on. I want to appeal to your more logical side.

Jack, I want to address your persistant statements that people who play video games "have no lives". I have played video games for many years, and I have fond memories of doing so, much like you may have fond memories of playing baseball with your friends while growing up. I too have played sports as a child, and games were something else to do on those rainy and snowy days here in Michigan. In short, I have a life. A life I am very happy with, as a matter of fact. Video games have merely been a small part of that happiness.

Now, my problems lie in several areas.

Firstly, you have cited God as some of your reasons for being so adamantly against games. God will be the ultimate Judge of good and evil. I do believe you have broken one of his teachings- Judge not lest ye be judged yourself. You have judged all video game players as degenerates and future murders, something I obviously take exception to. To date, I haven't killed anyone with a chainsaw or hit anyone with a car, and do you know why?

Because my parents were extremely moral people who had the common sense to instill a great amount of respect for my fellow man. I honestly think that your blaming some murders on video games and large corporate stores is catering to the set of parents out there that did not take the time to teach their children right from wrong, and they instead plopped their children down in front of the Sega while they enjoyed the peace it brought.

You see, I really do believe that you are serving the greater evil in this, Jack, and it troubles me. I see such wasted potential in you. I'm all for punishing those who have commited attrocities in this world, but your justifications are off. You're sending the wrong message to parents out there by allowing them to think that their hands are clean of any wrong doing their offspring may have committed. I really do think that you should be trying to send a better message here- that parents are ultimately responsible for raising their children, not some CD or cartridge. Most parents have opposable thumbs: you should instead be teaching them to use them to turn off the game when they do not like what they see. They really need to play a more active role in their childrens' upbringing. THAT is the true evil in this world.

They will listen to you, Jack, because they respect you. You could be doing something so much more productive and meaningful with your time. Instead, your actions are almost entirely reactionary rather than prevenative. If you really cared about these troubled youths, you'd be petitioning their parents to recognize and understand them rather than condemning them for their hobbies.

I don't honestly think that a single e-mail would change your mind on such matters. However, I do hope that you start to act more adult-like rather than tossing around labels and damning people without even recognizing them. I'm sure you've recieved emails in the past calling you "Hitler" or "Saddam-like", but that is not what I wish to do here today. I just want you to realize that there are better and more productive ways to go about this rather than this extremist view you have taken.

Jack, if you've read this far, then my hat is off to you. It proves that you are indeed willing to listen to others' points of view rather than completely submerge yourself in your own. For that, I thank you. But please, leave the judging for the man upstairs and instead do His work with a sense of respect for your fellow man. They're people too.

Thank you for your time."

Mr. Jack Thompson replied with exactly this: "i don't have time to be scolded by you, junior. get a life" (above unsigned)

This guy basically summed up how most of us gamers feel about him, and what the flaws of the argument are about. You can tell the maturity on behalf of both parties and as usual it does not side with mr. thompson. Whats ironic is that JT usually can sum up how awful gamers are with one sentence, however this time he wrote a sentence and a fragment and did the same thing to himself. There is no hope for JT and this article is just going to expand and expand till he either dies of old age or just physically not able to sue anyone else (probably the former). The writer definately deserves a lot of respect for at least taking the initiative and writing to JT. Tik 15:27, 28 January 2006 (UTC)

I think that Jack-O's reached that age where people are so old they act like children again.. Seriously, objectively compare his actions with a kid who uses his LJ to complain about everything, and to an adult of middle age. He acts more like a child than an adult. And I'm not being particularly biased, though I personally hate the man.. Hmm.. I just had an idea..--Vercalos 09:18, 11 February 2006 (UTC)

agreed Tik 14:50, 18 February 2006 (UTC)

Flowers For Jack *Discussion*


Are they really that sure this is the best idea? Knowing Jack he'll probably perform a public exorcism on them then start screaming they were laced with anthrax as the belated men in white coats drag him away...

Seriously though, why don't they just push to get his license to practice law suspended? He's already in the bad books of his local BAR, all he needs is a few thousand direct complaints before he'll have no choice to give up, no doubt giving a final sickening speech as to how 'good' has once again been silenced.

What are your thoughts on this e-ambulance-chaser, guys? (not Jack in general, the Flowers for Jack thing - I realise putting your thoughts down about Jack would probably make this an R-18 discussion). CitrusC 10:52, 24 January 2006 (UTC)

This needs to be added ASAP


What the HELL is wrong with this mentalist. I'm so pissed with him at the moment I can bearly write a coherant sentence, let alone an unbiased report on the incident. I seriously hope someone goes out of their way to cause him harm, I'm sick of his delusional christian 'warrior' facades in order to line his own DAMN POCKETS! CitrusC 01:35, 22 January 2006 (UTC)

  • I hear you. I've personally written a statement and attached THIS link - http://www.ctrlaltdel-online.com/#970 - to a local NBC affiliate. Hopefully it'll carry, and people will really see what this man does with his spare time. It boggles me to know how shallow and mean-spirited this man is.. I hope the family sues him for legal damages, so he can go up to a trial jury and explain how he had every right to cause emotional damage to the family of the boy that killed himself. Caaaaash Cooooow.

PLEASE stop, this page gets topics all the time like this, i know you want to flame JT, thats fine but WISHING BODILY HARM TO JT WILL NOT BE TOLERATED ON THIS SITE. It does not belong here and will become a liability to the site and to yourself should anything happen to him. Remember the guy who wrote on this site some old senator had something to do with JFK's death? yeah they tracked his IP to a business and he publically had to apologize while at the same time losing his job, he could also face defamation charges if need be. I dont think you want all this, and if harm came to JT as a result of these posts you could face jail-time. Just be smarter about what you post, or at least post it on a forum site where noone will think to look. Tik 15:56, 28 January 2006 (UTC)

Perhaps the offensive remarks above should simply be removed to protect the legitimacy of Wikipedia. If anyone seconds this motion, then I say go for it. --JoeCoder 12 March 2006

Best Buy Lie?

[1] Looks less like a writer writing an editorial, and more like a photocopy of a press release Thompson sent out. Until we have details about the "lawsuit settlement" I'm going to say we need to treat it as Thompson "claiming" he has an agreement with Best Buy. Besides, one incident does not prove anything. NIMF (who did the original survey) surveyed tons of sales. Jabrwock 20:00, 15 December 2005 (UTC)

This is no lie. That is a very reputable site... Thompson has also confirmed that he is suing Best Buy

Yet they give no details about the "agreement", and like I said, it looks exactly like the writer took a press release from Thompson, and added a few comments of his own. This is not a NPOV news story, it's an editorial. Jabrwock 19:48, 6 January 2006 (UTC)

Washington Sniper entry inaccurate

I'm going to do some research on the Malvo case, becase the entry is full of inaccuracies: (AFAIK) there was no van (it was a car with a hole drilled in the trunk to shoot through, there was no mention of a Playstation, and Halo isn't available for the PS anyway... Jabrwock 16:57, 28 November 2005 (UTC)

If I recall correctly, Thompson himself said Halo was a Playstation game at one point. I also believe he mentioned that the Columbine shooters 'trained on the "Sniper Mode" of Doom', which doesn't exist. I could be wrong on both accounts, however. The S

I don't see the relevance of putting the entire BushSupporter review. How is that significant to the Amazon.com incident? KungFu-tse

I think it was posted to show the type of "supportive" posts that the book was getting, but I see your point. Thoughts? Jabrwock 19:01, 12 December 2005 (UTC)
I really don't think the review is necessary, or at the very least, having the users name. Not only does it appear to be irrelevant, but it appears its purpose was merely to depict that those on the right are on the same side as Thompson. Could we perhaps change it to something along the lines of "Thompson has no problems with the following review...", it sounds somewhat more neutral.
Well, I'm going to give it a couple of days until I delete the BushSupporter review myself.
Like I said before, I don't see the relevance of posting the entire review and listing the username of the writer. My biggest problem is with the line "Thompson appeared to have no problem with...". Well, that's the thing. Thompson "appeared to". This is supposed to be an encyclopedia where you write facts relevent to the article, not a place to spread gossip or theories. Either he did, or he didn't. This isn't the place to write "maybe", "probably", "appeared to", "might have" and stuff like that. Unless you have concrete evidence that Mr. Thompson actually said he supported the review, I don't see why it has any place in this Wiki entry.
Anyone with a different opinion, please speak immediately. I'm all ears.KungFu-tse 13:16, 27 December 2005 (UTC)

Okay, I just deleted the review for reason of relevancy, or should I say lack of.KungFu-tse 05:22, 29 December 2005 (UTC)

Letters from a Teenage Gamer

I've read most of the article but I didn't see this mentioned anywere(I haven't added it either), but I seem to remember there being a series of letters exchanged between Jack Thompson and a young teenage gamer who attempted to argue with him logically and without insults or profanity.. Is it actually mentioned in the article, or should it be added if it isn't?--Vercalos 03:32, 26 November 2005 (UTC)

You could add it to the wikiquote article. Viridis 05:49, 26 November 2005 (UTC)

Thompson's Alabama License Revoked

I am adding paraphrasing and a subsection under Video Game controversy over his revocation of his alabama Law license per the source: http://ps2.ign.com/articles/668/668345p1.html . I am also adding that site to the sources.

Please make sure you actually read the article to see if the info is already there... his license to practice in Alabama relates directly to his participation in Strickland v Sony, which is why the info was posted under there Jabrwock 01:24, 22 November 2005 (UTC)
Okay, this is the 2nd time someone's just tacked this on to the article. If you think it deserves to go in a new section, please discuss here, otherwise just add to the section already present. Jabrwock 03:34, 23 November 2005 (UTC)

Jerk Simpkins

If anyone knows where to find a scan of the Hsu and Chan comic 'Jerk Simpkins', please link to it in the article. Thanks!

Jack's article from 2002 connecting al-Qaeda with Disney Cruise virus

I found this while looking for his date of birth.

"Miami Attorney Jack Thompson, who has been a specialist for 20 years in medical/legal issues, including infectious diseases while representing major South Florida hospitals and the Red Cross, alerts the media to the following urgent news analysis

There has been a universal and thus remarkable failure on the part of all media to address the possibility that the "Norwalk-like flu virus" besieging primarily the Disney Cruise Line may be the work of al-Qaeda affiliated bioterrorists."


No controversy because he wrote it. I personally think this is just as nuts as his video game stuff. Maluka 04:42, 22 October 2005 (UTC)

Come on you recent vandals...

Just stop it. Don't we want the world to see why you hate Jack Thompson so much? 00:16, 23 October 2005 (UTC)

maybe the vandal is JT himself...the article is rather on 1-sided. But when your talking about jack thompson there arent really 2 sides to anything. JT would plagerize his own page then sue wiki for defamation or something like that, am i wrong? Tik 21:39, 10 December 2005 (UTC)

Since we have the ip's logged, perhaps someone can do research on them?Cantthinkofausername 22:36, 10 December 2005 (UTC)
Most of the one's I've seen have come from various secondary school IPs. Jabrwock 21:15, 12 December 2005 (UTC)
I just had to delete another vandal... 23:06, 8 February 2006 (UTC)

I agree with Thompson

Trolling will get you nowhere. This page is not for whether you agree with him or not. Jabrwock 04:25, 23 October 2005 (UTC)
O.K., but do not delete my original post so I have a chance to defend myself. I said I agree with him because the videogame industry has exchanged creativity for violence as a way to make an easy sale. I'm sure Thompson has a point and people should stop attacking him! WHERE IS THE TROLLING AND WHY DID YOU DELETE MY STATEMENT? I also said the videogame industry should make more games like Princess Maker.
Wrong. You are mistaken, there is no overlap between JT's views and yours.
There is nothing which justifies to define you as agreeing with him.
You consider games today to cover for lack of creativity with violence (which I could debate on its own, but is irrelevant for this issue), JT call games 'murder simulators' and launch verbal misinformation assaults complemented with trash talk.
You don't agree with JT, you disagree with how you perceive today's industry (which again, I could debate, and in general there is a dying of creativity, mostly because of publishers, but that's again another issue which's irrelevant).
Your opinion regarding which games should be made is also irrelevant.
This is a debate regarding JT and the subsequent wikipedia article portraying him, with some permittance towards relevant issues, not the games industry in general. 19:47, 24 October 2005 (UTC) Ori Klein
I deleted the original statement because discussion of whether Thompson is right or wrong has no place here. This page is for discussing whether the information presented is factual or not. It's trolling to post opinions here knowing they will solicit a torrent of responses that have no bearing on the issue at hand. Jabrwock 21:43, 24 October 2005 (UTC)

I would like to point out that included in Princess Maker is the un-dress (available only through the debug menu), allowing you to make a 12 year old girl get naked. I find that sick, personally. Bad example. - Ostermana

Archiving the talk page and forking the article

Unless anybody protests, I'm going to start doing this. The article itself is getting redundant (to the point of repeating itself three or four times, almost verbatim, in certain places) and the talk page is way to long. I want to hear some ayes or nays, but what I'd mostly like is if anybody has a nay say, why exactly that is and what they want done about it. Professor Ninja 07:31, 23 October 2005 (UTC)

I've attempted to remove some of the duplication. --user:MyRedDice
As I've said above in "Closing time?" if there is no meaningful development in this issue, then it is time to archive. 19:53, 24 October 2005 (UTC) Ori Klein
Professor, not only will I give you an aye, I'll follow it up with a "please, for the love of god, would you?"
Fox1 20:45, 24 October 2005 (UTC)

New. Phone interview with Jack Thompson

This just came out today from GamerGod. Jack is caustic in his remarks about gamers, yet he tries to keep it low as he defends his "crusade" to educate the world to the evils of video games.

It goes everywhere. The interview was 63 minutes long. This one statement in particular is sure to rekindle the gamers' wrath.

"Let me first say prefatorily, about me, is that this is a philosophical point and a practical one. I really don't think it matters who I am, my point of view. It's about the facts of the case and the un-intellectual gaming community as a whole and their unwillingness to look at the facts."

It's one of the best written pieces I've read. Anyone?

http://www.gamergod.com/article_display.cfm?article_id=344 Maluka 04:49, 24 October 2005 (UTC)

Look, you have to stop looking at Jack Thompson in black and white, I know he himself looks things in b&w, but Mr. Thompson is lke Rorschach from Watchmen, deep inside in his extremism, he has a point. There's a nice article that explains how I think about Mr. Thompson: http://www.pointlesswasteoftime.com/games/censorship.html
I think Jack Thompson deserves at least for gamers to stop being little zombies who fight blindly for the videogame industry, an industry that deserves all the criticism that it gets.
Sorry, do you have a point to make about the article? This isn't a soapbox. --JiFish(Talk/Contrib) 16:07, 24 October 2005 (UTC)
Yes, it is implied, the point is: Jack Thompson is not completely wrong nor completely right about videogames, and the way in which he is being attacked by the videogame industry and it's fans is over the top and more aching to comedy about Jack Thompson instead of trying to understand why he says the things he says. Jack Thompson is being treated too harshly instead of being understood. Some of the things he says about the videogame industry are true or partialy true and that's explained in the article linked above.
I think you bolded the wrong parts, the "get gamers flamed" trash talk is inconsequential part, trying to draw attention and retaliation to keep his short fame-flame burning.
I would instead, focus on his ridiculed logic It's about the facts of the case...unwillingness to look at the facts, someone should place a mirror to his face.
Also, Maluka, I agree.
Yes, you should stop looking at JT in black and white, you should look at him in a fistful of rainbow colors, as I'm certain his illucid imagionary delusional acid-trip-esque world appears to him. Hardy Har Har.
Furthermore, in regards to what JT says, I disagree.
Violent games should be sold to teens, they're able enough to handle the content.
Sexual-content games are the ones which should be classified as mature/adult only (not that sexual games are of any quality in their sexual content or that it'll matter if the kid want to look at real porn, but nevermind that at this scope).
But that is also irrelevant and beyond the point (but I can't stop from rambling :P sorry).
Summing it all up, again:
JT is most possibly a lunatic fame-vulture and a very high-ended portion of what he says regarding games is wrong or trash talk. Violent games maybe should be sold under M classification, or not, it's upto someone else to decide. 20:22, 24 October 2005 (UTC) Ori Klein
O.K., byt the way, Jeff K said hello! :D

Wikipedia is not for expressing views upon subjects. It is about the facts. If you want to talk about Jack Thompson go somewhere else. Otherwise stick to the facts, not your opinions. Wikipedia is not a forum, it is a way of getting facts, not opinions, into the public domain.

Is this really necessary?

Jack Thompson (attorney)#Other_video_game-related_incidents - seems kind of trivial and lame, I am for removing it, but wanted to see what other people thought. Hbdragon88 01:15, 25 October 2005 (UTC)

I'm the one who originally suggested it (see here), but did not add it. I recommend keeping it, for it shows how he goes to such great lengths for something so useless and infantile. -- RattleMan 01:29, 25 October 2005 (UTC)
I'm for keeping it. The Buddy Icon is legendary. Maluka 02:25, 25 October 2005 (UTC)
I too am for keeping it. Dread Lord CyberSkull ✎☠ 02:27, 25 October 2005 (UTC)
Keep it. Professor Ninja 03:20, 25 October 2005 (UTC)
Anyone over the age of thirteen would like to give her or his opinion?
I already did, kid ;)Maluka 08:42, 25 October 2005 (UTC)
I say keep. --JiFish(Talk/Contrib) 11:44, 25 October 2005 (UTC)
I for keeping it too. Having JT actually reacting to something as trivial as this is worth noting in the article. ╫ 25 ring-a-ding 12:21, 25 October 2005 (UTC)
Additionally another part of the article makes reference to it, thus turning the article into nonsense if it's removed. On top of which the fact that this actually had a certain consequence (the buddy icon being removed) is important. This wasn't just Thompson spouting off and then nothing coming of it; they actually balked and took it down. And, I'll let my own bias show through here, this is from a man who decided that this was a threat against his life (when it doesn't even show Thompson dying, one could also read that it rendered him unconcious or merely smashed against his head -- whatever) but went on to describe a violent murder story in which a man -- giving the industry a taste of its own medicine, in Thompson's own words -- murders the children of a thinly-veiled Paul Eibeler, who are apparently a part of the industry. Professor Ninja 14:30, 25 October 2005 (UTC)
I think it should stay. Not for the icon itself, but rather because of the reaction it got from Thompson. It's a good example of how he flies off the handle and over-reacts to trivial things that poke fun at him. Jabrwock 15:11, 25 October 2005 (UTC)
Keep it. I need not justify. Any person of logic can obviously see the reason. This least is expected. Infact, add it to the already existing reference. No need for two mentioning, merge into one. 20:05, 25 October 2005 (UTC) Ori Klein

Ha Ha

Aww, come on, it's funny, you know it. Besides, you mentioned comics before.

This is supposed to be an encyclopedia

Encyclopediae are supposed to be objective, but this entire article is a riduculous rant. I don't know much about the subject, but I do know childish peevishness when I see it. Please either fix this article or get rid of it. The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) 13:51, 2005 October 26.

Everything in this article is sourced. If you have a specsific objection/s, then please let us know them. --JiFish(Talk/Contrib) 20:58, 26 October 2005 (UTC)
Hows it going Mr.Thompson? Told anyone to kill themselves lately? 26 October 2005 (UTC) The preceding unsigned comment was added by Marer (talk • contribs) 18:47, 2005 October 26.
Try editing it. I agree that some parts are blatantly non-neutral, but I've tried my best to remove them in a massive edit a couple of days ago. Hbdragon88 02:24, 27 October 2005 (UTC)
I agree the article needs work, and I am striving for NPOV. But quit complaining people and fix the damn thing. Dread Lord CyberSkull ✎☠ 02:34, 27 October 2005 (UTC)
Ohboy here we go again. "I don't know much about the subject...". If you did, you'd know the article is factual and it's impossible to be neutral or unbiased. These are the things he's done. This *is* Jack Thompson. Maluka 03:30, 27 October 2005 (UTC)
Who cares? Why is this individual so important? Why don't you guys just forget about this retarded article and let it simmer down. In the meantime, you could be making on articles on the millions of subjects Wikipedia doesn't currently cover. Xizer 05:17, 27 October 2005 (UTC)
It seems you're familiar with childrens games, so you don't know Jack. He is important to almost every gamer on the planet. What articles and subjects would you suggest? Maluka 05:25, 27 October 2005 (UTC)
Erm, Brenda sweety, "children games"? Sure, child at heart, but not a child... Please don't generalize games, while at that.
True, as I've said before, you don't need to know anything on the subject or even read the article, it's impossible to be looking unbiased towards Jack simply because of what he is and what he do. It's enough to mention these and it's already looking unneutral.
Doesn't even require editing or anything, JT works perfectly fine all on his own accord and by himself (double repeat for emphesis) to turn himself into the perfect stooge/clown/asshat. 06:25, 27 October 2005 (UTC) Ori Klein
At the risk of being chastized this isn't a soapbox or chatroom, that wasn't directed at you, Ori. I still believe that in a case like this, knowledge of the person is important. To those not part of the gaming community, he's just another name who seems to be the subject of a very biased article. I suggest those who don't know who he is, to Google him. I'd say Wiki, but he's already here ;) Maluka 07:38, 27 October 2005 (UTC)
Erm, I'm a hardcore gamer. I know ALL games...from the Odyssey to the PS3 ;) Point is, Mr. Thompson is nothing more than an attention whore, who is entirely insignificant. Xizer 22:46, 27 October 2005 (UTC)
You're bragging. I dislike that. 23:40, 27 October 2005 (UTC) Ori Klein
Erm. No, I'm not. I was just mentioning I am well aware of Thompson's place, in response to Maluka, Mr. Anonymous.

I think that, ultimately, the point we're all trying to get at here is that the article does not seem neutral from the casual glance. However, it is Wikipedia's duty as an encyclopedia to present the facts, and not to cover for someone who can't seem to help but make an ass out of himself. In the case of Jack Thompson, you can only do so much to keep the article neutral before the sheer ridiculousness of what he says and does shines through.


I recommend someone blank the entire article and start again, perhaps focusing on the individual in question rather than on how much he irritates "gamers". I enjoy vices of all kinds, violent games among them, but I enjoy good information even more. I am not questioning the facts contained within it, merely their use in portraying his character. There are already many articles about some of the issues he has spoken about, we do not need to repeat them all here. Don't ask me to fix it, I just do spoken articles ;). TheNomad 04:42, 28 October 2005 (UTC)

Most of the work he's done publicly is about gamers Sceptre 19:45, 27 October 2005 (UTC)

I must agree with this idea. we should restart this and look at it open mindedly. lets start with this, some of you may or may not like JT, but he has every right to say what he wants or think what he wants. the only problem is when a person forcedly tries to impose there ideas on another person. when in a debate either two things happen, you learn somethihg from someone, or someone learns something from you. I am also a very smart 14 year old with an iq of 150. I also play halo 2 on xbox live. if you have ever seen "CSI" then you would know opinions don't matter, this is all about evidence, the evidence from the FBI shows that my generation is the least violent in american history. people just notice it now. the most violent being 24-34 in the mid-80's. 7:01 pm 27 october 2005

Well alright. Since you're going to be whiny bitches about this I'm going to go over the article coming saturday and see if I can assist its objectivity. 05:46, 28 October 2005 (UTC) Ori Klein
Ohmygod. No, no , no. Too much has been done on this to tweak it to its current state. It's all there and to scrap it and start all over would be nuts. Why didn't the last two people sign their names?? Maluka 03:25, 28 October 2005 (UTC)
Oh I'm not going to scrap anything, just review and rephrase existing material so it'll sound condescendingly neutral enough for the wankers. 05:46, 28 October 2005 (UTC) Ori Klein
I have this strange gut feeling that old Jack may be putting people up to getting rid of this. I'm not pointing fingers, it's just a thought that won't go away. Maluka 12:16, 28 October 2005 (UTC)
His significance as a person is how he effects the gaming industry. If he wasn't so widely hated, he wouldn't be known at all, and there'd be no reason to even mention him. Some guy 04:24, 28 October 2005 (UTC)
I'm going to repeat myself a bit here - there are about 20 lines to cover the majority of his life and at least four times that amount on his recent spat with gamers, with several paragraphs on "Penny Arcade" alone, while what they do is interesting it is unimportant to JT's life and therefore has no place here. TheNomad 04:48, 28 October 2005 (UTC)
I'm going to disagree with you. He's partially responsible for recent and upcoming video game legislation. The MSM takes him seriously, leading viewers to believe he's an expert voice on video violence and "murder simulators". It's that wrong impression the non-gaming population get which needs clarification.
To the 14 year old Halo 2 player. I'm a grandmother and just beat Halo 2 for the 5th time and am currently playing the first Halo on the hardest level. My IQ is private. Too many think games are for the young and male. I'm proof that's BS. Once again, scrapping would be a sin against Wikipedia and all those who put this together and have worked hard as hell on it. Where were you new people then? Maluka 05:06, 28 October 2005 (UTC)
The penny arcade event is notable and I will strongly object to it's removal or cropping. If you feel you can make the article more neutral, then fine. But tread carefully. --JiFish(Talk/Contrib) 12:43, 28 October 2005 (UTC)
I agree with you 100% about the Penny Arcade event. Maluka 16:36, 28 October 2005 (UTC)
We should make an article about you, the coolest grandma in the world. ^^ 05:46, 28 October 2005 (UTC) Ori Klein
Hahaha. I'm still a kid at heart. Thanks for the laugh and compliment :) Maluka 12:16, 28 October 2005 (UTC)
What everyone seems to be missing out on is that without all of this information regarding gamers' hatred for Jack Thompson, it would no longer be an article about Jack Thompson... I mean really, he's famous for two things... trying to ban all video games and being a rude jerk to video gamers. If the article doesn't say that, then it's not an accurate representation of the sort of information one would have to have in order to be informed on the subject of Jack Thompson. It's like having an article about Bill Clinton and leaving the presidency out.

I'm for a restart. Shouldn't this at least be in chronological order? And his 2 Live Crew years are just as important as the ongoing video game controversy. Encyclopediae should have a historical perspective rather than focusing on what's happening now. azazoth 1:30, 27 December 2005 EST

Just what the hell is going on?

Not only was my entry about why the discussion "talk" page removed, now someone has taken it upon themselves to move the page??? It seems 3 different people felt fit to make drastic changes without anyone else having a say. Move it, my ass. Maluka 14:08, 29 October 2005 (UTC)

You're not understanding.. I'm trying to correct the problem, objecting will leave things as they are (with the talk page being out of sync with the page it was attached to). You want to support moving this page (Talk:Jack Thompson (attorney)) to the new talk page location (Talk:Jack Thompson). PLEASE NOTE: For the time being I've placed a redirect on the new Talk:Jack Thompson page that redirects here. Until an administrator can correct the botched move of Jack Thompson (attorney) to Jack Thompson this is the best solution I could think of to keep the old conversations going. -Locke Cole 14:35, 29 October 2005 (UTC)
I'm admittedly confused. I was trying to write I got it wrong and got the message someone had changed the page since I began and to start over or something. I want the talk page as it was. Thanks for helping with the botched move. With the redirect I'm unable to remove my opposition. Any suggestions? Maluka 14:46, 29 October 2005 (UTC)
You can change your opposition/support at [[Talk:Talk:Jack Thompson (attorney)]]. Sorry about not including the link here. -Locke Cole 14:55, 29 October 2005 (UTC)
I was a little confused too about it until I went poking into the history to see what had been done (and then realized that I'd been redirected from Jack Thompson (attorney) to Jack Thompson). Just to be clear, moving the page shouldn't be a problem (nothing to get up in arms about I mean). But unfortunately whoever moved it (you can see their name in the history if you want to find out) didn't move the talk page (where we're at right now) along with it. The best "fix" for this that I can think of is to move this talk page (and all the archives on it) to the new Talk:Jack Thompson page. Unfortunately a new talk page had already been created there, so simply moving this page myself wasn't an option. As I'm not an administrator I don't have the ability to fix the problem myself. This is why I requested a move of this talk page. In order for the move to be made, a consensus of users must agree to the move within 5 days. If you'd like to support the move, you can change your vote on [[Talk:Talk:Jack Thompson (attorney)]]. I hope this cleared up how we got where we are. ;) -Locke Cole 14:55, 29 October 2005 (UTC)
Herm. What move? Why move? There's another (an actor) Jack Thompson who was I believe born under this name. This ("our") JT dirtball wasn't born under the name Jack. He shouldn't get the fame of having the main page, no sirreee bob. He got all the attention a shitbag like him deserves. I say NO MOVE TO MAIN PAGE! NO! 21:54, 29 October 2005 (UTC) Ori Klein
Main page was already moved. This request is to correct the mistaken dropping of this talk page (and their respective archives). Even if you're against moving Jack Thompson (attorney) to Jack Thompson, you've got to agree that whatever decision is made with that move must also include the talk page and respective archives. -Locke Cole 04:00, 30 October 2005 (UTC)

Proposed Move

Please voice your support or opposition at [[Talk:Talk:Jack Thompson (attorney)]]. There's 4 or 5 pages of archives on this talk page that I'd hate to see lost. -Locke Cole 14:57, 29 October 2005 (UTC)

NO! 22:02, 29 October 2005 (UTC) Ori Klein
Your support or opposition will not be counted here as far as I know. Please vote at [[Talk:Talk:Jack Thompson (attorney)]]. Also, please see my reply to you above. -Locke Cole 04:01, 30 October 2005 (UTC)

New Article

Not really quite JT related, but they mentioned him about once or twice.
Suprisingly, it's a supporting article.
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/10/28/tech/gamecore/main992768.shtml 22:02, 29 October 2005 (UTC) Ori Klein

Great article, Ori. At first I thought you meant it was supportive of JT instead of being supportive of video games. Maluka 03:24, 30 October 2005 (UTC)

Yet another article about Jack on the attack in 1988!

This article was written when JT was running for Dade County DA. Hahaha. He was going to sue Miami stations for 200 million bucks. The pic of him is great -- he has dark hair. http://my.ampednews.com/images/photo_gallery/327_jack.jpg Maluka 05:16, 30 October 2005 (UTC)

--Chardonnay 22:24, 2 November 2005 (UTC)== The hits just keep on coming. JT lashes out again -- Big Time! ==

Jack Thompson Claims Death Threat, Spreads Blame Around

He sent out a press release claiming a 16 year old boy from Texas threatened his life and goes on about Take Two and other things. Does this idiot ever shut up?

http://www.livejournal.com/users/gamepolitics/119277.html Maluka 16:38, 30 October 2005 (UTC)

The problem is that is true, he has received death threats. That's no joke, he has. Even if people do not agree with him, they should be a little more mature in the way they talk about Mr. Thompson. As much as I disagree with his "pixelante" theory, I have to give this one to Jack Thompson and say that gamers aren't "mature" enough to defend their hobby.

I see. Please comment on the article, and not leave inflammotary comments on Wikipdia. Go somwhere else if you wish to discuss this matter. I am sure you opinion counts for something, however arrogant and egotistical it is. --Chardonnay 22:24, 2 November 2005 (UTC)

Did I read that right? Gamers aren't "mature" enough to defend their hobby? That's condescending to all of us who are NOT kids and this "old broad" is very defensive of her hobby. Have you ever received an email from him? I doubt it. He's more childish than any what you allude to as kid gamers. Maluka 17:05, 31 October 2005 (UTC)
Never, and never will. You see, I don't seek free publicity taking advantage of an ultraconservative man's opinions who is right in one thing and one thing only: Videogames are too violent. Sure, sure, he is crazy, but he is "kinda right". I will never defend EA, Ubisoft, Activision or any other company that makes games like Soldier of Fortune (computer game) where you can see the innards of the people that you kill, they deserve all the criticism that they get.
Quoth Ctrl-Alt-Del:
I'm an adult, and if I want to play a video game that contains violence or sex, that's my constitutional right. And it's the right of the developers to create these games.
Don't start trying to fuck with the choices of adults, Jack, unless you're prepared to take on pornography, alcohol, cigarrettes and gambling. And booze, cigs and poker have been proven to have negative mental and physical effects on people. You can't say that about video games.
And pornography... well porn is just great. Everyone loves porn.
--Nintendorulez (talk) 23:49, 14 November 2005 (UTC)

And this has what to do with the Wikipedia article? Does your comment ring true about movies and TV as well? Think about it, then post somewhere that accomodates posting opinions. --Chardonnay 22:24, 2 November 2005 (UTC)

Lame webcomics

I removed the "ctrl+alt+delete" cartoon, it was offensive and didn't offer anything interesting regarding Jack Thompson (no, a comic about a child being raped by an arcade machine isn't funny kids, GROW UP!).

Oh how I ironic. By telling people do this, on a place where you should not, has actually shown you to be immature, and not worthy to comment on Wikipedia, as you do not understand its principles at all. --Chardonnay 22:30, 2 November 2005 (UTC)

I agree with the removal of this comic, particually because the use of the image is probably a copy-vio. However, I would warn that calling the other editors here "kids" and telling them to "GROW UP" could be considered insulting and thus violate WP:CIVIL. Please choose your words with more care. --JiFish(Talk/Contrib) 16:57, 31 October 2005 (UTC)
Yeah, hey, I didn't know being a kid was so bad. Also, I'll tell my grandma to stop telling me to grow up and get a job already because, wow, telling someone to grow up is such an insult. I guess I don't live in the warped world where mature means to shoot people in the face.

Oh, your maturity summed up in a few short sentences. Please go somewhere else to spread your views on the world, a place where the point of the place is to talk about views. In front of a brick wall may be the best option. --Chardonnay 22:30, 2 November 2005 (UTC)

If I were your grandmother I'd probably tell you where to go. What in the world are you doing here if you have such a dim view of gamers. What's with the attitude? Maluka 17:13, 31 October 2005 (UTC)
Maluka, as as I said on your talk page. Everyone (bar those users that have been banned) has a right to be here. --JiFish(Talk/Contrib) 17:21, 31 October 2005 (UTC)
Duly noted. It's that old knee-jerk thing :) Maluka 18:27, 31 October 2005 (UTC)
I'm a Shigeru Miyamoto fan, I like Zelda and Nintendogs. I also love Interactive Fiction and adventure games in general.

And this has what to do with the article? --Chardonnay 22:30, 2 November 2005 (UTC)

Please don't confuse the editors of this page with the creators/fans of the various webcomics in this article or simply with gamers in general. When we are here we are all editors who should leave our biases at the door. So yes, I do consider telling us to "grow up" offensive and uncivil and I'm fairly sure I'm not the only one. Argue the facts of the article not the traits of the editors. --JiFish(Talk/Contrib) 17:21, 31 October 2005 (UTC)

I just deleted the description of the Ctrl-Alt-Delete cartoon. Seriously, as much as i hate the guy, the description clearly reeked of POV and was totally unncessary. Hbdragon88 06:51, 3 November 2005 (UTC)

Agreed. I tried to delete it before, but it was restored. --JiFish(Talk/Contrib) 11:40, 3 November 2005 (UTC)

While I thought the description was unnessecary, I thought the cartoon was necessary. It shows a good example of what webcomic authors (and other people) think of Jack Thompson during this era. After all, there is a paragraph about it. Nestea 20:29, 3 November 2005 (UTC)

We link to plenty of webcomics about him. There's no need to show one too. Besides, I'm pretty sure it doesn't count as fair-use. --JiFish(Talk/Contrib) 20:46, 3 November 2005 (UTC)

Look, the point is that you removed a section of the article without providing a professional reason and instead attacked the integrity of people who had nothing to do with it (which i believe Jack Thompson is guilty of as well......). If you had provided a good reason like hbdragon88 then noone would have flamed you. Also if you continue to show your maturity and throw unfounded remarks around here without even an apology, then your just going to get banned, plain and simple.Tik 14:40, 5 November 2005 (UTC)

Don't have much time, but...

Jack Thompson labels the Video Game industry "Pearl Harbor 2"


This seems like a weird complaint, but I almost think this article is so detailed it ends up being POV. I don't like Jack Thompson or what he is doing (or more specifically, how he is doing it), but goodness, I feel like I know everything he's done since the Hot Coffee controversy. I almost feel like I should be knowing when he's had his own coffee. The writing doesn't seem POV in itself; I think it is very neutral in terms of writing quality. But I wonder if we are POV, because nearly all of the information in the article portrays him negatively. It almost seems like we need to get a big picture view of Jack Thompson, and maybe be more selective. Of course, I don't know how this fits into the NPOV policy, since most of the writing doesn't seem to attack him personally, it's just a deluge against him with the amount of information used. Mred64 03:34, 4 November 2005 (UTC)

This article is based on all the press he has garnered, and most of it has been negative. Dread Lord CyberSkull ✎☠ 05:54, 4 November 2005 (UTC)
The way to balance this article is to find and add some positive press, not to remove the negitive stuff. --JiFish(Talk/Contrib) 11:30, 4 November 2005 (UTC)
Good luck! He creates his own negative press with his ridiculous press releases and lawsuits. He sends them to gaming sites and gets involved with the discussion on Game Politics, where he continues to insult gamers. He eats this up.Maluka 03:05, 5 November 2005 (UTC)
Is that possible? Every time Thompson has spoken out he sounds like an f'ing idiot...first, claiming that the Sims 2 was a sex game (when some quick research would have clearly said it had no such things), the Vice City supposed "nude cheat," backing out of his Modest Game proposal, and other insane incidents. Hell, I thought he might have a bright part before these games cases, but calling Janet Reno a closet lesbian and related to the Mafia?!?! Hbdragon88 23:08, 4 November 2005 (UTC)

I believe ther is a famous quote that says,'A man shall be judged by his actions', i dont know who said it but it is very true. JT is one of those guys who makes very irrational decisions that just creates a deeper hole in his integrity, on a side note it is very interesting that he has begun to distance himself from his peers and even is losing support from that families against violent media (or w/e its called). I think that even al lot of politicians think hes lost his mind, kinda funny if you ask me. This stuff is factual because it relates to what he has actually done, if anyone can add his positive contributions then do so, otherwise its pretty balanced (not perfect)Tik 15:00, 5 November 2005 (UTC)

I don't mean we need to remove negative things to make it more balanced, I just wonder if we almost go into too much detail. I mean this could almost pass for Wikinews in some people's opinions. I do think there needs to be some more positive things, to make it look a bit more even. And honestly, I have no idea if we can find anything. Someone may have brought this up a long time ago and tried to look for good things and couldn't find any. If that's the case, the article is fine, since it brings up the information in a neutral way. Mred64 18:58, 5 November 2005 (UTC)

Clearly, this article is unusually long and detailed, but is that a bad thing? None of these "news items" will suddenly become irrelevant when they cease to be current. So long as it remains pertinent, coherent and navigable, the only drawback is that many other articles seem superficial by comparison. Furthermore, the details may cast JT in a uniformly negative light, but Wikipedia can't be held accountable for connotation; sometimes, the facts just speak for themselves, even when imparted in the dryest and most unbiased of ways. 10:33, 31 January 2006 (UTC)
Maybe it's a little bit much to read. You can only hold someones attention for so long. Reub2000 22:09, 31 January 2006 (UTC)
Well,if you are a resident of the US, then you are fed with a constant influx of information related to Mr JT's exploits. However, for non-US people, this page is very very informative and paints an accurate picture of the man. Well, it is the most unbiased description of him that I have seen online.Infact, most of what I have come to know about him are courtesy wikipedia.(and the links in the article).Plz pardon my english.-- 15:20, 1 February 2006 (UTC)

i agree to that as well, you cant write a positive article about castro, osama bin laden, or saddam, simply because the facts leave no room for optomistic interpretation. Jack thompson is simply in the same category (albeit he hasnt commited mass murder, but you know what i'm saying) Tik 14:57, 18 February 2006 (UTC)

Strickland vs. Sony

The current news is regarding the current court case, it might be worth starting a new wikipedia entry focusing on the case instead of just adding a new paragraph to the current article every time there's a release of information and multiple responses to the release and opinions and all the rest.

You sure?

Doesn't seem important enough for me. It's only being focused on because of Jack Thompson's media lust. --Viridis 00:12, 5 November 2005 (UTC)

yeah. well that is, if the case makes it past the first few days. If the case is succesful then its seen that video games can cause people to kill and will drastically affect the games industry. However it seems that the case might be thrown out so maybe not. Regardless of the reasons why the case is a big deal, half of the contents of the thompson entry itself are direct results of jack's media lust. not documenting it would be stupid. we were doing it anyway near enough, i just wanted to maybe split the article up into more concise sections. --Arcon 21:15, 5 November 2005 (UTC
JT is off the case! http://www.livejournal.com/users/gamepolitics/126359.html Maluka 04:38, 8 November 2005 (UTC)
Well, I guess that ends that entry. Unless Thompson testifies, as he seems to think he'll be called to do. Doubtful though, since he's not an "expert" at anything other than grandstanding. Jabrwock 19:19, 8 November 2005 (UTC)
Given that this page is 47KB long, and it is a videogame case that could be a milestone in gaming history...ehhhh, I don't know. Hbdragon88 06:06, 12 November 2005 (UTC)
And the judge just finalized it, not only refusing his request for withdrawl, but then kicking him off the case, and revoking his temp license to practice... Jabrwock 22:21, 18 November 2005 (UTC)
Hahahaha! Hallelluya! About time. ~~ Ori Klein

Info crossing over between sections

I think we need a re-organization of the info in some sections. Some info, such as Thompson's views, cross over between other sections (his attacks on Doug Lowenstein are listed in video game cases, and under his views). Should his opinions on Lowenstein be under Video Game Cases? Because they don't directly relate to any particular case at hand. Jabrwock 19:43, 7 November 2005 (UTC)

Place of birth

As far as I can tell, Thompson's place of birth was noted as South Africa until 08:48, October 29, 2005 when changed it to Ohio. Ohio sounds more believable, really, but I still think someone needs to verify this? It's hard because the Wikipedia article stood for such a long time saying it was South Africa, and therefore many external sources may have in turn cited it as such though it was incorrect. -VJ 23:46, 7 November 2005 (UTC)

In Thompson's book he says he grew up in Cleveland, Ohio. The publisher gives you a PDF sample of the first chapter. [2] Jabrwock 18:14, 8 November 2005 (UTC)
Okay, I see it, but growing up doesn't necessarily equate to being born in. Moreover, I wonder where the South Africa thing came from and why, if it was false, it remained there untouched for such a long time. I mean, for an article undergoing this much scrutiny, isn't that a little weird? -VJ 22:42, 8 November 2005 (UTC)
True. Maybe we should change it to "grew up in Ohio" until we can confirm his birthplace? Jabrwock 15:29, 9 November 2005 (UTC)
My thoughts exactly. Good call. -VJ 03:28, 10 November 2005 (UTC)

Tennessee shooting

I know this isn't a videogame related case *yet*, but Thompson has claimed that this incident can be blamed on videogames, so I thought his claim was worth a mention. So far the police haven't announced a motive. Thompson was apparently on a Knoxville evening news program linking the incident and videogames, can anyone find a web-link or a transcript? Jabrwock 18:10, 9 November 2005 (UTC)

From what I know it hasn't been proven he's done this. His press release on Game Politics is in question as to authenticity by many as well as on other forums, and there isn't a word anywhere else. One guy on Gamers Against Jack researched it throughly and came up empty. Weird, I had a feeling somehow he'd get involved. Read the comments. If true, he's sicker than always thought.
GP is a good source for Thompson's "press releases", and the site's author filters anonymous comments, and only allows ones from Thompson's IP (he does this on a daily basis, JT loves to post there) to come through if they look like a Thompson post. So if it's signed "Jack Thompson", it's extremely likely that it came from him. Otherwise the site's author wouldn't have authorized the anonymous post to get through. Thompson has threatened the site's author in the past of "fake" press releases, so the site won't let them come through until they are verified as coming from JT. Jabrwock 21:32, 10 November 2005 (UTC)

http://www.livejournal.com/users/gamepolitics/127410.html?thread=5348530#t5348530 Maluka 09:16, 10 November 2005 (UTC)


It could be added, if Thompson gets more involved. Right now it's part of Thompson's daily routine. Wake up, get dressed, blame something else on video games. pretty run of the mill.

To argue against, violent people are draw to violent games, it does not cause the violence. You could just as easily blame violence on Cherrios with the type of information Thompson has. Better ratio of users-to-violence, too.

True, it is run of the mill for JT, but it's another incident he's directly commented on, so I imagine we'll see an Alabama-Moore type series of events stemming from this (first try to defend the kid using "games made me" defense, then convince the family to sue).

Outdated Source

Akron Beacon Journal has apparently deleted the article for source 5. Does anyone have an alternate article?

17:21, 13 November 2005

There's a lot of sites commenting on Thompson offering to defend the accused, but the ABJ was the only news article which documented it I think. Jabrwock 18:02, 14 November 2005 (UTC)

I noticed that there wasn't anything on Thompson's reaction to Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories web site's parody of groups and people like him.

My summery of what went on(that I don't want to submit because it is too wordy, could be shortened a lot, and I question how legit it is): Rockstar made a parody of him on their site for their new GTA game. They have a letter from someone in the group Citizens United Negating Technology For Life And People's Safety(Abbreviated as C.U.N.T.F.L.A.P.S) that wants to turn off the internet, which is obviously making fun of the various groups wanting to protect us from stuff they deem harmful(movies, games, the internet, etc). It makes even more sense when they later added a section on how a history game ruined some women's relation(by having the positive effect of making the guy a better person).

The letter was from a concerned parent who looked up "teenage water sports" when trying to find sport activates involving water for their daughter. Obviously they didn't get the intended results, and were quite offened by the all the sexual-themed results.

Also in the fake email, and audio clip features a boy talking to his mom about the nude man in his room. The kid claims that he met his new "friend" named "Jack" on the internet.

Jack Thompson notices this, and sends out a press-release about what he perceives as an attack on him by Rockstar Games. He came to the conclusion that the initials JT was for Jack Thompson(which in the context does makes sense), but from there he read too much into this and blows things out of proportion. He insisted JT was really him, was the "the Miami, Florida (Liberty City) anti-violent video game crusader"(that info was not given anywhere in the letter, the letter didn't proclaim anything about being a "anti-violent video game crusader" and from my recollection the GTA series mainly deals with fictional cities, and Liberty City sure isn't located in or based on Florida), and along with the audio clip claims that “Bisexual pedophile Jack Thompson is the combined message”

Related urls: http://www.rockstargames.com/libertycitystories/ (at the top of the flash scroll left, the featured fake email is under "CITIZENSUNITEDNEGATINGTECHNOLOGY" and you can select & copy the letter's text) Game Politics is where the story originates from http://www.livejournal.com/users/gamepolitics/87105.html

Only problem I have and see about this is the question on just how legit this email is. As of typing this I realized most places link back to gamepolitcs as their source, and none of the major news organizations or game media mentions this. It does fit as something that he would find and complain about, and most recently he has been posting anonymous comments at Gamepolitics(which Gamepolitics verifies which anonymous comments are his, so they must know his IP or something). This wiki does feature a section on Jack Thompson's replies on gamepolitcs, so I guess by the wiki's standards they could be considered creditable. You can try asking them for a copy to see how legit this is, I guess the other game news outlets just ignored or filtered out Jack's spamming(has done this before to other people/sites).

Tried looking his address up in the usenet group news.admin.net-abuse.sightings if someone reported his spam, but it didn’t show there. But I wouldn't consider that to be much proof as to it not being legit, most people don't bother to report spam.

01:54, 15 November 2005 (UTC)

I'd consider GamePolitics to be a reliable source of Thompson "press releases", as the site owner knows JT's IP address, and refuses to allow anonymous "Thompson" posts unless the IP matches. Jabrwock 20:33, 15 November 2005 (UTC)

I added the GTA:LCS parody. Jabrwock 21:11, 15 November 2005 (UTC)

Florida gaming law aka Thompson vs Jeb Bush

Should we include his spat with Governor Jeb Bush's office, where he called them liars when they denied that the Governor had asked Thompson to write gaming legislation? It was the usual "they called me first" kind of thing, where Thompson initially offered to write a law, and contacted the office, to be told he should submit it to his leg rep. He then sent out press releases thanking the Governor for personally asking him to write & submit a law, and claimed he had the Governor's official backing, which according to the press office, he did not. Some politician eventually submitted a proposed law, but it was a copy of the California bill, rather than Thompson's copy. [3] [4] [5] Jabrwock 18:37, 16 November 2005 (UTC)

Wow, i had no idea he made up all that stuff, this is definately worth mentioning in a snipit at the least. It shows thompsons credibility and how desperate he is for media attention. I vote yes for this one. thanx for including the source. Tik 15:05, 19 November 2005 (UTC)

-- I say include it... there are plenty of sources: http://www.joystiq.com/entry/1234000203061323/ (A report) http://gc.advancedmn.com/article.php?artid=5871 (Full text of the bill and letters)


I know this has been brought up before that all the comics so far have been biased against Thompson, but maybe we should list them anyway, down by the news articles about him? List them under Parodies or something, so it's clear they are making fun of him? Links only, so there's no issue of copy-vio, and people who don't want to see them can just skip over that section. Jabrwock 18:48, 16 November 2005 (UTC)

I put a Parodies sections in, with warnings that content may offend. Jabrwock 17:12, 17 November 2005 (UTC)
I removed the warning. Wikipedia is not censored. I don't see why this shouldn't apply to what we link to, also. --JiFish(Talk/Contrib) 22:32, 17 November 2005 (UTC)
I had no idea. I remember some were complaining that the comics shouldn't be included because they were offensive. But I guess they were specifically talking about comics that were in-line, not linked to. Jabrwock 23:14, 17 November 2005 (UTC)

I think the external links section is getting a bit out of control. We should remove some of the more non-notable links. (For example, blogs, forums and smaller news sites.) What do others think about this? --JiFish(Talk/Contrib) 22:32, 17 November 2005 (UTC)

I agree. Links that are necessary for reference should be put up in the text of the article. Anything else should be examined for relevance. Jabrwock 23:12, 17 November 2005 (UTC)

haha yeah, after re-reading the article, even the ammount of reference links are understandable all the links in general, minus about 15, could be posted in the discussion section or a stub of jack thompson, somewhere other than the main article. 19:05, 15 January 2006 (UTC)

Jack Thompson looking for work outside of Alabama

Not a very good title, but I thought someone should add an article on this - http://www.gamespot.com/news/6140117.html

For those who can't be bothered reading, he has been removed from the case in Alabama against Rockstar Games etc which he was doing on behalf of the policemen's families. He was removed for bad conduct, and also had his ability to practice law in Alabama stripped from him. Sound like a worthy addition?

The fact that he had his ability to practice law in Alabama stripped from him is definitly a worthy addition. --JiFish(Talk/Contrib) 14:14, 20 November 2005 (UTC)
Already mentioned at the end of Strickland vs. Sony, but I added this link to the original ref. Jabrwock 15:43, 21 November 2005 (UTC)

Anyone got a reference for the judge referring him to the Alabama Bar Assoc? Jabrwock 15:45, 21 November 2005 (UTC)

Church banning - source?

Does anyone have a source for Thompson's agreement not to attend Old Cutler Presbyterian Church? If not we should remove it. Jabrwock 16:22, 21 November 2005 (UTC)

I commented the item out until we find a source for this claim. Jabrwock 20:26, 21 November 2005 (UTC)

I am the one who posted this statement, and well, my father is the Mike Khandjian, the pastor of said church. 21:52, 22 November 2005 (UTC)kevin khandjian

I might also add, I cannot remember if I was still in high school at the time, but his elementary school aged son attended the school I went to, Westminster Christian School. The administration let him know that his son would not be coming back, presumably as a result of Jack's interfering with my dad and some students at the school.

When I was in ninth grade he spoke at a weekly chapel. I believe the columbine trials had just started to make the news. He described the sorts of things that the assailants were involved in. However, the only thing that everyone in the school seems to remember from that day, is when he described pornography on the boys' computers that depicted "men raping women with shovels and then shooting them to death"

We weren't really sure why he said that, or how that could possibly have anything to do with doom95, but it was way out of left field and we were all a little shocked.

my email is th3w3bguy@yahoo.com if you want any more info 22:00, 22 November 2005 (UTC)kevin khandjian

So what does everyone think? Jabrwock 03:36, 23 November 2005 (UTC)
i think this is a fairly important piece of information. many of thompson's ideas he claims come from a christian perspective, and this points out where christian organizations have not approved of his actions. (doh forgot sig) 14:14, 23 November 2005 (UTC)kevin khandjian
We really need a source we can cite. "Some guy who claims to be the pastor's son" isn't going to cut it. Even if you could prove this was the case, it might fall under orginal reasearch. --JiFish(Talk/Contrib) 14:17, 23 November 2005 (UTC)
I agree, if we had a source page, like a news site, we could reference, then I'd say go for it. Otherwise it looks like we're using heresay. Jabrwock 16:12, 23 November 2005 (UTC)
Roger, if I can get any sort of document or something i'll let you know. btw, are you the jaberwocky from planet halflife? 16:20, 29 November 2005 (UTC)kevin khandjian
Nope. I've always gone by "Jabrwock" not "Jabberwocky". My handle is the shortened form of the creature's name (Jabberwock), not the poem title (Jabberwocky). Also I haven't played halflife in 5 years, so if there's a Jabrwock on planet half-life he's a fraud. :P Jabrwock 16:47, 1 December 2005 (UTC)

URL for Old Cutler Presbyterian Church. http://www.ocpc.org/. Might be a good idea to email this Mike character for an interview. Oh, yeah. Click on Contact Us. Notice it mentions Kevin. KungFu-tse

Wouldn't that be original research? --JiFish(Talk/Contrib) 18:51, 6 December 2005 (UTC)
Your right about that. I'm emailing other journalists and websites to see if they're willing to conduct an interview with this Mike character (if he's willing to talk to them). -KungFu-tse

Tacoma shooting

Feel free to delete/ignore this if it turns out to be nothing, but some guy in his 20's shot up a mall in Tacoma with an assault rifle, so I imagine we'll see a "press release" from Thompson soon linking this to GTA. The scenario reminded me of a mission in Vice City where you have to go on a rampage in a shopping mall, so... [6] Apparently he text-messaged his girlfriend "Today is the day that the world will know my anger." just before he started shooting. [7] Jabrwock 16:49, 21 November 2005 (UTC)

Last Name Relation

Ironically his last name is also the name of a gun

And this matters how? Jabrwock 16:45, 1 December 2005 (UTC)
His given name is also similar to the name of a particular German porn label's producer. Coincidence? Yes. Noteworthy? NO! -- Ashmodai 02:52, 7 February 2006 (UTC)

Removed ActiveDiscuss template

I removed the ActiveDiscuss template. The page seems to be neutral and factual now. Most of the stuff that happened before the article was created has now been documented. If anyone disagrees, feel free to re-add it. --JiFish(Talk/Contrib) 19:21, 29 November 2005 (UTC)

Howard Stern Update Could Be A Hoax

I searched through the Stern Fan Network and found out that they love to do a lot of pranks. I found no news articles on Jack Thompson's threat and there were no topics on Jack Thompson on the Stern network that I noticed. I could be wrong so someone else please search too. BTW, don't be fooled by the IP address and username pranks on their board either :)

Good call. I'll comment it out until we have a source for the "threat". Jabrwock 22:41, 7 December 2005 (UTC)
Yeah, I have an issue with this article too. I tried googling it and I can't find the original source or thread.KungFu-tse 18:53, 28 December 2005 (UTC)


Due to the (nearly) daily acts of minor vandalism, I've requested Semi Protection for this article. Basically it just prevents new & anon accounts from editing, as most of the vandalism on this article seems to be minor acts from anon accounts. Jabrwock 22:40, 7 December 2005 (UTC)

This would be really handy. --JiFish(Talk/Contrib) 23:54, 7 December 2005 (UTC)
Apparently semi-protection is only a proposal right now, not policy, but if they implement it I will re-request that this page be protected by it. Jabrwock 22:13, 8 December 2005 (UTC)
Might as well protect the page before Jack Thompson decides to accuse Wikipedia of Libel and sue. Cantthinkofausername 20:04, 10 December 2005 (UTC)
Apparently the rules are we can't pre-emptively use semi protection. We need to request it when there is a spat of anon vandalism, like on weekends. And it's only temporary, like a 24 lock or less. Jabrwock 15:32, 13 December 2005 (UTC)
You only need to look at he history to see this article is vandalized every day. I wish permanent protection was possible. --JiFish(Talk/Contrib) 17:12, 13 December 2005 (UTC)
Given that Wikipedia has already gotten into hot water over someone else where an article was considered to be libelious, I wouldn't be surprised if Jack-*** here decides to add to his resume of taking down Wikipedia. --Cantthinkofausername 21:06, 13 December 2005 (UTC)
Ah but unlike that libelous article, which contained false info, is there anything here that is false? If so, edit it. If not, he hasn't got a leg to stand on. Jabrwock 22:24, 13 December 2005 (UTC)
If someone can sue over Hot Coffee (spilled into a lap and causing burns, not entering a code that makes amputee porn look hotter.), I wouldn't put it past Jackie-boy in attempting such a stunt.--Cantthinkofausername 10:36, 18 December 2005 (UTC)

Semi-Protection is being tested out, so if you feel that anon vandals are overwhelming efforts to do reverts, go to WP:RFPP to request semi-protection while you clean up the vandalism. Remember this is only for when vandals get out of hand, and will ONLY be a temporary measure enabled while you clean up the page. SP ONLY restricts anon & very new accounts, so regulars can still edit to clean up the damage... Jabrwock 18:16, 22 December 2005 (UTC)

Alabama case

Thompson is currently claiming he'll be called as a witness at the Alabama (strickland v sony) case, but there's a court order saying if he contacts court or judge, he'll be charged with contempt of court. Would he be exempt if he's called as a witness? Anyone know? Jabrwock 18:24, 14 December 2005 (UTC)

Jack Buys Shares In Take-Two

I'm so surprised this hasn't been added. His plans are to take them down. http://joystiq.com/2005/12/22/take-two-gets-a-new-shareholder-jack-thompson/ Maluka 19:29, 27 December 2005 (UTC)

It's already under "Other video game-related incidents". However, it was just announced recently, so there's not much information on it for now.KungFu-tse 18:51, 28 December 2005 (UTC)

That Amazon Review Jack Supported

Hey, shouldn't that still be in the article since it shows how hypocritical Jack actually is? Here's what was there awhile back:

"However, Thompson appeared to have no problem with a positive review from a user called BushSupporter which also violated the terms of service and was subsequently removed from the site. The review is as follows:

"Jack Thompson has been unfairly slapped with some negative reviews on Amazon specifically because he's telling the truth and these gamers can't take it. There's an epidemic of violence in the US and a decline in moral values in our society. If you don't believe me just go to Skinny Puppy's The Greater Wrong of the Right LIVE DVD and read one of the reviews there. One person thinks it's cool that a band did a mock assassination of Bush and claims that the band "has balls" for doing it. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that something is definitely wrong with the youth of this country. The specific reason is because of our junk culture that presents images of sex and violence for everyone to see and glorifies this behavior. I can't believe that anyone can't see the problems in our society and can't identify the source. Thompson has discussed information about brainwaves and how these brainwaves while playing videogames are different than normal people. One study even compares the brainwaves to those of people addicted to hard drugs. Jack Thompson knows what he is talking about and you should pick up his book. Don't listen to these videogame addicts that are angry at the truth."


I found some info about this review. Jack said something about it which can be read here

"I have found that the offending reviews are still up at your site, but I find, interestingly, that a review by someone calling himself "Bushsupporter" who gave my book, Out of Harm's Way, four stars and a favorable review, has been removed from the site. Curious."

- www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-bloggers/1525624/posts

Scroll up to Talk Discussion #3 on "Amazon.com Threatened With Legal Action". I thought that posting the entire "BushSupporter" review adds little or no significance to the article, which is why I deleted it. Yes, Thompson did mention the review in his complaint to Amazon.com, but I didn't see why the whole review had to be posted. The way I interpret his letter, he was merely complaining to Amazon.com why negative reviews were still there and why this one positive review got deleted. But once you examine the contents of the review, it does seem hypocritical of Thompson to complain about the removal of this review when this review is in fact also in violation of Amazon's rules. Still, I don't see what the big deal is. Thompson never said he "supported" the review. He said that he was "curious" as to why a positive review was deleted. I'm not even sure if he even read the review.
My point is that this is supposed to be an online encyclopedia, and posting an entire online review in an encyclopedia isn't exactly relevant source material. We have to conform to a certain standard when writing articles.
But if you think the review should be placed back, that's fine by me. However, if you do decide to place it back, I think the opening sentence needed to be revised to something like "In his reply to Amazon.com, Thompson questioned the removal of a review by "BushSupporter", which gave his book four stars and a favorable review. [8] The original review is as follows: (insert BushSupporter review here)" or something like that. Anyone else have an opinion?KungFu-tse 16:00, 31 December 2005 (UTC)
I think that it should stay specifically because it shows how JT supports breaking the rules when it's convenient for his side but won't allow the same for the opposition. Also, there's the fact that the review was removed from Amazon and I couldn't ever find it using the Internet archives. The only way to find out what he's talking about is to see it in this discussion area or a few other places. Maybe just link to the discussion page, Game Politics, or anywhere else that bothered to copy and paste that review instead of posting the whole thing in the article? - JTHater

It's a shame Gamers Against Jack has been down because a 14 year old kid wrote a review, containing his phone number, and Jack called and left a message for his parents, saying he wanted to talk to them about their son and his internet activities. Maluka 04:21, 3 January 2006 (UTC)

JT could face charges on the same Cyberstalker harrassment laws that he tries to enforce on people who e-mail him if the people wanted. Ironic huh, especially since the kids a minor. Tik 16:08, 28 January 2006 (UTC)


This is 71KB in size. Maybe we should split this up? Reub2000 03:46, 1 January 2006 (UTC)

Jack after Blank Rome again

This time he asks for help from Bush [9].KungFu-tse 00:30, 9 January 2006 (UTC)

Is it just me, or is he just trying to get a competitor discredited?--Vercalos 03:53, 9 January 2006 (UTC)
Pretty much. They represent Take Two, so in pretty much every videogame-related legal effort he's ever been connected to, they were on the other side. So instead of attacking them in-court, he's working on getting them discredited outside of court. Jabrwock 17:21, 10 January 2006 (UTC)

Who stubbed this?

After reading through this talk page, I didn't see any overwhelming support of whomever cropped the article a few edits back, and so I restored it. CaptHayfever 19:12, 10 January 2006 (UTC)

Howard Stern FCC allegation

I've spoken to an FCC spokeswoman that said the fines are given out based mostly on the amount of complaints sent into the FCC. Whether Jack Thompson sent in a complaint is irrelevant, as groups similar to the Parent's Television Council has sent in quite a bit themselves (not sure if they did for this specific complaint, but I'm sure there are similar groups out there that have done so). I argue that this section should be removed, as it implies that his sole complaint was the reason for the FCC fine, unless someone can furnish proof that it was only Thompson's doing. The source listed at the bottom of the page is probably false, as the FCC does not cite specific complaints or numbers of complaints, so unless he has some secret FCC source I doubt it's true.Addboy 08:25, 14 January 2006 (UTC)

True. Stern has blamed "That Lunatic Lawyer" for a lot of his problems though, so they do have a history. Maybe we could re-write it so it doesn't credit Thompson with the complaint? It should also be re-written that Stern wasn't kicked off the air, but rather they just refused to renew his contract, so when it expired, he moved to Sirius. Which link were you referring to? The Forbes one following the Stern article is just detailing Stern's move to Sirius. Jabrwock 15:48, 16 January 2006 (UTC)
Maybe it could merely be mentioned that he was outspoken against Howard Stern somewhere in the article. I'm a ltitle too busy right now to check the souce, but it was listed in the "Links" section at the bottom. It was essentially some blogger alleging that he was the main reason for the FCC fine. Addboy 21:35, 24 January 2006 (UTC)

Jack banned from FreeRepublic.com

Web Archive of FreeRepublic.com

Here's the events leading up to Thompson's banishment from FreeRepublic.com in 2000. Think we should list this? First he posted a news article saying that anonymous libelers can be sued, then threatens the site owner. He says "Additionally, since Bill Clinton is a treasonous whore, no false defamation occurs in labeling him such." Following this, he was banned. Jabrwock 19:56, 18 January 2006 (UTC)

If that goes in, it'd be best placed with the section on the NIMF's response to him, and his subsequent tirade against them. They're a support whom he's managed to alienate through his distinctive discursive style. Sockatume 21:00, 18 January 2006 (UTC)
I remember seeing that when I was googling Jack Thompson and Janet Reno. It seems that he makes enemies everywhere he goes.KungFu-tse 02:26, 20 January 2006 (UTC)

Interesting showdown between RWS & Thompson?

Thompson is calling on Running With Scissors, accusing them of providing "Jew-haters" with "murder simulators" so they can practice "open season on jews." RWS responded by pointing out that Postal 2 only has 1 jewish employee in-game, and he's not identified as jewish. Jabrwock 19:54, 18 January 2006 (UTC)

A gamer's suicide and JT's responses.

Well since it is starting to get ugly on game politics, and the stuff is already being added, I thought I would start a discussion here.

Current post by Jack in response to the comments on his removed post(s?) is here Not sure if it is legit, but here is a copy incase it gets removed (feel free to edit it out if necessary, I did remove the phone number):

All of you hypocrites here who are supposedly all distressed that this unfortunate young man committed suicide, are obviously far more distressed about the assertions of others that those in the gaming community, as if there were such a thing as a gaming community, either did not enough to save him or their lifestyle and obsessions contributed to his demise.
You are phonies. You are the same people who go hysterical at the notion that a video game might have contributed to the deaths of three good men in Alabama at the hands of gamer Devin Moore.
You don't care about these departed souls. You care only about your precious little games and that someone might take them away from minors who shouldn't be anywhere near them.
You haven't sat with parents of kids gunned down by gamers who trained on these murder simulators. You mock, with your words and your tauntings, their loss, caring not a wit that but for the play on these death rehearsal devices, they would not have died.
How dare you clowns call me tonight, as John did from XXX-XXX-XXXX, and criminally harass me on the phone. The last jerkball who did that went to jail in Houston. This shows how concerned you gamers supposedly are about decency and fair play and all your faux values.
You are a bunch of terrorists, and your vile acts give you all away.
Shame on you all. Put down the controllers and get a life, before more of you, in your empty despair, find at the end of your youth that you wasted it all.
John at XXX-XXX-XXXX, better tell your parents what you did and that they need to get you a lawyer. Jack Thompson
PS: I'm a cracker, too, so deal with it crackers.

But my concern with the whole thing is this, just how legit is the info, and can we still use it if Dennis removed the posts? Another issue is that as of right now this is prime time for trolling, anyone can still post anonymously claming to be JT, and last I checked Dennis isn't screening anonymous posts before they appear. GuybrushThreepwood 08:07, 21 January 2006 (UTC)

I think at this point anonymous posting is either disabled or screened. And the posts were verified to be from Jack's IP address. Sounds pretty solid to me. --King Nintendoid 20:31, 21 January 2006 (UTC)

What did he mean with the "cracker" thing? Is he saying he is a hacker?
I don't think he really is a malicious computer expert, but that seems to be his intended meaning. I don't think even he would consider "don't mess with me, I'm white too" a threat to someone. Sockatume 22:05, 21 January 2006 (UTC)
Oh now that comment makes sense now, although I wouldn't classify things such as looking up whois info, contact info given by people online, and using callerID as even being "cracker" activites. Back On topic, there is more stuff from him on this issue at wikiquote, and they do have a few of the removed comments. GuybrushThreepwood 23:35, 21 January 2006 (UTC)
Umm I think I will take some of that back, I thought not too long ago he did make a reference to it in a race related way and the post that confirms this is here.
Postal 2 is a game that targets people because of their minority status. Why am I not surprised that all you white bread crackers here at GamePolitics don't have a problem with that?
So he might actually mean it in that sense. GuybrushThreepwood 23:46, 21 January 2006 (UTC)
Since you have to have a LJ account to comment in Game Politics I was wondering if Jack I mean John has a LJ now. Also why does Jackson claim e-mailing him is against the law?

This definitely needs a rewrite, as it seems to have been copy-pasted straight from GamingHorizon Jabrwock 19:36, 23 January 2006 (UTC)

If jerkoff Godboy Jack is going to Heaven, I'll tell St Peter to boot my ass straight on to Hell. It'd be preferable. Thompson is just another oppressive Godboy. He's Fred Phelps in a new box. Jack should impersonate Hunter S Thompson... that is, he should impersonate the last thing HST did.

He is more comparable to Jonathon Christian Webster than Phelps.

Got locked, and I noticed a change that needs fixing...

In one of the recent vandalisms someone edited the GTS:LCS part and replaced "girls" with "boys", and it still appears to be there. See the edits here. The last part with the naked man is still correct, and should stay.

Plus the quote doesn't seem quite right, Jack said "likes to surf the Internet for pictures depicting deviant sex acts by teenage girls." The quote in the wiki uses the word "prepubescent", which seems to have been there for a while and ISN'T related to the recent vandalism. GuybrushThreepwood 06:42, 23 January 2006 (UTC)

I think this should stay locked for awhile after Thompson's comments about the sucide. I think a lot of people will have a hard time staying unbiased with Jack.

Fixed it. Good catch. Jabrwock 15:23, 23 January 2006 (UTC)
Oh, and I agree with the keeping it locked for a bit. Give people time to simmer down. Thompson really pushed people's buttons this time... Jabrwock 15:38, 23 January 2006 (UTC)
Well yeah, you use a gamer's suicide to push your own agenda, that crosses a huge line. Even more than just attacking the games themselves. - Hbdragon88 23:40, 23 January 2006 (UTC)

I may get fingers wagged at me, but I call this insensitive jerk, Jack Cough. Maluka 06:11, 4 February 2006 (UTC)

Something we might want to add...

I'm not sure how we feel about blogs, but this guy's been getting a lot of attention for a piece he posted on Jack. He seems to back up all his claims with actual sources... but I'm a little hesitant to throw this up...


Maybe just list it under "Opposing views" for now. Jabrwock 15:31, 24 January 2006 (UTC)
Add it. It's great. Maluka 15:22, 30 January 2006 (UTC)

Jack is back on GP with a Live Journal Account...

No surprise here, but it looks like he got himself a LJ account in order to post on GP again.

And it looks like this thread confirms it to be his. Figured I would point it out since I couldn't find a LJ comment history type search, and this give us confirmation that the account & comment belongs to him. GuybrushThreepwood 23:50, 29 January 2006 (UTC)

For such a wordy mofo, I find the blank journal most amusing. According to GP, he had an LJ, deleted it, then got another one. Confusing, no? Maluka 15:19, 30 January 2006 (UTC)

From now on I just check the email addr he uses to register the account. If it's "arrogantattorney@yahoo.com" then it's him, it's the same email he's used for all 3 accounts he's had so far (1 deleted & reinstated, one banned from GamePolitics, and 1 new one), and you need access to the email account to enable the livejournal account. Jabrwock 20:54, 2 February 2006 (UTC)

Jabrwock, please clue me in as to how you find his email addresses on his LJ accounts. I belong to GP, too, and have never seen an email address involved and the current LJ gives up nothing. Thanks. Maluka 17:00, 3 February 2006 (UTC)
Click on his name in the post, and then again on his name on his own personal LJ page, and it gives you info like his email addy. Jabrwock 21:06, 3 February 2006 (UTC)
He's more dense than I realized or is this a cunning way to get more emails? There's an option to hide email on LJ. He could have done that, but how Jack would that be? :) Maluka 06:08, 4 February 2006 (UTC)

That didn't last long, guessing from the current updates he registered another account(just in time for his GP news-post featuring his new site), and now has his whittakerchambe account banned for this recent comment. And a quick browse of the wiki shows he set up yet another account soon after and posted this(and I am guessing it is him, Dennis didn't seem to confirm it BUT he didn't remove it. GuybrushThreepwood 12:37, 11 February 2006 (UTC)

It's here...


The definitive Osaki Kim game has arrived. It follows all the terms set out in the 'Modest Proposal', and now all that's left is to find the favorite charity of Paul Eibeler.

Party hard! T ConX 06:45, 5 February 2006 (UTC)

And it looks like Jack has commented about the game here. Not that I have been following it, but I take it whittakerchambe is his most LJ recent account, and from his comment here I guess it is a refrence to Whittaker Chambers. GuybrushThreepwood 05:35, 6 February 2006 (UTC)
The site has moved, as Thompson has alledgedly threatened the host. Jabrwock 18:06, 6 February 2006 (UTC)
While it sounds like Jack Thompson, would he actually make an e-mail account called arrogantattorney? Mred64 04:29, 8 February 2006 (UTC) (Didn't sign in on original post)
As much as the idea of an e-mail account called "arrogantattorney" seems far-fetched, one needs to consider his past behavior on blogs, message boards, and other forms of electronic communication. Most people would agree that he is very volatile, and the fact he uses phrases such as "pwned" to mock people in GamePolitics.com, as well as "Hooah!", only makes it seem even more possible he'd use an e-mail address like that.--Resident Lune 20:00, 8 February 2006 (UTC)
Besides, GamePolitics.com uses IP logging for LiveJournal, and knows Thompson's "current" IP addresses. And GP verified that WhittakerChamber is posting from those IPs, so it's likely Thompson himself, or one of the computers he uses. Jabrwock 21:58, 9 February 2006 (UTC)

Jack vs. Brisol County DA

New stuff today. Thompson publicly chastising Bristol County DA for not doing his job. Insists games are to blame for neo-nazi attack. DA says no games found, and no evidence of a link. Thompson announces games have "been ditched" and orders DA to "do your job". Thompson relying on 3rd party heresay, namely a detective interviewed some of the guy's friends, and they said he "played GTA". Raid on his house nets computer but no gaming console. Thompson calls DA "media pretty boy who doesn’t want to tick off the entertainment industry."

Truth is stranger than fiction... GamePolitics.com for the latest... Jabrwock 17:41, 8 February 2006 (UTC)

Article division.

I know that we typically Merge two articles of similar or identical topics into one when they don't have enough content individually, or their content is essentially the same, but what about splitting up articles? Jack Thompson has so much about him that we should probably split up the article into multiple article, the main article being a simple biography, and the other articles being about his legal career, his personal correspondences with various people, and maybe a 3rd and 4th article to cover everything that doesn't fit in the bio, career, or correspondence sections..--Vercalos 09:24, 11 February 2006 (UTC)


Is there any disagreement that this should be submitted as a featured article candidate, or at least to peer review? If not, then I'd like to submit it for that. SWATJester Ready Aim Fire! 22:51, 15 February 2006 (UTC)

  • I recommend you just nominate it for good article status for now, i'd say this is way to early for featured or peer review. A Clown in the Dark 03:40, 16 February 2006 (UTC)
  • Yeah, I would say peer review at best, and not even that at the moment. The article is pretty good, but it's a bit too busy. A lot of information is still being added to the article, it is still undergoing drastic changes, and people are considering splitting it up. When things in the article slow down, you could probably put it up for peer review. Mred64 04:50, 16 February 2006 (UTC)

Let us welcome our new vandaliser, Jack Thompson!

It's nice to see when your not trolling livejournal, your vandalising Wikipedia! http://wiki.riteme.site/wiki/Wikipedia:Help_desk#How_do_I_add_my_comments_to_the_article_about_me.2C_Jack_Thompson.3F_2

Jack Thompson threatens to sue Wikipedia over this article

I added this under various activism:

On February 18, 2006 Jack Thompson threatened to sue Wikipedia over the content of this article.

You can read more at Wikipedia:Help_desk#How_do_I_add_my_comments_to_the_article_about_me.2C_Jack_Thompson.3F. -Quasipalm 22:20, 18 February 2006 (UTC)

Who the hell is he going to sue? While the people in charge of Wikipedia do their best to monitor the content of the articles for accuracy, they cannot be held responsible for the innaccuracies of the content of the article(though much of the article seems to be based on information provided by various official media groups). Maybe all the users of Wikipedia who have ever written in this article should file a class action against Jack Thompson for libel and slander? And all the gamers in the world could very easily do the same thing.--Vercalos 22:25, 18 February 2006 (UTC)
It's funny that Jack-O would screw up such an old joke, though. It's supposed to be "Expert- an Ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure."--Vercalos 22:32, 18 February 2006 (UTC)
Do we actually have _proof_ it is/was him yet? If so I think we need to cite it. Zetetic Apparatchik 23:32, 18 February 2006 (UTC)
Zetetic raises a very obvious point. What better way to troll an article then choosing the user name Jackthompson, making an inflammatory post, and then backing it up with a post on the help desk "how do i edit the post on me, Jack Thompson." My bet is some 14 year old in his basement is trying to take us for a ride. 'Course, if that's the situation here, who says the Gamepolitics posts are any different...
Considering the way the threat was worded, I do have doubts as to it's authenticity; Primarily because he said "Oh well. I guess I'll just have to sue you." Rather than Jack-O's trademark "Or else." Also, the tone of the comment is far too resigned--Vercalos 00:02, 19 February 2006 (UTC)
We know the GamePolitics posts were Jack's because of IP tracking - Dennis McCauley has already confirmed that the "jack" accounts, including the current one (jackandgoliath) do indeed belong to Jack. jackandgoliath has already admitted to editing the Wiki article. We still don't know for sure, however, whether the threat to sue Wiki was genuine, but bear in mind that Jack seems to have changed his writing style of late - Gotta admit, though, the lack of a "Hooah!" is suspicious. Anyway, if Wiki suddenly get sued, none of this will matter... --Fedùle 00:08, 19 February 2006 (UTC)


Whatever you think about Jack Thompson can I please request that in dealing with him everyone tries to remain absolutely civil at all times. If it just descends into a slanging match then it won't help anyone. Thanks.--Cherry blossom tree 22:45, 18 February 2006 (UTC)

Heh. He doesn't respond to anything, so it doesn't matter if you're civil or not to him. If he thinks you're beneath his notice, or his enemy, he won't listen to a word you say, a fact he often demonstrates in his correspondance with the people who have contacted him.--Vercalos 22:47, 18 February 2006 (UTC)
I don't doubt you're right. I'd never heard of him until half an hour ago so I can't claim any knowledge at all. Even if it won't help, though, civility is its own reward, as someone probably once said.--Cherry blossom tree 22:59, 18 February 2006 (UTC)
The only use being civil to him I can think of is if we decide to file a lawsuit. The man is totally incapable of being civil with anyone who disagrees with him. "I was just suggesting he should approach the issue differently and he called me an autistic savant and threatened to sue me for harassment if I contacted him again." Note, that is a theoretical scenario. I've never heard of Jack-O using the phrase 'autistic savant,' he has however often threatened to sue people for harassment over just about anything they do to him. Including sending flowers to him.(See Flowers for Jack in main article)--Vercalos 23:04, 18 February 2006 (UTC)
Careful... us talking about suing him (as you did above) might be a violation of WP:NLT. If we're gonna hold others like Jack to this rule, we should follow it ourselves. *Dan T.* 15:12, 19 February 2006 (UTC)
By the way, to counter Jack's claims, I think we should try to find sources to support the information from news sites that aren't strictly about gaming. He'll have less support for his position if he does try to sue Wikipedia if we cite sources that are comparatively unbiased.--Vercalos 23:09, 18 February 2006 (UTC)
There are already a number of sources listed on the page which are not gaming media, and in general, the article is extremely well researched. It links 153 times to relevant sites, it has several dozens of links at the bottom, almost every quote is backed up. Now i will admit to being no fan of Jack Thompson (Being an atheist leftwing gamer who visits the PA-forums on a daily basis) so i am not the best judge of NPOV, but i can see very little wrong, or even inaccurate with the article. I would not be worried to much about being sued either, there is (documented, on this very site) history of him threatening to sue whenever people write about him. What i am wondering, is it notable enough to have a sentence or paragraph about this incident itself, or is that not to be under wiki rules? (i will confess to only being a passing wiki'er). This incident has already made the (gaming) internet media [[10]] as well as hitting the forums [[11]]SanderJK 00:16, 19 February 2006 (UTC)
Civility goes a long way towards helping maintain NPOV. Dread Lord CyberSkull ✎☠ 05:17, 19 February 2006 (UTC)


The wikiquote article could use some re-organization and the headers definitely need to be renamed. Dread Lord CyberSkull ✎☠ 13:50, 19 February 2006 (UTC)

Thompson's Edit

I'm posting this so that we have a list of things to go through and compare. He was told to post them here if he feels the article is inaccurate, but he didn't so I'm posting them instead. Jabrwock 19:00, 19 February 2006 (UTC)

JACK THOMPSON RESPONDS: This is my favorite Internet site for fiction. Wikipedia's "experts" ("X" is an unknown quantity and "spurt" is a drip under pressure) on Jack Thompson even got the day and year of my birth wrong. What do you expect from pixelantes (I created the word--see Wikipedia for confirmation of that) to describe video game vigilantes. They're so confused, they think the term which refers to their abusive vigilantism is a term of endearment and honor. Mussolini would be impressed.

One of these knuckleheads threatened to torture and kill me from his home phone (ever hear of caller ID, junior?) because he was upset that I was saying on 60 Minutes and elsewhere that violent video games can affect attitudes and behaviors! He was arrested and jailed, in the Houston area. Don't you love the irony there, which of course no pixelante would get? "I'm not violent, and if you don't agree with me, I'll kill you!"

Anyway, what a lovely fiction site this is, where fictionalized accounts by biased people of a person they don't even know pass as facts. Bill Buckley once said that you can judge a person by his enemies. If that's true, then I must be one pretty cool dude. The lunatics who posted the stuff here need to put down their game controllers, step away from the platforms, and get some real lives that help others for a change, rather than just engaging in masturbatory (it's not always a sexual term)gaming. This generation is interested, by an large, only in itself and its fun. My generation protested and ended a war. This generation gets calluses on its gaming thumbs.

Finally, here are some things I have accomplished in my life, by the grace of God, despite the do-nothing critics:

  • Graduate of Vanderbilt Law School, 1976
  • Elder, Presbyterian Church in America

Trial attorney specializing in efforts against the marketing of adult entertainment to children whose successes have included:

  • Secured first FCC decency fines, 1989
  • Secured as amicus curae first verdict that a sound recording is obscene (2 Live Crew case) 1990
  • Forced Time Warner, according to the Wall Street Journal, to pull rapper Ice-T's "Cop Killer" from store shelves worldwide, 1992
  • Received ACLU's "Top Ten Censors of the Year Award" in 1992, a badge of honor coming from that organization
  • Got the State of Florida to stop funding, with tax dollars, pornographic, adults-only movies at the Miami Film Festival, which funding violated state law
  • Stopped the distribution of Link Line tapes in Florida public schools, because their promotion of sexual promiscuity violated state law
  • Represented parents of three girls shot in Paducah, Kentucky, school shooting by a 14-year-old video gamer
  • Predicted "Columbine" on national television a week before it happened on NBC’s Today
  • Correctly predicted on national television that the DC Beltway Sniper triggerman would be "a teen trained on a sniper video game"
  • Correctly predicted five months before he was caught that the Columbus, Ohio, Serial Highway Shooter would be a video game addict
  • Got shock jock Howard Stern kicked off all Clear Channel radio stations and Clear Channel fined $495,000 for illegal, indecent broadcasts
  • Only "officially certified sane" lawyer by The Florida Bar
  • Filed landmark "video game murder" case in Alabama reported favorably by 60 Minutes and Reader's Digest
  • Has appeared on 200 college campuses, 100 national television programs, hundreds of radio interviews, written numerous op-ed pieces in major American newspapers, all to advance the notion that the marketing and distribution of adult, violent, sexually-graphic material is harmful to kids and must be stopped
  • Author of Tyndale House Out of Harm’s Way
  • Ran and completed four 26.2 mile marathons (fighting with The Bar is by comparison a snap)
  • Married to my wife, Patricia, of 30 years, with whom I am raising a 13-year-old boy

One more thing. I love this portion of Teddy Roosevelt's speech (for all you gamers, he was a Republican President around the turn of the century), about the "Man in the Arena." Those who simply scoff and accomplish nothing won't get it, but the rest of you do. Hooah!

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

This page needs major revisions from the top down

You guys are such hypocrites, this is the most news-speak article I've ever seen. You say you are all about fariness and accuracy, but you don't even allow the man to speak for himself. When he does speak for himself, you make it out to be vandalism and harrasment. You say he thought there was innacurcies "SO HE WAS A BAD BOY AND VANDALIZED" yet you don't go into any details of the quite accurate criticisms he had of the article, the only reason his edit is even mentioned at all is so you can libel and twist his words and actions more. Any attempt to put fairness into this article will just be reverted by the squad of biased Pixelantes. Anything he has done is swung and turned to make him out to be a villan, the good side is alwayls ignored. Something needs to be done to make this article fair and the stop the squads of people that are obviously biased from editing the article

His edit was removed because it was an editorial rant stuck into an encyclopeidic entry. Clearing up inaccuracies is one thing. Vandalism is another. Jabrwock 20:49, 19 February 2006 (UTC)
Agreed. By the way, you might want to add he is a "presbytarian". However, I'd say he's more extreme Christian (Mormon, Puritian) than Presbytarian. 21:12, 19 February 2006 (UTC)

Reno comments

I don't mind if they're re-written, but I think it's important to note that he has a grudge against Reno, and that he used his position as "Man in Miami" to write accusatory remarks about her... whether he's right or wrong... Jabrwock 21:03, 19 February 2006 (UTC)

Category: Articles edited by interested parties

Hey there,

This category is probably going to be voted for deletion. I think that it was vaguely named and so I plan on renaming it to "Articles edited by involved parties". This does not include iPod owners editing iPod. This includes Steve Case surrupticiously or slantedly editing iPod.

I think this list is important because as Wikipedia grows in size and attention, it is going to continue being a battle ground over public opinion. People and organizations are going to come here, sometimes covertly and sometimes not, and add their propaganda.

Some people believe this category makes the article seem as though it is untrustworthy. This is the opposite of the truth because in being added to this category, the questionable content has been exposed. The article spells out the situation between the editor and the article, making it harder for the press to claim Wikipedia is untrustworthy as a source of information just because Jack Thompson, or anyone, edited their own articles.

Would anyone care to provide feedback at Wikipedia:Categories_for_deletion/Log/2006_February_16#Category:Articles_edited_by_interested_parties?

Please do not consider this a solicitation for approval. I simply happen to think this category is important to the site and I want to know what others think.Yeago 00:23, 20 February 2006 (UTC)

Recent vandilisms and the wiki section.

Now that discussion over this on Gamepoltics has become very heated, I have doubts as if the Feb 19th's recent edits are from Jack himself. Is there any confirmation that these edits are really from him?

Maybe we should have a lock-down for a bit while things clear, this recent incident is prime for trolling and impersonations(and as of typing this the vamdilisms seem to have exploded)...

Also something doesn't seem right in the last part under the wiki section, but the recent edits claming to be from Jack could be confusing me here. My impression from reading the last paragraph is that Dennis of GP has confirmed those wiki edits(as of the 18th) to be from Jack Thompson, but only the jackandgoliath account has been confirmed by Dennis, and only Jack Thompson confirms that he has edited/posted on the wiki(but not to as confirming the wiki account to be his, nor post much about the exact edits he made). I might be missing something, but I see nothing from Dennis' Gamepolitics account on confirming the wiki edits(at least the edits on the 18th anyway) match up with Jack's known IP address. GuybrushThreepwood 01:01, 20 February 2006 (UTC)

I think there's a chance it could be him. His post on GP said he "corrected it," so if what the person on the Wikipedia account said was true (birthdate wrong and some other stuff), that person may be Thompson.
However, I am worried about this article and have been since he has threatened to sue anonymous Internet users. If Jackthompson isn't the real Jack, I think it will only be a matter of time before Jack Thompson looks at the article in depth (if he hasn't done so already). I am really worried that if the article ever seemed to be against him (to him on like a borderline slander/libel/defamation level), he would seriously consider suing Wikipedia or at least try to go after individual users. Mred64 04:47, 20 February 2006 (UTC)
Oh, actually the thread has a link to the edit by the Wikipedia user, and it seems like Jack Thompson was referring to that link when he said "Actually, I corrected it," so presumably it is his account. Mred64 05:04, 20 February 2006 (UTC)

On a lighter note...

I just want to mention i like this new picture of jack much better than the old one (the black and white one, not the 'it' clown one from the vandalism). I didn't even recognize him at first, that old picture must have been really out of date... Melander 02:56, 20 February 2006 (UTC)

Yes, having seen the WCPO version for as long as it has been in the article, it looks comically POV. Good work to the fellow who submitted the new version. ╫ 25 ◀RingADing▶ 14:50, 20 February 2006 (UTC)