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German culture


I thought this topic concerned people of non-german origin with a particular interest in German culture. So how does it become a part of German culture? Rex 19:31, 19 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Germanophiles attempt to mimic German culture. Ameise -- chat 19:43, 19 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I doubt that, but anyway how does this make this German culture? Rex 20:02, 19 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

How can you doubt that? That is the basic definition of that, do you also doubt that pi is 3.141...? Ameise -- chat 01:20, 20 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]
sigh, this is splitting hairs. Germanophily is "delight in German culture", and as such not part of German culture in the narrow sense. It still makes sence to categorize it under German culture. What is wrong with doing so Rex? "Germany" isn't a terribly descripitive category, and by the same reasoning inapplicable, since Germanophiles are necessarily not part of Germany. dab () 07:33, 20 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Well it just proves that this is a rather blurry area ... it just seemed strange as I don't think there are many German Germanophiles.;) Rex 08:42, 20 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I thought it meant the love for Germanic peoples. Is there another term for that? Please do not say nazism. Mallerd (talk) 15:02, 15 September 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Well I'm a fanatical Germanophile, and damn proud of it!:=)

The "Verrification" Error box on top of page


I would like to suggest that the Etymology of the word "Germanophile" is verification alone for the pages content. I would classify myself as a Germanophile due to my overarching love for Deutscland. Also how do you verify an "Idea". This is like the "God" issue "God" is an Idea in the technical sense. So you can not find reliable sources with which to verify "God" to make an Atheist instantly a Baptist bible thumping person. Same for this "Idea" you capture what a Germanophile would be, and when people who would subscribe to the Germanophile ideology come along they can put in their "First Person" view of what a Germanophile is. Treat this like a religion, people will come along write what they believe, in order to educat others on what a Germanophile is.
MKLPTR (talk) 10:02, 16 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Tim Allen


Why is Tim Allen listed on this site? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 11:13, 14 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]

because some people are idiots. Removed. Badgerpatrol (talk) 15:33, 28 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]

This begs the question- Germanic culture just for and about Germany?- I mean Austria, Liechtenstein and Switzerland and the South Tyrol are also part of the German speaking world / Germanic world. I think Teutonic was the term used before and now I suppose Germanic culture. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 08:24, 7 April 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Enver Pasha was not a Germanophile.


Enver Pasha's lack of admiration for German culture was evident in his actions during World War I. For example, he fooled Germans in Baku, not allowing them to capture the oilfields. According to Kölnische Zeitung, Enver Pasha only allied Germans for his own country's benefits. (Kölnische Zeitung, "Enver Pascha," 21 April 1915, p. 403.) There is a document signed by Enver Pasha himself stating that "according to the curriculum prepared by the Council of Ministers on July 27, 330, Baron Wangenheim would not have the right to intervene in Ottoman military affairs, and Liman Pasha would not have the right to intervene in Ottoman political affairs." (BOA/MHD/437) Max Weber also stated that "Enver Pasha cannot be described as pro-German, but above all he was a Turk and a very good negotiator." (Altay cengizer adil hafızanın ışığında osmanlı p. 397) From this, we can understand that Enver Pasha formed an alliance with the Germans only for benefit because Weber declared that Enver was a very good negotiator. " According to Von Seeckt Pasha, Enver Pasha is important as he indicates that he was not actually a German fan. The statement that he acted as much as his "national pride" allowed against the Germans is important as it shows the limits of Enver Pasha's relationship with Germany." (Necmettin Alkan, Savaşanların Gözünden Türk-Alman İttifakı, p. 20) Liman von Sanders also stated in an Ottoman document that Enver Pasha told him he wasn't a Germanophile in any way. (BOA/HR/SYS/01333) According to another document, Enver wanted Von Manckstein, not Falkenhayn, and Mackensein took over the command of the Turkish troops upon Enver Pasha's request. (BOA/HR/SYS/02434) According to İsmet İnönü, Enver Pasha was not a Germanophile; on the contrary, the Germans were afraid of Enver Pasha and always wanted to keep him happy. (ismet inönü, memoirs Vol. 1, p. 147) After Enver Pasha pointed out to Zeki Pasha, the Ottoman representative at the German General Headquarters, that he was surprised that Hindenburg had authority to write the above telegrams, "We entered the war for the freedom of our homeland at the most difficult time of the Germans, and we are continuing the war only for this, and we will continue the war only for this." (Enver Ziya Karal, Osmanlı Tarihi vol. 9 p. 532) As it can be understood from this, Enver Pasha agreed to enter the war for the freedom of his homeland. In addition, Enver Pasha spoke harshly about the German missionaries. (Kazım Karabekir, 1. Dünya Savaşı Anıları, p. 36) He also called Germans "Imperialists." (Masaki Yamauchi hoşnut olamamış adam enver paşa p. 284, Altay cengizer adil hafızanın ışığında osmanlı'nın son savaşı p. 363)

He has repeatedly declared in his telegrams and letters that he does not serve the Germans. (murat bardakçı enver pp. 126, 265, 553)


It was not Enver Pasha who dragged the Ottoman Empire into the war, but the international system itself. However, despite everything, Enver Pasha was trying to make moves to save the Ottoman Empire. That is why Enver Pasha immediately stepped in in the face of these events. It is true that he was a fan of the German army, but so was every commander in the Ottoman Empire. The Germans had the strongest land force in Europe, and Enver Pasha knew this. The fact that he tried to reduce the influence of Liman von Sanders (Genelkurmay yayınları Birinci Dünya harbinde Türk harbi vol. 1 p. 175)

is an example that he did not want Liman Von Sanders; however, Liman Von Sanders came to the Ottoman Empire during the period of Mahmud Şevket Pasha (Mahmut Şevket Pasha wasn't a CUP member by any means). And the 3rd treaty with the Germans also made it impossible to expel him. According to the article, German influence will have an important part in the Ottoman Empire. (Genelkurmay yayınları birinci dünya harbinde Türk harbi vol 1, pp. 47-48, Altay Cengizer-Adil Hafızanın Işığında Osmanlının Son Savaşı p. 359). The claim that Enver Pasha, who forms the backbone of the liberal imperialist narrative, claims Enver Pasha is a Germanophile, and other attributes derived from this do not explain anything. The view that the Union and Progress government entered the war because of German bias must be based on the double assumption that Germany also wanted to form a military alliance with the Ottoman Empire from the very beginning, while the Entente States, on the other hand, came up with significant proposals in favor of the Ottomans and created a real option, both of which are by no means valid. Those who say that Enver Pasha is a Germanophile are under a real sin; they should be ashamed of what they are saying, and they themselves are the exact dictionary meanings of the ignorant. Selim beg (talk) 20:09, 26 November 2024 (UTC)[reply]