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Talk:Donald Gordon (Canadian businessman)

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Donald Gordon "Controversy" Entirely Staged and a Lie


Wikipedia said of Donald Gordon: "He was also involved in a controversy in 1962 when he said that no French-Canadian was competent enough to be vice-president of the Canadian National Railway."

I know that other "sources" say the same thing. Newspapers, and university web sites quoting newspapers. However, if anyone had gone to the trouble of getting the Minutes of the meeting in which Donald Gordon spoke, they would be surprised to learn that there were at least THREE well known French Canadians among the 17 Vice-Presidents; that several "racists" on the parliamentary committee repeatedly harassed Gordon, ignoring this fact, and ignoring Gordon's answers. The final alleged statement of Gordon, as reported in the so-called "news", in fact closely resembles the belligerent, argumentative and vicious statement made by one of the men harassing him, who refused to accept anything Donald Gordon said, and refused to see the names of the French Canadians in print on the page before them.

It took me several YEARS to wrest the actual Minutes from the National Library and Archives in Ottawa, first because they refused to look for them; second because I had no idea how to find them, but I finally stumbled over a reference to them in Canadiana.org with a couple of dates. Lo and behold, those were the dates, and National Archives in Ottawa had no choice but to give them to me!

This folder contains a scan of the original minutes in English, Gordon spoke in English, with the ACTUAL transcript of the conversation between Donald Gordon, president of CNR, and the parliamentary committee on that day. It also contains the official French transcript of the same parliamentary committee meeting, and a PDF of the current web page on Donald Gordon by Sherbrooke University, which MISREPORTS the incident, completely in accord with fraudulent newspaper headlines:


Why the lies in the press at that time? Notice that shortly after the press published their slanderous misrepresentations about Donald Gordon's remarks, Marxist Bernard Landry, a law student of Professor Pierre Elliott Trudeau at the University of Montreal, began to organize anti-Canada riots and burned Gordon in effigy in late 1962 shortly after the parliamentary meeting.

These incidents fomented by Bernard Landry, future leader of the "separatist" Parti Quebecois (which is Communist: https://NoSnowinMoscow.WordPress.com/) were co-organized and/or attended by various Communist groups. This is known in the lingo as "Communist mobilization of the non-Communist population".

The riots generated a hotbed of racist sentiment in Quebec against the English-speaking co-founders of Canada, and thus against the Constitution of 1867, in order to destroy the constitution and the country.

This warm-up in late 1962 was followed in the Spring of 1963 by the first Communist FLQ terrorist attacks. Now, how could those have started without the prior warm-up? They couldn't have. The attack on Donald Gordon was a setup to start the forced restructuring of Canada (using Quebec) on the FALSE pretense of racism against French Canadians by the "English" Canadians. The French and the English SHARE a constitution together, and that is what the Communists wanted to break up, and still want to break up. Therefore, they attacked the constitution indirectly by attacking the political relationship of the founders of Canada.

Sherbrooke University quotes LA PRESSE newspaper, the edition of La Presse, 21 November 1962. (I'm still looking for it because google newspapers has wrong scans of another paper linked instead of La Presse.) However, who was the editor of LA PRESSE in November 1962 when the Gordon incident was fomented by a flat-out lie? GERARD PELLETIER, Pierre Elliott Trudeau's colleague and co-publisher of their pro-Soviet magazine, CITE LIBRE (Free City). Moreover, in the April 1962 issue of CITE LIBRE, Pierre Trudeau himself "foreshadowed" the upcoming "Gordon Incident" in his article in French, "New Treason of the Clerics". The Gordon Incident emerges entirely from the TRUDEAU ring. Furthermore, the public has always been told that Pierre Trudeau didn't personally encounter Fidel Castro until 1970. Said the Globe & Mail: "Pierre Trudeau's and Fidel Castro's paths crossed for the first time in 1970, when the Canadian government sought to negotiate the exile of members of the FLQ ..." (https://beta.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/castro-and-trudeau-a-famous-but-also-fraught-friendship/article33058005/?ref=http://www.theglobeandmail.com&) The Globe used a so-called historian for that one. Doesn't add up, however, as this other source claims Trudeau met Castro in Cuba in 1964: http://nationalpost.com/opinion/bob-plamondon-the-kremlins-interpreter

The latter source says:

"Also in 1960 Trudeau set out from Florida in a canoe in an unsuccessful attempt to paddle to Cuba. Thousands of Cubans attempting to flee the island dictatorship would later die sailing in the opposite direction. After making it to Cuba in 1964 Trudeau remarked to a friend, “When you see mass rallies with Fidel Castro speaking for 90 minutes in 100 degree heat you wonder what is the need for elections."

In other words, the official position adopted in the "news" is that Trudeau only "made it to Cuba" in 1964 after a failed attempt to paddle to Cuba from Florida in 1960. Well, guess what? Pierre Trudeau's own autobiography, his Memoirs on DVD, tell another story. The truth according to his own Memoirs is that Trudeau MET Fidel Castro in 1960 at the time of the canoe incident.

Therefore, Pierre Trudeau and Fidel Castro were together in April of 1960 (the month of the canoe trip) -- within the very period in which Castro was training recruits from Montreal, including Georges Schoeters and various university students, to set up the FLQ terrorists.

A short clip from the DVD Memoirs is in the folder above, along with a scan of the DVD label of the Memoirs.

That places Pierre Elliott Trudeau close enough to Castro in the relevant time-frame to warrant an investigation into Pierre Trudeau's own involvement in setting up the Communist FLQ terrorists.

Thanks for checking the FACTS, instead of the politically controlled headlines.

The above is my original research, and will be included in upcoming articles at my web site.

Kathleen Moore https://NoSnowInMoscow.WordPress.com/ — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 20:13, 12 September 2017 (UTC)[reply]