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Talk:Complementary sequences

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As much as I am aware Golay complementary sequences have no connection to Golay codes. Golay complementary sequences are pairs of sequences of lenghtt 2, 4, 8, 10, 16, 26, 32, ... with some special autocorrelation properties. Golay codes are perfect error correting codes of length 23. The only thing they have in common is the name of the autor.

So I propose to remove the section "See also" containing Golay codes and related links. This is similar to putting links to the Complementary DNA sequences in the "See also" section just because the word complementary appears in both terms.

I propose to put a link to "Maximum length sequences" (or m-sequences or PN-sequences) instead. I intend to do that after writing a section comparing Golay complementary sequences to PN sequences.

Budisin srdjan 18:49, 21 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

The "see also" section of an article serves to list other topics that a reader might reasonably be interested in. Insofar as they are named after Golay, and concern sequences of binary digits, they seem related enough to be included in a see-also section. Adding complementary DNA sequences to the see-also list would be entirely appropriate, precisely because the phrase "complimentary sequence" appears in both of them. By contrast, phrases that appear directly in the article should not be placed in the see-also section. Thus, it would be wrong to put "maximum length sequence" in the see-also section. linas 03:49, 22 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I agree with you about "maximum length sequences". If I understand correctly it would be appropriate to put them now in the see-also section because they are not mentioned in the article. Later when I (or somebody else) write the section comparing CS to PN sequences I will remove them from the see-also. I can also agree that Golay sequences have in common that they are sequences (codess) of binary digits. But what about reference to Mathieu group, Steiner system, Leech lattice? They are all related only to Golay codes and not to Golay complementary sequences. Wouldn't it be more appropriate to include links to some other binary sequences (Gold sequences, Kasami sequences)? Budisin srdjan 19:29, 22 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

In the definition for the aperiodic autocorrelation function the upper limit in the summation is given as N-1, should this not be N-k? is would be consitent with the example given.mdooodles (talk) 15:44, 16 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]

I've changed it to N-k-1. For a shift of k, where k=0,...,N-1, the sum should contain N-k terms. Since the lower limit of summation is 0, the upper limit should be N-k-1. Will Orrick (talk) 04:48, 19 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Why are complementary sequences useful? The two sequences don't necessarily have low cross correlation with each other, nor low autocorrelation with themselves, right? So why is it useful that their autocorrelation functions would sum to a delta function? There is one sentence in the article that sounds like it's trying to explain, but it just says it is "an ideal autocorrelations". The plural there looks like a typo. And even with that fixed, it gives no clue as to why this property is ideal. Ideal for what?

Correlation vectors in example for Golay sequences are wrong - plz correct. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 08:19, 26 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]