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Portal:Saints/Saint of the day/November

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November 1

Abhai (teacher); Acha; Achias; Adai; Adrianus; Aelhaiarn of Llan; Agrippa; All Saints;

November 2

Acindynus, Pepasius & Anempodistrus; Aedhan; Aelhairan of Llan; Agabius; Agapius; All Souls' Day;

November 3

Acepsimas; Acepsimas; Acepsimas of Hnaita, Joseph of Bet-Katoba, & Aithalan of Bet-Nuhadra; Achaemonides; Acheric; Advence; Advenidus; Hubertus; Saint Malachy; Winefride;

November 4

Agricola; Mar Awgin the Blessed; Charles Borromeo;

November 5

Agathangelus; Agathangelus; Elizabeth (Biblical person); Martin de Porres;

November 6

Adalbert of Prague; Aemilianus of Faenza; Mar Sargis; Voitech of Prague;

November 7

Achillas of Alexandria; Agmer of Senlis; Agomar of Senlis; Engelbert of Berg; St. George the Martyr; Willibrord;

November 8

Adamus; Pope Adeodatus I; Adaimata; Michael (archangel);

November 9

Aelrhiw; Agrippinus of Naples; Elryw;

November 10

Abrosima; Adeloga; Aedh; Aedh McBricc; Aedsind; Aod; Justus;

November 11

Martin of Tours;

November 12

Abibus of Nekressi; Aemilianus Cucullatus; Martin of Tours; Millan de la Cogolla;

November 13

Abbo of Fleury; Abraham and his wife; Adulph of Auxerre; Aggestus; Agro; Mother Cabrini; John Chrysostom; Pope Nicholas I;

November 14

Dubricius; Gregory Palamas; Josephat Kuntsevich; Philip the Apostle;

November 15

Abibus; Abibus of Edessa; Mar Abraham; Albertus Magnus; Malo (saint);

November 16

Agnes of Assisi; Aemilianus; Afan Buellt; Agnes of Assisi; Edmund Rich; Emilion; Gertrude the Great; Matthew the Evangelist;

November 17

Acisclus & Victoria; Afan Buellt; Elisabeth of Hungary; Gregory of Tours; Gregory Thaumaturgus; Pope Hilarius; Hilda of Whitby; Hugh of Lincoln; Rose Philippine Duchesne;

November 18

Abhai of Hach; Acolythus; Odo of Cluny;

November 19

Abdias; Acto; Agapius of Caesarea; Elisabeth of Hungary; Saint Mesrob; Saint Narses; Obadiah; Pope Pontian; Mar Yacob (M'paska);

November 20

Abiatha, Hathes and Mamlacha; Agapitus; Agapius of Caesarea; Ambrose the Camaldulian; Bernward of Hildesheim; Edmund the Martyr; Felix of Valois; Proclus of Constantinople;

November 22

Abbas; Agabbas; Agapion; Agapius; Cecilia (saint);

November 23

Alexander Nevsky; Pope Clement I; Felicitas of Rome;

November 24

Agnes Tsao-Kouy; Chrysognous; John of the Cross;

November 25


November 26

Acacius; Achatius of Constantinople; Achatius the Sinaite; John Berchmans; Pope Siricius; Sylvester Gozzolini;

November 27

Abibus of Nekressi; Acharius; Adrianus, Albina, & Emerentiana; Vergilius of Salzburg;

November 28

Pope Gregory III;

November 29

Cuthbert Mayne;

November 30

Abraham and Sapor; Agaptius; Andrew the Apostle; Frumentius;