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Military ranks of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Military ranks and insignia of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Military ranks (1992–1997)


Supreme Armed Forces Commander

  • The Supreme Armed Forces Commander was held by only one person during the ARBiH's existence, Alija Izetbegović.

Generals - Generalski činovi

  • Lieutenant General - General pukovnik
  • Major General - General major
  • Brigadier General - Brigadni general

Commissioned officers - (oficirski činovi)

  • Colonel - Pukovnik
  • Lieutenant colonel - Potpukovnik
  • Major - Major
  • Captain - Kapetan
  • Senior lieutenant - Viši poručnik
  • 1st lieutenant - Natporučnik
  • 2nd lieutenant - Poručnik

Non-commissioned officers

  • Sergeant major - narednik bojnik
  • Master sergeant - Glavni narednik
  • Sergeant first class - Narednik 1. klase
  • Staff sergeant - stožerni narednik
  • Sergeant - narednik

Enlisted ranks (vojnički činovi)

  • Corporal - Kaplar
  • Private first class - Vojnik 1. Klase
  • Private (PV-1) - Vojnik
  • Recruit - Regrut

Military insignia (1992–1997)

Supreme Commander of the Bosnian Armed Forces
Predsjednik predsjedništva

Minister of Defense of Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ministar odbrane

Armijski general Divizijski general Brigadni general

Commissioned officers
Brigadir Pukovnik Major Kapetan Viši Poručnik Poručnik Potporučnik

Non-commissioned officers
Glavni narednik Viši narednik Narednik 1. klase Štabni narednik Narednik Kaplar

Enlisted ranks
Vojnik 1. klase Vojnik Regrut

Military ranks (1997–1998)

  • Supreme Commander of the Bosnian Forces - Alija Izetbegovic (until 2000)


  • Lieutenant general - General-pukovnik
  • Major general - General-major
  • Brigadier general - Brigadni general

Commissioned Officers

  • Colonel - Pukovnik
  • Lieutenant colonel - Potpukovnik
  • Major - Major
  • Senior captain - Viši kapetan
  • Captain - Kapetan
  • 1st lieutenant - Poručnik
  • 2nd lieutenant - Potporučnik

Non-commissioned officers

  • Command sergeant major - Narednik komande
  • Sergeant major - Glavni narednik
  • Master sergeant - Viši . klase
  • Sergeant first class - Narednik 1. klase
  • Staff sergeant - Štabni narednik
  • Sergeant - Narednik
  • Corporal - Kaplar

Enlisted ranks

  • Private first class - Vojnik 1. klase
  • Private - Vojnik
  • Recruit - Regrut

Military insignia (1997–1998)

Supreme Commander of the Bosnian Armed Forces
Supreme Commander of the Bosnian Armed Forces
General General-pukovnik General-major Brigadni general

Commissioned officers
Pukovnik Potpukovnik Major Viši Kapetan Kapetan Poručnik Potporučnik

Non-commissioned officers
Glavni narednik Viši narednik Narednik 1. klase Štabni narednik Narednik Kaplar

Enlisted ranks
Vojnik 1. klase Vojnik Regrut

