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List of legendary creatures (A)

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Ivan Bilibin's Alkonost
The Egyptian Ammit, who eats the wicked dead in the afterlife, has the body of a lion and hippopotamus and the head of a crocodile.
  1. Á Bao A Qu (Malay) – Entity that lives in the Tower of Victory in Chitor.
  2. Aatxe (Basque) – Bull spirit.
  3. Abaasy (Yakuts) – Iron-toothed demons.
  4. Abada (African) – Unicorn that inhabits the African Congo.
  5. Äbädä (Tatar) – Forest spirit.
  6. Abaia (Melanesia) – Huge magical eel.
  7. Abarimon (Medieval Bestiaries) – Savage humanoid with backward feet.
  8. Abath (Malay) – One-horned animal.
  9. Abura-sumashi (Japanese) – Creature from a mountain pass in Kumamoto Prefecture.
  10. Acephali (Greek) – Headless humanoids.
  11. Acheri (Hindu) – Disease-bringing ghost.
  12. Achiyalabopa (Pueblo) – Huge bird god.
  13. Achlis (Roman) – Curious elk.
  14. Adar Llwch Gwin (Welsh) – Giant birds that understand human languages.
  15. Adaro (Solomon Islands) – Malevolent merfolk.
  16. Adhene (Manx) – Nature spirit.
  17. Adlet (Inuit) – Vampiric dog-human hybrid
  18. Adroanzi (Lugbara) – Nature spirit.
  19. Adze (Ewe people) – African vampiric-forest being.
  20. Aerico (Greek) – Disease demon.
  21. Æsir (Norse) – Norse deities.
  22. Aeternae (Greek) – Saw-horned monster.
  23. Afanc (Welsh) – Lake monster (exact lake varies by story).
  24. Agni (Hindu) – God of fire and sacrifices.
  25. Agathodaemon (Greek) – Spirit of vinefields and grainfields.
  26. Agloolik (Inuit) – Ice spirit that aids hunters and fishermen.
  27. Agogwe (East Africa) – Small, ape-like humanoid.
  28. Ahkiyyini (Inuit) – Animated skeleton that causes shipwrecks.
  29. Ahuizotl (Aztec) – Anthropophagous dog-monkey hybrid.
  30. Ahura (Zoroastrianism) – Zoroastrian spirits.
  31. Aigamuxa (Khoikhoi) – Anthropophagous humanoid with eyes in its instep.
  32. Aigikampoi (Etruscan) – Fish-tailed goat.
  33. Airavata (Hindu) – Divine elephant.
  34. Aitu (Polynesian) – Malevolent spirits or demons.
  35. Aitvaras (Lithuanian) – Household spirit.
  36. Ajatar (Finnish) – Dragon/snake female spirit, is said to spread diseases
  37. Akateko (Japanese) – Tree-dwelling monster.
  38. Akhlut (Inuit) – Orca-wolf shapeshifter.
  39. Akka (Finnish) – Female spirits or minor goddesses.
  40. Akki (Japanese) – Large, grotesque humanoid.
  41. Akkorokamui (Ainu) – Sea monster.
  42. Akuma (Japanese) – Evil spirit or devil
  43. Akupara (Hindu) – Giant turtle that supports the world.
  44. Akurojin-no-hi (Japanese) – Ghostly flame which causes disease.
  45. Al (Armenian and Persian) – Spirit that steals unborn babies and livers from pregnant women.
  46. Ala (Slavic) – Bad weather demon.
  47. Alal (Chaldean) – Queen of the full moon.
  48. Alan (Philippine) – Winged humanoid that steals reproductive waste to make children.
  49. Alce (Heraldic) – Wingless griffin.
  50. Aleya (Bengali) – Spirit of a dead fisherman.
  51. Alicanto (Chilean) – Bird that eats gold and silver.
  52. Alicorn (Bestiario medieval) – Winged unicorn.
  53. Alkonost (Slavic) – Angelic bird with human head and breasts.
  54. Allocamelus (Heraldic) – Ass-camel hybrid.
  55. Almas (Mongolian) – Savage humanoid.
  56. Al-mi'raj (Islamic) – One-horned rabbit.
  57. Aloja (Catalan) – Female water spirit.
  58. Alom-bag-winno-sis (Abenaki) – Little people and tricksters.
  59. Alp (German) – Male night-demon.
  60. Alphyn (Heraldic) – Lion-like creature, sometimes with dragon or goat forelegs.
  61. Alp-luachra (Irish) – Parasitic fairy.
  62. Al Rakim (Islamic) – Guard dog of the Seven Sleepers.
  63. Alseid (Greek) – Grove nymph.
  64. Alû (Assyrian) – Leprous demon.
  65. Alux (Mayan) – Little people.
  66. Amaburakosagi (Japanese) – Ritual disciplinary demon from Shikoku.
  67. Amala (Tsimshian) – Giant who holds up the world.
  68. Amamehagi (Japanese) – Ritual disciplinary demon from Hokuriku.
  69. Amanojaku (Japanese) – Small demon.
  70. Amarok (Inuit) – Giant wolf.
  71. Amarum (Quechua) – Water boa spirit.
  72. Amazake-babaa (Japanese) – Disease-causing hag.
  73. Amemasu (Ainu) – Lake monster.
  74. Ammit (Ancient Egyptian) – Female demon who was part lion, hippopotamus and crocodile and devoured the souls of the wicked.
  75. Amorōnagu (Japanese) – Tennyo from the island of Amami Ōshima.
  76. Amphiptere (Heraldic) – Winged serpent.
  77. Amphisbaena (Greek) – Serpent with a head at each end.
  78. Anak (Jewish) – Giant.
  79. Andean wolf (Argentina) – Mountain wolf
  80. Androsphinx (Ancient Egyptian) – Human-headed sphinx.
  81. Angel (mainly Christian, Jewish, Islamic traditions) – Divine beings of Heaven who act as mediators between God and humans; the counterparts of Demons.
  82. Anqa (Arabian) – Giant mythical female bird similar to a phoenix.
  83. Ani Hyuntikwalaski (Cherokee) – Lightning spirit.
  84. Ankou (French) – Skeletal grave watcher with a lantern and scythe.
  85. Anmo (Japanese) – Ritual disciplinary demon from Iwate Prefecture.
  86. Antaeus (Greek) – Giant who was extremely strong as long as he remained in contact with the ground.
  87. Anubis (Ancient Egyptian) – God of funerals
  88. Antero Vipunen (Finnish) – Subterranean giant.
  89. Anzû (Sumerian) – Divine storm bird
  90. Ao Ao (Guaraní) – Anthropophagous peccary or sheep.
  91. Aobōzu (Japanese) – Blue monk who kidnaps children.
  92. Apkallu (Sumerian) – Fish-human hybrid that attends the god Enki.
  93. Apsaras (Buddhist and Hindu) – Female cloud spirit.
  94. Aqrabuamelu (Akkadian) – Human-scorpion hybrid.
  95. Arachne (Greek mythology) - Centaurid, human-spider hybrid.
  96. Ardat-lilî (Akkadian) – Disease demon.
  97. Aralez (Armenian) – The oldest gods in the Armenian pantheon
  98. Argus Panoptes (Greek) – Hundred-eyed giant.
  99. Arikura-no-baba (Japanese) – Old woman with magical powers.
  100. Arimaspi (Greek) – One-eyed humanoid.
  101. Arion (Greek) – Swift green-maned talking horse.
  102. Arkan Sonney (Manx) – Fairy hedgehog.
  103. Asag (Sumerian) – Hideous rock demon.
  104. Asakku (Sumerian) – Demon.
  105. Asanbosam (West Africa) – Iron-toothed vampire.
  106. Asena (Turkic) – Blue-maned wolf.
  107. A-senee-ki-wakw (Abenaki) – Stone giant.
  108. Ashi-magari (Japanese) – Invisible tendril that impedes movement.
  109. Asiman (Dahomey) – Vampiric possession spirit.
  110. Askefrue (Germanic) – Female tree spirit.
  111. Ask-wee-da-eed (Abenaki) – Fire elemental and spectral fire.
  112. Asobibi (Japanese) – Spectral fire from Kōchi Prefecture.
  113. Aspidochelone (Medieval Bestiaries) – Island-sized whale or sea turtle.
  114. Asrai (English) – Water spirit.
  115. Astomi (Greek) – Humanoid sustained by pleasant smells instead of food.
  116. Asura (Hindu) – Hindu malevolent divinities.
  117. Aswang (Philippine) – Carrion-eating humanoid.
  118. Atomy (English) – Surprisingly small creature.
  119. Ato-oi-kozō (Japanese) – Invisible spirit that follows people.
  120. Atshen (Inuit) – Anthropophagous spirit.
  121. Augerino (American) - Subterranean creature.
  122. Auloniad (Greek) – Pasture nymph.
  123. Auvekoejak (Inuit) – Furry merman.
  124. Avalerion (Medieval Bestiary) – King of the birds.
  125. Awa-hon-do (Abenaki) – Insect spirit.
  126. Axex (Ancient Egyptian) – Falcon-lion hybrid.
  127. Ayakashi (Japanese) – Sea serpent that travels over boats in an arc while dripping oil.
  128. Ayakashi-no-ayashibi (Japanese) – Spectral fire from Ishikawa Prefecture.
  129. Aziza (Dahomey) – Little people that help hunters.
  130. Azukiarai/Azukitogi (Japanese) – Spirit that washes azuki beans along riversides.
  131. Azukibabaa (Japanese) – Bean-grinding hag who devours people.