ISO 3166-2:MK
ISO 3166-2:MK is the entry for North Macedonia in ISO 3166-2, part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which defines codes for the names of the principal subdivisions (e.g., provinces or states) of all countries coded in ISO 3166-1.
Currently for North Macedonia, ISO 3166-2 codes are defined for 80 municipalities.
Each code consists of two parts, separated by a hyphen. The first part is MK, the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of North Macedonia. The second part is 3 digits.
Current codes
[edit]Subdivision names are listed as in the ISO 3166-2 standard published by the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency (ISO 3166/MA).
Subdivision names are sorted in Macedonian alphabetical order after romanization (different from the original Cyrillic order used to assign codes): a-c, č, d-s, š, t-z, ž.
Click on the button in the header to sort each column.
Code | Subdivision name (mk) [note 1] |
Subdivision name (mk) (BGN/PCGN 2013) |
MK-801 | Аеродром | Aerodrom |
MK-802 | Арачиново | Aračinovo |
MK-201 | Берово | Berovo |
MK-501 | Битола | Bitola |
MK-401 | Богданци | Bogdanci |
MK-601 | Боговиње | Bogovinje |
MK-402 | Босилово | Bosilovo |
MK-602 | Брвеница | Brvenica |
MK-803 | Бутел | Butel |
MK-814 | Центар | Centar |
MK-313 | Центар Жупа | Centar Župa |
MK-815 | Чаир | Čair |
MK-109 | Чашка | Čaška |
MK-210 | Чешиново-Облешево | Češinovo-Obleševo |
MK-816 | Чучер-Сандево | Čučer-Sandevo |
MK-303 | Дебар | Debar |
MK-304 | Дебрца | Debrca |
MK-203 | Делчево | Delčevo |
MK-502 | Демир Хисар | Demir Hisar |
MK-103 | Демир Капија | Demir Kapija |
MK-406 | Дојран | Dojran |
MK-503 | Долнени | Dolneni |
MK-804 | Гази Баба | Gazi Baba |
MK-405 | Гевгелија | Gevgelija |
MK-805 | Ѓорче Петров | Gjorče Petrov |
MK-604 | Гостивар | Gostivar |
MK-102 | Градско | Gradsko |
MK-807 | Илинден | Ilinden |
MK-606 | Јегуновце | Jegunovce |
MK-205 | Карбинци | Karbinci |
MK-808 | Карпош | Karpoš |
MK-104 | Кавадарци | Kavadarci |
MK-307 | Кичево | Kičevo |
MK-809 | Кисела Вода | Kisela Voda |
MK-206 | Кочани | Kočani |
MK-407 | Конче | Konče |
MK-701 | Кратово | Kratovo |
MK-702 | Крива Паланка | Kriva Palanka |
MK-504 | Кривогаштани | Krivogaštani |
MK-505 | Крушево | Kruševo |
MK-703 | Куманово | Kumanovo |
MK-704 | Липково | Lipkovo |
MK-105 | Лозово | Lozovo |
MK-207 | Македонска Каменица | Makedonska Kamenica |
MK-308 | Македонски Брод | Makedonski Brod |
MK-607 | Маврово и Ростуше | Mavrovo i Rostuše |
MK-506 | Могила | Mogila |
MK-106 | Неготино | Negotino |
MK-507 | Новаци | Novaci |
MK-408 | Ново Село | Novo Selo |
MK-310 | Охрид | Ohrid |
MK-208 | Пехчево | Pehčevo |
MK-810 | Петровец | Petrovec |
MK-311 | Пласница | Plasnica |
MK-508 | Прилеп | Prilep |
MK-209 | Пробиштип | Probištip |
MK-409 | Радовиш | Radoviš |
MK-705 | Ранковце | Rankovce |
MK-509 | Ресен | Resen |
MK-107 | Росоман | Rosoman |
MK-811 | Сарај | Saraj |
MK-812 | Сопиште | Sopište |
MK-706 | Старо Нагоричане | Staro Nagoričane |
MK-312 | Струга | Struga |
MK-410 | Струмица | Strumica |
MK-813 | Студеничани | Studeničani |
MK-108 | Свети Николе | Sveti Nikole |
MK-211 | Штип | Štip |
MK-817 | Шуто Оризари | Šuto Orizari |
MK-608 | Теарце | Tearce |
MK-609 | Тетово | Tetovo |
MK-403 | Валандово | Valandovo |
MK-404 | Василево | Vasilevo |
MK-101 | Велес | Veles |
MK-301 | Вевчани | Vevčani |
MK-202 | Виница | Vinica |
MK-603 | Врапчиште | Vrapčište |
MK-806 | Зелениково | Zelenikovo |
MK-204 | Зрновци | Zrnovci |
MK-605 | Желино | Želino |
- Notes
- ^ For reference only, Macedonian name in Cyrillic script not included in the ISO 3166-2 standard.
[edit]The following changes to the entry have been announced in newsletters by the ISO 3166/MA since the first publication of ISO 3166-2 in 1998. ISO stopped issuing newsletters in 2013.
Newsletter | Date issued | Description of change in newsletter | Code/Subdivision change |
Newsletter I-8 | 2007-04-17 | Addition of the administrative subdivisions and of their code elements | Subdivisions added: 84 municipalities |
Newsletter I-9 | 2007-11-28 | Addition of numeric code elements | Codes: format changed (see below) |
Newsletter II-3 | 2011-12-13 (corrected 2011-12-15) |
Alphabetical re-ordering. |
The following changes to the entry are listed on ISO's online catalogue, the Online Browsing Platform:
Effective date of change | Short description of change (en) |
2011-12-13 | Alphabetical re-ordering. |
2015-11-27 | Deletion of municipalities MK-01, MK-09, MK-15, MK-17, MK-28, MK-29, MK-31, MK-38, MK-39, MK-57, MK-68, MK-77, MK-79, MK-84; deletion of remark; change romanization system; addition of municipality MK-85; update List Source |
2019-03-13 | Change of the short and full name: Macedonia (the former Yugoslav Republic of) → North Macedonia; the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia → Republic of North Macedonia |
2020-03-02 | Deletion of municipality MK-85; Change of subdivision code from MK-02 to MK-802, MK-03 to MK-201, MK-04 to MK-501, MK-05 to MK-401, MK-06 to MK-601, MK-07 to MK-402, MK-08 to MK-602, MK-10 to MK-403, MK-11 to MK-404, MK-12 to MK-301, MK-13 to MK-101, MK-14 to MK-202, MK-16 to MK-603, MK-18 to MK-405, MK-19 to MK-604, MK-20 to MK-102, MK-21 to MK-303, MK-22 to MK-304, MK-23 to MK-203, MK-24 to MK-103, MK-25 to MK-502, MK-26 to MK-406, MK-27 to MK-503, MK-30 to MK-605, MK-32 to MK-806, MK-33 to MK-204, MK-34 to MK-807, MK-35 to MK-606, MK-36 to MK-104, MK-37 to MK-205, MK-40 to MK-307, MK-41 to MK-407, MK-42 to MK-206, MK-43 to MK-701, MK-44 to MK-702, MK-45 to MK-504, MK-46 to MK-505, MK-47 to MK-703, MK-48 to MK-704, MK-49 to MK-105, MK-50 to MK-607, MK-51 to MK-207, MK-52 to MK-308, MK-53 to MK-506, MK-54 to MK-106, MK-55 to MK-507, MK-56 to MK-408, MK-58 to MK-310, MK-59 to MK-810, MK-60 to MK-208, MK-61 to MK-311, MK-62 to MK-508, MK-63 to MK-209, MK-64 to MK-409, MK-65 to MK-705, MK-66 to MK-509, MK-67 to MK-107, MK-69 to MK-108, MK-70 to MK-812, MK-71 to MK-706, MK-72 to MK-312, MK-73 to MK-410, MK-74 to MK-813, MK-75 to MK-608, MK-76 to MK-609, MK-78 to MK-313, MK-80 to MK-109, MK-81 to MK-210, MK-82 to MK-816, MK-83 to MK-211; Typographical correction of subdivision name of MK-816, addition of municipality MK-801, MK-803, MK-804, MK-805, MK-808, MK-809, MK-811, MK-814, MK-815, MK-817; Update List Source; Update Code Source |
Codes changed in Newsletter I-9
[edit]Before | After | Subdivision name |
MK-AD | MK-01 | Aerodrom |
MK-AR | MK-02 | Aračinovo |
MK-BR | MK-03 | Berovo |
MK-TL | MK-04 | Bitola |
MK-BG | MK-05 | Bogdanci |
MK-VJ | MK-06 | Bogovinje |
MK-BS | MK-07 | Bosilovo |
MK-BN | MK-08 | Brvenica |
MK-BU | MK-09 | Butel |
MK-CE | MK-77 | Centar |
MK-CZ | MK-78 | Centar Župa |
MK-CI | MK-79 | Čair |
MK-CA | MK-80 | Čaška |
MK-CH | MK-81 | Češinovo-Obleševo |
MK-CS | MK-82 | Čučer Sandevo |
MK-DB | MK-21 | Debar |
MK-DA | MK-22 | Debarca |
MK-DL | MK-23 | Delčevo |
MK-DM | MK-25 | Demir Hisar |
MK-DK | MK-24 | Demir Kapija |
MK-SD | MK-26 | Dojran |
MK-DE | MK-27 | Dolneni |
MK-DR | MK-28 | Drugovo |
MK-GB | MK-17 | Gazi Baba |
MK-GV | MK-18 | Gevgelija |
MK-GP | MK-29 | Gjorče Petrov |
MK-GT | MK-19 | Gostivar |
MK-GR | MK-20 | Gradsko |
MK-IL | MK-34 | Ilinden |
MK-JG | MK-35 | Jegunovce |
MK-KB | MK-37 | Karbinci |
MK-KX | MK-38 | Karpoš |
MK-AV | MK-36 | Kavadarci |
MK-KH | MK-40 | Kičevo |
MK-VD | MK-39 | Kisela Voda |
MK-OC | MK-42 | Kočani |
MK-KN | MK-41 | Konče |
MK-KY | MK-43 | Kratovo |
MK-KZ | MK-44 | Kriva Palanka |
MK-KG | MK-45 | Krivogaštani |
MK-KS | MK-46 | Kruševo |
MK-UM | MK-47 | Kumanovo |
MK-LI | MK-48 | Lipkovo |
MK-LO | MK-49 | Lozovo |
MK-MK | MK-51 | Makedonska Kamenica |
MK-MD | MK-52 | Makedonski Brod |
MK-MR | MK-50 | Mavrovo i Rostuša |
MK-MG | MK-53 | Mogila |
MK-NG | MK-54 | Negotino |
MK-NV | MK-55 | Novaci |
MK-NS | MK-56 | Novo Selo |
MK-OD | MK-58 | Ohrid |
MK-OS | MK-57 | Oslomej |
MK-PH | MK-60 | Pehčevo |
MK-PE | MK-59 | Petrovec |
MK-PN | MK-61 | Plasnica |
MK-PP | MK-62 | Prilep |
MK-PT | MK-63 | Probištip |
MK-RV | MK-64 | Radoviš |
MK-RN | MK-65 | Rankovce |
MK-RE | MK-66 | Resen |
MK-RM | MK-67 | Rosoman |
MK-AJ | MK-68 | Saraj |
MK-SS | MK-70 | Sopište |
MK-NA | MK-71 | Staro Nagoričane |
MK-UG | MK-72 | Struga |
MK-RU | MK-73 | Strumica |
MK-SU | MK-74 | Studeničani |
MK-SL | MK-69 | Sveti Nikole |
MK-ST | MK-83 | Štip |
MK-SO | MK-84 | Šuto Orizari |
MK-TR | MK-75 | Tearce |
MK-ET | MK-76 | Tetovo |
MK-VA | MK-10 | Valandovo |
MK-VL | MK-11 | Vasilevo |
MK-VE | MK-13 | Veles |
MK-VV | MK-12 | Vevčani |
MK-NI | MK-14 | Vinica |
MK-VC | MK-15 | Vraneštica |
MK-VH | MK-16 | Vrapčište |
MK-ZA | MK-31 | Zajas |
MK-ZK | MK-32 | Zelenikovo |
MK-ZR | MK-33 | Zrnovci |
MK-ZE | MK-30 | Želino |
Codes deleted on 27 November 2015
[edit]Former code | Subdivision name | Notes |
MK-01 | Aerodrom | Subsumed into Greater Skopje Municipality |
MK-09 | Butel | Subsumed into Greater Skopje Municipality |
MK-77 | Centar | Subsumed into Greater Skopje Municipality |
MK-79 | Čair | Subsumed into Greater Skopje Municipality |
MK-28 | Drugovo | Merged with Kičevo Municipality |
MK-17 | Gazi Baba | Subsumed into Greater Skopje Municipality |
MK-29 | Gjorče Petrov | Subsumed into Greater Skopje Municipality |
MK-38 | Karpoš | Subsumed into Greater Skopje Municipality |
MK-39 | Kisela Voda | Subsumed into Greater Skopje Municipality |
MK-57 | Oslomej | Merged with Kičevo Municipality |
MK-68 | Saraj | Subsumed into Greater Skopje Municipality |
MK-84 | Šuto Orizari | Subsumed into Greater Skopje Municipality |
MK-15 | Vraneštica | Merged with Kičevo Municipality |
MK-31 | Zajas | Merged with Kičevo Municipality |
See also
[edit]- Subdivisions of North Macedonia
- FIPS region codes of North Macedonia
- NUTS codes of North Macedonia
- Neighbouring countries: AL, BG, GR, RS (also XK)
External links
[edit]- ISO Online Browsing Platform: MK
- Municipalities of Macedonia,