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Draft:Xabi Malbadi

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Xabier Malbadi (Albiztur, Gipuzkoa, 1991) , also known by his stage name Xabizar, is a trikitilari from Albiztur who comes from a family of musicians, specifically the son of the also trikitilari Iñaki Malbadi and the flutist professor Marta Cocho. Unlike his father, Xabi distanced himself from traditional music from a young age, to investigate other musical styles[1] He began a musical journey with the group Zesuma[2], covering many songs from Fermin Muguruza and Su Ta Gar to Ghostbusters and Sting.

After this 10-year journey, he demonstrated his ability to mix musical styles at the 2017[3] and 2019[4] trikitixa championships, where he performed the well-known Paco de Lucía rumba "Entre dos Aguas" to the rhythm of arin-arin, and the jazz standard "Strasbourg St Denis" by Roy Hargrove to the rhythm of fandango, as well as covering Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" and a medley of "Queen" songs. His time at the championships did not go unnoticed as it brought him the opportunity to participate in several trikitixa festivals (in Altsasua and Oñati). With the aim of inviting more trikitilaris to follow his path, he published a self-produced solo album called "Zero" with 7 covered songs, ranging from classical music (Mozart, Tchaikovsky and Bach) to bluegrass (Dueling Banjos) and Japanese video game music (Mario Bros). [5]

He was also part of the flamenco-Basque group Sonakay and recorded a song with Raimundo el canastero and Kulto Kultibo.

In 2021 he released the single "Zertan Jolastuko Gea?", a cover of "What game shall we play today?" by Chick Corea & Return to Forever, also covering the lyrics brought into Basque and singing them. This time he had the collaboration of other musicians, his mother Marta on the transverse flute, Antton Telleria on drums and Iñigo Ayestaran on electric bass.

He is also dedicated to the manufacture of the triklatu[6], an electronic trikitixa of his own invention and patent that broadens the horizons of the instrument in the same way that the keyboard did for the traditional piano.


  1. ^ "Xabi Malbadi Radio interview". ataria.eus (in Basque). Retrieved 2024-10-05.
  2. ^ "Adi! Iskanbila. Zesuma - Tolosaldea". 28kanala.eus (in Basque). Retrieved 2024-08-06.
  3. ^ "Trikiti txapelketan eskualdeko ordezkaritza - Tolosaldea". Tolosaldeko ataria (in Basque). Retrieved 2024-08-06.
  4. ^ "Albizturgo Malbadi anaiak Euskal Herriko trikitixa txapelketan izan dira - Albiztur". Tolosaldeko ataria (in Basque). Retrieved 2024-08-06.
  5. ^ "Soinuarekin, trikitiaz harago - Albiztur".
  6. ^ ""Triklatua", hausporik gabeko trikitixa aurkeztu digu Xabi Malbadik". EITB (in Basque). 2022-10-06. Retrieved 2024-08-06.