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Draft:Riley G Staliger

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Riley G. Staliger is an author and commentator on human relationships and personal transformation, best known for coining the term "obligationships" in his book, That Ship Has Sailed: How to Break Free from Obligationships and Find Real Connections. In his work, Staliger examines the unseen obligations that shape personal and social dynamics, offering readers insights into cultivating relationships rooted in choice over societal or personal obligation. Staliger's approach emphasizes self-awareness and boundary-setting, advocating for connections that honor mutual respect and freedom rather than compliance.

Staliger’s philosophy centers on the balance between autonomy and closeness, underscoring the importance of honest boundaries and authentic engagement. His work has resonated with individuals seeking to reshape their relationships, drawing from his own experiences navigating transformative personal journeys. Staliger’s unique perspective challenges readers to consider how habitual obligations influence their connections and offers guidance for building meaningful, intentional relationships. Riley suggests that "Freedom begins when we learn to say no – and mean it. The relationships that matter will survive a no. The ones that do not, never truly nourished us to begin with."[1]

Signs You Are In An Obligationship


In his book, Riley offers 4 simple signs to recognize if you are in a relationship out of obligation rather than real connection.[2] They are:

  • Feeling dread or anxiety about spending time with someone.
  • Keeping up appearances rather than genuinely enjoying the connection.
  • Feeling guilty when setting boundaries or saying no.
  • Conversations that leave you emotionally exhausted instead of uplifted.

